About the center longevity. About the longevity center Meditation on establishing the necessary protection for the heart chakra

Anahata Chakra- the fourth in the human system. Means “ever-sounding drum” translated from the ancient language Sanskrit. This energy center is often called the “heart chakra.”

The main purpose of Anahata– a combination of upper and lower, lower and higher energies into one whole.

Symbol- a circle surrounded by twelve green lotus petals, inside which is inscribed a six-pointed star with written letters meaning the sound “JAM”.

Meaning– love, compassion, mercy, balance

Location– in the center of the chest at heart level

Element- air

Color- green

Feeling– touch

Hormones– thymus gland

Body organs– heart, lungs, circulatory system

Stones and crystals– emerald, malachite, rhodonite, aventurine

Problems with imbalance– heart disease, high blood pressure, outbursts of anger, aggression, insomnia.

Anahata is the “heart” for the rest of the chakras, since it is located in the center and connects the lower three chakras with the three upper ones. Thus, it combines the physical and spiritual world man, his emotional center with the mental.

It is a center of mercy, faithfulness, healing and caring for others. It is thanks to her that we can energetically connect to another person, empathize with him, feel him spiritually and emotionally. Through it we receive a connection with the Universe, perceive the divine beauty of Nature, its harmony, understand and appreciate art and types of creativity.

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Our emotions, born in the third chakra of the solar plexus Manipura, passing through Anahata, are transformed, purified, and come out through the throat chakra Vishuddha.

Our desire and ability to love manifests itself through the heart chakra. It is she who gives us the opportunity not only to accept, but also to give love, to share it unselfishly, to be open and generous. It unites all types of love - from physical love for a person to unconditional love for God, Nature, the Universe.

If the fourth chakra is not fully open or imbalanced, we feel lonely, abandoned, unwanted, and lacking in love vibrations.

This can also manifest itself in self-dislike. “Love your neighbor as yourself,” Christ said, and this means that love for yourself, as a part of God, is primary. To love our neighbor, we must first love ourselves. Otherwise, in every person we will find a reflection of our own shortcomings and negative qualities.

If Anahata is completely open and well balanced, we experience love for everything around us, including ourselves. We notice the divine presence everywhere - in every atom and particle of creation. We see a piece of God in every living being and can connect to all that is good in them.

When the fourth energy center operates in full force, our heart is open, we expose our inner essence and allow ourselves to be soft and sensitive. We do not need to wear “protective armor”; we feel sufficient inner strength and firmness to show feelings, gentleness and compassion.

We live with a sense of inner faith and understand that love for God is manifested in feelings for everything that surrounds us, for all forms and manifestations of life. We vibrate for more high frequency, which allows you to feel like you are part of the Universe, part of the Universe..

Working with the Heart Chakra

There is a certain type of people in whom the influence of Anahata is much stronger than others. People with a dominant fourth chakra differ from others primarily in their openness, kindness, selflessness and compassion. They are sublime in love feelings and relationships, have high moral principles and are highly spiritual.

If the functioning of this energy center is disrupted in such people, then this manifests itself in vanity, pompousness, and excessive fanaticism. An imbalance of Anahata at the physical level causes problems and disturbances in the functioning of the heart, causing heart attacks, hypertension, angina and tachycardia.

If you notice the above signs in yourself, then it is necessary to carry out work to restore the normal activity of the heart chakra, balance and balance it.

The ideal tool for tuning energy centers is meditation.

Meditation on Anahata

  1. Sit comfortably. Straighten your back without straining it. Place your hands on your knees, palms up. You can close your eyes. Calm your breathing. Relax completely, then inhale and exhale deeply several times.
  2. Feel how energy fills you with every breath. Imagine how with every breath of air you are saturated with it. This energy “qi” or “prana” - a life-giving substance, the basis of life, penetrates every cell and saturates it.
  3. Try to inhale prana through all organs of the body - skin, arms, legs - and exhale through the eyes. Take several of these energetic breaths.
  4. Concentrate on the heart area. Feel how all the energy received is transferred to him. It is filled and saturated with “qi”.
  5. Now imagine a loved one with whom you would like to share your energy. Take a deep breath, and as you exhale, send him an energy impulse from your heart. Give several of these “energy messages.”
  6. Palm right hand place it on the center of the forehead, and the left one in the heart area. Inhale through your forehead, and as you exhale, lower the energy towards your heart. Repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times.
  7. And now in the opposite direction - on inhalation from the heart to the middle of the forehead, on exhalation - down to Anahata. As you breathe, feel the space between these points clearing, the energy flowing freely and easily. Do the same number of repetitions.
  8. Imagine how Anahata opens up like a lotus flower, and the energy flows from it in an endless stream into the world around us, to the Universe, to Space. Stay in this state for a few minutes and feel your inextricable connection with the Creator, with all that exists and experience a feeling of tenderness for everything that surrounds you.
  9. Open your eyes. Meditation is complete.

The heart chakra (Anahata chakra) is located in the middle of the chest at the level of the heart. It is the center of true, unconditional love, kindness, giving, brotherhood, spiritual growth and empathy. Many eastern meditation techniques are aimed specifically at opening this chakra.
Glands:thymus (thymus gland).
Organs: heart, lower lungs, circulatory system.

The color of Anahata chakra energy is green.

We turn our attention to the area of ​​the middle of the chest, where our heart filled with love beats. The Anahata chakra is located here. Blockage of this chakra leads to cardiovascular diseases and problems with the lymphatic system. In addition, this manifests itself in self-doubt, worrying about little things, laziness and indecisiveness.
Opening the heart chakra leads to unity with the world, filling with light, joy, love for oneself and all living things, restores faith and hope, reveals creative potential, and all this together harmonizes our personal lives.

I invite you to consider how psychology and energy are related. This issue receives very little attention from both esotericists and psychologists. Everyone considers their side of the issue separately, and does not try to combine it into a single system. And it's worth doing.

Let's consider such psychological concepts as UNDERSTANDING and ACCEPTANCE.
We easily accept what we understand and deny what we cannot understand. Misunderstanding brings chaos to our thoughts. If a question that we do not understand is not significant for us, we simply discard it, and all matters, and again come to a calm, balanced state.

What does this look like on an energy level? When we think about understandable things, our chakras work smoothly and emit pure, powerful light that energizes the thinking process and our emotions. If misunderstanding arises, the chakras first strengthen their work and often change the frequency range, which ensures the search necessary information to resolve any misunderstanding. If a solution is not found, then the chakras accelerate their work even more, but chaos arises, and as a result, our mind begins to jump from thought to thought. Indignant energy-informational masses form in the head and body. Irritation and anger arise, and this is already non-acceptance of the situation. Are we trying to push away or destroy what causes us misunderstanding? and, as a result, non-acceptance.

We live in a society, and most often misunderstanding is caused by the behavior of other people. This causes rejection and chaotic functioning of the chakras, which we feel as irritation, anger, anger and resentment. The longer we live, the more misunderstandings and, accordingly, grievances we accumulate. Resentments are recorded in negative energy information masses that fill our body, oppress it, deprive it of good emotions and cause serious illnesses. We have no room left for love.
Misunderstanding arises for only one reason. We don't have enough information to understand and accept. This means that we are to blame for everything, and no one else. Therefore, during a joint attunement, I suggest that you forgive yourself and cleanse your body of grievances. The green energy that will arise in you during the attunement will be able to dissolve those energy-informational masses that have accumulated in you as a result of grievances.

What to do during setup. First tune in green from the selected photo, feel its power. You can enhance the hologram of a flower by making copies of it.

Repeat the phrase “I FORGIVE MYSELF” and feel how the energy gently and easily dissolves your grievances. And you will feel how your soul and body are cleansed, delight and love will fill your entire being.

The second phrase is “I ACCEPT AND LOVE MYSELF AND MY BODY.” Once you have forgiven yourself, it will be easy for you to accept yourself. Watch the green energy spread throughout your body as you say the affirmation. In places where some tension, resistance or other unpleasant sensations will arise, direct your attention there and, pronouncing an affirmation, saturate this place with green energy. Accept all your reactions - this means not putting pressure, not forcing yourself. Everything is easy to do.
Love and acceptance to you.

Green is the color of the soul. This energy is created by the heart chakra. She is the soul. When the heart chakra works powerfully and steadily, we are filled with delight and love. Specific people, and the whole world as a whole. We admire everything that surrounds us - nature, children, works of human genius. Green energy motivates us to perform noble deeds for the benefit of loved ones, for the benefit of all humanity, for the benefit of our entire planet and the Universe.

During your joint attunement to the green color, you will feel it all yourself. You will feel how your chest expands, fills with energy, a feeling of delight and a desire to act for the benefit of the great idea of ​​love and harmony will appear.
For some, these sensations will be bright and strong, for others they will be weaker, and for others there will be indignation (unpleasant sensations). Why is this happening? There is only one reason here - resentment.

Resentment leads to the fact that the heart chakra works with indignation. Green energy becomes hard, prickly. It compresses the chest, causing pain and suffering. “The soul hurts, but the heart cries.” Anyone who has similar feelings needs to remember the good and kind that you have or had, and let in green energy in the chest. And you will feel better. Pain and suffering will begin to dissolve into green energy if YOU are READY TO LET IT GO. And you will feel that our world is not so bad. That you can love him and be happy.

As a result, a pure and powerful field of green energy will arise, from which everyone can take as much as they need. There is enough energy for everyone, and there will still be left for our planet. This occurs as a result of resonance.
After this, you can create copies of it to strengthen the hologram (mentally make several copies of a flower, then fold these copies into one photo. After that, this photo increases in power. You can create copies and fold them many times - as many as you want. Until the hologram of the flower will become quite powerful).

After that, you can turn on your imagination - place a flower in your chest, swim in it, fly into space on it - whatever you want. Energy doesn’t just add up, its quantity multiplies. A hologram of a flower is created that exists in space. By using your intention to resonate with this hologram, you discover it for yourself and can tune into its energy. What to do during setup. At first, just look at the flower so that it takes all your attention. Gradually you will begin to feel this green energy.

Room, light a candle and aroma lamp. Sit in one of the poses for meditation or on a chair. Place your hands on your chest, right on top of your left. Close your eyes and start concentrating on the heart area. Imagine how the sun is born in your heart... the entire planet, you envelop it with your love, and it also answers you. Having given love to yourself and the world, you can gradually return, maintaining your condition. Like this anahata meditation!


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Meditation for Beginners

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1. Supta Vajrasana (Diamond Pose)
2. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Stretch Dog Pose)
3. Bujangasana (Cobra Pose)
4. Danurasana (Arc Pose)
5. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
6. Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel Pose)
7. Adho Mukha Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose)
8. Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
9. Purvottanasana (Reverse Oblique Support)
10. Matyasana II (Fish Pose II)
11. Jathara Parivartanasana (Crocodile Twist Pose)
12. Gomukhasana (Bull Face Position)
13. Virasana - variation (Virasana, Hero Pose)
Integral Meditation Method

To meditate, take a comfortable position. Straighten your back and focus on the location of the Anahata chakra, in the chest area. To activate this part of the body, do several backbends with your chest. When this area is warmed up, concentrate your attention in the chest area and observe what happens there for a while. Feel the beating of your heart and listen carefully to its sound, feel its space and begin to visualize the Anahata Chakra Yantra, allow it to manifest in your chest. Realize the bliss that anahata brings. Having plunged deep into the anahata chakra, begin to pronounce the bija mantra, the sound YAM. Let it grow inside you, and you, as it were, completely become it. The light of anahata and its sound overwhelms you. Pronounce the sound YAM 9-18 times. Then stop and simply contemplate anahata and listen to what is happening within you.

Meditation for the fourth chakra from Kundalini Yoga I

Pose: Sit on your heels with your spine straight.

Position: Hands are at shoulder level, parallel to the ground. The elbows are bent and the fingertips are almost touching each other in the center of the chest near the heart center. The hands are flat, palms pointing down.

Mantra: Meditation is performed to the tape “Humee Hum, Brahm Hum” by Nirinjan Kaur and Guru Prem Singh. The meditation is done silently, you do not sing to the tape.


Meditation: From the starting position, the arms are straightened to the sides, palms facing down. Draw your navel firmly in and slightly lift your solar plexus and diaphragm with a focused movement. As the arms bend back, the navel relaxes. He pulls back in as his arms go out to his sides again. Continue this movement using the rhythm of the tape to set the pace.

Time: 11 minutes.

To finish: Inhale and hold your breath for 15 seconds and exhale. Repeat this two more times and relax.

Meditation for the fourth chakra from Kundalini Yoga II

Pose: Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight.

Position: This meditation is done with an apple in each hand. Elbows bent, arms parallel to the ground from the elbows. Palms facing up, fingertips almost touching each other in the center of the chest, near the heart center. Each hand is relaxed and holds the apple without grasping it.

Mantra: Sing to the tape “Humee Hum, Brahm Hum” by Nirinjan Kaur and Guru Prem Singh, using the tip of your tongue while singing.

Focus: Eyes focused on the tip of the nose.

Meditation: From the starting position, the arms alternately bend and straighten. While one hand brings the apple to the chest and offers it to your heart center, the other hand extends to the side and offers its apple to the Universe.

Time: This meditation should be done only in the morning between 6 and 10 o'clock. It must be performed for 11 minutes.

To finish: Inhale and hold your breath for 15 seconds and exhale. Repeat

The physical wisdom of kundalini yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan

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Buddha's Cross and the Opening of the Spiritual Heart
Meditation on Anahata
(performed while sitting)

Mastering the entry into Anahata is one of the fundamental moments of practice, and indeed of life. Here's one way: experience yourself as consciousness. Most often, the clot of consciousness is located in the head on the side of the face. If we are there, we will move back to the occipital part, which should cause relaxation of the facial muscles, and then we will go down the Sushumna channel to Anahata. The chakra can be entered both from behind and from below. With experience, choose the appropriate option for yourself.

If you can’t get out of your head, then you can descend into Anahata with it. Mentally move your lips and nose there and, opening your eyes of consciousness, look forward from Anahata. To prevent the head from popping up, some yogis recommend putting an imaginary cap on top, but it seems to us that it is better not to mess up the spiritual heart from the very beginning and keep it in dazzling white purity, bringing there only the image of the Divine Teachers or other sacred attributes.
To make sure that we are really in Anahata, let's look from it into the head, where we used to be. Note that looking does not mean seeing. (under supervision...)
If only part of the consciousness went to Anahata, and part remained in the head, this is normal. With practice, the consciousness will become more mobile.
After entering Anahata, we create there the most subtle state of love and tenderness for all living beings. We will see white light in the chakra and feel warmth. Let us pay attention specifically to the aspect of tenderness in love. And by adding laughter, we get the feeling of a magical holiday.
Now, having opened the chakra like a flower, we send forward a wide beam of white light to the entire universe with the words: “May all beings be peaceful! May all beings be at peace! May all beings be blessed!” Returning to Anahata, we turn our attention to the right and repeat also on right side universe. Then back, left, up and down. Those. the cross turned out to be 3-dimensional.
According to our observations, if you entered Anahata, this does not mean that you will immediately feel peace and love. It is important to decide to find it in yourself, and only then radiate it. In some of its dimensions, Anahata is the main component of a person’s emotional center. In this dimension, you can experience a state of anger or fear in Anahata. In other words, you need to work not only with energy, but also with your mind. However, another approach is also possible. If for some reason you cannot feel peace and love within, then sincerely wishing this for others can open this state in you.
Remember that in every person there is at least a spark of compassion. Having found this spark, it is very easy to expand it to the entire Anahata (heart chakra), and then to the rest of the world.
The key point in this meditation is the visualization of Light in Anahata, preferably in its center. The standard of light can be the sun, or a lamp or candle burning with an even flame.
Having learned to enter the subtle state of love in classes, practice it in ordinary life. With experience, the exercise can become more complicated. For example, radiate light and love immediately back and forth, left and right. Or look with your consciousness in the direction where the beam goes.
After some time after regular practice, a feeling of expansion in the chest, both pleasant and uncomfortable, may spontaneously arise. It can last from a moment to several hours. There is no pathology here. This is how the spiritual heart is revealed!

P.S. For pain in the spine, use three threads: from top to bottom from infinity to infinity blue thread(enters the crown, exits through the tailbone). From left to right - the red thread - passes through heart center. From front to back, a yellow thread also passes through the heart center. Let's visualize these threads coming and going from infinity. In the heart chakra there is a dazzling white light.

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