Dream interpretation big dog bites!

A dog in a dream is a clear symbol of friendship and devotion. If she behaved aggressively, then the dream takes on a negative connotation. This article will tell you why you dream that a dog is attacking. When a dog attacked you in a dream, this indicates that

Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker When is the feast of Nikola in May

Advertising Today, May 22, is the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The night before, a particle of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker was delivered to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow from Bari, Italy. On May 22, 2017, St. Nicholas is venerated by the people. According to popular

Why see an icon in a dream?

Find out from the online dream book what the Icon is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters. Icon in a dream: interpretation of 100 dream books Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century

What is the dream of a baby girl for a woman

Funny fun with newborn babies is a lot of fun and significantly cheer up. Spending leisure time in a dream in this way is also no less pleasant. If you dreamed of a baby, dream books will give a transcript of why this is a dream.

Why is the Kind Dog dreaming?

Dogs are the most devoted creatures, not without reason, hearing the phrase “my four-legged friend”, this particular animal immediately appears before your eyes. They have been living side by side with man for more than one millennium, helping him in everything. But what can a dog dream of, having penetrated

Secrets of dream books: why dream of receiving flowers as a gift

Flowers have long been a symbol of something positive, bringing only joy and happiness. It is always a pleasure to receive a bouquet as a gift, and if it is also from an important person, then even more than just great. However, if they give flowers in a dream, then, alas, this is not all

They stole scissors from the house - a sign

Feeling their weakness and insecurity, people in ancient times tried with all their might to protect themselves. To do this, they observed the world around them and tried to find patterns in it that can help maintain health and well-being. In this topic:

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