How fate tests different signs of the zodiac. Zodiac signs destined for a difficult life path. Did you like it? Join our community: Odnoklassniki VKontakte Facebook Twitter

Fate tests the strength of absolutely everyone. But if for some it divides life into black and white stripes, alternating ups and downs, then for others the road of life is a continuous black obstacle course without the right to respite. Problems for such people multiply like mushrooms after rain, and trials grow exponentially.

Which zodiac signs suffered the most difficult fate, and which of them argues with the villainous fate more often than others, trying to prove their right to happiness?


The main problem that complicates the life of all Aries is their categorical nature against the backdrop of a tendency to exaggerate. They are capable of inflating minor problems to universal proportions, behind which the solutions lying on the surface are not visible. This attitude towards life brings troubles like a snowball. Relatives and relatives do not immediately rush to the rescue of Aries, since they have more than once encountered their uncontrollable aggression, which literally reaches the point of sadism.

Aries themselves suffer from their destructive fury, which throws them into extremes - from hyper-responsibility to self-denial. They do not tolerate being contradicted, rarely admit they are wrong, and constantly strive for self-affirmation. To establish a “relationship” with their destiny, Aries will have to learn patience. Controlling your own emotions and actions, the ability to give in and solve problems with a “cool” head will make life much easier for Aries.


Geminis have two serious obstacles to a happy life - inconstancy and a tendency towards fatalism. Their mood is not subject to logic and regularity, so not everyone wants to deal with them for fear of being deceived. Geminis are not doing this out of malice. It’s just that at some point, due to circumstances known only to them, they change their decision. When they fail as a result, they do not look for the root of the problem within themselves. They prefer to think that the stars aligned this way, and their unlucky lot is to blame for everything.

Their inherent egocentrism does not contribute to the success of Gemini. The world, in their opinion, should revolve only around them. And if this makes someone feel bad, well, that’s entirely their problem. Fate, as a rule, turns its back on such arrogant people, and in order to see its face, Gemini will have to learn to take responsibility for their lives into their own hands.


Cancers' happiness is hampered by excessive caution and a predisposition to inactive daydreaming. Cancers have many positive qualities and rich life experience, but most often they use this baggage not for development and achieving coveted heights, but for better masking from dangers in their own “shell”. Fate spoils those who fearlessly move towards their goal and are not afraid of created phantoms. Cancers' penchant for deep pessimistic analysis and those very “one step forward and two steps back” will always keep them on the margins of life.

To become the darling of fate, Cancers will have to use the saying that a horse must think - it has a bigger head. Representatives of the sign should set goals more confidently, act more actively and move forward without looking back at the cozy and safe “shell”. He, of course, protects, but not only from problems, but also from life itself.


Libras spend their entire lives struggling with the temptation to seem rather than be. They are very dependent on the opinions of others, so they will do anything and resort to any deception in order to earn praise, approval, admiration and encouragement. Being constantly ready to live up to their expectations, Libra loses too much creative energy and is therefore unable to produce their own ideas. They can only implement and develop other people’s ideas and projects.

Libra finds it difficult to cope with many cultivated complexes, which result in an ineradicable feeling of guilt, inability to refuse, lack of commitment and unstable will. With such a set of complex qualities, they fail to catch the wave of luck. To earn happiness from fate, Libra will be helped by rejecting multiple points of view, developing their own opinion and the ability to use it to make vital decisions.


Scorpios make their own destiny. However, not being fans of easy paths, they often deliberately ask for trouble, because they sincerely believe that happiness does not come easy. Scorpios have great resistance to adversity and an amazing ability to rise from the ashes. It is only thanks to such a will to live that fate considers them worthy opponents. However, this only makes life more bellicose and complex.

Scorpios are not used to bending, even if fate itself demands it - their stubbornness is unshakable. In addition, they are individualists who do not tolerate conventions and despise the opinions of the crowd. The inability to bend to a changing world is their main problem. Of course, often the determination and perseverance of the bull pave the way for Scorpios to victory, but often fate surrenders its position without a fight to those who know how to give in in time and agree to a reasonable compromise.


The root of evil for all Pisces is tossing between extremes. Some of them are susceptible to melancholy and vulnerability to any manifestations of life (both positive and negative). Others, on the contrary, having a nervous energetic nature, live in a constant, intense, exhausting run. The continuous struggle with the trials of fate often leads them to moral and physical exhaustion. They give all their strength, proving their right to happiness, and often become hostages of their own conviction that the more they give, the more they will deserve happiness from fate. Therefore, when problems line up for them, they sincerely do not understand why!

Getting used to the flow of troubles, Pisces are able to see fate in any unforeseen situation and panic from any nonsense. In order for fate to cease to be a rock for Pisces, they should turn inside their “I”, learn to understand their soul more and stop being victims of their own humiliation.

Zodiac signs who have a difficult fate. Which zodiac signs have had the most difficult fate, and which of them argues with the villainous fate more often than others, trying to prove their right to happiness? Have you already guessed?

Fate tests the strength of absolutely everyone. But if for some it divides life into black and white stripes, alternating ups and downs, then for others the road of life is a continuous black obstacle course without the right to respite. Problems for such people multiply like mushrooms after rain, and trials grow exponentially.

Which zodiac signs suffered the most difficult fate, and which of them argues with the villainous fate more often than others, trying to prove their right to happiness? Zodiac signs with a difficult fate:


The main problem that complicates the life of all Aries is their categorical nature against the backdrop of a tendency to exaggerate. They are capable of inflating minor problems to universal proportions, behind which the solutions lying on the surface are not visible. This attitude towards life brings troubles like a snowball. Relatives and relatives do not immediately rush to the rescue of Aries, since they have more than once encountered their uncontrollable aggression, which literally reaches the point of sadism.

Aries themselves suffer from their destructive fury, which throws them into extremes - from hyper-responsibility to self-denial. They do not tolerate being contradicted, rarely admit they are wrong, and constantly strive for self-affirmation. To establish a “relationship” with their destiny, Aries will have to learn patience. Controlling your own emotions and actions, the ability to give in and solve problems with a “cool” head will make life much easier for Aries.


Geminis have two serious obstacles to a happy life - inconstancy and a tendency towards fatalism. Their mood is not subject to logic and regularity, so not everyone wants to deal with them for fear of being deceived. Geminis are not doing this out of malice. It’s just that at some point, due to circumstances known only to them, they change their decision. When they fail as a result, they do not look for the root of the problem within themselves. They prefer to think that the stars aligned this way, and their unlucky lot is to blame for everything.

Their inherent egocentrism does not contribute to the success of Gemini. The world, in their opinion, should revolve only around them. And if this makes someone feel bad, well, that’s entirely their problem. Fate, as a rule, turns its back on such arrogant people, and in order to see its face, Gemini will have to learn to take responsibility for their lives into their own hands.


Cancers' happiness is hampered by excessive caution and a predisposition to inactive daydreaming. Cancers have many positive qualities and rich life experience, but most often they use this baggage not for development and achieving coveted heights, but for better masking from dangers in their own “shell”. Fate spoils those who fearlessly move towards their goal and are not afraid of created phantoms. Cancers' penchant for deep pessimistic analysis and those very “one step forward and two steps back” will always keep them on the margins of life.

To become the darling of fate, Cancers will have to use the saying that a horse must think - it has a bigger head. Representatives of the sign should set goals more confidently, act more actively and move forward without looking back at the cozy and safe “shell”. He, of course, protects, but not only from problems, but also from life itself.


Libras spend their entire lives struggling with the temptation to seem rather than be. They are very dependent on the opinions of others, so they will do anything and resort to any deception in order to earn praise, approval, admiration and encouragement.

Being constantly ready to live up to their expectations, Libra loses too much creative energy and is therefore unable to produce their own ideas. They can only implement and develop other people’s ideas and projects.

It is difficult for Libra to cope with many cultivated complexes, the consequence of which is an ineradicable feeling of guilt, inability to refuse, lack of commitment and unstable will.

With such a set of complex qualities, they fail to catch the wave of luck. To earn happiness from fate, Libra will be helped by rejecting many points of view, developing their own opinion and the ability to use it to make vital decisions.


Scorpios make their own destiny. However, not being fans of easy paths, they often deliberately ask for trouble, because they sincerely believe that happiness does not come easy. Scorpios have great resistance to adversity and an amazing ability to rise from the ashes. It is only thanks to such a will to live that fate considers them worthy opponents. However, this only makes life more bellicose and complex.

Scorpios are not used to bending, even if fate itself demands it - their stubbornness is unshakable. In addition, they are individualists who do not tolerate conventions and despise the opinions of the crowd.

The inability to bend to a changing world is their main problem. Of course, often the determination and perseverance of the bull pave the way for Scorpios to victory, but often fate surrenders its position without a fight to those who know how to give in in time and agree to a reasonable compromise.


The root of evil for all Pisces is tossing between extremes. Some of them are susceptible to melancholy and vulnerability to any manifestations of life (both positive and negative). Others, on the contrary, having a nervous energetic nature, live in a constant, intense, exhausting run. The continuous struggle with the trials of fate often leads them to moral and physical exhaustion.

They give all their strength, proving their right to happiness, and often become hostages of their own conviction that the more they give, the more they will deserve happiness from fate. Therefore, when problems line up for them, they sincerely do not understand why!

Getting used to the flow of troubles, Pisces are able to see fate in any unforeseen situation and panic from any nonsense. In order for fate to cease to be a fate for Pisces, they should turn inside their “I”, learn to understand their soul more and stop being victims of their own humiliation. Now you know the Zodiac Signs who have a difficult fate!

Many people mistakenly consider astrology to be a pseudoscience. In fact, the stars can tell a lot about a person, his character and what awaits him in the near or distant future. In this article you will learn about several zodiac signs who have a truly difficult fate!

A little about horoscopes

Of course, horoscopes cannot accurately determine a person’s fate, but people believe in them, because some of the predictions come true. Skeptics have different views on this:

  • Some say that astrologers speak in generalities, and therefore the words describe the lives of many people.
  • Others believe that horoscopes are cleverly processed statistics and therefore many people think that their lives are being described.
  • There is another theory. Some skeptics believe that thoughts materialize, and therefore the horoscope still has a direct impact on life.

Signs of the zodiac

You can influence

You should not take the horoscope as a verdict. Remember: you create and control your own destiny! A person decides for himself who he should be and who he should not be, what he should do and what he should not do. You just need to believe in the good and do everything to achieve your goal. Then not a single horoscope will become a hindrance for you!

Among the signs of the Zodiac there are those who are lucky in life, for whom everything is easy, and hard workers who are forced to fight for every success. The latter are destined for a difficult road in life, since this is the only way they can reveal themselves to the maximum. No matter how much they themselves want to evade problems, fate will not allow these guys to be lazy. Let's take a closer look at them.

Leading worker

These people are born to be leaders. They are always on the front line; you won’t find Aries in the trenches. Sometimes a person has a very difficult time: there are too many obstacles and opposing forces on the way. However, fate gives them only what they can withstand. Passing barriers becomes another step towards spiritual growth. Therefore, many representatives of the sign try to go through their difficult path alone. However, this is a classic mistake. It is absolutely not necessary to solve all the problems yourself. Sometimes a partner can significantly “unload” a person and help him emotionally. Moreover, Aries is extremely susceptible to the “injustice” that surrounds him. But convincing him of the need for a stable personal life can be extremely difficult. He is distrustful of people, looking for hidden tricks in every outstretched hand. But you just need to open your heart wider, and then Jupiter will become more favorable to Aries.


Natural timidity and shyness certainly adorn the representative of this sign. However, in the harsh realities of life they have a hard time. Cancers perceive everything around them too deeply. Any word can hurt them, and even drive them into deep depression. At the same time, they often do not intend to share their feelings with the world, and secretly experience all the negativity in themselves. But this only increases their caution and suspiciousness and makes further movement difficult. The guys have to fight their own feelings, which a priori leads to defeat. Instead of the desired happiness, they receive refusals from fate, since the latter loves only brave and open people. Representatives of the water element need to learn not to waste energy on internal experiences. Make decisions instantly, rather than taking time to think. Moreover, Cancers’ intuition is well developed. And, of course, stop seeming like a closed person. Not all Cancers are introverts. Many of them could easily become the life of the party if they only allowed themselves to do so. For a decisive conversation with fate, they definitely need to become knights. Stick your head out of your shell, pick up the sword of initiative and pave your own way to happiness. Fate will definitely reciprocate such a bold step.


Professional lawyers have serious problems in their personal lives. They get so used to following the letter of the law that sometimes they cannot separate good from outright error. So it can be difficult for those born under the sign of Libra to find themselves in life. They try hard to achieve harmony, but every time they run into the need to have a firm position. And they don’t have it in the first place. It can only be developed after a series of failures and obstacles. The advice of others is also very distracting: you definitely can’t live based on other people’s opinions. At the right moment, all the advisers evaporate, and Libra still has to bear the responsibility. You need to meet your own expectations, not someone else's. Weak-willed representatives air element they try to beat fate, like lawyers: they begin to fidget, look for compromises, defend a non-existent position... However, fate is impossible to carry out: the longer Libra resists its development, the more difficult it becomes for them to live. The thorny path can only be overcome by an honest attitude towards oneself.


Perhaps the hardest fate befell these guys. They are forced to experience several spiritual transformations at once in one life, each of which is designed to make them taller and stronger. Scorpios are constantly on edge. Their desire to take possession of the best in this world is caused by the utmost desperation of the sign. A person gets so tired of fighting with himself that he challenges fate itself. Declares his rights to the royal inheritance. However, Scorpios cannot get far on stubbornness alone. They need to overcome all the emotional filth within in order to become worthy of a better fate. Give up negative thoughts, arrogance and vanity. The best way for them to succeed is to feel love. Only she is capable of opening Scorpio's eyes to her own shortcomings. Correcting them will lead a person to his cherished dream of life without “all these” problems.

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