The most beautiful holy places in the world. A variety of places of power on earth. Table Mountain in Cape Town

On the eve of the big holidays and a new intensive season of work, we decided to publish a list of sacred places on the planet, where you can go to replenish your supplies vital energy and rest your soul

Unknown and inexplicable places and phenomena exist on the planet, regardless of whether we believe in them or not, one of such phenomena is the so-called places of power. Places of power are territories of the Earth with special energy, which, moreover, are capable of changing the energy of those who are in them. It is believed that relaxation in such places contributes to the harmonization of life and a significant improvement in health, helps to develop spiritually and materially, and also expands the boundaries of worldview and reveals superpowers. Here is a selection of the most famous places of power on the planet, to which millions of pilgrims flock to rest their souls.

This is probably the most famous and powerful place of power of all existing ones; it is believed that its influence extends to the entire Planet. In addition to their location, the pyramids are unique in that they are oriented exactly to the cardinal points. Even scientists no longer try to dispute healing power Egyptian pyramids.

Kailash, Tibet

Mount Kailash is one of the most revered places for followers of four religions: Buddhists, Hindus, Jains and representatives of the ancient Tibetan religion Bon. An important ritual of all these three religions is to perform a ritual circumambulation around this place of power. But it is worth considering that this unique place has a very obstinate character, and does not allow everyone in: the mountain can test your strength with rockfalls and torrential rains.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu is a legendary ancient Inca city known as the “lost city”. This mythical city is considered one of the most energetically powerful places on our planet. In Machu Picchu, every pebble of ancient ruins has absorbed centuries-old energy and ancient culture civilizations of the indigenous peoples of America. To this day, the city carefully preserves many secrets and mysteries of history.

Shasta, USA

Mount Shasta is one of the powerful energy objects that has long attracted seekers of truth and spiritual enlightenment from all over the world. At the foot of this place of power, a real commune has already formed. Former Volcano Shasta rises white gem. Among pilgrims, there are legends about the mysterious inhabitants of the mountain, whom the locals call Lemurians. They are said to have immunity to all diseases, sacred knowledge about the secrets of the universe, and, of course, material and spiritual abundance. And Mount Shasta gives them all this.

Arunachala, India

Mount Arunachala is a recognized place of power, where many travelers from all over the world make a pilgrimage in order to feel the presence of divine energy and renew themselves spiritually and physically. Pilgrims are also drawn here by the endless search for hidden knowledge about the world around them and about their own existence. Local residents believe that Mount Arunachala is the embodiment of the god Shiva, and that touching this sacred mountain, and even just being close to it, can give those suffering endless nirvana - liberation from earthly suffering and the endless cycle of rebirth.

Stonehenge, UK

The name of the oldest mystery in the history of Stonehenge can be translated as “hanging” or “dancing stones”. This is a stone megalithic structure located in the southwest of England. This place of power got its name thanks to the ancient legends of the Druids, who believed that the stones of Stonehenge sometimes dance at night and sometimes even go down to the river to drink. And residents of the surrounding villages claim that at night, over the monoliths of ancient stones, you can see mysterious will-o-the-wisps.

Russia is often called the holy land. Judging by the number of saints for the representatives different religions places, then this is indeed the case.

1. Diveevo

Where is? Nizhny Novgorod region, Diveevsky district.
What is holiness? Diveevo is called the Fourth Usage Mother of God on the ground. The main shrine of the Diveyevo monastery - relics St. Seraphim Sarovsky. The Holy Elder invisibly but clearly consoles, admonishes, heals, opening the hardened souls of people who come to him for Divine love, and leads to Orthodox faith, to the Church, which is the foundation and establishment of the Russian land.

Pilgrims come to fetch holy water from 4 springs, venerate the relics and walk along the holy ditch, which, according to legend, the Antichrist will not be able to cross

2. Optina Pustyn

Where is? Kaluga region.
What is holiness? The Holy Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage is one of the ancient monasteries Russia, located on the banks of the Zhizdra River near the city of Kozelsk.

The origins of Optina remain unknown. It can be assumed that it was not built by princes and boyars, but by the ascetics themselves, by calling from above through repentant tears, labor and prayer.

The Optina elders had enormous influence on the minds of people of various classes. Gogol was here three times. After visiting the Optina Hermitage, Dostoevsky’s “The Brothers Karamazov” was born. Special relationship with the monastery (as, indeed, with the church in general) were Leo Tolstoy.

3. Nilo-Stolobenskaya desert

Where is? Stolobny Island, Svetlitsa Peninsula, Lake Seliger.
What is holiness? The monastery is called the Nilova Hermitage after Reverend Neil, who lived on the island for 27 years and bequeathed to build a monastery. In 1555, Neil reposed and was buried on Stolobny Island. After the death of the saint, prayer hermits began to settle on the island near his grave, and the monastery was founded by them.

Before the revolution, the Nilo-Stolobensky monastery was among the most revered in Russia; thousands of people came here every year. In 1828, Emperor Alexander I visited the monastery.

After the revolution, the monastery had a difficult fate. It managed to be a colony, a hospital, a prisoner of war camp, and a camp site. During archaeological excavations on the territory of the monastery, it was established that in the 18th century the largest workshop at that time for the production of pectoral crosses operated here.
Only in 1990 Nilova Pustyn was transferred again Orthodox Church, and in 1995 the relics of St. Neil were returned here.

4. Kizhi

Where is? Kizhi Island, Lake Onega.
What is holiness? Many people believe that Kizhi is a beautiful temple somewhere in the North. In fact, this is a whole nature reserve in which everyday life and unique wooden architecture are carefully preserved.

The center and main monument of the museum was the Kizhi churchyard with the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord. It was founded in 1714 and built without a single nail or foundation. The most remarkable thing is that even during the Soviet years the shrine was not touched - they even left the iconostasis with one hundred and two images.

The entire Kizhi ensemble is included in the List World Heritage UNESCO. You can get to the island in summer by rocket from Petrozavodsk and in winter along an ice track from the village. Great Lip.

5. Solovetsky Monastery

Where is? White Sea.
What is holiness? Even in pagan times, the Solovetsky Islands were strewn with temples, and the ancient Sami considered this place holy. Already in the 15th century, a monastery arose here, which soon became a major spiritual and social center.

A pilgrimage to the Solovetsky Monastery has always been a great feat, which only a few dared to undertake. Thanks to this, until the beginning of the 20th century, the monks managed to preserve a special atmosphere here, which, oddly enough, did not disappear over the years of hard times. Today not only pilgrims come here, but also scientists, researchers, historians

6. Trinity-Sergius Lavra

Where is? Moscow region, Sergiev Posad.
What is holiness? This monastery is rightfully considered the spiritual center of Russia. The history of the monastery is inextricably linked with the fate of the country - here Dmitry Donskoy received a blessing for the Battle of Kulikovo, local monks, together with troops, defended themselves against the Polish-Lithuanian invaders for two years, here the future Tsar Peter I took the oath of boyars.
To this day, pilgrims from all over the Orthodox world come here to pray and feel the grace of this place.

7. Pskov-Pechersky Monastery

Where is? Pechory.
What is holiness? Pskov-Pechersky Monastery - one of the oldest and most famous Russian monasteries. In 1473, the cave church of the Assumption, excavated by the Monk Jonah in a sandstone hill, was consecrated here. This year is considered the year the monastery was founded.

The hill in which the Assumption Church and the caves created by God are located is called the Holy Mountain. There are two holy springs on the territory of the monastery

The peculiarity of the Pskov-Pechersk Monastery is that it has never been closed in its entire history. During the interwar period (from February 1920 to January 1945) it was located within Estonia, thanks to which it was preserved.

8. Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery

Where is? Vologda Region, Kirillovsky district.
What is holiness? The Kirillo-Belozersk monastery is a city within a city, the largest monastery in Europe. The gigantic fortress has withstood enemy siege more than once - two cars can easily pass each other on its three-story walls.

Took tonsure here richest people of its time, and the sovereign’s criminals were kept in the dungeons. Ivan the Terrible himself favored the monastery and invested considerable funds in it. There is a strange energy here that gives peace.

Next door are two more pearls of the North - Ferapontov and Goritsky monasteries. The first is famous for its ancient cathedrals and frescoes of Dionysius, and the second for nuns from noble families. Those who have visited the vicinity of Kirillov at least once return back.

9. Verkhoturye

Where is? Sverdlovsk region, Verkhoturye district.
What is holiness? Once upon a time there was one of the main Ural fortresses, from which several buildings remain (the local Kremlin is the smallest in the country). However, this small town became famous not for its glorious history, but for its large concentration of Orthodox churches and monasteries.

In the 19th century, Verkhoturye became a center of pilgrimage. In 1913, the third largest cathedral was built here Russian Empire– Holy Cross. Not far from the city, in the village of Merkushino, lived the wonderworker Simeon of Verkhoturye, the patron saint of the Urals. People from all over the country come to pray at the relics of the saint - it is believed that they cure diseases.

10. Valaam

Where is? Ladoga lake.
What is holiness? Valaam is one of two “monastic republics” that existed in Russia. Founding time on the islands Orthodox monastery unknown. At the beginning of the 16th century, the monastery already existed; in the 15th-16th centuries, about a dozen future saints lived in the monastery, including, for example, the future founder of another “monastic republic” Savvaty Solovetsky (until 1429) and Alexander Svirsky. It was at this time that monastic hermitages appeared in large numbers on the neighboring islands.

Unlike the Solovetsky archipelago, where the owner is a museum-reserve, on Valaam monastic traditions have been revived almost completely. All the monasteries operate here, the monastery also performs administrative functions on the islands, and the vast majority of visitors to Valaam are pilgrims. Throughout the entire area of ​​the island there are monasteries, “branches” of the monastery, about ten in total. The incomparable nature of the Valaam archipelago - a kind of “quintessence” of the nature of South Karelia - contributes to the pilgrim’s desire to move away from the bustle of the world and come to himself.

11. Pustozersk

Where is? Actually nowhere. Pustozersk is a disappeared city in the lower reaches of the Pechora, in the Zapolyarny region of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. It is located 20 km from the present city of Naryan-Mar.
What is holiness? Pustozersk was the place where Archpriest Avvakum lived in exile in an earthen pit for 15 years, wrote his life and was burned. Pustozersk today is a place of Old Believer pilgrimage and is revered by them as Holy place. A chapel and a refectory were built here, and there are memorial crosses.

12. Rogozhskaya Sloboda

Where is? Moscow.
What is holiness? Rogozhskaya Sloboda is the historical spiritual center of the Russian Old Believers. In 1771, the Old Believer Rogozhskoe cemetery was founded near the Rogozhskaya outpost; a quarantine facility, a hospital and a small chapel were built here.

Then, at the turn of the 18th–19th centuries, two cathedrals were built near the cemetery - Pokrovsky and Rozhdestvensky, the St. Nicholas Chapel was rebuilt in stone, houses for clergy and a clergy, monastic cells, six almshouses and many private and merchant houses were erected next to the churches.

For two centuries the Intercession Cathedral was the largest Orthodox church Moscow, accommodating up to 7,000 believers at a time.
By the beginning of the twentieth century, the number of Old Believers living in the vicinity of Rogozhsky reached 30,000 people

13. Great Bulgars

Where is? Republic of Tatarstan, 140 km from Kazan.
What is holiness? Bulgar, one of the greatest cities of the Middle Ages, is today an important place of worship for Muslims in Russia. In addition to the ancient ruins, what remains from Great Bulgaria is the village of Bolgars and the walls great mosque with a 13th century minaret. Across the road from the entrance to the mosque is the well-preserved Northern Mausoleum. To the east of the mosque is the Eastern Mausoleum.

The White Mosque is located near the entrance to Bolgar, at the South Gate of the Bulgarian Museum-Reserve. The architectural complex consists of the building of the mosque itself, the mufti's residence and madrasah, and the surrounding prayer area.

14. Aulia Spring

Where is?

Republic of Bashkiria, Mount Aushtau.
What is holiness? Aulia is translated from Bashkir as “saint”. This spring is believed to have healing properties. It flows for just over 30 days in late May and early June and attracts tens of thousands of people every year.

People bathe in it in the spring and drink sacred water, which, in their opinion, can get rid of kidney stones, as well as treat respiratory diseases and stomach diseases. In spring, the spring water is said to acquire its healing properties only after May 15th.

The ascent to Mount Aushtau consists of two stages: the first is to reach the sacred spring, the second is to climb to the top of the mountain, where there are three graves, which, according to legend, contain the remains of three Islamic missionaries from the city of Osh, killed in the 13th century by local residents. After repentance, the same local residents buried Sheikh Muhammad Ramadan al-Ush and his companions on the top of a mountain, on the slopes of which a sacred spring appeared

15. Mausoleum of Hussein-Bek

Where is? Republic of Bashkiria, 40 km from Ufa.
What is holiness? The mausoleum is located at the Akzirat cemetery. According to legend, it was built in the 14th century for Hadji Hussein Bek, the first imam on the territory of modern Bashkiria. The order to build the mausoleum was given by Tamerlane himself.

Not far from the mausoleum there are several tombstones with inscriptions on Arabic. It is believed that Tamerlane’s commanders were marked this way.

The Mausoleum of Hussein Beg is considered one of the most sacred Muslim sites in Russia. Just 10 km from this place there is another ancient mausoleum - the grave of Turukhan. According to some historians, he was a descendant of Genghis Khan. According to historians, Turukhan, like Hussein Bey, was an enlightened Muslim ruler.

16. Ziyarat Kunta-Hadji Kishieva

Where is? Chechen Republic, village of Khadzhi.
What is holiness? There are 59 holy burial places, ziyarat, in Chechnya. Ziyarat Kunta-Hadji Kishieva is the most revered of them. In the 19th century, the village of Khadzhi was the birthplace of the Sufi sheikh Kunta-Hadzhi Kishiev, a Chechen saint and missionary who preached zikr ("remembrance of Allah").
Near the place where Kishiev's house stood, there is a holy spring, the water from which has medicinal properties. Those who wish can also visit the grave of Kishiev’s mother. It is located nearby on Mount Ertina, which the Chechens consider a sacred place.

17. Fortress of Qala of Quraish

Where is? Republic of Dagestan, 120 km from Makhachkala.
What is holiness? The mosque of the Qala Quraish fortress is one of the oldest mosques in Russia, it was built in the 9th century. Also on the territory of the fortress there is an ancient tomb and a museum.

The fortress is located at an altitude of 1000 meters above sea level. Because of its appearance, Qala Quraish is sometimes called Dagestan's Machu Picchu.

The Koraysh, or Quraish, were considered the closest relatives and descendants of the Prophet Mohammed himself, therefore Kala Koreish, founded by them, turned into the most important center for the spread of Islam in the region.

By the 20th century, Kala Koreish had virtually become a ghost town. Nearby residents claim that in the 1970s, two women and one man lived in Kala Koreisha. These were the last inhabitants of the ancient city of the descendants of Mohammed.

18. Tuti-bike Mausoleum

Where is? Republic of Dagestan, Derbent.
What is holiness? The Mausoleum of the Derbent Khans - the only mausoleum preserved in Derbent - was erected in 1202 AH (1787-1788) over the grave of the ruler of Derbent, Tuti-bike. In addition to her, her sons are buried in the mausoleum, as well as Hasan Khan’s wife Nur-Jahan Khanum.
The ruler of Derbent, Tuti-bike, is a very significant figure in the history of Dagestan. In 1774, during the assault on Derbent by the Kaitag Utsmi Emir-Gamza, Tuti-bike personally took part in the defense, was on the city wall, controlling the actions of the artillery. During the siege of the city, she did not interrupt the prayer and, upon its completion, going out into the courtyard of the Juma mosque, where an enemy detachment burst into, killed their leader with a blow of a dagger. The legend says that the enemies fled, amazed at the woman’s courage.
In the immediate vicinity of the mausoleum is Kyrkhlyar (“forty” in Turkic). This is the burial place of Islamic martyrs.

19. Mausoleum of Borg-Kash

Where is? The mausoleum is located on the northwestern outskirts of the modern rural settlement Plievo, Nazran district of the Republic of Ingushetia, on the left hilly bank of the Sunzha, which is a spur of the Sunzhensky ridge.
What is holiness? Historians still disagree about how and why this mausoleum was built.

Borga-Kash is translated as "Borgan's grave". According to one version, the mausoleum was the tomb of Burakan Beksultan, one of the main leaders of the Ingush in the fight against Timur’s troops, who invaded local lands in 1395. Burakan did not die in the war with Timur, but died ten years later, which corresponds to the time the mausoleum was built

The 600-year-old mausoleum is an important place of pilgrimage and one of the most valuable Ingush historical monuments. To this day, inscriptions in Arabic have been preserved on the mausoleum building.

20. Ivolginsky datsan

Where is? Republic of Buryatia, village of Verkhnyaya Ivolga. 30 km from Ula-Ude.
What is holiness? Ivolginsky datsan is the main datsan of Russia, the residence of Pandito Khambo Lama - the Head of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia, a large Buddhist monastery complex, a historical and architectural monument.
In the Ivolginsky datsan there is the body of one of the main ascetics of Buddhism of the twentieth century, the head of the Buddhists of Siberia in 1911-1917, Khambo Lama Itigelov. In 1927, he sat in the lotus position, gathered his disciples and told them to read a prayer of good wishes for the deceased, after which, according to Buddhist beliefs, the lama went into a state of samadhi.

He was buried in a cedar cube in the same lotus position, bequeathing before his departure to dig up the sarcophagus 30 years later. In 1955, the cube was lifted. The body of Hambo Lama turned out to be incorrupt, and analyzes carried out by scientists already in 2000 showed that the protein fractions have intravital characteristics, and the concentration of bromine is 40 times higher than the norm.
Right here, in Ivolginsky Datsan, you can see a magic stone. Near it there is an inscription: “According to legend, it was this stone that Nogoon Dari Ehe (Green Tara) touched and left the imprint of her brush on it.

21. Nilovsky datsan

Where is? In the Tunka Valley, 4 km upstream of the river from the Nilova Pustyn resort, in the forest on the 10 km road on Mount Kholma-Ula.
What is holiness? By ancient legend, landed at this place mythical god Khan Shargai Noyon, head of the haats sitting on the ridges of the Sayan Mountains. In honor of this, a small log house for prayers was built here in 1867. Subsequently, two wooden datsans were built here.

On the territory of the Nilovsky datsan there is a tower made of a long and smooth log with a round wooden barrel on top. This design is not found in any other datsan in Buryatia. Local old-timers say that when the lamas converted the local population to Buddhism, they gathered all the shamans in this place and convinced them to accept the Buddhist faith.

All the tambourines and shamanic costumes were burned. Sacred relics and silver coins were placed in the barrel and raised up so that Buddha could see the gifts. The sand at the landing site of Khan Shargai Noyon is considered holy. It is widely believed that sand taken by a man gives him strength.

22. Mount Belukha

Where is? The highest point of the Altai Mountains. Located on the territory of the Ust-Koksinsky district.
What is holiness? Many researchers correlate the highest Altai mountain Belukha with the sacred Mount Meru. In particular, the Russian philosopher Nikolai Fedorov tried to confirm this theory. Based on a map depicting the sacred Mount Meru, dated to the 2nd century BC, Turkologist Murat Adji supplemented the popular hypothesis.

At equal distances from Meru were the four then known oceans, and Belukha was equally distant from the Indian, Pacific and Arctic Oceans.

Belukha is considered a sacred mountain among Buddhists; Old Believers came here to escape the world in search of the legendary Belovodye. According to Altai beliefs, the goddess Umai, the supreme female deity, comparable in importance to Tengri, lives on Belukha.

23. Olkhon Island

Where is? Olkhon is the largest island on Lake Baikal. Located 256 km from Irkutsk.
What is holiness? One of the main places of worship is the Shamanka rock. Women and children are prohibited from entering the cave, located in the rock. There was once a Buddhist shrine there.

What is holiness? According to the results of the republican-scale competition “Seven Wonders of the Nature of Buryatia”, Baragkhan was recognized as the main Buryat natural wonder.

Since ancient times, the mountain has been revered as a shrine by both the Barguzin Buryats and the Mogul-speaking peoples. Buryat mythology tells about the owners of the mountain, the dune baabai and Khazhar-Sagaan-noyon - heavenly lords who descended to earth.

There is also a legend that a noble khan from the golden family of Borjigins was buried on Barkhan-Uula. There is a legend about Soodoy Lama, a great yogi who chose Baraghan for his meditations.

It is believed that whoever climbs this mountain will be connected with it. mystical power, and the righteous can see the image of Buddha on its slopes. Climbing the mountain is usually accompanied by monks Ivolginsky datsan, a huge prayer service was written in Sanskrit in honor of Baraghan.

On the Tepteekhey plateau, at the very top of the mountain, there is an ancient and sacred stone structure An obo that honors the spirit of the mountain. There is also a Lamaist sacred sign here, symbolizing the eternity and infinity of the universe.

Nowadays, Buddhist prayers and rituals are held on Barkhan-Uula. Pilgrimage ascents to the top of the mountain take place annually.
But not everyone can climb the mountain. To do this, you need to obtain permission from the lama at the Kurumkan datsan. Women are prohibited from climbing Barkhan-Uula.

25. Merkit Fortress

Where is? In the south of Buryatia, in the Mukhorshibirsky district, 110 km from Ulan-Ude on the right bank of the river mouth. Push.
What is holiness? According to legend, it was here that the first battles of Genghis Khan took place with the Merkits, who once inhabited these lands. From 1177 to 1216, the Merkits fought fierce battles against Genghis Khan and Khan Jochi until they were defeated. The Merkit fortress today is not a fortress in the usual sense of the word. These are rock formations on which elements of former fortifications, recesses for signal lights, a well, and observation platforms have been preserved.
In the Merkit fortress there are two so-called “humming stones”, which, according to popular belief, can heal a woman from infertility and bring good luck in love. Pilgrimages are held to the Merkit fortress; shamans and lamas come here.
in 2010, Buddhist scrolls and thangka icons were discovered here, which were hidden here by lamas during the years of persecution of religion. Since nothing could be taken from the mountain, the scrolls were examined and returned to their place.

People are ready to travel thousands of kilometers to get to the famous Place of Power: the pyramids of Giza, Tibet, Stonehenge, Easter Island, the mountains of Nepal, the Altai Mountains or Lake Baikal. But it’s not at all necessary to travel that far; it’s quite possible to get natural energy much closer - in central Russia, Crimea, Ukraine and Belarus, where energy zones rich in miracles are located.

Sources of natural energy output

There are many special places on Earth where the human energy shell is tuned to specific vibrations - such places have long been considered Places of Power by people. The body of planet Earth is pierced by channels carrying energy information. Energy moves through them all the time, and through the places where the Force exits, information is exchanged with the Cosmos.

Some bioenergetics consider the most powerful Places of Power of the Earth:

The list of energy sources can be continued endlessly: Mexico, Spain, Thailand, all of Europe, Cyprus. Sochi, Perm, Almaty, Yalta, Vladivostok - all have their own legendary sources of energy.

Places of Power are visited annually by countless tourists, bioenergeticists, ufologists, and healers. These energy sources are used during spiritual practices, as well as for working out and realizing one’s Karma. Meditations, classes on spiritual practices, congresses of ufologists and conferences of healers are constantly held here.

Pilgrimage is associated with sources of Power. They are also actively used for burial rites, since it is believed that they create ideal conditions for good reincarnation.

What does the source of Energy look like?

Places of Power often have a round shape, and you can even recharge their energy through video or photography. A map of such places indicates that there are usually mountains or water nearby. Most often, a sacred place is distinguished by a unique terrain, landscape, location: Lake Baikal, the Carpathians, Mount Kailash, the mountains of the Urals, the Caucasus, Abkhazia and Altai.

Sometimes such sources can be buildings or cities marked
the most important historical or religious events: Jerusalem, cathedrals in Italy, churches in Russia. A sacred place can combine both characteristics, like dolmens in the Caucasus, as well as among the ancient Slavs (Gelendzhik).

For ancient civilizations, Places of Power were of great importance. Special structures and devices enhanced their positive energy. These are megaliths (menhirs, dolmens, stone circles), and later buildings of Asia (pagodas, stupas), and psychoenergetic devices (the mantra wheel of Tibet).

What are they?

The energy of each source of Power can be positive or negative, so they have different effects on a person. The “Positive” Place of Power harmonizes the body, gives positive energy. Sometimes people specifically come to such places to get rid of diseases. A “negative” source of energy makes you feel worse. But such places can also have a good effect on sick people, “pulling out” the negative.

Sources of Power can be man-made or natural. Natural energy sources are usually found in inaccessible areas. And man-made Places of Power (mosques, temples, churches) are usually located where natural ones used to be.

Energy information planetary channels have periods of activity and passivity. The flow of energy from any Place of Power can be strong or weak. Thus, Stonehenge is no longer an active source of energy, although people used to flock to it for healing.

Energy sources throughout Russia

Powerful sources of Power are located in almost all regions of Russia: in Kaliningrad, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Samara, Leningrad, Orenburg, Novosibirsk, Tula, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Vladimir, Volgograd, Kirov, Tver, Sverdlovsk, Kaluga, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Lipetsk...

People living in Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg or St. Petersburg), Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Moscow and the Moscow region know firsthand about energy sources. The list of expressed sources of Power can include almost all cities of Russia.

In Moscow and the Moscow region these include: Donskoy Monastery, Vorobyovy Gory, Sergiev Posad. The Chapel of Xenia the Blessed and Monrepos Park are well known to residents of the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg. The Russian cities of Voronezh, Valdai, Volgograd, Kazan, Omsk, Cheboksary, Anapa are also very well known to pilgrims, healers, and bioenergetics specialists.

Places with powerful energy are not uncommon in the Altai, Perm and Krasnodar Territories, Khakassia, Bashkiria, Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Siberia, Lake Baikal, and the Kola Peninsula.

There are a lot of places where the Force emerges in the Urals. Thus, the ancient city of Arkaim (in the Chelyabinsk region) today is the main esoteric center of Russia. In Karelia there is great amount sources of release of the Force, but the most famous are: the Chardon archipelago, Kizhi island, Anzer island, Pegrem sanctuary.

It is impossible to count energy sources in Crimea. The largest number of them
concentrated in the Bakhchisarai region, as well as near the city of Yalta. Such attractions include: the Karadag and Chatyr-Dag mountains, the Kachi-Kalyon cave monastery, the Stone Mushrooms natural monument, and the Valley of Ghosts.

Dolmens make you think about their purpose. These megalithic mysterious structures of classical form have preserved the surroundings of Gelendzhik. But near Simeiz the dolmens are a little smaller.

Sevastopol can be proud of the Temple of the Sun at the foot of Ilyas-Kai, as well as the Skel menhirs. In Altai there is the famous Ukok plateau, former land ancient Scythians. The Kola Peninsula is famous for its Seydozero and Lovozero tundras.

In Nizhny Novgorod there is a healing lake Svetloyar. Pilgrims from all over the world also go to Shaitan Lake (Omsk), because the water of this lake is considered healing for women. And on Lake Ladoga is the legendary Valaam.

It’s impossible to list all the wonders of Russia... In Samara and Samara region The famous Samara Luka is located. The island of Sviyazhsk is famous in Tatarstan, and the ancient labyrinths of the northern Scythians are on Solovki.


Ukraine is rich in powerful sources of natural power. There are both ancient monuments and recently emerged places (for example, the Poklonny Cross of Kharkov).

Mount Totokha near Kyiv is considered the energy center of all of Ukraine. Another powerful Place of Power is Monastyrsky Island, located not just in the Dnepropetrovsk region, but in the very heart of Dnepropetrovsk.

There are no sources of power in Odessa itself, but the small town of Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, located in Odessa region, preserved the Akkerman fortress - the strongest source of solar energy.

Ukrainian women have many places that have a beneficial effect on feminine energy. Maiden Mountain above the Dnieper is a powerful source of energy for conception, as well as obtaining feminine strength. Men were forbidden to visit this mountain under threat of death. The village of Busha in the Vinnytsia region rejuvenates women, and Lysaya Gora near the town of Rzhishche is a gathering point for Ukrainian witches.

Ukraine is also famous for its ancient sources of Power. Thus, the Stone Tomb in the Zaporozhye region is recognized as the oldest monument in the entire territory of Ukraine. Mount Bogit in the Ternopil region - a shrine of pagans Kievan Rus. The main attraction of Bogita are the dolmens and the pedestal for the idol of the ancient Slavic deity.

Vladimirskaya Hill in Kyiv is the source of Strength of the ancient Slavs. They were convinced that it was happening here energy channel, connecting Earth and Space. Svyatogorye in the Donetsk region has been a holy land since the Stone Age. Now the Svyatogorsk Lavra stands here.


Residents of Europe will not have much difficulty finding Places of Power, since they are concentrated here very densely:


Esotericists are well aware of the energy sources of Asia. In India, everyone knows the Sacred Mountain of Arunachala - it is considered the embodiment of the Pillar of Light. Another Sacred Mountain is Meru, the real center of the spiritual and material worlds.

Tibet is often called the Center of the World. The pyramid-shaped mountain Kailash is considered a famous energy source in Tibet. There are also many sources of Power in Central Asia, for example, in Kazakhstan.

South America

The world map shows that the sacred energy sources of South America are located parallel to similar places in India, Tibet, Nepal, and the peaks of the Andes are opposite the Himalayan peaks.

The powerful Places of Power in South America since time immemorial have been Machu Picchu (City Lost in the Clouds), as well as the Inca Trail leading to it. The oldest source of Power in South America is called Easter Island in Chile, where 887 five-meter Moai (megalithic stone idols) were discovered.

Places of Power are the most amazing miracle of our planet. People who practice all kinds of self-regulation systems (yoga, qigong, reiki) agree that it is possible to do whatever you want next to such energy sources. You can either meditate or just sit without thinking about anything. In any case, a positive effect from the source of Power will be achieved.

Places of power are zones of the Earth endowed with special energy. They acquire unusual properties for various reasons: natural features of the area leave their mark (for example, geotectonic faults), important religious or historical events that occurred in this area.

Such zones may have pronounced positive or negative energy. In the first case, visiting places of power can heal a person on both the physical and spiritual levels. In the second, on the contrary, to take away part of the vital energy.

In one article it is impossible to talk about all such places located within our state. We have collected 11 famous objects that have powerful positive energy and are surrounded by many legends.

Mount Belukha in Altai

Esotericists call it a sacred place, believing that here our planet is charged with universal energy; ufologists believe that the Yarlu Gorge is a “parking lot” for UFOs. Mystics say that here is the entrance to the mysterious Shambhala - a mythical country inside a mountain, accessible only to a select few.

Since time immemorial, people have been coming here to find peace and quiet. Belukha does not leave the sick and unfortunate in trouble, as well as punishes those who are overwhelmed by pride. Roerich noted this place for its strong energy.

Chardon archipelago in Karelia

Layers of granite with quartzite create a unique rock pattern on the islets of the Chardon archipelago. The wild beauty of these places attracts everyone without exception. People come here to listen to the silence, admire the sunsets, fish and, of course, restore their strength.

The energy center of the archipelago is called a relatively small area on which trees of unusual shape grow - their trunks are twisted in an intricate way and burned by lightning.

Here people feel a surge of vigor; some say that if you put your palm forward, you can feel a slight tingling sensation.

Olkhon Island on Lake Baikal

Olkhon is surrounded by the waters of Lake Baikal. This is one of the most beautiful places in Russia, shrouded in many mysterious legends. The island is called the sacred center of the northern shamanic world. The ancients believed that the spirits of Baikal settled here.

Not far from the island, at the source of the Angara, there is the Shaman Stone - the habitat of Ama Sagan Noyon - the owner of the river. Two stone peaks protruding from the water resemble a shaman's headdress.

Important ceremonies were held here and justice was administered. The convicted criminal was left on the stone overnight. If a person was not taken by Baikal or did not go crazy, he was acquitted.

Cape Burhan is considered one of the 9 shrines of Asia. Here in the Shamanka rock there is a through cave, where they used to make sacrifices, and now there is a statue of Buddha. For a long time, the road to the rock was open only to the strongest sorcerers of the world: and in our time, they come here every year for their tailagan.

Mount Demerdzhi in Crimea

Mount Demerdzhi is a rocky place of power, shrouded in a mystical aura. There are many eyewitness accounts that talk about humanoid creatures that are found here as well as in Arkaim, the city of ghosts. There is a belief that if a traveler gets caught in the fog on the slopes of Demerdzhi, he risks never returning - the mountains will not let him go. In good weather, the place gives strength and helps you make the right decisions in silence.

Sanctuary of Pegrema in Karelia

Pegrema - an abandoned village on the shores of Lake Onega - is ranked among the most mysterious places Russia. Visitors are greeted by a graveyard of peasant houses with facades facing the lake, and a crypt made of wood from the monastery of Valaam Khutynsky.

The “Glade of Idols” brought fame to the place. Here the ancestors of the Karelian-Finns worshiped the gods, performed rituals, paying honor to ancestral totems and escorting last way their compatriots.

Among the idols one can easily recognize a duck - the foremother of the earth in Karelian-Finnish mythology, a frog, a turtle and other representatives of the fauna created by someone in stone.

Lake Svetloyar in the Nizhny Novgorod region

The second name of the reservoir is “Russian Atlantis”. The still waters of the lake, according to legend, hide the magnificent city of Kitezh from view. This is notified by the occasional light ripple running across the mirror-like surface.

Those standing on the shore of Svetloyar see lights in the depths of the lake, hear drawn-out singing and bell ringing. The water of a reservoir is considered holy because it can be stored indefinitely in a vessel without losing its qualities.

Dolmens in the Krasnodar region

Dolmens are stone megalithic buildings. They were erected several thousand years ago by unknown craftsmen. Dolmens are scattered throughout the Caucasus. Most of them are near Gelendzhik: on Mount Nexis, in populated areas Revival, Pshada and on the way to them.

Scientists put forward several versions of their purpose. Dolmens are called ancient observatories, original energy cannons, ancient tombs. One thing was found out for sure - all the buildings were erected in geoactive places (where geological faults and springs are indicated on the map). People believe that wishes come true here and answers to important questions are found.

Ukok plateau in Altai region

The Ukok plateau is located not far from Gorno-Altaisk, and, like many places of power, is surrounded by an aura of mystery. It is forbidden to shout here, since it is believed that a loud sound is a sign of sacrilege and an insult to the spirits “living” here.

In the Ukok pastures, from a great height you can see geoglyphs - giant drawings similar in scale to those found in the Nazca desert.

Ufologists believe that this is a marking for the messengers of heaven.

Champ Island in the Arkhangelsk region

One of the many atolls of the Franz Josef Land archipelago is attractive with its mysterious orbs. At first glance, it looks like the spheres were created by nature from very hard rock, but in fact their structure is quite loose. Tourists compare it to very tightly compressed sand.

Spherulites seem to “grow” from the ground

Valley of Geysers on the Kamchatka Peninsula

Travelers feel here as if on another planet. The play of colors gives the landscape a special beauty: the green of the flora is interspersed with yellow, purple and red shades of rocks covered with thermal algae and moss. The names of the geysers also match them, one of which is “Gates of Hell”.

Everyone who has managed to visit here falls under the charm of this region.

Tekie dervishes in Evpatoria (Crimea)

The only Islamic monastery on the peninsula is a refuge for supporters of Sufism (a mystical movement in Islam). Mystery lies in the dances of the dervishes, representing a performance-ritual of worship of Allah.

Here Sufis at their meetings shared knowledge with each other and immersed themselves in meditation, organized celebrations with chants and dances, after which they fell into mystical ecstasy.

The editors of the site believe that the world is full of secrets, many of which have yet to be solved by man. Scientists have already found explanations for some amazing phenomena. We invite you to get acquainted with natural illusions that look like a miracle.
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Travel is different. Some people desire a seaside holiday, while others desire city excursion tours. Some trips take years to prepare for, because their purpose is not sightseeing, but spiritual growth, receiving grace and consolation. Holy places- this is the goal of millions of believers around the world who dream of touching the greatest religious relics. Today we will tell you about the most famous of them.

Holy places. Vatican

Country with an area of ​​0.44 m2 and holy capital Catholic world. The high fortress wall hides the secrets of a sovereign state founded in 1929 and with its own flag, mint, currency, post office, radio station and railway. Until this time, the Vatican belonged to Italy and was known as the center of power of the Pope - the head of the Holy See and Roman Catholic Church. It houses priceless treasures of world culture and art, some of which are exhibited in accessible museums, as well as secret archives located in an 85 km long underground vault. Access there is closed to mere mortals.

The main entrance to the Vatican is Piazza San Pietro, designed by the greatest Lorenzo Bernini. His great idea was the symmetrical colonnades in the shape of a semicircle that frame the square, which gives it the outline of the key to heaven given to Peter by Jesus.

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Piazza San Pietro is home to the sacred destination of pilgrimage for millions of Catholics around the world - St. Peter's Basilica, which is the largest Christian temple on the planet, with an area of ​​22,067 m2. The foundation of the grandiose basilica was the burial place of the Apostle Peter, who suffered martyrdom on an inverted cross. The coffin with part of the relics of Peter is located in the center of the cathedral, above it the lamps of the Papal Altar burn inextinguishably. In addition, in the sacred place there are the Vatican Grottoes, where the deceased Popes rest, the relics of John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian and the statue of Queen Helena with the Cross of the Lord she found, particles of which are also a relic of St. Peter's Basilica.

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Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloeinu Adonai echad! These words of the most important Jewish prayer have long been absorbed into the stones of the Western Wall. Jews all over the world pray towards Jerusalem, and Jews of Jerusalem pray towards the Western Wall - a symbol of hope and faith. It was so more than 2 thousand years ago, and it is so now. Representatives of other faiths also strive to get to the shrine and insert notes into the cracks between the ancient stones, to which they entrust their most cherished desires. There is always an atmosphere of harmony and peace here. Here everyone has a conversation with God.

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Today's prayer site is the ruins of the structures that formerly surrounded the Temple Mount. More than 3 thousand years ago, the wise Solomon founded a grandiose temple here, where the priceless shrines of the people of Israel were located - the tablets stored in the Ark of the Covenant with the commandments inscribed on them, which God gave to Moses on the top of Mount Sinai. In 586 BC. e. the temple was destroyed by the king of the Babylonian kingdom Nebuchadnezzar. In 516 BC. e. a second holy house was erected. But a sad fate awaited him too. In 70 AD e. Roman troops, led by Emperor Titus, burned the sanctuary.

Only the western part of the wall of the second temple remained intact - the current Wailing Wall - the main synagogue under open air, where followers of Judaism pray tirelessly, grieving for the lost holy place and tablets and dreaming of the construction of the Third Temple, the appearance of which was predicted by the prophets.

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In the heart of Jerusalem is the most sacred place of all Christians on the planet. Jesus Christ preached here more than 2 thousand years ago. The energy of this land cannot be expressed in words - it must be felt, absorbed along with the hot air of the ancient narrow streets along which on Friday, early spring morning of the month of Nisan, Jesus was led to the place of crucifixion. On Mount Golgotha, where He accepted death on the Cross and was buried, where the miracle of the Resurrection occurred, in 335 AD. e. Queen Helena and her son Constantine erected the first sacred temple Holy Sepulcher.

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Today, under the arches of the temple there are three of the greatest shrines of Christianity:

The silver-lined round hole at the top of the sanctuary is the location of the Cross. Seventeen steps lead there. A Throne was built in front of the Crucifixion, and to the right of it is a part of the rock under glass with cracks formed at the moment of the Lord’s death.

The stone of Confirmation, lined with marble, on which the body of Jesus was placed after the Crucifixion for rubbing with precious oils. It is located in front of the entrance to the temple. Eight lamps are suspended above this place - exactly as many denominations of Christianity have the right to be in the sacred place. Pilgrims strive to touch the Stone and place icons and crosses on it for the Holy blessing.

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Rotunda, in the center of which is the marble chapel of Edicule, consisting of two limits: the Angel and the Holy Sepulcher, located in a small grotto with a low entrance. You can (and should!) enter it only on your knees, since inside there is a Shrine that has no equal in the Christian world - the Holy Sepulcher. Great things happened here Christ's Resurrection, here pilgrims who arrived from all over the world shed tears of joy, cleansing their souls!

Every year a miracle occurs in the temple, which millions of Christians await with hope in their hearts - the ascent Holy Fire. The flame appearing on the funeral bed symbolizes the continuation of life on the planet. According to sacred legends, the year when sacred fire will not be given to people, it will be the beginning of the Apocalypse.

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In Mecca, a city surrounded by mountains with an area of ​​400 km2, located in the western part of Saudi Arabia, in 570 AD. The main prophet of Islam, Muhammad, was born and preached starting in 629. Muslims look towards this sanctuary during prayers, performed five times a day. Representatives of other faiths are not allowed here. In the Middle Ages, those who violated the ban faced immediate death. Today, those who do not comply with this law face a large fine.

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Every year, more than two million devout Muslims on the planet perform Hajj - a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, in which everyone who believes in Allah must take part at least once in their life. The time of Hajj comes with the onset of certain months of the Islamic calendar. These are Shawwal, Dhul-Qaida and 9 days of Dhul-Hijjah. The purpose of the pilgrimage is to worship the greatest shrine of the Islamic religion - the Kaaba, located in the courtyard of the main building of Mecca - the Sacred Mosque, the area of ​​which is 309 m2.

The Kaaba itself is a 15-meter-high black granite cube standing on a marble foundation. The structure is covered with dark fabric and hides a room inside, the entrance to which is closed by a golden door. Her weight is 286 kg. One and a half meters from the ground in the eastern corner of the Kaaba is the main relic - the Stone of Forgiveness, sent by Allah to Adam and Eve. At that time the shrine was painted in White color, but, having absorbed the sins of the human race, it darkened. Touching the Black Stone is the main dream of all followers of Islam.

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The holy city, standing on the banks of the Ganges River, is the religious capital of India. There are a huge number of temples here - about 25,000. Hindus claim that Varanasi (or Benares), built by God Shiva, was the first city to appear on the planet. It is from this place that the history of mankind begins. At the time when India was a British colony, the city was called Kashi, which means “bright” in Indian. Hindus believe that staying in this place removes all sins from a person. Therefore, Varanasi is the most important pilgrimage destination for Indians who dream of swimming in the waters of the Ganges and cleansing their souls.

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An equally important goal for numerous Indians trying to get to the ancient city is, no matter how crazy it may sound, the cremation of the dead. Followers of Hinduism have no fear of death, because the soul does not die, but is reborn again, going through many cycles until it reaches heaven. The eastern bank of the Ganges is where people go after death. And if their bodies were burned on the western bank, then the liberated souls immediately rush to God. At this place, about 300 dead people are burned every day. Ritual fires have not gone out here for a minute for 3.5 thousand years.

Holy places. Bethlehem, Palestine

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Bethlehem is a small Palestinian town that is dear to the heart of every Christian. Here, on a magical clear night, a new star lit up in the sky, and the Angels announced to the shepherds guarding their flocks about the birth of the Savior of mankind. Three eastern sorcerer kings sent their feet here to present gifts and worship the King of the World. And it is here that the Basilica of the Nativity of Christ is located, which thousands of believers visit every day with trembling in their hearts.

The first small temple at the birthplace of the Savior was erected back in 323 by Queen Helena. This church burned down during the uprising that took place in Samaria. About 200 years later, Emperor Justinian, having received a request for the restoration of the holy house from Sava the Consecrated, decided to build a new temple, which has survived virtually unchanged to this day.

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The main entrance to the basilica is very low and narrow. The church consists of a prayer hall in the shape of a cross, which includes five naves, and a small Cave of the Nativity, which has two entrances. It is here, in the dungeon, that the main shrine temple - the birthplace of the Savior, indicated by a star, and the manger in which Mary carefully laid the newborn Jesus. To get to the grotto, pilgrims wait for several hours, reading prayers and preparing themselves for the meeting with the shrine.

Church of St. Nicholas, Türkiye

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In Turkey there are many Christian shrines. One of the most visited of them is the Church of St. Nicholas. It is located in the small town of Demre, located in the province of Antalya about three kilometers from the ruins of the ancient city of the World, where around 270 AD. e. was born the greatest Nikolai Wonderworker (Myra). Here he subsequently served as a bishop in the church he created.

Since childhood, Nikolai dedicated his life to serving the Lord. Around 300 AD. e., having become the bishop of Myra, he began to preach. Then an extraordinary event occurred - a miracle that Nikolai performed, resurrecting a dead sailor during a raging storm. The people were filled with faith in the spiritual power of the clergyman.

Around 343 AD. e. Nikolai died. The last refuge of the great man, who was canonized after his death, was a white marble sarcophagus installed in the temple in which the Wonderworker served.

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Even after the death of the Saint, his relics healed the sick. In 1087, the remains of the Wonderworker were stolen by the Venetians and transported to the Italian city of Bari, where they are currently located. But even today, thousands of pilgrims come to Turkish Demre to kneel before the place where Nicholas of Myra rested. The surviving sarcophagus of the Saint is located in the south nave of the basilica.

In conclusion, I would like to remind you what rules of behavior you should not forget about when visiting holy places. Even if you came here as a tourist and not a pilgrim, you should respect the feelings of believers and comply with the necessary requirements. Women's hair, arms, neckline and legs above the knees must be covered; shorts and T-shirts are unacceptable for men. Carefully read the rules of photography - sometimes it is prohibited. If you want to enter the mosque, be sure to remove your shoes first. And please always turn off your cell phones.

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