How to determine your card suit in fortune telling. The meaning of the suit of cards in card fortune telling. Interpretation from images

About playing cards

The time has come to buy playing cards and you are faced with the question of which cards to choose? There are many manufacturing companies, prices differ by 2, 3 4.... and up to 10 times per deck of cards, but how to choose exactly the one you need? First of all, you must understand how you will use it? Do you need playing cards for poker, cards for playing the fool, cards for preference, cards for tricks, for fortune telling (TAROT) or do you collect unusual playing cards and want to buy another deck for your collection?

Regular playing cards

These are playing cards that do not have additional properties and are intended for the unpretentious buyer. These include cards of any size or size that are supplied with poker sets by manufacturers. They are suitable for playing fool, drunkard, playing solitaire and even poker. But when playing poker, a lot of stress is placed on the corners of playing cards and such cards can be easily damaged. Poker is, first of all, a game of interest, in which any little thing can become a hint for your opponent, not to mention a damaged playing card. If you are planning to play poker in the evening and you only have one deck of regular playing cards, then there is a high probability that in the heat of excitement you will damage one of the cards and there will be nothing to replace it with.

Playing cards for tricks

Playing cards for tricks differ in the surface of the playing card. It should have a special coating so that cards lying on top of each other can slide easily.

and are presented in the assortment of Bicycle, Bee, . Of course, with such cards you can play poker, play the fool, and play solitaire, but for playing the fool they are expensive, and for poker they do not have the necessary degree of wear resistance. Some such decks are equipped with special cards that are used in certain tricks, have an inconspicuous trapezoidal shape, and may have special markings on the back of the playing card so that you can guess the suit and value of the card. They can be designed, when each playing card has its own individual design; such cards are more suitable for collections, but are also often used for tricks. Poker or other games are inconvenient to play.

Playing cards for poker

Good cards are of great importance in any poker game. There are two main types of playing cards, plastic-coated (paper). These cards have two important differences: quality and durability. Playing cards with a plastic coating will not last as long as cards made of 100% plastic and this must be taken into account when purchasing playing cards. Such cards are used in US casinos, played a small number of hands and replaced with a new deck. For a casino, this is a small cost and at one table, during the evening, 3-4 or more decks of playing cards can be used. For regular players, this is an expensive proposition, so it is wiser to buy 100% plastic playing cards. But besides the material from which poker cards are made, there are other characteristics that will be discussed in this article.

Magnum- A giant designation of the suit and value of a playing card, used for the visually impaired. .

Peek index- This type of designation of the suit and value of a playing card is convenient for playing poker if you are playing at a table where there are many opponents next to you, to see which playing card you got when dealt and to minimize the likelihood that your cards will be seen neighbour.

Playing Card Colors

We are all accustomed to the fact that standard playing cards have red and black suit colors. This is partly true, only the color is red playing cards may vary. Professional gambling establishments prefer to use a darker (calmer) red color so that it does not irritate or strain players. It happens that manufacturers use a bright red color; for those who play at home, there is not much difference.
For home games there were decks where each suit had its own color. So hearts are red, diamonds are blue, hearts are green, spades are black. Such decks are also found in the Regular index version - playing cards are supplied in double packaging and Peek index - playing cards in double packaging.

Playing card backs

Each playing card manufacturer has its own branded back. Depending on partnership agreements, or the corporate logo of the casino for which these cards were issued. Manufacturer Modiano (Italy) offers lines with, but this is rather an exception, usually these are 2 or 4 colors on the back side of the card. Also, the playing card back is distinguished by the presence of a white stripe along the edges or a solid pattern on the playing card back.

Surface of a plastic playing card

Pay attention to the surface of the playing card, it should be rough. High-quality playing cards have a rough surface, if you are offered to buy expensive (from 400-450 rubles per deck of cards) 100% plastic playing cards with a smooth card surface, it will most likely be a bad deck. Even if it has the logo of a famous poker brand or the logo of a good manufacturer. Unfortunately, playing cards are also being counterfeited.

Playing card manufacturers

Playing cards are produced all over the world: China, India, USA, Brazil, Belgium, Italy, Spain... But really good manufacturers can be counted on one hand. Chinese and Indian playing cards are inexpensive and not of exceptional quality. There are good and inexpensive 100% plastic playing cards from such manufacturers, but they are not yet ready to compete with the world's leading brands. These include the USPCC (USA), which produces the Bicycle, Tally Ho, Bee, Aviator and others. There is only one type of 100% plastic playing cards in the USPCC line () , these cards are mainly intended for magic tricks, quiet card games and collecting. Playing cards for professional casinos are produced by Copag (Brazil, Belgium), Modiano (Italy). These are the main manufacturers. But their decks are also different. If you take standard decks of playing cards, they will differ in weight. The lightest ones will be Copag; they have thinner plastic, which is convenient for mixing and dispensing. Modiano cards have the hardest plastic among the listed manufacturers; they are less convenient for shuffling, but when using a large table, you can easily deliver the playing card to the farthest player. Fournier cards have medium-hard plastic.

When playing poker, make sure that the plastic card does not have contact with the hard surface of the table. Mechanical impact from glass, plastic or wood will quickly erase the design from the surface of the card or playing card back and over time, the card will become “marked” and the deck will need to be replaced. If you stain a plastic playing card, you can safely wipe it with a damp cloth.

If you have any questions, use, telephone or Email, we will try to answer all your questions and help you make a choice when purchasing playing cards or poker products.

Every person who decides to tell fortunes himself, or by turning to an experienced specialist, should understand well that fortune telling cannot be done for fun or curiosity - this is a very serious act, as a result of which he can receive answers about his future. If you do not follow the rules of fortune telling, best case scenario- the cards will never reveal secrets to the fortuneteller; at worst, they will bring troubles and misfortunes upon him. During the performance of a fortune-telling ritual, a person must be as focused as possible on the process, nothing should distract his attention, therefore the very first condition of this session is complete silence. Fortune telling is done using a deck of cards that are intended only for this ritual and have never been in the game. Immediately before fortune telling, you need to determine your card, choosing the right suit to match yourself, and additionally, if necessary, the cards of those people on whom fortune telling is still being carried out.

Each ancient people Historically, there has been a different interpretation of the suits, as well as rules for choosing the central card for the fortuneteller himself. As a result of centuries-old intertwining of history, and, accordingly, various traditions of fortune-telling, a universal description of cards has appeared, and now almost all people involved in fortune-telling use the same rules for choosing cards for a fortuneteller. It is very important before starting fortune-telling to have a clear idea of ​​who is considered and who, and remember your choice until the end of the fortune-telling session. There are several options for choosing cards, and you can follow the one you like best, clearly justifying your choice for yourself.

Young unmarried girl must choose for herself the queen of diamonds, and, accordingly, her beloved - the king of diamonds. A woman under fifty years of age, as well as her husband or chosen one, is the queen of hearts and king of hearts. A woman over fifty years old and her husband are the queen and king of the cross.

You can choose cards for yourself based on your hair color. Hearts are suitable for blondes, Diamonds are suitable for people with brown hair, Clubs are suitable for brown-haired people, Spades are suitable for people with black hair.
You can also choose a card for a fortuneteller according to his zodiac sign, focusing your choice on it. Clubs symbolizing Fire, Power belong to fire signs Zodiac Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Tambourines symbolizing the Earth, Material goods, Wealth, belongs to Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Hearts, symbolizing Air, Love, belong to Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. Peaks symbolizing Water, Misfortune, belong to Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

And finally, another option for choosing cards for the fortuneteller, as well as for the person for whom fortune telling is being carried out, is associated with the characteristics of the person’s character and personality. A clever adventurer, prone to lies, scams and various kinds of fraud, corresponds to the suit of Clubs. A cheerful, sincere, open to communication, loving person corresponds to the suit of Hearts. A strong-willed person, invested with power, a military man, very rich, a business man corresponds to the suit of the Diamond. A gloomy, taciturn, angry, gloomy, sick person corresponds to the suit of Spades.

The choice of card must be justified in accordance with the above methods of determining the card and suit for the fortuneteller, as well as the person being told fortunes. Right choice puts the symbolic figure of a person on his map at the very center of the situations under discussion, making it the most important, controlling and organizing factor in fortune telling. The objectivity and correctness of the results obtained in the process of card fortune-telling directly depends on the adequacy of the choice of card and suit.

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One of the most famous participants in the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” Marilyn Kerro, published a short note on her official website in which she tells how to correctly determine your card suit when telling fortunes. If you decide to make a layout for yourself or another person, then first you will need to determine which card will symbolize it. Each card suit, according to Marilyn Kerro, denotes a certain character and life values person.

Card suit of spades

This card suit symbolizes the constant need to embody a person’s own ideas. Spades, as Marilyn Kerro notes, usually denote very smart and enterprising people who are ready to make any sacrifice for the well-being of their loved ones. Constant work on oneself allows representatives of this card suit to always be aware of events and, if necessary, take advantage of the current circumstances at their own discretion. The most important prerogative in peak life is work. They devote all their main energy and time to their professional aspirations and plans.

Card suit of clubs

People who are designated by the card suit of clubs are always quite thoughtful and inquisitive. In all their actions they are guided rational approach. Very often, clubs are endowed with talents and unusual abilities from birth. Clubs are the suit of witches and psychics. According to Marilyn Kerro, representatives of this card suit constantly experience a burning need to communicate with others and have a tendency to disputes and contradictions.

Card suit of diamonds

As psychic Marilyn Kerro says, tambourines can represent practical and susceptible people. For representatives of this card suit, almost all areas of life are tied to financial issues. These people know how to handle money and do it skillfully. Tambourines have a very seasoned and strong character. Their ability to endure the most unfavorable situations in life can be envied. In life, tambourines often achieve excellent financial well-being and a high position in society.

Hearts card suit

Worms are very impressionable and emotional. In relationships with close people, they are always attentive to other people's desires and needs. Representatives of this card suit have a unique natural charm, which helps them in communicating with the opposite sex. Witch Marilyn Kerro believes that worms have creative, positive thinking, which in most cases makes them choose unusual professions. The card suit worms can be used to represent writers, directors, clergy, and so on.

As Marilyn Kerro said on her website, in any card fortune-telling you must first of all follow the basic rules. And practically the most immutable of them is determining the card suit of the person for whom the layout is being made. It must be remembered that fortune telling will be correct only if you manage to carry it out correctly.

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13.03.2014 13:51

Marilyn Kerro is a participant in the 14th season of the “Battle of Psychics.” An Estonian witch practices Voodoo magic, fortune telling and...

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Fortune telling with playing cards is a fairly popular way to find out your future. And for this, in addition to having the deck itself, you also need to know their meaning...

From Masterweb

20.04.2018 00:00

Fortune telling with playing cards is a fairly popular way to find out your future. And for this, in addition to having the deck itself, you also need to know their meaning. Playing cards consist of 4 suits (spades, crosses, hearts and diamonds), and each of them has 9 cards (6-10, jack, queen, king, ace). When fortune telling, not only the cards themselves are taken into account, but also their combinations. In addition, in different scenarios the interpretations can be quite different. There are several varieties of them, let's start getting acquainted with them. playing deck kart.

General layouts

As a rule, this method of fortune telling determines the fate of a person, his past, present and future. Such layouts do not require any special questions. A card is placed in the center, which signifies the identity of the questioner. To the left of it are three cards - this is the past, on top - the present, on the right - the near future, and below - the internal experiences of the querent. The first thing to do is to see which suit predominates in the layout. It will set the general mood for the interpretation. In order to better understand the meaning of playing cards, let's look at each suit separately.


This is the heaviest and most complex suit in the deck. Its predominance in the scenario indicates that difficulties and trials await the person. The element of this suit is Air, which means it personifies rational thinking, confrontation, and the desire for leadership. In Tarot readings it corresponds to Swords. In playing cards, the meaning of this suit is as follows:

  • 6 – solving unpleasant problems, perhaps a late trip, tears.
  • 7 - quarrels and conflicts.
  • 8 – illness, depression, but can mean drinking and guests.
  • 9 – emotional experiences, sadness, melancholy.
  • 10 – disappointed hopes, illusions.
  • Jack is a scam or a trick, most likely from a man or guy.
  • The queen is one of the most negative cards in the deck; it can mean enemies, a rival, or envious people.
  • King - executive, maybe a boss or a person who is higher in status than you.
  • Ace is one of the few cards that has many meanings. If the point of the lance is directed upward - trouble, bad news, and if downwards - celebration and fun.

Clubs (Crests)

The meaning of playing cards is difficult to explain without this suit. Its element is Fire, and in the Tarot it corresponds to the Wands. Crosses symbolize fame, business, career, relationships with people. As a personality characteristic, suit can indicate that a person is a careerist. The predominance of clubs in a layout may indicate that a person cares business sphere. In addition, in some combinations, the suit can also mean feelings, emotions, and the financial sphere. When fortune telling on playing cards (36 pcs.), the meaning is as follows:

  • 6 – business trip, long journey, unexpected guests.
  • 7 - meetings, conversations, conversations, empty chores.
  • 8 – a fateful meeting, possibly related to career growth.
  • 9 – purchase of real estate, inheritance, changes (which ones will depend on neighboring cards).
  • 10 – receiving a large financial sum, possibly a salary, reward for work.
  • Jack - not very good news, brunette guy.
  • The lady is a relative, a middle-aged woman, possibly wealthy.
  • The king is a man, dark-haired or brown-haired, a loyal friend.
  • Ace - house, money troubles, with hearts - tender love.


Since the element of this suit is Earth, it is responsible for a person’s financial condition and symbolizes the sphere of sensual pleasures. In the Tarot deck, diamonds correspond to Denarii. If this suit predominates in the general scenario, it means that the querent’s immediate future is connected with the financial sphere. When fortune telling on playing cards (36 pcs.), the meaning of tambourines is as follows:

  • 6 – positive changes, pleasant road.
  • 7 - financial assistance from loved one.
  • 8 – minor problems, possibly monetary.
  • 9 – meeting a person who will have a significant impact on your life.
  • 10 – the most best card, which may appear in the layout. Means good luck and good fortune.
  • Jack – financial deception, losses and damages.
  • The lady is a frivolous girl, grumpy and envious.
  • The king is a fair-haired man, an influential person.
  • Ace - important news, letter, message.


This suit is the most positive. It symbolizes feelings, love, emotions. Its element is Water, and in Tarot cards it corresponds to the suit of Cups. When it appears in a reading, it indicates that a person is most concerned about love and relationships. As a personality characteristic, suit can mean a subtle, sensual nature. Let's look at the card data, the meaning and interpretation of playing cards in the general layout:

  • 6 – pleasant road, date, unforgettable meeting.
  • 7 – you will receive an unexpected invitation.
  • 8 – declaration of love, joy, fun.
  • 9 – conversation with your loved one. How it ends will depend on the nearby cards. If it's a spades or clubs, it's a quarrel, but if it's diamonds or hearts, you'll find a compromise solution.
  • 10 – plans, dreams for the near future.
  • Jack is a stranger who cares about you.
  • A lady is a fair-haired woman, usually a friend of the querent.
  • The king is a married, fair-haired man.
  • Ace – house, love, next to face cards can mean strong feelings this person to you. If, on the contrary, the card is next to yours, then this is your love for someone.

Most popular layouts

Exists great amount different ways to find out your destiny and answers to a variety of questions. Of course, a separate layout is chosen for each situation. The meanings for fortune telling on playing cards will largely depend on what the querent is asking about. So, they highlight the following types layouts:

  • are common,
  • for love,
  • to fate,
  • for a period of time
  • at will.

The last type is the simplest and most common. With the help of such layouts you can quickly get an answer to your question. For example, consider the “Yes or No” fortune telling. There are two types of its layout: with three and with five cards. The second method gives a more detailed answer - what is against it and what needs to be changed. The meaning and combination of 36 playing cards in this layout will have a slightly different meaning. So, 5 cards are drawn sequentially from the deck.

1, 2 and 3 – answer the question: “Yes or no?” In this case, only the suit of the cards drawn is taken into account:

  • suit of hearts - yes,
  • crusade - extremely unlikely,
  • peak - no,
  • Diamond - there are some obstacles.

So, for example, in the image above we see 2 crosses and one heart. This means that the wish will come true, but with a very low probability.

4 - indicates what is against, 5 - what needs to be changed.

The fourth and fifth cards must be interpreted, as in general layouts. So, the king of the cross - most likely, your friend will interfere with you. And the last card - 8 of spades - means that the arrival of guests will help change the situation.

Meaning in a love reading

As already mentioned, the interpretation of cards when various fortune telling may vary. The most popular layouts for love include:

  • "Your love".
  • "Partner's attitude."
  • "For love and relationships."
  • “What is your loved one thinking about?”
  • "He and she".
  • "To be faithful."
  • "Mirror".
  • "New Relationships"
  • "Attitude towards the querent."
  • "Your relationship."
  • "Eyes to eyes".
  • "4 Aces 4 Tens."
  • "What a man."
  • “You and me.”
  • "What's on the heart."

For each of them, the meaning and combination of playing cards during fortune telling practically does not change. Except that in the “Eye to Eye” layout, more full interpretation. Each card answers one very important question:

  • Why does your partner like you?
  • Secret thoughts and motives about you.
  • What reaction does your partner expect from you?
  • What does the partner expect?
  • What happens if you reciprocate.
  • What should you do?

For example, the first question shows a nine of hearts card. Of course, its main and fundamental meaning is love and sympathy. This card means that your partner sees you perfect couple. His heart is filled with love and tenderness for you. He likes you for your openness, honesty and ability to make surprises.

The meaning of combinations of 36 playing cards when divining for love does not change for the heart and cross suits. But for diamonds and spades, there are some changes:

  • 8 diamonds - an unsuccessful date, a quarrel with a loved one.
  • The Jack of Diamonds is a lover, a pleasant guest.
  • The Queen of Diamonds can mean betrayal or a mistress, especially if it stands next to the partner's card.
  • 6th peak – separation, quarrel.
  • 7th peak – tears, sadness.
  • 8 of peaks - your feelings fade, cool down.
  • Ace of spades can mean a love spell, betrayal, or a break in a relationship.

Meaning in fate scenarios

This type of fortune telling is performed extremely rarely. This is due to the fact that it makes no sense to perform destiny readings very often, because significant changes in a person’s life require a lot of time. They are recommended to be performed once a month. Let's look at fortune telling on playing cards, meanings and layouts for fate:

  • "Rings".
  • "Present and Future".
  • "Horseshoe".
  • "Witch Solitaire"
  • " Butterfly".
  • "Card Oracle"
  • "Four fortunes."
  • " Palm".
  • "Fortune telling by Brown."
  • "An upcoming event."
  • "Next step".
  • "Bucket of Destiny"
  • "Personality characteristics."
  • "All about me".
  • “As good as it gets.”
  • "Flower".
  • "Patter".
  • "For fate."
  • "Problems and Fate."
  • “What is happiness?”
  • "Grandma's arrangement."
  • "Card Solitaire"
  • "Predictive Cross".
  • "Human Analysis".
  • " Seal".
  • "Fate-fate."
  • "Watch".

As a rule, fortune telling includes a large volume of cards and thereby complicates their interpretation. In general, the values ​​used are the same as in general layouts. The exceptions are some combinations:

  • 4 aces and 4 tens in one layout is a lucky sign.
  • 4 ladies - you are surrounded by gossips and enemies.
  • 10 and 9 diamonds - receiving a large sum of money.
  • The Queen of Spades and 9 of Hearts is an unexpected event.
  • The 8th and 7th diamonds symbolize impermanence.
  • Ace and 9 clubs - strong love.
  • 10 hearts and 7 clubs promise pregnancy for women, and tears and sadness for men.
  • King of Hearts and 6 of Spades – financial difficulties, losses, damages.

In order to better understand the meaning of fortune telling with playing cards in fate scenarios, let's look at an example.

In “Flower” fortune telling, the cards are laid out as shown in the image.

  • 1 - denotes the essence of the situation itself - the root of the problem.
  • 2-3 are obstacles that the querent will have to overcome.
  • 4 – interim result, course of events.
  • 5,6 and 7 – the outcome of the situation.

The meaning and combination of playing cards for fortune telling “Flower” will be as follows. The root of the problem is that, most likely, the querent is depressed (8 of peaks). This happened due to a blow from a loved one (ace of spades and 10 of diamonds). A stranger who cares about you (jack of hearts) can help in this situation. Most likely, the situation will end with this secret lover cheering you up, lifting your spirits and, perhaps, revealing his feelings (8 of diamonds, 7 and 8 of hearts).

Value for calculations for the period

This is another very important type of fortune telling, which is used to find out what awaits a person in a certain period of time. Allocations are made only for the future. The most popular are:

  • "For a day."
  • "For tomorrow".
  • "For a week."
  • "For a month".
  • "For a year."

The layout methods and meanings of 36 playing cards in this case are practically no different from the general layouts. In this case, you should pay attention to the location of the card. Let's look at an example.

In this fortune telling, the first card shows the thoughts that will bother the querent today. 6 hearts will mean that you will be thinking about some kind of trip.

The second card shows the feelings and emotions that overwhelm the heart on this day. The queen of clubs indicates that the querent is thinking about the woman. She probably has something to do with the upcoming trip.

The third card shows the events that will happen to the fortuneteller on this day. 8 Clubs denotes a fateful and very important meeting. But given that the next card is 7 of spades, most likely such a meeting will bring tears, disappointment, and possibly a quarrel. Although, in fact, the fourth card in the layout represents desires, dreams and hopes, in this case it should be considered together with the previous one.

The fifth point is far-reaching plans. In this case, the king of diamonds indicates that a fair-haired man, possibly an official, will have a significant influence on the situation. For girls, such a card can symbolize a lover.

The last point shows the outcome of the event or what should be avoided. In this case, 6 spades is enough negative card. Like the first, it also reflects a road or journey, but the alignment indicates that the trip will not be as good as we would like. Perhaps it will happen at night. In addition, the peak cards that appear at the end of the fortune telling indicate that it is best to abandon the plan. The meaning of playing cards for the future is quite simple to interpret. In this case, you should adhere to some rules:

  • If there are many figure cards in the layout, it means that important events await the querent.
  • Some items can be combined. This applies to those cases when the cards do not carry deep meaning (6,7,8).
  • If you cannot understand the meaning of a point, you need to ask what exactly you do not understand. After this, draw another card from the deck and place it side by side.

Four cards

We mentioned earlier that some cards should be interpreted in pairs. But besides this, there are some combinations that always represent an exception. In some cases, it doesn’t even matter where they are located (next to each other or separately). In various layouts, the meaning of playing card combinations is much greater higher value than it may seem. This applies to those cases when all jacks, queens, kings, and aces fall out in one fortune telling. It doesn’t matter at all what positions the cards occupy, but if they fall out together, then:

  • Jacks in the reading mean that big and important things await the person.
  • Ladies are gossip about the querent.
  • Kings indicate unexpected troubles, promotion in a career scenario.
  • Aces in the layout are good sign, a symbol of happiness and good luck, especially in combination with the 10 of Clubs.

Other combinations

The meanings of 36 playing cards largely depend on which ones are located next to them. In some cases they give good hints or advice. This is especially true for situations where there are several cards per point. Let's look at an example:

This layout works as follows:

The deck must be thoroughly shuffled and all 36 cards laid out. Next, you need to find “your” card according to the following principle:

  • for fair-haired girls - Queen of Hearts,
  • for dark-haired people - Queen of Clubs,
  • for fair-haired men – King of Hearts or King of Diamonds,
  • for dark-haired people – King of Clubs.

The meanings of the “For Love” playing cards must be looked at side by side. In this case, around the queen of clubs, there are: king of diamonds, queen, 6 and on top 7 of spades. If we do not take into account the combinations, then we can conclude that the querent has a young man, he comes to her, but he also has another girl (the queen of diamonds). The 7th peak means that the couple may have quarrels and conflicts. But in this particular case, there is a queen of spades and an ace of spades near the top card. And this is a very bad combination.

Spades: 7, ace and queen mean curse, damage, slander. So the cards tell the fortuneteller that, most likely, her opponent is quite active.

Thus, the meaning of playing cards in love layouts should be interpreted very carefully. The most famous combinations:

  • Ace of clubs with 7 clubs - victory.
  • Ace of diamonds with 9 of spades - lies of loved ones.
  • Ace of hearts and ace of spades are bad news.
  • King of clubs and 8 of spades - treason.
  • The King of Hearts and 6 of Hearts are a gift.

Fortune telling rules

Of course, when interpreting layouts, it is very important to take into account the meaning of the suits of playing cards and their combinations. But no less important is compliance with the fortune telling technique. There are certain rules that will help you get reliable and accurate answers to your questions:

  • You cannot ask the same question more than once;
  • if the cards show impossible events, postpone fortune telling, now is not the best time;
  • To prevent cards from lying, they should not be given to anyone, thrown, or placed in a visible place;
  • never tell fortunes in a bad mood, especially when irritated and angry, cards love only positive emotions;
  • if cards fall out during shuffling, pick them up and be sure to look at their values;
  • do not try to predict the result; while shuffling the cards, think only about the issue that worries you.

Of course, everyone can learn to guess with playing cards. Overall, this is an easy task. To make the ritual easier, keep a special notebook. Write down all the meanings and combinations of cards in it. Then, after each fortune-telling, you can write down the results, compare them with what is happening in life, and analyze them. The most important thing is to remember that cards are an assistant who can give advice and clarify the situation, but you need to act only by relying on yourself and your own strengths.

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