Harmony in Chinese: the basics of Feng Shui. Feng Shui in the bedroom - love and harmony in the home What aspects should be avoided in arranging an apartment

Everything that happens inside the home worries many people more than what happens outside the home. At home we take a break from worldly worries and people; at home we relax and restore strength. They say that even the walls at home help.

Residents of the apartment are quite capable of organizing harmony; they have the power to create a favorable atmosphere of qi, which will harmoniously flow from one room to another. The mood, health and well-being of the family depend on this. Believe it or not!

What should you follow to harmonize Feng Shui in your apartment?

Features of the location of the front door - harmonious flow of energy:

Radiant chi energy enters your apartment through the front door. She must have free access to the light source. Your living area must be spacious and “welcoming”, conducive to relaxation.

Under no circumstances should your front door have access to a window or to the largest room. All chi energy will flow out through the window.

In this case, you need to cover the window with a screen or curtains, or you can install blinds.

According to Feng Shui, the front door should open towards the inside of the apartment. Feng Shui at home loves space and freedom. Favorable chi energy comes to a dead end if the door opens directly onto a wall or into a corridor. A large and beautiful mirror will easily fix this problem.

What aspects should be avoided in arranging an apartment?

The location of the toilet is opposite front door creates a negative flow of qi energy. If it is not possible to move it, then keep the toilet door closed at all times.

You can hang a mirror outside the door, which will smooth out the negative flow.

Ideally, each door in your apartment should have no more than three windows. The favorable qi energy must be directed in such a tortuous course that it passes through the entire room.

Try to avoid direct movement of qi, which does not always have a beneficial effect on the overall energy of your apartment.

Hang additional mirrors or bells for an additional vector of energy movement.

Maintain order and cleanliness

Clutter in the apartment leads to a slowdown and limitation of qi energy. Carefully ensure that all things are neatly folded and interior items are carefully arranged. Do not allow a large accumulation of objects in one place: on tables, on the floor, on furniture.

Favorable chi energy should spread over every square meter of your cozy apartment.

Fresh air in your rooms

Ventilate rooms that you rarely visit or visit from time to time. In rooms with little light penetration or lighting, create conditions for adequate lighting.

For example, if the side is not sunny, and the windows are framed by curtains made of heavy textiles with complex drapery, replace the curtains, hang light tulle, silk or organza, perhaps with a soft, light lambrequin.

Fewer corners

Proportional rooms distribute all the chi energy around the entire perimeter. Avoid corners in the middle of the room. If it is not possible to avoid angularity, place the plant in a pot or large mirror. This also applies to the corners of your furniture.

The fewer of them there are, the more favorable the energy will be located in your apartment. In the future, prefer to buy furniture with soft shapes, smooth transitions and lines.

Your bedroom – “sweet” night dreams and a complete resting place

Feng Shui of the bedroom has a special place and meaning since we spend a significant amount of time in it. Special attention is paid to observing the rules of Feng Shui in the bedroom.

It is very important to understand that the environment in the bedroom creates comfort, coziness and a sea of ​​favorable energy. Choose the room furthest from the front door. The optimal shape for a bedroom is a square or rectangle.

Triangular, round or L-shaped shapes should be avoided. Rectangular or square bedrooms create perfect and beneficial qi energy.

The location of the bed in the bedroom - where does it belong?

Harmonious Feng Shui in the bedroom is greatly influenced by the location of the bed. You should not place it directly in front of the window. This option disturbs the peace. A solution can be found from this situation: if the windows are closed with a curtain during sleep, the favorable qi energy will certainly be preserved.

But, the ideal position is to place the head of the bed against a blank wall.

You shouldn't put it in the corner of your room either.

Try to choose a place for your bedroom with sufficient light during the day. It is important to understand that chi energy will not enter too dark places; it loves light. You should also not organize an overabundance of things, furniture, and interior items.

Even if you adore indoor plants, you shouldn’t fill your entire space with them. One or two indoor flowers will not be a hindrance. Choose calm tones in the room, do not overdo it with saturation.

feng shui bedroom– this is a special place in which a person receives quite a lot of favorable qi.

By following small recommendations for Feng Shui of your apartment, you will significantly increase your energy and improve your emotional state. Your home will become a real vessel of harmony and well-being, which will not spill every time due to ignorance of the rules of Feng Shui.

How do you feel about Feng Shui? Do you follow the laws of Feng Shui in your home?

Are you fatally unlucky? Have you ever thought that the cause could be an unwashed stove or open lid toilet? Feng Shui offers an original way...

Step one - get a pet

In order for there to be positive energy flows, get a pet. Feng Shui favors the turtle. In China, they set up a small pond for them, in which there is a stone on which the turtle can climb out. In our conditions, any container about 30 cm in diameter is quite suitable. The water should be changed three times a week, and the turtle should be fed fish. It is believed that armored ones bring stability to the home. However,… a frog will also do. They are believed to protect against dangers and troubles. For those who prefer warm-blooded pets, you can offer a tiger. The tiger, on the one hand, symbolizes protection, on the other hand, the feminine principle. So it is quite logical for women to have a small tiger, in the form of a cat, which will protect their well-being. By the way, in Egypt, the cat was considered a goddess who guarded the hearth and a woman’s family happiness. The Chinese had nothing about dogs, but I believe they are unlikely to harm domestic harmony. So, the choice is yours.

Step two - pay attention to the front door and hallway

The theater begins with a hanger, and the apartment begins with the door. The Chinese believe that the front door located at the staircase or at its top is bad sign. The stairs, of course, cannot be moved, but the situation can still be corrected. It is recommended to hang a medium-sized mirror above the door to reflect negative energy.

The same technique will help if you are unlucky and the doors in the apartment are located opposite each other. It is recommended to hang coins or bells on the inside handle of the front door, as it is believed that they attract money into the house. The Chinese use coins with holes for these purposes, tying them with a red cord.

The entrance to the home should be well lit. If the hallway is too dark, use more saturated colors, increase the lighting and hang paintings or photographs in rectangular and oval frames on the walls.

In addition, any hallway must be kept clean, not only before receiving guests, but constantly. Otherwise, you will be haunted by feelings of apathy and fatigue.

For your door mat, choose a color that matches the direction of your front door.
Some feng shui experts advise placing three gold coins under the rug for good luck. I think that copper ones are quite suitable, since the color rather than the texture matters.

Ideally, when a person enters a home, their gaze should be drawn to the living room, dining room or family room, and not to the rooms of individual family members. The latter, over time, can lead to disunity among family members. To improve the situation, place impressive, interesting objects in the hallway that distract attention from the interior rooms. Hold closed doors leading to the bedrooms, kitchen and bathrooms.

Step three - let's take care of the bathroom and toilet

One of the main requirements for a bathroom is cleanliness and order, which goes well with ordinary Russian habits. Otherwise, “the Chinese have their own quirks.” The environment in it should be as simple as possible. Hang a mirror on the bathroom door, if it is located in the southern part of the apartment, and choose blue or blue shades for the walls. If this color does not suit you, then hang a picture of a fish or waves.

If the toilet is in the bathroom, fence it off with a partition. The toilet lid should always be closed. Otherwise, prosperity will constantly disappear. If possible, place a plant in the toilet.

A mop, rag and similar things should be kept in a secluded place, out of sight, otherwise the inhabitants of this home will not have good luck. This especially applies to the kitchen. Failure to comply with this principle leads to the fact that the owners cannot get out of poverty.

Step four - pay attention to the room in which you eat

Sometimes the dining room and living room are combined in one room. In this case, the area where food is eaten must be isolated from the living room. This can be achieved by using a wooden trellis with climbing plants, a mirror and paintings or photographs. A bookcase, bookcase, or other similar piece of furniture can also serve to create a “dividing line.” Combined with a warm color scheme (possibly different from color range living room).

A person usually feels better when eating in a room with a high ceiling. In a “Khrushchev” building with ceilings of 2 m 40 cm, you cannot cut a hole to your neighbors, so you need to increase the height visually. To do this, you can use wall lamps with light directed upward. Lighting that is too bright is not conducive to coziness and relaxation, so use dimmable switches or lower wattage bulbs - at least for everyday meals.

Mirrors, a favorite feng shui element, are also recommended in the dining room, as they not only enhance natural light and create the illusion of more space, but also double the number of dishes on the table, making each meal twice as impressive.

Although ideally chairs should be placed against the walls, in practice this is not always possible, so use the tips that are practical for our small kitchens. Do not place the table opposite the front door, there should be an even number of chairs, and seat your dear guest facing the entrance, not directly opposite.

Eating while facing the toilet has a negative impact not only on appetite, but also on the health and well-being of family members. If the dining table is adjacent to the wall of the toilet, this guarantees health problems.

The dining table, located between the doors at opposite ends of the room, is also under attack. Prosperity will quickly “float” from such a house. In such a situation, you need to hang a musical pendant or bell at the door.

The color of the tablecloth can be chosen in accordance with the area of ​​the room where the dining table is located: blue in the north, green in the east, and so on. If you always use a white tablecloth, try colored napkin rings. Thermal pads should be combined with the shape of the table: if you have a round table, use round pads, buy oval pads for the corresponding table.

Do not eat from dishes that are cracked or chipped. This spells trouble. During meals, use glasses, filling them with clear liquid, then they will act as individual crystals, stimulating energy flows. What’s nice is that you don’t have to use expensive crystal; even cut glass will do.

Step five - let's work on the living room

The living room not only serves as a gathering place for family members to watch TV or just relax together, but also serves as a social center when friends and acquaintances come to visit. The living room should be cozy and welcoming, warm and well-lit, but not too bright or noisy.
If your living room has an alcove, the energy can stagnate. Hang a mirror on a protruding wall to create a sense of depth, and diffuse the energy with plants and wall lights.

It’s good to install a TV in the corner, this will be an area of ​​wealth. Armchairs and sofas should be placed with their backs to the walls.

Don't keep books on open bookshelves. Over time, this will lead to the appearance of diseases, ailments, and bad mood. As a last resort, place the spines of books flush with the edge of the shelf, this will reduce the harmful effect. Wooden shelves are not recommended to be placed in the southwest, northeast and in the center of the apartment. Glass ones, do not place them in the northern part of the apartment. Plastic shelves are the least harmful.

Hang family photos on the living room wall. All family members living in the house must be present at them, and always in a good mood. This will bring good luck.

The center of the room is considered the luck zone. Place a chandelier above it.

Step six - bedroom secret

Take a beautiful vase. Fill it up semiprecious stones or crystal, or put jewelry in it. Hide it in a closet (but not opposite the bedroom door) or chest of drawers and don’t show it to anyone. These actions promise financial well-being.

Step seven - a few words about the corridor

If the corridor is long, hang mirrors on the walls to create a wave-like effect. A lot can also be done with wall hangings, dim lights and hanging pots of climbing plants if space allows.

You can improve the flow of energy in the apartment with the help of devices: “wind music”, bells, “sound of water”. A ticking clock on the wall also creates a good sound background in the house.

Try growing an orange tree in your apartment. Orange is a symbol of prosperity. Place it in an unfavorable part of the apartment (geopathogenic zone) so that this place becomes less dangerous for you. Lemon trees can be used for the same purpose. Different colors should dominate in different corners of the apartment and room.

Curtains should improve the feng shui of the home. Before choosing curtains for certain windows of the house, find out which side of the world these windows are directed to, and then use the table to find out which color will be the best.

Organize a symbolic representation of the primary elements in your apartment. To attract money to your home, take care of the representation of water, since water is a symbol of wealth. It can be represented by a small aquarium, black or dark blue. Water is also symbolized by mirrors, glass, images of fish, waterfalls and seascapes.

The tree symbolizes growth, creativity and nutrition. It can be represented by any flowers, plants, green. It is good if the flowers are located in the east or southeast. Wood is also symbolized by wooden objects; images of trees and plants.

Symbols of fire (candles and light bulbs) in the home environment increase activity levels.

The colors yellow and tan are traditionally associated with earth.
Its symbols are ceramic products. Using them will give you practicality.

Metal colors are white, gold and silver. The main forms for expressing metal are the circle and the crescent, as well as any metal objects, especially coins. Having such items in the home encourages enterprise and versatility.

None of the primary elements should be over-represented. This will lead to negative consequences.

In modern times, you can hardly meet a person who has not heard about Feng Shui. Society has different attitudes towards this art, and perceives the art of Feng Shui in general differently. Often people do not pay attention to the arrangement of things, they believe that these are little things that do not affect life in any way, but in fact, it is these shortcomings that add up to life as a whole, and if you treat them more carefully, it is possible to improve the quality of life and existence on this earth.

Art of Feng Shui

The art of Feng Shui will help with this. The origin of this art occurred in China in ancient times, about several thousand years ago.

It continues to develop today. The art and teachings of Feng Shui have been passed down through generations, thus preserving the original ideas and characteristics. Feng Shui is an art that teaches a person to harmonize and interact with the environment - to have energy for the benefit of themselves and others. Even taking into account the fact that this art does not go against traditions and religions, it has something similar to the fields of science, there are points that cannot be explained from a logical point of view.

Two energies: Yang and Yin

The most important thing in Feng Shui is the concept of “Qi” - this is a force that is present in every living organism. Nature and all living things can create an energy field that can be either positive or negative. A person’s task is to create more positive energy, in which case every day a person will feel a surge of strength and prosperity. There are several types of Qi - human, heavenly, natural, domestic and social. All these Qi affect people's lives every day. If people are powerless over heavenly, natural and social Qi, then over human and domestic energy, by rebuilding oneself, a person can create a favorable atmosphere - this is what this type of art teaches.

But the most important forces that influence the universe as a whole are Yang and Yin. These opposites complement each other and create harmony in everything. Yang and Yin are two energies that interact and collide in the Tao. Ian is positive energy light when Yin is night time. Taoism is the basis of the teachings of Feng Shui.

We invite Happiness

Feng Shui says that for a favorable life and the creation of good energy, it is important how the house itself is located. It is best to build a house on a hill, with the facade facing south, and the rear blocked off with a high fence. And also parts of the house should not be the same height, east side always higher than the western one, so the house will be located ideally. As a rule, the house should help and assist so that a person achieves harmony and improves in his life.

That is why you need to follow the rules advised by Feng Shui experts. You also need to minimize negative impact. To do this, you should try to get rid of sharp corners in the house as much as possible, as they attract negative energy. And also, mirrors should not reflect the corners of the house, since they should duplicate only those things that have positive energy.

Color in rooms also plays an important role. Yellow color has a calming effect on a person and neutralizes bad energy. Shades of green have the same abilities. In order for health, happiness, security and wealth to reign in the house, you need to acquire a bouquet of dried plants, various decorative figures of animals, leather goods, natural furs, pillows in bright colors with various patterns. We definitely need to get rid of broken dishes, old slippers, reeds, climbing plants, as these things create bad energy that provokes quarrels, illnesses, depression, and misfortunes.

Another piece of advice from Feng Shui scientists is to always keep your home perfectly clean, wipe all surfaces free of dust, and stock up on talismans that also have a beneficial effect on the home and maintain balance. Such simple rules, will help you achieve harmony with yourself and the world around you, and will also help you attract only good things, including health and wealth.
