What are the boys called? Main principles of choice

Alexander. The name Alexander is still the most common name and 2016 will be no exception. As a child, Sasha often gets sick, but thanks to physical exercise and hardening, they grow into strong and healthy men. The owners of this proud name are distinguished by their purposeful character, excellent sense of humor, extraordinary intelligence and strong leadership qualities. Alexandra behaves gallantly with women, constantly giving her fans eloquent compliments. From a financial point of view, a man named Alexander is economical and pragmatic, he knows how to not only save money, but also invest it in profitable projects. From the outside, Alexandras may seem insufficiently emotional, but in reality they are simply afraid to openly show their feelings.

Artem. This name has not lost its popularity for several years, and this trend will continue in 2016. Little Artems are growing up to be calm, sociable and friendly boys. At school, boys with this name show diligence and strive to be leaders in the class. Adult Artem is very hardworking, so he is able to achieve success in almost any field of activity. He can be an excellent doctor, teacher, artist, athlete or journalist. People with this name are fair, always tell the truth and have their own opinions. Such character traits evoke respect in some people, and dislike in others. Artems are exemplary family men: they are faithful husbands and good fathers.

Maxim. Little Maxims are very calm and easy-going, so they hardly create any trouble for their parents. Having matured, Maxim becomes either an outstanding and extraordinary person, or an insecure person prone to constant depression if he cannot overcome his pride and youthful maximalism. In the professional field, Maxim achieves great heights only if he is truly passionate about his work. Most often, men with this name become photographers and journalists. Maxims are friendly and have a wonderful sense of humor, so they often become the life of the party. Maxim has no problems communicating with the fair sex; he knows how to please women. Maxim, as a rule, takes a strong personality as his wife, whom he is a little afraid of, so he rarely decides to cheat.

Michael. In early childhood, Mikhail exhibits such traits as curiosity, mobility and sociability. He cannot concentrate on any one lesson and attends several clubs at once. An adult Mikhail cannot stand loneliness, so his house is always full of guests. Owners of this name have an analytical mind, excellent memory and developed intuition. They make excellent teachers, doctors, military men, drivers and lawyers. Mikhail chooses his wife very carefully, placing high demands on her, including sexually. Upon marriage, he becomes good husband and a wonderful father.

Savely. Already from early childhood, Savely prepares himself for great feats: he reads books about heroes, plays sports and hardens himself. As an adult, Savely’s character contains not only courage, but also cunning. Thanks to such qualities as determination, poise, patience and endurance, Savely can achieve great heights in the production sector or in the arts. Family life For the most part, Savelya’s life is smooth and calm, he loves his wife and children, but if he drinks too much, he can become aggressive. A man with this name loves animals, so his house is always inhabited by some kind of living creature: cats, dogs, canaries, etc.

Egor. From childhood, you can see in Yegor a practical and hardworking person. Egor studies well at school, but due to his stubborn nature, he often argues with teachers. Adult Egor is a businesslike person who moves quickly and easily around career ladder. Colleagues appreciate him for his punctuality, integrity and determination. Yegor's character is spoiled only by his temper and excessive boringness. A man with this name chooses a modest, caring and children-loving woman as his wife.

Vladislav. Little Vlad grows up to be an impressionable, smart and talented child. Adult Vladislavs, as a rule, are very successful people. Thanks to such qualities as determination, responsibility and hard work, Vladislavs have every chance of becoming excellent leaders, businessmen or politicians. Vlad has a strong sense of self-esteem, so he is not averse to ridicule or even humiliate anyone. Vladislav marries a beautiful and sensual woman without bad habits. Men with this name are monogamous, so maintaining fidelity is not particularly difficult for them.

Kirill. As a child, Kirill was very inquisitive, he was tireless in acquiring new knowledge, so he constantly asks questions to his parents and reads a lot. Having matured, Kirill shows such qualities as self-confidence, narcissism, determination, ambition, hard work and cheerfulness. Thanks to their stubborn nature, Kirills are ready to do anything to achieve their goal. If people with this name achieve success in life, they prefer to keep in touch only with people who are useful to them. When choosing a life partner, Kirill is guided, first of all, by the impression she makes in society. The Kirills are faithful, but very jealous husbands.

Ilya. Little Ilya is growing up as an obedient, smart and sociable boy. However, he is completely indiscriminate in choosing friends and can fall under bad influence. Parents should remember this in order to protect Ilya from bad company. Adult Ilya has excellent memory, a sharp mind and good intuition. In achieving goals, he always shows perseverance and hard work, therefore he achieves success in any field of activity. A man with this name loves and protects his family very much. True, he prefers to marry only after he is confident that he can provide for his family.

Nikita. As a child, Nikita practically does not cause any trouble to his parents; he grows up as a calm, inquisitive, intelligent and cheerful boy. With age, he develops such qualities as determination, hard work and independence. Nikita has developed creative abilities and a love of beauty, so they make excellent artists, musicians and performers. A man with this name is not without an entrepreneurial spirit, so he can become a successful businessman. Nikita's family life is difficult due to his inability to find compromises and make concessions.

In addition, in 2016 little Alexei, Dmitry, Ivan, Andrey, Daniil and Roman will be born. Many parents this year will give preference to such rare and beautiful names, like Arthur, Adam, Benedict, Demyan, Taras, Plato, Boleslav and Walter.

The birth of a long-awaited baby is an amazing miracle that the whole family looks forward to. Already after the second ultrasound, excited parents know who they are going to have, and in the subsequent months of waiting for the birth, they actively think about the name they will give to their baby.

Popular wisdom says

As you know, the most superstitious people in the world are brides and pregnant women. Expectant mothers, preparing to psychologically protect their child from harm, try to follow all the rules and signs that came from ancient times, believing in their sacred power and protective abilities.

We would like to note that failure to comply with the signs in no way means that trouble may happen, however, we will still present some of them, and you yourself decide whether to believe in their power or not.

You shouldn't call your son after your father

Explained this sign differently. Some old-timers claim that namesakes living in the same house will get along with each other. This is explained by the fact that when baptized with a name, the baby is given a guardian angel who protects him, and he will not be able to protect two blood relatives living under the same roof with the same names.

Psychics related to magic claim that people with consonant with the name and patronymics they often take from their fathers the worst character traits, aggravated several times over.

Despite this legend, history remembers many famous and talented people named after their fathers, for example, Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (Russian poet), Nikolai Nikolaevich Raevsky (Russian commander and war hero), Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (President of the Russian Federation).

You should not name your son after someone who recently died.

This sign says that a child named after a deceased family member may inherit his fate or never marry. Therefore, it is not customary to name children after drunkards, mentally ill people or suicides. You can name your son in honor of your grandfather, whose fate turned out well; it is believed that luck and happiness in life are inherited through the generation.

The name given at baptism must be different from the “earthly” name

Healers say that the name given during the baptismal ceremony must be different from the one written on the birth certificate. The baptized name must be kept in the strictest confidence and not disclosed to anyone. This is due to magical rituals for inducing damage and love spells, which are done on the baptismal name.

It is important to note that church ministers and priests are categorically against various signs and superstitions, considering them “the spawn of Satan,” so many of them refuse to give a baptismal name different from that recorded on the baby’s birth certificate.

If you really want to name your son after your husband or deceased grandfather, but after reading the first two signs you have doubts, the third sign will help dispel your doubts. Feel free to write down your husband’s name on your son’s birth certificate, and baptize him with any other name, thus breaking a possible negative karmic connection.

Name and stars

Many parents, when asking what to name a boy, are guided by the advice of astrologers. 2018 is the year of the Yellow Dog according to the eastern horoscope. For boys born this year, the stars predict the presence of talent, ingenuity, active character and natural cunning.

Besides eastern horoscope The fate of a person and his character traits are determined by the zodiac sign and the ascendant (the ascending zodiac sign at the time of the birth of the child). Depending on this sign, astrologers advise choosing the sonority of the name.

Fire element in the ascendant (Signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius)

Boys born under such circumstances have strong character traits of impulsiveness, perseverance and leadership. These are powerful and ambitious individuals. A “fiery” male name must contain the sounds “A” and “R” - Arthur, Alexander, Artem, Mark, Ruslan, Arkady, Eldar. It is believed that choosing the right name will bring good luck to the baby.

Earth element in the ascendant (Signs Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo)

Boys born under earth signs in the ascendant they are distinguished by conservatism, constancy and solidity, therefore they are usually called by the generic names of the forefathers of their parents. It is believed that “calm” names with the presence of voiceless consonants “P” “U” “F” and “W” would be suitable for such children - Peter, Ostap, Philip, Procopius, Timofey. Methodius.

Air element in the ascendant (Signs Libra, Aquarius and Gemini)

Children with Ascendant air signs very sociable, calm and charismatic. There are always guys like this around huge amount friends and acquaintances, they are the soul of the company. Suitable names for such boys there will be names with bright and sonorous sounds “S” “E” “I” “N” “Z” - Zinovy, Sergey, Zakhar, Ignat, Savely, Evgeny.

Water element in the ascendant (Signs Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio)

People with Ascendant water signs- mysterious, temperamental, emotional and spiritually strong. Their name should contain the soft sounds “L”, “T”, as well as “O” “I” “Yu” - Julius, Valentin, Ilya, Moses, Oleg.

Name and month of birth

There is a theory that says that a child born in a certain season is endowed with qualities inherent in that time of year. The task of a correctly chosen name is to mitigate the shortcomings, balancing them with the advantages and positive characteristics inherent in a particular sound:

Name according to the Orthodox calendar

Often parents turn to Orthodox priests for advice and blessing in choosing a name for your child. Priests in this matter are guided church calendar Saint (a list of names of saints, which are distributed by dates, each of which is a church holiday).

It is generally accepted that with the choice of a name for a boy in honor of the holy elder, a close sacred connection is established between them. The child accepts the protection and patronage of the saint throughout his life. The name is selected according to the child’s date of birth; if no suitable names were found on this day, then you can choose those indicated in the calendar on the eighth or fortieth day from the baby’s birth.

Male names by month


  • Arkady;
  • Afanasy;
  • Michael;
  • Nahum;
  • Clement;
  • Nikolai;
  • Valentine;
  • Paul;
  • Evgeniy;
  • Egor;
  • Sergey;
  • Adam;
  • Ilya;
  • Kirill;
  • Fedor;
  • Seraphim;
  • Artem;
  • Nikita.


  • Gregory;
  • Boris;
  • Oleg;
  • Yuri;
  • Novel;
  • Timofey;
  • Kirill;
  • Arseny;
  • Hermann;
  • Victor;
  • Alexander;
  • Makar;
  • Luke;
  • Ephraim;
  • David;
  • Vitaly.


  • Nikita;
  • Artem;
  • Egor;
  • Leonid;
  • Anton;
  • Matvey;
  • Yuri;
  • Yaroslav;
  • Vasily;
  • Alexey;
  • Danil;
  • Maxim;
  • Peter;
  • Kirill;
  • Novel;
  • Arkady;
  • Konstantin;
  • Denis.


  • Danil;
  • Zakhar;
  • Philip;
  • Ivan;
  • Nikolai;
  • Samson;
  • Antip;
  • Mstislav;
  • Savva;
  • Kondrat;
  • Peter;
  • Plato;
  • Alexander;
  • Vyacheslav;
  • Maxim.


  • Boris;
  • Konstantin;
  • Abrosim;
  • Sergey;
  • Vitaly;
  • Michael;
  • Kasyan;
  • Lavrenty;
  • Gregory;
  • Valentine;
  • Groin;
  • Andrey;
  • Fedot;
  • Modest;
  • Eremey;
  • Nikolai.


  • Oleg;
  • Michael;
  • Ignat;
  • Vsevolod;
  • Dmitry;
  • Gabriel;
  • Kirill;
  • Tikhon;
  • Egor;
  • Peter;
  • Savely;
  • Elisha;
  • Paul;
  • Alexander;
  • Valery.

Fashion is fickle, changeable and affects absolutely all areas. Fashion for names has always existed, and each generation had its own trends and concepts of how to name the unborn child. Some have been popular for centuries, while others are fleeting and quickly become a thing of the past. If you go back about a hundred years ago, you can see that the following were considered the most popular among girls:

Main principles of choice

When choosing, parents immediately check the consonance with the patronymic, which is very correct, since sometimes there are quite funny dissonances: Yulia Yuryevna, John Ivanovich, Venera Petrovna, etc. You should also be careful when naming a child after the father. For example, Eduard Eduardovich has a complex pronunciation that confuses the language.

Patronymic gradation

When choosing a name for a child, remember that middle names can be hard and soft, and it is important to maintain a balance here:

  • Soft: Ivanovich, Ilyich, Nikolaevich, Mikhailovich.
  • Neutral: Artemovich, Maksimovich, Kirillovich.
  • Hard: Arturovich, Eduardovich, Albertovich.

The correct name will be the one that has the same sound as the patronymic: Varvara Mikhailovna, Margarita Eduardovna, Artem Igorevich, Ivan Petrovich.

Combination with surname

The first name should sound harmonious with the last name. Therefore, it is not recommended to give the baby an intricate name if his last name is Ivanov or Sidorov. For Russian surnames, Russian names are well suited, for foreign ones - foreign ones. When sounding, a harmonious sound series should be built, pleasant to the ear, and this can be achieved without piling up consonants at the junction. Example: Lebedev Ilya, not Lebedev Vladlen.

It is not advisable to give a name that will make the child a full namesake famous person, actor, writer or poet. If the surname does not have an ending indicating gender, there is no need to choose a name that can be both male and female: Sasha, Zhenya.

Select by time of year

Sometimes the name is chosen according to the time of year when the baby was born. This decision is correct, as it bestows the owner with special energy. A seasonal name will help smooth out the rough edges of your character, highlight positive aspects and enhance good qualities.

Winter babies

Winter children have a tempered character, purposeful and courageous. At the same time, children born in difficult times are stubborn, composure and strict. To soften the natural character and smooth out the corners, it is customary to give soft, most popular female names 2016:

  • Girls: Sofia, Anastasia, Ulyana, Ksenia, Anna, Maria, Vasilisa.
  • Boys: Semyon, Lev, Nikita, Philip, Ilya, Ivan, Elisha, Fadey, Maxim.

Spring babies

Children born in spring are talented, changeable, charming and sensitive. Sometimes they show excessive selfishness, strive to get what they want at any cost, but at the same time they are indecisive. These children lack a fighting spirit, which sonorous names will help to instill:

  • Girls: Zhanna, Varvara, Larisa, Zlata, Marina, Alexandra, Olga, Daria.
  • Boys: Dmitry, Zakhar, German, Sergey, Mark, Arkady, Denis, Georgy, Maxim.

Summer kids

Children of summer are all positive things, puns and a lot of noise. They are very purposeful, proud and self-confident. No names can disturb their inner peace and harmony, so you can choose the ones you like. The most suitable are:

  • Girls: Sofia, Maria, Faina, Elena, Rimma, Ulyana, Angelina, Milena, Antonina.
  • Boys: Julian, Prokhor, Semyon, Nikolai, Stepan, Mark, Nikita, Gleb, Arkhip, Fedor.

Autumn babies

Autumn children are very smart, make decisions quickly and have high performance in school. But at the same time, they are too practical, have few friends, and do not like noisy gatherings. You can adjust your character with the help of romantic and bright names:

  • Girls: Serafima, Antonina, Christina, Elena, Nadezhda, Elizaveta, Ksenia, Anfisa, Sofia.
  • Boys: Igor, Fedor, Daniil, Nestor, David, Maxim, Timofey, Rodion, Bogdan, Ilya.

When thinking about what to name their unborn child, parents study the popular female and male names in 2016, which are most relevant for this time. However, you should not always rely on fashion; you also need to take into account other criteria that are no less important. A name is an important component of individuality, a magical formula of fate and a kind of sacred formula of the person himself. That is why parents need to take the choice of their child’s name as responsibly as possible.

Any parent wants to surround their little child with love and care from birth. The first manifestation of parental feelings is, as a rule, the naming of a newborn - parents put all their emotions, all their joy, all their hopes into this name, and try to determine the fate of their baby with the name. It is believed that it is the name that largely influences the child’s life, both his character and the events that will happen to him.

When giving a name to a newborn boy, it is worth considering the meaning, its sound - the “hardness” or “melody” of the name can add a corresponding feature to the character - as well as compatibility with the surname and patronymic. If a child has a very simple surname, for example, Petrov or Ivanov, you should not give him an extraordinary name, because the combination can turn out to be quite funny. The same applies to the patronymic: one day your baby will become an adult and addressing him, for example, Plutarch Aristarkhovich, may be difficult.

What to name a boy according to month of birth

Astrologers believe that the month of birth has some influence on the fate of the child; accordingly, they advise linking the name and month of birth.

  • So, born in January The boy is best named Evgeniy, Maxim, Nikolai, Sergei, Anatoly or Arkady.
  • IN February For a boy, a suitable name would be Boris, Timofey, Kirill, Arseny or Pavel, Oleg.
  • Born in March can be called Artem, Nikita, Matvey, Yuri or Yaroslav.
  • April will give the boy the name Lev, Daniil, Nikolai, Zakhar, Ivan or Vladimir.
  • IN May you can name your son Konstantin, Sergei, Mikhail, Vitaly or Boris.
  • « June“Name the boys Vsevolod, Ivan, Ignat, Oleg or Dmitry.
  • A boy born in July, you can call Nazar, Georgy, Valentin, Stepan or Evgeny.
  • August– a month for Yuri, Roman, Rodion, Vladimir, Ivan and rare name- August.
  • IN September You can name the baby Lavrenty, Evgeniy, Denis or David.
  • IN October take a closer look at the names Alexander, Pavel, Philip, George and Nikolai.
  • If the son was born in November, call him Vasily, Timofey, Ostap, Albert or Dmitry.
  • « December“Give the boy the name Eduard, Alexey, Nikolai, Artem or Apollo.

Religious and historical names

IN lately It is becoming very fashionable to give boys Old Slavonic names. Sonorous and noble endings in “-slav”, “-volod” or “-mir” will emphasize masculinity and inner strength, especially in later life.

Parents can choose as a fairly familiar name option - Rostislav or Yaroslav, and go deeper into history, choosing the name Vsevolod, Berislav, Blagomir, Radislav, Radomir, Yaropolk, Damir, Istislav, Kiy, Mstislav, Zhdan, Vedomir, Vaclav, Zlatomir, Milan or Luchezar. However, when choosing an unusual and long-forgotten name, remember that the child may not always be comfortable with it. When the boy reaches a certain age, tell him what his name means - “glorifying the world”, or “owning everything”, so that the child is not embarrassed, but proud of the unusual Old Russian title.

Many parents also rely on Orthodox names, believing that it bestows divine protection on the baby. Churches include the following: Chariton, Nicephorus, Gabriel, Gleb, Demyan, Hilarion, Mark, Ermolai, Paphnutius, Antip, Prokhorus, Hippolytus, Luke, Peter, Seraphim, Theodosius etc. Before choosing a name for a boy, be sure to consult the priest in your parish: he will tell you how best to name the baby and tell you on the day of which patron saint he was born.

The most popular and unusual names for boys in 2016

The most beautiful and, accordingly, popular names today Alexander, Maxim, Artem, Ilya, Dmitry, Kirill, Vlad, Egor, Ivan and Sergey are considered.

If parents don’t want their son to have at least 3-5 namesakes at school, you can choose a really unusual option male name. It is only important to weigh all the pros and cons, and choose the most neutral name possible, so that with age the boy does not become an object of ridicule from his comrades, can freely introduce himself to foreigners and has a convenient abbreviation option. The following names will be unusual and suitable for a child whose birth is expected in 2016: Askold, Florenty, Mikel, Erich, Heinrich, Nathan, Omar, Dionysus, Marcel, Bernard, Bazhen, Bartholomew and Rudolf.

When naming your son, you can also refer to the names of your relatives. In a number of European countries, it is customary to name first-born boys in honor of the father's father, i.e. the child's grandfather, and the second born boy - in honor of the father of the boy's mother. This is a good tradition that helps strengthen family ties.

In any case, try to put all your love and affection into your baby’s name, then these bright feelings will accompany him throughout his life.
