Why do you put a bay leaf under your pillow? Bay leaf: magical properties, reviews. Fortune telling on bay leaves for the betrothed

If you write a wish on bay leaf and then throw it into the fire, something miraculous will happen.The ancient Romans and Greeks attributed to the laurel magical properties, used it in their rituals and believed that bay leaf brings victory, happiness and success. Laurel is a symbol of purity, determination, triumph and immortality. It gives vitality, success and fulfillment of desires.

IN ancient Greek myth it is told: the god of sunlight and poetry Apollo fell in love with the beautiful nymph Daphne, daughter of the river god Peneus. Apollo pursued the girl everywhere, and in order to save herself from dishonor and shame, she had to persuade her father to turn her into a laurel bush.

Since then, the laurel became Apollo's favorite plant: he decorated his head and lyre with its leaves, awarded laurel wreaths to the winners in battles, as well as musicians, singers, poets and dancers, for whom he was a patron of the arts.

The ancient Romans and Greeks attributed magical properties to laurel, used it in their rituals and believed that bay leaves brought victory, happiness and success. Try to attract happiness to yourself with the help of a seemingly completely ordinary “laurel tree”.

Write a wish on a bay leaf, then throw it into the fire - and everything you have in mind will come true over time. Place one bay leaf in each corner of the room where your family spends the most time - the bay will drive away illnesses of the residents of your house.

If you constantly carry a bay leaf with you, it will protect you from troubles and accidents. To attract positive changes, rub the bay leaf with your fingers, inhale the aroma and loudly voice your request to higher powers.

If you write a wish on a bay leaf, place a bay leaf under your pillow: it will bring good dreams.

The aroma of laurel saves from overwork, and also gives additional strength to those who play sports.

If four leaves are placed under the rug near the threshold, they will bring success. The leaves should be directed with their petioles towards each other, the figure will resemble a cross. Once a month, on new moon, replace the leaves with new ones.

In order for the newlyweds to have a happy family life, before the wedding, place a laurel leaf in the shoes of the bride and groom for the whole night, and in the morning do not forget to remove it from there and thank them for their help.

Attach over entrance doors five bay leaves tied with a red thread, and those who live in this house will be accompanied by success in all matters.

If you write a wish on a bay leaf, a bay branch over the child's bed will protect him from the evil eye.

Ritual to attract money: take one laurel leaf, drop orange on it essential oil and place it in the place where you usually keep your savings - it will attract new finances there, their flow will increase.

Hippocrates also claimed that if you place dried laurel leaves along the edge of a woman in labor, this will significantly soothe the pain during childbirth.

Rituals performed using bay leaves are the simplest and at the same time bring excellent results without harming the one who is telling fortunes. Since the times of the ancient Romans and Greeks, our ancestors knew about magic, even. Are you interested in knowing what common magical ceremonies are known for fulfilling wishes with the help of bay leaves?

The most effective rituals for desire

Practicing magicians advise performing the ritual on the new moon. Although, if you really want to do it today, this is not prohibited, since there are no strict restrictions in this regard. Below are rituals that will help ensure that your desire is heard by the Universe and fulfilled.

  1. To carry out this ritual, you should take a clean sheet of paper, a pen filled with red paste, and 3 bay leaves. Write your desire on a piece of paper, then voice it out loud three times, fold the sheet also 3 times, put a plant leaf into the package and voice your dream out loud again. Next, fold the sheet three more times and hide the resulting package away so that it won’t be found.
  2. For this ritual, it is worth stocking up in advance with a white candle, one laurel leaf, a bowl or bowl and a felt-tip pen filled with silver ink. At the very beginning of the ritual, sit for a few minutes in silence, focusing on your dream, then write your own, most secret wish on a laurel leaf. After this, light it from the flame of a lit candle and, putting it in a bowl, let it burn out, saying out loud:

“By the powers of God and heaven, my wish will come true. Let it be!”

Attracting good luck with laurel

Fulfilling your wishes with the help of a bay leaf will not only allow you to achieve what you want, but will also help bring good luck and prosperity to your home, removing all negativity and anger.

So tie 5 leaves of this plant together with a red thread and say an appeal to it: everything you want from it. Hang this amulet bundle above your front door.

If you want to protect yourself from unwanted visitors and envious guests, simply place 4 bay leaves under the doormat, placing them in the shape of a cross. In order for the amulet to act continuously, periodically replace the leaves with new ones.

Attracting money to your wallet

Fulfilling financial desires with the help of bay leaf spells is the most common, effective, allowing you to attract financial flows into your home and wallet.

For the first ritual, it is enough to use 3 laurel leaves. They need to be greased with orange peel - store such “charged” magnets in places where you keep money in your house. It can be not only a wallet, but also a box with money, a nightstand and a safe - the main thing is that no one knows about your secret. And what’s most important is that they should be kept in these places all the time.

Saving yourself from a total lack of money will help attract money. In this case, it is worth writing on a piece of paper the amount that you really need for at the moment and, folding it, put it in a tin can. When you put a sheet of paper into a container, mentally imagine how your wallet and pockets are filled with coins. Next, any 7 coins and 3 laurel leaves are placed there, closed and put away in a secret place. Every day it’s worth adding at least a coin to this piggy bank, and when the container is completely filled, you need to bury it in the most secluded place.

A prerequisite for making any wish come true is a positive, friendly inner attitude during the ritual. In addition, the ritual itself should not harm the people around you, otherwise it simply will not have power.

Surely every housewife has bay leaves in her kitchen. They improve the taste of dishes and add a special piquancy to any product. But this spice is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Laurel is a powerful magical remedy! It is used to cleanse rooms, get rid of damage or the evil eye, and with its help make people stronger. love relationship. In addition, among its properties there are healing ones! It is the laurel that stands for purposefulness and purity.

Bay leaf: legend

The history of the appearance of the laurel is tragic, but beautiful. The inimitable handsome Apollo was inflamed with mad love for the beautiful Daphne. Daphne remained indifferent to the feelings of the god Olympus. The handsome young man could not come up with anything better than pursuing the object of passion. Ovid wrote that Apollo went almost mad, wanting to get the nymph. The sun god was chasing the gentle Daphne, and she had no choice but to. When Apollo almost overtook the nymph, her fingers had already turned into branches, and her legs became the roots of a tree. Daphne became a laurel. The saddened god from that time began to wear a wreath of evergreen branches of a laurel tree on his head.

The magical properties of laurel: from time immemorial

Back in Ancient Greece people guessed about the magical properties of bay leaves. They decorated houses, thus refreshing and cleansing the premises. The laurel placed in the mattress attracted prophetic dreams. In addition, it was believed that laurel branches could protect against lightning strikes! The heads of the winners were decorated with laurel wreaths - they were a symbol of triumph and success. Residents Ancient Rome also did not leave this plant without attention. whose magical properties have never been in doubt, have been used in various religious rites. They also performed rituals: they cured diseases, fulfilled cherished desires, and attracted prosperity and money to their homes.

Laurel quarry amulet

Creating an amulet to help you find a job does not require much effort. You will need one bay leaf. Its magical properties will be enhanced by three cardamom seeds. You also need to take a sprig of rosemary - fresh or dried. All elements of the future amulet must be placed in the middle of a green scarf. Instead of a scarf, just a piece of fabric will do. The corners of the scarf must be gathered together and wrapped with ribbon. You should get a knot. According to those who have this amulet, thanks to cardamom, a person’s gift of eloquence is revealed, and rosemary increases the level of intellectual readiness. The magical properties of bay leaves for a career are also difficult to overestimate - this plant brings prosperity.

Another ritual that helps to find a job has collected many confirmations of its power. It must be carried out exclusively on the new moon. You will need a piece of paper on which you need to write the desired position and size wages. Then the leaf is torn into small pieces and mixed with crushed laurel leaves (for this ritual the laurel must be dry). This mixture must be placed in a beautiful ashtray and set on fire. It is recommended to wrap the cooled ashes in a banknote; the higher its denomination, the better! You should carry such a talisman in your purse or wallet.

But if you came to an interview with a laurel amulet, and you were still rejected, don’t despair! It’s just that a bay leaf saved you from a place that would not bring anything good. Magical properties, reviews of which are surprising, appear as quickly as possible. Those who have already tried themselves as a magician claim that the laurel works flawlessly! To do this, you must imagine that your wish has already come true, and not sit waiting for a miracle!

We drive quarrels away: with the help of bay leaves

And what magical properties of bay leaf will help you get rid of melancholy and scandals, discord and tears? It is worth noting that for centuries, magicians have used the leaves of this plant as the best remedy to cleanse the energy of a living space. After all, as it turned out, they remove all the negativity accumulated in the house in a matter of days. There are several options for cleaning and protecting your home, which have received the most enthusiastic reviews:

  1. Dry leaves must be laid out in saucers and placed in all corners of the apartment. After a week, the laurel needs to be replaced with a new one. All negative energy will go away along with the discarded leaves.
  2. In a new frying pan you need to heat a few bay sprigs. While the leaves are heating up, you can meditate, thank the Universe for everything you have, or pray. After this, the frying pan with smoking laurel leaves must be carried through all the rooms, scrupulously fumigating every corner. After the ritual, you should never touch the leaves - after all, they have absorbed all the negativity. They must be thrown away immediately.

Fulfillment of desires and attraction of happiness

Bay leaf is an excellent assistant in making your cherished dreams come true. The easiest way is to rub a couple of leaves between your palms, inhale their subtle aroma and say your wish out loud. Laurel and love attract - to do this, you need to string laurel leaves (five in number) on a scarlet thread and secure them in the house.

Esotericists advise newlyweds to put a bay leaf in their shoes on the eve of the wedding ceremony - this will help family life long and very happy!

Those who need financial income will also benefit from the magical properties of bay leaves. Three leaves, smeared with essential oil, must be placed in a safe, wallet or box where the money is.

Laurel, as confirmed by those who have resorted to its help, is an effective means of attracting good luck. To do this, you need to chop a few leaves and simply add them to the bath.

Fragrant amulet: the magical properties of bay leaves that protect against troubles

It will protect the laurel from bad luck and the evil eye - just carry a few leaves in your bag or pocket. In addition, this plant can protect small children from the evil eye. To do this, you need to secure several bay branches in the crib and periodically replace them with fresh ones. Among the magical properties of laurel is victory over fears and uncertainty. And even a small leaf can reveal the gift of divination in a person!

Secrets of enhancing the magical effect and rules for using laurel

The main thing to remember when using bay leaves is that the magical properties are enhanced if the bay is fresh. If you can’t get fresh leaves, you can cheat - drop laurel essential oil onto the dry ones. And, of course, during any ritual you need to sincerely believe that what you want will come true!

Bay leaf, whose magical properties you already know, was not originally used as a seasoning. It was used to flavor water. And they washed their hands with laurel tincture. It was only in the first century AD that bay leaves began to be added to food. At first they were added only to desserts. And only several decades later the leaves of this plant began to be used to add a special taste to meat dishes. The tradition of placing a laurel wreath on the head of the winners has also survived to this day. In addition, the word “laureate” comes from the name of the plant. It literally means “crowned with laurels”!


To independently make a ritual to fulfill a wish with a bay leaf, you need to read a wish-fulfilling spell on a new moon or a waxing moon and perform simple actions with a bay tree leaf. The magical properties of bay leaves have long been known, giving strength, success and fulfillment of desires. Bay leaves are used in white and black magic to attract love, luck and money, but today we will talk about how to perform wish fulfillment ritual using a bay leaf, which is not difficult.

wish fulfillment spell with bay leaf

If the desire is of a monetary nature, you need a yellow candle; the ritual for love desires is carried out using a red candle; in all other cases, a white candle is used. To read a wish-fulfilling spell, we need a dry bay leaf, on which with a simple pencil you need to write what must come true. It is best to use the softest pencil. After writing a wish on a bay leaf, place it on a saucer and light a candle, when the candle burns, drip wax onto the bay leaf three times tell the plot :

I, the servant of God (name), will stand in the morning, blessing myself and crossing myself,

I'll go out to open field, I’ll look at all four sides:

On east side there is a holy church.

The lamp burns in it and speaks requests to God.

The gods are on Olympus, I am on Earth, everything that is wished for will come true for me.

I’ll put out the candle and won’t tell anyone my wish.

The gods in heaven know everything themselves and fulfill my desire.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

© Copyright: Magician

  • To fulfill any of your wishes you need water, salt and a wish-fulfilling spell. The simple ritual that we will talk about today can quickly fulfill your intended (made) wish with the help of white magic. This strong conspiracy until recently, it was known only to the “chosen ones,” but time flies quickly and with the advent of the Internet, magic has become available to everyone. Today, everyone can get what they want, and to do this, you just need to take water and salt yourself and read the spell that fulfills any desire. For this ritual, the phase of the moon is not important and you can read the plot both during the day and at night, but always on Sunday. Before reading a conspiracy to fulfill a wish, you need to prepare for the ritual. On a blank sheet of paper, write down one wish that you want to fulfill. Pour into a transparent glass clean water(It won’t work with bleach from the tap). For a magical ritual to fulfill a wish, you need coarse salt (3 full pinches), which you measure in advance onto a sheet of paper with a written wish (directly on the text). When everything is ready, stir the water in a glass and slowly pour salt into the water and read the wish-fulfilling spell:

  • To attract constant good luck in any business, read a good luck plot that will help you become more successful. Most ancient rite bringing good luck is done on the thing. You can cast a spell on any new things or objects; most often, the spell is cast on jewelry that you will wear every day; this jewelry becomes an amulet that brings good luck to its owner. It is customary for magicians to speak a ring for good luck and wealth while wearing it without removing it. The enchanted thing becomes the best talisman, making its owner lucky, about whom many say: “he was born in a shirt and that is why he is always lucky in everything.” But the secret of constant luck is in the enchanted object - the ring. Now we will tell you how to independently charm any thing or object so that it brings good luck and wealth. Buy any ring or pendant made of silver and read this spell on it:

  • Those who know the text of the prayer - white conspiracy once a year they can fulfill their most important wish. You need to read the text of the conspiracy to fulfill a wish on your birthday; you need to go to church in advance and buy twelve yellow candles there. On your birthday, place and light 12 candles around you and, holding a glass of water in your hands, while the candles are burning, read the conspiracy to make your wish come true:

  • On December 31, on New Year's Eve, your intended wish comes true, and if you read a special plot at the moment when you wished something on New Year's Eve, then after New Year's ritual what you want will definitely come true. Magic on New Year This is the most powerful white and black magic that can almost immediately fulfill any dream that you make at the moment of reading a wish spell, the main thing is that what you really want and ask for for the New Year does not cause any harm to you or the other person. The conspiracy to make your wish come true in the New Year is read next to a live New Year tree. Pick 7 needles from the tree and remove the rain, all this is needed to read the plot that will fulfill your plan - a dream. New Year's ritual- the ritual with reading a conspiracy to fulfill a wish on the night of the New Year is as follows:

  • It happens that a person is constantly unlucky in all matters. Most likely, the person was damaged by bad luck and failure. Conspiracies will not tell you a ritual to remove the bad luck of a miserable person with the help of a conspiracy and a chicken egg. Only a special egg laid by a black hen is suitable for the ritual. You can buy an egg from a black hen in the village, and you can always distinguish it by the color of the shell - it is gray. Bringing it home chicken egg exactly at midnight, set the egg to boil, and when the water boils three times in a row, read the spell that can instantly remove the damage caused by bad luck:

A wish fulfillment conspiracy helps to fulfill all your most cherished dreams. But for such a ritual to acquire great magical power, it must be performed adhering to certain rules. This conspiracy can be carried out by anyone at home.

Today, a conspiracy to fulfill a wish interests many people. Its popularity is explained by the versatility of such magic, because with the help of one ritual you can solve a variety of problems.

Basic rules

In order for a wish to be truly fulfilled, certain conditions must be adhered to. Failure to comply with them may lead to negative consequences. Remember that:

  • There is no need to ask higher powers for something that cannot be fulfilled.
  • You must believe in magic. Carrying out a ritual out of interest will not lead to anything good.
  • What you have in mind should be desired with all your heart throughout the entire ritual.
  • The desire should not be ambiguous. The goal must be formulated very precisely.
  • A conspiracy to fulfill a wish is carried out only during the waxing moon, and can also be done on a full moon. The moon in this position best facilitates the fulfillment of plans.

Spells with bay leaves

The bay leaf has long been considered a symbol of success and prosperity. That is why it is often used in various rituals.

Ritual No. 1

For the ritual you will need a candle and a dry bay leaf. The color of the candle should be selected depending on the purpose:

  • to solve money problems a yellow candle is required;
  • for love affairs - red;
  • for other wishes - white.

The entire wish is written on a bay leaf with a simple pencil. It is recommended to take the softest pencil. After this, the bay leaf is placed on a saucer and the candle is lit. You need to start casting the spell from the moment the wax begins to drip onto the laurel. The following words are repeated three times:

"By the power of the gods and the power of heaven,

By the power of the Universe and the power of miracles,

My wish came true

As I commanded, so it happened!”

After this, the laurel is set on fire with a candle and must burn out completely. When the fire goes out, you can put out the candle.

To independently make a ritual to fulfill a wish with a bay leaf, you need to read a wish-fulfilling plot on a new moon or a waxing moon.

Ritual No. 2

You will need three bay leaves, a pen with red paste, and a sheet of paper. It is recommended to do it during the full moon. A wish is written down on paper and spoken out loud three times. After this, the piece of paper is folded three times, and the wish is pronounced again three times. The bay leaf is placed in the folded paper and folded together three times again. The resulting envelope is hidden in a dark place and the wish is spoken out three times every morning.

Ritual No. 3

You will need a bay leaf, an orange marker, a clay shallow container and a white candle. A wish is written on the laurel and a candle is lit. Looking at the fire, you need to imagine your desire in great detail. The bay leaf must be kissed three times and set on fire with a candle. The hot sheet is placed in a clay container and the following words should be read above it:

“By the power of the Universe and the power of Miracles, the power of the gods and the power of heaven! My wish comes true, as I wish, so it happens!”

Full moon conspiracies

All rituals performed on the full moon are charged with the highest magical power.

Rite No. 1

We wait for the full moon and begin to think strongly about desire. Once everything is presented in detail, you can read the following words in a whisper:

“I praise you, moon and night. I turn to you with a request for the fulfillment of a wish. Let everything planned be accomplished and everything renounced not be fulfilled. Endow me with your strength and bestow good luck in this noble endeavor. May all desires gain your power, and I pledge to worship you. As you shine in the sky, so my wishes will be fulfilled on Earth. So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Such a conspiracy allows you to fulfill any goals.

Rite No. 2

On a full moon, you wear your favorite clothes, but they must be appropriate for the season. Be sure to have beautiful hair and makeup done. After this, 13 church candles are lit. We begin to imagine the desire in all details and charge it with success. The following words are worth reading until you feel completely confident that your desire will come true:

“As the moon shone in fullness, I made a wish. Let everything I want come true, I won’t tell anyone - I’ll remain silent. Oh, Moon, let your dreams come true, let no tears flow from despair. Let all the dreams that nest within me come true in full moon. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

After this, the candles are extinguished and thrown into the trash. Clothes are removed and neatly folded. If the wish is not fulfilled before the next full moon, then the ritual can be repeated.

Many people know that full moon conspiracies have a special magical meaning. After all, all the lunar power is invested in such a conspiracy.

Rite No. 3

This plot is the simplest. On the full moon, you should depict your desires on your palms. A window opens and moonlight should be included in the drawings. With all our hearts we begin to ask the moon for the fulfillment of our plans. Finally, we thank the moon for listening.

Rite No. 4

During the full moon, a cherished wish is written on paper, in which there should not be any negation. All words must be written in the present tense. The paper is folded, set on fire, and the ashes are thrown out the window. After this, you cannot say a word until the morning.

The strongest spell for bread

Let's consider the most powerful conspiracy to fulfill a wish. It is held only on a new moon and must be Saturday or Sunday. The ceremony takes place at sunrise.

For the ritual you will need:

  • some bread;
  • a little rock salt;
  • a glass of drinking water;
  • candle.

The color of the candle should be selected depending on the purpose.

  • white - will help get rid of negativity;
  • orange - will resolve issues related to career;
  • pink - intended for personal desires;
  • blue - will solve health problems;
  • green - will help you find a high-paying job;
  • yellow - helps to realize creative ideas;
  • red - will help in love affairs.

The spell is made only for homemade bread, that is, home-baked bread.

First, the water is spoken:

“You, natural water, are the basis of any life manifestation. I am turning to you, Servant of God (my own name), support me in the work I have planned. May my deepest desire come true, but it will not cause suffering to anyone. Amen".

The candle is lit. Right hand you need to take a piece of bread and salt it with your left hand. While salting, the following words should be read:

“I, the Servant of God (my own name), ask you, holy bread and salt, be my support always and in everything! May my deepest wish, thought out and suffered through, come true. I want (you need to express your wish in any form) to come true. Words are powerful, so it will happen. Amen".

The bread is eaten in tiny pieces. While eating, your cherished dream must be imagined as if it had already come true. After the last piece eaten, hands are rubbed together and three small sips of water are drunk. We wet our fingers in the glass and use them to extinguish the candle. Finally, you should read the following:

“I, the Servant of God (name) used bread, salt and water in the ritual, which always saved people and never failed.”

After this, the water is completely drunk, and the last magic phrases are pronounced again.

This magic is very powerful, so nothing should interfere during its execution and thoughts should not be distracted by extraneous problems.

Water conspiracies

Water can remember any request. Rituals are performed only with unboiled water. During boiling, the structure of water is disrupted.

Rite No. 1

A full glass of water is poured. The wish is described in every detail on the piece of paper. Water is placed on top of the paper. The palms are folded as if there is a small ball between him. Instead of a ball, you mentally imagine energy that should give a feeling of warmth to your palms. Slowly the hands move apart, but one must not lose the energy force present between the hands. Hands move energetically towards the glass so that it is inside the palm. We begin to ask water to make our wishes come true. After this, the water is completely drunk. You can perform this ritual every day until your wish comes true.

All spells based on water should be read by heart.

Rite No. 2

The next ritual will require holy or spring water. The desire must be formulated in one sentence. Water is poured into a glass and brought to the lips. The wish is pronounced three times and then these words should be read:

“Water, water, you let me drink, you let me wash.

So give me, water, three drops of luck, five drops of luck, and a sea of ​​happiness!

I close it with a key, wash it with water, and let everything come true according to my word. Amen".

These phrases are pronounced three times. At the end of the ceremony, the water is drunk in small sips.

Any desired goals should only have positive character that will not cause harm to others.

IN modern world Many people are becoming interested in magic. After all, every person has a secret desire that he wants to fulfill at any cost.

Magic can easily cope with this, but it must be used with extreme caution. Cannot be carried out magical rituals who pursue selfish goals and negative energy. The result may be unpredictable. The desire should only be positive.

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