Sun horoscope by date of birth. Sunny days calendar, calculate solar birthday, characteristics. Why do zodiac signs have different dates?

Despite the widespread and popularity Zodiac horoscope, which describes the main character traits and inclinations of a person born on a certain date, it is sometimes difficult to recognize your Zodiac sign by date birth, especially since in various sources (on different sites) you can find different dates for zodiac signs.

You can read somewhere that, for example, the date of the Zodiac sign Cancer is from June 22 to July 22, and then, from July 23, the time of Leo begins, and according to another publication, the Cancer period lasts from June 22 to July 23 and, Accordingly, the zodiac sign Leo comes into its own on July 24. The same differences exist in the dates of other signs of the Zodiac, and the start and end dates of the validity period always differ.

Due to such a different different sources information and questions arise: “Why do the zodiac signs have different dates?”, “How to find out your exact sign Zodiac?

Why do zodiac signs have different dates?

The Sun, moving across the celestial sphere visible from the Earth, passes through a large annual circle, which is called the “ecliptic” and is a circle of 360 degrees. All 12 signs of the Zodiac are sectors of the ecliptic (each sign is 30 degrees - 360:12 = 30), into which ancient astrologers divided the large annual circle of the Sun. Each such sector was given a name based on the Zodiacal constellation closest to it.

Thus, the celestial sphere has two different coordinate systems: constellations and signs of the Zodiac. Constellations are the real outlines of star patterns - areas into which the sky is divided for ease of orientation. And the signs of the Zodiac are a geometric model, symbolic sectors into which the ecliptic is divided. In ancient times, constellations were the names formed by bright stars, without a clear definition of the boundaries of each of them (different astronomers defined them in their own way). Only in 1922 was the final list of 88 constellations approved, and in 1935 their boundaries were approved.

Constellations, together with their stars, are constantly shifting relative to the zodiac signs, and the Zodiac Signs, being a geometric model, do not move or shift anywhere, and the Sun always moves along them in the same way. However, the period of passage of the Sun along the ecliptic is slightly longer than the accepted calendar year (to eliminate this difference, there is an additional day - February 29 - in each leap year).

It is because of this discrepancy that the dates of the entry of the Sun into one or another sign of the Zodiac differ from year to year. For example, in one year the Sun enters the sign of Taurus at 22:51:33 on April 19th, and in the next year it occurs at 4:45:49 on April 20th. This is where the difference in definition comes from exact date each zodiac sign.

Zodiac sign by date of birth

On the twentieth of each month, the Sun moves to another sign of the Zodiac and remains in it for about a month. The following dates of the zodiac signs are accepted on average:

March 21 – April 20
April 21 - May 21
May 22 – June 21
June 22 – July 23
July 24 - August 23
August 24 – September 23
September 24 – October 23
October 24 – November 22
November 23 – December 21
December 22 – January 20
January 21 - February 19
February 20 – March 20

How to find out your exact zodiac sign

However, to find out your exact zodiac sign, one date of birth is not enough - you need to know the most accurate time of birth, as well as the place (its geographical coordinates). Knowing the exact time and place of birth, you can find out your Zodiac sign by contacting the service, the transcript of which will indicate the position of the Sun in the Zodiac sign at the time of your birth.

It is also necessary to remember that, in addition to the different dates of the periods of the Zodiac signs each year, the astrological influence of the planets does not change simultaneously. That is why only those who were born between the 1st and 18th of the month are considered typical representatives of a particular zodiac sign, while other people are influenced by the previous or next sign. In addition, the Sun is far from the only planet in the horoscope, and it does not necessarily dominate the personal characteristics and human manifestations.

What is the Ascendant (rising sign)?

The rising sign, otherwise called the ascendant, is the sign of the Zodiac that rises on the eastern horizon at the time of a person's birth. If you know a person's time of birth, you can calculate the ascendant online for free.

It is believed that if the ascendant falls closer to the beginning of the sign, then its influence will be more pronounced in the person’s personality. The same thing happens if the Sun is in a weak position in the birth chart (if it is as if the person was born at night). It is also assumed that the influence is weaker if a person is born towards the end of the ascendant sign, at the moment before the next sign comes out.

Since the Ascendant sign is determined by the time and place of birth of a person, it represents the environment and conditions that may influence the individual during his childhood, and this is considered as an important and essential sign, just like the Sun and Moon signs, because all aspects in the chart penetrate this sign.

The Ascendant tells us what kind of mask we put on in public, this is the first impression we make when meeting people. Often, if a person is confused by how others describe him, it is because they are describing that aspect of his personality. The Ascendant is present in appearance and a person’s individuality, sometimes going as far as the influence of physical characteristics. The sign becomes tangibly expressed in the person’s image, style and demeanor. This is also reflected in the way a person acts. Some astrologers believe that a sign becomes weaker after a person reaches 30 years of age, as his confidence in who he is grows.

The ascending sign manifests itself in the first personal traits that are inherent in a person, in how he reacts to the environment.

Like the zodiac signs, the ascendant falls into one of the following categories: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Fire rising signs, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, appear to be energetic, optimistic and enthusiastic. They are usually perceived as friendly, uncritical, and tolerant. Earth rising signs: Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are considered practical and safe. They may seem a little timid or cautious and serious. Air rising signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are good at communication. They thrive in the company of other people and are friendly, but can be independent or aloof. Water rising signs: Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer are seen as emotional, intuitive and sensitive. These people usually hide their true feelings and emotions, they feel the need to protect themselves from the outside world and present themselves to others in a way that does not feel like they are at risk.

To calculate a person’s ascendant online for free, enter the person’s data in the form below:

Determining the sun sign and the degree in which the Sun is located in a catal horoscope is very simple, since the Sun moves at a constant speed and moves one degree per day. The basis of our ideas about the length of the year is the extremely uniform movement of the Sun. A year is a year, but the beginning of the astrological year is considered to be March 21, the day of the vernal equinox, when the Sun occupies a position at 0 degrees Aries. The next milestone is June 22, the summer solstice, when the Sun is at 0 degrees Cancer. The autumn equinox falls on September 23, and the winter solstice falls on December 22, when the Sun is at 0 degrees Libra and 0 degrees Capricorn, respectively. These four points represent a semblance of the four “corners” of the year. The sun appears in them at the same time every year (sometimes with a shift of one day in one direction or another); these points mark the time it takes for the Sun to travel throughout the zodiac circle.

It is no coincidence that the vitasphere is a circle, and geometrically this circle is 360 degrees, and a year is 365 days. The Zodiac includes twelve signs, 360 is divided into twelve without a remainder - in such a way that each sign accounts for one twelfth of the circle or 30 degrees. The twelve signs of the Zodiac correspond to the twelve months of the year, but their starting points do not coincide. For the sake of convenience, January 1 was taken as the beginning of the year (the day when the Sun is at 10 degrees Capricorn). But not in all countries New Year celebrated on the night from December 31 to January 1, so one should not be surprised that astrological year has its starting point.

But why does a year consist of 365 and not 360 days? Why do the number of days in a month vary from 28 to 31? Everything is very simple! The 24-hour length of the day is another convention invented by man for convenience. In fact, a day is not exactly 24 hours long, its length varies a little from day to day, but we accept it as exactly 24 hours because otherwise it would be very difficult to stick to a schedule or make appointments. Life in our current understanding would become unthinkable. That’s why we use 24-hour time periods, and the “remains” add up to five (or six in a leap year) additional days.

This means that the Sun does not enter each of the twelve signs at the same time every year. Deviations may be plus or minus one day.

To accurately calculate the position of the Sun (not only its degree, but also the minute and second), you will need to convert the usual time (24-hour day) into “real” time, exactly corresponding to the movement of the Sun through 360 degrees of the Zodiac. For such a conversion you will need mathematical calculations that are too complex for beginner astrologers and are also unnecessary; therefore, we will describe a simplified version of the calculations with which you can easily determine the sign and degree of your Sun. The one who was born on the days when the Sun moves from one sign to another. , may be confused, not knowing exactly what sign he was born under, but we will talk about this later.

A chart of sun signs, published with the kind permission of the excellent American astrologer Robert Cole, is given on p. 216-217. In it you will find a list of all the days of the year. Find your birthday, as well as the Zodiac sign and degree in which the Sun was located on that day*.

*You will probably notice that some dates are either missing or repeated twice. This was done in order to give the table maximum astrological accuracy. If you haven't found your birthday, don't despair: someone else could very well be in your place. To determine your sun sign and degree, use the day before your birth date (if you were born in the morning) or the day after it (if you were born in the afternoon). If your date of birth is repeated twice, use the same method: the first time it is indicated for those who were born in the morning, and the second time for those who were born in the late afternoon. - Approx. author.

Those who were “born under the Sun on the cusp” deserve a separate paragraph. “You will immediately understand that you are one of these if your birthday is highlighted in the table with shading. You were born almost at the moment when the Sun was moving from one sign to another, and therefore you are influenced by both signs at once. This does not mean that you have two Suns, although it is somewhat similar. Read the paragraphs corresponding to both signs, and choose the one that lists more properties that are inherent to you. This sign should be considered your solar sign. If you hesitate or decide to change your mind in the process of studying your horoscope, come to terms with it and consider that you have received the properties of two signs. But do not rush to be annoyed by the obvious inaccuracy of horoscopes. Better think about how complex (and at the same time simple) it is. in fact, the science of astrology is based on mathematical calculations and measurements. Refrain from the common desire to instantly attribute to yourself all the properties of both signs. Use your knowledge for the purpose of developing consciousness, for stimulation and spiritual growth. And again, I repeat that after reading the descriptions of the two solar signs, you will almost certainly intuitively feel which one is yours.

I. Sun in Aries

Epitaph written by Thomas Jefferson himself, born under the sign of Aries on April 13, 1743

The amazing independence of Aries is a symptom of Vitality and physical energy, which acquire an intellectual connotation only at the end of life, if at all. Aries, in their highest manifestation, are able to idealize and globalize their love of independence, the source of which is egocentrism. The cherished dream of an Aries man is to be First. He is an avid competitor, a professional competitor. His goal is not so much material goods, how much glory is the winner. Aries will never boast of second place: no matter how many rivals he defeats, he will be annoyed that someone overtook him and thus deprived Aries of his rightful place at the head of the procession. This desire for superiority manifests itself both literally and figuratively. Aries invariably overtakes his companions by one step, enters the door first, and has the first (and often the last) word in any dispute. He loves controversy, but not as a way to find out the truth, but rather as an opportunity to demonstrate his ability to break through to the forefront. Often he wins only through pressure and vitality - in other words, he makes his opponents beg for mercy. In his desire to be the first, Aries often shows originality, and even if he uses hackneyed means, he is still convinced of his innovation. Any Aries who doesn't understand the difference between originality and novelty should learn the meaning of these two words. The original Aries is a pioneer, inventor, great thinker. If Aries is distinguished only by novelty, he idealizes himself and does not try to make his ideas convincing or his methods practical. Thus he loses the advantage of energy, talent and ambition. Aries is annoyed by all the chimeras of the ego, he should be wary of egocentrism. Because of this character trait, he can become arrogant, selfish, prone to self-pity, arrogant, and in the event of protests or prohibitions from the outside, Aries may develop persecution mania in a moderate or acute form. To be able to forget about one’s own “I”, to get carried away by mental activity, to give priority to ideas, to base originality (or innovation) on a solid foundation of facts, not to lose sight of someone else’s point of view, to treat the needs, aspirations and desires of others as one’s own - here are the means by which Aries can emphasize his truly considerable merits and make sure that his desire to be first really leads to victory.

Sun in Taurus

“I propose that we continue to fight with the same methods, even if it takes all summer.”

“In all our activities, we put at the forefront the main issue of each case - the question of property.”

"Manifesto of the Communist Party" by Karl Marx, born under the sign of Taurus on May 5, 1818

“From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs”

Karl Marx

The Taurus man's determination, devotion and steadfastness stem from one source: his need for protection. The law of self-preservation, the first law according to which all living things exist to one degree or another, is the axis around which the wheel of Taurus’s life rotates; he shrinks and withdraws if he is denied emotional or material stability. Not so greedy and ambitious, quite capable of becoming the personification of ideal love, Taurus himself may not be aware of his inner motives, because introspection rarely matters for representatives of this sign. A powerful instinct rarely fails him - usually it turns out to be correct as long as it serves the implicit motives of Taurus, who, not being an egoist in the usual sense of the word, is vigilant to ensure that nothing interferes with his instinctive desire for self-preservation and its more abstract form - self-realization. Taurus will not contradict you if you do not prevent him from achieving these cherished goals, but he will fight tooth and nail for his right to set such goals for himself. Getting along with him is extremely easy if you are willing to agree and not contradict him. Anyone who intends to connect their life with a Taurus man must understand: cooperation does not mean working together - according to Taurus, it is peaceful coexistence, but friendship is friendship, and service is a completely different matter. Cooperation of this kind irritates less self-sufficient people until they understand that Taurus is capable of giving another heart only of his own free will and will sweep away any barrier, even if it is erected by love. The Taurus man is so confident in his needs that he is irritated by any hint of the need for caution and restraint: instinct tells Taurus to achieve what he needs and dreams of, and at the same time no forces in the world will hold him back. On the other hand, having discovered what instinct drives him to, Taurus will cling to his goal with his hands and feet, and no one will convince him that this is wrong, base, useless or unworthy. What satisfies a Taurus's deepest needs will belong to him forever - be it a home, a man, a woman, ambition, love, money or anything else. When a Taurus man is able to look into the bottomless and sometimes impenetrable depths of his subconscious and discovers that emotional and material stability lies there, he will go deeper into himself and choose to stay there forever.

Sun in Gemini

“I glorify and sing myself.”

“He who wants to be a man must become a nonconformist.”

“Democracy seeks to elevate humanity, teach it to think and make it free.”

Where does the desire for Gemini take him to be himself, to think and act for himself and for himself and, in the final and highest manifestation, to show all the best that is in him! It takes him a lot of time to understand: it is impossible to be anyone other than himself. At first, the features of the future self seem blurry and uncertain to Gemini: he only knows that he must be different from his father, mother or brother. If this desire is expressed in the naive form of “being different,” Gemini will remain a “problem child” throughout his life, will break prohibitions, rebel against authority, rush back and forth across the geographical, social and emotional world, just so as not to limit his individuality to one place residence or one wife (husband). Gemini should receive an education and submit himself to the regime only of his own free will - this is his salvation; in this case, the desire to be different turns into creative originality in business or art, and Gemini moves forward. Most often it can be found in the camp of liberals - if there are no special reasons for this, then at least because liberals protest against the existing state of affairs. Sometimes Gemini rebels against the “status quo” of his own life, which is why he acquires a reputation as a rebel. But if fate allows him to be himself, Gemini calms down. The more his ideas about identity differ from the original, rebellious, sensual, risky desire for intellectual superiority and a sense of social responsibility, the higher the position Gemini occupies in the world, because his idea of ​​​​the best “I” is not constrained by certain boundaries. It often "begins with free love, breaking school rules, and run-ins with the cops. But then, with luck, Gemini's flexibility, practicality, and common sense come into play. He discovers that his self might as well to be more stable, and development to move along the intended course, and Gemini fulfills the dream of being himself in progress, and not in the process of destruction. Everything depends on his subjective perception of himself; therefore, his moral obligation becomes to develop to the point where creation begins. bring him inner satisfaction. Gemini will never do anything just because he advises so.

someone or “as it should be,” however, he is capable of developing and often develops to such a limit when his own behavior satisfies him, and life moves not in a vicious circle, but in a straight line, directed towards a specific goal.

Sun in Cancer

“We the people of the United States have framed and adopted this Constitution of the United States of America to create a more perfect union, to promote justice, to provide for the peace of the nation, the protection of all citizens, the general welfare and the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our descendants.”

Defensive, protective instincts predominate in the behavior of Cancer, whose primary goals are safety and security - material and family. Capable of being both self-sufficient and dependent, Cancer turns in the direction where its roots find more reliable soil. If independence provides protection, Cancer will remain independent; if protection depends on another person, Cancer will cling to him. If, for the sake of reliability, it is necessary to take advantage of an opportunity, Cancer will do this - if possible, at someone else’s expense; Having invested his own or someone else's capital in an enterprise, Cancer monitors its work, showing the vigilance of a hawk. To other people's money, security, etc. he treats with all responsibility as his own; he invariably repays his debts and expects to be repaid in the same coin. President Coolidge, born under the sign of Cancer, addressed the issue of war debt with naive simplicity: “But they took the money from us, so what else is there to talk about?!” It is precisely this primitive, openly possessive attitude towards what rightfully belongs to Cancer that allows him to achieve amazing success in business; he makes his fortune through buying and selling, not through Wall Street shenanigans. If Cancer has savings for a rainy day, he is not averse to taking risks, but not for the sake of making money, but for the sake of entertainment. When it comes to material well-being (i.e. security), Cancer prefers not to take risks. Therefore, he is considered one of the most homely signs, he has powerful parental instincts, Cancer is ready to do anything to protect, preserve and improve his home, spouse and children. If Cancer remains single, it is only because his desire to protect has transformed into something like a phobia or selfishness, or because a single life seems more reliable to him. Cancer protects itself, its property and is wary of emotional trauma, withdrawing into itself and providing itself with protection in this way. This sign inspires pity, because Cancer truly needs a home and children; Few people experience feelings of inferiority more acutely than the introverted Cancer, who has no one to pour out his protective desires on except himself. Having developed in its entirety, Cancer’s need to protect and preserve turns into love that embraces his entire little world. She brings warmth and comfort to all who are lucky enough to live within reach of Cancer's radiance.

Sun in Leo

“We are the salt of the Earth, life belongs to us,

We saved the faith!” - We spoke,

“We will walk along the flint path in a wreath of roses!”

Oh how proud we were

How they craved both fame and praise!

But you turned away and began to cry.

The main source of Leo's inexhaustible energy, his vitality and charm is the instinctive desire for public recognition and self-demonstration. Of all the signs, Leo is perhaps the most acutely self-aware; in a sense, he is always in front of the mirror and sees what impression he makes. At the same time, narrow-minded people look vain, pompous, obsessed with pride and pretense. But add depth to these properties and everything changes. The best Leos are diligent, sincere, ready to please not only themselves, but also those around them, and for this they willingly agree to do endless work and cope with many troubles. In fact, Leo is not prone to introspection, he is not able to understand his internal shortcomings, but he subtly senses the influence that he has on people and looks for ways to strengthen it. This process is different from self-examination, which aims to improve character from within, but the difference lies in the method rather than the result. Trying to attract attention to himself, Leo really becomes a person worthy of such attention. He instinctively feels the wisdom of the advice that Hamlet gave to his mother: “If it is not there, take up virtue”: putting on the mask of virtue in order to earn approval, he actually changes, because in his soul he is honest and cannot act contrary to himself. Thus, his pretense does not cause condemnation - Leo is inherent in drama, he takes on noble roles. It would be unthinkable if during the game Lev did not become for real noble - he becomes just that; Among the greatest people who have ever walked the Earth, there are many Leos who chose an exalted role for themselves in order to earn the praise of the world, got used to this role and aroused the admiration of the audience. “This is the price the gods demand for a song - to become what we sing about.” Whether in business, on stage (where he is often found), or in matters of the heart (which are not uncommon for him), Leo is keenly aware of himself, always stands out from the crowd and rejoices in the impression he makes. If he is not conservative, he tries to hide it. Self-righteousness replaces conscience; Leo will do as he sees fit and disregard public opinion if his complacency significantly outweighs the lack of praise from the audience. But be that as it may, he invariably feels the attitude of others towards him and tries to make this attitude as positive as possible.

Sun in Virgo

“Human happiness lies in life.

A boring life is hard...

The calling of every man and every woman is

serve other people."

To understand the internal motives that determine the life of every Virgo, it is necessary to find out what kind of work she does: Virgo’s pragmatism is so great that she identifies herself with work and is ready to lose her “I” for her sake. The development of Virgo's personality and character largely depends on the type of work she has chosen for herself; Virgo can be as great or unnoticeable as her mission or work. It happens that Virgo becomes limited, focusing entirely on the work to which she has devoted herself. Work often becomes a deity for Virgo; it is labor that helps her go quite far in her chosen direction. She develops her spiritual qualities by choosing a career related in one way or another to service. She becomes extremely selfless if, in her opinion, the work requires it. For the sake of selected work Virgo can limit herself in everything and makes any sacrifice. The riddle of this nature can be solved if you find out how Virgo relates to the center of her Universe, to her own work. If you ever happen to meet an unemployed Virgo, you will find yourself completely heartbroken and suffering from feelings of inferiority. Having lost her job, Virgo loses the meaning of her existence. At its best, Virgo's devotion to her work results in responsibility, commitment, a sense of duty and a complete lack of selfishness. The worst manifestation is characterized by narrow-mindedness, the inability to carry on a conversation on topics not related to work, and a lack of interest in everything that is not related to the profession. Virgo is so deeply involved in her work (task, labor, mission, etc.) that sometimes it seems as if she is ready to get rid of all personality traits that are not related to the chosen business. At the same time, Virgo loses all interest in “unscheduled events”, her life is filled with routine, Virgo turns into a cog in a complex mechanism, and for her there is no

nothing worse than rare stops of this mechanism. To lead a diverse, rich life, Virgo should set high goals for herself and choose a job that will require creativity and a broad outlook. If, unfortunately, moving along a well-trodden track seems to Virgo to be progress, she will only see progress itself, not noticing the track. She needs to supplement her life with a variety of activities, communication, entertainment, relaxation, hobbies, and choosing constructive paths, otherwise her overworked body and brain will seek solace in unwanted manifestations of escapism, grumbling and introversion.

Sun in Libra

“And only the one who values ​​everything is holy -

Both in the small and in the great...”

Libra's goal is to identify himself as fully as possible with the rest of the world and at the same time satisfy the needs of his eclectic but elegant taste. Despite their delicately expressed but firm independence, Libras are not too eager to “be themselves,” because they highly value those around them, and if we are not talking about principles, they willingly agree with people without thinking about their own desires. If you look at it, the Libra man dreams, first of all, that everyone around him should be happy. In some cases, this desire gives rise to lack of will. A woman who “has only friends and not a single enemy” was most likely born under the sign of Libra. But this is also true for a person whose charm is so great and whose interest is so sincere that he attracts the attention of others without trying to satisfy their whims. Those who try to force the seemingly flexible Libra to abandon their principles will certainly feel a steel hand under the velvet glove. Libra's willingness to literally disappear into society or marriage makes them ideal companions or spouses - for those who understand that in Libra, selflessness and selflessness are inextricably linked with independence. By merging with their surroundings, Libra retains their “I”, and if they are in danger, Libra is able to completely withdraw into themselves. They are democratic by nature, but because they have sophistication, no one will force them to deal with things or people that do not correspond to their impeccable taste. Therefore, Libras often earn a reputation as aristocrats or snobs, but in fact they have the deepest respect, sympathy and understanding for all manifestations of human nature. In addition, they show respect, compassion and understanding for themselves and are not going to change their principles. Libra is the personification of the spirit of cooperation; they are ready to work to the point of exhaustion side by side with other people, but not for their sake. If Libras are in a leadership position (and this happens quite often), they treat subordinates as partners, not as servants. The Libra boss makes high demands on his employees, but in return pays them well for their work and treats them as equals. Libra's subordinate will have to learn to do the job flawlessly, but Libra will never allow himself to humiliate his subordinate. The deepest satisfaction for Libra comes from a harmonious union with others and with the whole world, which will certainly be charmed by their benevolence and tolerance.

Sun in Scorpio

“I intend to preach not a doctrine of shameful carelessness, but of an active life... It is much better to dare, to achieve brilliant triumphs, even to face failures, than to take a place among the poor in spirit, who have neither joy nor suffering, because they live in gray twilight, knowing neither victories nor defeats."

The duality of nature makes Scorpio mysterious, since it combines spirituality with materialism. He is the “worldly thing, the flesh and the devil,” and also the spirit that rejects all this. He is filled with a love of life, which, however, takes on meaning only after Scorpio is able to give it a unique, almost mystical significance. The search for inner values ​​as a solution to the mystery of one’s self, the world and life itself is the main motivation of Scorpio, and this search will invariably be persistent, no matter whether it leads to spiritual heights or to the depths of the subconscious. For him, “life is reality, life is anticipation, and the grave is not its only outcome.” Scorpio takes himself, his work and ideals seriously and demands the same attitude from others, but at the same time he is aware of all the transience, futility and insignificance of earthly existence. Not being pious in the generally accepted sense of the word, he professes his own religion, more mystical than philosophical, which forms an integral part of his deep nature. Scorpio is the only sign whose representatives are never superficial and limited. Even the best representatives of other signs fall into insignificance from time to time, but this does not threaten Scorpio. You will have to reckon with him, even if you dislike or despise him. He is capable of sinking to the very bottom if the feeling of futility causes him to direct his energy inward rather than outward; but no matter what level he finds himself on, he does not lose his dignity, as if symbolizing the greatness of Lucifer not only in glory, but also in fall. At its best, Scorpio has talent as a mechanic, spiritual mentor, or lawyer, but rarely occupies a leadership position. Wasteful and refined in his passions, he is not interested in making money, because his inclinations lead him to non-commercial areas of activity. Scorpio's attraction is so great that he usually takes a position in which he can get everything he wants without giving anything in return and acting according to his personal (sometimes secret) aspirations. He cares about external impressions, in public he usually shows conformity, but is unlikely to allow strangers into the intimate details of his life, thoughts and worldview. But for Scorpio himself, they are absolutely clear and provide a point of view that is not expressed out loud, but gives him self-control. He looks at the world with an attentive but reproachful gaze, does not give away his secrets, thanks to which he gives the impression of a reserved and self-confident person, and knows how to create the impression among others that he knows more than he actually does. One of the secrets of Scorpio (no one will reveal all his secrets to you except himself, and Scorpio will never agree to this) is the simplicity with which he perceives the combination of the material and spiritual. To all life problems he approaches with a measure of the intangible, unknown to other people, and receives a practical solution according to his secret, even subconscious, idea of ​​​​the world. Thus, at times he gives the impression of a wizard who maintains constant communication with his invisible but omnipresent guardian angel.

Sun in Sagittarius

“If God did not exist, he would have to be invented.”

“There is only one salvation from birth and death - the ability to enjoy the interval between them.”

“In my opinion, the miracles of the church are not so much faces, voices or healing powers that suddenly appear out of nowhere, but rather an intensification of our perception, thanks to which for a moment our eyes begin to see and our ears begin to hear what has always surrounded us.”

Sagittarius is driven by the expansion of the ego to the extreme limits of human thought, experience and knowledge.

He eagerly rushes towards life, being endowed with a brilliant nature, an abundance of vitality and a sharp, lively mind, ready to maintain relationships with all humanity and endlessly replenish knowledge. Sagittarius' approach to life is simple, as is his goal - to gain experience, learn something new, try to do something, participate in adventures. As a result, Sagittarius goes very far, both literally and figuratively. He travels either physically, or in his imagination, or in both ways, and prefers to move quickly. If he brings things to the end, it is only thanks to his liveliness, and not patience: life seems to him too short to pay attention to little things, it seems to him that the more he manages, the more he will learn and see. Therefore, he sometimes looks superficial, but not limited, because he is amazingly pure in soul, and the platitudes that fall from his lips sometimes turn into great truths - because he sincerely believes in them. Sagittarius is obsessed with the desire to create in order to endlessly develop their abilities and maintain them in a “working” state. He is characterized by both idealism and a penchant for religion and philosophy. Sagittarians are created for mental work, and even those of them who have not received formal education can freely navigate the world of abstract ideas, principles and beliefs. They are not partial to dogma and conventions, but thanks to their frankness, all actions usually look impeccable. The average Sagittarius is a “black sheep”. The worst representatives of this sign are usually banal and mediocre. Excess energy and innate good nature save them from the most painful trials of life. The best of Sagittarius are passionate about geographical and spiritual world, they strive to experience everything that life has to offer them. Thanks to them, the world becomes a better place - because they know how to make others happy or make a special contribution to philosophy, religion or science (in which Sagittarians most often achieve brilliant success).

Sun in Capricorn

"Let's look at the facts."

“Early to bed, early to rise - you will not know need and grief.”

“The national debt, if not too great, will be a national benefit to us.”

The instinct of self-preservation, which finds aggressive manifestation in ambitions and aspirations, is the key to the actions of Capricorn. Not content with maintaining the connection between body and soul, Capricorn must

to achieve something, to have a certain goal, to take care of something, to fulfill certain duties. He balances between defense and

offensive, rarely takes risks, but climbs up gradually, strides towards his goal without jumping over steps. Since he will never check back of his own free will, at first he puts safety a little above ambition, and then vice versa - ambition a little above security, until he finally achieves his goal without any losses. This is a down-to-earth and cautious nature; selfish, but capable of selfless devotion in cases where it is rewarded; an ardent supporter of decency. Capricorn is not averse to bargaining, but at the same time he remains fair and does not demand leniency from anyone. He is filled with suspicion, he is sure that it will be as easy as shelling pears to deceive him. Not being the most ardent of the signs in personal relationships, Capricorn strives for love, shows stability and perseverance in it, considers it as a transaction, if not for the sake of tender feelings, then for the sake of devotion. He rarely marries someone of a lower position, but quite often with those of a higher position. According to Capricorn, one can marry for love, but money is not a hindrance for her. Capricorn is an excellent leader; he rarely remains subordinate for life. He rules by instinct; Capricorn often sets very strict rules for subordinates. He is not interested in their point of view, does not seek to answer their questions and firmly believes that “order is order: I once followed the rules myself, and now it is my turn to establish them.” To achieve his goal, Capricorn is capable of becoming quiet and obedient, like a lamb, but he will not miss the opportunity to take the reins of power into his own hands. Having taken a leadership position, he soon becomes condescending. He likes the sense of importance that power gives him, the feeling that he has forced the world to agree to his terms. Only after this does Capricorn allow himself to provide a return service to the world. The foundation for all the virtues and vices of Capricorn is his basic instinct to defend his power, to maintain his financial position at the highest level, and if any tense aspect in the vitasphere undermines his authority (and this happens often) and does not push him to a wrong step at the decisive moment, Capricorn, in general, gets all the benefits of life, or more than a generous share of these benefits.

Sun in Aquarius

"God must love commoners - he created so many of them."

“Do not harbor anger towards anyone, show mercy to everyone and firmly believe in the righteousness that God allows us to see.”

“We face the difficult times ahead, drawing courage from national unity, and with a clear conscience we protect the ancient and enduring moral values, we experience the satisfaction of strict observance of duty by old and young alike. Our goal is confidence in the rich and ongoing life of the country. We have no mistrust in the future of democracy.”

The driving force for Aquarius is a certain form

SunCalc shows on the map for the selected location and date the trajectory of the sun and the phases of illumination during the day (and a couple of other pleasant little things).

The idea for it came after I needed to find it in Crimea a good place to shoot a shot of the sun going into the sea at sunset (for the video, they ended up shooting) - it turned out that all the existing means for this were very outdated. I wanted to create my own, making it the best one imaginable, I found a good page with a bunch of astronomical formulas, started developing it in my free evenings, and this is the result.


  • draws a beautiful vector graph on the map with the position of the sun at dawn, sunset and at the selected time (yellow, orange and red line), the projection of the trajectory of the sun (orange arc) and its spread throughout the year (yellow area around it); the closer the point on the graph is to the center of the circle, the higher the sun is above the horizon at that moment
  • hovering the mouse over the sunset/dawn line shows the corresponding spread of positions
  • shows illumination (darkness, twilight, daylight) in color on the time slider
  • you can see the time not only of dawn and sunset, but also of 3 types of twilight (civil, navigation, astronomical) and complete darkness
  • shows a link to the weekly weather forecast (cloudiness, precipitation, fog) for the selected location
  • can determine location (click on the appropriate field -> Detect my location)
  • the location can also be selected by search, autodetection, clicking on the map or dragging the marker
  • Permalinks work for a specific place/time and back/forward in the browser

What can the ego be used for?

Firstly, in purely everyday situations. How long before I need to leave the forest before anything is visible, if I still haven’t bought a headlight for my bike? How long can I sunbathe in the evening before the beach is covered by the shadow of the rock on the right? At what time will the sun no longer be blinding me when I go out to play football on the playground under my house? What is the lighting level of the apartment I am going to rent throughout the year? It has come in handy more than once in questions of this kind.

Secondly, for photography lovers! Including me. It is often important to know, for example, when and how long twilight lasts (for night landscapes), in which direction the sun sets or from where it rises (to choose a good angle), what time to choose for a photo shoot of some object so that you do not have to photograph against the sun or it did not fall completely into the shadow of a neighboring building, etc.

Thirdly, for general education and satisfying natural curiosity. Why is Australia hotter in winter than in summer? What exactly are white nights and in which cities and when are they observed? What about polar day and night? How does the sun's trajectory change from north to south? How many minutes does dawn take from Moscow to Kyiv? Etc.

Some implementation details

  • all application code runs on the browser side
  • Google Maps API v3 is used for map and search
  • for vector graphics on a map - Raphaöl library
  • to determine location - Google Gears or Google IP Geolocation
  • jQuery and several jQuery UI components are used (Slider for time, Datepicker for date and Dialog for the welcome window)
  • For deep linking and ajax history, use the plugin here. Thank you!

    update: Sorry for the problems with hosting, the project has temporarily moved to another server - now everything seems to be fine.

The sun in astrology is considered the most important indicator of each person’s horoscope. It shapes personality, individuality and self-awareness. The sun passes through all the zodiac signs in a year, and then returns to its original position. It is the sign in which the Sun is located at the time of a person’s birth that determines his fate. If a person was born under the sign of Sagittarius, it means that the Sun was in Sagittarius at that moment. The brightest star has a direct relationship with the human spirit that exists in everyone.

The sun is especially capable of influencing the personality of each person, predicting his fate and changing it. The location of the star helps to discover hidden qualities and motives in a person, shows his determination, endurance, perseverance, patience and desire for self-affirmation. It also has a relationship with the development of personality, first of all internal qualities, and then external ones.

It is the Sun that influences energy, love of life, strength, individuality and success.

Especially lucky ones are able to achieve stunning success in life, make an amazing career, become famous and popular, and find happiness. Men's horoscope symbolizes the Sun as energy, female horoscope shows tenderness, kindness and love.

What is the Sun?

The star of day has always attracted people; it contributed to intellectual and spiritual development personality. Some peoples worship the Sun and also revere this luminary. After all, it is this star that allows life on earth, it gives light and gives birth to all living things. The sun is considered a beneficent fire and is associated with great amount mythological ideas. Ancient peoples considered the Indian goddess Krishna, the ancient Egyptian god Osiris, the Persian god Hormuz and other divine creatures are the embodiment of the Sun.

Influence in astrology of the Sun on the zodiac sign

Kabbalistic treatises describe that the Sun is nothing more than the starting point of everything in the Universe. The fireball shows the ego of a person, it indicates that his creative potential has no boundaries or limits, it is endless. The sun holds light, love and life in the Universe. Many are sure that Archangel Michael is the personification of the fireball. Only he is capable of destroying the Devil himself, who personifies darkness. It is the celestial body that is considered to be cosmic force frightening in size, which can be controlled, aggressively configured, but defeat evil in any of its manifestations.

The astrological principle of considering the Sun is that it is also considered the source of life in the Universe. The celestial body influences the desire for life and abilities. It is believed that when the sun's rays hit Living being, not spoiled by the influence of other planets and luminaries, then they are capable of exerting a powerful influence on a person, making him strong and perfect. If a baby is born only under the influence of the Sun, then he will be able to achieve a lot in life and become more adapted to it.

Characteristics of a person by the passage of the Sun

The fireball is governed by a person's selfishness and morality. After all, it is these feelings that can fully reflect dignity, reliability and conscientiousness. Those who have the gift of the Sun are true leaders, they consider themselves divine creatures who are capable of much and stand above others. All these people have enormous pride, but they are very noble and kind. They do not understand something insignificant and base, they never put up with it.

The transition of the Sun through the signs of the zodiac influences the fate of a person. If the celestial body is in an unfortunate position, then the thread of a person’s life may become weak. When a fireball has a bad influence on a person, you can find yourself on the very edge of life, from which there will be no way out, or even die soon and leave the earthly world.

It is worth noting separately that the unfavorable position of the Sun at the time of a person’s birth will negatively affect future life. The only salvation may be good position Moons. After all, the combination of the Sun and the Moon is also very important, otherwise a person will have to resist fate all his life in order to eke out a normal existence.

When, during the birth of a person, he is illuminated by the warm first rays of the heavenly body, then even an unreasonable creature already acquires masculinity, a desire for life, pride and individuality. It is these children who are considered the most successful and lucky in life. Well, when at this time Saturn negatively affects a person, then most likely fate will turn away from him, the spirit will be weak, as well as health.

If at the time of birth there is a good position of Mars, then the baby will subsequently become cruel, but courageous and courageous. He will never pay attention to the needs and aspirations of others, he will pursue only his own goals and interests. Only Venus and Jupiter can soften it. They can smooth out a person's personality, making it softer and more benevolent.

At the time when a person is born, the positive influence of the Sun can give the baby strength, high intellectual abilities, insight, good intuition and a generous attitude towards others.

IN future life The baby will begin to treat others more humanely, be proud of himself, experience true passion and love with all his heart. However, in the case when the fireball is in an unfavorable place, the child will grow up rude and cruel, incapable of deep feelings, ruthless, and will love base pleasures.

How to determine the Sun in your zodiac sign

The sun circles all the zodiac signs in a year. It spends one month in each of them. That is why at the time when a person is born, his sign is determined.

The celestial daylight body is considered the most powerful planet in astrology. Naturally, everyone knows that it is a star, but it is defined as a planet. It is the fireball that can give people energy, life, warmth, thanks to it life in the Universe becomes possible. The sun has the strongest influence on the horoscope; it determines the character of a person and the attitude of others. The position of the fireball at the time of birth has a direct impact on the formation of a full-fledged personality.

Zodiac signs can only describe a person as a whole and tell about his main characteristics. However, many argue that the description of the sign does not suit them very well, and yet it is in direct relationship with the Moon and other planets solar system.

The Moon is considered the second significant planet, because it is a satellite of the Earth. It also bypasses all zodiac signs, so character traits can change depending on the location of these planets.

For example, if a person’s Sun is in Capricorn, and the rest are grouped in Gemini or Pisces, then the person’s character becomes completely different from the sign of Capricorn. Sometimes the Moon has a huge influence on a person’s fate and the character of an individual, especially if the Sun is displaced 180 degrees from it. Such horoscopes provide contradictory natures, creative personalities, complex and uncontrollable. Sometimes Gemini behaves like Sagittarius, Cancer like Leo, and so on.

Astrology requires precision

Only a specialist can accurately study an astrological birth chart a certain person, determine the influence of the other planets of the solar system on him, and then draw a picture of his personality and character. First, you should study the position of the Sun, then the location at the moment of birth of the remaining planets, and then connect all of them with each other.

Astrology can help people find loved one, help in relationships with others.

By knowing the zodiac signs of loved ones, you can predict their actions and understand the reasons for their behavior. Only then does the picture of the world open up a little, but do not forget that all people are different.

Sign compatibility

Compatibility is pretty relative concept. Usually horoscopes take into account exclusively zodiac sign, but no one thinks about the influence of other planets on a specific person. That is why it turns out that there are no incompatible signs or there are too few of them.

Most people don't even understand how truly strange marriages with absolutely different people for many years. Contrary to the opinions of astrologers and horoscopes, some live quite happily with partners who are completely contraindicated for them, and feel great. As a result, it turns out that astrology is nothing more than a lie.

So what is the inconsistency of judgment?

It is clear that compatibility of incompatibles is quite possible. However, it is worth understanding the basic things without which it will be difficult. That category of people who belong to earth signs, marriages of convenience or those based on a specific economic strategy are perfect. Fire signs need freedom, and they also value friendship, passion and independence, and do not tolerate restrictions. Water signs need sincere and pure love, and air signs It’s generally unknown what they want, to each their own.

What's the result?

The sun influences the bright sides of a person, his dignity, openness and sincerity, readiness for new achievements. Sunlight indicates the zodiac sign of an individual person, shows his life principles and character, pronounced personal characteristics.

Very often a person comes to realize himself and his purpose under the influence of a fireball, prefers solar activities, because they are closest and most understandable to him. This is the only way he can achieve success and universal recognition.

The Sun also determines those individuals whom a person strives to imitate throughout his life, his individuality and awareness of himself as an individual. When turning to the Lord, a person means him as the brightest and brightest, the most clear. Well, the Sun comes closest to this concept. It is this, along with the Lord, that illuminates the darkness and gives life to everything in the Universe.

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