Six of the Cup, characteristics and description of the card. Minor Arcana Tarot Six of Cups: meaning and combination with other Tarot cards, meaning of 6 of Cups

This card is considered one of the most favorable in most decks. It describes a harmless situation, success without effort in a harmonious environment, the manifestation of generosity, generosity and love, joy of life and inner harmony, well-being and uplift (at least emotional). As the resulting map of the layout, it usually reports that an almost forgotten dream will unexpectedly come true.

But besides this (and mainly) this Arcanum is a vector directed into the Past. A card of nostalgia, memories of the past, romantic feelings, it means past hobbies, from the influence of which we have completely or partially freed ourselves, disappeared people and things. Everything that seemed lost at the stage of Fives returns in Sixes. The presence of this card in the layout speaks of the awakening of long-forgotten desires, past aspirations, intentions and plans. Something will clearly remind you of the past - people, places, meetings, events... This map is used to turn the pages of your own book of life. It is in charge of both ordinary memory, which does not go beyond the limits of one life, and the so-called karmic memory. The ancient interpreters give this card the meaning of “that which has disappeared,” but that’s the trick: it has not disappeared. It cannot disappear. “Manuscripts don’t burn.”

According to the Six of Cups, better times do not come, better times return. “Before the war, everything was decidedly better,” the grass is greener, the birds are more vocal, prices are lower, feelings are deeper... well, that’s it.

The appearance of this card indicates that something or someone will make you see the good in life again. The Six of Cups should be perceived as a logical continuation of the Five of Cups. Sadness, bitterness, disappointment and dissatisfaction with what is, leads to nostalgic thoughts about past love and past happiness, about how good it once was.

And the best thing that the Six of Cups can give (especially to those “nailed” by the Five) is the inner knowledge that happiness exists, in principle it happens, and if you were once happy, then you can achieve it again, learn it again. This card shows that the questioner can recognize happiness again, that happiness can return, especially in a favorable scenario. The feelings that we begin to experience again according to this card are such that they usually fill us with light and joy and inspire us to take new steps. Impulses coming from the past give us the strength to bring something important to life here and now, and experience allows us to change many things in life for the better.

Like the Ten of Cups, the Six of Cups can be an indicator of the querent’s house, even in such a broad sense as homeland, origins, sources. Sometimes the presence of a card in a layout indicates that the root of the problem is in the questioner’s childhood; it may indicate some episodes or impressions of early years, and if the Six of Swords is nearby, then this is definitely some kind of generic background. According to the Six of Cups, there are family celebrations, special dates, memorable days, as well as simply meeting people with whom we have not seen for a hundred years.

The very appearance of the Six of Cups in a reading often indicates that the current state of affairs has deep roots in the past, and it makes sense to think about its impact on the present. A negative card environment may indicate that this is a traumatic, destructive influence.

Sometimes it is literally a “journey into the past” - to the places where we left a piece of our heart.

The first traditional meaning describes such human qualities as infantilism, naivety, innocence, sincerity and simplicity, a kind of inner child, devoid of doubts, duplicity and other troubles of adulthood. This is the state that we usually lose along the path of life, and here is a glimpse of it - the Six of Cups in the reading. Traditionally, it is associated with recognizing your inner child. This is a return to yourself.

Another meaning has to do with deeply unchildish experiences - for that matter, they are more characteristic of older people. This is nostalgia for the past, sentimental memories, immersion in the past, a feeling of an inextricable connection with the past. Sometimes a card speaks of a person for whom the present does not exist without a past, because he belongs to this past with all his heart. An indication that there is a very important, invaluable experience hidden there for him.

Sometimes this “past” actually refers to childhood experiences - the card may gravitate towards Freudian psychoanalysis, concepts rooted in childhood. There may be both idealization and dramatization. But more often it is romantic nostalgia, even to the point of a tendency to live in the past. This card shows the great importance of memories - the past is still alive in a person, that he returns to it in romantic dreams or in painfully nostalgic experiences.

Emotional revival and well-being, helping feelings. Positive attitude towards life. A feeling of balance and fullness, with favorable neighboring cards - happiness and harmony. Altruism, willingness to share, help and love. This card is in some ways the opposite of the previous one: unlike the Five of Cups, the Six of Cups characterizes a person as a self-confident and internally liberated person, capable of controlling his own emotions.

Balance, satisfaction, good mood.

According to the Six of Cups, memories of karmic knots tied in past lives are available.
The card describes a state of mind fueled by images of harmony. The ability to return to your original, authentic state, and this will help the upcoming renewal. For Crowley, this particular card correlates with finding one’s center, returning to the creative source. In the idyllic space of the Six of Cups, emotional desires become a creative force. This card symbolizes protected sacred space.

Banzhaf and Akron write that this card represents an encounter with the feminine principle and the source of motherhood. Light penetrating the eternal waters of the unknowable (Sun in Scorpio) as an ancient symbol of fertilization. Regarding astrological associations: “The second decade of Scorpio expresses the idea of ​​deep awareness of the hidden processes of the collective unconscious, which gives power over them.

Observing the mechanisms of life and mastering them through the concept of their essence makes it possible to control the situation and elevates a person above others. This decade is ruled by the Sun, which rules the heart and at the same time the self-awareness of a person, merging feeling and reason into one. But, sometimes, Uranus or Neptune is considered the patron of this decade, since it does not abuse power, but tends to be reasonable about feelings, which can, as a consequence, lead to a somewhat detached view of the world. But its meaning is not in leaving for the other world, but in the ability to live in the present; this requires not only depth of thought, but also childlike spontaneity.

On the map, the seller, dressed as a jester (interesting interpretation!), selling flowers, gives a flower to a little girl with a smile. On the tablecloth of the counter is the St. Andrew's Cross of Sympathy. The seller sells goods - this reveals the nature of Scorpio, a passionate acquirer of wealth and human emotions. But white flowers in cups serve as a symbol of the fact that emotions are purified to the most primary and immediate manifestations: only those feelings are left that lead a person to the sources of life. Now he can bring them as a gift to someone who needs it: a passion dangerous for others has been transformed into universal love and sympathy. Participation in the passions of the world is perceived by the seller as a game - hence his clothes as a jester. But this does not prevent him from showing love: his power in the world is expressed as compassion for people.”

At this stage, the emotion is spiritualized and turns into love for the omnipresent. The manifestation of this card in a reading may indicate a situation that requires tolerance, elevation above vanity and true spirituality. This card seems to embody Virgo in all its highest manifestations: mercy, help, kindness, what the ancient Greeks called “therapy.”

According to another tradition, the exchange of cups is similar to that depicted in the Deuce, but if there were Father and Mother, then here are their children, Son and Daughter. From an alchemical point of view, the card contains a hint of the Great Work: six (Macrocosm) lilies in bowls, each with five (Microcosm) petals.

Light and Shadow (advice and caution)

Advice: confidently take on the intended task, everything will be fine. Indulge in nostalgia and memories that nourish the soul, try to make old dreams come true. Evaluate past experience, sum up, compare initial goals with specific achievements. Trust life and enjoy it with all your heart. If possible, return to a childhood state, when there was no place for the delusions and troubles of an adult. Let your loved ones know that they are precious and needed, protect them from bad emotions, but share all the good things. Remember that sincere feelings are more valuable than any treasure.

Warning: you shouldn’t look back and get stuck in the past, you need to live “here and now” without running away from reality. You should not regret missed opportunities, drown in painful thoughts about what was lost, or passionately desire what cannot be returned. Let the heart explore the present. Excessive attachment to traditions prevents you from making the necessary changes in life. One should not be overly generous - this is the case when the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

This is a card of cooperation and “clean” affairs. Great creative potential, enjoyment of work. The meaning of this work may be therapy, providing assistance to the “old and young.”

A return to deferred projects, to plans that were once discussed. This is a card of “remakes” - literally and figuratively.

Professionally, this is a rather “crawfish” card, successfully describing work with children and the elderly, as well as history studies.

Resumption of payments. Reminder of past commitments. Restoring well-being after a period of instability. Cooperation in which both costs and income are fairly shared.

“Little happiness”, small profit, but without any risk. Good for beginner businessmen. People of an adventurous nature will, of course, not be satisfied with this.

The card is favorable for housing issues; it symbolizes the security and serene peace of your home. Home in retro style. Family nest. Improving the quality of life, improving the home and garden.

A card can have two fundamentally different meanings. One of them, in the old fashioned way, describes innocent flirting, playfulness, immature relationships and the ease of being.

Secondly, the relationship is not just mature, but specifically mature, having a fundamental basis in the past. If the Court or the Wheel of Fortune is nearby, this is almost a certificate from the karmic registry office. The traditional meaning of “nostalgia” in this case turns into “old yeast” - people already have an emotional pattern of relationships laid down in the past (other cards will tell more about its quality).

Often the Six of Cups means nostalgic experiences, the return of an object of long-time love, a “chance” meeting with a person whom you never expected to see again, or the resumption of a relationship after a “dead” period. This is the case when a promise for the future comes from the past in the form of very strong and important impulses - a renewal of feelings, fueled by past emotional experience, awaiting happiness and love. Romantic nostalgia sometimes truly nourishes and supports a person on his path, sitting deep in his heart as a precious legacy of the memory of feelings.

The card describes karmic reunions, connections full of emotional strength (and, as a rule, colossal intimate attraction). In communication there is a rich exchange of sexual and heartfelt energy, a flourishing of feelings and deep happiness.

Good intentions, sincerity, sincerity, trust based on what we have gone through and experienced together. The desire for unity, combined with a harmoniously balanced flow of feelings, gives a happy state when people have a great time and enjoy everything that happens. Reconciliation, generosity, kindness towards each other, support and trust. Mutual attraction, emotional intimacy, tenderness and soft sensuality, playfulness and affection, richness of sensations, erotic satisfaction, sexual pleasure. Joy, gratitude and security.

In general, Sixes (together with Twos and Tens) describe creative energy in the sphere of relationships, the flowering of feelings. But Fours, Sevens and Nines are rather destructive; these are to a large extent cards of loneliness (or, in any case, states that do not contribute to the development of relationships). The Six of Cups describes what, to a large extent, makes up the beauty of relationships - trembling tenderness, trust, affection. She is harmless and completely devoid of cynicism and vulgarity. There is nothing in her about the danger of injuring or the desire to wound. It creates an idyllic space of warmth and acceptance, where there is no jealousy and violence, anger and troubles, dependence and melancholy (it is not for nothing that one of the meanings of the card is “oasis”).

According to the Six of Cups, intimacy is experienced not only naturally, but also prayerfully. She is generous with love and the most romantic feelings, so many authors define its meaning as “deep happiness” and the fulfillment of cherished desires that have long lived in the heart. Former obstacles fade into oblivion, allowing you to fully enjoy the good times. Symbolically, it depicts a “charming garden of family joys” (and one of the traditional meanings of the card is marriage).

This card promises sensual pleasures, comfort and peace, and is very good for people of a “homely” nature or tired of adventures. Where we are at home, where we feel safe, we can give vent to our simplest and most natural feelings - kindness, tenderness, love, and there is no need to hide or “save” them. This is the willingness and opportunity to share the joys of love on all levels.

According to the Six of Cups, courtship occurs, “sweets and bouquets” are given, partners are generous with displays of tender feelings, and in general the best intentions are present. Sometimes the card can speak of indecision, lack of passion.
An old friendship that does not cause communication difficulties.

In general, this card is very favorable when trying to predict a relationship with a loved one. The Six of Cups says that the questioner will be able to achieve what he wants, not only without spoiling the relationship, but also making it much stronger than before.
If the alignment is not overshadowed by negative cards, then the Six of Cups may indicate good relationships with relatives, mutual assistance in a family consisting of several generations, and a sincere attitude towards family values ​​and traditions.

Sometimes, according to this card, a reunion of representatives of the clan occurs, the resumption of contacts with some family member who has not been seen for a long time. A new family member may turn out to be truly new, and not just a “well-forgotten old one” - family growth, the birth of a child, and christening follow this card. However, mystics would say that one does not exclude the other - a family can easily incarnate some representative of a clan who has already had the good fortune to belong to it in the past; the great-grandfather may well turn out to be his own great-grandson. Sometimes the Six of Cups indicates guardianship and adoption.

In a negative environment, the Six of Cups can take on such meanings as troubles with children, difficult relationships with the older generation, rebellion against parental authority, dependence on family, hanging on old models of perception.

  • Health status

    The Reversed Six of Cups also indicates that the situation is not as innocent as it seems. In a negative environment, it can talk about violence experienced in childhood, or generally unsightly things that took place in the parental home.

    The ancient interpreters indicate such a meaning as receiving an inheritance, although perhaps not as large as expected.
    Modern tarot readers emphasize reluctance to fulfill parental responsibilities, leaving the family, running away from home.

    Focus on the future as a denial of a difficult childhood, an escape from the original environment, an indicator of the unfavorable childhood experience (overly dominant parents, destructive influences, physical violence, etc.). A person strives for the future because he turns away from the past and wants nothing to do with it (and at the same time is still unable to live in the present). The need to rise above your roots, to make sure that nothing reminds you of the past. Breaking up with old friends.

    Archetypal correspondences

    “Eternal Femininity leads us forward!” (Goethe)

    The Golden Age as an archetype of Paradise.

  • Distance. Distance. Sentimental memories of a happy past. Good old days. Nostalgia. The desire to return to childhood. The child within. Striving for simplicity. Inexperience. Infantility. Change and connection of generations. Participation and care. Restoring family and friendship ties. Recovery. Rest

    Remember your past, forgotten desires and dreams. They will help you better navigate the present.

    Don't choose the past over the present.

    Card of the day
    Today you have day of remembrance. Figure out what you have where: what you wanted, what you dreamed about many years ago, and what of this has managed to come true to date. Perhaps such an inventory will help you fulfill some forgotten desires. But one should rather expect that the past will give you advice or a hint for your current life, if you meet a person whom you have not seen for many years or find something long forgotten or lost.

    Reversed card
    Future favorable opportunities. Upcoming events. New perspectives. Get rid of attachment to events that have already happened. A weakening connection.

    Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Tarot for Beginners."

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    The Six of Cups is a card of pleasant memories.
    The dwarf, who symbolizes the past, conveys the gift of memories to the future, depicted in the form of a child.
    Memories can be genuine, or they can be embellished.

    In any case, they provide a feeling of confidence and security that helps us cope with current problems.
    Sometimes, however, the attraction to the past prevents us from enjoying the present.
    Memories can be pleasant, but they should not interfere with life here and now.

    Questions to ask yourself when drawing the Six of Cups
    • Are you living in the past?
    • How do you feel about growing and maturing?
    • Do you feel loved and protected?
    • Are you loyal to old ideas?
    • Who gives you their love, or who do you love?
    Key ideas
    Deep down within you, you are that small, defenseless child you once were, and that helpless child is asking for love, encouragement, and participation.

    Very often, the person who hurts your inner child the most is none other than you, who should be loving and caring for that child.
    Praise and encourage yourself a little more.

    Direct card: A friend from your past returns for a short visit.
    Rejoice as you reminisce with him about the good old days.
    Reversed card: You are too focused on the friends you have lost or left behind.

    Now we need to continue on our way and make new friendships.

    Direct card: One particular teacher is particularly supportive and encouraging right now.
    Reversed card: You have such an attitude towards your studies that it is not easy to help you - for teachers it is almost backbreaking work.

    Stop pushing away the knowledge they are trying to give you.

    Direct card: Before you jump into passion, get to know your potential partner better.
    What you find out can greatly change your attitude towards him.

    Reversed card: Beware of being too suspicious of your partner.

    Direct card: In your family you feel love and protection.
    This gives you a wonderful sense of security that helps you face current challenges with courage.

    Reversed card: Don't let your family be your only source of comfort and security.
    Allow your friends and mentors to help you too.

    Direct card: It seems that you have found use for those abilities that you previously ignored.

    Creative talents - for music, visual arts, dance - are again manifested in action.
    Perhaps you enjoy working with younger children.
    Reversed card: Don't let your efforts and efforts go into the sand.

    You didn't study in vain.
    Find a use for your skills.

    Direct card: It's time to update your wardrobe and modernize your personal style.
    Reversed card: Constantly changing your image may indicate a lack of confidence.

    Try to improve not your wardrobe, but your self-esteem.

    Direct card: Take advantage of the opportunity to earn money.
    Now there are many chances, anyone will do.
    Reversed card: You rely too much on the financial support your family gives you.

    You need to find a way to raise money on your own - a reserve will not be superfluous.

    Fortune telling in half a minute
    Roni's boyfriend wants things to get "more physical" with his girlfriend, and she knows her parents won't like it.

    The card indicates that Roni needs to talk to her parents and decide whether she is ready to head into the future with her boyfriend, or whether she will respect her parents' will for now.
    Whatever decision she makes, the card means that the family will continue to love and support Roni.

    Annie Lionnet. “Tarot. Practical guide."

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    Five vases with flowers standing next to each other symbolize a fruitful period.
    A young man gives a girl a vase of flowers.
    Past efforts bear fruit in the present.
    The Six of Cups indicates a way out of a stressful situation and the end of a restless period.

    The time has come to overcome all obstacles and find peace of mind, but it will still take a lot of time to finally solve all your problems.
    Emotionally, a new phase of life begins with the rebirth of youthful desires, which in many Tarot decks is conveyed through the image of a young man offering flowers or fruit to his girlfriend.

    Sometimes this card shows an older child helping a younger one, so the Six of Cups is often a symbol of a happy childhood.

    The Six of Cups symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle in life, after you have found the strength to accept the past and come to terms with your situation.

    This is the card of nostalgia, and if we get it, it means that we tend to live in the past or surround it with an aura of romance.
    Although the future calls us forward and we have every opportunity to respond to its call, we are still haunted by memories that we cannot escape.

    The Six of Cups reminds us that the more we idealize the past, the more we risk our future, and therefore we must accept our fate.
    We need time to think about everything that has happened to us in order to choose the right strategy of action.

    Choosing this card means that you have been living in your past for too long without paying enough attention to current problems.
    You may reminisce about the past and feel sad for people who once meant a lot to you, but who are no longer with you.

    This hag may also indicate that you need to take stock of your past in order to remove obstacles from your path that are preventing you from moving forward.
    A former lover or old friend may reappear in your life, or a resumption of a seemingly extinct love affair is also possible.

    Or you may be rewarded for your hard work.
    The future calls you, and the trials you have experienced, without diminishing your merits in the least, have only strengthened you even more.

    Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling."

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    Meaning in fortune telling
    Past influences.
    What has disappeared.
    Gone childhood.
    Faded images.
    Strong desire.
    Reversed meaning
    Opportunities lie ahead.

    Upcoming events.
    New perspectives.
    Plans that may not come true.
    Something that will soon come.

    P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for Beginners."

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    The Six of Cups is a card of memories and looking back to a time when you were happy; it shows that you can know happiness again.

    Inner meaning
    Your previous dissatisfaction with your current situation logically led to this card.

    The Six of Cups describes thoughts about past loves and lost happiness.
    This is a map of memories and a look back at a time when you were as happy as a child can be.
    How these memories affect you is up to you.

    Do not indulge in painful thoughts about what you have lost.
    If you use your memories to relearn happiness, to rekindle your childhood innocence, and most importantly, to remind yourself that you were happy, you can become happy again.

    In a particularly favorable scenario, the appearance of this card indicates that someone or something will make you see the good in your life.

    Value in the layout
    Direct or positive: memories, looking back (especially to childhood); thoughts about past love.

    Happiness that comes from the past, from thoughts about what is long gone.
    A promise for the future; future renewal, happiness and love.
    Reversed or negative: new friends, new knowledge, new surroundings.
    Changes in mood and relationships.

    Something important and significant will happen soon.

    Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards."

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    After the losses of the Five of Cups, you move on to the Six and seek solace in the past or enjoy the care and support of friends in the present.
    This card speaks generally about the influence of the past on the present.
    You may be nostalgic for simpler, happier times, or you may be currently under the influence of a long-lived trauma.

    Sometimes memories of karmic knots tied in past lives are available.
    Sixes are generally considered the culmination of each suit and represent reciprocity or equal exchange - in this case, emotional energy.

    You can give gifts or do all sorts of romantic things.
    Perhaps you are reminiscing about your childhood and youth or longing for the good old days.
    Or perhaps you are caring for someone or making peace after a quarrel.

    This card suggests sensual pleasures and happiness or care.
    and acceptance from others.
    You may be decorating your home - most likely in a traditional, classic or retro style.
    An alternative interpretation of the card from the Waite-Smith deck emphasizes that the guard with a spear, the enclosed courtyard, and the difference in height and age between the characters indicate either protection or intrigue.

    However, the Six of Cups can also have a more unpleasant meaning: in some cases, it speaks of violence experienced in childhood, which was subsequently repressed and forgotten.
    In this sense, it is similar to ceremonial family photographs, where everyone is smiling, but in fact they are hiding the terrifying truth.

    Traditional meanings: the past, what happened before.
    Thoughts about past loves.
    Withered, gone, disappeared.
    Old age, decrepitude, impotence, antiquity.
    Desire, desire.

    Indecisiveness in love.
    Wrong, bad choice.
    Injuries, mistakes.
    Dissatisfaction, lack of passion.
    New acquaintances.

    Reversed Six of Cups
    Traditionally, the reversed Six of Cups is interpreted as a card of future events, but modern tarot readers clearly link it to the past.

    If you put these two versions together, it turns out that you are turning away from the past and focusing on the future - no matter whether it is successful or not.
    Both interpretations emphasize the inability to live in the present.

    Being preoccupied with the past can lead to apathy and inertia.
    Caroline Myss, an excellent intuitive therapist, quite rightly points out the dangers of delving into one's own traumas: if you get too carried away by this process, you will find yourself unable to live in the here and now.

    On the other hand, it could also be a revival card.
    In a psychotherapeutic aspect, you can let go of old emotional hold-ups and unconscious patterns of behavior.
    When you return to familiar places, you may find that everything is completely different from what you remembered.

    Idealized pictures of the past do not stand up to the harsh reality.
    You can free yourself from old obligations and relinquish responsibility.
    At the other end of the spectrum is a passion for new technologies, science fiction, or other futuristic projects.

    Also, the reversed Six of Cups can mean working with the inner child, but at the same time it suggests that it is time to grow up, live in the present - perhaps get rid of your childhood home and any family heirlooms in a literal or metaphorical sense words.

    You can change the interior to banish the memories.
    The need to rise above your roots, especially if your emotions include shame, can be a good motivation for the future.
    In rare cases, the card may indicate a reunion with a lover or sweetheart from the past.

    When you project the Six of Cups onto other people, they will appear in your eyes as either reactionary, or, conversely, ultra-progressive, and perhaps even those who refuse to grow.
    From a shamanic and magical point of view, this could be plant medicine - apparently because the card shows flowers.

    The card also suggests time travel to the past or future.
    A smell or taste can become a catalyst for inner vision or make you relive some past event.

    The courtyard serves as a reminder of the importance of working in a protected sacred space or temenos.
    Traditional Reversed Meanings: future, future prospects.
    Soon, later.
    Something that will happen soon.

    The promise of better times.
    Revival, resurrection, renewal.
    New friends or new environment.
    Plans that may fail.

    Larisa Moon. "All the secrets of the Tarot."

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    Key phrase
    I was truly happy only in childhood.
    Perhaps the beauty of the past lies in the fact that it will never return?
    Description of the card and its internal meaning
    This Arcanum is illustrated by the image of children playing, which symbolize the happiest and most carefree time of a person - childhood.

    The Six of Cups is a card of memories and looking back into the past.
    Your thoughts may not necessarily be connected with childhood, but certainly with past events, with what will never return, and this makes it even more precious.

    How these memories will affect the life of the Questioner depends on him.
    If you use them to relearn how to smile, to restore your childlike spontaneity and trust, and most importantly, to remind yourself of joyful times again, then you can find happiness again.

    If you indulge in painful thoughts about what you have lost, you may not hope for favorable changes in your life.

    Connection of the card with other occult sciences
    Letter - E, number - 6, Ruled by the planet - Venus, zodiac sign - Scorpio, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 37th hexagram ("Family"), Weather conditions - fog, Corresponding color - green, According to Kabbalah - corresponds to the sephira Tiphareth.
    Card meaning
    Straight position
    The Six of Cups suggests that something good and long forgotten is returning to the Questioner’s life.
    Perhaps it will help you look at the world in a new way, gain strength, and find balance.

    Neighboring cards in the layout will tell you who or what will help the Questioner use his memories correctly.

    Inverted position
    In this case, the Six of Cups predicts changes in life and work.

    Promises renewal in several areas of life at once.
    Sometimes she advises not to become too attached to the past, since old feelings have already exhausted themselves and now only interfere with new experiences.
    Don't be afraid to look back and let go of the past.

    After all, it will never return, and your sadness can lead to wrong steps.
    By starting things and emotions “from scratch,” you will not lose anything.

    Daniela Chris. "Magic book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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    The Six of Cups symbolizes wonderful memories of the past, and if there were grievances and troubles, they should be forgotten.
    Restoring harmony in family and love affairs.
    You will have another good chance soon.

    Often indicates the celebration of some round date - anniversary, birthday, etc.
    It also means that you will finally create a happy home for yourself.
    If you are wondering about a specific matter, you can safely take on it: the goal will be achieved without much delay.

    Inverted - it’s high time for you to stop tormenting yourself with sad memories of the past, start living for today.
    Throw away some of the old things and habits, you have long grown out of them.

    Original card meanings that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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    VI. Six are children in the old garden, their cups are filled with flowers.

    Straight position: it is a map of the past and memories; it denotes the desire to look into the past, for example, into one’s childhood; well-being, joy, but perhaps coming from the past; things that have disappeared.

    Another interpretation is the opposite of this and gives new connections, new knowledge, a new environment and then children frolicking in new possessions.

    Reverse position: future (change), renewal that will come soon.

    Hayo Banzhaf. Self-instruction manual for Tarot.

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    Astrological meaning: Moon in Pisces as a symbol of aching, nostalgic memories, or Moon in Cancer as a symbol of romantic reverie.
    SIX OF CUPS This map takes us to the land of memories.

    It shows that the past is still alive in us, that we return to it in romantic dreams or in painfully nostalgic experiences.
    Such a detached and sentimental view of things can either clarify and brighten the picture of the world, or cloud and darken it.

    AND, Since the card is, in one way or another, connected with the past, if asked appropriately, it can point to some episodes or impressions of our childhood.

    Rider White Tarot. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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    Pleasure Second decade of Scorpio from November 1 to 11.
    Astrological equivalents: Virgo, Pisces, Venus, Neptune, Sixth and Twelfth Houses.
    The second decade of Scorpio expresses the idea of ​​deep awareness of the hidden processes of the collective unconscious, which gives power over them.

    Observing the mechanisms of life and mastering them through the concept of their essence makes it possible to control the situation and elevates a person above others.
    This decade is ruled by the Sun, which rules the heart and at the same time the self-awareness of a person, merging feeling and reason into one.

    But, sometimes, Uranus or Neptune is considered the patron of this decade, since it does not abuse power, but tends to be reasonable about feelings, which can, as a consequence, lead to a somewhat detached view of the world.

    But its meaning is not in leaving for the other world, but in the ability to live in the present; this requires not only depth of thought, but also childlike spontaneity.
    In the Tarot card, a flower seller dressed as a jester gives a flower to a little girl with a smile.

    On the tablecloth of the counter is the St. Andrew's Cross of Sympathy.
    The seller sells goods - this reveals the nature of Scorpio, a passionate acquirer of wealth and human emotions.
    But white flowers in cups serve as a symbol of the fact that emotions are purified to the most primary and immediate manifestations: only those feelings are left that lead a person to the sources of life.

    Now he can bring them as a gift to someone who needs it: a passion dangerous for others has been transformed into universal love and sympathy.
    Participation in the passions of the world is perceived by the seller as a game - hence his clothes as a jester.

    But this does not prevent him from showing love: his power in the world is expressed as compassion for people.
    The trap is to put your group above others, a hostile opposition between friends and strangers.
    In Pamela Smith's deck, this card signifies childhood, the past, and is depicted as children playing.

    This symbol reflects one of the sides of the Six of Cups, which takes us back to the past.
    But, basically, the Six of Cups is still a Virgo card, since through it the effect of the planet Venus in the sign of Virgo is strongly manifested.

    Venus in Virgo is in its fall, and therefore the card bears the imprint of some kind of powerlessness.
    At this stage, the emotion is spiritualized and turns into love for the omnipresent.
    The appearance of this card in a reading may indicate a situation that requires you to tolerate, rise above vanity and true spirituality.

    This card seems to embody Virgo in all its highest manifestations: mercy, help, kindness, what the ancient Greeks called “therapy.”
    Straight position: In the upright position, the card means memories, past hobbies from whose influence you have freed yourself, disappeared people and things, past childhood, nostalgia, bringing joy to others.

    Lasting community, trust that is based on experiences together, true friendship.
    This may also mean love for the Motherland and the Motherland itself.
    An old friendship that does not cause communication difficulties.

    Feeling of harmony.
    Inverted position: In an inverted position, the card, on the contrary, is all directed towards the future.
    It signifies new opportunities ahead; future events, expansion of worldview, anticipation of the future.

    The card may also signal that in the near future your plans may require adjustments, without which they may collapse.

    Evgeny Kolesov. "The ABC of Tarot".

    < >

    In the garden near a cozy old house, a boy hands a girl a cup full of flowers; Nearby are the rest of the cups, also filled with flowers.
    The Aquarius Tarot shows us an old woman who has finally achieved the peace she longed for.

    This card means comfort and peace.
    Where we are at home, where we feel safe, we can give vent to our simplest and most natural feelings - kindness, tenderness, love.
    There is no need to “save” feelings, this card says, let your loved ones know that they are dear and you need them.

    Protect them from the bad emotions that visit your soul, but feel free to share your joy with them.
    “Little happiness”, a profit of three cents on the dollar, but without any risk.
    Good for beginners and “homey” people; for enterprising and adventurous people - stagnation, a swamp.

    Inverted: It means that there will be no such profit (such happiness), but there will be nothing bad either, everything will remain as it was.

    Six of Cups is a positive card, tarologists say, even in an inverted position it does not lose its positive qualities. Romance, pleasant memories, good deeds, surprises, what other meanings do the six Cups have, now I’ll tell you.

    In this article

    The meaning of the card in a broad sense

    Take a close look at the card from the Rider-Waite deck. It depicts children playing: a boy and a girl. The young gentleman hands his friend a bowl of flowers. The golden vessel symbolizes love, kindness, generosity. The girl graciously accepts the gifts.

    There is also a cup visible in the background; other cups are located in the foreground of the picture.

    The image immerses us in an atmosphere of harmony, happiness, and mutual understanding. Children are passionate about playing, enjoy life and make plans together. A gift cup in the hands of a boy represents love, devotion and generosity. The little hero is serious, he is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of his beloved.

    Classic image of the Six of Cups from the Rider-Waite deck

    The idea of ​​the card is expressed in simple and understandable images.

    1. Peace and well-being, prosperity.
    2. Emotional uplift, sincerity, joy.
    3. Pleasant memories associated with the best moments in life.
    4. Nostalgic feelings for long-gone people, warm relationships.
    5. Mutual sympathy.
    6. The past and its influence on the present.
    7. Spiritual generosity.
    8. Love (sometimes the first romantic relationship takes place under the card).

    I advise beginning fortune tellers to first try to describe in their own words the sensations that the card evokes in them. Using intuition and inner vision, read the hidden information embedded in the symbolism of the Arcana. Not even the most detailed guide to the Tarot can replace live communication with the cards, the exchange of energies between the master and his instrument for divination.

    Meaning of the card in the upright position

    Regardless of the purpose of the alignment and the question, the Six of Cups always refers the fortuneteller to events in the past. She invites you to remember pleasant moments from life. Helps to overcome current difficulties, based on positive experience, good memories, good traditions. The Six of Cups does not mean that you should constantly think about what was good before, but now everything is bad. On the contrary, it helps you concentrate, get positive emotions and take a decisive step forward.

    Six of Cups from Tarot-93 deck by Nikolai Kolesov

    Don’t despair, the cards say, remember that there are more good moments in life than negative ones. Don’t be sad if some event upset you today or if a loved one offended you. Everything passes, the bad is erased from memory, pleasant memories remain.

    Reversed card meaning

    The reverse position of the Six of Cups does not make it sharply negative, but warns of psychological problems in the questioner. This person lives for one day at a time or is focused exclusively on the future. The past does not interest him and even frightens him. This behavior is caused by traumatic events, unpleasant situations from a person’s childhood or adolescence. He tries with all his might to forget about the past, easily breaks up with friends, does not communicate with his parents for a long time, is not attached to his family, and does not know how to build long-term relationships.

    Another option for interpreting the inverted position of the card is a painful attachment to memories from the past. Such people do not know how to live in the present and constantly compare their current situation with the one they had before.

    The reversed Six of Cups can also mean that a person has important events ahead.

    The neighboring Arcana and the intuition of the fortune teller will help you finally determine the meaning. Don’t forget that we interpret the layout based on the overall picture presented by the client, his psychological portrait, and answers to clarifying questions.

    Training video for beginner tarot readers. It will help you understand the meaning of the 6 Cups in upright and inverted positions:

    The meaning of the card when divining for business and work

    In layouts devoted to financial prospects and work issues, one should take into account the position in which 6 Cups fell.

    A card in a direct position means that fate offers to return to old plans. Reconsider your attitude towards previously rejected projects; there was probably a rational grain in them.

    With corresponding adjacent cards, the six indicates that the questioner is satisfied with the current state of affairs: he is satisfied with the place of work, relations in the team, he is morally satisfied and rejoices in the reward for his work.

    From a financial point of view, the Six of Cups is a card of stable but small income. Don’t expect huge super profits, but you won’t end up in poverty either. In some cases, the card speaks of debts and loan obligations that must be fulfilled.

    An inverted card indicates rigidity of thinking that prevents you from moving forward. The questioner is tied to his place of work, does not consider promising offers, is afraid to change his life, start his own business, or leave for another position.

    Such people are afraid of innovations and try to catch the eye of their superiors as little as possible. They are conservative in monetary matters, for example, they are afraid to put money in the bank at interest, and prefer to keep their finances “under the pillow.”

    Pay attention not only to the position of the card, but also to the position it occupies, such as past, present or future.

    The meaning of the card in relationships

    Love, family and building relationships - people most often turn to tarot readers with questions on these topics. Let's consider how the romantic Six of Cups behaves in personal scenarios.

    In the upright position, the card means an emerging romance, but it most likely will not reach a serious level. Get ready for the relationship to remain at the level of flirting or the candy-bouquet stage. In some cases, the six Cups indicate a union of immature people who are not ready to live together.

    The second meaning is a return to past relationships. The cards advise you to take a closer look at your immediate surroundings, to see if there is a person among them with whom you have known for a long time. Under certain circumstances, the six Cups indicate the resumption of an interrupted love affair, the reconciliation of spouses after a long quarrel.

    In an inverted position, the card foreshadows new acquaintances, changes in worldview, abandonment of old relationships, and the beginning of a favorable period in life.

    Second value of reverse position:

    • Dependence on other people's opinions.
    • Behavior based on stereotypes and habitual patterns.
    • Poor relationships with parents and older family members.
    • Psychological problems rooted in early childhood.

    People and Places of the Six of Cups

    In the upright position, the card indicates a romantic, sensual and delicate person. They trust him with secrets, share their innermost dreams. The Six of Cups personifies care and patience, so we can say that we have a kind, gentle and sympathetic nature.

    When divining to determine a place, the card means charities or places suitable for romantic meetings.

    The Six of Cups rolled in a reverse position says that this is a person reveling in painful memories.

    He keeps old photographs, letters, and collects unnecessary trash that reminds him of former happy days. Instead of clearing his living space and moving forward, he fantasizes, but does not take real steps to change the situation.

    I believe that the Six of Cups has a positive meaning only in the upright position. The reverse card accumulates negativity associated with memories. Don't cling to the past, it will never come back, better think about today.

    Psychological state

    In the upright position, the card indicates that the person is satisfied with his past, often mentally returning to five or ten years ago. He has something to remember, and these moments bring pleasure and give him strength to live.

    Six of Cups from the Psycho Tarot deck

    But don’t get carried away, if the card falls in an inverted position, it means that you are painfully attached to your previous life, do not see prospects for the future, and are constantly dissatisfied with something.

    A short educational video will help you better understand the meaning of the 6 Cups Tarot card. Suitable for learning the basics of tarology:

    Classic combination with the Major Arcana

    The Major Arcana can influence the value of 6 Cubes. Depending on the layout and position of the cards, the following meanings are distinguished.

    6 of Cups, Fool and Magician

    • Jester (Fool) - memories from childhood, pleasant events that left an indelible mark on the soul. The second meaning is caring for the younger generation.
    • The magician says that your plans will come true.
    • The High Priestess indicates the presence of a certain secret in the past, which the questioner carefully hides.
    • Empress - you can count on the profit you will receive from long-standing deposits.
    • The Emperor reminds us of the need to take care of the family.
    • The Hierophant is a person who follows the rules learned in childhood. It doesn’t matter whether these postulates are true or false, he adheres to them strictly.
    • Lovers - a person from the past will soon appear, the affair with whom ended long ago.
    • The chariot predicts a trip to those places where a person once felt good. In some cases, the final move home after a long absence.
    • Strength advises self-improvement and gaining additional knowledge.
    • The hermit indicates that a person constantly thinks about the past, this prevents him from living.
    • The Wheel of Fortune symbolizes the cycle of problems, affairs, and circumstances.
    • Justice indicates legal problems and conflicts. Option: resuming old cases.
    • Hanged Man - the past dominates a person, he is unable to move forward.
    • Death advises us to bury the past forever.
    • Moderation says that a person gradually gains wisdom and matures.
    • The devil points to problems of a psychological nature: fears, complexes.
    • The tower is a strong stress that a person experienced in childhood or adolescence.
    • Star - fantasies, pipe dreams, naive childish aspirations.
    • The Moon – delusions and mistakes characteristic of youth, for which you have to pay today.
    • The sun predicts a happy outcome of events, a favorable outcome.
    • Court - help is close, support of loved ones.
    • Peace - your dreams will come true.

    Classic combination with the suit of Cups

    What happens to the 6 of Cups when figures of a similar suit appear nearby, how does its meaning change or intensify? Let's look at classic examples.

    Queen, Six and Nine of Cups

    • The Ace of Cups and 6 Cups foretell a love fire, a relationship based on passion. Be careful, such unions are short-lived.
    • Two - it’s time to remember the agreements and promises made in the past.
    • Three - happiness is short-lived, remember this.
    • Four says that the fortuneteller remembers grievances for a long time, regrets the past, and does not know how to appreciate the present.
    • Five - you are haunted by your past life, losses, disappointments and mistakes.
    • Seven - you are at the mercy of misconceptions and prejudices.
    • Number Eight advises saying goodbye to ideas and illusions once and for all.
    • Nine indicates an unfulfilled desire. Complete the action and calm down.
    • Ten – problems associated with family curses and family secrets.
    • The page advises remembering your first love.
    • The Knight of Cups represents former lovers or husbands if fortune-telling is done for a woman. If they tell fortunes to a man, they mean friends who are ready for any adventure.
    • The queen is a wife or mistress with whom the relationship has long ceased. For women - the support of a wise and caring friend.
    • The king is a former lover, admirer. For men - a faithful comrade who can support in difficult times.

    Please note that all combinations are given for a classic deck. If you use other card options, be sure to study the instructions for them. Each author has his own approach to the interpretation of the image and symbol of the Arcana.

    Classic combination with the suit of Pentacles

    What gives the appearance of Pentacles in layouts next to the Six of Cups, below are common combinations of cards.

    6 of Cups, Ten and Seven of Pentacles

    • The Ace of Coins symbolizes antiques, old banknotes, and items that have gone out of use. Option: Memory of the past and excessive attachment to old things hinder your development.
    • The Two of Pentacles indicates the need to remember old debts.
    • Three Denarii - restoration, repair of old things. In a literal sense, the combination is really for fortune telling on everyday issues. When it comes to relationships, the cards speak of the need for renewal and reboot.
    • The number four personifies some kind of treasure, indicates a treasure or cache, hiding place.
    • Five of Pentacles - indicates the plight of the questioner in the past, most often a poor and hungry youth.
    • Six is ​​a loan that you have not closed. This meaning should be understood both literally and figuratively. Depending on the purpose of the layout.
    • Seven - long-standing investments will bring tangible income.
    • The Eight advises returning to the original plans.
    • Nine - the past will remind itself.
    • Ten promises an inheritance.
    • Page of Pentacles - pleasant memories of a past life.
    • A Knight falling next to the Six of Cups indicates regression in business and stagnation in relationships.
    • The Queen is a powerful woman endowed with money. Depending on the situation, it may mean one of the older family members who manages the budget.
    • The king is a wise man in money matters.

    Tarot reader's opinion. Please note that most card combinations were written at the beginning of the last century. Therefore, I advise you to look for your own interpretations, based on the classical meaning of the Arcana and personal experience.

    Classic combination with the suit of Swords

    Swords and Six of Cups: how these suits combine.

    6 of Cups, Queen and Five of Swords

    • The Ace of Swords is something that has been in the works for a long time.
    • Two is a strange life situation.
    • Three - spiritual wounds inflicted in the past.
    • Four - healing from grievances, calmness.
    • Five warns that someone wants to settle scores with the questioner.
    • Six advises to forget about the past and start living again.
    • Seven - you regret what happened.
    • Eight – fears.
    • Nine - conscience haunts, nightmare visions.
    • Ten - your past life no longer has power over you.
    • Page – refusal to help.
    • The knight is a collapse of illusions, a broken fate.
    • The Queen says that the questioner had a difficult childhood.
    • King - problems in youth.

    Classic combination with the suit of Wands

    Staves and Six of Cups: consider the main meanings of the cards.

    6 of Cups, Three and Ace of Wands

    • Ace of Wands and 6 of Cups - you have a chance to make childhood and youth dreams come true.
    • Two - difficulties with self-determination, problems with relatives, misunderstandings in the family.
    • Three indicates a relationship whose history has been going on for a long time.
    • Four - a certain life stage has been completed. Take problems as lessons.
    • Five speaks of a conflict that has not yet been resolved.
    • Six - pleasant chores on a family occasion.
    • Seven - you have accumulated too many unresolved issues.
    • Eight of Staves - receiving news from long-forgotten people.
    • Nine symbolizes grievances.
    • Ten – sad, unpleasant moments.
    • Page is a hobby and children's play. Option: relax, feel like a child.
    • Knight - change, change of residence.
    • The Queen is a woman from the past, perhaps a distant relative.
    • The king is an older man, a relative, an adviser, an ally.

    Importance in health matters

    In the upright position, the Six Cups speak of health problems that have their origins in a person’s past - psychological and physical trauma, hereditary diseases. You may not feel the consequences for a long time, but at some point they will make themselves felt. Be vigilant, listen to the signals your body gives.

    In the reverse position, the card means the same as in the upright position. In any case, she indicates that the causes of current problems should be sought in the childhood and youth of the questioner. In some scenarios, it speaks of incorrectly chosen treatment tactics and outdated diagnostic methods.

    The Six of Cups is a card of the past; it warns of the need to live life to the fullest, and not attach importance to what once happened. Don’t cling to memories if they cause pain and suffering, advises the Minor Arcana.

    A little about the author:

    Tarot reader Esoterics for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden.

    More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

    How does the card affect relationships?

    What is a relationship? First of all, it is home, family, warmth and comfort. If the fortuneteller is only at the beginning of his relationship, then the card indicates the presence of love and a pleasant pastime. Provided that the marriage has lasted for a long time, it is a sign that it is time to return romance to relationships, love and the bouquet and candy period. There is no need to look for joy on the side when everything can be returned. Your other half wants this too. Maybe we should try to start over?

    The Six of Cups for singles brings hope for the future. Most likely, such people are expecting a new romance that will give positive emotions, love and pleasure. You can’t be sure that you will be with your new partner for a long time or start a family, but it’s clear that you will be happy during the meeting period.

    The Six of Cups in an inverted position promises the return of old relationships. You don't need them at all. Even if a person promises a wonderful future, you definitely need to put an end to this relationship; it will not bring you anything good. By going back, you are closing the door to a new romance and your future.

    The Six of Cups in an inverted position promises the return of old relationships

    6 Cups

    The card relates to emotions and feelings, yours or another person's.

    The essence of the map


    Watch my video below



    Energy card

    Joy, pleasure, pleasure, satiation.

    If the card hints at another person

    A joyful and positive person. Man or woman.

    In progress

    It's something like childish joy about your work or project at work.

    Either you have it, or you need to develop it and the card advises you to do so.

    It all depends on how you asked the question when you were guessing. If you need to develop enjoyment in your work, a little psychology will help.

    When I worked as a business psychologist, I often explained to managers that people do not quit because of salary, although they usually say that the reason for their dismissal is low salary. People leave their jobs due to broken relationships with the team or management. This has already been proven by psychologists.

    Look at your relationships at work. How pleasant or unpleasant they are will most likely depend greatly on you, and not on other people, although this may seem strange.

    It's hard not to love a person who treats us kindly and warmly. If you are not loved, then most likely you are making sure that you are not loved.

    Watch my video below




    In a relationship

    Your relationship brings you pleasure.

    It’s worth thinking about what exactly brings you pleasure in your relationship?

    When you understand what this is, then do it all the time, create pleasant relationships all the time, and enjoy them.

    There is nothing wrong with this, this is the meaning of relationships and their development.

    Happy relationships are a gift from nature. In Vedic texts, relationships are called the “golden path of self-development.” This is because in order for you to have a happy relationship and enjoy it, you will really have to develop yourself.

    Watch my video below




    In ancient texts on philosophy (for example, the texts of Plato), it is written that a person’s goal in life is to enjoy life. If a person does not enjoy life, then he is not fulfilling his role as a human being.

    And nature fully supports this, since it cures the happy (due to the production of beneficial hormones) and kills the unfortunate (due to stress hormones, etc.).

    Therefore, look around and start enjoying what surrounds you.

    This applies to everything from the things you wear to the people who are around you.
    One of the fastest methods of enjoying this life, according to Buddhists, is to wish goodness and happiness to other people.

    Once you have selected one of these explanatory questions and are concentrating on it, click guess again.

    Description of all tarot cards

    Internal state

    What is the traditional meaning of Tarot? Six of Cups (direct) is infantilism and childishness, unwillingness to grow up and perceive the environment as an adult, innocence. In essence, this is a kind of inner child who has no doubts, trusts everyone exclusively and sees only the good around him. Echoes of the “little Prince” are felt here - it would seem that in adult life a person is surrounded by disappointments, lies and hypocrisy. But no - a glimpse appears in the form of a straight map. The Six of Cups is the hope that the little inner child is still alive, resurrected.

    There is another meaning that is more typical of adulthood - nostalgia for a past life, memories of the past, a feeling of a strong connection with the past. Sometimes this lasso indicates a person for whom there is no future without his past and present. This is a strong spiritual and emotional connection with what came before, an unwillingness to let it go.

    Sometimes this “past” can be directly related to experiences from childhood - the card tends to psychoanalysis “According to Freud,” that is, to those concepts that were firmly established in childhood. There can be both positive and negative meaning here. However, most often it is a romantic nostalgia for those distant times, and even a desire to return to the past, to live those events and experiences.

    The modern interpretation of personal state is somewhat different. What can the Six of Cups (Tarot) tell us? The meaning in relationships with oneself is emotional uplift, a sense of inner balance and harmony, a positive attitude towards others and towards life in general. Favorable neighboring cards only enhance the meaning of the Six - they symbolize a feeling of complete happiness, a willingness to love, help and support in every possible way.

    In fact, the Six of Cups is the absolute opposite of the previous lasso (Five of Cups), which means a self-confident person who is ready to translate his ideas into reality and at the same time control his emotions.

    Combining the Six of Cups with other cards in the deck

    Cards that weaken the effect of the Six of Cups:

    • Hermit - you are fixated on your past
    • Devil - you are constantly tormented by childhood fears, some obscure shadows of the past
    • Page of Swords - the delusion of your youth
    • 7 of Wands – secrets of the past begin to be revealed

    Cards that enhance the effect of the Six of Cups:

    • Strength - you are constantly improving
    • Death - the time has come to say goodbye to the past and move forward lightly
    • 10 of Pentacles - the dream has come to life in you that your childhood aspirations will still come true
    • 5 of Wands – old passion flared up

    The interpretation of other Tarot cards can be found here: interpretation of the Cups Tarot cards.


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    Numerical value of the Six of Cups

    For some people, the number 6 carries some secret and at the same time terrible information. Most often it is equated with dark forces, but in the Tarot deck the 6 of Cups means not scary and not dark. The meaning of the card is a cozy home, peace and security. It is now that a person can enjoy love and tenderness. Spit out feelings, don’t be afraid to show them. Why hide the fact that you can love and adore your family and friends? They should know this, feel warmth and care every day. The card wants to show or suggest that you should protect your family and loved ones and not throw out accumulated rudeness or negativity on them. They need to be given joy and share every bright moment.

    In the foreground of the 6 Cups two people are depicted: a boy and a girl. Moreover, the boy is trying to hand the girl a heavy, even at first glance, vase of flowers.

    A detail of the card that is often overlooked is the guard on the left side of the card, with his back to the viewer.

    The children are dressed warmly, which suggests early spring or late autumn.


    • Nostalgia
    • Memories
    • Childhood
    • Joy
    • Help
    • Trust

    Key ideas

    • Old friends
    • Little happiness
    • Home
    • Reasons in the past

    Basic meaning

    Get the values
    6 Cups

    Receive a gift

    The meanings of the 6 (Six) of Cups (Cups) of the Tarot, which were proposed by Waite, are used practically unchanged today. The card talks about happiness, a happy past, childhood. All the negative meanings of the card disappeared over time, and the positive ones only intensified. And today, the meanings of the six Tarot cups speak of joy, friendly assistance, and the pleasure of meeting old friends.

    Meaning in relationships

    It is believed that children easily form relationships, and some radical psychologists insist that true friendship is possible only in childhood. The Tarot card 6 (Six) of Cups (Cups) precisely shows the meaning of true friendships. People feel sympathy for each other, but at the same time they do not strive to transform the relationship into love, to make it more intimate.

    The card may indicate a group of like-minded people; a team united by common goals and beliefs; people who are used to working together and relaxing together.

    Open - hole card

    Open card. A good image is a children's playground where children meet, get to know each other easily, become friends and just as easily separate.

    Relationship intensity

    The card suggests intensive communication, joint games, and participation in collective processes. The intensity of the relationship ranges from medium to high.

    Relationship scenario: love, family, relatives, work

    The main relationship scenario is friendship. At the same time, the connection between people is not as close and strong as in the 3 of Cups. This has its pros and cons.

    The 3 of Cups does not imply the presence of personal space, division into yours and mine - only ours. In the 6 of Cups, friends respect each other's personal space.

    Having a secret space is very important for young children. A lockable box, a box with a lock, where they can keep their secrets and treasures. At 6 of Cups, adults will never open this box without asking. Friends respect your own opinion and the right to differ from them. A very good model for almost any type of relationship.

    However, the connection between people is weaker than the 3 of Cups. There are no irreplaceables here: leaving the group is not a crisis or a disaster for either the person or the group.

    Friendship scenarios can be divided into yang and yin, boys and girls. In Yin, friends exchange recipes, books, go to the movies or exhibitions together, and then discuss what they saw. This friendship scenario is more typical of the card. The Yang variant is active. Friendly banter, shoving. It's a lot like puppies fussing. Theoretically, the card allows this, but this scenario is closer to 5 Staves.

    In work relationships, people enjoy spending time together at work and after work. “We’ve had a great job and we’ll have a great rest.”

    • in combination with the card: You can count on the friendly support of an influential person
    • in combination with the card: Your friends are true friends
    • in combination with the card: Harmony in relationships with friends and colleagues

    Psychological state

    The psychological state corresponding to the 6 of Cups is smooth, calm, friendly. A person is confident in himself and his surroundings, he does not expect a trick. There is nothing that would make him worry or suspect others of unseemly actions and thoughts. On the contrary, he receives positive feedback from his environment and can count on friendly participation and support.

    The person is friendly, open to communication, and experiences positive emotions. Relations are smooth, calm, non-demonstrative. Unlike the 5 Staves, participants do not compete with each other, but join forces to achieve results.

    In combination with the suit of Wands

    In combination with the suit of Wands
    • c: Ask friends for help with new ideas
    • s: Looks like you haven’t gotten together with your friends for a barbecue for a long time
    • s: Now you are in an extremely favorable period

    Importance in health matters

    First of all, the value of the 6 (Six) of Tarot Cups indicates good health. If we are still talking about diseases, then the map gives several reading options. Firstly, we can literally talk about diseases of children. Secondly, about childhood diseases that manifest themselves in adults. And thirdly, the card may indicate the consequences of diseases suffered in childhood.

    As a treatment, the card offers the best of all possible methods: tea with honey, a warm blanket, a teddy bear. Friendly participation and care.

    • with a card: Chatting with friends can disappoint you
    • with card: Perhaps one of your friends is not entirely sincere with you
    • with card: Friendship begins to develop into love

    Business and finance, in professional activities

    Working with friends. The card may indicate that you are currently working in a fairly friendly team. The 6 of Cups emphasizes cooperation rather than competition. Collaboration between departments and colleagues, open exchange of information. Mutual training, help for those lagging behind, discussion of problems and real help to each employee.

    Stability, controllability, controllability

    Stable, manageable situation. To keep your income at a good level and even gradually increase it, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort. On the contrary, the card suggests that the situation is favorable, with a tendency to improve, and will remain so for quite a long time.

    Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

    It is very easy to work in a friendly atmosphere, in the company of like-minded people. Sincere, friendly relationships, cooperation, mutual assistance for the sake of a common cause are an excellent incentive for effective work. The principle is cooperation, not competition.
    It’s good when there is no falsehood and hidden motives - everything is in plain sight! One for all and all for one.

    General state of finances and trends of changes

    Very good, stable condition. Right now the income is stable, constant, nothing threatens it. But this is an average level of income, not much, but not little - enough. The long-term forecast indicates that this balance will be maintained.

    Positive and negative impact on income

    Working in a team of friends and like-minded people certainly has a positive impact on performance. By joining forces, people achieve more than alone or in competition. But provided that this relationship is built on a true foundation, without exploiting the team spirit for selfish purposes.

    One of the frequent cases that negatively affects income: under the guise of a “friend,” “comrade-in-arms,” or “like-minded person,” those who like to rake in the heat with the wrong hands may be hiding. Or the principle - perish yourself and help your comrade - is brought to the point of absurdity.

    Another point is directly related to the meaning of “children”. The motto “All the best is for children” was transformed by traders into “All the most precious things are for children.” Buying children's goods costs a pretty penny, despite the fact that in most cases they are disposable consumer goods.

    Card of the day Caution

    Think about whether those around you are really your friends

    • 6 of Cups in combination with the card: Friendships turn into a heavy burden.
    • 6 of Cups in combination with the card: Friendship or benefit?
    • 6 of Cups in combination with the card: Your friends are worthy people.

    Questions to ask when drawing a card?

    • How does your past influence you?
    • Do those whom you consider friends consider you a friend?
    • What makes you seek the friendship of these people?
    • Do you help your children be happy?

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