Parents' Saturdays and days of special remembrance of the dead. In Russia there are certain days that are intended to remember the dead. What date are Memorial Saturdays in the year?

Parents' Saturdays are days of special remembrance of the dead.
On these days, at the Liturgy, prayers are read for deceased Orthodox Christians, and funeral services are performed. Since almost all such days are associated with the Easter calendar, the dates of parental days change from year to year.

The memory of those who left our world, prayers for the deceased addressed to God are an important component Orthodox faith. For the Lord, everyone is alive, and remembering departed friends, relatives and acquaintances is a godly matter. That is why there are more than a dozen memorial days in the Orthodox calendar.

Parents' Saturdays in 2018

Several times a year you can hear the following phrase: “Today is parents’ Saturday.” What does this mean and why parental. There are several days a year when the dead are remembered in a special way. They got their name due to the fact that when people addressed the Lord, they first of all mentioned their deceased relatives. There are 7 Saturdays, which are called parental Saturdays; their dates change from year to year, as they depend on the dates of other church holidays. The remaining days of remembrance of the dead, except for Semik, are not moving holidays; their dates are fixed.

Orthodox calendar of parental Saturdays for 2018

Ecumenical parental (meat-free) Saturday in 2018

This day in 2018 falls on February 10 (7 days before the start of Lent). Why is this memorial Saturday called Ecumenical? The fact is that on this day in Orthodox churches clergy read prayers to the glory of absolutely all Christians who lived on Earth and underwent the rite of baptism. There are only two Ecumenical Parental Saturdays a year - Meat Saturday and Trinity Saturday.

According to Slavic customs On the winter memorial Saturday, housewives baked pancakes, the first of which was placed on the shrine (a shelf with arranged icons), the second - on the windowsill. The rest of the pancakes were taken to the graves of relatives and distributed to nuns, beggars, and children. At the same time, they always asked that people feast on pancakes in the name of the repose of the souls of specific deceased. The house is cleaned, a funeral dinner is held in the evening, many dishes are placed on the table, their number should be odd.

Parents' Saturdays in Lent 2018

In 2018, memorial days fall on the 3rd, 10th and 17th of March. In Orthodox churches, Liturgies are always held, praying for the departed Saturdays, falling on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of fasting. All believers have the opportunity not only to light candles, submit notes of repose, writing the appropriate names in them, or order a magpie, but also to attend the Liturgy in person.

Another remarkable fact is that throughout Lent, funeral Liturgies in Orthodox churches are never held, except for the three specified Saturdays. After the funeral service, it is customary to go to the cemetery to honor the memory of your deceased relatives and friends in their final resting places. Although the clergy say that after participating in funeral services it is not necessary to go to churchyards, since it is not the bodies, but the souls of the deceased that need much more attention.

Radonitsa falls on April 17 in 2018

They take with them to the churchyard Easter cakes, colored cakes, sweets (most often sweets) and other food consecrated in the church. Some of the food is distributed to the poor and children, some is placed on graves, and some is eaten by themselves. However, priests do not recommend organizing grandiose feasts near graves, because such behavior indicates disrespect for world of the dead and in particular to their deceased relatives. Otherwise, people rejoice at Radonitsa and organize a traditional funeral dinner.

Trinity Parents' Saturday in 2018

In 2018, Trinity Saturday, which is also Ecumenical, falls on May 26. On this day, they attend funeral services held in churches, light candles for the repose of deceased relatives, and go to the cemetery. On Trinity Saturday, it is customary to decorate graves with fresh greenery, because at this time nature finally wakes up, young foliage and grass appear, and early flowers bloom.

Since Saturday is Ecumenical, on this day they commemorate not only relatives, but also all Christians who once lived on Earth and have passed on to another world. Some believers who visit graveyards voluntarily decorate graves unfamiliar to them with green branches and grass. It is also worth noting that it is Trinity Ecumenical Saturday is the main day when the memory of all deceased people of the Orthodox faith is honored.

Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday in 2018 - November 3

November 3 (the eve of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki) is another day of remembrance of deceased relatives. Special memorial services are held in churches. People pray for the repose of the souls of the departed, asking God to forgive them their sinful acts and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven. Many historians associate the origin of this Saturday with the Battle of Kulikovo. Dmitry Donskoy, after the victory, proposed that Orthodox dignitaries establish a day of remembrance of their souls in honor of the soldiers who fell in battle. The clergy agreed, naming Saturday in honor of Prince Dmitry.

In ancient times, Dmitriev's Saturday was considered the day when one needed to say goodbye to autumn and welcome winter. If before the onset of the Intercession they did not have time to thoroughly prepare for severe frosts, it was Dmitriev’s Saturday that was considered the final stage of preparation for winter. On this memorial day they held general cleaning residential premises and garden plots. In the morning they attended the funeral service, in the afternoon they went to the graveyard to visit their deceased relatives. In the evening we had dinner. Tables were covered with new linen tablecloths white. They displayed traditional funeral dishes (pies, kutya, pancakes with various fillings, uzvar).

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Parents' Saturdays in 2019 are special days in the church calendar on which Orthodox Christians commemorate deceased relatives. The commemoration of the dead by the church is a special ritual. On these days, a memorial service is held, at which the names of people who have left this world are mentioned. On the eve of the prayer service, believers bring notes to church with the names of deceased relatives. On memorial Saturdays, it is customary to remember not only deceased relatives, but also acquaintances.

These Saturdays are called parental Saturdays because parents often leave this world before their children.

IN Lent There are no services during the week. Therefore, Saturdays are set aside for commemorating the dead. On this day, believers go to church, and after visiting it they go to the cemetery.

In churches, prayers are read to cleanse all Orthodox Christians from the sins. People who come to church pray not only for their loved ones, but also for other people who have ended their existence on earth. Reading the general prayer on Parents' Saturday helps to forgive all sins and allow souls to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Many missing people, as well as people who died under various circumstances, find peace of mind and can ascend to Heaven.

Parents' Saturdays in remembrance of the departed in 2019

Parents' Saturdays in 2019 are held traditionally. These days, churches are holding Divine Liturgy and the remembrance of the dead takes place. People who visit the temple bring notes with the names of deceased relatives and give them to the priest so that he will mention loved ones during the service.

In addition to the usual parental Saturdays, there are also Ecumenical Saturdays (Meat Saturday and Trinity Saturday).

Funeral dates in 2019 according to the Orthodox calendar:

March 2Meat SaturdaySaturday one week before Lent. One of the main memorial days of the year. At this time, they commemorate all the innocent tortured and murdered Orthodox Christians who died for their faith in Christ.
March 23, 30 and April 62nd, 3rd and 4th SaturdaysDuring Lent there are few days on which you can perform the full Liturgy and read the main church prayer for the departed. Therefore, the church established three special day commemoration.
May 7(ninth day after)From this day, after a long break for Lent and Easter days, the Church Charter allows church-wide commemorations of the dead.
May 9Day of Remembrance of Fallen SoldiersAfter the liturgy, a thanksgiving prayer is held. The Church honors warriors who have fulfilled their sacred duty to the people and the Fatherland.
June 15Trinity Saturday (falls before the holiday)In Russia and southeast Belarus, this is the largest and most revered memorial day. On this day, all Christians who have ever died are remembered.
November 2 Day of General Remembrance of the Dead. Taken annually before (November 8).

There are sayings associated with parental Saturdays:

Video: Parents' Saturdays - days of special remembrance of the dead


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There were many Orthodox memorial days in the church calendar in 2018. Tomorrow, November 3, will be the last parents' Saturday - Dmitrievskaya. On this day, prayers are read for the deceased and notes with their names are brought to church so that the priest will mention them during the liturgy.

In 2018, there are a total of eight parent Saturdays:

The last memorial day will be November 3

All Orthodox Christians are called by the Church to be in close union with the living and the dead, to pray for them on memorial days, to ease their souls with their prayers. On Parents' Saturday, it is customary to remember not only parents, but also acquaintances, fallen soldiers, and those killed.

Tomorrow, November 3, will be Dmitrievskaya Parents' Saturday. According to the official version, it was installed to commemorate the soldiers who died in the Battle of Kulikovo. The initiator was Prince Dmitry Donskoy (hence the Dmitrievskaya Saturday), and the priests supported him.

What do they do in church on this memorial day?

Orthodox Christians need to attend church this evening, the day before memorial day. There will be a great funeral service, parastas. Troparia with stichera and chants will be dedicated to all the departed. On Saturday, the morning funeral Divine Liturgy will begin, followed by the service of general requiem.

You need to take notes to church with the names of deceased loved ones and relatives. They must be written in capital letters and declined in the genitive case. After the service, Orthodox Christians go to the graves to clean up and remember loved one. At home, in a close family circle, you can arrange a memorial meal.

IN parents' Saturdays You cannot abuse alcohol, have fun, have noisy feasts, sing or dance. It is forbidden to speak badly about a deceased person.

Gifts are also brought to church - food, vegetables, Cahors. They are left on a special table. They will then be distributed to those in need. There is no point in leaving anything at the graves: it is better to distribute sweets and other treats to those in need, so that they also remember their loved ones.

Prayers for the deceased on memorial days

Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names), and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.

Lord our God, let us remember the departed earthly servant (name), who transferred his soul to Heaven. Please forgive him for all the sinful acts that he committed, for we repent and for his soul in prayers we ask You, God, for Your mercy. Give him relief from suffering and torment, give him a better life. Don’t let him go from you, let his soul be next to You forever. May his soul be illuminated with heavenly light. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever. Amen.

Our Father, Lord, we pray to You! In Heaven, my child (name) is next to You. Please give him care and comfort. Don’t leave him alone, take away all his earthly sorrows and torments. By Your will You gave me a child and also took him into Your Kingdom! So illuminate him with your love and care! Cleanse his soul from despondency, for now he is with You forever. You are our King, our Creator, only by Your will do we walk on the sinful earth, and we will all give our souls to Heaven. But until my time has come, take care of my child as you would all your children, for only You are able to give us comfort. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, hear our prayers for our parents who left this earth and went to Your Kingdom, where there is eternal life. Only You are able to console our grieving souls. Please forgive all the sins of the deceased and give him life in joy and happiness in Heaven. I cry and pray for the soul of God’s servant (name) with faith and hope for consolation. Don’t leave me alone in the sorrow of mourning, help me survive the loss. Forgive him all his sins, let his soul rest in peace and find eternal life. I will pray for him and glorify Your name, our Lord! For you are our Father, and only you know when our last hour on earth will strike, to take our souls to the Kingdom of Heaven. May we find eternity next to you. Forever and ever. Amen.

Parents' Saturdays are of great importance in the lives of Orthodox believers. These days are intended to remember the dead and cleanse the soul.

In the Orthodox calendar for 2018 you will find all the main holidays that are celebrated by the Russian Orthodox Church. Parental Saturdays marked in it are a way to honor the memory of the forefathers who gave us life, as well as all those who died for the Orthodox faith.

Not every Parent's Saturday falls on the sixth day of the week. Those that “fall” specifically on Saturdays are usually called Ecumenical.

Ecumenical Parents' Saturdays in 2018

Opens a list Meat Saturday which will be celebrated February 10. On this day all relatives who graduated from earthly path. For the living, this holiday is a reminder of mortal life, which must be spent cultivating an immortal soul in purity and good intentions.

Trinity Parents' Saturday will pass before church holiday Holy Trinity and its date - May 26. On the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of the Lord, all the dead are remembered without exception, including those who died voluntarily or went missing.

Parental Saturdays of Great Lent

These Saturdays are different in that after the festive church liturgy, believers remain for a memorial service, in which they remember their deceased relatives. The priests are given notes in advance with the names of those whose souls they want to pray for.

First Saturday will take place during the second week of Lent, and its date is March 3.

Second Saturday marked in the 2018 church calendar March 10, and its time is the third week of fasting.

Third Saturday will take place March 17. It is final and takes place during the fourth week of fasting.

Private parent days in 2018

Such days exist only in the practice of the Russian Church, and at this time you have the opportunity to pray for the souls of people who have found peace in Heaven.

May 9 at the solemn liturgy, the Russian people bow their heads as a sign of respect for the fallen soldiers who gave their lives during the Great Patriotic War. Tears of joy are interspersed with universal grief for the millions of fallen who showed exceptional valor and courage.

April 17 Radonitsa is celebrated, which follows exactly the ninth day after Easter.

September 11 They serve a memorial service for Orthodox soldiers who laid down their heads during the battle for the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland.

November 3 comes Dimitrievskaya Parents' Saturday. It refers us to the exploits of Dmitry Thessalonica, who died the death of a great martyr.

These Orthodox holidays show us the meaning human life. During church services, everyone understands that worldly life is short and can end at any time, and immortal soul will continue to exist and will be responsible for all our actions.

Pray to the Higher Powers to help you avoid hardships and problems in life. life path. Take time every day spiritual development which not only cleanses the soul, but also attracts good things into life. We wish you health and happiness, and do not forget to press the buttons and

04.01.2018 01:07

Orthodox Christians know a lot about the miraculous properties of prayers. By remembering the deceased, they help his soul to purify...

Parents' Saturdays in 2018, orthodox calendar for today, 10/20/2018.

Memorial days, when the Orthodox Church holds memorial services in each church for all deceased Christians, are called parent's Saturdays. They really (except Radonitsa And days of remembrance of warriors) are held on Saturday. Saturday has been a day of rest since biblical times, and is ideally suited for prayers for the souls of the departed.

In addition to these general days of remembrance church calendar, on the date of death, birth and name day of our deceased relatives and close people, as a tribute to their memory, we organize memorial dinners, visit the cemetery and temple. These days are individual for each person.

Parents' Saturday Orthodox tradition a day of special remembrance of deceased Orthodox Christians and, above all, their deceased parents. Canonical days for visiting the graves of ancestors and other relatives, where memorial services are performed.

The days of special remembrance of the dead in the Orthodox Church are five parental Saturdays:

Meat-free universal parental Saturday (Saturday 2 weeks before Lent);
Trinity Ecumenical Parental Saturday (Saturday before the Holy Trinity, on the 49th day after Easter);
parents' 2nd Saturday of Great Lent;
parents' 3rd Saturday of Great Lent;
parents' 4th Saturday of Great Lent.

In the liturgical charter Orthodox churches Each day of the week is dedicated to the remembrance of the Cross of the Lord, angels and archangels, John the Baptist, etc. On Saturday, the memory of all saints and all departed Orthodox Christians is celebrated. The liturgical charter prescribes the commemoration of all “Orthodox Christians who have passed away from time immemorial.” The Church established private and general days of remembrance of the dead. Days of special general remembrance of the dead are called “parental Saturdays.” On these days, a special commemoration of deceased Orthodox Christians is performed.

Parents' Saturdays in 2018 Orthodox, calendar

According to the charter, it is customary to remember the dead every Saturday; on this day priests can serve the funeral liturgy. They also pray intensely for the dead on the third, ninth and fortieth day after their death - when, as Christians believe, the human soul worships God and awaits His judgment on itself.
But there is also special days in the year when the church offers prayers for all “Orthodox Christians who have died from time immemorial.”

These are two Ecumenical parental Saturdays - Trinity, meat-free (the penultimate Sunday before Great Lent, dedicated to Last Judgment), Dimitrievskaya Saturday (commemoration of soldiers), as well as Radonitsa (the ninth day after Easter).

All Souls Days

10.02 Ecumenical Parents' Saturday

11.02 Commemoration of all the departed who suffered during the time of persecution for the faith of Christ

03.03 Saturday of the 2nd week of Lent

10.03 Saturday of the 3rd week of Lent

17.03 Saturday of the 4th week of Lent

17.04 Radonitsa

09.05 Commemoration of deceased soldiers

26.05 Trinity Parents' Saturday

03.11 Dimitrievskaya Parents' Saturday

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