What time can you eat at night during Ramadan? What do Muslims eat during fasting? What conditions are necessary to observe Ramadan?

Every religion has different fasts. They are long and short, especially revered and less revered. For Muslims, the most important fast is Ramadan, which falls on the month of the same name. It is obligatory for all believers. Muslim fasting has some differences, for example from Christian fasting. modern form, although the spiritual goal is the same in both cases.

What is Ramadan and how did it originate?

The Muslim fast of Ramadan is one of the most important events of this religion. It is obligatory and one of the five pillars of Islam. Although, according to legend, the Prophet Muhammad had an unfavorable attitude towards asceticism, he himself established this fast. He falls in the ninth month lunar calendar, and since the lunar year is shorter than the Gregorian year, the beginning of fasting annually shifts eleven days earlier than the previous one. Its name coincides with the name of the month of Ramadan, but in Turkish languages ​​it is most often called Uraza.

It was in this month that the Prophet Muhammad was given the first revelation from the Lord, which was conveyed to him by the angel Jebrail. Such revelations were subsequently included in the Koran. The first revelation was received on the night of the twenty-seventh, and it is believed that it is on this day that Allah is most favorable to believers. When Muslim fasting begins, one should completely abstain from eating during the daytime. Other austerities are also observed, which will be discussed in more detail below.

It should be noted that the time of the beginning of the fast and the time of leaving it is determined by the area in which the fasting person is located. If a believer began his fast in one place, but for certain reasons he had to go to another and there it ends a day or two earlier, then this should be accepted. The day of leaving Ramadan must be celebrated with everyone, and the missed days must be postponed to another time.

What is the purpose of fasting for Muslims?

The essence of Muslim fasting is the manifestation of one's willpower over the desires of the flesh for the triumph of the spirit. At this time, the believer needs to concentrate on his inner world in order to find his sinful inclinations and destroy them, as well as repent of the sins that have been committed. It is very important to fight pride at this time in order to sincerely humble yourself before the will of the Creator.

Ramadan should reflect on your life, rethink life values what is truly important and what is superficial. Thanks to this, there is a strengthening of faith, spiritual growth of the believer and, possibly, a change in life priorities.

Activities prohibited and permitted during Ramadan

Muslim fasting has a number of prohibited and permitted actions that violate its course. We list them below.

  • You should not intentionally eat or drink.
  • Smoking is prohibited.
  • During fasting, sexual intercourse is prohibited if it leads to ejaculation.
  • You cannot administer medications rectally or vaginally (in this case it is better to postpone the fast).
  • The fast is considered invalid if the intention has not been pronounced. This is done every day.
  • You should not swallow moisture that even involuntarily enters your mouth. This is why swimming is not recommended during the fasting period and showering should be done with caution.
  • You can brush your teeth, but you need to be careful not to swallow any water or toothpaste in the process.
  • Swallowing saliva is not considered breaking the fast.
  • It is permissible to donate blood or perform bloodletting during Ramadan.
  • Medicines can also be given by injection.

Eating while fasting

There are only two meals during the month of Muslim fasting. The first time a believer eats food is before the sun rises (this is required condition). This pre-dawn breakfast is called suhur. This mandatory action, since it is believed that a Muslim in this case will receive more rewards, since he will perform all the actions prescribed by the Prophet Muhammad. Then, after sunrise, the believer should not eat anything.

The evening meal is called iftar. It is performed after sunset and prayer and, of course, local time is taken into account). Eating later is not recommended. Breaking the fast takes place with a small amount of dates, and then you can eat a full meal, but very modestly. However, all the dishes are quite filling and there are a lot of them, because during this month it is customary to treat not only your family, but also other people. During Lent, you must at least once invite your neighbors, friends, and distant relatives to visit you and feed them.

It should be noted that at night the believer is required to pronounce an intention. This is a phrase that speaks of the desire to fast for the sake of Allah. It can be in any form and must be pronounced with the heart. If the phrase was not pronounced, then the day of fasting is considered invalid. They say it at night between prayers.

Many believers from other religions are surprised by this method of fasting, but ancient Christians also had this type of fasting. They did not eat food all day and prayed fervently; only after Vespers could they consume a certain amount of food to maintain strength in their bodies. Over time in Christian tradition The type of fasting changed somewhat; as a result, they only excluded certain types of food from their diet. Thus, the type of fasting that is now preserved in Islam has quite ancient roots.

Leaving the post

The Muslim fast ends after thirty days on the first day of the month of Shawwal. In honor of this, a real holiday is organized, which is called Eid al-Adha. On this day, believers break their fast and perform festive prayer. Also during this (fast) alms should be paid. This is done in the mosque or for those who need help. You should also visit the mosque, and then celebrate the end of the fast with relatives and close friends.

Who may not fast

Fasting in the month of Ramadan Muslim tradition may not comply in the following cases:

  • If a person is sick and it is very difficult or impossible for him to fast.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women also do not observe Ramadan.
  • Children who have not reached puberty.
  • Old people, infirm and terminally ill, but they must feed the poor or pay a certain amount.
  • Also, people on the road may not fast, but they must make up for it after completing the journey. However, if they have begun to abstain from food, then interruption is not allowed, even if they had to leave. To break the fast, the journey must be long, at least eighty-three kilometers from home.
  • Non-Muslims may not adhere to Ramadan (for them it is considered invalid).
  • Mentally ill people who are in a clouded mind.

It should be noted that even if believers do not fast, they are not allowed to demonstratively eat, drink or smoke in front of other believers.


So, as we see, the great Muslim fast is very important for all believers. At this time, a person becomes closer to the Lord due to the renunciation of everything unnecessary that usually accompanies his life. In addition, during the Muslim fast there is spiritual unity with loved ones, since everyone supports each other in this pious matter, and also conducts numerous conversations about spiritual things.

Ramadan is the month of fasting and spiritual cleansing, in different Muslim countries may start at different time- this depends on the method of astronomical calculation or direct observation of the phases of the Moon.

Muslims congratulate each other on the onset of Ramadan, since it was in this month that the Holy Quran was revealed, which plays a special role in the life of every believer.

Holy month of Ramadan

The month of Ramadan, which Muslim believers consider their main duty of the year, is very important in Islam. This holy month compulsory fasting and daily prayers- time to earn eternal Paradise.

During the holy month of Ramadan, many deeds can earn a great reward: fasting, five daily prayers (namaz), Tarawih prayer, sincere supplication, evening (iftar) and pre-dawn meals (suhoor), as well as donations and many others good deeds and deeds.

The righteous believe that fasting helps a Muslim control negative emotions and qualities, such as anger, hatred, greed, and also fight the passions that overcome him.

In Islam, people hope to get closer to the Almighty through fasting. And since getting closer to Allah is the meaning of a believer’s life, fasting occupies an important place in Islam. First of all, fasting is intended to pacify the soul and body, as well as to accurately fulfill the instructions of Allah.

How to fast

The holy fast of Ramadan begins at dawn and ends at sunset - during the daytime, the faithful refuse to eat.

In Islam, during fasting there are two night meals: Suhur - pre-dawn and Iftar - evening. It is advisable to complete the pre-dawn meal at least half an hour before dawn, and iftar should begin immediately after the evening prayer.

Compliance with these two meals is encouraged by an additional reward, although skipping is not a violation of the fast. According to the Koran, the best food for a night meal is water and dates.

Predawn meal

The Prophet Muhammad also spoke about the importance of eating before dawn. He said: “Take food before dawn on the days of fasting! Truly, in Suhur - God's grace(barakyat)!"

Throughout Ramadan, Muslims eat their morning meal before dawn. They believe that Allah will greatly reward such an action. You shouldn't overeat during Suhoor, but you should eat enough food - it gives you strength for the whole day.

Evening meal

The evening meal should be started immediately after sunset, that is, after the fourth, penultimate prayer of that day.

Isha - night prayer - the last of the five obligatory daily prayers, follows iftar. Doctors do not recommend skipping iftar, as this can have a bad effect on the body.

What you can and cannot eat

It is recommended to consume complex carbohydrates during Suhoor - vegetable salad, sprouted grain bread, cereal dishes. Complex carbohydrates provide the body with energy, despite the fact that they take a long time to digest. Dried fruits - dates, nuts - almonds and fruits - bananas are also suitable.

In the morning you should not eat protein foods - they load the liver, which works without interruption during fasting. At this time of day, you should not eat fried, fatty and smoked foods, as well as fish, as you will want to drink after eating it. You also need to give up coffee.

Meat and vegetable dishes can be eaten during iftar, as well as cereal dishes and sweets in small quantities. By the way, sweets can be replaced with dates or fruits. But you need to drink a lot of water. You can also drink compote, tea, fruit drink, juice and jelly.

It is not advisable to eat fatty and fried foods in the evening - they will cause heartburn and put on extra pounds. Instant foods - various cereals in packages - should also be excluded from the evening diet. Such dishes will not fill you up, and literally after an hour or two you will want to eat again, as they contain salt and other spices.

During the Ramadan fast, it is better to exclude sausages and frankfurters from the menu altogether. Sausages, which have a bad effect on the liver and kidneys and satisfy hunger only for a few hours, can develop thirst.

Rules of Ramadan

Every adult Muslim is required to fast during Ramadan. During fasting, everyone must adhere to the established rules - pray a lot and confirm daily their intention to participate in this holiday in the name of Allah.

During the month of Ramadan, during the daytime, Muslims, in order to atone for their sins, refuse not only to eat, but also to drink, smoke and have sex.

Ramadan is a holy month, which is intended to cleanse the soul and body, to rethink life in general. Therefore, Allah will not count the fulfillment of religious duty without daily prayers (namaz).

During this strict fast one should abstain from evil thoughts and intentions, perform prayers more often, and avoid defamatory actions and ungodly people.

Exempt from fasting holy ramadan old people and warriors, sick people, travelers, pregnant and lactating women, and children. Compensation of the fast is obligatory in another, more favorable period.

What not to do during Lent

The following actions are broken during the holy month of Ramadan and the following actions require atonement (kaffarah): deliberate consumption of food, liquids, medicines and everything that is suitable for consumption, as well as smoking and marital intimacy.

The following circumstances that violate the fast also require compensation: use of an enema; ingestion of drugs into the body through the nose and ears; water entering the nasopharynx during ablution; deliberately inducing vomiting; the beginning of menstruation or the postpartum period.

A Muslim who breaks the fast must pay a certain amount of money or food to the needy, thus making up for the fast.

Entering into intimate relationships is one of the most serious violations. For this violation, a Muslim must either feed 60 poor people or observe 60 days of continuous strict fasting.

Night of Predestination

The last ten days of fasting are especially strict and responsible, since the most important night of the year for every Muslim - Laylat al-Qadr or the Night of Power and Predestination - falls on one of the last 10 nights of Ramadan.

According to legend, it was at this time that the Prophet Muhammad received the first revelations from the Archangel Jebrail - he went down to the praying prophet and gave him the Koran. Although, some sources indicate that the Night of Power and Predestination falls on the 27th of Ramadan

This Night in holy quran An entire sura is dedicated to it - “Inna anzalnagu”. It says that the Night of Power is better than a thousand months without it.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Polyakov

It is believed that the fate of every person is his life path, the difficulties and trials to be passed are predetermined in heaven precisely in Laylat al-Qadr. And if a true believer spends this night in prayer, in understanding his actions and possible mistakes, then Allah will be merciful and forgive him his sins.

Therefore, Muslims try to pray with great zeal during the holy month of Ramadan and adhere to the instructions of Allah. It is believed that for the good deeds performed during Ramadan, Allah rewards believers a hundredfold, bestowing them with prosperity, health and good luck.

Voluntary prayer

Throughout Ramadan, Muslims must read the Koran, devote their time to pious thoughts and actions, work and charity. In addition, to the usual five prayers a day, one more is added - “tarawih”.

"Tarawih" means voluntary prayer, which is performed in the holy month of Ramadan after night prayer(isha). "Taraweeh" is an obligatory sunnah (sunnah muakkyada) for both men and women.

The Prophet Muhammad performed this prayer on the 23rd, 25th and 27th nights of the month of Ramadan together with his companions in the mosque. And so that people would not perceive this prayer as obligatory, the prophet did not offer it every day.

After every four rakyaats (the order of words and actions that make up Muslim prayer), following the example of the prophet’s companions, it is advisable to take a short break. At this time, it is recommended to indulge in reflection about God, praise and remember the Almighty, or listen to a short sermon.

Feast of Breaking the Fast

The holy month of Ramadan ends with the second most important holiday - Eid al-Fitr or the so-called Feast of Breaking the Fast. The holiday begins after sunset on the last day of Ramadan.

At this time, Muslims should indulge in reflection on spiritual values ​​and rethink life during the period of fasting. Eid al-Fitr is considered a holiday of salvation from hell - a day of love, reconciliation and friendly handshakes. On the holiday, it is customary to visit the disadvantaged and care for the elderly.

The holiday begins with the arrival of time evening prayer. From now on, it is advisable for all Muslims to read “takbir” (the formula for exalting Allah). Takbir is read before performing holiday prayer on the day of the holiday. It is advisable to spend the night of the holiday in all-night service to Allah.

On the holiday, the faithful put on clean clothes, perfume themselves with incense, and put it on their finger. silver ring and, having eaten a little, go early to the mosque to perform the festive prayer.

On the holiday, they pay the obligatory zakat al-fitr or “alms of breaking the fast”, show joy, congratulate each other and wish the Almighty to accept the fast, and also visit relatives, friends, neighbors and acquaintances and receive guests.

The material was prepared based on open sources

Audio version of this article:

1. What is Muslim fasting?

Muslim fasting in Ramadan- this is abstinence from food, drink and sexual intercourse from the beginning of dawn until sunset, immediately after which all this becomes permissible. At the same time, one must take a responsible approach to the spiritual content of fasting - temporarily depriving oneself of certain benefits as a form of worshiping the Lord and fulfilling His commands.

Fasting is not a diet, but primarily the worship of God and the education of the spirit. But along with the intention of worshiping the Almighty, you can have a specific and measurable intention to lose those extra pounds and get healthier. Improving the health of the body is a charitable deed.

Read about the essence of the post in a special article.

Additionally, during the month of fasting, believers collectively recite the Tarawih prayer. Every day they read the Koran or a translation of its meanings, try to pay zakat within a month, read more, establish relationships with people, forgive others, pray more, go to visit, give treats, help others, etc. This is all desirable, unlike mandatory abstinence from food, drink and marital sexual intercourse.

Read about how to perform the Tarawih prayer.

2. When does fasting and Ramadan begin in 2019?

Ramadan begins in the evening at sunset - the day is specified.

The day before the start of Ramadan there may be adjustments in the start date of the new lunar month. You should focus on the opinion of the local mufti, the local centralized religious organization.

Ramadan usually lasts 29 days, there is even a mention of this in the Sunnah. Lunar year Almost 11 days shorter than the sun!

3. Who is obliged to fast?

There are conditions under which fasting becomes canonically obligatory:

Physical ability to fast.

4. How to fast during Ramadan?

Each day of fasting consists of 2 periods.

Abstinence period- from dawn (start time morning prayer Fajr) until sunset (before the start of the 4th Maghrib prayer). During this time, you should not drink, eat or have sexual relations with your spouse. You can kiss and hug your wife (husband). This does not break the fast. Only sexual intercourse is prohibited.

The period when eating, drinking and sexual relations are permitted- from sunset (with the beginning of the 4th Maghrib prayer) to dawn (the beginning of the morning Fajr prayer), that is, the night period of the day. Traditionally, this period begins with breaking the fast (drinking clean water and use, for example, dates).

For example: on the first day of fasting in your city, dawn (not sunrise, but the dawn that appears about an hour and a half before sunrise) begins at 3:40, and sunset at 22:50, that is, you fast (abstain) from 3:40 to 22:50. And between 22:50 and the next dawn, everything becomes permissible.

You can (1) say the intention to fast to yourself, out loud, or (2) just think about it mentally in the evening or immediately after eating before dawn. Read below about how to do this.

5. Suhur and intention for fasting

Suhur is the pre-dawn meal during the fasting period of the month of Ramadan.

Suhur and the intention to fast are related to each other in that they are essentially two actions before the onset of a period of abstinence.

Example: If the Fajr prayer begins at 5:40, then Suhoor lasts until 5:40. And nothing more. And the fact that some leave time “in reserve” and stop eating at 5:20 has no canonical justification. There is no such need, especially when the days are long and the nights are short.

Intention(niyat)- presence in the heart of desire and determination to fast, following the command of the Lord. The location of the intention is the heart, but you can verbally pronounce the text of the intention.

Example of intention for a post:


“Navaitu an asuma sawma fard minal-fajri ilal-maghribi khalisan lil-lahi ta’ala”

نَوَيْتُ أَنْ أَصُومَ صَوْمَ فَرْضٍ مِنَ الْفَجْرِ إِلَى الْمَغْرِبِ خَالِصًا ِللهِ تَعَالَى


“I intend to observe the obligatory fast from dawn to sunset, doing it sincerely for the sake of the Almighty.”

Niyat must be “set” before dawn (the intention to fast can be present in the thoughts and heart even after sunset in the evening, on the eve of the day of fasting). From ‘Aisha it is transmitted: “The fast of one who does not determine it [with his heart’s intention] before dawn is invalid.”

After pronouncing the intention and with the beginning of the Fajr (dawn) prayer, you enter the state of fasting.

What if I forgot my intention in the morning?

More about intent and practical issues related to it, see the special extended article .

After the sun sets (it is time for the 4th Maghrib prayer), there comes a period when drinking, eating and intimate relations with your spouse are allowed.

6. Iftar. What to say in the evening before eating?

The period when everything is permitted begins with Iftar (breaking the fast).

Iftar is an evening meal during the fasting period during the month of Ramadan.

Dua No. 1

اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ، وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ

وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَ بِكَ آمَنْتُ .

ذَهَبَ الظَّمَأُ وَ ابْتَلَّتِ الْعُرُوقُ

وَ ثَبَتَ الْأَجْرُ إِنْ شَاءَ اللهُ تَعَالىَ .

يَا وَاسِعَ الْفَضْلِ اغْفِرْ لِي

اَلْحَمْدُ لِلهِ الَّذِي أَعَانَنِي فَصُمْتُ ،

وَ رَزَقَنِي فَأَفْطَرْتُ .


Allahumma lakya sumtu wa ‘alaya rizkykya aftartu wa ‘alaikya tavakkyaltu wa bikya aamantu. Zehebe zzomeu wabtellatil-'uruuku wa sebetal-ajru in she'allaahu ta'ala. Ya vaasial-fadligfir lii. Alhamdu lillayahil-lyazii e‘aanani fa sumtu wa razaqaniye fa aftartu.


“O Almighty, I fasted for Your sake [so that You would be pleased with me]. I ended my fast with what You gave me. I relied on You and believed in You. The thirst has gone, the veins have been filled with moisture, and the reward has been established, if You wish. O Possessor of boundless mercy, forgive my sins. Praise be to the Lord, who helped me fast and provided me with what I broke my fast with.”

Dua No. 2


“Allahumma lakya sumtu wa ‘alaya rizkykya aftartu wa ‘alaikya tavakkyaltu wa bikya aamant. Ya vaasi'al-fadli-gfir liy. Al-hamdu lil-lyahil-lyazi e’aanani fa sumtu wa razakani fa aftart.”

اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ وَ بِكَ آمَنْتُ. يَا وَاسِعَ الْفَضْلِ اغْفِرْ لِي. اَلْحَمْدُ ِللهِ الَّذِي أَعَانَنِي فَصُمْتُ وَ رَزَقَنِي فَأَفْطَرْتُ


“O Lord, I fasted for You (for the sake of Your pleasure with me) and, using Your blessings, I broke my fast. I hope in You and believe in You. Forgive me, O One whose mercy is limitless. Praise be to the Almighty, Who helped me fast and fed me when I broke my fast.”

Dua No. 3


“Allahumma lakya sumtu wa bikya aamantu wa aleykya tawakkyaltu wa ‘ala rizkykya aftartu. Fagfirli yay gaffaru ma kaddamtu wa ma akhhartu.”

اَللَّهُمَّ لَكَ صُمْتُ

وَ بِكَ آمَنْتُ

وَ عَلَيْكَ تَوَكَّلْتُ

وَ عَلَى رِزْقِكَ أَفْطَرْتُ.

فَاغْفِرْ لِي يَا غَفَّارُ مَا قَدَّمْتُ

وَ مَا أَخَّرْتُ

Translation: “O Lord, I fasted for You (for the sake of Your pleasure with me), believed in You, relied on You and broke my fast using Your gifts. Forgive me for past and future sins, O All-Forgiving One!”

7. What diet is preferable for a fasting person?

Everything is individual. Some fasting people work physically, others intellectually, and some avoid work altogether (not an option for a believer). For this reason, you should choose your diet taking into account the benefits for the body, physical activity and daily routine during fasting.

It is necessary in the evening and during the morning meal to drink more water, eat fruits and only after that vegetables, cereals, dried fruits, fish, etc. In the evening it is better to eat something that is quickly digested (fruits and vegetables), and during Suhoor (pre-dawn meal) - what takes longer to digest, for example, nuts and protein foods (eggs, fish or meat). Try to focus on water at least 30 minutes before meals, so that you do not dilute your gastric juice with it immediately before eating. After eating, it is also advisable to wait for the obvious feeling of thirst (about 40 minutes after eating), thereby facilitating and speeding up digestion.

At night, it is necessary to replenish the body's water balance. Try to drink up to 2 liters of clean water between evening and morning meals. We recommend Trillionaire water. It is glacial and does not contain artificial impurities.

Please note that fasting is healing because during fasting the body burns (utilizes) the remaining reserves. Water is the main source of removal of waste from this process from the body. If you don't have enough water, all the processed toxins will accumulate inside you and poison your body.

Suhoor (pre-dawn meal). For Suhoor, it is better to eat foods that take longer to digest, such as cereals, nuts and protein foods (eggs, fish or meat). Focus on what contains a lot of fiber and protein. Fiber prevents the rapid onset of hunger, nourishes the body and cleanses the intestines, which are 70% responsible for our immune system, and protein is construction material our body, very important and necessary. But do not eat proteins mixed with fruits and do not drink plenty of water. Try to focus on water at least 30 minutes before meals, so that you do not dilute your gastric juice with it immediately before eating. I also recommend eating your favorite “live” fermented milk product, such as yogurt, kefir or matsoni. One glass. It is useful to mix it with one clove of garlic, cut into medium, easy-to-swallow pieces. If you don’t chew the garlic and don’t cut it too finely, there will be no smell. But there are very, very many benefits from it for our body. The fermented milk product must certainly contain live bacteria. It may cost a little more, but this is the product that is useful.

Iftar (evening meal). On an empty stomach, water, plenty of water and fruit. And only forty minutes after this - eating. During this time, you can calmly pray, performing the Maghrib prayer, and read a du’a or a few pages from a useful book. During iftar (evening meal), focus on fruits, green salads, and vegetables. That is, something that contains a lot of fiber and is easy to digest. After eating, it is also advisable to wait until you feel thirsty (about 40 minutes after eating), thereby facilitating and speeding up digestion.

Between evening and morning meals - definitely sleep!

After a pre-dawn meal, you should also sleep, especially if you then have to go to work. When you wake up, disperse imaginary fatigue and drowsiness with exercises and a contrast shower. Use gels and shampoos with a pleasant aroma.

On fasting days, use perfume (read more about using alcohol perfume). Pleasant aromas and smells activate the brain, add festivity, inspiration, and set you up for an active and productive day.

8. What can break my fast during the day?

If you understand what the essence of fasting is (see the answer to the first question), then, according to the canonical rules, fasting is violated by: intentional consumption of food, water and sexual intercourse during daylight hours (during the period of abstinence).

For those who are fasting for the first time, it is important to know that a lot of far-fetched prohibitions are published on the Internet.

Fasting is abstinence from food, drink and sexual intercourse from the beginning of dawn until sunset, immediately after which all this becomes permissible.

You can swallow saliva.

10. Fasting of a woman. What are the features?

During the postpartum period and during menstruation, fasting by women is prohibited (haram), regardless of age and marital status. Missed days are made up one by one at the end of Ramadan, either split or in a row. More details .

While fasting, you can kiss your wife (husband) and hug. The Prophet Muhammad himself (may the Almighty bless him and greet him) kissed his wife ‘Aisha in Ramadan and hugged him during the daytime, which is conveyed from her words in several reliable hadiths.

It is important to understand: only sexual intercourse breaks the fast. Hugs with your wife (husband), caresses and kisses do not affect the validity of the fast. The relationship between husband and wife should bloom in any month and any day of the year. Ramadan is no exception. The only thing that is prohibited during the day during fasting is sexual intercourse.

Of course, if a husband and wife have reasonable fears that kissing and hugging may lead to sexual intercourse, then they will abstain from this even during fasting hours. But in this case, they should compensate for this abstinence from kisses and hugs with an abundance of them at night. As modern family practice, without this, the relationship cools down, becomes rude, becomes callous, and eventually dies after a few years of living together. It is not religion that leads to this, but its incorrect understanding and the lack of basic skills to live with joy, happiness and a deep, living feeling of gratitude to each other and to God.

12. Should water and dates be consumed before du‘a or after du‘a?

First of all - water and 1-3 dates.

The Prophet Muhammad (may the Almighty bless him and welcome him) did this: while breaking his fast, he first drank water and could eat a few dates, then performed the evening prayer and namaz and then ate.

13. Is it possible to brush your teeth during the day?

Brushing your teeth with a miswak or a toothbrush does not break your fast. It is better to refrain from using toothpaste during fasting or use it in small quantities. If a person uses it, they must be careful not to swallow it.

‘Amir ibn Rabi’a said: “I saw how the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) constantly and repeatedly used miswak during fasting.” The lack of specification in the hadith suggests that the miswak could be either fresh or dried. This is what al-Bukhari and those who agreed with him on this thought. And fresh miswak has both taste and aroma.

“Ibn Sirin said that you can brush your teeth with fresh (wet) miswak. They asked him: “But it has taste, doesn’t it?!” He replied: “And water has a taste, but you rinse your mouth with it during fasting [which does not affect its reality in any way].”

14. How to deal with bad breath during the day?

When a person does not eat for a long time, his breath sometimes begins to smell bad. I note that if it smells really bad, then these are problems with the intestines and digestion, which need to be solved in consultation with a doctor, and fasting has nothing to do with it. Here are simple tips on how to minimize bad breath:

Thoroughly brush your teeth with a special floss and a brush with toothpaste after the pre-dawn meal (suhur);

After sleeping during the period of abstinence (fasting), brush your teeth with a miswak or a brush with a very small amount of toothpaste on it. Use a brush or a special device to clean the tongue and the root of the tongue from germs. The main cause of bad breath is the accumulation of microbes on the root of the tongue;

Use fragrant oils or perfume throughout the day, especially after your morning shower. Applying high-quality oil or perfume to the abdominal or chest area eliminates the unpleasant odor for almost the whole day.

15. Is it possible to taste food while cooking?

Without ingestion, it does not break the fast. Imam al-Bukhari, in his collection of hadiths, quotes the words of the famous companion of the Prophet Muhammad Ibn ‘Abbas: “There is nothing reprehensible in tasting food [in the process of preparing it] while fasting.”

16. How to respond to criticism from others?

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “Fasting is protection [from committing sins in mortal life and the fire of Hell in eternal life]. If any of you is fasting, then let him not scold or shout. And if he is insulted or hit, he will say: “Truly, I am fasting, I am fasting.”

It is important to minimize negative emotions and maximize positive ones, to be able to direct the released energy to useful things (in the first half of the day - emphasis on intellectual work, in the second - on physical work). And the most important thing is the psychological attitude. Twist all your thoughts, words and deeds around priority goals and projects. When you learn this in practice, there will simply be no time and energy left for grievances and negative emotions.

17. Is fasting accepted if a person does not perform namaz?

Fasting (if the necessary conditions for it are present) is accepted as an independent separate form of worship of God. Whether or not a person performs prayer does not affect this.

It is useful to know that if a person denies the fivefold prayer, but fasts, then his faith is in question. If a person agrees that prayer is obligatory, but first decided to practice only fasting, then he needs to start praying as soon as possible. These are two important pillars religious practice, but each of them is independent.

It is also important to take into account that some people do not perform namaz yet, since they have only recently accepted Islam. Some people start with fasting, others with prayer. In any case, this approach cannot be condemned. Any Muslim started with something and gradually introduced himself to all the obligatory rituals (,).

18. How to determine the time when you can eat and when you can’t, based on the prayer schedule?

You can eat and drink before the Fajr prayer begins (this is about an hour and a half before sunrise). But the ban on everything applies from the onset of Fajr until the onset of the Maghrib prayer, which begins immediately after sunset.

20. Is it possible to take a shower, swim in a pool or in the sea during fasting?

Yes, you can. There are no restrictions on the use of water during fasting, except for drinking.

The essence of fasting is abstaining from food, drink and sexual relations during the daytime. If you swim or wash without swallowing water, this does not break your fast during the day.

Opinions about restrictions on bathing during Lent, which you can find on the Internet, have been around since the very beginning of the formation of Muslim theology. But! These are just speculations, they have no basis, much less reliable canonical justification (Koran and Sunnah).

For example, in the collection of hadiths of Imam al-Bukhari there is a separate topic “Full body washing (bathing) for those observing fasting,” where he collected, among other things, the opinions of his companions that it is possible to rinse your mouth during fasting, taste food, use miswak, wash, bathe, visit the bathhouse, etc.

22. Is fasting valid if you sleep through suhoor (morning meal)?

The importance of the morning meal is evidenced, for example, by the following words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him): “Take food before dawn [on fasting days]! Truly, in the suhoor (morning meal) there is God’s grace (barakat)!” . Morning meal is highly desirable.

If you overslept, but even before going to bed you planned (had the intention) to fast on the coming day, then after sleep you continue to fast as usual.

And don’t be afraid of not eating or drinking for Suhoor. At the end of the day, you will be truly surprised at how easy everything went.

23. Some beginners argue that you need to sleep during Ramadan, because when you sleep, you won’t accidentally eat something and you won’t swear.

This is what lazy people and parasites say, suffering “for the sake of Allah” and living at the expense of others: their older brother (sister), parents, or on “kafir” social benefits.

The Koran says:

“To those who make efforts (diligent, persistent, purposeful), and do this to please the Almighty [with a prayer for His mercy and forgiveness; does before Him, His power, for the benefit of faith and spirituality, for the sake of the triumph of the Word of God and eternal values, and not to please passions and base desires; not out of revenge or to spite someone; without proving to others that he is smarter, more influential and richer... Who puts in efforts before God], to those people the Almighty will open blessed paths [to achieving comprehensive success in the worldly and eternal; will provide a way out of hopeless situations; will lead you out of the darkness of hopelessness to a brightly lit “path” of hope and confidence in tomorrow]. [Know] there is no doubt that Allah (God, Lord) is with those who are noble in deeds and actions” (see).

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “[The best are those] who do not become a burden for others.”

Diligence and work are an integral part Everyday life Muslim. He believes in inevitability Doomsday not in language, but in deeds, he repeatedly read in the Koran that it will be announced “that you did". You will have to pay for idleness and parasitism.

24. How long can a person survive without water and food? Could he die if he doesn't drink water for 17–18 hours in the summer?

Maybe if he has serious health problems and for him water is an important factor affecting the functioning of the body (for example, someone who has bad kidneys or diabetes).

If a person is healthy, then replenishing the water balance at night will compensate for daytime abstinence. You need to drink up to 2 liters of clean water at night.

Tea, coffee, compotes, lemonades and juices do not belong to the concept of water. The first thing we need is clean drinking water.

If you fast, you will feel that even on long days for our latitude summer days Difficulties with depriving yourself of food and drink may arise only in the first 3–4 days, or may not arise at all. The following days will show that even without water a person can live for such a number of hours, receiving many benefits, including for health, and also great pleasure.

25. In what cases can you skip a post?

- The man is seriously ill

- gone crazy,

- went on a journey, and fasting is difficult for him,

- woman got pregnant

- The woman started her period.

26. What to do if a person has not made up for the missed days since the last fast?

As usual, he fasts during the month of Ramadan. At the end of Ramadan, he will plan to make up for what he missed, for example, for the winter period.

27. I am 50 years old. This year is the first post. What to do with previous missed posts?

If you were not a Muslim before the age of 50 (there was no awareness of religious beliefs), then by starting religious practice, just like a neophyte, you do not restore anything.

If you had conscious religious beliefs, were familiar with the tenets of faith and religious practice, one of the five pillars of which is the obligatory fasting in the month of Ramadan, but still did not fast, then you need to make up for everything, starting from puberty or after it, when you realized your religious beliefs, consciously believed .

28. Is Tarawih obligatory?

No, not required. This is the sunnah. More about this prayer .

29. I want to read Tarawih in the mosque, but I don’t know how. What should I do?

This is not an insurmountable obstacle. Come to the mosque in a state ritual purity(ablution and), you pronounce the intention to perform prayer together with the imam and repeat all the movements after him.

You, of course, should immediately begin to memorize the prayer formulas necessary for prayer. The book “Muslim Prayer Practice” or the website will help you with this. But having not yet learned anything from the prayer formulas, you can still safely join the imam of the mosque while he performs prayer-namaz. Don't be afraid of anything during your training. Learn, make mistakes, but don't stop. For every step you take, you will receive a reward from God.

30. Reading Tarawih prayer at home.

A believer can perform the Tarawih prayer at home, alone or with members of his household. This is possible and canonically will be complete.

31. Pregnant and breastfeeding women.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is strictly forbidden to fast. This can cause irreparable harm to the fetus (newborn child) and will ultimately turn out to be a serious sin before God. This is not only practically, but also canonically prohibited. We have materials on this topic with a detailed explanation and a way out of the situation when a woman every two years and...

32. How to combine fasting and work?

Take a vacation

Take a vacation for the last 10 days of fasting,

Arrange to work from home

Sleep during the day instead of lunch

A minimum of pointless activities in your free time after work,

Eat right and only healthy foods,

Get enough sleep on the weekends.

Should a fasting person change his work schedule for the period of Ramadan, say, go on vacation, or does life continue as usual?

I can’t say for sure, since, for example, in the summer, many vacations can be combined. At the same time, by remaining in the usual working rhythm, you can seriously exceed your monthly plan, since there are no breaks for tea, coffee, breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and idle talk. My experience of fasting during Ramadan (since 1987) confirms that productivity and efficiency increase dramatically during this time. For this, strict self-discipline and daily routine are important, as well as proper nutrition and timely sleep. And of course - goals “packed” into deadlines!

I myself observed fasting while studying in an ordinary Moscow school in the 80s, and while passing very difficult exams at the university in the 90s, and since 1997, holding unusually energy-intensive Friday lectures and sermons, as well as speaking live on television and radio. transmissions Fasting did not hinder me in all this, but helped me. The main thing is (1) as soon as the opportunity arises, try to compensate for the lack of sleep (more than five days of its accumulation can greatly harm your health both during Ramadan and in any other month), (2) eat right and (3) move more (sport until you get tired and the vigor that comes after it).

I took a week off for the first week of Lent. But now there is no need for this. The main thing is to get rid of internal fears. Arman.

She lived 12 of her 42 years in South Korea. I kept a post there. I studied for 2 years of them. The fast also fell during the exam period. I studied with foreigners. I had Japanese, Thai, Mongolian, and Korean friends who didn’t understand how I could start the morning without coffee))). There were students who argued with each other whether I could survive until the end of Ramadan without lunch. Then I got a job. I explained to the manager that during the month of Ramadan I would not go out with the team for lunch. I was even allowed to read namaz in a separate room. Some admired my patience, others pitied me. One Buryat girl said: “Well, at least eat an apple, it’s not food.” And when I answered that I couldn’t even drink water, she looked at me like I was crazy. There was a funny incident when the Koreans invited me to dinner and explained to all the restaurant employees that I needed to start eating at a certain time. And all the waiters were looking at their watches, waiting for iftar time to come, and when it came, everyone shouted in unison: “Can we do it!” It was very nice that everyone understood and supported me in a foreign, non-Muslim country. Yana.

My son had to pass exams at the university last year. He did not note any difficulties, he passed everything with the same excellent result, noting “freshness in his head.” Thus, he also “infected” a friend from Kazakhstan to try fasting. Last year, my 90-year-old grandmother was worried that she wouldn’t have enough strength, and by the end of Lent she was “just flying.” Much depends on your attitude and belief in the great benefits of fasting. Rashid.

I definitely spend Ramadan at work. I have an office job, it’s more comfortable (quiet work, the air conditioning can always be turned on in hot weather). There really is more time. On the weekends, on the contrary, from the hustle and bustle of household chores and walks with the children, you feel tired in the late afternoon. But still, closer to iftar, fatigue is forgotten))) Aidos.

Ramadan is the most fertile and fruitful month. The feeling of spiritual delight is indescribable, every breath feels different... And this month is more fruitful than others, only during this period you understand how much time is spent on breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks)) Whether you are working, studying, or training, you are more likely to into a state of flow. For those who have not followed, try it (all fears are far-fetched), and you will feel the beauty of spiritual, moral and all-round growth and delight! Anwar.

If your work involves constant meetings, stress, conflicts, where there is constant swearing, obscene language and it is impossible to get away from it, then it is better to take a vacation during the crisis. I personally try to do this. Tarawih in urazu is something! The last ten days of Tarawih and standing at night in prayer... I think it’s stupid to exchange this barakah for something. I look forward to it every year. An incomparable feeling. Ramil.

33. What else to do in Ramadan, besides abstinence?

1. Focus on current goals and objectives (Trillionaire Ramadan).

2. Build good relationships with loved ones (forgive, visit, do something nice).

4. Read, for example, 10 pages of theological translation of meanings. Depending on your daily routine, you should choose a specific period of time and strictly devote it to reading every day. For those who do not have to get up early for work or school, I recommend reading for 30-60 minutes after the morning meal (suhoor) and performing Fajr prayer.

6. Exercise at least an hour a day, for example, Pilates or yoga. Plan aerobic and strength training closer to the time of the evening meal (before Iftar), two to three hours before it.

7. Start to hear yourself and understand your true desires, and to do this, stop listening to news on television and read them on the Internet. Pay more attention to introspection, yourself and your life history - what you have achieved and what you intend to achieve in the near future; what gnaws at you and constantly worries you, how to find peace of mind. In this context, I recommend reading both parts of my book “Become the smartest and the richest.”

8. Perform the Tarawih prayer daily, at least at home, for at least 8 rakyaats.

By the way, this year we will have another round of the Trillionaire Ramadan game on cel.one. Details on the cel.one website. In this creative run we set goals for Ramadan and achieve them during the month of fasting.

34. Communication with the opposite sex

If you have recently converted to Islam, you must understand that a Muslim man (Muslim woman) cannot communicate closely and alone with the opposite sex. Ramadan is an excellent time to actually apply Muslim principles in this matter: communicate only with the one with whom you intend to start a family, become husband and wife for life, and only in the presence of other people, in public place, no hugs and kisses.

35. Sports in Ramadan

Moderate sports during fasting days are useful and relevant. Don't be afraid of physical activity! In the first half of the day, I recommend limiting yourself to light exercise (jogging, stretching, exercises, planks, pull-ups and push-ups). The purpose of these light exercises every hour or two is to activate blood flow; by engaging the muscles (especially the leg muscles), it relieves the heart and promotes the flow of oxygen to the brain, which will give clarity of thinking and activate emotional awakening. As a result, you will gain vigor and will maintain it until 14:00. After, for example, during your work lunch break, find an opportunity to take a nap for at least 20-40 minutes. This is a complete reboot of the brain, an energy boost for the evening and the next morning. You should sleep no more than an hour during the day.

After waking up with new strength, also continue light exercise every hour or two. But at the same time, two to three hours before iftar (evening breaking of the fast), it is useful to plan a daily serious hourly load. As a result, every day, and especially at the end of the month of Ramadan, the body will be very, very grateful to you!

Is it possible to run a marathon (21 kilometers) while fasting?

It is forbidden. Dehydration (as a result of such exercise) can seriously harm your health. Especially the cardiovascular system.

36. Sins in Ramadan

It should be remembered that the month of fasting is the education of the soul and body, and therefore it should be filled with self-discipline, good manners, kindness and good behavior. You should refrain from obvious sins, the top ten of which include sins of the tongue (cursing, gossip, slander, lying). And therefore - keep silent more. If you speak, then only good things.

Ramadan is a very favorable period for personal growth and maturation.

37. Important periods in the month of Ramadan.

During fasting you can highlight important events and periods. For example:

1. For the first three to four days, the body gets used to the new diet and sleep patterns.

2. Every day during the pre-dawn meal (suhur) and immediately after it, together with the intention of fasting, pray to the Almighty for something concrete in an earthly and eternal perspective.

3. For the last ten evenings, try to perform Tarawih in the mosque.

4. At night, pay attention to prayer and reading what strengthens your determination and commitment, self-discipline and piety.

Night of Power (Laylatul-qadr). At night, devote 10-15 minutes to the most secret prayers-du'a. See more details .

The night before the holiday prayer. Organize everything so that you will definitely attend the holiday prayer in the mosque. This applies to men. And women should help create a holiday mood at home for the whole family and loved ones, as well as neighbors.

Holiday prayer. It is not obligatory, but on this day the mosques and the streets around them are crowded with believers who have gathered to thank God for the past month of fasting. And so it is all over the world. About a billion people different cultures, views and ages. A powerful and faith-strengthening sight. See more details.

38. Sadaqah in Ramadan.

It is important to highlight special type sadaki. This is akyatul-fitr- breaking the fast tax, paid from each family member before the start of the holiday of breaking the fast (‘Idul-Fitr, Eid al-Adha), or rather, before holiday prayer. It is the final condition for the Creator to accept the observed fast. It is paid primarily in favor of poor and disadvantaged Muslims, and is also used in other charitable activities. Typically, believers donate their zakatul fitr to local mosques. See more details .

39. I couldn’t stand the fast all day, so I broke it. What should I do?

If you are forced to interrupt, try not to disrupt your meal and sleep schedule. Interrupted - just drink water until iftar (evening breaking of fast).

Immediately after completing the month of fasting and holiday missed.

40. I still have questions about fasting.

We have a whole project on our website about fasting with detailed explanations, quoting verses from the theological translation of the Koran, hadiths (sayings of the Prophet Muhammad) and with links to the works of authoritative Muslim scholars of the past.

Listen to a thematic selection of audio .

Read a theological translation of the Qur'an .

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Fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam. Allah Almighty ordered us to fast in one of the twelve months of the year and made this month the most fertile time in the entire year. Hence, main reason According to which we fast during the daytime and not at night, it is believed that this was an indication of this by our creator, Allah Almighty.

In addition, there is a deep wisdom hidden in fasting during the day that is missing in fasting at night. Since the main purpose of fasting while abstaining from food, drink and other bodily pleasures is to nurture one’s ego, and in order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to fast during the day and not at night.

Fasting is fundamentally different from others the fact that Allah Almighty attributed it to Himself, for Allah Almighty said, as the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) related this:

كُلُّ عَمَلِ ابْنِ آدَمَ يُضَاعَفُ، الْحَسَنَةُ بِعَشْرِ أَمْثَالِهَا إِلَى سَبْعِمِائَةِ ضِعْفٍ، قَالَ اللَّهُ سُبْحَانَهُ: إِلَّا الصَّوْمَ، فَإِنَّهُ لِي، وَأَنَا أَجْزِي بِهِ

« The reward for every good deed of a person (descendant of Adam) increases at least ten times and can reach seven hundred times. Allah Almighty said:« In addition to the reward for fasting, for, truly, it (is done) for Me, and I will reward for it (a person fasts only for My sake)"". (Ibn Majah)

And Allah Almighty says in the Holy Quran:

إِنَّمَا يُوَفَّى الصَّابِرُونَ أَجْرَهُمْ بِغَيْرِ حِسَابٍ

[Meaning]: " Verily, the patient (those who endured for the pleasure of Allah) are given their reward in Eternal life no account and no limit" (Surah Az-Zumar, 10)

And the post - half patience, as the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

الصَوْمُ نِصْفُ الصَبِر

« Fast– half patience" (Tirmidhi)

Consequently, the reward for it exceeds all limits of sizing and calculation.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said about fasting:

قَالَ رَبُّكُمْ عَزَّ وَجَلَّ : عَبْدِي تَرَكَ شَهْوَتَهُ وَطَعَامَهُ وَشَرَابَهُ ، ابْتِغَاءَ مَرْضَاتِي ، وَالصَّوْمُ لِي وَأَنَا أَجْزِي بِهِ

Allah Almighty said: “ My servant for My sake gave up his desires and pleasures, his food and drink. The fast is observed for Me, and I will reward it" (Imam Ahmad)

A person who observes fasting all day long will be given countless rewards, his rewards will be immeasurable, because fasting- for the sake of Allah and we honor because it relates to Him. Even if a person performs all his worship for the sake of Allah, then Allah Almighty has attributed the observance of fasting to Himself, just as He honored the Kaaba by attributing it to Himself, while the entire earth, along with all its contents, is His possession and property. And this is done this way for two reasons:

Firstly, fast- abstinence and renunciation of what the nafs (ego) of a person desires. And such abstinence in itself is something hidden, there is no action in it that can be seen with your own eyes. Other rituals and worship are usually performed in public, and the abstinence and refusal of the fasting person are visible only to Allah Almighty, for fasting- a hidden action that is accomplished only by patience.

Secondly, fast- this is a means to overcome the enemy of Allah, for the weapon of Satan is carnal passions, and they are intensified by food and drink. Therefore, abstaining from food and drink weakens the position of the shaitan, and the fasting person can easily defeat him.

In addition to abstaining from obvious actions that violate the fast, there are also hidden conditions of fasting, without which the fasting person does not receive rewards for his fast. Moreover, such fasting is not accepted by Allah Almighty.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

كم من صائم ليس له من صيامه إلا الظمأ

« How many fasting people are there who only get hunger and thirst from fasting?" (Ad-Darimi)

A person who observes a fast and abstains from eating, drinking, intercourse and other actions that violate the fast, but at the same time breaks it by committing sins, is like a person who, when performing ablution, wipes the required organs of ablution three times, but neglects the most important thing - washing these organs with water. Consequently, his ablution and prayer will be rejected due to ignorance of the essence of ablution.

As you know, almost all people spend most of the night sleeping, therefore, if fasting were observed at night, the above meaning of fasting would not be revealed. We are obliged to fast during the day, since at other times many people, not experiencing true hunger and thirst, do not appreciate the benefits that Allah Almighty has given them.

During the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, believers abstain from eating during the daytime and only allow themselves a small snack in the evening, immediately after sunset. Reuters photographers captured Muslim evening meals during Ramadan around the world this year (which ended on July 10).
Everyone’s table is different: some have meat, some have fruit, some prefer to cook national dishes; some eat with family or colleagues at home or at work, while others eat right in a combat zone. In general, see for yourself.

Ibrahim Hyderi, Pakistan, outskirts of Karachi

Haji Hussain, a 65-year-old fisherman from Pakistan, begins his evening fast with his companions.
“For me, Ramadan is a time for good deeds, they protect us from the influence of Satan.”

Sanliurfa, Türkiye, refugee camp

35-year-old Syrian refugee Ahmet Ilevy starts iftar with his wife and children. “Ramadan brings peace, and only the thought of relatives who remained in Syria can destroy this peace. I really miss them. In my homeland, Ramadan is much more beautiful than here,” says Ahmet. On the table they have a dish of baked chicken with potatoes and a vegetable salad.

Delhi, India, old quarters

Anwaar Hussain, 35, refreshes himself with his staff. Hussain works as a mechanic and repairs used electric motors and pumps. Hussain said that the essence of Ramadan is self-improvement and kindness, and that one should avoid evil.

Village of Susiya, West Bank

Jihad Nuwaja, a Palestinian Bedouin, eats in the village of Susiya, near Hebron.


Bangladeshi workers prepare for iftar at The Leo hostel in Singapore.

Kakanj, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Miners take an iftar break from somewhere deep inside one of the mines in the industrial city of Kakanj.

Zenika, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prisoners in the largest prison in Bosnia and Herzegovina break their fast.

Idlib Province, Syria

Members of the Syrian Civil Defense begin iftar in rebel-held territory in a small town called Maaret al-Numan in Idlib province.

Algiers, Algeria

The brothers are about to start iftar, sitting outside a local sweet shop on the outskirts of Algiers. On the table they have chorba soup, chicken stewed with vegetables, meat and traditional bread baked by their mother.

Damascus, Syria

Syrian army recruits take their iftar on duty at a training camp in Damascus, Syria.

Tagui Metro Manila, Philippines

Motorcycle taxi cart drivers begin their Iftar meal during Ramadan in Taguy, Metro Manila, Philippines.

Livorno, Suriname

Fishermen from Suriname and Indonesia eat Iftar food just after sunset. Aboard the ship Nishshin Maru No 7, moored near the Suriname River in Livorno.

Islambad, Pakistan

Muhammad, a 27-year-old brick factory worker, begins iftar with his fellow workers. “For me, Ramadan is a test given to us by the Lord. We must follow His will to succeed in life,” said Muhammad.

Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip

A Palestinian family rushes to eat.

Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire

Diana Yasmin eats iftar with her parents. Diana is a law student at the Felix Houpouet Boigny University and lives with her parents. “Ramadan is very important for all Muslims because when we constantly pray and share food with others, we become closer to God,” she says.

Beirut, Lebanon

Sanaa eats iftar with her children and relatives next to a clothing store sign in Beirut, Lebanon. Sanaa is a 23-year-old mother of three who begs on Hamra Street. Her iftar is lentil soup with chicken and rice, served to her by a random passerby. “Ramadan is about kindness and generosity. My favorite thing is jewelry,” she said.

About him