What does the appointment of Bishop Matthew to Rome mean? Interview: Spiritual bonds of Bishop Matthew Bishop Matthew Andreev

Bishop of Skopinsk and Shatsk Theodoret

San: bishop
Name Day: March 21
Date of birth: November 21, 1980
Date of ordination: August 19, 2017


Born on November 21, 1980 in the village. Oktyabrsky, Skopinsky district, Ryazan region. From the age of 11 he began to serve at the altar, as well as sing and read in the choir.

In 1998, after graduating from school, he entered the Ryazan Orthodox Theological School, from which he graduated in 2002.

In 2002-2005 studied at the Moscow Theological Seminary, after which he entered the Moscow Theological Academy.

In November 2006 he was sent to study in France. He studied at the Master's program at the Practical School of Higher Studies (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes) in Paris.

In 2009, having received a master's degree, he returned to the Moscow Theological Academy, where he combined external studies with teaching activities. He taught Latin and French from 2009 to 2016.

On March 16, 2010, in the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, he was tonsured into monasticism with the name Theodoret in honor of the Hieromartyr Theodoret, presbyter of Antioch.

February 15, 2012 - to the rank of hieromonk. The tonsure and ordination were performed by the rector of the Moscow Theological Academy, chairman of the Educational Committee of the Russian Orthodox Church Archbishop of Vereisky Eugene.

In 2010 he graduated from the Moscow Theological Academy, defending his Ph.D. thesis.

In 2012-2016 studied at Moscow Orthodox Institute St. John the Theologian (Faculty of Religious Studies).

In the Moscow Theological Academy and the Educational Committee he carried out the following obediences:

MDA teacher (2009-2016);
- Secretary of the rector of the MDA (2010-2016);
- Assistant to the Chairman of the Educational Committee (2011-2016).

Combined responsibilities with these positions:

Executive Secretary of the Church-wide Commission for the distribution of graduates of central educational institutions of the Russian Orthodox Church (2015-2016);
- responsible for office work and correspondence with the Moscow Patriarchate, Synodal structures of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Supreme Church Council (2010-2016);
- member of the inspection commissions of theological seminaries; coordinator in matters of ordination through the Educational Committee of students of theological educational institutions located in the Patriarchal region.

In addition to serving in the Intercession Academic Church, he held pastoral practice at the Pyatnitsky metochion of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra (2013-2016), as well as in the church of military unit No. 16685 of St. blgv. Prince Alexander Nevsky (2014-2016).

In April 2016, he submitted a request to be sent to the Skopino diocese of the Ryazan Metropolis.

In April 2016 he was appointed rector of the Church of the Assumption Mother of God Ryazhsk, Ryazan region. In August of the same year, he was appointed rector of the Holy Spiritual Bishop's Metochion in the city of Skopin and head of the monastic brotherhood at the metochion.

In March 2017, after the transformation of the Holy Spiritual Metochion in Skopin into the Holy Spiritual monastery, appointed abbot of the said monastery, leaving his previous obediences.

In the Skopino diocese he carried out obediences:

Dean of the monasteries of the Skopino diocese;
- Secretary of the Diocesan Council; Chairman of the Commission on Perpetuating the Memory of the New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church in the Skopino Diocese;
- secretary of the diocesan court;
- Secretary of the Interdiocesan Liturgical Commission of the Ryazan Metropolis; Secretary of the Protege Commission;
- head of the department of church-practical disciplines at the Ryazan Theological Seminary;
- teacher at Ryazan Theological Seminary.

By decision Holy Synod dated July 29, 2017 (magazine No. 52) elected by His Eminence Skopinsky and Shatsky.

On August 8, 2017, in the Church of All Saints, the Patriarchal Residence in the Danilov Monastery in Moscow, the head of the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Barsanuphius of St. Petersburg and Ladoga, was elevated to the rank of archimandrite.

Consecrated bishop on August 18, 2017 in the Church of Praise Holy Mother of God Konstantino-Eleninsky convent of the St. Petersburg diocese.

Hirotonisan on August 19 behind the Divine on Cathedral Square in Vyborg, Leningrad Region. The services were led by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'. Official website of the Skopino Diocese

The naming ceremony took place in accordance with the definitions of the Holy Synod of October 22, 2015 (magazines No. 63-65).

Concelebrating with His Holiness: Metropolitan Istra Arseniy, first vicar of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'; Metropolitan John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol, Chairman of the Synodal Missionary Department; Metropolitan Mark of Ryazan and Mikhailovsky, Chairman of the Financial and Economic Administration; Bishop Sergius of Solnechnogorsk, head of the Administrative Secretariat of the Moscow Patriarchate; Bishop Savva of the Resurrection, first deputy administrator of the affairs of the Moscow Patriarchate; Bishop of Gubkin and Grayvoron Sophrony.

The clergy elected to the episcopal service turned to To His Holiness the Patriarch Kirill and the archpastors who served His Holiness with protege words.

Word of Archimandrite Matthew (Andreev) at the naming of Bishop of Skopinsky and Shatsky

Your Holiness, Most Holy Lord and gracious father! God-wise archpastors!

Standing before you this day at the time of his naming as archi pastoral ministry in the Skopino diocese, I am especially deeply aware of my weakness and unworthiness to bear this cross on the Ryazan land, glorified by the exploits of many great saints, among whom I especially worked for Church of Christ The saint whose relics rest in the Holy Dormition Vyshensky convent. This saint of God, when he was named Bishop of Tambov and Shatsky, lamented, saying that “this “good” thing, according to the Apostle (1 Tim. 3:1), from afar, perhaps, is desirable, but when it has to to come face to face with him, it strikes with bone-crushing fear.” “With these words, I keep one thing in my mind and heart: God’s will be done!” concluded the saint. I, too, unworthy, will repeat these words.

Looking back over the past life path, I see numerous evidence of how the Will of God was invisibly manifested at all its stages, guiding me on the spiritual path, and I thank the Lord, the Giver of all blessings, for His constant mercy towards me.

I prayerfully remember my spiritual mentors and teachers: the now deceased rector of the Intercession Cathedral in the city of Tambov, Archpriest Nikolai Stepanov, under whose kind guidance I took my first steps in the field of church service. At that time, I was given the opportunity to draw from the well of experience of wise clergy and parishioners who personally remembered the archpastoral service in Tambov of St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) and the abbot of Archpriest Mikhail Speransky, the future rector of the Leningrad Academy. At the Intercession Cathedral, I was drawn to the archpastoral attention and elected as his subdeacon, and later ordained to the rank of deacon and presbyter by the now deceased Archbishop of Tambov and Michurinsky Evgeniy (Zhdan), under whose leadership I acquired the first skills of pastoral service and obedience in diocesan administration. The Lord destined me to learn a lot of new things, to learn the correct and accurate fulfillment of the church obediences entrusted to me under the leadership of Bishop Eugene’s successor at the Tambov See - Metropolitan Theodosius of Tambov and Rasskazovsky.

A special path of church work opened up for me when Your Holiness and the Holy Synod sent me for pastoral service to Great Britain, where I was not only able to receive spiritual guidance from Archbishop Elisha of Sourozh and practical guide service in foreign parishes, but also to gain invaluable liturgical experience, experience of missionary, catechetical and social service.

The opportunities given to me by the Lord to acquire spiritual experience bring into my soul the hope that the Lord, who has shown so many of His benefits to me, will not abandon His mercy in the future in a new and responsible obedience to the Church of Christ.

From the bottom of my heart I express again and again my filial gratitude to you, Your Holiness, and to the Holy Synod, who saw the opportunity to elect me to this great ministry. I want to remember with gratitude in these sacred moments and thank for the support and prayers of my spiritual father, my parents, dear clergy and parishioners of the churches of the Tambov land and the British Isles.

I humbly ask Your Holiness and all God-wise shepherds to offer up your holy prayers for the granting of strength and understanding to me, unworthy, in the high service of the Church of Christ at the sacred moment when your right hands touch my unworthy head!

Biography of Bishop Matthew of Skopinsky and Shatsky

Born on May 18, 1971 in the city of Tambov. Baptized in infancy. In 1978-1988 studied at secondary school No. 8 in Tambov.

In 1991 he graduated from the Tambov Diocesan School.

In 1993 he graduated from the faculty foreign languages Tambov State Pedagogical Institute (specializing in English and French). In 1993-2009 worked as a teacher of English and French in a secondary school in the village. Bokino, Tambov district, Tambov region.

In 1991, he completed an internship at Northumbria University (Newcastle, UK). In 1997, he completed a distance learning course at the University of Manchester.

In 1991-1998 carried out the duties of an altar boy and subdeacon in the Intercession Cathedral in the city of Tambov.

On March 1, 1998, Archbishop Evgeniy (Zhdan) of Tambov and Michurinsky ordained him to the rank of deacon, and on October 4, 1998, to the rank of priest. He bore the obedience of the rector of the church of St. Nicholas of Myra in the village. Bokino, Tambov district (1998-2005), cleric of the Kazan Monastery in Tambov (2005-2008), clergyman of the Intercession Cathedral in Tambov (2008-2009).

In 2000-2005 studied at the correspondence sector of the Moscow Theological Seminary.

In 1998-2009 - head of department religious education, catechesis and missionary work of the Tambov diocese. In 2005-2009 served as assistant vice rector, and in 2008-2009. - first vice-rector of the Tambov Theological Seminary.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of July 27, 2009 (journal No. 74), he was sent to pastoral service in the Sourozh diocese.

In 2009-2010 - rector of the parish of St. Kentigern of the city of Glasgow, dean of the diocesan districts of Scotland and Northern England. Since 2010 - clergyman of the stauropegic parish of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Manchester, dean of the diocesan districts of Northern England and Wales, head of the missionary service of the Diocese of Sourozh.

In 2008 he entered the Moscow Theological Academy, from where he transferred in 2011 to the All-Church Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies named after Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius.

By the decision of the Holy Synod of October 22, 2015 (magazine No. 64), he was elected Bishop of Skopinsky and Shatsky.

On October 24, 2015, in the Donskoy Stavropegic Monastery in Moscow, the abbot of the monastery, Abbot Paramon (Golubka), tonsured a monk with the name Matthew in honor of the apostle. and ev. Matthew.

On October 27, 2015, in the Donskoy Monastery, Metropolitan Barsanuphius of St. Petersburg and Ladoga elevated him to the rank of archimandrite.

Consecrated bishop on November 5, 2015 in the Church of the Cross Vladimir icon Mother of God of the Patriarchal residence in Chisty Lane in Moscow.

Since November 2015, Bishop Matthew (Andreev) of Skopinsk and Shatsk has headed one of the departments of the Ryazan Metropolis. The editor of the Blagovest newspaper, Irina Evsina, met with him.
- Vladyka, was the Ryazan land close to you before? What connects you with her?
- I do not separate the Tambov and Ryazan lands, because historically the Tambov region is the outskirts of the Ryazan principality. Those saints who are dear to the Ryazan land are also revered in the Tambov region. The close spiritual ties that were established many centuries ago by our ancestors are preserved to this day in the Vyshenskaya monastery, which is now one of the pearls of the Ryazan metropolis and the Skopino diocese, and historically was located within the Tambov diocese.
During the reign of Bishop Simon (Novikov) and Bishop Pavel (Ponomarev), we often visited both Vysha and Ryazan itself for pilgrimage purposes. St. John the Theologian Monastery has also always been a point of attraction for Tambov pilgrims. The spiritual bonds between these lands are long-standing and inextricable, so for me the Ryazan region is not something new and unfamiliar. In addition, my mother was born in the Chaplyginsky district - now it is the Lipetsk region, but at the time when she was born, it was the outskirts of the Ryazan region. And the roots of my maternal grandfather are in Dankov, which was also a Ryazan city. So my acquaintance and connections with the Ryazan land are long-standing and strong. But still, it was a joyful surprise for me to be appointed to perform archpastoral service in this region, which is very close to Tambov and Lipetsk - the places of my childhood.
- Indeed, it all starts from childhood. Please tell us about how you came to faith, how your church life began. What influence did your family have on you in this regard?
- Unfortunately, I cannot say that from early childhood I was a churchgoer. My parents, as well as my grandparents, belonged to the circles of the Soviet intelligentsia. If representatives of the previous generations of my ancestors, of course, were believers, went to churches in Tambov, Michurinsk, Dankov, then closer generations were far from church life.
For me, the discovery of faith occurred in the year of the celebration of the millennium of the Baptism of Rus'. Then I had just graduated from school, was looking for guidelines in life and found them in the Russian Orthodox Church. Subsequently, my entire family regained faith. So my church biography begins with the year of the millennium of the Baptism of Rus' and with the obedience of the reader and altar server in Pokrovsky cathedral Tambov. Later, I managed to simultaneously receive secular and spiritual education: I graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​at the Pedagogical University and the Tambov Theological School. Since 1993, my teaching career and deeper involvement in church ministry began. As a graduate of the school, I was called by Bishop Eugene (Zhdan) to serve as a subdeacon, and then also in Tambov I was ordained a deacon and a priest.
How did your conversion to faith happen? Was some kind of sign sent to you?
- No, there were no special signs, but overall, of course, it was a miracle. Having an absolutely secular biography, one can enter church life so quickly, easily and deeply only miraculously, with help from above. The convictions that I formed in my youth informed the church way of life that I later adopted.
- So, you were raised in a moral environment?
- Yes it is. Although my family was not directly related to the Church, our very style of life was close to Orthodox. Therefore, it was easy for me to take the step towards church membership. My family did not interfere with this and did not condemn me, but, on the contrary, were interested in my new life.
- Maybe there was some saint who was especially close to you during the period of your churching?
- Of course, Saint Theophan of Vyshensky is close to me. But at the beginning of my church journey, I think St. Luke (Voino-Yasenetsky) especially helped me. This saint was the administrator of the Tambov diocese during the difficult war and post-war years. Arriving at the Tambov Intercession Cathedral in the late 80s, I found those priests and parishioners who were his students and spiritual children. I am very grateful to God that I met many living witnesses who saw Saint Luke, communicated with him, and after his transfer from Tambov to Crimea corresponded with him. The Intercession Cathedral retained its external and internal spiritual appearance in the form in which Saint Luke created it when he was a bishop in Tambov. Since he was not only a bishop, but also a doctor, many medical workers, who later became parishioners of the cathedral, spoke about him. The aura of his holiness was reflected in the entire way of post-perestroika life in Tambov. Therefore, Saint Luke must first of all be thanked for the fact that I and my other peers became believers.
- Vladyka, how did your life in the Church develop in the future? Why did you have to leave Tambov?
- Since I was a graduate of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Tambov Pedagogical University (department of English and French), Bishop Evgeniy (Zhdan), who ruled the Tambov diocese at that time, very wisely approached the issue of my ordination and blessed me to combine service in the church with teaching in school. For seven years after my ordination, I was both a priest in the temple and a teacher in the school, which was located on the same territory in the village. Bokino, Tambov district. My diocesan obedience was also related to education - during these seven years I headed the department of religious education and catechesis of the Tambov diocese. The international connections of the Tambov diocese did not escape me either - I became acquainted with Orthodox parishes in Germany, trips there. Soon I was sent to Great Britain, where my ministry was supervised by Bishop Mark (Golovkov), who at that time was the head of the Secretariat for Foreign Institutions. The last six years of my life were spent in the Sourozh diocese (Great Britain and Ireland), which was opened thanks to the works of Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh. Bishop Anthony was one of the few who could preach the word of God in Soviet times, so it was very interesting for me to come into contact with people who knew and remembered him. Many of our events in the Sourozh diocese were devoted to spiritual problems or theological views in the context of the life of Metropolitan Anthony.
- While in Great Britain, did you miss your native land?
- A believer, I think, does not have to think in such categories. Everywhere on earth there is the presence of God. British soil is rich in its saints, its church history. Britain has deep Orthodox roots, and learning about them and working on their revival was also very interesting. I have both a love for Russia and a love for Britain.
- How did your acquaintance with the Skopino diocese begin?
- In part, I was already familiar with it, because the Skopin diocese has two departments - Skopin and Shatsk. Our Tambov pilgrimage groups often went to Shatsk, and some of our research projects. Skopin was less familiar to me, but also not entirely new. It was a pleasant discovery to find a lot here good helpers represented by the clergy. Skopin is that part of the Russian land that suffered greatly during the times of godless persecution, and many shrines are still in an unsightly condition. In this regard, along with the joy that much has already been done, there is also an incentive to work further.
- What are your plans for working in the diocese? What needs to be done first, in your opinion?
- The plans are varied and multilateral. The first thing you want to start with is to continue recovery spiritual center Skopino diocese - Vyshensky monastery. The name of Saint Theophan is very important and significant for theology and for understanding spiritual life. The Vyshenskaya monastery is a point of attraction not only for Russians Orthodox people, but also for Christians around the world. Therefore, this is a priority task for us. Under the leadership of Metropolitan Mark of Ryazan and Mikhailovsky, a meeting was recently held at the monastery on further reconstruction of the monastery. We will try to continue the reconstruction of the architectural masterpieces that have been preserved there, and the revival of monastic life.
- The Patriarch’s visit to the Vyshensky Monastery was planned several times, but each time it was postponed...
- I think the reason is that not everything in the monastery is ready for the arrival of His Holiness. Most likely, this is due to the difficult economic situation in our state. Those projects that were easily implemented in past years are now being hampered due to lack of finance. The reconstruction is very large-scale, it covers churches, living quarters, and the territory of the monastery. There is not enough strength and money for everything yet.
- Vladyka, how are the relations between your diocese and government agencies?
- Meetings have already taken place with the heads of administrations of all ten municipal districts and the municipal entity - the city of Skopin. We have good, kind relations with all the heads of administrations: there is mutual understanding, there are joint projects that are being implemented largely thanks to the deans. A recent reporting meeting of the Skopinsky district and the city of Skopin showed that the administration is very interested in cooperation with the diocese.
- Vladyka, the Lord brought us to you on the day of the Angel of Mother Theodosia. Did you know her?
- Unfortunately, my acquaintance with her took place after her death, after my arrival in Skopin. But I know people who visited her and received spiritual advice and comfort from her. I was very pleased here, not far from Skopin, to find such an ascetic who during her life was a consolation for many and after her death gathers people who come to pray at her grave. Yesterday I visited her, served a funeral litany at her grave. The memory of her is alive, and not only in the Skopino diocese, but also in many places in Russia.
- What would you like to wish our readers? What places in the Skopino diocese would you like to invite them to visit?
- Taking this opportunity, I would like to thank Bishop Metropolitan Mark for the fact that he is now doing a lot to integrate the efforts of all the dioceses of the Ryazan Metropolis and for the fact that the Blagovest newspaper is a messenger not only for the city of Ryazan, but also extends to other dioceses. We have many joint plans, including events that will be dedicated to the 1000th anniversary of the Russian monastic presence on Mount Athos.
In our diocese there are many interesting places in addition to the Vyshensky Monastery, which we talked about, and events in which it will be interesting to participate. This, for example, is a youth festival, which is held near the walls of the ancient Dimitrievsky Monastery, in a historical place where Prince Dmitry Donskoy visited after the battle on the Kulikovo Field.
Over time, a separate pilgrimage service will appear in our diocese, which will not only intensify pilgrimage along existing routes (Vysha, Dimitrievsky Monastery, Nikolo-Cherneevsky Monastery, Shamorga), but also develop new ones.

About him