June 19 what zodiac sign is a man. What year will it be according to the eastern calendar?

Mortadella is a cooked Italian sausage with a history. Why they love it, where it came from and what to cook with - we’ll figure it out.

The Mortadella variety of sausage was traditionally prepared in Bologna, Italy. To do this, they take pork meat, mix it with high-quality throat fat, season it with salt, white and black, and less often allspice, pepper, anise, often pistachios and always wine. The natural shells are filled with the whipped mousse of ingredients and left in a cool place to mature. The result is a sausage with a dense texture, evenly distributed pieces of fat and pistachios, and a recognizable spicy taste.


The ancestor of mortadella is considered to be the Roman sausage farcimen mirtatum. Pork was mixed with its own fat, ground, and myrtle berries were used as a spice. Today, mortadella in Italy has become the ancestor of a whole family of varieties that differ only in the composition of spices and the diameter of the sausages. The most common condiments in variations are cognac, garlic, olives.

The mortadella is filled with pork of the best quality, exclusively from well-fed Italian boars.

Stuffed sausages undergo a long heat treatment in a hearth made of stones at a temperature of 75-77C. This sausage contains practically no preservatives.

Christopher of Messiburg gives the earliest recipe for mordatella. First, he describes for a long time the process of cleansing and emptying the pork bladder, then lists the ingredients of the minced meat, after which he explains how to stuff it correctly: “Having cleared all the films that may be inside, alternate the fat with the lean, beat the mixture properly, then weigh it and for every 25 pounds of meat add 10 ounces of salt and one ounce of pepper.” Christopher advises to knead the mixture thoroughly with your fist and add a glass of red wine. After that, some giblets were added to the minced meat.

All Italian manufacturers must indicate the location and region of the manufacturer on the packaging, but we recommend trying the classic one from Bologna. The sausages and hams from Emilia are second to none. Bolognese classic chopped mortadella made from minced pork and beef is noble and intelligent in comparison with the coarser Modena one. Both mortadella include wine, pepper, nutmeg, coriander and garlic. To this day, people in Bologna like to add dry myrtle berries to the composition. A loaf of sausage can weigh from half a kilogram to two centners.


Mortadella does not keep for very long. The delicate taste and aroma quickly deteriorate.

It is better to eat a cut piece of sausage within the next 3-4 days. Mortadella goes well with cheeses, walnuts, sour berries, and omelettes and sandwiches are often prepared with it. Cut the sausage into thin slices or small pieces into cubes. As a snack, it is cut into thin, almost translucent slices and eaten cold - its taste and texture benefit greatly from this. Served with bread and wine.


  • 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
  • large handful of sun-dried tomatoes
  • 1 large ciabatta
  • lettuce leaves
  • 150 grams of cheese (provolone or your choice)
  • fresh arugula
  • a few slices of mortadella
  • olive oil

In a small bowl or glass, combine mustard and 4 tablespoons olive oil and stir until smooth. Cut the ciabatta, brush the bread with dressing, place lettuce, cheese, sausage on the bottom layer, tomatoes and arugula on top, season with salt and pepper. Cover with a second layer of ciabatta and press down slightly.


To make such a delicious breakfast sandwich, remember, we use the most delicious bread, the best mortadella you can find, and your favorite cheese.

People born on June 19 are classified as Gemini according to their zodiac sign. Extraordinary personalities with multifaceted qualities. They combine negative and positive qualities together. The choice depends entirely on their inner sense of self.

The energy and activity of those born on June 19, the zodiac sign Gemini, sometimes alarms others. As a rule, they look for a hidden meaning in their actions and, not finding confirmation of their conjectures, are disappointed. The fact is that Geminis tend to look double in the eyes of others.

Regardless of gender, people born on June 19 under the zodiac sign Gemini are endowed with special determination. They literally destroy everything in their path, moving towards a specific goal. Moral principles and foundations cannot prevent them from doing things. Being in the place of a subordinate, they will use all possible methods to achieve a promotion. In a leading position, they will have little interest in employees, only as a workforce that will help them achieve success and material wealth.

They create wonderful, strong marriages and spend all their free time providing financial well-being and a positive microclimate in your family. They carefully preserve traditions and foundations. They love to spend family holidays with invited guests. And if you have the opportunity to go on a trip, then certainly with all your family. They treat the older generation with the same respect. Remembering to constantly visit your parents and give them due attention.

Those born on June 19 with the zodiac sign Gemini do not always achieve financial well-being in an honest way. Sometimes they resort to various kinds of tricks or use all their connections to obtain material gain. They will never take on a task without first knowing that it will be fully paid for. Payment can be not only cash, but also services or gifts.

Throughout their lives, Geminis born on June 19 have to fight with themselves. Oscillations from side to side haunt them everywhere. Having taken on one thing, it soon turns out that it is no longer so interesting to them and they grab onto something new. So, having started several things at the same time, they end up leaving everything unfinished or giving the opportunity to those around them to finish everything for them. And if in youth this is still somehow permissible, then in older age it causes bewilderment among others.

The only thing that brings stability to those born on June 19th is caring for their health. They always carefully monitor him, visiting all the necessary doctors on time. And also by adhering to proper diet and rest.

Advice for Geminis born on June 19: You might want to reconsider your moral principles. Everything you do causes protest and indignation among those around you. Really material goods, which you ultimately get, pays for such attitudes of people around? Change the tactics of your behavior, learn to do good and it will definitely come back to you.  

Eloquent and dynamic Gemini born on June 19, can always find a plausible excuse for any impulsive act or statement. You tend to act and speak without much thought. Although sometimes these impulses get you into a lot of trouble, more often than not you say exactly the right thing or do what is best for the situation. Spontaneity and youthful vivacity serve as proof of your sincerity. Even if people don't agree with what you say or do, they appreciate your conviction and understand that you meant better.

Women born on June 19th should be wary negative influence on your health due to your excessive activity. They need to avoid overstraining their mental powers and should not get carried away with criticizing the surrounding reality. Well-being can be achieved by creating comfortable conditions both for work and personal life. Men born on June 19 should not ignore persistent symptoms of incipient illness or depression. The psychological balance between masculine and feminine principles in the personality of a person born on June 19 is a necessary condition maintaining healthy physical shape. Those born on June 19 are suitable for a varied diet with culinary delights. As for physical exercise, only moderate exercise can be recommended: walking, swimming, calm sports.

Born 19 June with equal success they embody all the best and worst that is in a person. They are rarely visited by apathy, and the actions and deeds they perform invariably cause a strong reaction from others. Even the physical presence of these people can cause an intimidating effect and, accordingly, antagonism. However, their tenacity and determination are always admirable. Women born on this day, as a rule, are very convincing and purposeful; they know very well what they want - in their careers, in self-education, and in matters of starting a family and establishing financial stability. Men, on the other hand, are most often balanced types, standing firmly on the ground, regardless of what fate has in store for them. Be that as it may, it is difficult to refuse them persistence. Both men and women born on June 19 tend to set everything around them in motion through their presence and actions. At the same time, those born on June 19 do not resort to open pressure, but at times they turn out to be uncompromising, even if this is to their detriment. They view any compromise as a betrayal of their own beliefs and ideals. Those born on Spark Day are highly fiery personalities, capable of making even the most passive individuals move. Their deep conviction and fearlessness can serve as a positive example for others. And although their methods of stimulating others may at first seem like too much medicine, sometimes a good shake is even useful for those who are not used to moving. At first, dissatisfied with such a “rude” intervention, people often end up beginning to admire the ability of those born on this day to finally awaken those who have fallen into hibernation.

The real problem for those born on June 19 may be the inability or unwillingness to recognize the limits of their capabilities within the framework of the role assigned to them by society. By being too pushy or making too strict demands on others, they risk breaking their necks or finding themselves in difficult situations. Perhaps stress does not prevent them from shining, but the prospect of being constantly under its yoke is not very tempting. Those born on June 19 should carefully consider the effect that their excessive activity has on loved ones who may not always be ready to follow such a pace. If born June 19 will have a clear understanding of what is happening around them and in themselves, they will be able to avoid emotional satiety and improve their chances of success. Even if sometimes they allow themselves the luxury of choice or choose to bypass an obstacle (rather than rush to its downfall), this will already be a step in the right direction.


People born on this day can embody all the best and worst human qualities. Any act or action that Gemini commits causes a strong reaction from those around them. Even the very presence of Gemini evokes a terrible impression and, therefore, hostility. But they are so persistent and determined that it is admirable.

Gemini, this day, people are very fiery, they can make even inactive people move. A good example for other people is the complete confidence and courage of Gemini. At times, their ways of stirring up those around them can seem very unusual, but often such a shake-up is useful for passive people. At first, those around them are unhappy with such strong interference, but then these people themselves admire Gemini and their ability to wake up people who have fallen into hibernation.

The problem for people born on June 19 is that they are unable and unwilling to recognize the limits of their own abilities within the framework of their assigned public roles. Geminis often run a great risk of getting into difficult situations when they show strong pressure or place too high demands on the people around them. They need to carefully analyze the results of their activity aimed at family and friends, who often cannot move at the same pace.

Compatibility of zodiac signs

Gemini and Aries. Gemini and Aries can build good relationships. The partners understand each other perfectly, they have many common interests and goals that they set for themselves.

Gemini and Taurus. These are complete opposites. Taurus will never be able to accept and understand the Gemini lifestyle. But Geminis do not want to change; they are completely satisfied with such a life.

Gemini and Gemini. A wonderful relationship will develop between a Gemini man and woman. They are interested in each other, they will look for adventures together and visit the company of friends.

Gemini and Cancer. In such a union, Cancer's feelings will always be hurt. Geminis are free and frivolous individuals, and Cancer will constantly be jealous of their freedom and friends, to whom they devote more time than their partner.

Gemini and Leo. A good relationship filled with passion in the bedroom. They have a lot in common, both are sociable, cheerful, and active. Leo may be offended by Gemini's mocking behavior, but if they correct themselves, then everything will be fine.

Gemini and Virgo. For Gemini, Virgo is too boring and a serious person, she does not like fun, and tries to spend everything at home, this does not suit them at all, just as Virgo is not satisfied with the frivolity and immaturity of Gemini.

Gemini and Libra. These signs will build delightful relationships. Both partners are gentle, responsive, love to have fun in companies and shine at social events. They do not experience jealousy and demand a lot from each other.

Gemini and Scorpio. Scorpio is suspicious, jealous, and demanding, while Gemini is frivolous, fickle, and indecisive. Scorpio needs privacy, and Gemini cannot be alone.

Gemini and Sagittarius. Their romance will end in a break; both partners love freedom and independence. Even sexual relations will bring them disappointment.

Gemini and Capricorn. Capricorn loves order, stability and confidence in everything, and Gemini lives for today, which does not suit Capricorn at all. And Geminis are annoyed by order and stability.

Gemini and Aquarius. These partners are well suited to each other. They love communication, travel, new acquaintances and adventures. Their relationship is dominated by tenderness, loyalty and friendship rather than passion.

Gemini and Pisces. These partners in a relationship have the same positive and negative emotions. They will argue and make up, fight and break up, until one of them gets tired of it.

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Persons born on June 1, 10, 19 and 28 are influenced by the number 1. If your birthday falls on any of these numbers, then according to the laws of zodiac astrology and the system based on Chaldean numerology, you are under the influence of the Sun, Uranus and Mercury (high) in zodiac sign Gemini, first house of the trine of air. If you were born on June 28th, then you are also under the constellation Cancer, the first House of the water trine.

The main traits and characteristics of your character are described in general section, dedicated to persons born in June.

In your particular case, the strongest of the noted qualities will have a predominant influence on your life circumstances and career.

You will be characterized by kind-heartedness and friendliness; you will easily succumb to praise and expressions of friendly feelings, often to your detriment; you will be sensitive, idealistic and imaginative.

You will be given an energetic, active mind that reacts quickly to any surprise. You will be characterized by inspiration and ambition, a willingness to overcome any difficulties to achieve your goal. Most likely, you will make efforts in two directions at the same time and will always work independently, in your own way, without allowing anyone to interfere.

Your nature will be characterized by a certain duality, difficult to comprehend for others. You will be restless and obsessed with a constant desire to change places, always on the move.

Along with this, you will show serious interest in new directions in science.

You will make a good researcher or scientist with developed logical thinking. At times you will be overcome by a true passion for reading, and it is possible that you will try writing as a means of self-expression. You will try your best to improve your personal life, but serious difficulties await you here.

You will have a sophisticated mind, constantly busy various problems. If you were born on June 28, you will have great personal charm and exceptional independence in views and judgments.

The numbers and dates that are most important to you form a series based on the numbers "1", "4" and "5", that is, 1, 4, 5, 10, 13, 14, 19, 22, 23, 28 and 31.

You should try to schedule your important tasks and appointments around these dates.

Colors. In order to enhance your magnetism, you should wear, at least in some details, clothing in the colors of your planets, namely:

  • The sun - all shades of gold - from yellow and orange to brown;
  • Uranus - all shades of gray;
  • Mercury - all light shades and shimmering fabrics.

Yours lucky stones- diamonds, topazes, amber, sapphires and all shiny stones. If you were born on June 28, then the moonstone is favorable for you, “ cat eye", pearls.

Most important years of your life - 1, 4,5,10, 13,14,19, 22, 23, 28, 31, 32, 37, 40, 41, 46, 50, 55, 58, 59, 64, 68, 73rd .

You will experience a significant attraction to people whose birth dates fall on “ones”, “fours”, “fives” and the numbers that form them, i.e. 1st, 4th, 5th, 10th, 13th, 14th, 19th, 22nd, 23rd, 28th and 31st.

Financial situation

Your zodiac period is extremely favorable for financial activities, but your success will depend entirely on your mental efforts. You will have a remarkable ability to foresee changes in stock prices and securities, and your activity in the field of industry will also be favorable.

By nature, you will be very inclined to take risks, to “tempt fate,” including in speculation. If in such matters you rely on your own calculation and intuition, then, most likely, you will be lucky.


You would rather be called wiry and hardy than a big guy; It is more common for you to have a thin build than to be overweight. You will live on reserves of nervous energy, depleting it, just as an electric battery depletes its charge; In order to recover, you will need rest and sleep.

You will not have a congenital predisposition to any diseases, with the exception of acute digestive disorders, mainly caused by nervous stress; In young years, some pulmonary ailments are possible.
