Why you can’t sleep in front of a mirror: three points of view. Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror? Folk signs and their consequences Is it possible to be reflected in the mirror when you sleep?

Indeed, why can’t you sleep in front of a mirror? And also, why can’t you put a mirror in front of the bed? Let's look at these questions from different angles.

Psychologists answer the question “Why can’t you sleep in front of a mirror?” They answer like this. Humans, like animals, have lateral vision; it is necessary primarily to warn of danger. Instincts respond to information transmitted by peripheral vision, bypassing consciousness. Seeing movement with peripheral vision, animals react instantly: run away or attack. (For this reason, horses often kick a person who approaches abruptly).

But with people everything is somewhat more complicated; with us, consciousness dominates instincts and the subconscious. You may not be aware of the cause of anxiety, nervousness and depression, but the whole point is that with your peripheral vision you constantly see movement in the mirror. Moreover, the subconscious does not “understand” that this is your own reflection, it simply gives an alarm signal. At night, the consciousness loses control over the subconscious and its signals become more audible. When you see your reflection half asleep (a person wakes up many times at night, but does not always remember this), you will inevitably get scared, “shaking” your nerves. After all, the subconscious does not perceive that the person in the mirror is you. For the same reason, you should not hang a mirror where you are constantly, and especially where you eat. Ideally, the mirror should be placed in such a place that you can come up, take a look and no longer “flicker” in front of it.

In ancient times, it was believed that in a dream the soul leaves the body, may end up in a looking glass and not find the way back. Therefore, our ancestors strictly observed the ban and not in front of the mirror. There are a lot of mystical and inexplicable things associated with mirrors (just remember Kozyrev’s famous experiments). Mystics believe that mirrors are gateways to another world, through the looking glass or, perhaps, into the world of spirits. It’s not for nothing that mirrors are used in many magical rites, including for calling various entities. In addition, everyone knows the custom: after the death of a person, all the mirrors in the house were always covered for forty days.

Mirrors also have the ability to remember everything that happened in front of them; For this reason, you should not buy used mirrors (even antique ones), and if some bad event is reflected in your mirror, it is better to remove it from your home. It is undesirable to look in the mirror if you are sick or in a bad mood, it can later give you everything back (It is extremely undesirable to look in the mirror for a long time when pregnant.) You cannot scold yourself in front of the mirror (for example, express dissatisfaction with your figure), but if you find and praise your advantages, then this will be very useful. In general, you need to make sure that nothing bad is reflected in the mirrors.

There is also a lot of undisclosed and unstudied connected with sleep. It is unknown how the brain works during sleep. There are opinions that sleep is like rebooting the system (like a computer). But one thing is clear: in our sleep we are more vulnerable. So why take the risk? This is the most accurate answer to the question asked at the beginning - “Why can’t you sleep in front of a mirror?”

In the teachings of Feng Shui, it is believed that mirrors hung in the wrong place disorient the energy of life, “favorable qi,” and interfere with its proper circulation. Feng Shui masters mainly use mirrors to neutralize negative influences and reflect them. For example, a mirror is placed on the bathroom door (outside) because, according to Feng Shui philosophy, the energy of good luck flows into the bathroom. The mirror on the door will not allow this. Feng Shui also has the present in its arsenal magic mirror. The octagonal can multiply everything that is reflected in it.

However, if you are a bit of a Narcissist and you like to constantly admire your reflection in the mirror, you can ignore this warning. For you, the question is “Why can’t you sleep in front of a mirror?” irrelevant.

What is a mirror? This is a smooth surface on which light or other radiation is reflected. The earliest mirrors belong to the Bronze Age, and they were created from metals such as copper, bronze or silver. Modern history The use of reflective surfaces began in the 13th century, when Europeans learned to blow various glassware. If we talk about the mirror itself, it was described in 1279 by John Peckham, who came up with the idea of ​​covering one of the glass surfaces with a small layer of lead. By the way, the process itself was very interesting - molten tin was poured into the vessel through a tube, which evenly spread from the inside over the surface of the object. After the entire composition had cooled, the vessel was broken into large pieces. Despite the fact that the fragments distorted the image, they still remained clean, and, moreover, could not be compared with the same copper or silver.

A century later, the first mirror workshop would be opened in Germany, and in the 15th century the Venetians bought a patent from the Flemings for the production of mirrors and for a century and a half were a monopoly. By the way, the cost of Venetian reflective surfaces was extremely high - for the same price you could buy a small sea vessel or a mansion! It is not surprising that only royalty and very rich people bought them.

The secrets of glassmaking were so strongly protected that the craftsmen were even moved to the island of Murano - supposedly to avoid fires, but in fact the monopoly brought fabulous profits to the patent holders. Those masters who left the walls of their native country had to return back, otherwise sanctions would be applied against their relatives.

In the mid-16th century, the French queen loved mirrors so much that she spent huge amounts of money on them. The Minister of Finance understood that this would not be in vain for the treasury, and therefore decided to bribe four craftsmen from Murano. Together with their families, they moved to France, where they began producing their works of art. However, they did not rejoice for long - with a short interval of time, two main masters died, the remaining two attempted to return to Venice and they succeeded. However, by that time the French had perfectly mastered all the developments and in 1665 opened their first mirror factory, after which the prices for their products began to decline very quickly. In addition, over time, factories began to open in other countries.

Interestingly, in the Middle Ages many were destroyed, since most religious organizations believed that the devil himself was hiding on the other side of this object. But the witches didn’t think so, so they always had a small mirror in their set, and during the day it was hidden from prying eyes and from the sun, and at night it was allowed to absorb the light of the moon. With the help of this magical item it was possible not only to cause damage, but also to expel bad spirits from the house.

Currently, mirrors are used not only in interior design or cars, but also, for example, in scientific instruments: telescopes, cameras, lenses, lasers and so on.

Reasons why you shouldn't sleep in front of a mirror

  • As we already wrote above, our ancestors seriously believed that the devil lives in the other world, who tends to come out at night.
  • Some mirrors, according to some media outlets, can even kill. How? They can accumulate negative energy within themselves. Moreover, over the years they could have seen more than one death or misfortune, as a result of which all this negativity can be transmitted to people who look in the reflection.
  • According to another opinion, mirrors can take a person’s soul - supposedly in a dream it has the ability to leave the body and if it inadvertently ends up in the looking glass, then most likely it will not get out, so the person dies in his sleep.
  • A mirror surface can not only take away strength and energy, but even make people grow old. To prevent this from happening, it is not recommended to look at the reflection for a long time, especially for young children and pregnant women, since the protective functions of their body are much weaker.
  • They say that large mirrors bring discord into the house, prevent normal sleep (cause insomnia), and make residents irritable even in relation to trifles.
  • If a door or bed is reflected in the mirror, this leads to double failure. If a married couple is reflected, this can lead to infidelity.

Is it worth believing in all this? We can’t answer you - everyone decides for themselves

What else can't you do with mirrors?

  • An ancient legend says that mirrors can crack themselves. Indeed, this happens, although quite rarely. There is a legend in our country that such a turn of events could mean the death of someone close. However, there is a second, more interesting theory. It says that a mirror cracks solely because it accumulates too many negative emotions. If this happens, then you need to carefully collect all the pieces of the mirror surface and throw them in the trash. In this case, it is advisable to collect the fragments in a linen bag so that no one could get hurt.
  • . Why? The answer is simple - the surface can absorb everything negative energy. If the person who wants to give you such a gift is angry and rude, then, as legends say, all this negativity will gradually be transferred to you. There is also a different opinion regarding the gift - supposedly the gift of a mirror leads to separation from a loved one, so girls almost always refuse such a gift.
  • It is forbidden to hang a mirror opposite the entrance to the apartment. This is due to the fact that all the luck may disappear from the house. It is believed that she comes into the home through the front door. However, she may see herself in a mirror image and will think that Luck has already settled in this house, so she will leave to look for another place. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to hang the mirror away from the door.
  • You can't look in the mirror at night. According to ancient belief, it is at night that a door to another dimension can open in a mirror image, where the main actors will evil spirits. A living person can get into this world, but he will not be able to get out of there. In addition, at night you can see scary creatures in the mirror that will make you panic. In general, looking at your reflection after midnight is not advisable.
  • Monitor the condition of the mirror. Be sure to periodically clean it from dust, splashes and stains. Why is this necessary? There is an opinion that dirt can distort the reflection, which in turn can affect the fate of the person who looks in the mirror.
  • According to historians, the first mirrors appeared several thousand years ago. They were found in what is now Turkey and were pieces of glass of volcanic origin. True, it is almost impossible to see anything in them.
  • In the mid-15th century, those people who knew how to make mirrors were forbidden to leave their city. This was necessary in order to hide all data about the creation of the mirror surface. Of course, there were masters who left for other cities or even countries, but almost always they had to return to their homeland, since the authorities threatened their relatives and friends.
  • The belief about broken mirrors, harbingers of troubles, appeared relatively recently. It is not known where it came from, but there is an opinion that the legend arose simultaneously among several nations at once. It was connected, apparently, with wars and cataclysms, during which it was the mirrors that were the first to break.
  • For a long time, warriors carried small mirrors with them, believing that they were able to reflect death, thus protecting their owner.


If you want to buy yourself a mirror, then it must be new, because only in this case it does not carry any negativity. If you inherited a mirror from relatives, then you should not be afraid to take it, but only if your family and friends looked into it.

A mirror is an interior item that is present in every home in several copies. Since the Middle Ages, people have considered it a mysterious thing. Psychics say that you should not sleep in front of a mirror. Let's find out why.

Diverging from the topic, I’ll add that apartment owners are often faced with a shortage of living space. Solving this problem, they use design techniques aimed at expanding the space, including: combining the living room and bedroom, using mirrors and furniture with mirrored facades. At the same time, they do not take into account the influence of mirrors on the human body, because signs, beliefs, legends and myths do not recommend resting in front of this element of the interior.

Reasons for the ban

After analyzing a lot of teachings, prejudices and beliefs, I was able to find out that not a single culture in the world welcomes the placement of mirrors in the bedroom, unlike a sofa or chest of drawers.

  • Aura Damage. If a person is reflected in a mirror along with objects with sharp corners, they will damage his aura.
  • Otherworldly forces. Beliefs say that otherworldly forces look into our world through mirrors. These views are not always characterized by bad energy, but they disturb the tranquility of the sleeper. This is manifested by irritability, sad mood and bad sleep.
  • Medieval alchemists believed that ghouls and vampires suck out of a person through reflections vital energy.
  • Negative impact on family relationships . There is a real couple and their reflection in the same room, which can cause cheating.
  • Soul and through the looking glass. During sleep, the soul goes on a journey and if there is a mirror hanging in the bedchamber, it will end up through the looking glass and will not find its way back.
  • Parallel worlds. The mirror is a gateway to a parallel world. A sleeping person begins to communicate with otherworldly forces, and even dismantling the product will not be enough to break the established connection.
  • Source of negative energy. In a dream, a person is influenced by negative energy that can emanate from the mirror. Such energy will cause bad mood and well-being.

If you feel strange every morning, and your mood wants to improve, the real cause of your ailments, in addition to health problems, may be the mirror in the bedroom. There are three ways out of the situation - see a doctor and undergo an examination of the body, remove the accessory from the bedroom or curtain it before going to bed.

How to protect yourself from the influence of mirrors

In this part of the material I will share ways to protect yourself from the bad influence of mirrors. When using them, you will protect yourself and attract money and good luck to your home.

  1. Do not hang it in the bedroom, especially on the ceiling. Acceptable placement on the inside of the cabinet door.
  2. If a crack appears on the surface, throw it away immediately. The cause of the defect may be negative energy.
  3. Keep the surface perfectly clean. Stains, dust and dirt have a negative impact.
  4. Do not hang it at the entrance to your home, so as not to scare away good luck. When good luck comes to the house and sees itself in the reflection, it gets the impression that everything is fine in the home and it goes in search of another refuge.
  5. Do not hang them opposite each other, otherwise a kind of corridor will form in the apartment, which, like a “black hole,” absorbs positive energy.

I do not exclude that readers will consider the material absurd. In addition, contrary to superstitions, many people sleep peacefully in front of mirrors, and this does not cause discomfort. Therefore, dear readers, only you can decide whether to place mirrors in the bedroom.

The Mirror and its History

A mirror is an interior item with a large, smooth surface that can reflect light. The first mirrors appeared in the 13th century and were made of silver, copper or bronze.

Early in 1279, John Peckham described the technique of making a mirror. Liquid tin was poured into a glass container through a special tube, which covered the inner surface of the dish with an even layer. After drying, the vessel was broken into large pieces, which slightly distorted the picture, but remained clean.

One century later, a mirror workshop appeared in Germany, and at the beginning of the fifteenth century the Venetians acquired a patent for the production of mirrors, which allowed them to become a monopoly in this area for 150 years. In terms of cost, Venetian products were not inferior to mansions or small sea vessels. Only royalty and members of the nobility bought such things.

The Queen of France, who ascended the throne in the mid-16th century, was very fond of reflective surfaces and spared no expense in purchasing them. In order to preserve the treasury, the Minister of Finance bribed several master glassblowers to move to France and open a mirror factory. Thus, the first factory opened in 1665.

In the Middle Ages, mirrors were destroyed because it was believed that the devil was hiding on the other side, and with their help, witches summoned damage, illnesses and hid their secrets.

Nowadays, mirrors are used in interior design, automotive industry, photographic equipment, and science.

I would be grateful if you leave your opinion on this matter in the comments. It will be great if you describe the mysterious events that happened in your bedroom with a mirror.

In modern life, a mirror has become not only a device that displays an image, but also a decorative part of the interior. In modern houses and apartments you can notice not only small mirrors on the dressing table, but also mirrored ceilings, walls, and even decorative mirror inserts as an element of living space design.

Considering the fact that mirrors are now placed not in certain places (for example, in the hallway or bathroom), but everywhere, you should carefully consider the placement of mirrors and mirror surfaces in lounges and bedrooms.

Since ancient times, mirrors have been credited with some kind of supernatural powers; beliefs and even superstitions are associated with them. One of these beliefs says that you should not sleep in front of a mirror. Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror, you will be shocked (photo)?

Legends about mirrors of different nations

The opinion that you should not sleep in front of a mirror exists not only in our culture, but also in the culture of other countries. In many ways, the various prejudices coincide, but their interpretation is somewhat different. Believe it or not, of course, is a personal matter for everyone. But numerous observations and studies, which partly arose thanks to legends, show that it is better not to joke with mirrors. Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror? You will be shocked! (see photo).

Ancient China

One of the ancient Chinese legends says that once our real world and the world through the looking glass were one whole. But, one day, the looking-glass life and its inhabitants decided to take over the real world, however, they did not succeed. As a result, residents mirror world remained forever on the other side of the mirror without the opportunity to leave it.

The story told by this legend became the basis for the opinion that a mirror is a guide to another world. To protect themselves and their loved ones, many people hesitate to place mirrors in their bedrooms, especially in front of their beds. After all, in a dream a person cannot protect himself and is most vulnerable to otherworldly attacks. evil forces, which can steal the soul, without the ability to return back to the body.


In Russian folklore there are stories that say that a mirror is an invention of the devil that can steal a person’s soul while he sleeps.

On ancient Rus' there was an opinion that there was a mirror human soul. During sleep, the human soul leaves the body. Therefore, a wandering soul can be kidnapped by evil spirits if there is a mirror next to the sleeping person.

Feng Shui theory

Why can’t you sleep in front of a mirror, you will be shocked (photo), what does Feng Shui theory tell us about this?

About old and new mirrors

There is also an opinion that a mirror has the ability to accumulate and store memories. These can be memories of different kinds: both good and bad. In addition to this property of memory, a mirror can also transmit this negative energy to a person, which can cause poor health and strange things to happen in life. A mirror has a special influence on a person during sleep, when his defenses are weakened. This is another reason why you should not sleep in front of a mirror.

Those who believe in some unusual properties of a mirror can be advised not to buy antique mirrors, even if they are expensive antiques, since it is unknown what these mirrors witnessed and what they remember. It is better to purchase new mirrors in dense packaging, which can be compared to a blank sheet.

What else do they say about mirrors?

There is also an opinion that a lonely person whose sleeping place is located opposite the mirror is doubly lonely.

A married couple, whose bed is also opposite the mirror, doubles their number during sleep, thereby attracting strangers, which can provoke adultery or otherwise affect family life, bringing discord and quarrels into it.
It is not recommended to hang a mirror at the head of the marriage bed, or to create mirrored ceilings in the bedroom.

This may cause sleep disturbances. There is an opinion that a mirror can take away a person’s energy, sucking the vitality out of him. That is why many who sleep opposite a mirror, or are reflected on a mirrored ceiling while sleeping, often wake up tired and completely deprived of any strength. This is another reason why you should not sleep in front of a mirror, you will be shocked by such facts, but they do exist (see photo).

Why can't you sleep in front of a mirror?

Of course, many do not believe in other worlds and that the mirror has memory and is capable of somehow influencing a person’s life. However, there is quite rational reason, why you can’t sleep in front of a mirror. And this reason is elementary fear.

If you hang a mirror opposite the bed, or above the bed, then when you wake up at night, you can simply be afraid of your own reflection. And the point here is not at all that after sleep a person may have disheveled hair or a pillow imprinted on his face.

The fact is that during sleep a person can wake up several times. Moreover, he does not always understand that he has woken up. Since these periods of wakefulness do not take even a minute. Therefore, often, if a person sleeps in front of a mirror, he can wake up for a short period of time, see his reflection and be afraid of it, without even realizing this moment of fear and not even remembering it. However, the human subconscious is somewhat more complicated, so it remembers this moment, which can lead to nightmares and restless sleep, which is why a person wakes up in the morning sleep-deprived and tired.

It turns out that by installing a mirror opposite our sleeping place, we sometimes unknowingly doom ourselves to stress. We know exactly how to cook.

How to neutralize the effects of mirrors while sleeping

Sometimes there are situations when the space in the room or the size of the mirror does not allow it to be moved to some other place, or positioned so that the bed is not reflected in it. What to do in such cases, if the dream is really some kind of restless, or simply heard superstitions cause fear and doubts?

You can eliminate the negative impact of a mirror at the time of sleep by covering it with some kind of thick fabric. You can also hang a mirror with oilcloth, the main thing is that any material with which the mirror will be hung at the time of sleep is dense and opaque. If nothing is displayed in the mirror, then it loses its power, and all the evil spirits living in that world will not be able to leave because of the hung barrier.

Considering all the above facts, it can be noted that most beliefs that the mirror has negative impact per person, rely on ancient legends from our ancestors, who tended to attribute certain things to certain magical properties. Since then, a lot of time has passed and a lot of things have changed, technological progress has occurred, which has led to the fact that many things in the world, including household ones, have been improved and the approach to their use has also changed.

Therefore, whether to believe in the properties of a mirror or not is the choice of each of us. The main thing is that sleep is only a joy and really brings new strength for all current affairs!

History of the mirror

The origin of the mirror dates back to the Bronze Age, when people learned to make reflective surfaces from copper, bronze, and silver. In the first mirrors, details were poorly visible, and in general they poorly conveyed the surrounding reality. But, subsequently, people improved this invention. When the mirror was covered with a layer of lead, it began to show the image better.

After some time, mass production of mirrors began in Venice, but only noble people could use these products. And only when mirror factories began to open one after another in Europe, all people began to buy and use them.

As you can see, there is nothing special in the history of the origin of the mirror, but why are so many people afraid of this object and why can’t you sleep in front of the mirror? Let's try to figure this out.

Mirror in modern life

Every person needs a mirror in order to understand whether he looks neat or not. Therefore, now it is in every apartment, and all people actively use them in their daily lives.

But people often place mirrors on wardrobes, which are placed opposite the bed. This is due to the fact that our apartments suffer from a lack of space. In one bedroom we try to place several things - a bed, a wardrobe, a dressing table and other items.

In addition, designers advise us to have as many mirrors as possible in a small room, because they visually expand the space. Therefore, we place them wherever our soul desires - on the ceiling, on the walls, in other places.

But are we doing the right thing by placing mirrors in front of the bed? After all, our ancestors had a different opinion on this. They never put mirrors in front of where they slept, they were simply afraid to do so. After all, the mirror surface has always been surrounded by a cloud of mysticism. There were numerous signs that explained why you should not sleep in front of a mirror.

And now many people argue that you can’t do that. But we, people living in the era of high technology, more often consider all this a relic of the past. And if the beliefs of our ancestors are not law for us, then it is worth turning to the opinion of other experts - psychologists, who claim that sleeping in front of a mirror is harmful to health. Let's consider different points of view.

What do folk signs tell us?

According to folk beliefs, the mirror was a mystical object through which the spirits of the other world penetrated and took away a person’s energy. This belief appeared in the Bronze Age, when people were afraid of everything unknown and believed in other world. And magicians, wizards, and sorcerers skillfully used this. They made people believe that there was another plane where only evil spirits lived. And they can only get to a person through a mirror.

But our biofield is capable of protecting us from evil spirits, however, when we sleep, our biofield does not work. So it turns out that all these invisible demons take over our soul and body. It was especially not recommended for lonely people to sleep in front of a mirror; it was believed that this way he would remain lonely forever and would never meet his soulmate. A broken mirror doubly dangerous. If you look into it, then fate will also be broken, as our ancestors believed.

And in Christian faith There are also prejudices against mirrors. When a person dies, his soul in the first days is still able to be reflected in the mirror. But the soul of the deceased can harm a person through the mirror and try to take him with him. That is why in the first days after a person’s death, all mirrors in his house are covered. Magicians still use mirrors in their magical rituals, with the help of them they communicate with the other world.

Folk signs in European countries

In Europe there were also folk superstitions; Europeans were also afraid to place mirrors in front of a sleeping person. There it was believed that when we sleep, the soul separates from the body and begins to travel around. When she needs to return to her body, she may see herself and be afraid. In this case, the sleeping person will die. Sounds scary, doesn't it? After this, you no longer want to take risks.

Several centuries ago, people in Europe believed that a mirror would take away all the good things from a person if he slept in front of it. Naturally, after sleep he will not feel healthy, and weakness will most likely appear.

After all, evil spirits will draw all the positive energy from him during sleep. And although many fears are made up, you still shouldn’t do this. After all, no one has yet fully understood the magical aspects and it is impossible to say that all this is not true. Some scary stories that happened in the past during sleep are based on real events.

We can see the negative impact of the mirror without even resorting to magic. Why do you think women age faster than men? And the answer may be simple - they spend too much time in front of the mirror. How often do we not like our reflection in the mirror and we do not know that by doing so we are sending negativity to it. And it accumulates it and then gives it to us when we are reflected in the mirror again and again.

What scientists say

If you are skeptical about folk superstitions and quietly laugh at folk beliefs, then listen to what modern people have to say about this. The opinion of modern psychologists should convince you. Psychology is a serious science, however, in this matter, psychologists support the opinion of magicians and wizards. In their opinion, it is better not to sleep in front of a mirror, as this will contribute to the deterioration of the psychological state. The person may be scared when they wake up, this will cause panic and stress.

At night we sometimes wake up, our brain usually wakes up faster than our body. And in the dark everything looks different than in reality. Seeing unclear outlines in the mirror, you can get a negative reaction and get very scared. It is possible that stuttering will occur against the background of fear. All this affects a person’s well-being subsequently. He will feel tired and overwhelmed, and there is a high likelihood of depressive thoughts.

Some overly sensitive people even develop mental illness when sleeping in front of a mirror. They begin to be afraid of mirrors and their reflection in it. In psychology, this disease is called spectrophobia. Getting rid of it is not so easy; you need to constantly visit specialists.

What does Feng Shui say?

IN ancient science Feng Shui also has a negative attitude towards sleeping near a mirror. It is believed that reflective surfaces attract negative energies that spread to a person during his sleep. It is better not to place a mirror in the bedroom at all, but if there is nowhere else to put it, then you should not place it in front of the bed. It is desirable that the mirror has a round shape, this will reduce its negative impact.

Feng Shui rules regarding the placement of mirrors in the bedroom

  • The further away the mirror is from the bed, the better;
  • Shouldn't be reflected in the mirror front door into the room, otherwise this may lead to betrayal in married life;
  • The mirror should reflect the entire human body, and not part of it, but it should not be large;
  • The bed where the spouses sleep should not be reflected in the mirror surface, otherwise there will be many problems in married life;
  • Should not be installed in the bedroom too large mirror, as it has a bad effect on the energy of the room.

As you can see, many people have a prejudice against mirrors. Therefore, if you still want to have a mirror in the bedroom, then try to reduce its negative impact. It must be completely new so that no one has used it before you. You can take mirrors from relatives only if only they and no one else used it, and they are people close to you.

The mirror also needs to be looked after, cleaned of dirt and dust. A dirty mirror attracts more negative energy. It distorts the surrounding reality and has a bad effect on human destiny.

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