Grigory hornbeam resurrection of people read online. The resurrection of people and eternal life are now our reality! (Grabovoy G.P.). Grigory Grabovoi is being tried for promises


"_PUBLISHED_PREDICTIONS_ACADEMIC_R" APPENDIX (C). Published forecasts about political, economic and social events with full confirmation
"_RESURRECTION_PHENOMENON" APPENDIX (F). Resurrection phenomenon
"_EXERCISES_ON_EVERY_DAY OF THE MONTH FOR" APPENDIX (G). Exercises for every day of the month for the development of consciousness, for the development of life events in a favorable direction, for achieving full health and for establishing harmony with the pulse of the Universe

1. Grigory Grabovoi’s forecast on the situation with the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin, his time in power, what will happen to him after him:
The main process is postponed to March 2000. Proposals for new elections will come from Yeltsin. There would be a rumor in the press back in December that he might resign before the presidential elections. A person will rule for him (no name can be named yet), who will automatically become president in the next elections. As a guarantor of the transition, he will suit both the main parties and the current government. There will be no special confrontations or excesses.
Confirmation of the forecast regarding the situation with the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin, his stay in power, what will happen to him after him: all television channels, all means mass media.

2. Grigory Grabovoi’s forecast on the development of Yugoslav events:
In August 1999, an international decision on control of the territories will be reached. Some will be controlled by Russia and most by NATO countries.
Confirmation of the forecast about the development of Yugoslav events: all television channels, all media.
This forecast was published in the following newspapers:
In the monthly supplement to the newspaper "Moscow Railwayman" - "Passenger's Bulletin" N 1, July 1999, signed for publication on July 7, 1999, circulation 20,000 copies (Registered with the State Committee for the Press of the Russian Federation. Reg. N 019038 dated July 1, 1999 g.), in the article “The end of the world is cancelled”;
In the newspaper "Your Home Consultant" No. 13 (33), July 1999, signed for publication on July 1, 1999, circulation 28,000 copies (The newspaper was registered with the Russian Press Committee on March 26, 1997, Registration No. 015900), in the article "The end of the world is cancelled."
3. Grigory Grabovoi’s forecast for the financial and economic development of Russia:
In macroeconomic relations, starting from October 1999, the ruble will begin to stabilize in relation not only to the dollar, but also to the entire “basket” of currencies. This will lead to normalization of economic life.
Confirmation of the forecast for the financial and economic development of Russia:
Central television channels;
Newspaper "Versty" dated September 21, 2000 (the newspaper is registered with the Ministry of Press and Information of the Russian Federation. Registration No. 14418).
The publication “On the voyage - with a basket” with a statement by Deputy Prime Minister A. Kudrin at the Baikal Economic Forum that the time has come to “peg” the ruble not only to the dollar, but to an entire “basket” of currencies.
This forecast was published in the following newspapers:
In the monthly supplement to the newspaper "Moscow Railwayman" - "Passenger's Bulletin" N 1, July 1999, signed for publication on July 7, 1999, circulation 20,000 copies (Registered with the State Committee for the Press of the Russian Federation. Reg. N 019038 dated July 1, 1999 g.), in the article “The end of the world is cancelled”;
In the newspaper "Your Home Consultant" No. 13 (33), July 1999, signed for publication on July 1, 1999, circulation 28,000 copies (The newspaper was registered with the Russian Press Committee on March 26, 1997, Registration No. 015900), in the article "The end of the world is cancelled."
4. Grigory Grabovoi’s forecast about the new government team, its ability to carry out new tasks, and about future changes in the structural relations of Russian governance:
This government as of June 1999 and Prime Minister Sergei Stepashin are needed to stabilize the situation between the president, the State Duma and other structures. Sergei Stepashin will act as a harmonizer and will be needed as an ideologist of the present moment. Russia will structurally change its management system from the point of view of knowledge of distant strategic goals.
Presidential rule, of course, has provided many positive aspects in the country's transition from past totalitarianism, but when considering Russia's future potential for growth, it will be necessary to change the structural connections between the elements of power and the elements of implementation of its decisions. We need a grid management structure that can show the potential of the economy much wider, and not just one tenth, as it is today. On this basis, communication groups will be created between the presidential government, the decisions of the Duma and regional plans. At enterprises and in administrative units Relevant departments for structured development will be created.
Confirmation of the forecast about the new government team, about its ability to carry out new tasks, about future changes in the structural connections of Russian government: all television channels, all media; on changing the structural connections between the authorities and the implementation of its decisions based on the grid structure of the creation of seven federal districts in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin in May 2000;
Confirmation of the forecast about the creation of relevant departments for structured development at enterprises and administrative units is that, for example, in the Ministry of Railways (according to the newspaper "Gudok" dated September 30, 2000, in the article "Efficiency of the final station of reforms") the same districts on the railways.
This forecast was published in the following newspapers:
In the monthly supplement to the newspaper "Moscow Railwayman" - "Passenger's Bulletin" N 1, July 1999, signed for publication on July 7, 1999, circulation 20,000 copies (Registered with the State Committee for the Press of the Russian Federation. Reg. N 019038 dated July 1, 1999 g.), in the article “The end of the world is cancelled”;
In the newspaper "Your Home Consultant" No. 13 (33), July 1999, signed for publication on July 1, 1999, circulation 28,000 copies (The newspaper was registered with the Russian Press Committee on March 26, 1997, Registration No. 015900), in the article "The end of the world is cancelled."
5. Grigory Grabovoi’s forecast on increasing the sustainability of Russia’s financial development through reserving foreign currency funds and collateral in regional areas:
Most important part The systemic stability of the state on a gold-equivalent basis will be the reservation of foreign currency and gold in each autonomous part of the budget by region. This will not look like a confederal game of governors; on the contrary, the strategy is aimed at increasing the stability of the federal subjects, ultimate goal which is to increase the financial stability of all of Russia. Each region must be balanced within the clearly defined framework of the country's overall financial plan, and for this there will be a need to store gold reserves in each individual region.
Confirmation of the forecast about increasing the sustainability of Russia's financial development through the reservation of foreign currency and gold in regional areas: all television channels, a message about the introduction of gold reserves in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in September 2000.
6. Forecast of Grigory Grabovoi on maintaining the pace of economic growth in Russia:
To avoid systemic disorganization, the main directions in the activities of specific industries will be aimed at strengthening self-supporting principles in the Russian economy. The return of this concept after all the distortions of privatization will be associated with the re-discounting of debts within the gold reserve, and not just a separate item in the budget of the region, region or city. It is the accumulation of gold reserves that can help survive the emerging crisis and make Russia’s entry into the global market more confident. Many will blame our developers of such a strategy for excessive accumulation and the fact that not all capital will be used for circulation. However, maintaining a new direction will help many industries in the future. Therefore, there will be no further decline in industry; its growth level will remain approximately the same as today.
Confirmation of the forecast about maintaining the level of economic growth in Russia: all television channels and the central press confirmed the preservation of the rate of economic growth in Russia over the past period.
This forecast was published in the initial issue of the newspaper "Development Option", the issue was signed for printing on March 16, 2000, circulation 10,000 copies.
7. Grigory Grabovoi’s forecast for Moscow for 2000:
In Moscow, during the year 2000, a series of sinkholes on the streets and under houses in the South-West area closer to the outskirts may again resume. But there will be no special problems in eliminating these accidents.
Confirmation of the forecast for Moscow for 2000:
information from the President of the Center for Underground Research, the main digger of the country V. Mikhailov: “In the area of ​​the South-West of Moscow, next to the MGIMO buildings, karst soil sinkholes were discovered. In the area of ​​the Ramenka River, next to the car service station, there were cracks in the earth’s surface and subsidence that affected the strength of the structures. As a result, many underground reservoirs sank due to loads and acquired an elliptical shape due to the pressure of the layers."
This forecast was published in the initial issue of the newspaper "Development Option", the issue was signed for printing on March 16, 2000, circulation 10,000 copies.
8. Grigory Grabovoi’s forecast for oil prices in Russia:
Oil prices in Russia. They will be associated with a change in government, cabinet and prime minister. Prices for imported petroleum products will jump. For export, “selling” prices will also rise. They will be able to reach their maximum in August and will increase by 10% compared to March.
Confirmation of the forecast for oil prices in Russia: all television channels, central press.
This forecast was published in the initial issue of the newspaper "Development Option", the issue was signed for printing on March 16, 2000, circulation 10,000 copies.
9. Forecast of Grigory Grabovoi on food products in 2000:
There will be no special problems with food in 2000, except for the scandal over meat supplies.
Confirmation of the food forecast in 2000: all television channels, central press. The scandal with meat supplies was also confirmed by the refusal to purchase French meat due to the discovery of the so-called mad cow disease virus in it.
This forecast was published in the initial issue of the newspaper "Development Option", the issue was signed for printing on March 16, 2000, circulation 10,000 copies.
10. Grigory Grabovoi’s forecast on military events in Chechnya:
Mostly fighting in Chechnya will end by August 2000. Then a package of political decisions will be made. Residents of Chechnya will not easily make their choice - to be part of Russia. But before that, the federal government will conduct an active propaganda campaign in favor of this, since sentiments for autonomous existence at this time, again under pressure from international organizations, will again manifest themselves in the sentiments of the Chechens themselves.
Confirmation of the forecast on military events in Chechnya: all television channels, the central press.
11. Forecast of Grigory Grabovoi on plutonium energy:
The Americans have abandoned plutonium energy, but the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy stubbornly insists on its development and even plans to use plutonium nuclear reactors. But it's not just about entering an environmentally dirty era. Russian scientists also discovered the phenomenon of excitation using plutonium reactions of duplication of this element (transfer of volumetric masses) hundreds of kilometers from the earth's surface. This upsets not only the global balance of Earth’s stability, but also begins to involve the still little predictable cosmic disturbances of the environment.
Confirmation of Grigory Grabovoi's forecast on plutonium energy: materials of hearings in the State Duma on October 3, 2000 on the topic “Main directions for the development of leasing in Russia,” where Minatom announced the leasing of fuel assemblies.
This forecast was published in the newspaper "Development Option", No. 1, the issue was signed for printing on April 7, 2000, circulation 10,000 copies. The newspaper is registered in Russia by the Ministry of Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications. Registration certificate PI N 77-1859.
12. Grigory Grabovoi’s forecast for SBS-Agro Bank:
SBS-Agro Bank will gradually recover. There the problematic situation will not reach complete destruction.
If shareholders are concerned about the possibility of returning their funds, then in the next two to three years a possible return through this bank will be practiced only by special order of the managerial staff (at the level of manager, deputy manager). Not all operations that are planned can take place. In any case, consent signatures will be required.
Confirmation of the forecast for SBS-Agro Bank: all television channels, central press.
In the newspaper “Vremya MN” (registered with the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Press, registration N 017460) in the issue dated November 1, 2000, in the article “Agro promises to return the money to SBS,” the director of the public relations department of the Agency for the Restructuring of Credit Institutions, Alexander Voznesensky, announced that "Payments to SBS-Agro depositors in the event of a settlement agreement being concluded will amount to more than 70% of the deposit amount; if such an agreement is not concluded - no more than 40%. If such an agreement is concluded, settlements with creditors will be made within 3 years" . Before this, the press talked about the removal of the branch network of banks from SBS-Agro and the reorganization into other structures.
This forecast was published in the newspaper "Development Option", No. 2, the issue was signed for publication on April 21, 2000, circulation 10,000 copies. The newspaper is registered in Russia by the Ministry of Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications. Registration certificate PI N 77-1859.
13. Grigory Grabovoi’s forecast on the law on production sharing agreements (PSA):
In August 2000, additional issues will arise related to the rights of states where companies are either accredited or legally registered. The fact is that the rights of companies, for example, to oil shelves may differ from the rights of the state where the subsoil is being developed. This is due to the laws of some countries. There will be legislative inconsistencies here, when companies, even with normal behavior, are not completely correct according to international standards, and because of this there will be costs on the Russian side.
Confirmation of the forecast under the law on the production sharing agreement (PSA): all television channels, the central press. Materials of parliamentary hearings in the State Duma of the Russian Federation “On rent relations” in October 2000, at which the possibility of replacing the law on PSA with a law on rent was discussed. Article "Direct section. Amendments to the law on PSA have been unfrozen" in the Vedomosti newspaper dated October 25, 2000 (the newspaper is registered in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for Press, registration certificate N 019007 dated September 30, 1999).
14. Forecast of Grigory Grabovoi on money laundering:
The concept of money laundering for Russia is basically to maximize the currency equivalent through certain channels. For this purpose, foreign banks in America, Switzerland or any other countries where the currency equivalent is standardized are used. In September and until October 2000, then in March 2001 and February 2002. this problem will be raised and resolved from time to time from the point of view of foreign exchange provision of financial assets contained in Russia. Receipt clean money from industrial and commercial projects will be decided at the economic and government levels. When laundering money from the drug business, illegal participation in military operations, as well as money hidden and stolen, control systems different countries will try to prevent such laundering. It doesn’t matter to them what kind of money is Russian or American. Here everything will depend on improving the legislative schemes of countries.
Confirmation of the forecast on money laundering: all television channels, central press.
The article “It will become more difficult to launder money” in the Vedomosti newspaper dated October 27, 2000 (the newspaper is registered in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for Press, registration certificate No. 019007 dated September 30, 1999). This article reports that “The European Union took sweeping new measures on Tuesday to combat money laundering and organized crime. At the first joint meeting of EU finance and home affairs ministers, it was decided to tighten penalties for money laundering, recognizing that Bank secrecy should not be an obstacle to a criminal investigation, and develop sanctions against countries (including Russia) that do not want to cooperate in the fight against money laundering.
Ministers proposed that, by June 2001, the Financial Action Task Force should develop sanctions against countries that do not cooperate with the international community in the fight against money laundering."
This forecast was published in the newspaper "Development Option", No. 3-4, the issue was signed for printing on May 19, 2000, circulation 10,000 copies. The newspaper is registered in Russia by the Ministry of Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications. Registration certificate PI N 77-1859.
15. Grigory Grabovoi’s forecast regarding the policy of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation:
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation will expand its sphere of influence and functions. From 2002, this will expand its influence into the political sphere. Through the so-called TIN - individual taxpayer number, the country's bank will influence the centralization of banking accounting according to the type of passport registration available today. This will make it possible to know where each specific person is. The Russian Orthodox Church will come out against this level of centralization precisely at the moment when control of the economic and social well-being of citizens begins through money.
The growth and economics of gold and foreign exchange reserves will depend on the difference between the controllable and uncontrollable level of the reserve. An uncontrolled level will fall under the jurisdiction of special departments. Therefore, in 2004, appropriate legislative acts will be adopted against this, after which the level of gold and foreign exchange reserves will be introduced into the voting system, depending on each citizen who filled out the income declaration. The budgetary sphere will receive a new mechanism for distributing funds (how much for defense, education, medicine, etc.) according to the type of election technologies. But in the future, world experience will be applied, which provides for currency control over special government structures, but under the control of the general public. Once again it will be proven that this is the prerogative of the elected head of state.
Confirmation of the forecast regarding the Central Bank of the Russian Federation: Press reports. The article “Is the introduction of the State Population Register justified” in the newspaper “Vedomosti” dated November 4, 2000” and the article “List of Everyone” in the newspaper “Vedomosti” dated November 23, 2000 about the concept of the automated system “State Population Register” proposed by the state, providing for the introduction of a lifelong personal code for each citizen with the collection of information on 17 positions (the Vedomosti newspaper is registered by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for press, registration certificate N 019007 dated September 30, 1999). The article “The Orthodox will be assigned a TIN even without their request” in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” dated November 3, 2000 and a note in the newspaper “Versty” dated October 28, 2000 about numerous appeals from Orthodox Christians who do not want to accept an individual tax number. On demands to stop “discrimination and lawlessness against Orthodox Urals” received from priests of the Ekaterinburg diocese (the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” is registered with the Ministry of Press and Information of the Russian Federation, registration N 1072, the newspaper “Versty” is registered with the Ministry of Press and Information of the Russian Federation, registration N 14418).
The article “Utopia on Cards” in the newspaper “Versty” dated October 12, 2000, which reports on the latest survey conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation: “1,500 Russian citizens were given cards on which 27 main budget items for 2001 were listed. Everyone had to choose five of them, in his opinion, 62% of taxpayers named health care. Education came in second place on the list, 52%, and considered it necessary to thoroughly finance 43%..." (Versty newspaper is registered. at the Ministry of Press and Information of the Russian Federation, registration N 14418).
This forecast was published in the newspaper "Development Option", N5, the issue was signed for printing on June 9, 2000, circulation 10,000 copies. The newspaper is registered in Russia by the Ministry of Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications. Registration certificate PI N 77-1859.
16. Forecast of Grigory Grabovoi on mortgages and mortgage lending:
Mortgages and mortgage lending can only develop if the economic status of the country is high. First of all, this applies to the gross exchange process for all components of GDP, as well as good indicators of the development of such industries as light industry, the construction and housing complex, heavy metallurgy, etc. When these components of the economy are high, then mortgages have a good chance for development. In the same state that Russia is in now, mortgage lending will depend only on how much the indirect development of the mortgage itself is included in the budget option. Therefore, the prospects, while the budget is being drawn up by industry and government agencies, are not at all encouraging. Some regions that have achieved breakthroughs in housing construction through mortgage lending only confirm this rule. They have a decision from the executive authorities on resource provision. Banks take resources as collateral and finance construction at preferential interest rates. In reality, there is no proven mechanism yet: banks do not give loans against unconditional collateral.
But why did the information on mortgage lending begin to fade? The reason is that the fundamental level for this is missing. Only the programmatic, budgetary path is realistic today. However, as the economy stabilizes (a high level of GDP is a system-forming law here), mortgages will be revived.
Confirmation of the forecast for mortgages and mortgage lending: materials from parliamentary hearings in the State Duma of the Russian Federation on mortgage lending in October 2000, where it was confirmed that without government funding within the framework of the state program in Russia, mortgages are impossible.
This forecast was published in the newspaper "Development Option", No. 6, the issue was signed for printing on June 20, 2000, circulation 10,000 copies. The newspaper is registered in Russia by the Ministry of Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications. Registration certificate PI N 77-1859.
17. Grigory Grabovoi’s forecast for the prevention of accidents on oil and gas pipelines.
To prevent accidents, it is necessary to carry out proper preventative maintenance and repair of equipment. However, there is also a second reason for accidents, which consists in concealing oil and gas in order to make a profit for those individuals who take advantage of the lack of control over the accounting of production and the passage of raw materials through the pipe. But this problem is not the main one, it can be solved. The main issue is to make the maintenance more competent and the running systems more advanced.
How to reset the percentages that should naturally be lost during the run - there are no questions here. Another thing is that in some hydrocarbon developments the bulk of it is removed directly from the drilling site. This is a little known part, so the concept of "pipes" may not always qualify as a major loss. But there are developments where up to 50% of the production goes outsourced.
Confirmation of forecasts for the prevention of accidents on oil and gas pipelines: all television channels, the central press in October 2000 materials telling about the volume of oil theft past the “pipe”.
This forecast was published in the newspaper "Development Option", No. 5, the issue was signed for printing on June 9, 2000, circulation 10,000 copies. The newspaper is registered in Russia by the Ministry of Press, Television and Radio Broadcasting and Mass Communications. Registration certificate PI N 77-1859.

The resurrection as a phenomenon has always been known. Evidence of this runs throughout history. We may mention the famous Mysteries ancient Greece. The Persians had very definite ideas about this. It was said that the time would come when the highest Deity would resurrect all the dead, and in their previous bodies.
This echoes the Christian idea that the resurrection of all the dead will take place at the second coming of Christ. Moreover, we are also talking about resurrection specifically in the physical body.
These questions and related problems have occupied the minds of many thinkers, from ancient times to the present day.
The classic text that speaks of resurrection is the Bible. The Bible is a written testimony that confirms the facts of resurrections performed by Jesus Christ. Christ, as we know, also healed incurable diseases.
You can give examples of resurrections from history Orthodox Church. Let us recall, for example, the resurrections carried out by such saints as Varlaam of Khutyn, Sergius of Radonezh, John of Kronstadt.
Today, the saint Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba lives in India. There is evidence confirming his resurrection.
Thus, the facts of resurrection took place in history. However, until now these have been isolated isolated cases. Now comes the stage of mass resurrection, the resurrection of everyone. Resurrection has a growth mechanism like a chain reaction. In this case, even partial knowledge about the methods and principles of resurrection works. For example, when this book had not yet been completely completed by me, I handed over the manuscript to Natalya Filippovna Zinovieva. She worked on the manuscript "The Resurrection of People and immortal life- from now on our reality!” with the goal of resurrecting her husband and in December 2000 she met with him resurrected. And she met her resurrected brother in January 2001, although, as she told me, she worked only for the resurrection of her husband (testimony is presented at the end of this Appendix) Based on my practice, such a process, like a chain reaction, when one thing, as if by itself, entails another, is typical. I was shown data on cases where, after one resurrection I carried out, mass resurrections occurred in families. gives people incomparably more than they can expect. This shows the love of God for everyone, and in the love of the Creator - universal salvation and eternal life for all.
It has been known for a long time that the time of general resurrection and eternal life in the physical body will come. Let me give you a few quotes from the Bible.
“Your dead will live, your dead bodies will rise” (Book of the Prophet Isaiah, 26, 19).
“Truly, truly, I say to you, the time is coming, and has already come, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and having heard, they will live” (Gospel of John 5:25).
The following statement by the Apostle Paul notes that the resurrection will be for everyone, both the righteous and the unrighteous.
“I truly serve the God of my fathers, believing everything written in the law and the prophets, having hope in God that there will be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and of the unjust, for which they also themselves are waiting” (Acts of the Apostles 24:15).
In many places in the Bible it is said that there will be a qualitative transformation of man and his body. It is said about Jesus Christ that He “will transform our lowly body so that it will be like His glorious body, according to the power by which He works to subject all things to Himself” (Philippians 3:21).
“So it is with the resurrection of the dead: it is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption; it is sown in humiliation, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power” (First Corinthians 15:42-43).
Some passages talk about how the resurrection process occurs. For example, “Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will put spirit into you, and you will live. And I will cover you with sinews, and I will grow flesh on you, and I will cover you with skin, and I will put spirit into you, and you will live, and you will know that I am the Lord" (Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, 37, 5-6). And there: “And I will give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you; and I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh, and will give you a heart of flesh. I will put My spirit within you” (36, 26-27).
As a result, a person will be transformed. It is compared to the transformation of an unintelligent baby into a mature and wise husband. And what a person now sees, as if through a cloudy glass, is very unclear, rather presumably, after his transformation he will see clearly and clearly, directly, face to face: “When I was a baby, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child , reasoned like a child; but when he became a man, he left childish things. Now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face now I know in part, and then I will know” (First Epistle to the Corinthians, 13). , 11-12).
This is also said in other places, for example: “Beloved, we are now children of God; but it has not yet been revealed what we will be. We only know that when it is revealed, we will be like Him, because we will see Him as He is” (First John 3:2).
The following statement by the Apostle Paul states that the body of the resurrected will be transformed into incorruptible, indestructible, and death will cease to exist altogether:
“I tell you a mystery: we will not all die, but we will all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will rise incorruptible, and we will be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruptibility, and this mortal must put on immortality. When this corruptible has put on incorruptibility, and this mortal has put on immortality, then the word that is written will be fulfilled: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” (First Epistle to the Corinthians, 15, 51-54).
In order for the resurrection to take on a mass character, appropriate understanding is necessary. In this book, for the first time in history, I outlined the basic principles and methods of resurrection. Resurrection is presented as science for the first time. And therefore, it is no coincidence that many of those who have read only part of this book are already successfully resurrecting themselves.
As I have already said, at present the problem of resurrection has acquired a very special character. Because the modern world came close to the threat of self-destruction, then under these conditions resurrection acts as the true path of salvation. And since resurrection is based on the spirit, this is already real salvation without return.
With the beginning of the general resurrection, a new stage in the development of our civilization begins. From now on, eternal life becomes our reality.
As an example of the rapid development of knowledge about resurrection, I provide in this appendix a specific fact of the transfer of this knowledge.

I recommend spending time every day doing the exercises below. For each day of the month, three exercises corresponding to that day are recommended. These exercises teach you how to manage events. For this, different concentrations are used. As you concentrate, keep in mind the specific goal you want to achieve. The goal may be the implementation of a desired event, for example, a cure for an illness, the development of a mechanism for cognition of the World, and so on. The main thing is to always regulate information for universal salvation and harmonious development. Such regulation can be a fight against destruction at the information level, since you are doing the work of rescuers.
Practically, at the level of your perception, concentration can be carried out as follows:
- you mentally define the goal of concentration in the form of a certain geometric shape, for example, a sphere. This is the area of ​​purpose of concentration.
- spiritually tune in to build the events necessary for you the way the Creator does.
- while concentrating on various objects, specific numbers, or understanding reality, control the location of the sphere. By force of will move the sphere to the area of ​​your perception that provides more light at the moment of concentration.
I presented one of the concentration technology options. In practice, you can find many others. Methods of managing events based on understanding the processes of the World through concentration are very effective.
In the first exercise, for each day of the month you concentrate on some element of external or internal reality.
In the second - on a sequence of numbers of seven and nine digits.
The third exercise provides event management technologies in verbal form.
For more successful completion of the last two exercises, it is recommended to know paragraph 7 of the fourth chapter.
I would like to draw your attention to the following important point. You need to understand that the effectiveness of the concentration you perform is largely determined by your approach to it. Try to be open to this creative process. Listen to exactly how your inner voice prompts you to carry out these concentrations practically.
You can, for example, as I said earlier, write a number series on paper and concentrate on it. But you can do it differently.
When concentrating on a sequence of nine numbers, you can imagine that you are in the center of a certain sphere, and the numbers are located on its inner surface. The information of the concentration target can be located inside this sphere in the form of a ball. You need to tune in to identify the number from which more light comes. Having received the first thought that some number from the number series located on the inner surface of the large sphere glows more than the others, fix this number. Then mentally connect the inner sphere containing the goal of concentration and the element of perception in the form of a number.
When concentrating on a sequence of seven numbers, you can imagine that the numbers are located on the surface of a cube. On any one of its faces.
At the same time, in accordance with your feelings, you can move these numbers, changing their position, so as to achieve the maximum effect.
You can do it completely differently. You can mentally associate each number with some element of the external or internal environment. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that these elements be homogeneous. For example, you can associate one number with a tree, and another with some feeling. You decide all this yourself. With this approach, you symbolically equate numbers to your chosen elements of reality. As always, these elements of reality can not only be physical, but also mental, that is, you can imagine them in your mind.
These techniques give you additional control options. You can change the structure of concentration, the mood towards it, you can diversify the symbolic equation of numbers with elements of reality. As a result, you will be able to make your concentration more effective. You will be able to better manage the time it takes to complete what you have in mind. And this is very important in practical life.
Where instant salvation is required, your concentration must give instant results. If we are talking about ensuring harmonious development, then the time factor may not play such an important role. The decisive thing here is to ensure the harmony of your development, taking into account all the circumstances, and this is what your concentrations will give you.
So in these exercises everything should be individual. Everyone must choose their own development system. It is important to keep the following in mind.
Choosing a system for your own development cannot be done only logically. Of course, you set goals for yourself, you strive to achieve them, but in your soul there are already tasks that were laid there at an earlier time. Therefore, when you carry out concentrations, at first those tasks that were laid down earlier, which were the tasks of the soul and which were the tasks not only of your development, but also the development of the entire society, can be realized. When performing these tasks, you feel that this is what you need to do first, you feel it on a deep inner level, on the level of soul development, on the level of the Creator.
And that is why, when we talk about concentrations, we talk primarily about universal harmony. It should be understood that harmony always implies an element of salvation as a necessary element if the situation requires such intervention. Although the main task of harmony is to ensure such a development of events that no threats arise at all. And, of course, harmonious development must be made so that it is eternal.
The concentrations I have created and already tested for each day of the month lead to this. By doing them, you will receive that harmony that will make your path joyful and continuous, and you will be able to save yourself and others and live forever.
Having these concentrations, in any situation you can always take active control actions, and not be in a passive state. The realization that by applying concentration in your affairs, you are actually carrying out the process of universal salvation and eternal harmonious development, opens up the freedom given to you by the Creator. And this forms the overall creative development along with your true happiness.
Concentrations are given for 31 days. If you conduct these classes in, for example, February, which has 28 days, then after the 28th day you move on to the first day of March. That is, the day of the month from the list of exercises should always coincide with the day of the month that is currently indicated in the calendar. You can perform concentrations at any time of the day. You determine the number of concentrations during the day and their duration yourself. It is advisable to conduct concentrations systematically and before important matters.
If you find the first exercise of any day too difficult, you can skip it and do the other two. The result will still be there, and over time, an increasing number of exercises under the first number will become clearer and simpler for you. So do what you understand and what you like.
Now let's move on to the exercises themselves.
1st day of the month:
1. On the first day of the month, concentration is performed on the foot of the right foot. This concentration connects you to a reference point in the outside world. You mentally rest your feet on the Earth. The earth in your mind is the load-bearing support.
Management in a full recovery system is based on the fact that the reference point is both a fulcrum and a creation point. And since it is also the point of creation, with this concentration you can immediately develop consciousness.
You realize that by the same principle by which everything grows and develops on Earth, for example, plants and even the matter of your own body arise, by the same principle you can build any external reality. Understanding this is the basis of this concentration.
However, while performing concentration, you may not think about this deep mechanism. You can simply concentrate on the foot of your right foot and at the same time imagine in your mind the event that you need. The mechanism for constructing reality that I just talked about will work automatically. And you will receive the desired event in a harmonious way. For this control simultaneously ensures the harmonization of events.
This exercise can be done several times a day.
2. Concentration on the seven-digit number series: 1845421;
on a nine-digit number series: 845132489.
3. On this day you need to focus on the World, on all objects of the World and feel that every object of the World is a part of your personality. Having felt this, you will feel how the breeze from every object in the World suggests a solution to you. And when you feel that every object has a particle of your consciousness, you will see the harmony that the Creator sent down to us.

Day 2:
1. On this day, concentration is carried out on the little finger right hand. As in the previous case, concentrating on the little finger of your right hand, you simultaneously keep in mind the event that you want to achieve.
This exercise can be done several times a day. And at intervals that you find convenient. You can start a new concentration after 20 seconds, or after an hour or more. You can do one or two concentrations a day, or ten or more. And you can choose the duration of each concentration yourself.
Rely on your inner feeling, on intuition. Learn to listen to your inner voice and hear what it tells you. The above applies to all exercises.
In principle, you do not have to remain motionless while performing this exercise. You can touch something with the little finger of your right hand. This is not important. Proceed as you feel most comfortable.
The following is important here. In general, you have many perceiving elements. In addition to the indicated little finger, there are nine other fingers and many other parts of the body. However, from the multitude of perceiving elements you are in this moment should focus on only one thing, the little finger of the right hand. This harmonizes management. Management becomes harmonious.
2. Seven-digit series: 1853125;
Nine-digit series: 849995120.
3. On the second day of the month you should see the harmony of the World in connection with yourself. You must produce this World the way the Creator produced this World. Look at the World and you will see the picture that was. Look at the World and you will see the picture that will be. Look at the World and you will see who you are now in this World. This will be the world always and forever.

3rd day:
1. On the third day of the month, concentration is carried out on plants.
A plant can be physical, that is, one that external reality really exists. Then, while concentrating, you can even just look at it. Or you can picture the plant in your mind. Then you focus on his image.
This concentration uses the reflection method. Its essence is as follows. Concentrating on the selected plant, you imagine how the event you need is formed in the light reflected from the plant. It’s even better to say that you don’t just imagine this event, but you actually see it, you actually build it. An event constructed with the help of such control turns out to be harmonized. This is also helped by the fact that the plant already exists in this world largely harmoniously.
2. Seven-digit series: 5142587;
Nine-digit series: 421954321.
3. Look at reality and you will see that there are many worlds. Look at the World that you need, approach it and expand it. See it through the eyes of an eyewitness. Get close to it and put your hands on it and you will feel the warmth that spreads from your World. Pull it towards you and look at the Creator. Look at how He speaks to you and what He advises you. You can compare this knowledge with your own and receive eternal peace.

4th day:
1. On this day you concentrate on crystals or stones. You can also take a grain of sand. Let you choose, for example, a stone. Then, concentrating on the stone, you imagine a certain sphere around it. This is the sphere of information. You mentally see how all the events you need appear in this area. You simply put the events you need into this area. This is how control is carried out when performing a given concentration.
2. Seven-digit series: 5194726;
Nine-digit series: 715043769.
3. Have the perspective of reality that the methods give you. Methods must be harmonious. One method must follow from the other, just as the second method follows from the first. Walking down the street, you see that each next step arises from the previous one. You can stand up when you were in a sitting position, and you see that each movement can be varied. It can come from a previous action, and from it itself the next previous action can be obtained. Receive the World as if it were always continuous, as if every movement of this World concerned only you as a single person. When you receive that solidity of the World, which gives you specific methods of managing this World and this World, then your World will be everywhere and you will come to it and you will take it in your hands and your hands will be the world that holds your World. And you will see that you are in contact with the Eternal World, with the World of all Worlds, and it will be the only one for everyone, and it will be the collective World that you have chosen and which everyone has chosen. Create it so that it is perfect for everyone and perfect for you. Ideality should not be disunited. You must see the ideality of everyone and you in your one World, as well as in the one World of everyone.

Day 5:
1. On the fifth day of the month, you need to concentrate on the elements of reality that arise as a result of your interaction with other elements of reality. Let me explain what this means.
When you pay attention to any object, then, generally speaking, you thereby concentrate your consciousness on this object. Due to the connection with you, this object, this element of reality, has a certain degree of your concentration and a certain amount of your knowledge. This object, in turn, transmits some part of the information received from you and something from your state to other elements of reality. In the same way, for example, light from the Sun falling on various items, is partially reflected from them and illuminates some other objects.
Thus, when you looked at an object, then after that, that is, after interacting with you, it transmitted something to the external environment from itself. So, your task is to think and identify what each element of reality transmits to the external environment from itself. You can, of course, stop at just one thing. You concentrate on this and at the same time imagine the event you need. This is the method. Its peculiarity is that the realization of the desired event is achieved by concentration on the secondary element you have identified, so to speak.
So, with the help of logical thinking, or clairvoyance, or some other spiritual methods, you find what exactly the element of reality you have chosen gives into the external environment after interacting with you. By concentrating on this consequence, on this secondary element of reality, and at the same time imagining the desired event, you achieve its realization.
2. Seven-digit series: 1084321;
Nine-digit series: 194321054.
3. When you see the sky, you know there is Earth. When you see the Earth, you may think of the sky. If you are under the Earth, then the sky exists above it. These simple truths should be the source of eternal Peace. Connect the sky with the Earth and you will see that everything that is under the Earth can all be above the Earth. Meet your spirit and find the resurrected where they are. Bring infinity to the truth of the World and you will see that the World is infinite. And when you see this, you will see the true Creator, you will see the real Creator, for He gave you what you have, and you create as He created. It is very close to you. He is your friend, He loves you. You must reach out to Him and create as He creates. You are His creation and you are the creators. Only the Creator-Creator can create creators. You must be in harmony with your Creator. You must be open to Him and must be eternal in all your manifestations, in all your creations. Whatever you want to fix, you can always fix. Whatever you want to create, you can create in the place where you are, and when you want. There is Eternity for perfection. For deeds, Eternity is multiplied by the deeds of the Creator. You are who the Creator saw in you, whom He created in you. But you are also the one who wants the Creator to personify himself with his deeds in the infinity in which you see yourself. The Creator who is present in you is the Creator who moves with you.

Here in this new Blog you can read a lot interesting facts about Grigory Grabovoi, many of which are unique. The diary is kept by Asgard Knutsson.
Blog name: Grabovoi - Prometheus New Age. Battle and Death of the Gods. Resurrection.

From the blog you will learn:

1. What Grabovoi can actually do.
2. Why Grabovoi was imprisoned.
3. What his Teaching actually is, and where he got it from.
4. Is there really such a thing as the Resurrection?
5. What can actually be achieved using Grabovoi’s technologies.

I advise you to read about this most significant figure of our time. I assure you that everything Grabovoi taught applies to each of us.
Everything that the press writes about Grabovoi is one side of the coin. It was ingrained in everyone’s minds that he was a fraudster, at least under this Article 159 of the Criminal Code he was sentenced to 8 years of general regime. Asgard's articles convincingly show who and how was involved in the arrest of Grabovoi. How public opinion was formed with a canard about Beslan, which the media firmly glued to Grabovoi, but not a single fact of this monstrous lie was presented in court.
Many rabid followers of Grabovoi consider him the Messiah, the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the One God. This is their opinion, not mine. Why are they so sure of this, and no one can shift their Consciousness into the mainstream of Reality - you can also find out about this second side of the coin, read the Diary.
But perhaps the most sensational thing is the hypothesis that Grabovoi is not a person at all, but... an alien, placed in the womb of his mother by one of the most powerful Cosmic Civilizations - the Orion Civilization for the salvation of Humanity. Both Grabovoi and his mother made official statements about immaculate conception this unique one. They don't lie. Many ufologists confirm that Grabovoi is an alien, as are most exceptional and brilliant people and strong managers.. And his Mission was and is exactly what Grabovoi taught within the framework of his Teaching about “Salvation and harmonious development” - the transfer of Knowledge about this and the Practice of Resurrection, without which it is impossible to restore the True Reality, and simply survive in the planned crisis, known as the “Quantum Leap”. The global destruction of humanity is being prepared by the Pleiades Civilization, hostile to our Earth and the Orions. Believe it or not, this point of view exists and is spreading on the Internet. It’s no worse that the hornbeam is the One God. Details are in the above Blog.
Before his arrest, Grabovoi lectured regularly on all aspects of Reality Management, Consciousness Structuration and Resurrection. I always read without any preparation, and their unearthly irrational character affected everyone who was present in the hall. He took Knowledge from the Noosphere, like Chizhevsky and Tesla. In this sense, he can be called a contactee. But he had access to the most Ancient and Powerful Knowledge - the Knowledge of the Atlantean Mages. This is the Knowledge of the Creator - to Manage Everything from your Consciousness and live in Harmony with the World without its destruction.
Grabovoi could do a lot of things himself - diagnosing the equipment was 100% accurate. But... much that was human was alien to him, social development, and this is noted by everyone who communicated with him personally - this is an “adult child”, naive to the point of horror. A bunch of black-essential entourage flocked to him and gathered around him (yes, yes, ordinary sorcerers and witches under the roof of the FSB) who used his Gift to conduct business and seize power in Russia. They imprisoned only Grabovoi, he did not betray anyone.
Read Asgard Knutsson's Blog
You will not regret!

in Lithuanian. A Russian translation of this article is offered.

When G.P.’s book fell into my hands. Grabovoy “The Resurrection of People and Eternal Life is From Now on Our Reality!”, at first I just read: and I don’t know how many times I read it until I decided that it was a waste of time if I didn’t start implementing the practice of resurrection technologies.

Some of my associates looked at me skeptically, saying that
I don’t understand this book, they even tried to claim that this is impossible, despite the fact that they themselves consider themselves very highly spiritual, since they received a lot of knowledge and education in spiritual development. That is, they consider themselves knowledgeable and knowledgeable after twenty years or more of spiritual practice, like people who served on a naval base. Although I asked their opinion, I remained my own.

If it is given to understand the meaning, then practice comes a little later, even if the understanding was present from the very beginning of the development of this science. Although the book is written in Russian, from the point of view of mastering knowledge, it was mastered correctly. I don’t know where and when it was discovered, but every day I thank God and Grigory Grabovoi for knowledge and awareness.

I began to work on the resurrection of my father. He left a long time ago, but I didn’t have closer spiritual intimacy with anyone, so the resurrection began with him. She worked on his resurrection for maybe six months and did not keep track of time and what was happening. During the practice of resurrection, I learned the essence of all fifty methods of resurrection from the book of G.P. Grabovoi was so good that they seemed to be fixed and fell into me. The consequence of this was that I felt inner comfort.

Some diseases simply disappeared when technologies were mastered, and mother was almost always able to be restored using control technologies. What happened to me, Sigute, is called ignition, this is my experience, which does not depend on the country of residence and the distance.

And despite my experience and practice, my sisters called me and said that my mother was having a stroke. Mommy was eighty years old. She was transferred to the hospital and doctors said that there was virtually little chance of recovery. I began to intensively use resurrection technologies, and it was through resurrection technologies that I began to hear my mother’s voice - this is just my firm conviction! - that she cannot free my activity from the influence of the Collective Consciousness, and that my work, my faith are above the Collective Consciousness, which does not yet believe that today all diseases are curable, because planet Earth is the planet of resurrection and eternal life, which brought the knowledge of Grigory Grabovoi.

Since the entire treatment process lasted ten days, it would have been a resuscitation process through which she would have returned. I come from a large family with ten children. Some of the brothers and sisters knew that I taught non-traditional knowledge, but they were all children of their time and considered me frivolous and lost.

They would start telling me - either teach, or do healing, because we are already tired. It has been about five years since I was clearly shown to have healed anyone other than one person to report here since I discovered my powers. I decided that there was nothing more I could do to help her and decided to perform a resurrection. I felt the help of G. Grabovoi as a very huge support and the sun under my feet. I myself felt that I had done everything that was given to me in my perception.

Even though it was not possible to resurrect her physical body, through the practice of resurrection for ten days, my mother went to resurrection. The departure took place in the usual manner - from the hospital to the funeral home. As always and everywhere on the first day, the priest sings eternal memory.

When the priest began to sing, suddenly I saw what I had been building - an intense resurrection of the body over a ten-day process. Her Soul in the rays of the sun rose above the color of her body into a hidden blue color. Perhaps I cannot determine what it is, but in her surroundings there were many souls and angels who seemed to illuminate the top of the entire room. Her Soul showed and poured out boundless love, joy and light through the heaviness and sorrow for me and all my brothers, sisters and all the people who were around at that time.

Without experiencing joy and love for my Soul, they thanked Grigory Grabovoi for the knowledge and sense of life brought by man to Earth. My brothers and sisters shed tears, regretted leaving to the point of pain, even to the point of screaming, and suffered, and apologized while reading, and mourned, sometimes voicing accusations that my mother was gone, but there was joy inside me. In the eyes of people, my science has led me to stupidity. But for me it was and is such that I tell you that I know what awaits humanity, even if they think that I was stupid then...

The funeral was held in two days. I didn’t talk to people very much, because I listened and understood the influence of each of the mastered technological methods of resurrecting the human physical body.

When I returned home with the children after the funeral, it was already evening. Boundless love and joy - these feelings did not let me go even at night when I was sleeping. Or was it a dream that it seemed like a coffin in which she was... - I dreamed of the sound of some of its parts breaking. I was interested to wake up in the morning and find out what this could mean. I tried to adapt to every thought about events, about any knowledge in the form of a thought.

Suddenly I began to feel that she was next to me and we loved each other. Feelings are transmitted through the organs, and at the same time, everyday feelings are increasingly stronger: I assume that her body really appears on the physical level.

After the third day of work, I began to think that perhaps I had done something wrong, that I was mistaken. And these thoughts also led to the emergence of great fear in me and the feeling that even the smell around me became suppressed. After eating, these feelings dulled, but the love and feeling of joy remained that even my brothers and sisters said - what happened to our mother: she appears to our sister, although she did not like to show love to anyone when she was alive, because she loved all her children.

In the book by G.P. Grabovoy it is written that the rapid resurrection of a person occurs up to nine days after biological death, and then within forty days. So I tried during this time to materialize my mother's physical body and therefore began to work to arrange a meeting with him. Agreements on each of our meetings were carried out in a variety of ways.

I discovered even deeper and stronger beliefs and perceptions. She often told me that every meeting we had should be reported to the children, and the children would tell me where I should go and what to do. And when I walked like this, I saw her. She was in my field of vision and appeared in different types: sometimes very young, sometimes, it seemed, for viewing from the deep past and even incarnations and lives unknown to me with children, most often with my daughter. Giving me her daughter, my mother said, look at our women. It is here, here - and even in her voice I hear her talking and saying that this is my daughter.

When I felt that I lacked knowledge and that it needed to be understood correctly, I decided to go to the author of this science about the Resurrection, Grigory Grabovoi. The meeting with Grigory Petrovich Grabov took place on September 18, 2005 in Kaliningrad. The meeting with the resurrected person was confirmed through the correctly transmitted ideology of the science of Resurrection through his consciousness, and I resurrected correctly. And this was confirmed by G.P. Grabovoy. And he asked me: “How were you able to resurrect so quickly? And how long did I do this? Only a few such people come to me.”

Our meeting truly led me to the certainty that Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi is truly the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and I was next to the man who brought eternal Life and Resurrection to humanity. My Soul screamed and shouted: “People, wake up - happiness has come to earth!!!” We can love every minute, and through great Love we can see God. We can use His knowledge as much as we want, and we don’t have to pay anyone any money: just buy books and learn to be a happy person on Earth.

And only a loving and joyful person is the happiest person on Earth! And only boundless love for man and the World makes it possible to live forever and joyfully! And only through boundless love for a person can a person resurrect a person. And all technologies are given as a way to make it easier for a person to discover Love and understand true Knowledge Mira.

After meeting Grigory Grabov, the connection with my mother strengthened even more, because my brothers and sisters also began to see our mother. This is actually a dream (dreams) - they often told me about this. And I don't understand what happened to our mother's generation. And I say that our mother is alive - you can ask anything you want, and everywhere and in everything she can help you. Because I began to feel a greater materialization of actions, they decided to ask my mother. And like all the people of Earth, they asked for money.

Since my brother and I are twins, he is the closest person to me, so he was given one of the tickets purchased to win a million. And when my brother withdrew his winnings and showed only one ticket, they were surprised to find that it was strange that a ticket from one person could win. And my other sisters and brother became rich because they followed a path on which the materialization of actions was suspended.

I wish all people who would like to experience the feeling of resurrection that human mind not realized, but achieved by the human mind. This resurrection really opens up the future of knowledge everywhere - the most fundamental knowledge about the world. And only this knowledge can develop your consciousness in the right direction for you and the future generation. And only knowledge about the Resurrection gives a correct understanding of eternal Life. And eternal Life comes only through understanding and love that besides man there is nothing more precious on earth.


In this chapter we will look at several specific facts about the resurrection. All these facts are documented. The documents are provided in Appendix A.

In fact, there are already a lot of facts of resurrection. It’s just that from the abundance of already available facts, a few have been selected, representing different cases. The fact is that requests for resurrection sometimes come to me immediately after the onset of biological death, and sometimes after a long time, and therefore the four cases discussed below differ from each other in how long after the onset of biological death the resurrection occurred. The facts given are as follows: resurrection a few hours after the onset of biological death (case 4), a few weeks (3), a few months (1), a few years (2). In cases (1) and (2) we are talking about the resurrection of men, in the other two - about the resurrection of women.

So, let's begin to consider the first case. The texts of the two statements given here are taken from the book: Grigory Grabovoi. "The practice of management. The path of salvation", vol. 3, sheets 756-757 and sheets 758-759. The books were published in Moscow in 1998 by the publishing house "Soprichastnost". The statements quoted are reproduced in Appendix A.

Statement from Emilia Alexandrovna Rusanova dated May 27, 1996

(Appendix A, page 180.)

“On September 25, 1995, during a face-to-face meeting with Grigory Petrovich Grabov, I turned to him with a request for the full restoration of my son A.E. Rusanov, who was born on August 22, 1950 and died on June 16, 1995. My son was born in Moscow and also died in Moscow. Before turning to G.P. Grabovoy, I was in complete despair, I suffered a heart attack. After turning to G.P. Grabovoy, I began to feel hope for the return of my son. ) in the house. I went to the cemetery and, approaching my son’s grave, I saw that a deep crack ran through the entire grave, and in the middle a hole had formed, as if earth had been ejected from inside.

Somewhere around midnight I saw clearly (at closed eyes), how two white cords stretched from my chest to the grave of my son, to the hole formed on it, and then I seemed to pull these cords towards myself, experiencing heaviness. All this lasted a few seconds. My son is buried at the Vostryakovsky cemetery in Moscow, and my vision of his grave was at the level of the window of my apartment, which is located on the 7th floor.

When I turned to G.P. Grabovoy. with a request for the reinstatement of my son Rusanov A.E., I shared this with my son’s ex-wife Tatyana Ivanovna Kozlova, with whom after their divorce we remained on friendly terms, she was present at his funeral, Tatyana Ivanovna Kozlova. Subsequently, during our conversations from October to February, Kozlova T.I. She told me several times that she often met people on the streets of Kaliningrad and Moscow who looked like my son A.E. Rusanov. At the beginning of February 1996, she was traveling by train "Yantar" from Moscow to Kaliningrad Baltic and in the compartment of the carriage with her was a man very similar to my son A.E. Rusanov. Similar in appearance, manners, behavior, gestures, looks, but what something detached, lost. He rode with a man who seemed to accompany him, drove him, but at the same time never called him by name. Kozlova T.I. I was surprised when my son Rusanov A.E. when he saw the money (1 thousand of the new type), he expressed obvious ignorance of this money."

Statement from Tatyana Ivanovna Kozlova dated May 27, 1996

(Appendix A, page 181.)

“From December 1975 to October 1982, I was married to A.E. Rusanov. After the divorce from A.E. Rusanov, I remained on friendly terms with his mother Emilia Alexandrovna Rusanova. During a meeting with her on September 26, 1995. , born on June 20, 1927 in the Moscow region, she informed me that she turned to Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy with a request to restore her son A.E. Rusanov, born in Moscow on August 22, 1950, in accordance with. with a death certificate, died on June 16, 1995 in Moscow. After this, knowing that Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi was working to restore A.E. Rusanov, I began to observe people on the street from October 1995 to February 1996. similar in appearance to A.E. Rusanov, and during a trip to Kaliningrad, Kaliningrad Region, there was a man in the compartment with me, when I looked at him I had the impression that he had been pulled out of the other world. This man who entered the compartment corresponded to A.E. Rusanov. Born in 1950 according to the following criteria: hair color, eye color, appearance and oval face.

The behavior of the person who entered the compartment exactly corresponded to the behavior of A.E. Rusanov. At the same time, the character traits also corresponded. He had the same habits (silence, addiction to reading, most of the time he read the newspaper). The person accompanying him was a man of average height, who during the trip never called him by name. And when this person showed the money, the person corresponding to Rusanov was surprised to see 1000 rubles of a new type, to which the accompanying person explained to him that this was money of a new type. It seemed that he (accompanied by a man) was cut off from real life for some time. Although he probably retained his professional skills, because... the man accompanying him said that they were moving cars.

The above meeting took place on February 2, 1996, during my trip along the Moscow - Kaliningrad route on the Yantar train.

This is the description of this case, presented by direct participants in these events. These descriptions reflect a number of important points, which we will consider in more detail. We begin our consideration with a statement from Emilia Alexandrovna, the mother of the deceased.

In fact, at the very beginning of her statement, Emilia Alexandrovna says that after I began my work to restore her son, she began to feel his spiritual presence in the house.

The fact is that even when a person experiences biological death and goes through the burial stage and is in a specific grave, all the knowledge he has acquired is still preserved in his consciousness and this consciousness is aware of its connection with a body in which there is no longer life, or rather , what is usually called life. And in this regard, the body, even if it does not have vital processes in the body, in this case the son’s body, when the consciousness of matter is fixed on it, adequately reacts to the touch of external consciousness, to the information contained in the impulse of external consciousness, and therefore there is an adequate response accordingly. From this it is clear that by imagining the body, one can convey knowledge of resurrection to the soul.

Later, after the resurrection, when questioning the resurrected one, it turned out that at the moment the external consciousness addressed him, he really perceived all this and correlated his physical body with his own “I”, although this physical body was in the grave and was, naturally, limited in its capabilities in many ways. Moreover, the returnee says that, and this is a well-known fact, that his presence at the general information level showed that his physical body continues to exist and has all possible and necessary qualities in order to continue to be part of the general society, part of society, and it is important note that this knowledge contained both previous information correlated with the previous functions of a given physical body, and new information already correlated with its biological death.

The explanation for this is as follows. The mentioned release from within should be considered as the primary materialization of consciousness, the consciousness that was in the physical body. After the start of my work on resurrection, the primary materialization of this consciousness took place into a spherical form and its output into the information frame of the planet. After this comes the stage of creating a material structure around the soul, the structure that we usually see when looking at people. We can say that both theoretically and practically a person can be considered as a structure of consciousness that has a given bodily shell.

I'll make one remark along the way. I spoke about the primary materialization of consciousness into a spherical form. So, after this sphere passes through the information frame of the planet, its projection can occur either into the next fetus (and then the birth of a child will occur), or its projection can occur into the structure of resurrection. In this case, due to control, a projection into the resurrection structure was carried out. That is, the same body was recreated, the same person was recreated. So here the same thing was done that Jesus Christ did by raising Lazarus. But only in this case, not several days, but several months passed after biological death.

Further, Emilia Alexandrovna writes that one day, around midnight, with her eyes closed, she clearly saw two white cords stretching from her chest to her son’s grave, to the hole that had formed in it, then she seemed to pull the cords towards herself, experiencing heaviness. All this lasted a few seconds. From the further description it follows that Rusanova’s son was buried at the Vostryakovsky cemetery in Moscow, and the vision of his grave was at the level of the window of her apartment, located on the seventh floor.

The two cords described above characterize the transitional stage. The first cord arose when a mother gave birth to a child; this is the structure of the birth of her son. The second cord is the structure of possible prolongation, prolongation, continuation of his consciousness or his essence. I have already said above that after the biological death of a person, two options are possible: either birth into another child and, therefore, the implementation of reincarnation, or resurrection and, therefore, the recreation of the same body, and not only the recreation of former matter, but also any structures of consciousness . In this case, due to external control, the resurrection option was carried out.

The appearance of two connecting cords and the perception of the son’s grave and the apartment located on the seventh floor at the same level means the connection of the structures of the son’s consciousness and the external environment.

In the practice of resurrection, there is a rather peculiar moment that characterizes the attachment of the body to the structure, to the place where this body is located after biological death. That is, the place where the body is placed is the place where it is attached. The primary attachment is within a radius of about two meters from the physical body. The entire binding area exists within approximately a radius of 50 m from the grave, and then there is access to the information frame of the outside world. Knowledge of the binding and the aspects associated with it is important for the resurrection procedure, because the reverse transition through biological death actually means a transition through the structure of attachment. And the resurrected person himself, naturally, must be focused on getting out of this binding. By the way, if the description of the vision given by Emilia Alexandrovna is interpreted from this point of view, then we can say that she saw the shape of the grave as an option for tying a biological body to a fixed place.

From the text it turns out that after Emilia Alexandrovna turned to me with a request for the resurrection of her son and shared this information with her son’s ex-wife Kozlova, Kozlova began to meet people similar to her on the streets of Kaliningrad and Moscow ex-husband Rusanova. And then, when she was traveling by the Yantar train from Moscow to Baltic Kaliningrad, she met a man who had all the signs of Rusanov, already close, right in her compartment.

If you read Kozlova's description of this meeting, you may get the impression that she behaved too passively. But imagine that you yourself are traveling on a train and in a carriage compartment you suddenly meet a person who is exactly like your relative, whom you buried several months ago. Moreover, this person does not pay any attention to you. Do you think you would approach him and say: “Hello! Why don’t you recognize me?” Or, perhaps, you would freeze in amazement, speechless, and would not be able to take a single step, because your legs would suddenly become weak? And although Tatyana Ivanovna does not write about her feelings during this meeting, one can imagine what a whirlwind of the most diverse feelings gripped her: surprise, embarrassment, confusion, and the sudden awareness of the real accomplishment of the resurrection, in spite of everything. In spite of everything, because at present the resurrection is still perceived by many as a miracle, because there are still people who do not truly understand that in reality the resurrection is a standard procedure, and that soon the resurrection will be perceived naturally, will become the norm of life .

But for now, a person who suddenly sees a buried relative in a train compartment next to him cannot come to any conclusion, because he does not immediately accept a possible miracle or fears that he might do something wrong. So when reading the statement, one must take into account the state of the person in such a situation. This book precisely directs a person to realize the true realities and allows him to understand how to behave in such circumstances. At the first meeting with a resurrected person, it is especially important to start a conversation with him and offer him help.

Let's return to Rusanova's story, to the place where she says that at first Kozlova began to meet people similar to Rusanov on the streets, and then during a trip from Moscow to Kaliningrad she met a man who had all the signs of Rusanov, already close, right in her compartment.

In connection with this narrative, it should be said that those who have left, or in this case it is better to say those who return, are very sensitive to the condition of those people to whom they are returning, and in no case can they subject these people to unnecessary stress. Therefore, at first Rusanov began to appear at some distance from his ex-wife, gradually leading her to accept the possibility of his return, especially since Kozlova already knew that the resurrection process was underway.

Therefore, when she writes that she observed people similar to her ex-husband, she actually saw the truly resurrected Rusanov.

It can be explained that the resurrected behave so carefully and with such understanding because the elements of resurrection were transferred to their consciousness. And due to the fact that these elements were transferred to them, they have a different mental structure of perception of reality. For example, they believe, and this confirms them personal experience that life is eternal. They also experience special treatment to the laws of the macrocosm. Many laws are absolutely precise for them, and they never cross them.

They also know about the existence of a fifty-meter reference and, when returning to the physical level, they stay for some time behind these fifty meters from those people to whom they are returning.

After the first stage of contact, in which the returnee is perceived at the level of sensation, a transition occurs to the second stage, the stage of visualization, at which the resurrected person begins to enter into closer contacts with the living. We see that Rusanov appears in close proximity to his ex-wife, in a train compartment.

Please note that here the resurrected person demonstrates mastery of control techniques, in this case, control of the situation. This technique is given to the resurrected person upon his resurrection. As a result, he can independently find, and even create, situations necessary to establish contact with those who knew him and to whom he returns.

About the impression that her son made on his ex-wife in the carriage compartment, Emilia Alexandrovna writes the following: “Similar in appearance, manners, behavior, gestures, eyes, but somehow detached, lost, he was traveling with a man who seemed to be accompanying him , controlled him, but never called him by name."

Here we see in the actions of the resurrected one another element of knowledge, namely, his understanding of the state of the person who knew him. If he appeared alone, his ex-wife's concentration on him could be so high that it would make it difficult for him to adapt smoothly and could change the foreseen development of events.

Therefore, an element is introduced into the situation that partially distracts Kozlova’s attention - a person accompanying the resurrected person. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that this second person should be real person in the usual sense, in fact, it can only have a visual nature, but I will leave these technical details aside for now, in this book.

Earlier I spoke about the existence of a primary attachment within a radius of about two meters from the physical body. So, partial or significant concentration on the second person, when considering these events from the point of view subtle plan, corresponds to decoupling from the primary zone, that is, from the zone of the grave itself, and the transition of this zone to the accompanying person. I note that this may not necessarily be a person, it could just be some object, for example, a car in which the resurrected person is riding, or something else. The important principle is the principle of decoupling the resurrected from the primary zone.

Further, the fact that the accompanying person in the presence of Kozlova never called Rusanov by name suggests that in that situation this could lead to a state of shock in Kozlova and, as a consequence, to the destruction of some of her cells. But I have already said that the resurrected person has a good sense of the situation and the state of the person in front of him; he has gone through deeper stages of destructuring and then structuring consciousness. Therefore, moving forward, he acts very carefully.

The following fundamental point can be noted in Emilia Alexandrovna’s statement. After the above phrase, she writes: “T.I. Kozlova was surprised when my son A.E. Rusanov...”. Rusanova is not talking about a person who looks like her son, no, she says “... when my son...”. Here you can see that after Kozlova’s stories about the meeting with her son in the train compartment, Rusanova completely identified the resurrected person with her son, who had previously been dead, but now appeared alive. I note that later this was finally confirmed, and the story described ended happily.

It should be emphasized that spiritual identification is the main criterion for the fact that the resurrection of a particular person has occurred.

The next phrase in the statement: “When I saw the money (1 thousand of the new type), I expressed obvious ignorance of this money.”

When might an ordinary living person react in a similar way? When he would be, for example, abroad at the time of introducing new money. Then he would have expressed surprise in the same way when faced with a new reality. Rusanov, during the period of introducing new money, was in the confined space of his grave, and his consciousness, which was located near the physical body, was limited by the framework of this space. From this it is clear that the consciousness of the departed, that is, of those who have experienced biological death, this consciousness is practically the same as the consciousness of those who are in the state that is usually called life. That’s why they have the same reaction to the same situation.

From the above presentation one should not conclude that the described resurrection scheme is standard. For this time, it is, indeed, quite typical, in connection with the current perception of the resurrection phenomenon by society. In fact, it reflects the real laws of resurrection. In reality, everything here largely depends on the degree of preparedness of those living for the return of their loved ones and acquaintances. The entire resurrection process may take a short time. And in the near future, when at least some part of society understands that the resurrection process is a normal standard procedure, resurrection will occur quickly, due to the readiness of society to accept this phenomenon.

I selected evidence of resurrections in such a way that the scheme of resurrections would allow one to learn how to resurrect through a generalized analysis of the facts.

The second chapter also talks about the possibility of almost instantaneous resurrection, but for this the resurrector must have a very high level of spiritual development.

Let's move on to consider the second case of resurrection.

Statement from Svetlana Alekseevna Kulikova dated January 26, 1999

(Appendix A, page 182.)

“Due to the fact that I turned to Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy on December 24, 1998 regarding the resurrection of my murdered son Valentin, 26 years old, I declare that Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy is really capable of resurrecting murdered people.

After receiving Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy and agreeing to resurrect his son Valentin, born in 1967, who was killed in 1993, I intensively began to study his report on his doctoral dissertation and the three-volume book “Management Practice. The Path of Salvation.” Every time there were a lot of questions. At times, not knowing where the formulas come from and the inability to comprehend the laconic phrases of the dissertation led to despair. After each new reading, the report seemed different, something changed in it.

And suddenly, on January 10, 1999, at about 11 p.m., after another attempt to understand the incomprehensible, I mentally turned to Grigory Petrovich for help. And after a while, everything chaotic and incomprehensible went somewhere. Absolutely clear and understandable definitions of the cubic form of time and the laws of the structure of the world fell into consciousness. There was a feeling of joy and happiness. For several days I was tormented by the question: “Who is Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi?”

On January 13, 1999, on the eve of the old New Year, having already set the table for my loved ones, I felt an irresistible desire to go to the window. Coming close to the window, I admired the beautiful winter landscape with sparkling blue snow. The time was 22 hours 40 minutes. - 22 hours 50 minutes. And the question arose in my thoughts again: “Who is Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi after all?” And then, instead of snow, huge black numbers began to pulsate before my eyes: 14111963. Then addition signs appeared between them, and everything turned into a strange equation: 1+4+1+1+1+9+6+3 = 8. Eight glowed slightly with a lilac-violet light. Then the figure eight turned over and lay down, indicating the infinity sign ¥. I was called to the table and the numbers disappeared. Only the next day I realized that these numbers were the date of birth of Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi. And their sum gave 8 - the number of Jesus Christ, which, turning over, indicated eternity.

On January 14, 1999, my daughter Katya, who lives separately and is a twin with her deceased son Valentin, spent the night with us. At 2 o'clock in the morning, when everyone in the family was already asleep, and Katya had just entered her room, I heard a blow, as if a balloon had burst, and after a while the foil that was lying in a chair in one of the rooms rustled. Katya immediately came out of her room and said that literally before her eyes a box from under a typewriter was flying, as if someone invisible had kicked it. I said that I heard this blow and also heard the rustling of foil in the chair. She and I went to look at the chair and saw that the foil seemed to be crushed and there was an imprint of an adult human hand on it. And after that, the presence of someone was constantly felt in the house. Suddenly there were rustling sounds, curtains swayed, and the floor creaked.

16.01. 99, the son (Dmitry, born in 1965) and grandson (Mikhail, born in 1985) unanimously said that, waking up in the middle of the night, son Dmitry saw a living Valentin on the wall opposite the bed, in the area of ​​​​a huge photograph of a lion. Son Dmitry closed his eyes and opened them again. Valentin was there. Then the son woke up his grandson Mikhail and made sure that his grandson also saw Valentin. Moreover, the son had previously been very skeptical about the message about the possibility of Valentin’s resurrection. Now he is absolutely convinced of this. I would like to add that during an appointment with Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi, I received from him an audio cassette with his voice, where he was recorded explaining to me what the criterion is and why space is secondary in relation to consciousness, and the primary interval of movement is primary. After I realized this, the tape disappeared, that is, it dematerialized."

So, Svetlana Alekseevna turned to me with a request to resurrect her son. Her son Valentin, born in 1967, was killed in 1993. She turned to me with a request for resurrection in 1998. Thus, judging by the dates, it turns out that more than five years have passed, it was already the sixth year after he was killed.

In general, resurrection requires the same amount of effort, regardless of whether the person died recently or long ago. However, the time difference may have the following meaning. The more time has passed since biological death, in this case as a result of murder, the more likely it becomes that the factors that led to death (murder) are softened or completely disappeared. This circumstance simplifies resurrection and can make it faster. Thus, when resurrecting, it is often important to understand the cause of the event, because then this speeds up the resurrection itself.

Let's start analyzing the application.

Svetlana Alekseevna writes that she studied my work “Applied Structures of the Creating Field of Information” and the three-volume book “Management Practice. The Path of Salvation,” which contains specific facts from my practice, including on resurrection. At the same time, for several days she was unusually interested, or, as she writes, even tormented, by the question of who I am.

Obviously, the concentration on this thought was so deep that one day, standing at the window and admiring the winter landscape, Svetlana Alekseevna symbolic form I received an answer to my question.

As she herself writes, on the evening before the New Year according to the old style, “I felt an irresistible desire to go to the window. Walking close to the window, I admired the beautiful winter landscape with sparkling blue snow. The time was 22 hours 40 minutes - 22 hours 50 minutes And the question arose again in my thoughts:

“Who is Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi?”, and immediately, instead of snow, huge black numbers began to pulsate before my eyes: 14111963. Then addition signs appeared between them, and everything turned into a strange equation 1+4+1+1+ 1+9+6+3 = 8. The number eight glowed slightly with a lilac-violet light. Then the figure eight turned over and lay down, indicating the infinity sign ¥. I was called to the table and the numbers disappeared. Only the next day I realized that these numbers were the date of birth of Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi. And their sum gave 8 - the number of Jesus Christ, which, turning over, indicated eternity."

First note about this passage. The date November 14, 1963 is my birthday.

And second. In the text, numbers were added according to the rule used in numerology: numbers are added until a single-digit number is obtained. In this case we have: 1+4+1+1+1+9+6+3 = 26.2+6 = 8.

We continue to analyze the application. There is evidence that at the Last Supper, Jesus Christ gave his disciples a sign with a figure eight, slightly inclined, precisely as a sign of eight and at the same time infinity. It was a symbol of his level; he held it in his hands and then handed it to his disciples.

If the figure eight is located vertically, then it is an ordinary figure eight, but if it is horizontal, then it is an infinity sign. An ordinary eight is a number; it is simply eight units added together, that is, it is reflected by a finite number of elements.

A horizontally positioned figure eight is already an eight of a completely different plane, it is already a symbol of infinity, it is a symbol of an infinite number of elements, it is a symbol of an infinite number of connections.

For Jesus, the figure eight was tilted, that is, it occupied an intermediate position between the two extremes, between the vertical and horizontal positions. The figure eight inclined in this way is a symbolic symbol corresponding to the translation of infinity into final number. It corresponds to the basic structure that connects an infinite number of phenomena with one specific one; it means the transition of the entire diversity of the World specifically into what we now see, feel, sense.

This sign symbolizes the principle of connection between the spiritual and the material. It means, essentially, the act of creation.

This knowledge was hidden until recently; now I am discovering the properties of this sign for the first time.

As for Svetlana Alekseevna, she, seized by a passionate desire to penetrate into the essence of what was happening, to figure it out herself, for some time was constantly in a state of special tension, and this led to the fact that the knowledge about which she writes came to her as revelation. "Let the seeker find!" Only, of course, a sincere seeker.

“On January 14, 1999, my daughter Katya, who lives separately and is a twin with her deceased son Valentin, spent the night with us. At 2 o’clock in the morning, when everyone in the family was already asleep, and Katya had just entered her room, I heard a blow, like it was as if a balloon had burst, and after a while the foil that was lying in a chair in one of the rooms rustled. Katya immediately came out of her room and said that literally before her eyes a box from under the typewriter was flying, as if someone invisible had given it up. with my foot, I said that I heard this blow and also heard the rustling of the foil in the chair. She and I went to look at the chair and saw that the foil seemed to be crushed and there was a print of an adult human hand on it. And after that, the presence of someone was constantly felt in the house. "There were sudden rustling sounds, curtains swayed, and the floor creaked."

An important point needs to be noted here. When a resurrected person approaches a living relative, that person may experience a reaction from the pituitary gland of the brain. With a certain degree of reaction, the relative sees the resurrected person, but perceives what is happening in a state of expanded consciousness. This happens when the living person is not yet sufficiently prepared for a direct meeting with the resurrected one; for him then this meeting takes place, as it were, in a gentle manner.

With a different degree of pituitary gland reaction, the relative may not see the resurrected person at all, although other people can see him and record him with the help of instruments. In this case, due to the reaction of the pituitary gland, Valentin’s relatives could not perceive him.

The text notes another interesting feature. Valentin and Katya were twins, and a twin, from the point of view of information, is an information reflection and therefore the most favorable channel for the first level of resurrection.

Resurrection occurs according to a multi-level system, we will now discuss this issue, but first I will note the following.

There is a principle of resurrection that the more people who want to be resurrected, the easier it is to access what is being resurrected. This position is called the principle of signal parallelization. It follows from this that for resurrection it is necessary that the resurrection be desired if possible. larger number people, preferably close relatives, because then the exit into the world of the physically living is simplified, and the exit through a twin is especially favorable. Therefore, Katya provided the most favorable channel for the first level of resurrection. And now about the resurrection levels.


First level- this is the very fact of resurrection.

Second level- this is the level of harmonization, harmonization with two types of reality. One of them is the reality of the departed, the other is the reality of the living. The essence of this harmonization is that for some time the resurrected person must simultaneously be present at these two levels of reality, and there is also, of course, something intermediate between them, existing all the time while the transition from one level to another takes place.

When registration takes place and, for example, tissue analysis is done, this can be considered to a greater extent as a way out of the level of the departed.

Third level. At the third level, the connection with the departed is such that the resurrected person is no longer part of the structure of the departed, he is already part of the structure of the living, his physical body is being stabilized, but he still has a so-called balanced body. This is the body into which the material body is transferred, if necessary. In this case, the transition of a material body into a balanced one is carried out due to the flow of matter into it in approximately the same way as in communicating vessels liquid flows from one vessel to another. This mechanism works as follows.

Imagine that the resurrected person met with someone living, with one of those who is not yet ready for the meeting. The soul of the resurrected person perceives this information, and then the resurrected person, in order not to injure the person, forms the reaction of his pituitary gland in such a way that he begins to perceive what is happening in a state of expansion of consciousness, and at this time the balanced body carries out the flow of matter to another place in space-time. For it should be borne in mind that the soul that controls the entire process is a large quantity; in volume it is an infinite structure. So the resurrected one finds himself in a completely different place. The presence of this ability helps make the adaptation of the resurrected to the living more harmonious.

The described phenomenon is similar to teleportation, but it is not teleportation. The difference between them is as follows.

When teleporting a living person who has not died, knowledge of the exact coordinates of the place of teleportation is required, and a high development of control structures, that is, the level of the soul, is necessary. In the case when the returnee begins to transfer matter to another place in space-time, the situation is simpler, since the place is already ready for him.

There is one more difference. This is what the movie camera captures in these two cases. When viewing the filmed material, it is clear that during teleportation, the elements of the body appear in the form of discrete movements, while when transferring matter to a balanced body located in another place in space-time, all movements are very smooth, as if matter really flows from one place and appears in another, together with registration.

Fourth level. At the fourth level, a balanced body is practically no longer needed, because there are already established contacts with many people whom the resurrected person knew before, and there are already completed documents.

Fifth level. At the fifth level, the resurrected person functions simply like an ordinary person; he is practically no different from the living.

It must be said that the resurrected person can choose whether he and his relatives or former acquaintances will be together or not. The fact is that some of them, after his resurrection, when meeting him, may not behave as the resurrected person would like. So the resurrected one can choose. And when he made a choice and decided on his place of residence, then this is already the fifth level. And then he no longer needs the second body, the body of flow, since he no longer needs to hide.

It should be noted, however, that in Lately The transition to a balanced body occurs almost less and less often. This is due to the fact that in our more enlightened times, explanations for the fact of resurrection are becoming sufficient.

Let's continue reading the statement.

“On January 16, 1999, the son (Dmitry, born in 1965) and grandson (Mikhail, born in 1985) unanimously said that, having woken up in the middle of the night, son Dmitry saw on the wall opposite from the bed in the area of ​​​​a huge photograph of a living lion, Valentin. Son Dmitry closed his eyes and opened them again. Valentin was there. Then the son woke up his grandson Mikhail and made sure that his grandson also saw Valentin.”

From the general principles of resurrection it follows that if resurrection occurs in the presence of close relatives, in this case Dmitry and Mikhail, then the speed of resurrection increases and access to the exit area of ​​the resurrected becomes easier. The resurrection took place in the presence of these two witnesses; they saw Valentin alive in the area of ​​a large photograph of a lion.

Quite a lot important has here the presence in the field of resurrection of a photograph of a representative of the animal world, but instead of a photograph there could be live cat, or a dog, or some plant. When analyzing the previous case of resurrection, I already touched on this issue. The presence of some other object leads to the dispersion of a person’s attention and, consequently, to a decrease in the load on him, which helps to speed up resurrection.

Thus, the following rules can be stated:

Firstly, for resurrection to happen faster, you need to have more people who want the resurrection of a given person.

Secondly, it is better if they are relatives.

And finally, thirdly, it is very good if a representative of the animal world is present, even at the level of photography, as in this case of the same lion.

However, the presence of the lion had one additional interesting feature here, which allows us to see the connection between the resurrected person and the surrounding world. In this regard, I will talk about the information capabilities of the lion and the eagle.

The fact is that, unlike other animals, a lion moves, knowing in advance what approximate situation awaits it, what can happen to it in the next period of time, approximately up to an hour. To better understand what's going on here, let's look at a more familiar phenomenon.

At modern large airports, planes sometimes land every minute. To ensure flight safety, air traffic controllers must see the movement of all aircraft in the air on the radar screen in order to guide their flight and landing. Let us briefly consider how a radar, or, in other words, a radar station, works.

Radar emits a short electromagnetic pulse in a certain direction. If there is an airplane in this direction, then the impulse, having reached the airplane, is reflected from it and returns back: a luminous dot appears on the radar screen in this place. And based on how long it took for the reflected signal to return, the distance to the aircraft is determined. The next moment the pulse is sent in a slightly different direction, then the direction changes slightly again, all this happens extremely quickly and as a result, the airspace is scanned, so that a full picture current aircraft positions.

In the language of specialists, such viewing of the airspace is called scanning.

So the lion has the ability to scan the space of future events for a period of up to an hour, and he sees future events in the same way as he sees the present. Note that instead of talking about scanning the space of future events, we can talk about scanning time. You can also use this expression.

From time to time, the lion emits a consciousness impulse from the chest and, receiving the reflected signal, receives preliminary knowledge of future events.

This impulse is formed in the lion in the stomach area, reflected from the walls of the stomach, passes through the brain and is ejected somewhere from the level of the stomach, this is the first signal, and the second, immediately following , ejected through the brain, they dock almost instantly and the resulting impulse is used to scan time. When this impulse is formed, the lion's stomach contracts somewhat, becoming a little reminiscent of a rugby ball, and the impulse comes from one of its tops.

Within the framework of the topic being discussed now, it makes sense to say a few words about the ostrich. Such an expression as “ostrich politics” and other similar statements are associated with the prevailing idea that in a moment of danger, instead of acting, an ostrich sticks its head in the sand out of fear. In reality the situation is different.

An ostrich can scan time up to approximately one minute ahead. And if he sees a real threat, he runs away. This was confirmed by experiments of American scientists with throwing balls. When there is even a potential danger, but at this time it is not real and the ostrich knows that nothing bad will happen to it, it sticks its head in the sand. If the threat becomes more real, then he still runs away.

I return to the lion. Leo scans the time about an hour ahead. If, instead of an hour, he looks into the future, say, an hour and twenty minutes, then due to less mobility he will begin to lose shape, and the lion can hardly afford this.

It must be said that in one respect a lion's scanning of future events differs significantly from radar scanning of airspace. The pulse sent by the radar is a segment of an electromagnetic wave; it moves through space at the speed of light. The impulse of consciousness sent by the lion does not move anywhere, it does not spread anywhere, there is no movement. This impulse immediately, instantly, arises at the point where the lion wants to go. This impulse both originates at a point and is reflected from the point, having previously scanned everything around it.

However, for a reflected signal, unlike a direct signal, there is already a concept of wave propagation. The reflected wave travels at a very high speed, greater than the speed of light, and returns to the original source.

Let's return to the direct signal. To make it easier to understand what is happening here, we can simplify the process by visualizing it as follows. When a lion needs, for example, to go through some territory, then a thought related to this arises. Let's imagine it in the form of a cylindrical column (in essence, we are talking about the form of information). When a lion has this thought in the form of a cylindrical column, then instantly at the point where he wants to be, a slightly modified cylinder, say, cone-shaped, appears. Its emergence occurs on the basis of the principle of common connections between all pieces of information. And the information in the segment needed by the lion is scanned around the emerging form.

We can say that the resulting cone-shaped column consists of two parts. One part of it represents that which is always present in this segment, and which is a consequence of the fundamental principle that EVERYTHING IS PRESENT IN EVERYTHING. The second part of the cone-shaped column consists of what is reproduced by the will, in this case the will of the lion. By the way, here it would even be possible to clearly calculate the will, that is, to highlight a segment of the spirit.

Spiritual management is the governing structure. The spirit controls consciousness. And this hierarchy, naturally, is reflected in the decision-making procedure.

When a lion receives a reflected signal, even before it is processed by consciousness, the first decision is immediately made by the spirit, the spiritual control structure. For example, something is wrong ahead and you need to jump away. Next comes the processing of the reflected signal, here the main burden falls on consciousness. Based on the processing of the reflected signal by the consciousness, the lion decides what to do, in this case, where to run.

If we consider the behavior of a tiger for comparison, the situation here is different. In the tiger, spiritual control is replaced by the work of developed consciousness, and therefore the tiger is a little late.

We see that the lion is significantly superior to the tiger, as well as other animals, in spiritual management. It is this ability that sets him apart from animals and that is why the lion is considered the king of beasts.

If in this regard we look at the corresponding human organization, we can state the following. A person has a special separate volume of the spiritual level and spiritual control goes into the structure of contact with God. Therefore, if desired, a person can develop very quickly.

And one more note. From the above description of the decision-making process it is clear that if the system spiritual management will be very developed, significantly more developed than the system of consciousness, and will completely control all cells and consciousness itself, then the object will become indestructible at all. Since consciousness, containing developed spiritual principles, can create matter, and therefore any physical body, including a person.

Now let's move on to the unique representative of birds that we talked about in the Introduction - the eagle. In addition to the previously listed abilities, the eagle also has good developed ability scan the space of future events.

His first impulse comes from the feathers, although this would seem to be a completely unsuitable part of the body for such a purpose, because feathers can fall out, but, nevertheless, it is so. The second impulse comes from the eyes, after which, like the lion, these two impulses are joined and the resulting complex impulse is used to scan time. Almost no other part of the body is affected to create the impulse. If the eagle's eyes are closed, then it sends a system of parallel signals and for this it then turns on the body. Other birds cannot do this. Thus, some species of birds that are tamed, for example, golden eagles and falcons, if their eyes are closed, can no longer scan and therefore try not to fly.

Now about time. When scanning the space of future events for up to an hour, the eagle sees in a very large volume, sees itself, sees all processes, accurately records relationships, analyzes everything together. Moreover, “seeing yourself” means seeing with the help of clairvoyance, that is, irrational vision. Over the next half hour, he can still see himself and some of what's going on clearly, but the background begins to become blurry. The eagle sees itself very clearly until five and even seven o’clock. We can say that a certain thread seems to be coming from the eagle in space and with the help of this thread it feels, for example, that there is a problem somewhere, and then it does not fly there.

Some species of eagles can use irrational vision simply for orientation during flight, and in this case they see even more clearly than with their eyes. However, they make little use of this ability, because this method of orientation puts a large load on the bone tissue.

It can be added that the eagle is also excellent at teleportation.

Watching the flight of birds, you can see how they sometimes fall down and, before reaching the ground, rise up again, using aerolift. An excellent example of such flight is demonstrated by the albatross. Having picked up speed while descending, it turns against the wind just before the ground and soars up.

The eagle, of course, can do this too, but now we are interested in another technique that he uses. It has been noticed that sometimes the eagle falls down at high speed, then, according to the external impression, it seems to hit the ground and immediately rises up again at high speed. It was believed that after landing he makes a powerful push and thanks to this repulsion, he lifts off the ground at high speed. However, it turned out that this was not the case. Filming with a movie camera carried out by Australian scientists showed that the eagle in these cases does not touch the ground at all. This phenomenon remains a mystery.

In fact, the eagle, seeing the future and knowing where it would fly if it pushed off from the ground, immediately teleports itself to where it would be after the push. So the eagle also has the ability to teleport.

Let's return to the analysis of Svetlana Alekseevna's statement, to the place where she talks about how her son and grandson saw Valentin alive near a large photograph of a lion. Now, having become acquainted with the characteristics of this animal, we can understand that its photograph contributed to the resurrection of Valentine. For, having the ability to scan time, the lion, one might say, throws out the information field of the future, and here resurrection already occurs. So this contributed to the fact that when Dmitry opened his eyes again, he again saw Valentin alive.

Further, Svetlana Alekseevna writes that she listened to an audio cassette on which I recorded for her an explanation of a number of fundamental provisions about the structure of the World. After she understood these points, the tape dematerialized.

Let me give some explanations. The Resurrected One, having a unique experience himself, wants to help living people realize that resurrection is a normal natural phenomenon. Contacts of the resurrected person with living people play an important role in achieving this goal. The fact is that contact with the resurrected person itself gives necessary information into the entire field of information, and this greatly contributes to society’s acceptance of resurrection as a common phenomenon. Moreover, contact with the resurrected person who previously did not know about his resurrection is especially important.

After contact with one person, the resurrected person comes to another place, to a third, he thus gains experience himself, after all, he has his own mission, he must give people knowledge. In addition, certain statistics of reactions to the resurrected person appear, and this is very useful knowledge for subsequent resurrections.

Valentin's task was to create a knowledge system in the family. Therefore, when his mother, after listening to the tape, understood the provisions stated there, in particular, for example, that space is secondary in relation to consciousness, the tape dematerialized.

This concludes the analysis of the statement dated January 26, 1999. I turn to the consideration of the following application, dated April 26, 1999.

Statement from Svetlana Alekseevna Kulikova dated April 26, 1999

(Appendix A, page 184.)

“I turned to Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy about the resurrection of my murdered son. I declare that Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy can really resurrect murdered people.

I turned to Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy on December 24, 1998 with a request to resurrect my murdered son Valentin, born in 1967.

On January 16, 1999, son Dmitry (born in 1965) and grandson Mikhail (born in 1985) unanimously said that, having woken up in the middle of the night, son Dmitry saw Valentin, a living lion, in the area of ​​the photograph. Son Dmitry closed his eyes and opened them again - Valentin was there. Then the son woke up his grandson Mikhail and made sure that his grandson also saw Valentin. My daughter Katya said that somewhere in early April 1999, Valentin came to her and said that we would have big changes for the good. And the living Valentin spoke to me over the intercom. Moreover, Katya felt his touch. He asked her to dial a phone number and call someone with his voice. She remembers that she took the phone, sat up in bed, and began to dial the number, but there were long beeps. Valentin said that there was no rush, said goodbye and left. On April 11, 1999, on the holiday of Easter, at about 18 o’clock my granddaughter Masha (born in 1990), daughter of Valentin (my son), called me and said that the living Valentin came to her mother Glebova Marina (born in 1970). ). After this fact, when his ex-wife Marina met Valentin, she, along with her friend and daughter Masha, went to the cemetery where Valentin’s grave had previously been located. But they did not find Valentine's grave either at the physical site or in the registration book."

The first part of the statement contains some facts that have already been described in the previous statement. Next we read:

“My daughter Katya said that somewhere in early April 1999, Valentin came to her and said that we would have big changes for the good.”

This is a very important proposal. This reflects the general position that resurrection is always a sign of a change in the future for the good. This is the principle. If resurrection has occurred, then events will begin to develop in a more favorable direction.

“And Katya felt his touch. He asked her (Katya) to dial some phone number and call someone with his voice.”

Here in Valentin’s actions we see the manifestation of another principle. After the first contact with someone living, maybe even with a resurrected person who has already passed the fifth level of resurrection, the resurrected person makes the next contact indirectly, through someone, for example, a relative or acquaintance calls someone on his behalf, or a UNESCO representative. In this case, Valentin wanted to do this through Katya.

“She remembers that she took the phone, sat up in bed, began to dial the number, but there were long beeps. Valentin said that there was no rush, said goodbye and left.”

The resurrected person, after resurrection, must officially register. There is a structure within which a whole system has been created for registering those resurrected.

There are special institutions with reception areas and telephone numbers where the resurrected person can come and register. The peculiarity of these institutions is that they have the property of, so to speak, a double space: they are visible to the resurrected and those who work with them, and are not always visible to ordinary people. Although a movie camera can capture them.

These institutions were not created by people; ordinary people had nothing to do with their creation. However, the buildings in which they are located have the same external shape as everything that is created by people.

In these institutions, there are entities that outwardly look like people, and their internal organs function like those of people. But these are completely different creatures, and they, too, like their institutions, have the property that they are visible to the resurrected and not visible to ordinary people.

Although sometimes there are situations when these institutions and their employees become visible to ordinary people. This happens, for example, in cases where it is necessary to register how many people will see the resurrected person, how many people he will have contact with. Then such an institution arises. People passing by naturally don't pay attention to him special attention, but they encounter a resurrected person standing, say, on the sidewalk, they can ask him something, or walk around him, or he can ask them something. Passers-by may not realize that they are dealing with a resurrected person, and at this time a registration is made of how many people saw this resurrected person, with how many people there was contact. So this institution is open to everyone for a while, and then again becomes inaccessible to ordinary people.

Occasionally it happens that the material substrate of these institutions also changes, but the main thing is that they exist materially.

This whole system of registration of the resurrected, with special institutions, with the entities working in them, and sometimes people, all this is just now being revealed to people, so I’m talking about this, but this system began to be built quite a long time ago.

In connection with the institutions just described, H. G. Wells' story "The Magic Shop" comes to mind. Let me remind you how it begins.

A man with his little son is walking down the street. And suddenly the baby takes his father’s finger and pulls him towards the window of some shop. The father looks up and with amazement actually sees in front of him a shop that sells toys. His amazement can be understood - he has walked along this street thousands of times, but there has never been any shop in this place. And the child saw this shop. They went inside and there were truly amazing toys.

This story is included in the collection, which is given the general title "Fantastic Works."

In fact, as you can see, our living reality, our reality immeasurably surpasses any fantasy. And even more so considering what people still have to learn.

So, after resurrection, the question of registration arises for a person. The entities we just talked about meet the resurrected person after his resurrection, they know everything, they have complete information about everything, they give the resurrected person the telephone numbers of their offices and immediately provide him with housing in case he decides to use it.

The resurrected person has free will, so he himself decides where to stay, whether to stay with his relatives or not. He makes his own choice. This choice largely depends on the behavior of relatives, on their reaction to his resurrection.

It is advisable to carry out registration at a distance not very far from the person with whom the resurrected person first had contact, not very far from the location of this person at the time of registration. Physical distance from the point of first contact is less important, although if possible it is better to register at one of the representative offices located nearby.

Full recognition of the fact of resurrection is a meeting with someone living. If, for example, the resurrected person is simply photographed, without contact with anyone living, then this can be considered only a preliminary stage in recognizing the fact of resurrection. The importance of personal contact lies in the fact that contact with the tissue of the living is of great importance. So, full recognition of the fact of resurrection is precisely contact with anyone living. After this you can already register.

If the resurrected person can come to one of the mentioned institutions with two accompanying persons, then he can register immediately and then, as already mentioned, he can either stay there or return to his relatives. If the resurrected person has only one accompanying person, then you first need to call the reception and get advice on what to do. The final stage of registration is receiving documents. With documents, the resurrected person can continue contacts at a different level.

It must be said that at first the resurrected one is in interaction with organizational structures. The program is such that for some time the resurrected person participates in the general process of salvation.

So when Valentin asked Katya to call, he did so, fulfilling a certain mission entrusted to him.

Further, Svetlana Alekseevna writes that on April 11, 1999, on the holiday of Holy Easter, her granddaughter Masha, the daughter of her son Valentin, called her and said that the living Valentin came to them, to her and her mother Marina, Valentin’s ex-wife. After this meeting with the living Valentin, Marina, together with her friend and daughter Masha, went to the cemetery where Valentin’s grave was located. They had gone there many times over the past five years and knew the place well. However, they did not find a grave in the cemetery, and there was no entry in the registration book about Valentin’s burial.

First, let's count how many blood relatives Valentin came into contact with. The first were relatives Dmitry and Mikhail, who saw him alive next to them in the room near the photograph of the lion. Then he spoke to his mother over the intercom.

His next direct contact was with his sister Katya. And finally, when he visited his ex-wife, he also had contact with his daughter Masha.

If you add everything up, you get four contacts at the level of physical vision.

Let's look at numerology for a moment. In this case, we use the fact that for any object there is always its reflection in the information area. Therefore, in the structure of information management, and specifically management, there is always a principle of doubling. If you multiply four by two, you get eight.

So, eight, 8. If the eight rotates, it goes to infinity, ¥. This means there is a displacement of space-time.

The fourth contact with a blood relative occurred on Easter. The holiday of Holy Easter, the holiday of the Resurrection of Christ, is characterized, in particular, by the fact that it is precisely at this time, on Easter, that the resurrection channel is most simplified for regulating space-time. It is at Easter that natural knowledge about the general resurrection of the departed is revealed to the maximum.

And further. Easter this year (1999) fell on April 11th. If we consider this date as a number, we get seven. Really:

04/11/1999 ® 1+1+0+4+1+9+9+9 ® 3+4 ® 7.

Thus, the date of the fourth contact has the vibrational structure of the day of the Nativity of Christ. This is very strong support. Immortality realized through birth and resurrection is clearly visible here.

We see that turning to numerology confirms the seriousness of the events that took place from the point of view of the laws of the structure of the World.

The disappearance of the grave and the disappearance of the burial record in the registration book reflects the existence of one of the most fundamental laws, according to which, UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS, AN EVENT MAY BE OUTSIDE THE FRAMEWORK OF ITS IMPLEMENTATION. That is, an event can be disbanded by entering the past and then it is no longer recorded in the present. In this case, it turned out to be possible to shift space-time to the area in which Valentin still lived quietly. And that is why his grave was then missing from the cemetery, and there was no record of his burial in the registration book, which is natural, since there was a shift in space-time to the area where the person was still alive, where he did not die.

True, it must be said that the presence of a grave or its absence largely depends on the desire of the resurrected person, on whether or not he wants visible information about those events to remain. In fact, in my practice there are already many cases when all information about death completely disappeared. Moreover, to such an extent that no one from the environment of the resurrected person later remembered the fact of death.

So, Valentin turned out to not even be dying. And in connection with this, he had to go through another registration.

The first registration, on a physical level, recorded that he was resurrected, and the second registration confirmed that he did not die.

A very important point needs to be noted here. After the successful completion of all these events, it turned out that Valentin remembers his resurrection well, remembers how he was registered as a resurrected one, remembers everything that happened at the time when the event with the disappearance of his grave and entries in the registration book had not yet been registered, and at the same time, at the same time, he remembers all the events that were later associated with the disappearance of his grave, that is, with the registration of the fact that he did not die, he remembers all these real events recorded by a large number of witnesses.

Thus, it turned out that Valentin simultaneously knows perfectly well both that he has gone through the structure of resurrection, and that he has gone through the structure of the non-realization of the fact of death.

Here we see an example of the practical implementation of a principle that solves the well-known problem of reincarnation memory. From the point of view of some theories of reincarnation, the memory of past existences disappears so that new experiences can be gained. However, the given concrete fact with this resurrection showed that now this is no longer the case, now the old stereotype is giving way to a new one, now memory allows us to concentrate in parallel both the fact of one life and the fact of non-dying, realized due to a shift in space-time, that is, by being a parallel life. Which is fundamentally new knowledge, indicating that one can know simultaneously about any number of lives. And this means that now you can no longer die, that is, live forever. And moreover, consciously choose the best life option.

At the same time, regardless of any changes, the principle of non-murder must always remain unshakable. And as can be seen from the facts presented, any destruction is meaningless, because everything can be restored.

In conclusion, we can say that everything turned out well for the main character of this story. His personal life was well settled, everything worked out well with his work, and in general everything went like for a man who never died.

Let's move on to consider the next case.

Statement from Lyubov Serafimovna Kazakova dated 06/01/1999

(Appendix A, page 185).

“Due to the fact that I turned to Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy... regarding the resurrection of my mother Nina Vasilievna Chigirintseva on 05/06/1999, I declare that Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy really resurrected my mother Nina Vasilievna Chigirintseva.

I, Lyubov Serafimovna Kazakova, turned to Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy regarding the resurrection of my mother Nina Vasilievna Chigirintseva, who was born on December 23, 1923 and died on April 18, 1999 in Moscow.

I went to the cemetery. Approaching the grave, I was very surprised that the plastic vase dug by my son, which he dug 7-10 cm into the ground, was lying to the side of the grave, and the flowers were on the other side. It seemed as if the vase had been pushed out from the inside. Then I sat down at the grave and began to listen to Grigory Petrovich’s lecture about my mother’s resurrection. After some time, the earth at the grave began to shake (began to move). I felt uneasy, I moved to the other side, stood at another grave and began to continue listening to the lecture (I listened to the lecture three times) and saw the Earth or its large territory from the side, it was a dark forest of brown fir trees. After that I immediately left.

Arriving at the grave for the second time, I immediately felt that the grave was empty and there was no one there.

Then I asked my mother, if I was doing everything right, to give me some kind of sign. Suddenly I looked at the wall, a spoon and a fork 82 cm long were hanging on the wall at the same height and I saw that the fork had moved down 61 cm and to the side towards the spoon by 15 cm. No one had entered the room during the day and no one had moved the fork I couldn’t, and for 2-2.5 hours I looked at the fork and spoon and thought that they should be moved to the kitchen. I was convinced that it was my mother who gave the sign. After contacting Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy (05/06/99) on the night of 05/07/99, I had contact with my mother. She was unhappy with me. There were physical disturbances during the contact, but they were eliminated by my mother's physical hand on my cheek. I took the meeting with my physically resurrected mother calmly.”

So, let’s look at what Lyubov Serafimovna writes in order.

“Approaching the grave, I was very surprised that the plastic vase dug by my son, buried 7-10 cm into the ground, was lying to the side of the grave, and the flowers were on the other side. It seemed that the vase had been pushed out from the inside.”

Here we are faced with a situation very similar to the one described in the first case, in the case of Rusanov A.E. We have already discussed this. There was a sphere ejection there. The release can occur, for example, through some crack; in general, as a rule, the path that presents the least resistance is used.

It is worth noting that there is a special resurrection technology associated with burying a person in the ground. If a person is buried in the ground and spacers are inserted into certain areas of the earth, then the person is restored.

In connection with this method, I can also give the following information. If the correct burial technology is used, then the physical body does not decompose and can periodically rise to take plant food. If we are talking about incorruptible saints, then they can eat food much less frequently, for example, once every hundred years.

The idea of ​​such a burial technology is that later, after resurrection, it would be easier to restore all the vital functions of the physical body for a full human life. By the way, in order for the physical body to have more possibilities, special open spaces were created in some burials.

Burials used to be done, therefore, in such a way that a person could be resurrected. If we talk about resurrection, then in the case when a person retains his physical body, a slightly different resurrection procedure can be used, based on the special orientation of body parts.

The method of burying a person in the ground can be used, in particular, to save people from electric shock. When using this method, the thickness of the layer of earth above the person is of great importance; this is fundamental for the speed of resurrection. This is due to the fact that the earth has, in particular, the property of shielding, therefore, depending on whether there is a lot of earth or a little, completely different processes will take place.

I'll give here practical advice How to help a person if he has been hit by an electric shock. Much, however, depends on the current strength, but in any case it is advisable to do the following.

First. Make sure your right hand is in contact with the ground. This can be done either by directly pressing the right hand to the ground, or by grounding it through a battery or something else that has a ground.

Second. Next stage- ground the left hand, or rather, in this case, the place that is located just above the hand.

The most important thing in case of electric shock is to help the regeneration of brain tissue. This is the function that the two described procedures perform.

We continue to analyze the application.

“Then I sat down at the grave and began to listen to Grigory Petrovich’s lecture about my mother’s resurrection. After a while, the earth began to shake (began to move) at the grave.”

One of the options for resurrection could be this: the resurrection takes place right at the grave and then the meeting takes place at the grave. In general, this could be easier for a person’s consciousness, but, of course, provided that the person could withstand it, so that there would be no deformation of the cells. I have said before that resurrection should always take place in such a way that there is no trauma to others, it should take place under conditions favorable to everyone.

The fact that the earth began to move suggests that the process of preparation for the resurrection began directly at the grave. There are cases when people come to the grave and, after resurrection, take the resurrected ones with them. But in this case, Lyubov Serafimovna was not psychologically ready for this option. As it turned out later, she was tuning in for the resurrection right at their home.

“I felt uneasy, I moved to the other side, stood at another grave and began to continue listening to the lecture (I listened to the lecture three times) and saw the Earth or its large territory from the side, it was a dark forest of brown fir trees.”

The resurrection process was underway, Lyubov Serafimovna was in a tense state, and therefore an additional element was introduced to reduce tension by dispersing her attention - a large number of brown Christmas trees.

“When I arrived at the grave for the second time, I immediately felt that the grave was empty and there was no one there.”

It must be said that Lyubov Serafimovna has good sensitive abilities and clairvoyance. She diagnosed the grave and saw that there was no physical matter there. She realized that her mother was no longer there (and the earth had already begun to move during her last visit), and therefore Lyubov Serafimovna needed confirmation that her mother was already somewhere nearby and everything was going as it should.

“Then I asked my mother, if I was doing everything right, to give me some kind of sign.”

As follows from the text, when Lyubov Serafimovna looked at the wall where a large wooden spoon and fork hung, she saw that the fork had moved down. It can be noted that Lyubov Serafimovna used very good registration methods. The text provides specific distance values ​​obtained from her measurements. She even took photographs.

By moving the fork, the mother let her daughter know that she was doing everything right and that she could rest easy. It was a transitional period. Mom left the grave and had to come into some kind of contact with her daughter.

The described incident with a spoon and fork was a preparatory stage for the resurrection itself, which occurred on the night of May 7th.

"After contacting Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy (05/06/99) on the night of 05/07/99, I had contact with my mother. She was unhappy with me. During the contact, physical interference occurred, but they were eliminated by my mother’s physical hand to my cheek. I took the meeting with my physically resurrected mother calmly.”

Nina Vasilievna, Lyubov Serafimovna’s mother, is an enlightened person. In one of her past lives she was a yogi. She even partly assembled her body herself. In fact, there was no talk of serious dissatisfaction on her part. As it turned out later, she simply expressed some dissatisfaction due to the fact that her daughter, although clairvoyant, was psychologically unprepared for resurrection directly at the grave, which led to a delay in time, but on the whole she was very pleased with her daughter, because she acted clearly and correctly.

About physical interference. During the first contact with a resurrected person, when a person has just been physically resurrected, the relative’s tension can be high, due to emotional arousal, sensations can be heightened, specific sensations can arise, so that even, for example, the vibrations of curtains from the wind can be perceived as physical interference. And when the mother touched her daughter’s cheek with her hand, and with her physical hand, the tension immediately subsided. Then the interference disappeared.

And it is very important that Lyubov Serafimovna internally calmly accepted their meeting.

And everything ended well.

Let's move on to the case of resurrection on the day of biological death. The text of the statement is taken from the book: Grigory Grabovoi. "Management practice. The path of salvation", vol. 3, sheet 760.

Statement by Lev Davydovich Bogomolov dated January 28, 1998

(Appendix A, page 186).

“Due to the fact that I contacted Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi on January 7, 1998 in Moscow regarding O.’s death, I declare that Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi actually restored O.’s vital functions after my information on this issue to him during the period time from 23 hours 15 minutes on January 7, 1998 to 16 hours 15 minutes on January 8, 1998. Evidence of O.’s death is the statement of her husband E., based on the doctors’ conclusion dated January 7, 1998, confirming the fact of the restoration of O.’s vital functions after. session conducted remotely by Grigory Petrovich Grabov over 17 hours, is that I personally spoke with O. at 16:15 on January 8, 1998, as well as a statement by E.’s husband. Other methods of restoring O., except for the intensive remote extrasensory influence carried out Grabov Grigory Petrovich, was not used."

In this case, the resurrection occurred 17 hours after the doctors declared biological death. When resurrected within one day from the moment of biological death, those resurrected, as a rule, practically do not feel the difference between the painful state and the state of biological death. This proves that consciousness has the function of restoring the body in case of any destruction and retains data on the vital activity of the physical body for a long time. By mentally transferring to the consciousness of the departed the principles and methods of resurrection, one can develop the function of consciousness to restore the body to the level when the body begins to recover. Restoration occurs faster if the soul is prepared by receiving knowledge about the processes of resurrection and if as many people as possible contribute to the resurrection. Resurrection occurs on the basis of the freedom of choice of the human soul, the choice of further development. Knowledge of the principles and methods of resurrection must be spread everywhere so that everyone receives knowledge of resurrection as the only path of development. Life will develop along the path of its eternity. The living will follow the path of immortality. Those who have passed away will be resurrected. The Creator's law on eternal life will be fulfilled.

From the consideration of the given specific cases of resurrection, the following conclusions can be drawn.

First. The resurrected person, as an ordinary free person, has the right to choose where and with whom to stay, and for how long. He has such an opportunity, especially considering that registration takes place at the highest level and they do it international organizations, then registration takes place in the country. Although sometimes, but quite rarely, it happens that registration first takes place in the country, and only then in international organizations.

Now I'm talking about ordinary organizations, that is, about organizations created by people. And the very first registration, which I talked about when analyzing the second case, the resurrected one takes place in those special structures that I talked about. Therefore, in essence, the resurrected person undergoes two different registrations: the first registration is carried out in the special structures mentioned, and the second - in our regular institutions.

The resurrected have equal rights with all other people, their only difference is that they went through the resurrection structure.

Second. To increase the speed of resurrection, contact with special structures through which resurrection occurs, with the mentioned entities, with their specific representatives, etc., is important. For this purpose, it is advisable to have some means of communication, for example, a telephone, so that you can call and receive information. You can do without a phone if you have well-developed telepathic abilities. In this case, the resurrected person, mentally concentrating, can send a request telepathically and also telepathically receive an answer to it.

The speed of resurrection increases even more in the case when there is full awareness that resurrection can occur directly, that is, without intermediate authorities that perform the function of combining the structures of the resurrected with the structures of the living. Nowadays, quite a lot of situations arise when the resurrected person appears directly in front of the living one, and when this knowledge is embedded in the living person, this also speeds up the resurrection and the resurrected person does not then go through any special stages, where there are the mentioned representatives who combine the resurrected ones with the living ones. Therefore, you should know that resurrection can occur under completely different conditions and it is not necessary, for example, for resurrection to form transitional structures.

Third. Resurrection always has a positive effect. This is the basic principle. Resurrection is always very useful for everyone because it shows that destruction is not possible. This information in itself is extremely beneficial. Resurrection always changes the situation for the better.

I have many concrete facts that indicate how beneficial the resurrection is for everyone. For example, when the resurrected person came into contact with relatives after resurrection, the relatives’ diseases disappeared, malignant tumors disappeared, for example, or problems were resolved, matters were resolved, many positive changes occurred in life, life generally moved to a qualitatively different level, to that level when everything goes as it should.

Thus, resurrection has an unusually beneficial effect on the living, because by the very fact of its implementation it affirms the status of a completely different life, and people, connecting to this status, live on a completely different level, incomparably more favorable than the one that existed before the fact of resurrection .

From the book: “The resurrection of people and eternal life are now our reality”, Moscow, 2001.

What is Grabovoi’s attitude towards Christianity, the Church and Religions, is the ideology of the Teaching compatible with Religions? This is the question I was asked. This is a very important question, and I will answer it now.

Excerpts about the Resurrection from the Party conference in Krasnoyarsk 10/23/05 (G.P. Grabovoi.)

We actually bring a real current into the church by proving what happened there and the first coming of Christ, we prove that it is real, and they there, for example, at the level of programs, are trying to fight even against the issues of resurrection.
Well, that is, it turns out that the church needs integration in order to even control who is in the church now.
This is already a different task; we offered them at their level; anyway, of course, they will choose freely, but this is already in our interests and in the interests of society to look at.
After all, this is a spiritual faith, right? it's still quite powerful social institution we'll call it spiritual right? there, too, you need to withstand classical strength systems.
If they, working on the fact of the resurrection of Jesus, basically believe that this does not exist, then who even works there now?
And so it turns out that there is also a question here, the question for them is clear that the church is separated from the state, but people live in the state, they go to church, then who are they and what do they teach there?

So I believe that the main task of a resurrected person coming home is simply to propagate knowledge about this process and, in some cases, combine it with the fact that in the church it is the church faith, for example the Christian faith, the ability to show that we simply bring reality into the life of the church, they simply have not yet recognized, apparently this component of ours knowledge, therefore, I think, provided that there is a leak of believers, the number decreases in many countries there, which means precisely those who could come due to the fact that they, for example, are not convinced of something.
On the contrary, the church should take these facts and technologies and, on the contrary, introduce them in the form of technologies or some theological disciplines in order to attract people, that is, we have proven that the church means it implements management correctly, right? it turns out
Therefore, here it is necessary to explain to the church; I deliberately keep a position in the middle in relation to the church; no special walkers go there yet.
This means that everyone, including at one time church workers and church employees, must understand that on equal terms they must recognize for themselves what we are doing.

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Listener: I wanted to ask Grigory Petrovich how do church representatives feel about the fact of resurrection? not only Orthodox but also others

Grabovoi G.P. Well, you know, personally, well, I often talk at a fairly high level, I have never met anyone who thought that this should not be done at all, I have never personally met in my practice.
But the church is structured in such a way that there, lower down the hierarchy, a certain paradoxical base arises, often in general in the perception or in the management of a church council there, that is, local, as it were, systems, on the one hand, for example, the Orthodox church, the same church, it advocates the resurrection because it simply celebrates this fact yes? on the other hand, if you come to church and ask, some students say that they were told in church “no, we don’t need resurrection,” that is, it’s just a paradox.
Then it turns out that you just need to indicate what is the point of managing them, right? that is, there is the Easter holiday, if they say that the resurrection is not necessary, what then do they do at all?
That is, well, it’s kind of illogical, that is, to explain logically that they should, generally speaking, unconditionally introduce resurrection technologies because now is such an age that they were preparing, preparing, preparing, now please implement.
And we shouldn’t consider the church there as a structure that defines a position in this direction because technologists, according to my Teaching, they see, they really save people, so they know, right? it turns out, and it turns out that let's create some kind of management system, so there are some general moral principles in society, legislative in principle: someone can save another person, right? There, for example, managers according to my Teaching, not necessarily a person, but some kind of object and a representative of the church, he can save through prayer, right? Well, there seems to be a certain equivalence.
But it’s also good to transfer the technology to everyone, a representative of the church may be a believer, but how effectively will a believer master his technology of prayer while a manager’s technology can master all this is a systemic task
It turns out that at least the technology of such direct legislative salvation is no worse, right? than salvation through prayer.
And it turns out that at the level of social systems we are, in general, on equal terms; moreover, we understand the ideology of resurrection directly.
That is, for example, there is a person who first perceived that there is a resurrection, he has the right to believe that this is exactly how it is and that’s all.
Since there is a resurrection, it means it is necessary to resurrect; it can proceed from the fact that the collective consciousness is such that it was not in vain that people believed there, for example, for thousands of years, right? and then he makes decisions, he can make decisions there, he will read some data on the resurrection of practices there according to my Teaching, and then even more so since such practices are there, just living people resurrected, then it turns out, what is the subject of any kind of dispute?
On the one hand, thousands of years of faith, on the other hand, the transition to practice is just the same thing, but technologically developed, that’s all.
And as soon as we begin to connect these systems, it is clear that then we have no contradictions.
Personally, in conversations with me, I have never perceived this anywhere, but some students say that they were told “that resurrection is impossible” by representatives of the church.
Well then what needs to be done is they have a system there for reviewing, as it were, ideological postulates, who is violating them there, well, some judicial internal church processes
then you just need to attract them to the structure, maybe not legal proceedings at first, but some kind of re-education, if they are there further, then how can they serve in the church? Then they are just laymen, even then they should be removed from the church as employees, that’s all.
There we have no problems with this at all.
Who, who is there and the church doesn’t really pose any problems for us at all.

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Grabovoi wanted to use egregor Christian Faith in Resurrection in the Physical Body. When he realized that this egregor is unusually weak, that is, practically no one Believes, he proposed a strategy for controlling this egregor. An egregor is called “lead” or “turn towards oneself.” Introduce the provisions of the Teaching into Christianity and adjust their Faith and ideology. This, as I understand it, was supposed to be done, to a greater extent, after coming to power. In any case, they, unfortunately, did not achieve anything in this field. I wrote about a large Christian community that is actively involved in the Resurrection, but they are not Orthodox. However, when trying to establish contact with them, it became clear to a certain group of people that they did not want to make contact (union) with the adherents of the Teaching. There can be many reasons for this. From simple misunderstandings to fundamental differences in ideology. You can see even from these small fragments (read below) how different the Teaching is from Christianity, in the form in which it now exists. As much as learning to count on an abacus differs from higher mathematics. Probably even many times more.

Fragment from the book by G.P. Grabovoy “Resurrection of People and Eternal Life - From Now on Our Reality!”



So, having discussed the problems of science a little earlier, we now turn to the question of religion.
At the very beginning of this section, I already said that for a person with an ordinary state of consciousness, comprehension of the World presents certain difficulties. The reason for these difficulties is that this task for ordinary waking consciousness appears to be multidimensional and therefore, in principle, it cannot cover it entirely. And if so, then you have to snatch out individual aspects, as in the example with the main building of Moscow State University or with yoga. And these separate sides, these separate approaches, these separate paths represent, for example, the path of religion, the path of science, the path of art.
It is clear that this division into separate paths is artificial, it is a forced measure, it has to be done, since a higher state of consciousness has not yet been achieved by everyone at the same time. In a higher state of consciousness, this division simply does not exist, there is only a single whole, and therefore it is clear that the higher the state of consciousness a person acquires, the smaller the differences become between, say, science and religion.
Currently, attempts are being made to establish greater mutual understanding between science and religion, for example, conferences are held with the participation of representatives of the church and scientists, and the proceedings of these conferences are published, but the basis of the disagreement actually lies in the state of consciousness. Once you begin to rise to higher levels of state of consciousness, this problem, the problem of mutual misunderstanding, will begin to disappear by itself, for, so to speak, science will begin to become more religious, and religion more scientific. At the very top there are no more differences.
However, when I now talk about religion and science, I will focus only on the nearest higher levels of the state of consciousness, and therefore some difference between these two approaches will still remain, but it will not be so great.
The word “religion” has ancient roots, it comes from a word that for consciousness correlates with the word “reality”. Thus, religion is the science of reality. As you can see, next to the word “religion” the word “science” already appears. And you can see how they have become closer together. Indeed, if we very briefly characterize the essence of science, we can say: science is the management of reality. Of course, we are talking here about true religion and true science, which I propose.
So, religion is the science of reality. And therefore, first of all, I want to talk about those distortions of reality, about those erroneous ideas about reality that are associated with religion.
My religion does not accept a passive attitude towards life, and even with the false idea that during earthly life one should only prepare for some true life. This is a completely false concept, it has already done great harm and continues to rob life of its best attributes and rob life of its true significance.
Such ideas have nothing in common with what Christ spoke about, what He taught. Christ spoke allegorically, and not everyone could understand the true meaning of his words. He called for abandoning not this life, not life here, but life in a state of ordinary consciousness, for life in such a state of consciousness cannot yet be called life in its true Divine sense. Christ called to awaken from this state, which he compared to sleep, and enter the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, into Eternity. It is clear that Jesus Christ, by his resurrection, called for eternal life in a physical body.
By the Kingdom of God, Christ meant higher states of consciousness (“The Kingdom of God is within us”). By calling for the renunciation of everything for the sake of achieving the Kingdom of God, Christ thereby called for man to achieve higher states of consciousness. He called, therefore, for the development of man, for the realization of his Divine essence, which would give man the opportunity to finally begin to truly live, to live in this world and in this physical body, to live here and now. Moreover, in accordance with the true meaning of life, the call to live here and now means conscious management of events of any time.
The enormous harm of setting up to prepare for better life also lies in the fact that a person, mistakenly believing that real life will begin sometime later, and now there is only preparation for it, the enormous harm of this false attitude lies in the fact that a person, with such a view of life in this world , do not appreciate currently, does not appreciate the moment in which he is now, does not appreciate the very moment that is real life. Live here and now! - This great wisdom. Only by actually consciously living every moment can one feel the taste of life, only in this case can one feel the truth of life, only in this case does a person open up to real life, real life!
One of the most important features my religion is its practical orientation, its focus on achieving a specific result, namely, ensuring the creative development of soul, body and society. And therefore, a supporter of my religion is at the same time a practitioner who builds his life and helps others build their lives on the basis of a creative principle, that principle that reflects the real laws of the World. And thus, through his work, he most fully reflects and most fully realizes the Creator’s plan.
At the same time, the interaction of individuals and groups of individuals is important for the constant exchange of technology for creative development.
In every society there are usually people who, through joint efforts, can direct the development of society; they can shape the creative development of society and the improvement of the technologies necessary for this. An association of such people can be called a steering group or a group of leaders or a center.
The essential point in my religion is the close interaction of individuals with the leadership group. If someone, for example, finds a useful technology, it should immediately be transferred to the center and become the property of everyone, which will contribute to more successful development of the entire society and collective movement forward.
Thus, true religion emphasizes the common, the common to all, the common to individuals, the leadership group and society as a whole. Any action in the World is simultaneously reflected in everyone and in general for everyone. Moreover, the action simultaneously reflects the technology of creation.
I have already spoken about the practical orientation of my religion. Religion as a science of reality must adequately reflect existing World. And it must deal with vital problems and, first of all, of course, those whose solution is urgent. The most serious such problem is the current threat of global destruction.
Therefore, in the current situation, the main task of religion is the development of technologies aimed at preventing a general catastrophe.
This line of behavior will be a reflection of reality, for all entities created by God, created for life, for development, and especially people created in the image and likeness of God, they all have the right to life and to free development. And therefore, with the threat of global destruction, the first impulse of each entity, naturally, should be directed to the Creator, and this impulse should always be focused on actually realizing the right to life given by the Creator, which in practice means the need for all kinds of actions aimed at universal the rescue.
My religion, therefore, provides both practice, action, and direct faith, and the concept of faith includes an appeal to the Creator through specific technological principles, through specific external actions aimed at maintaining and developing life. And at the same time, there is also action directed inward, into those depths where accumulated experience is stored and where you can receive direct instructions from the Lord on how to act correctly in each specific situation.
Thus, in true religion there is a unification of action within and action without, and due to this, endless creative development is ensured. For, as we know, the external world is built on the basis of consciousness, and consciousness is a structure that unites the spiritual and the physical, and therefore, when an action comes from within, from the very center, from a source in the soul itself, then such an action, in fact, is already becomes a Divine act.
The same can be said in other words. Namely, external action must occur while the person is simultaneously aware of himself, his action, and the entire situation.
Now I talk about the same thing all the time, but from slightly different points of view. Already in the Introduction it was noted that the progress of man, his development, is primarily associated with the development of his consciousness. True religion requires a person to raise his level of state of consciousness, but it also helps him in this. True religion says that for the development of consciousness, the practice of awareness of oneself and one’s actions is very effective.
I want to clarify what I mean when I talk about a person's awareness of himself and his actions.
Imagine that someone was sitting at home and writing something, when they suddenly called him and unexpectedly asked him to urgently come somewhere, in connection with some incident. Returning home later, this person, wanting to continue the interrupted lesson, discovers that the pen is neither near the chair where he was sitting until the telephone call, nor on the table near the telephone, and he simply does not know where it is, he absolutely cannot remember, where he put it in a hurry. This just means that he put the pen somewhere unconsciously, he was not aware of himself and his actions at that moment.
This situation is familiar to all of us; we often encounter this phenomenon. And the analysis of such cases gives us an indication that with the help of more and more awareness of oneself and one’s actions, one can more and more increase the level of one’s consciousness, and move towards more and more high fortunes consciousness, as we know, is the path to God.
The world in practice is structured as a structure of manifested consciousness, the consciousness of the supreme essence, that is, God.
God created the World the way He created Himself. And since God himself is eternal, He created the World in such a way that every element of the World was eternal. God thus realizes His idea that the life of Himself in Eternity finds Eternity in the creatures He created. And therefore, a follower of my religion must strive for eternal life in a physical body, for then he will reflect the essence of God in himself.
However, one should not think that a person should work only on himself. The development of people must be transmitted to all other entities, for example, the same lions, so that they too can synchronously, at the same time, develop into Eternity. So the task of every believer, every supporter of my religion is to ensure endless development of any element of the creative plan. And when I say “any element” here, I mean not only animals, birds, insects, sea inhabitants, but also trees, flowers, herbs, all plants and in general all objects of the World, that is, we are talking about ensuring endless development and immortality indeed to all elements of the World. Let me remind you that they all contribute to the overall collective consciousness.
Due to the fact that the Creator laid eternal life and eternal development into the very foundation of the World, it becomes obvious that everything that contributes to destruction is not the true task of God. That is, we need to develop radically differently; there should be no place in society for things like nuclear weapons. And therefore it is necessary to transform life on a spiritual basis, and true religion, as the science of reality, shows people the way.
The first thing for a person is to raise his level of state of consciousness. This is greatly facilitated by the desire to be aware of yourself and your actions, and it is advisable to pay attention to this practice every day. The exercises for each day of the month that are given in Appendix G are also very important.
The essence of my religion is the correct attitude towards everything that exists in accordance with the plan of the Creator himself. This correct attitude makes it possible to transform any process, even an outwardly dangerous one, into a useful and creative one.
In connection with the above, technology occupies an important place in my religion, the technology of one’s own immortality, the technology of transferring knowledge to others, the technology of transforming any processes into creative ones and, finally, the technology of a completely different way of thinking, a way of thinking that is aimed at thinking about supporting eternal life all elements of the World and their eternal development.
Moreover, the important thing is that my religion is in fact technologically justified by the existing level of development, in many ways it is already justified even so. In the fourth chapter, I will talk, for example, about technical devices that are developed to implement technologies for resurrecting people or restoring their lost organs. So my religion is indeed in many ways already justified, even technologically.

From the Conclusion to the book by G.P. Grabovoy “Resurrection of People and Eternal Life - From Now on Our Reality!”


This book helps to free ourselves from one of the greatest misconceptions, from one of the biggest myths of our history. I mean the myth about the existence of an objective physical reality independent of human consciousness.
Such a concept calls into question the true origin of man, deprives man of his true greatness, and denies his God-determination.
There are, for now, a number of other myths and other misconceptions that prevent people from living a full life.
Take for example the problem of suffering. It is a well-known statement that suffering is an integral element of our lives. This statement is completely absurd. It is wrong because suffering in this World has no true foundation, no basis. Such ideas are associated with a misunderstanding of how the World actually works.
In fact, let's take one of the most serious causes of suffering - the death of relatives and loved ones. This is certainly a serious reason. However, we already know how to resurrect people, we know that death should not have a place in our lives at all. It still exists simply due to a misunderstanding. Soon this phenomenon will disappear from our lives forever.
The same is true with other false causes of suffering. Along with them, the ridiculous idea that many things can only be obtained through suffering will go away. And now, with the threat of nuclear annihilation, this idea of ​​the need for suffering may even lead to global catastrophe. The idea that many things can only be obtained through suffering has been hammered into people's heads for centuries.

I think it’s clear who Grabovoi meant when he spoke of “getting it into the head.”

Is it clear now what G.P.’s attitude is? to Christianity and other Religions, to the Church? And what is Grabovoi’s Religion? This is not a religion at all, based on the generally accepted definition of the concept “religion.” Compatibility with Religions is possible only on the principle of retraining followers of Religions into Adepts of the Teaching. Everything is very simple. How would it be possible to combine cavemen and 21st century people in one society? Train the savages and help develop Consciousness to a modern level.

To be continued.
