Diagnostic work in social science. The sphere of spiritual culture Are judgments true of spiritual culture?

A1. Citizen K. devoted his entire life to the problems of laser technology and achieved significant results. This sign illustrates activities in the field:

1) science 2) morality 3) art 4) education

A2. Are they true? the following judgments about the role of religion in society?

A. Religion helps to understand a person’s place in the world.

B. Religion organizes the thoughts and aspirations of people in a certain way.

A3. Spiritual culture includes:

1) tradition 2) technique 3) decoration 4) tool

A4. Are the following judgments about spiritual culture true?

A. Spiritual culture is created by the mind and feelings.

B. Spiritual culture is the least sensitive to external influences area of ​​culture.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

1) morality 2) religion 3) art 4) science

A6. Are the following statements about science true?

A. Science uses special equipment for cognitive activities.

B. Science uses a special language that clearly captures the meaning of concepts.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A7. Cultural and ideological function modern science manifests itself in:

1) stimulating technical progress

2) forecasting the vector of human development

3) development of the problem of human origins

4) relieving social conflicts by expanding people’s knowledge

A8. Does not belong to spiritual values:

1) theory 2) beliefs 3) technology 4) image

A9. Are the following statements about education correct?

A. Education regulates social relations.

B. Education reproduces a workforce of various qualifications.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A10. The science of morality is:

1) ethics 2) aesthetics 3) existence 4) eclecticism

A11. Culture inherent only to a certain social group, manifested in special traits of behavior and consciousness, is called:

1) custom 2) counterculture 3) subculture 4) tradition

A12. Which of the following forms of training is not provided for by law? Russian Federation:

1) full-time 2) part-time 3) part-time – part-time 4) remote

A13. What distinguishes religion from other areas of spiritual culture:

1) use of artistic images

2) appeal to supernatural forces

3) reliance on the idea of ​​good and evil

4) the desire to explain the surrounding reality

A14. Are judgments about science correct?

A) Science is a field human activity, expressing objective knowledge about the world.

B) Science is observation, classification, description, experimental research and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

A15. What is hallmark science:

1) emotional impact on a person

2) reflection of ideas about good and evil

3) discovery of objective laws of natural development

4) appeal to supernatural forces

A16. Tenth-grader Ivan, who is interested in programming, plans to develop computer games professionally upon graduation. What level of education is Ivan at?

1) basic general 2) secondary vocational

3) complete (secondary) general 4) higher professional

A17. Culture in the most general sense means:

1) level of education

2) following the rules of etiquette

3) production and use of tools

4) all transformative human activities

A18. The creation of artistic images is necessarily inherent in:

1) science 2) art 3) education 4) production

A19. The sequence of actions: hypothesis, observation, experiment, implementation - is carried out in the process:

1) artistic creativity 2) scientific knowledge

3) production activities 4) education

A20. Humanization of education involves:

1) attention to the individual, his interests, needs

2) introduction of new humanitarian disciplines into training

3) refusal to teach technical sciences

4) increasing the number of years of study

Part II.

B1. The elements of spiritual culture include scientific knowledge And religious ideas. Compare the two forms of spiritual culture mentioned in the assignment - science and religion. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) organized worship of higher powers

2) formation of a picture of the world

3) creating ideas about the future

4) building a system of logically ordered knowledge

B2. Establish a correspondence between the elements of culture and its types. For each element given in the first column, match an element from the second column.


A) carriage 1) material

B) telephone 2) spiritual

B) carnival

D) medal

1) reflect the facts

2) express opinions

In one of the regions, the sociological service conducted a survey of adult citizens. They were asked the question: “What, in your opinion, is the role of religion in the life of society?” The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a histogram.

Q4. Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and

1) replenishment of dependence and powerlessness of people as a function of religion in the life of society is recognized by every four respondents

2) the majority of respondents believe that understanding the world and human society is the most important function of religion and the life of society

3) replenishment of dependence, powerlessness of people as a function of religion in the life of society is noted a large number respondents than regulating human behavior

4) a quarter of respondents recognize that the function of religion in the life of society is the replenishment of dependence, powerlessness of people and the development of culture, the transfer of experience, taken together

5) among those surveyed there are more of those who chose the development of culture and the transfer of experience as the function of religion in the life of society than those who consider the regulation of human behavior to be this function


B5 follow directly

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated:

1) compared to the previous survey conducted by the sociological service in the region, the results have remained virtually unchanged

2) the survey in the region was conducted among believers

3) residents of the region indicated that religion provides two plans for communication between believers with each other, believers with God, angels, the souls of the dead, etc.

4) the leading role in the perception of the region’s respondents is played by the ideological function of religion in the life of society

5) a significant part of people see the preservation of stability, stability of the individual, social groups and society as a whole in the unification of individuals on the basis of a common religion


Part III.

«.. Religious Beliefs originated among people in ancient times, and religious ceremonies, cults were very diverse and played a huge role in the life of society. At a certain stage in the development of religion, a church appeared that unites believers of the same religion and develops uniform norms for their behavior.(...)

Faith becomes the core of religion. Its first and main element is faith in the existence of God as the creator of all things that exist. In ancient times, it was believed that it was higher powers that were responsible for people’s actions. However, according to modern religious ideas God endowed man with free will and the ability to be responsible for his own actions. (...)

Although the idea of ​​God's existence is a central theme in all religions, religious faith also includes: norms of morality and morality, the violation of which is a sin; the belief that clergy and persons declared saints and saints are inspired to act by God himself; faith in the saving power of such rituals as baptism, prayer, fasting, and worship. (...)

Religion has at all times had a huge impact on the spiritual life of society.(…)

Majestic temples, masterfully executed frescoes and icons, wonderful literary and philosophical works of religious content, church ceremonies significantly enriched human culture and became an integral part of it.”

(Yu. N. Timonenko, Yu. N. Skopintseva, I. V. Yukina, E. A. Volokhova

“Culturology” (M., Exam, 2007. P. 18-20) and adapted.)

C1. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

C2. Using the text, name the main functions of the church.

C3. According to the text, what elements does religious faith include? Which one is first and main?

C5. While talking in class about the importance of religion in the life of society, the student noted in the generation of social conflicts and division of society, for example, the Crusades, St. Bartholomew's Night. Not all students in the class agreed with his opinion. Which of the two points of view is reflected in the text? Provide a piece of text that helped you answer this question.

C6. \ Based on a fragment of the text, we can conclude that religion plays a huge role in the life of society. Do you agree that religion, by elevating the soul above the body, spirituality above material interests, contributed to the ennobling human soul? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) in defense of your position.

Diagnostic work in social studies.

2 - option.

Part I

A1. The films “Ivan’s Childhood” and “Andrei Rublev” directed by A, A Tarkovsky opened a new page in psychological cinema. This example illustrates the scope:

1) religion 2) science 3) education 4) art

A2. Are the following statements about religion true?

A. Developed religions have their own organization - the church.

B. Religion includes mythology, cult and ritual activities.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A3. Nikolai witnessed how one person insulted another. What is Nikolai's behavior like? does not correspond the principle of humanism:

1) pretended that nothing happened

2) expressed sympathy for the one who was insulted

3) demanded that the offender apologize to the offended person

4) tried to reconcile the conflicting parties

A4. Are the following judgments about the role of science in society correct?

A. Science carries out knowledge and explanation of the structure of the world and the laws of its development.

B. Science performs the direct function of the productive force of society.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A5. In its most general form, culture is understood as:

1) complex forms of human and animal behavior

2) all types of human transformative activities

3) norms of behavior in society

4) level of education of people

A6. Are the following statements about religion true?

A. Religion is characterized by organized worship of higher powers.

B. Religion is one of the oldest forms of culture.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A7. Are the following judgments about spiritual culture true?

A. The basis of spiritual culture is profit and benefit.

B. In spiritual culture, he receives the greatest freedom of creativity.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A8. It is generally accepted to divide culture into:

1) spiritual and economic

2) spiritual and material

3) ideal and material

4) political and economic

A9. Are the following judgments about modern education in the Russian Federation true?

A. Modern education in the Russian Federation is characterized by compulsory education in a public school.

B. Modern education in the Russian Federation is characterized by the presence of different types and types of schools.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A10. Common features or forms common to all cultures are called:

1) cultural symbols

2) spiritual ideals

3) cultural universals

4) spiritual priorities

A11. Are judgments about morality correct?

A) Morality is the special spiritual rules by which the state regulates human behavior.

B) Morality is based on a person’s ideas about the beautiful and the ugly.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A12. The central concepts in ethics are:

1) general and particular 2) good and evil

3) absolute and relative 4) ideal and material

A13. The world religion is:

1) Hinduism 2) Buddhism 3) Shintoism 4) Judaism

A14. Are judgments about education correct?

A) One of the principles of Russian education is the compulsory nature of higher professional education.

B) One of the principles of Russian education is the prohibition of discrimination in the field of education.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A15. Activities aimed at developing the individual, creating conditions for self-determination and socialization on the basis of sociocultural and spiritual moral values accepted in society is called:

1) training 2) coercion 3) education 4) education

A16. Ninth-grader Oleg, after finishing school, attends the aircraft modeling section at the youth creativity center. Training in the section relates to:

1) primary vocational education

2) basic general education

3) additional education

4) secondary vocational education

A17. TO material culture applies:

1) paintings 2) scientific discoveries 3) computers 4) educational programs

A18. Reflection and transformation of reality in artistic images is the basis

1) science 2) production 3) education 4) art

A19. Culture that is accessible and meaningful only to a select few members of society is called:

1) folk 2) subculture 3) counterculture 4) elitist

A20. Humanitarianization of education presupposes:

1) support for public education through humanitarian aid

2) rejection of any ideology

3) introduction and expansion of teaching of humanities

4) creation of a unified education system for different countries

Part II.

B1. The documentary film directed by L. was dedicated to science and art. Compare the forms of spiritual culture mentioned in the task conditions - science and art. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) the formation of ideas about a person’s place in the world

2) regulation of people’s thoughts and aspirations in a certain way

3) comprehension and transformation of life

4) use of special terminology, instruments, instruments, experimental setups

B2. Establish a correspondence between examples of science and its areas. For each element given in the first column, match an element from the second column.


A) geology 1) natural sciences

B) history 2) social sciences

B) economics

D) political science

D) astronomy

Write down the selected numbers in the table:

Determine which text provisions

1) reflect the facts

2) express opinions

Write down in the table the numbers indicating the nature of the relevant provisions:

In one of the regions, the sociological service conducted a survey of primary school graduates. They were asked the question: “What form of education at school did you like best?” The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in table form.

Q4. Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated:

1) laboratory – practical exercises The surveyed boys preferred more than the surveyed girls

2) business and role-playing games are most popular among both groups of respondents

3) the teacher’s lectures, preparation and defense of abstracts taken together were liked by more than half of the boys surveyed

4) teacher lectures among the girls surveyed are more in demand than business and role-playing games

5) more than a third of all respondents noted that they like laboratory and practical classes


B5. The survey results reflected in the diagram were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions follow directly from the information obtained during the survey?

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated:

1) boys are more interested in active forms of learning than girls

2) the school should reduce the number of business and role-playing games in the educational process

3) living word teachers in the classroom is still in demand by students, especially girls

4) teachers need to pay more attention to the use of information technology in the educational process

5) in the future, it is advisable to systematically conduct sightseeing tours with students since they have aroused significant interest among them


Part III.

Culture is everything that is not nature; everything that man artificially created himself. But at the same time, culture always unfolds and exists only on the basis of nature. If we call culture the brain, then nature is the body of culture. We must preserve and protect this body if we want to stay alive. Culture also includes man’s relationship to nature.

Since ancient times, there have been two approaches to the world around us - theoretical and mythopoetic. The latter is most clearly expressed in art, but is not at all its monopoly. The mythopoetic perception of the world was dominant in archaic and ancient cultures.

You can see the world around us, the earth as a warehouse of minerals, as a storehouse of energy, and this will be theoretically quite reasonable, but not a cultural attitude. A cultured person sees in nature not just dead matter, not just the earth as a source of crops, but also the earth as a mother. This is not a naive mistake, but a deep insight into the essence of nature. If we cannot appreciate it, it is not because we have grown up and become smart, but because we have become one-sided, flat people and, in this sense, uncultured. “One spring morning,” said the famous naturalist G. Fechner, “I went out for a walk. The fields were green, the birds were singing, the dew was glistening... on all things lay the light of some kind of transformation. It was only a small piece of Earth; it was only one moment of her existence; and yet, as my gaze took in her more and more, it seemed to me not so beautiful, but so true and clear, that she was an angel, an angel so beautiful and fresh, and like a flower, and yet so steadily, moving so much in harmony with himself in the heavens, turning his entire living face to Heaven, and carrying me along with him into this Heaven, that I asked myself how human opinions could be so alienated from life that people consider the earth only dry block..."

C1. Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give each of them a title (make a text plan).

C3. What two approaches to the world around us are given in the text? Briefly explain the essence of each of them.

C4. Illustrate the position of the text with three examples: “Culture is everything that is not nature; everything that man has artificially created himself.”

C5. The text contains a fragment of a story by the famous naturalist G. Fechner. Which of the two approaches to the world around us does this story correspond to? Support your opinion with a piece of text.

C6. How are internal culture and man’s relationship with nature connected? Give two explanations based on the text and social science knowledge.

Diagnostic work in social science.

Topic: “Sphere of spiritual culture.”


Part I 1 – option 2 – option
A 4
Part II
B1 2314 – 1 point 1324– 1 point
B2 11221 – 2 points 12221- 2 points
B3 121– 1 point 211 – 1 point
B4 234– 1 point 125– 1 point
B5 45 - – 1 point 13 -– 1 point
Part III
C1 The following semantic fragments can be highlighted and titled: 1) the essence of global problems, the role of religion and the church in the life of society; 2) the core of religion is faith; 3) structure (composition) of religious faith; 4) the influence of religion on the spiritual life of society. It is possible to formulate other points of the plan without distorting the essence of the main idea of ​​the fragment, and to highlight additional semantic blocks. The following semantic fragments can be highlighted and titled: 1) what is culture 2) two approaches to the world around us
C2 The following can be named main functions of the church: unification of believers of the same religion; development of uniform norms of their behavior. The following phrases can be cited: 1) “Culture is everything that is not nature: everything that man artificially created himself”: 2) “Culture always unfolds and exists only on the basis of nature”: 3) “If we call culture the brain, then nature is the body of culture”: 4) “Culture also includes man’s relationship to nature”
C3 The correct answer should contain the following elements: 1) elements that religious faith includes: belief in the existence of God: standards of morality and ethics; the belief that clergy and persons declared saints and saints are inspired to act by God himself; belief in the saving power of ritual rites: baptism, prayer. fasting, worship. 2) the first and fundamental element of religious faith: belief in the existence of God as the Creator of everything that exists. The correct answer must contain approaches and explanations, for example; 1) the theoretical approach considers the surrounding “world as a warehouse of minerals, as a repository of energy”: 2) the mythopoetic approach emphasizes the beauty of nature. Explanations can be given in other formulations that are similar in meaning.
C4 The following can be given explanations:- religion is the bearer of cultural and spiritual values ​​that form the basis of the spiritual life of society; - religion is publicly accessible, which allows everyone, regardless of the level of education, through religious aphorisms, stories, legends, parables, to delve into the pursuit of art, philosophy, science, which contributes to spiritual development people; - religion separates a person from everyday life, requires him to turn to the divine, i.e. eternal, spiritual, giving him food for thought and for high feelings. Other explanations may be given. The phrase of the text can be illustrated by the following examples: 1) material culture includes buildings, structures, that is, structures that do not exist in the natural environment: 2) society has artificially developed norms regulating the activities of people: these norms often contradict the natural instincts of a person: 3) language , art, science do not exist by themselves in the natural environment, but were created by society in the process of transforming the natural environment. The text phrase can be illustrated with other examples.
C5 elements. 1) answer to the question: for example: the text reflects the second point of view (the point of view of the class students) - religion helps maintain the stability of the individual, social groups and society as a whole, ordering in a certain way the thoughts and aspirations of people. The answer to the question can be given in another formulation that is similar in meaning. 2) fragment of text, for example: - “..a church that unites believers of the same religion and develops common standards for their behavior”; - “religious faith includes. norms of morality and morality, the violation of which is a sin.” The correct answer must contain the following elements: 1) given answer to question, for example: G. Fechner's story corresponds to the mythopoetic approach. The answer to the question can be given in another formulation that is similar in meaning. 2) fragment of text, for example: “I asked myself how human opinions can be so alienated from life that people consider the Earth only a dry block.”
C6 The correct answer must contain the following elements. 1) Expression of the student’s position: agreement or disagreement with the expressed opinion. 2) two arguments (explanations) for example: In case of agreement, it may be indicated: - religion reminds a person of the highest ideals, makes him think about the meaning of life, about the “salvation of the soul”; - people's fulfillment of the requirements of religious morality makes their behavior stable and predictable. In case of disagreement, the following may be indicated: - religion belittles human mind, affirms the inadmissibility of doubting the truths of doctrine, proclaims the priorities of faith over reason and knowledge; - religion restrains freedom of creativity: scientific thought begins to develop intensively when it is freed from the power of the church; where society is under the rule of religion, the church narrows the subject matter of works of art, and sometimes bans entire branches of it. Other arguments may also be given. The correct answer may include, for example, the following explanations: 1) a person with high moral culture, is able to perceive the beauty of nature to understand its non-utilitarian significance in the life of society; 2) a person with a high internal culture will not cause harm to nature: he is able to balance his actions with possible damage to the natural environment.

C1 – 2 points

C2 – 2 points

C3 – 2 points

C4- 3 points

C5- 2 points

C6 – 2 points

2. culture?

A. Material culture includes structures, technical means, and household items that satisfy human needs

B. Spiritual culture is associated with the reflection and transformation of a person’s inner world.

3. Both judgments are correct. 4. Both judgments are incorrect.

3. The form of spiritual culture, which reflects the moral norms and assessments of a person, group or society as a whole, is called:

1) morality 2) art 3) science 4) ideology

4. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) art 2) science 3) education 4) morality 5) culture

5. What feature distinguishes religion from other forms (areas) of culture?

1) explanation of phenomena and processes of nature and society

2) appeal to supernatural forces

3) theoretical justification for the laws of development of nature and society

4) figurative and symbolic reflection of natural and social reality

6. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and forms (areas) of culture.







7. Are the following judgments about art true?

A. The characteristics of art include a focus on obtaining objective truth

B. The characteristics of art include imagery and clarity

1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct. 3. Both judgments are correct. 4. Both judgments are incorrect.

8. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, represent features of mass culture.

1) commercial nature 2) accessibility 3) use of special effects 4) entertaining nature 5) complexity of form and content 6) narrow circle of consumers

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series. Answer____5,6___________

9. Are the following judgments about areas (forms) of culture true?

A. Philosophy (science) addresses itself primarily to reason.

B. Art appeals primarily to feelings

1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct. 3. Both judgments are correct. 4. Both judgments are incorrect.

10. Education, unlike other branches of culture, represents mainly:

1) mastering the existing system of knowledge, norms and values

2) classification of phenomena and types of thinking

3) development of systematically organized ways of influencing the world around us

4) theoretical justification for the laws of development of nature and society

11. Are the following judgments about spiritual culture true?

A. Spiritual culture is the total experience of humanity, including cognitive and spiritual activities and their results.

B. Spiritual culture is spiritual world an individual and his activities to create spiritual products

1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct. 3. Both judgments are correct. 4. Both judgments are incorrect.

12. Are the following statements about popular culture true?

A. Obtaining a commercial benefit is distinctive feature popular culture

B. The development of mass culture reflects the trend of cultural integration

1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct. 3. Both judgments are correct. 4. Both judgments are incorrect.

13. Find the position that is general for all other positions in the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) spiritual culture 2) spiritual values ​​3) scientific research 4) moral standards 5) religious views 6) moral actions

14. Write down the word missing in the table.

Types of culture and their features.


15. Works of folk culture, as a rule

1) adapted to the tastes of the broad masses of people

3) understandable and accessible to representatives of different countries and ethnic groups

4) are entertaining in nature

16.Write down the word missing in the table.

Areas (spheres) of spiritual culture


17. Everything that is created by man, in its entirety, is called

1) art 2) progress 3) culture 4) technology

18. Fill in the missing words.

“Culture arose and develops along with man. It represents what distinguishes a person from all others ________________ (A). Neither man nor _____________(B) can exist outside of culture. In the very in a broad sense we can say that culture is everything that is created by man in the process of __________(B) the surrounding world. Culture is sometimes called “second nature.”

Culture performs a number of very important ________ (D) in human life. and society. It is the environment in which ________________ (D) of the individual occurs. Only through culture can a person master accumulated social experience and become a full-fledged member of society. Culture regulates relationships between people through a system of norms, for example norms ______(E)"

List of terms:

1) art 2) information 3) transformation 4) morality 5) living beings 6) society 7) socialization 8) function 9) activity













1. It is value that serves as the basis and foundation of every culture (P. Sorokin)

article -> Rationale for the need to develop differentiated federal state education for children with musculoskeletal disorders

Questions on the topic “Culture”.

1. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and types of culture.

Answer: 21211

2. Are the following judgments about culture true?

A. Material culture includes structures, technical means, and household items that satisfy human needs

B. Spiritual culture is associated with the reflection and transformation of a person’s inner world.

3. Both judgments are correct. 4. Both judgments are incorrect.

3. The form of spiritual culture, which reflects the moral norms and assessments of a person, group or society as a whole, is called:

1) morality 2) art 3) science 4) ideology

4. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts in the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) art 2) science 3) education 4) morality 5) culture

5. What feature distinguishes religion from other forms (areas) of culture?

1) explanation of phenomena and processes of nature and society

2) appeal to supernatural forces

3) theoretical justification for the laws of development of nature and society

4) figurative and symbolic reflection of natural and social reality

6. Establish a correspondence between the characteristics and forms (areas) of culture.

7. Are the following judgments about art true?

A. The characteristics of art include a focus on obtaining objective truth

B. The characteristics of art include imagery and clarity

1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct. 3. Both judgments are correct. 4. Both judgments are incorrect.

8. Below are a number of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, represent features of mass culture.

1) commercial nature 2) accessibility 3) use of special effects 4) entertaining nature 5) complexity of form and content 6) narrow circle of consumers

Find two terms that “fall out” from the general series. Answer____5,6___________

9. Are the following judgments about areas (forms) of culture true?

A. Philosophy (science) addresses itself primarily to reason.

B. Art appeals primarily to feelings

1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct. 3. Both judgments are correct. 4. Both judgments are incorrect.

10. Education, unlike other branches of culture, represents mainly:

1) mastering the existing system of knowledge, norms and values

2) classification of phenomena and types of thinking

3) development of systematically organized ways of influencing the environment

4) theoretical justification for the laws of development of nature and society

11. Are the following judgments about spiritual culture true?

A. Spiritual culture is the total experience of humanity, including cognitive and spiritual activities and their results.

B. Spiritual culture is the spiritual world of an individual and his activities to create spiritual products

1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct. 3. Both judgments are correct. 4. Both judgments are incorrect.

12. Are the following statements about popular culture true?

A. Commercial gain is a hallmark of popular culture.

B. The development of mass culture reflects the trend of cultural integration

1. Only A is correct 2. Only B is correct. 3. Both judgments are correct. 4. Both judgments are incorrect.

13. Find the position that is general for all other positions in the series below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) spiritual culture 2) spiritual values ​​3) scientific research 4) moral standards 5) religious views 6) moral actions

14. Write down the word missing in the table.

Types of culture and their features.

Type of crop



Anonymity, impersonality, lack of personal authorship, intent on reproducing accepted samples vital activity

Popular culture

Public accessibility, entertainment, seriality, replication, commercial nature


15. Works of folk culture, as a rule

1) adapted to the tastes of the broad masses of people

3) understandable and accessible to representatives of different countries and ethnic groups

4) are entertaining in nature

16.Write down the word missing in the table.

Areas (spheres) of spiritual culture


17. Everything that is created by man, in its entirety, is called

1) art 2) progress 3) culture 4) technology

18. Fill in the missing words.

“Culture arose and develops along with man. It represents what distinguishes a person from all others ________________ (A). Neither man nor _____________(B) can exist outside of culture. In the broadest sense, we can say that culture is everything that is created by man in the process of __________(B) the surrounding world. Culture is sometimes called “second nature.”

Culture performs a number of very important ________ (D) in human life. and society. It is the environment in which ________________ (D) of the individual occurs. Only through culture can a person master accumulated social experience and become a full-fledged member of society. Culture regulates relationships between people through a system of norms, for example norms ______(E)"

List of terms:

1) art 2) information 3) transformation 4) morality 5) living beings 6) society 7) socialization 8) function 9) activity

1. It is value that serves as the basis and foundation of every culture (P. Sorokin)

2. The burden of cultural values ​​is a special burden. It does not burden our step forward, but makes it easier. (D.S. Likhachev).

A1. Citizen K. devoted his entire life to the problems of laser technology and achieved significant results. This sign illustrates activities in the field:

1) science 2) morality 3) art 4) education

A2. Are the following judgments about the role of religion in society correct?

A. Religion helps to understand a person’s place in the world.

B. Religion organizes the thoughts and aspirations of people in a certain way.

A3 . Spiritual culture includes:

1) tradition 2) technique 3) decoration 4) tool

A4. Are the following judgments about spiritual culture true?

A. Spiritual culture is created by the mind and feelings.

B. Spiritual culture is the least sensitive area of ​​culture to external influences.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A5 . The famous artist G. - the author of historical compositions and portraits - defends the traditions of the originality of Russian culture. This example illustrates activities in the area:

1) morality 2) religion 3) art 4) science

A6 . Are the following statements about science true?

A. Science uses special equipment for cognitive activities.

B. Science uses a special language that clearly captures the meaning of concepts.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A7. The cultural and ideological function of modern science is manifested in:

1) stimulating technical progress

2) forecasting the vector of human development

3) development of the problem of human origins

4) relieving social conflicts by expanding people’s knowledge

A8 . Does not belong to spiritual values:

1) theory 2) beliefs 3) technology 4) image

A9 . Are the following statements about education correct?

A. Education regulates social relations.

B. Education reproduces a workforce of various qualifications.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A10. The science of morality is:

1) ethics 2) aesthetics 3) existence 4) eclecticism

A11. Culture inherent only to a certain social group, manifested in special traits of behavior and consciousness, is called:

1) custom 2) counterculture 3) subculture 4) tradition

A12. Which of the following forms of training is not provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation:

1) full-time 2) part-time 3) part-time – part-time 4) remote

A13 . What distinguishes religion from other areas of spiritual culture:

1) use of artistic images

2) appeal to supernatural forces

3) reliance on the idea of ​​good and evil

4) the desire to explain the surrounding reality

A14 . Are judgments about science correct?

A) Science is a field of human activity that expresses objective knowledge about the world.

B) Science is observation, classification, description, experimental research and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

A15. What is the hallmark of science:

1) emotional impact on a person

2) reflection of ideas about good and evil

3) discovery of objective laws of natural development

4) appeal to supernatural forces

A16. Tenth-grader Ivan, who is interested in programming, plans to develop computer games professionally upon graduation. What level of education is Ivan at?

1) basic general 2) secondary vocational

3) complete (secondary) general 4) higher professional

A17. Culture in the most general sense means:

1) level of education

2) following the rules of etiquette

3) production and use of tools

4) all transformative human activities

A18. The creation of artistic images is necessarily inherent in:

1) science 2) art 3) education 4) production

A19. The sequence of actions: hypothesis, observation, experiment, implementation - is carried out in the process:

1) artistic creativity 2) scientific knowledge

3) production activities 4) education

A20 . Humanization of education involves:

1) attention to the individual, his interests, needs

2) introduction of new humanitarian disciplines into training

3) refusal to teach technical sciences

4) increasing the number of years of study

Part II.

B1. The elements of spiritual culture include scientific knowledge and religious ideas. Compare the two forms of spiritual culture mentioned in the assignment - science and religion. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) organized worship of higher powers

2) formation of a picture of the world

3) creating ideas about the future

4) building a system of logically ordered knowledge


B2. Establish a correspondence between the elements of culture and its types. For each element given in the first column, match an element from the second column.


A) carriage 1) material

B) telephone 2) spiritual

B) carnival

D) song

D) medal


1) reflect the facts

2) express opinions

In one of the regions, the sociological service conducted a survey of adult citizens. They were asked the question: “What, in your opinion, is the role of religion in the life of society?” The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the form of a histogram.

Q4. Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram and

1) replenishment of dependence and powerlessness of people as a function of religion in the life of society is recognized by every four respondents

2) the majority of respondents believe that understanding the world and human society is the most important function of religion and the life of society

3) replenishing dependence and powerlessness of people as a function of religion in the life of society was noted by a larger number of respondents than regulating human behavior

4) a quarter of respondents recognize that the function of religion in the life of society is the replenishment of dependence, powerlessness of people and the development of culture, the transfer of experience, taken together

5) among those surveyed there are more of those who chose the development of culture and the transfer of experience as the function of religion in the life of society than those who consider the regulation of human behavior to be this function


B5 directly flow out

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated:

1) compared to the previous survey conducted by the sociological service in the region, the results have remained virtually unchanged

2) the survey in the region was conducted among believers

3) residents of the region indicated that religion provides two plans for communication between believers with each other, believers with God, angels, the souls of the dead, etc.

4) the leading role in the perception of the region’s respondents is played by the ideological function of religion in the life of society

5) a significant part of people see the preservation of stability, stability of the individual, social groups and society as a whole in the unification of individuals on the basis of a common religion


Part III.

“.. Religious beliefs arose among people in ancient times, and religious rituals and cults were very diverse and played a huge role in the life of society. At a certain stage in the development of religion, a church appeared that unites believers of the same religion and develops uniform norms for their behavior.(...)

Faith becomes the core of religion. Its first and main element is faith in the existence of God as the creator of all things that exist. In ancient times, it was believed that it was higher powers that were responsible for people’s actions. However, according to modern religious ideas, God endowed man with free will and the ability to be responsible for his own actions. (...)

Although the idea of ​​the existence of God is a central theme in all religions, religious faith also includes: norms of morality and morality, the violation of which is a sin; the belief that clergy and persons declared saints and saints are inspired to act by God himself; faith in the saving power of such rituals as baptism, prayer, fasting, and worship. (...)

Religion has at all times had a huge impact on the spiritual life of society.(…)

Majestic temples, masterfully executed frescoes and icons, wonderful literary and philosophical works of religious content, church rituals have significantly enriched human culture and become an integral part of it.”

(Yu. N. Timonenko, Yu. N. Skopintseva, I. V. Yukina, E. A. Volokhova

“Culturology” (M., Exam, 2007. P. 18-20) and adapted.)

C1 . Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

C2. Using the text, name the main functions of the church.

C3 . According to the text, what elements does religious faith include? Which one is the first and main one?

C5. While talking in class about the importance of religion in the life of society, the student noted in the generation of social conflicts and division of society, for example, the Crusades, St. Bartholomew's Night. Not all students in the class agreed with his opinion. Which of the two points of view is reflected in the text? Provide a piece of text that helped you answer this question.

C6. \ Based on a fragment of the text, we can conclude that religion plays a huge role in the life of society. Do you agree that religion, by elevating the soul above the body, spirituality above material interests, has contributed to the ennoblement of the human soul? Based on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments (explanations) in defense of your position.


2 - option.

Part I

A1. The films “Ivan’s Childhood” and “Andrei Rublev” directed by A, A Tarkovsky opened a new page in psychological cinema. This example illustrates the scope:

1) religion 2) science 3) education 4) art

A2. Are the following statements about religion true?

A. Developed religions have their own organization - the church.

B. Religion includes mythology, cult and ritual activities.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A3 . Nikolai witnessed how one person insulted another. What is Nikolai's behavior like?does not correspondthe principle of humanism:

1) pretended that nothing happened

2) expressed sympathy for the one who was insulted

3) demanded that the offender apologize to the offended person

4) tried to reconcile the conflicting parties

A4. Are the following judgments about the role of science in society correct?

A. Science carries out knowledge and explanation of the structure of the world and the laws of its development.

B. Science performs the direct function of the productive force of society.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A5 . In its most general form, culture is understood as:

1) complex forms of human and animal behavior

2) all types of human transformative activities

3) norms of behavior in society

4) level of education of people

A6 . Are the following statements about religion true?

A. Religion is characterized by organized worship of higher powers.

B. Religion is one of the oldest forms of culture.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A7 . Are the following judgments about spiritual culture true?

A. The basis of spiritual culture is profit and benefit.

B. In spiritual culture, he receives the greatest freedom of creativity.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A8 . It is generally accepted to divide culture into:

1) spiritual and economic

2) spiritual and material

3) ideal and material

4) political and economic

A9 . Are the following judgments about modern education in the Russian Federation true?

A. Modern education in the Russian Federation is characterized by compulsory education in a public school.

B. Modern education in the Russian Federation is characterized by the presence of different types and types of schools.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A10. Common features or forms common to all cultures are called:

1) cultural symbols

2) spiritual ideals

3) cultural universals

4) spiritual priorities

A11. Are judgments about morality correct?

A) Morality is the special spiritual rules by which the state regulates human behavior.

B) Morality is based on a person’s ideas about the beautiful and the ugly.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A12. The central concepts in ethics are:

1) general and particular 2) good and evil

3) absolute and relative 4) ideal and material

A13. The world religion is:

1) Hinduism 2) Buddhism 3) Shintoism 4) Judaism

A14 . Are judgments about education correct?

A) One of the principles of Russian education is the compulsory nature of higher professional education.

B) One of the principles of Russian education is the prohibition of discrimination in the field of education.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

A15 . Activities aimed at developing the individual, creating conditions for his self-determination and socialization on the basis of sociocultural and spiritual and moral values ​​accepted in society are called:

1) training 2) coercion 3) education 4) education

A16. Ninth-grader Oleg, after finishing school, attends the aircraft modeling section at the youth creativity center. Training in the section relates to:

1) primary vocational education

2) basic general education

3) additional education

4) secondary vocational education

A17. Material culture includes:

1) paintings 2) scientific discoveries 3) computers 4) educational programs

A18. Reflection and transformation of reality in artistic images is the basis

1) science 2) production 3) education 4) art

A19. Culture that is accessible and meaningful only to a select few members of society is called:

1) folk 2) subculture 3) counterculture 4) elitist

A20 . Humanitarianization of education presupposes:

1) support for public education through humanitarian aid

2) rejection of any ideology

3) introduction and expansion of teaching of humanities

4) creation of a unified education system for different countries

Part II.

B1. The documentary film directed by L. was dedicated to science and art. Compare the forms of spiritual culture mentioned in the task conditions - science and art. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of the similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of the differences in the second column.

1) the formation of ideas about a person’s place in the world

2) regulation of people’s thoughts and aspirations in a certain way

3) comprehension and transformation of life

4) use of special terminology, instruments, instruments, experimental setups


B2. Establish a correspondence between examples of science and its areas. For each element given in the first column, match an element from the second column.


A) geology 1) natural sciences

B) history 2) social sciences

B) economics

D) political science

D) astronomy

Write down the selected numbers in the table:

B3. Read the text below, each position marked with a letter.

Determine which text provisions

1) reflect the facts

2) express opinions

Write down in the table the numbers indicating the nature of the relevant provisions:

In one of the regions, the sociological service conducted a survey of primary school graduates. They were asked the question: “What form of education at school did you like best?” The survey results (as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in table form.

Q4. Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated:

1) laboratory-practical classes were more preferred by the surveyed boys than by the surveyed girls

2) business and role-playing games are most popular among both groups of respondents

3) the teacher’s lectures, preparation and defense of abstracts taken together were liked by more than half of the boys surveyed

4) teacher lectures among the girls surveyed are more in demand than business and role-playing games

5) more than a third of all respondents noted that they like laboratory and practical classes


B5 . The survey results reflected in the diagram were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusionsdirectly flow out from the information obtained during the survey?

Write down the numbers under which they are indicated:

1) boys are more interested in active forms of learning than girls

2) the school should reduce the number of business and role-playing games in the educational process

3) the living word of the teacher in the classroom is still in demand by students, especially girls

4) teachers need to pay more attention to the use of information technology in the educational process

5) in the future, it is advisable to systematically conduct sightseeing tours with students since they have aroused significant interest among them


Part III.

Culture is everything that is not nature; everything that man artificially created himself.But at the same time, culture always unfolds and exists only on the basis of nature. If we call culture the brain, then nature is the body of culture. We must preserve and protect this body if we want to stay alive. Culture also includes man’s relationship to nature.

Since ancient times, there have been two approaches to the surrounding world - theoretical and mythopoetic. The latter is most clearly expressed in art, but is not at all its monopoly. The mythopoetic perception of the world was dominant in archaic and ancient cultures.

You can see the world around us, the earth as a warehouse of minerals, as a storehouse of energy, and this will be theoretically quite reasonable, but not a cultural attitude. A cultured person sees in nature not just dead matter, not just the earth as a source of crops, but also the earth as a mother. This is not a naive mistake, but a deep insight into the essence of nature. If we cannot appreciate it, it is not because we have grown up and become smart, but because we have become one-sided, flat people and, in this sense, uncultured. “One spring morning,” said the famous naturalist G. Fechner, “I went out for a walk. The fields were green, the birds were singing, the dew was glistening... on all things lay the light of some kind of transformation. It was only a small piece of Earth; it was only one moment of her existence; and yet, as my gaze took in her more and more, it seemed to me not so beautiful, but so true and clear, that she was an angel, an angel so beautiful and fresh, and like a flower, and yet so steadily, moving so much in harmony with himself in the heavens, turning his whole living face to Heaven, and carrying me along with him into this Heaven, that I asked myself how human opinions could be so alienated from life that people consider the earth only dry block..."

C1. Highlight the main semantic parts of the text. Give each of them a title (make a text plan).

C3. What two approaches to the world around us are given in the text? Briefly explain the essence of each of them.

C4. Illustrate the position of the text with three examples: “Culture is everything that is not nature; everything that man has artificially created himself.”

C5. The text contains a fragment of a story by the famous naturalist G. Fechner. Which of the two approaches to the world around us does this story correspond to? Support your opinion with a piece of text.

C6. How are internal culture and man’s relationship with nature connected? Give two explanations based on the text and social science knowledge.

Diagnostic work in social science.

Topic: “Sphere of spiritual culture.”


Part I

1 – option

2 – option

A 4












Part II

2314 – 1 point

1324– 1 point

11221 – 2 points

12221- 2 points

121– 1 point

211 – 1 point

234– 1 point

125– 1 point

45 - – 1 point

13 – 1 point

Part III

1) the essence of global problems, the role of religion and the church in the life of society;

2) the core of religion is faith;

3) structure (composition) of religious faith;

4) the influence of religion on the spiritual life of society.

It is possible to formulate other points of the plan without distorting the essence of the main idea of ​​the fragment, and to highlight additional semantic blocks.

The following semantic fragments can be highlighted and titled:

1) what is culture

2) two approaches to the surrounding world

The following can be namedmain functions of the church:unification of believers of the same religion; development of uniform norms of their behavior.

The following phrases may be given:

1) “Culture is everything that is not nature: everything that man artificially created himself”:

2) “Culture always unfolds and exists only on the basis of nature”:

3) “If we call culture the brain, then nature is the body of culture”:

4) “Culture also includes man’s relationship to nature”

The correct answer should contain the following elements:

1) elements that religious faith includes:belief in the existence of God: standards of morality and ethics; the belief that clergy and persons declared saints and saints are inspired to act by God himself; belief in the saving power of ritual rites: baptism, prayer. fasting, worship.

2) the first and fundamental element of religious faith:belief in the existence of God as the Creator of everything that exists.

The correct answer must contain approaches and explanations, for example;

1) the theoretical approach considers the surrounding “world as a warehouse of minerals, as a storehouse of energy”:

2) the mythopoetic approach emphasizes the beauty of nature.

Explanations can be given in other, similar formulations.

The following can be given explanations:

Religion is the bearer of cultural and spiritual values ​​that form the basis of the spiritual life of society;

Religion is publicly accessible, which allows everyone, regardless of the level of education, through religious aphorisms, stories, legends, parables, to delve into the pursuit of art, philosophy, science, which contributes to the spiritual development of people;

Religion separates a person from everyday life and requires him to turn to the divine, i.e. eternal, spiritual, giving him food for thought and for high feelings.

Other explanations may be given.

The text phrase can be illustrated by the following examples:

1) material culture includes buildings, structures, that is, structures that do not exist in the natural environment:

2) society has artificially developed norms regulating the activities of people: these norms often contradict the natural instincts of a person:

3) language, art, science do not exist by themselves in the natural environment, but were created by society in the process of transforming the natural environment.

The text phrase can be illustrated with other examples.


1) answer to the question: for example: the text reflects the second point of view (the point of view of the class students) - religion helps maintain the stability of the individual, social groups and society as a whole, ordering in a certain way the thoughts and aspirations of people.

2) fragment of text, For example:

- “..a church that unites believers of the same religion and develops common standards for their behavior”;

- “religious faith includes. norms of morality and morality, the violation of which is a sin.”

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) the question has been answered , for example: G. Fechner's story corresponds to the mythopoetic approach.

The answer to the question can be given in another formulation that is similar in meaning.

2) fragment of text,for example: “I asked myself how human opinions can be so alienated from life that people consider the Earth only a dry block.”

The correct answer must contain the following elements.

1) Expression of the student’s position:agreement or disagreement with the expressed opinion.

2) two arguments (explanations) For example:

In case of consent, the following may be indicated:

Religion reminds a person of the highest ideals, makes him think about the meaning of life, about the “salvation of the soul”;

People's fulfillment of the requirements of religious morality makes their behavior stable and predictable.

In case of disagreement, the following may be indicated:

Religion belittles the human mind, asserts the inadmissibility of doubting the truths of faith, proclaims the priorities of faith over reason and knowledge;

Religion restrains freedom of creativity: scientific thought begins to develop intensively when it is freed from the power of the church; where society is under the rule of religion, the church narrows the subject matter of works of art, and sometimes bans entire branches of it.

Other arguments may also be given.

The correct answer may include, for example, the following explanations:

1) a person with a high moral culture is able to perceive the beauty of nature and realize its non-utilitarian significance in the life of society;

2) a person with a high internal culture will not cause harm to nature: he is able to balance his actions with possible damage to the natural environment.

C1 – 2 points

C2 – 2 points

C3 – 2 points

C4- 3 points

C5- 2 points

C6 – 2 points

TOTAL – 39 points
