How to clean floors correctly and quickly? How to sweep the floor correctly? (Signs and superstitions) Sweep the floor - from the corner of the room...

A new broom will bring happiness to your home if you choose the right place for it. Where to put it, why you can’t hit it with it, and much more you will learn from signs and folk wisdom.

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Like the broom, this item is often used in magical rituals. Therefore, sometimes they treat him with caution. At the same time, the broom was also considered a talisman that protected the house. Nowadays, such products decorated with various symbols are common. Ordinary household items had the same meaning. Our ancestors created many superstitions about the broom and its place in the house.

Stand there, handle down. This attracts money and also makes the energy component of cleaning more efficient. When stored in this position, the working part of the broom does not come into contact with debris, so you do not have to clean it every time or spread dirt across the floor while sweeping. Of course, you should keep this item clean, then your home will be the same.

A broom with its handle facing down protects your home from the evil eye. It is in this position that modern amulets of this shape are most often hung. A broom is placed under the cradle of a newborn to protect against the evil eye and evil spirits.

If you suspect that a person with the evil eye has been in your home, you can avoid negative consequences. It's much easier than getting rid of them later. The evil eye can significantly ruin your life. Wait until the guest is getting ready to go home and throw a broom after him.

How to clean properly

Do not use two brooms in one house, neither simultaneously nor in turn. There must be only one broom, otherwise folk signs promise poverty and ruin. Moreover, this household item is closely related to the brownie, which can only be one, and it will not live under two roofs.

You cannot sweep if there is baking in the house, otherwise it will burn or the dough will spoil. They do not do this even when one of the residents is away.

You should not sweep the floor after friends or relatives have left. This way you will block the way for the guests, and something bad might happen to them. In addition, you can keep them away from your home. This is done only with unpleasant people whom they no longer want to see in their home. This is a very effective way to get rid of unwanted guests.

You need to sweep in the direction from the front door, and not towards it, otherwise not only garbage, but also everything valuable will be swept out of your home. This can lead to monetary losses and quarrels. For the same reason, they never sweep rubbish outside the door; if you clean the door outside, you will have to collect garbage in the house and on the street separately.

Cleaning is done only during daylight hours. After sunset, this matter must be postponed, otherwise you will invite poverty, need and illness.

Guests and anyone who does not live in the house are not allowed to sweep. This drives luck away from the family; only the owners should do the cleaning.

New broom - signs

Almost every household item has to be replaced sooner or later. After purchasing a new one, the old one must be thrown away. Previously, it was believed that a broom was easy for the whole family, because it is connected with each resident. Therefore, it should be thrown away from the house so that no one can use it to harm.

An old broom that was thrown away near the house is a sign of illness. Usually this is insomnia or more serious disorders. You cannot burn an outdated item - this can cause severe weather deterioration, an invasion of harmful insects such as cockroaches and bedbugs, as well as quarrels in the family.

Despite the fact that it was forbidden to hit with a broom, the new ones sometimes jokingly spanked children on the threshold so that they would listen to their parents and not cause problems with their behavior. The babies were swept for a restful sleep.

You need to buy a new broom. Make a wish while purchasing, it will definitely come true.

Other signs and superstitions

When moving, they take the old broom with them, but do not buy a new one. It is believed that this way you will leave all the bad things in the old house and take away the good things. In addition, they used to believe that brownies lived under a broom, and if you forget the old one when moving, it means losing another “family member.” And, as you know, they don’t live well without it.

If you use a wormwood broom, evil spirits will not be able to enter the house. This plant perfectly cleanses the room of negativity, its aroma is useful for colds and is liked by many. This option will be a good talisman against damage and enemies.

If a fisherman meets a woman with a broom on his way to catch his catch, he won’t be able to catch much that day. This is another reason to go fishing early, while no one is on the street. An elderly woman with a broom predicts that the whole day will be useless and empty.

A girl who sweeps the floor diligently will get a good groom. This sign is easy to justify logically, because housekeeping has been valued at all times. To attract the attention of grooms, in the old days girls jumped over a broom nine times in a row.

If while sweeping a twig falls out or the broom completely crumbles, this is news.

You can’t hit people and animals with it, it drains vitality and health.

They don't sweep around guys and girls - they won't be able to find a soul mate. But you can sweep away laziness, disobedience and other negative qualities in children and adolescents. This is done near the house, on the street, after which the broom must be shaken off in the direction the wind is blowing.

In the old days, a broom was thrown onto the street to calm the bad weather, and during a drought, it was used to cause rain by throwing it into a well. The death throes of old people were alleviated by throwing him onto the roof of the hut. They swept the road in front of the newlyweds - this gave good luck, the evil eye, negative energy, and envy.

They clean the floor after the deceased. Ideally, the entire path along which the coffin was carried should be cleaned in this way. After this, the broom is thrown away and can no longer be used for its intended purpose. While the deceased is in the house, they do not sweep.

According to popular dream books, any action related to cleaning a room or street is considered a positive sign. If in a dream you happened to sweep the floor, then this is a sign of imminent changes for the better. However, it is still worth understanding the details of the dream and finding out what each of them is about.

According to interpreter Gustav Miller, seeing in a dream how you sweep the floor in your apartment is a sign that welcome guests will come to you very soon.

Did the girl dream that she was sweeping the floor of people for hire? Most likely, in the near future the dreamer will get married or change her place of residence. And if she swept fallen leaves into a pile in the yard, then this means that the dreamer will fight off an annoying admirer.

But, explaining why a man dreams of cleaning up after guests, the dream book hints at the need to become more disciplined and careful.

Changing priorities and habits

Some event will happen in your life that will force you to change your views on something and set priorities in a new way, if in a dream you saw how you swept the floor in your house with a broom, the Wanderer’s dream book assures.

Did you dream that you were sweeping with a broom in your house and washing the dusty parquet floor? According to the Eastern interpreter, such a vision means that you will streamline your life: say goodbye to bad habits, learn to be responsible.

Sweeping away sand with a broom while cleaning the house is a symbol of liberation from small but troublesome tasks and responsibilities. It’s especially good if you poured the swept sand into the trash can - this means that you will acquire some skills.

Career success awaits you

It is very good to sweep the floor in a dream at work, dream books suggest, explaining why you dream about something like this. If you dreamed of sweeping and washing a dirty office floor, making it clean, then this means that you will be entrusted with a difficult but profitable business.

And if you are interested in why you dream of cleaning your boss’s dirty office, then the English dream book will tell you. In a dream, did you volunteer to take on the duties of a cleaner at work? With your diligence and responsibility, you will achieve a promotion and salary increase.

Changes in personal life

Sweeping the floor in someone else's home is a sign of a change in this very home in real life, as well-known dream books assure.

If you dreamed that cleaning someone else’s apartment gives you pleasure, then in reality you will choose where to live and with whom. And if someone forced you to do this, then, most likely, you will have a conflict with someone in your household, and this incident will “force” you to move to a new address.

In a dream, sweeping the floors in someone else’s apartment, which in reality belongs to a loved one, is a sign that you can move to live with him, and maybe even get married. And if a married lady sees such a plot in a dream, then this is a signal that her husband will become aware of her betrayal.

From regaining your health to making friends

If in a dream you happened to sweep the floor somewhere else, then you will get a completely different interpretation of the dream, dream books suggest. Remember the place you dreamed about and see why you dream about it. So:

  • in the hospital - if you are sick - you will recover, if you are healthy - improve your health with training;
  • on the street - you will make new friends or like-minded people;
  • in the attic - you will be able to solve some old secret or riddle that haunts you;
  • in the basement - don’t close yourself off from loved ones, learn to trust;
  • in the gateway - you are too demanding and uncompromising, become softer;
  • in an abandoned mansion - something from the past will make you change your outlook on life;
  • at school or other educational institution - to gain new knowledge and experience.

My grandmother often repeated that you can’t sweep garbage over the threshold - you can drive happiness and prosperity out of the house. And my question: “Why?” remained unanswered...

Years passed, and I heard this sign - over time - more than once. I wanted to know where its origins come from.

Having sifted through mountains of literature, I found out that this sign is based on the ancient idea of ​​​​people that with the help of any thing one can cause significant harm to the health of the person chosen to be the victim. Previously, many believed that a person engaged in witchcraft only thinks about how to appropriate someone else’s thing for himself in order to use it later in his own black magical affairs. And it doesn’t matter at all that such a “thing” includes garbage. All waste is good for witchcraft!

Therefore, in order to avoid - at best - troubles, and at worst - damage, our ancestors tried not to take garbage outside the house, but burned it in the oven. When this was not possible (for example, in the summer), they collected it in some container (bucket, scoop, etc.) and transported this “property” to some secluded place to hide it deeper in the ground.

The older family members taught the kids how to sweep the floor properly. They grew up and passed on the acquired knowledge to the next generation. So the sign has quietly reached our days!

Don't wash dirty linen in public!

An absurd story happened in 1299 to the French woman Julie Baptiste. She believed in omens so much that she began sweeping dust in front of the doors of wealthy citizens, hoping to seize their happiness and well-being, and then redirect it to her son. Her actions were declared illegal, and, naturally, the Parisian suffered severe punishment, as evidenced by relevant archival data. In such a curious way, superstition played a cruel joke on the Frenchwoman.

Here in Russia, the leadership of not washing dirty linen in public has acquired not only a literal, but also a figurative meaning.

And it is still considered bad manners to discuss family matters and problems in public, to reveal to strangers the intimate details of your personal life and the lives of loved ones.

Sweep the floor from the corner of the room...

It turns out that how to properly sweep the floor is a whole science!

For example, there is such a sign: you must sweep the floor from the corner of the room - towards the exit, the threshold of the house. If you do the opposite, you will lose happiness...

What is the reason for this superstition? We turn on logical thinking: it’s even difficult to imagine that from all the hidden corners of the home, garbage will be directed to the center. Does he belong there?!

Sweeping the floor on the eve of the holidays is not good!

It was believed that sweeping the floor before major holidays, such as Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Easter, etc., was not only a great sin, but such an action would not lead to good.

And in this case, “the box just opens”: everything has its time. You need to put things in order in the house not the day before, but in advance. And before holy holidays, you should pay more attention to the spiritual. Of course, if the owners are not diligent, and the house is a mess until the last moment, but the Almighty will definitely pay attention to this and will not fail to punish the careless owners. That is why the sign arose: sweeping the floor on the eve of holy holidays is not good!

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