How the ancient writings of runic magic work. Rituals with runes Rituals with runes

New Year's Eve is one of the most powerful moments when a person can make wishes. Firstly, at the mental level we associate it with the beginning of a new stage, at which everything planned should happen. Secondly, rituals are performed on New Year's Eve. This includes drinking champagne while the chimes strike, and trying to make a wish in this short moment. And the main task of any ritual is to strengthen our faith that our wish will definitely come true. And without faith, dreams cannot come true. So it’s a sin to miss this chance and not make a New Year’s order. And you can do it like this...

You must first make a pine block of sufficient size. On December 31st, you should briefly and positively formulate your intention in the present tense and carve it with runes on one side of the die. For example, the affirmation “I am rich” in runic writing looks like this:

Yera - Berkano - Otal - Ansuz - Teyvaz

In this case, you need to make sure that there are no nearby negative runes in the runescript, otherwise you need to restate the desire using different words. Then turn the die over to the other side and apply magic word, which will significantly strengthen your thought form -

Soulo - Ansuz - Laguz - Uruz - Soulo - Ansuz - Laguz - Uruz

At the stroke of midnight, you must paint the carved runes with your blood and perform the ritual of consecrating the taufra. Then visualize the desired result, imagine vividly and in detail that you already have what you want.
In order for your wish to come true, you must not tell anyone about the ritual performed, and you must also ensure that your talisman does not fall into the wrong hands under any circumstances.

The realization of desire depends on many factors:
Firstly, based on the qualities of your personality, the corresponding Forces, egregors, who will take on the task of fulfilling your desire, come to your aid. Egregors feed on your energy, that is, on the streams of vibrations that you emit. If you are a bright person, they will come to you light forces and help you make your wish come true. If you are drawn to low vibrations, you will most likely be helped by dark egregors who don’t do anything for nothing, and then they will exact retribution from you. If we express this in religious terms, angels, saints, or devils, demons will help you.
Secondly, the fulfillment of a desire depends on your own power of thought, which personal horoscope determined by the position of the planets in the signs of Taurus and Capricorn and the configurations between these planets.
And thirdly, the realization of your desire depends on the plans of the Higher Powers for your destiny. Each person in his life must solve certain problems, fulfill the main goals for which he was sent here. If your desires coincide with the plans of the Higher Powers, or at least do not interfere with the fulfillment of your main mission on Earth, then they can come true.
For a wish to come true, you need to be able to let it go. First you need to think about it for some time, visualize it, pray to the Forces to help you fulfill it. And then, when you have poured enough energy into the flow of the subtle world, you need to forget about this desire for a while, relax and live your normal life.

How I spend runic magical ritual

Commitment magical rites must be carried out in compliance with the relevant rules that must be known and strictly followed.

Each ritual is carried out in a certain order, according to an algorithm.

If you make an inaccuracy or mistake when performing a magical ritual, the result is unlikely to be positive.

In addition, you need various components and attributes: runes, cards, a ball, candles, incense and other items purchased in advance. Their purchase or manufacture must be approached very seriously, avoiding negligence. Otherwise, the ritual will not give the desired effect.

I'm somehow closer runic rites- they are simple and give correct results. It is recommended to make the runes yourself.

Performing runic magic rituals

If you need to resolve some important issue or you are faced with a difficult task, you need to approach the ritual carefully. It is advisable to do it during the full moon.

Both the day of the week and the “competence” of the god you want to contact are important here (I don’t recommend Odin, especially for beginners). Depending on the specifics of the issue or request (health, career, money, court cases, love, family, business), the god who patronizes it to the greatest extent is chosen. He needs to come up with a visa - an address in the poetic form of an ode, it can be done without rhyme, the main thing is to pronounce it with a certain rhythm. Since there are many subtleties here, for beginners it is better to use an appeal to all the gods as a whole.

Clear the table of foreign objects, wash clean water. Draw the Thurisaz rune above the surface and say “I consecrate this surface with the hammer of Thor”. I have a special green linen square napkin for such cases. In the 4 corners we place: a candle (fire), a smoking stick or aroma lamp (air), water in a bowl, instead of earth I use salt. Light a candle and a stick. In the center of the square are runes. Provide gifts to the gods: beer, bloody meat, bread.

Create conditional protection: turning sequentially to all four cardinal directions, starting from the North and at the very end, above your head, drawing the same rune in the air and saying the same words.

Thus, the energy of God, our own energy and the energy of natural forces are combined, a special atmosphere is created, and in the silence you can feel an invisible presence (maybe some kind of sign - a candle flame flickered, an unusual sound was heard, a draft was drawn in).

I mentally formulate a question or request to clarify the situation and draw 3 runes, lay them out in front of me - this is the answer, then interpret (interpret). I bring gratitude to the gods and ask you to accept the sacrifice (gifts).

I finish the ritual: I put out the candle with my hand, the smoking stick with water. The gifts must be taken out and placed under “your” tree, chosen on a whim.

The simplest runic magic ritual

The simplest runic ritual that I usually use daily is fortune telling with one rune. It works well and is used in everyday situations: meetings, commerce, creative work, all types of relationships.

In short, in the end I want to get an answer to the question: how will the day go, what should I pay attention to, how should I act? I take one rune out of the bag, lay it out in front of me (the position is important: forward or reverse) and look up its meaning in the book.

Very often the desire to possess something or someone is so great that a person does not hesitate to choose means. In addition to generally accepted methods of achieving what he wants, he is ready to resort to magic. But not everyone knows what the consequences of witchcraft can be. Runic magic contains the power and wisdom of ancient peoples, but in the wrong hands it can become a destructive force.

In ancient times, Scandinavian and Germanic tribes used special symbols - runes for writing. However, each runic symbol is a kind of key to the flow of strong magical information. A certain set of runes, which makes up an individual formula for achieving a specific goal, is called becoming. It is staves that representatives of black and white magic use in their work. Each of them is endowed with its own energy and individually affects the quality of consciousness.

Ancient symbols help to establish connections with energy flows different levels: universal, galactic, planetary and individual. Proper work and “unification” of consciousness with runes helps not only to activate one’s own spiritual forces, but also to attract them from the outside. It is necessary to work with runes with extreme caution - they carry not only positive, creative energy, but also destructive energy.

The power of magical signs can be used for healing, protection, love spell, help in achieving a certain goal or possession of a certain object. In order to correctly carry out runic rituals, you need to undergo special training, learn the meaning of runes and the rules for conducting rituals.

Video “How runic magic works”

In this video, an expert will tell you how runic magic works.

The meaning of the runes

Before learning how to make bets from magic symbols, novice magicians should become familiar with the meaning of each individual rune. The power of information inherent in each of them manifests itself individually in a specific position:

  • Feu - material well-being, money or property;
  • Uruz - the power and energy of a wild animal, the embodiment of strength;
  • Turisaz - obstacles (thorns and thorns), magical gates to the other world;
  • Ansuz is the embodiment of ancient sacred knowledge, an assistant in negotiations;
  • Raido - development and movement, road, travel, striving for a cherished goal;
  • Kano - the ability for independent transformation, internal strengths and abilities;
  • Gebo - gift, generosity, pledge of love;
  • Vunyo - joyful events, changes for the better, changing life’s negative to positive;
  • Hagalaz - destructive elements, hail and thunder;
  • Nautiz is a symbol of need and restrictions and at the same time protection from ill-wishers and evil thoughts;
  • Isa - symbolizes stagnation and stop, an ice symbol;
  • Yera - a generous harvest and a good acquisition;
  • Eyvaz is a defensive and protective force, helps to overcome obstacles;
  • Perth - an area of ​​the unknown, endowed with magical abilities;
  • Algiz - a shield from enemies and dangers;
  • Soulu - solar energy and light, victory over adversity;
  • Teyvaz is the rune of a warrior, a symbol of victory and achievement of goals;
  • Berkana - family, fertility, tree;
  • Evaz - the beginning of movement after a period of stagnation, physical strength;
  • Mannaz is a person;
  • Laguz - exchange of information, manifestation of intuition;
  • Inguz - a favorable completion of a certain stage in life, positive energy;
  • Dagaz - light of day, new opportunity, moment for action;
  • Otal - clan, transfer of spiritual heritage and property.

What rituals can be performed

Powerful conspiracies, love spells, lapels and other rituals require strict adherence to the execution instructions. In order for the result to be quick and expected, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. Complete control over your own physical and spiritual state. It is also recommended not to eat several hours before the ceremony, so as not to waste strength and energy.
  2. Get a good night's sleep for clarity of consciousness and wash, and you need to wash before and after the ritual.
  3. Be in full confidence in the effectiveness of the ritual and its positive result.
  4. Prepare the place: ensure complete silence, close windows, doors, mirrors, warn that no one will disturb you or interfere.
  5. If something does not go according to plan, then you need to immediately stop the ritual and postpone it. This could be a specific sign.
  6. Under no circumstances should you change the composition of the staves or confuse the runes.

With runes you can carry out not only popular love spells and lapels, but also other rituals, such as rituals for a thing, for improving relationships, for increasing attractiveness, for good luck. Each ritual involves an individual stage, in which runes can be combined in a certain sequence. So, for good luck, an amulet is made from the runes of Fehu, Soul, Otal, Vunyo, and to improve relationships - Gebo, Aldiz, Otila, Vunyo. The most powerful spells runic magic- love spells.

Runic love spell

Runic love spells are rightly considered one of the most effective ways impact on a loved one. With their help, you can not only win a person’s favor and win love, but also strengthen an existing union, improve sexual relationships, etc. The text of the conspiracy should reflect the entire essence and purpose of the ritual, as well as what the person wants to get as a result.

One of the most powerful bets on love is the set of the following runes: Gebo, Odala, Kano-Laguza, Inguz-Soula, Berkan-Inguza, Halagas, Mannaz, Nautiza, Iisa. They need to be applied to the chosen one’s thing, which is often or always with him. You can also use Berkan-Inguz, Turisaz, Soul and Odal. The spell is pronounced for each rune:

“I will enchant, bewitch, enchant with fire, the flame of love (the name of the person for whom the ritual is being performed), and the runes will help with this. The words of this conspiracy have the power to help capture the heart, conquer the will, so that from now on and forever and ever, destinies will be intertwined with passionate, ardent love. Chained together now.”

If it is not possible to apply runes to the desired object, then they are applied to a clean sheet, a drop of one’s own blood is added and buried near the home of a loved one.

Effective are rituals involving wine and blood, which are performed during the waxing moon using the Nautiz and Kenaz runes. Runic symbols are drawn on paper, then each symbol must be sprinkled with one’s own blood, a spell must be read, an odd number of drops of blood must be placed in a glass of wine and given to the object, and the piece of paper must be buried near his house.

“As soon as the drink gets into the stomach of (name of the chosen one), passion will cover you. Thoughts will spin only about relationships night and day. So be it."

The consequences of love runic magic

Sooner or later you have to pay for everything. Runic ritual also has its price, sometimes quite high. Negative consequences can be not only for the performer of the ritual and his offspring, but also for the “victim”. The performer may suffer from nervous disorders, insomnia, failure, illness, etc. But the “victim” is susceptible to depression, panic attacks, aggression, impotence and alcohol addiction.

Before carrying out the ritual, you need to weigh everything well and decide whether the future result is worth the possible losses and consequences.

If a person is not attracted to you, then perhaps you have not yet met your soul mate.


To consecrate the place of work with the Hammer of Thor in the four directions, as well as in heaven and on earth.
Apply the runes to the workpiece in the order of their importance, chanting the name of each rune. Paint each symbol with paint or blood. (And, really, don’t be children playing wizards - blood is not so necessary, any red paint will do: in any case you will have to pay...)

Formulate clearly and clearly what the taufr, amulet or talisman is intended for. Visualize the result - see it in its completed form.

When charging the amulet, you need to pronounce words in the past tense to emphasize the intention.

At the end of the ritual, bring the amulet to your mouth with your right hand and exhale onto it from your stomach, charging it with your life force.

For simple ritual must have:

1) a candle, any kind, be it wax or stearine, the main thing is that it produces fire.
2) incense with a pine scent. If the amulet is a love spell, then you need to use honey and an apple. If an amulet is created for deeds, heather is usually used. In general, it’s better to use something simple and simple, but if suddenly you don’t have the necessary ingredients at hand, then anything will do, even dried herbs for gargling.
3) regular table salt.
4) tap water, not boiled! Boiled water is dead, and it is not advisable to drink it. It is better to use filtered or processed.

The candle should be placed in the upper left edge of the table, the incense in the upper right. On the left, in the lower edge, you need to put salt, in the lower right corner - water. Place the sign cut out on the blank in the center. The top edge of the sign should be towards the top of the table - this is very important.

Then you need to consecrate the table with the Hammer of Thor, that is, draw a line with your right hand from top to bottom, and then from left to right bring another line under it, but do not cross it out, but rather bring it down. And so on, starting from north to east and further, along the Circle of Winds or Cardinal Points.

Then consecrate Heaven: with your right hand, draw a line from behind your head and then, from left to right, place a crossbar under it.

The ground is consecrated with the right hand, as if drawing a line under you from front to back, imagining that the line is under your feet. With the same hand, from left to right, draw a crossbar.

Each time the Hammer designates the cardinal directions, the following words must be said out loud:
“I consecrate this place with the Hammer of Thor.”

Consecrating Heaven, say:
"I consecrate Heaven with the Hammer of Thor."

Consecrating the Earth, say:
"I consecrate the Earth with the Hammer of Thor."

Thus, during the consecration ritual, you create your own space-time bag, while simultaneously clearing this piece of space. A piece fenced off by the Hammer, and yourself in this sphere. From this moment on, strange things may begin to happen. This is not necessary, but the more you practice, the more likely it is that you will begin to see the flow of forces.
The ritual is considered closed if the candle is extinguished, and do not even think about blowing out the candle, it must be extinguished with your fingers!

So, the preparation is complete. You have prepared the table, lit a candle, incense, and blessed the place.
Turning your face to the North, you must call on the Gods. To do this, you don’t have to shout loudly, just tell the vis to call the god you want to summon. More precisely, you will not call on God himself, but on his attention, his gaze.

Visa is a Scandinavian four and a major, which you can easily compose yourself. You definitely need to learn this! What is important here is not the words themselves, but your attitude towards them. If you want to say something, don't be afraid, say it. This is your true desire, which means it has power. Visa is not a twenty-page ode. It is enough, for example, to say:

One great one
I call on you
Help yourself!

But you can come up with something of your own. It doesn't matter what exactly you say. The main thing is that it be respectful, but persistent, in an incantatory meter and rhythm. Any visa has a spell size, because any eril in Scandinavia was a writer, and the “skald” was the first initiation and the first step in the training of an eril.
Vis needs to speak with his hands raised high to the sky, and after a short nod and bow, he needs to step forward with his left foot, slowly raising his head. At the same time, quickly, but not fussily, put your foot back and raise your face towards the sky.

At this point, your feet should be shoulder-width apart. You stand like this - with your hands raised to the sky and look up. This position symbolizes the Yggdrasil tree. Your feet are its roots, your hands are its branches.

The manifestation of the gods is felt by a slight tingling sensation, or an elastic wave rolling from top to bottom throughout your entire body. You may even start to shake a little. You will feel a sense of strength in yourself or around you.

As soon as the wave begins to subside, you slowly lower your arms through your sides. At the same time, you should get a feeling of concentration of power somewhere, in the very center of your being. You may feel a persistent pulsation in the solar plexus area, and you may be shaken thoroughly again.

Now very slowly bring your hands together and place them crosswise on your shoulders. Remaining in this position, you make a small, respectful bow at the waist and thank the Gods for paying attention to you. Then lower your hands down. You turned to the Gods, and they answered you.

Take the carved amulet and, after passing it three times over the candle, say three times:
"I consecrate you with the power of Fire."

Now pass it three times over the smoking incense and say three times:
“I consecrate you with the power of Air.”

Sprinkle water on the amulet three times and say three times:
"I consecrate you with the power of Water."

Now sprinkle it with salt three times and say three times:
"I consecrate you with the power of the Earth."

Then you bring the amulet to your mouth with both hands and exhale long and slowly onto it, imagining that you are reviving it. Say mentally:
“I give you life with my spirit.”

After this, again raise your arms slightly up and to the sides. IN right hand you hold the amulet face out. Then say:

“Oh Great Gods, look at my work and give it power. In the name of the great Odin! So be it!”

The words of spells and consecrations must be pronounced respectfully, but with will and harshly, always demandingly.

You will snot and drool, not a single god will turn to you, and if he does, it will only be to spit down on you, not to give the amulet power. Don’t even come here with snot.

The North is tough. The gods love warriors. And even if you are not a karate champion, but you have the will to win in your soul, the rest will surely come. You must have a stainless steel rod inside - the gods love that. But now the amulet is consecrated. Not by you, but by the will of the gods and the name of Odin. You place it back in the middle of the table. In general, the ritual seems to be completed, but I recommend performing one more action.

Your amulet lies on the table, in the very middle. Everything is symmetrical on the table, and the amulet is located at the intersection of the diagonals of the square of the elements. You stretch your arms forward, grab the pillars of the elements with them, then fold your crossed arms onto your shoulders. A moment later, you spread your arms again, thereby connecting the elements crosswise. At the point of intersection, a column of elements combines, and the amulet is located in this column.
You extend the runes along the axis of the pillar, they line up from the central one, in the form of symmetrically crossed images of runes on the amulet. The runes seem to be disconnected from each other, but they burn in a single sphere different colors. You spin them into a spherical vortex of rainbow or white. You begin to compress the sphere into a point, and when it turns into a very small point, you sharply drive it into the center of the sign on the amulet. The image on the amulet does not jump out of the blank. Try it, you won't regret it. You will get an indescribable sensation, and sweat will appear all over your body. Don't be afraid to practice. Everything comes with practice. After this, you can extinguish the candle, the ritual is completed.

The work is finished. The finished amulet should be placed where it will work best. If the amulet is personal, then it should be hung around the neck or carried with you in a bag. If the amulet was intended to protect the house, it should be hung on the door frame or hidden near the door. Ideally, right to the door.

When the work of the amulet is completed, when it has already completed its task, it must be destroyed very respectfully: either burned in a fire specially made for this purpose, or buried under a tree. The amulet must be sent into the fire and buried with words of gratitude and respect, like a warrior who died in battle. If the amulet did not work, you should do the same. It's not the amulet's fault. It was not he who failed the task, but the magician himself.

A small ritual was given above. Not that it is weaker than the big one, but it is faster in execution, requires the use of a minimum of funds and is intended for less serious purposes, so to speak, for every day. But you don't need to take all this literally. I want to say that if you start ritualizing every day, then after a month there will be no one to collect you. They can't.

Do not forget that during the ritual you give away part of your power. Of course, it will recover later, and even with a profit, but this takes time. I also do not recommend making several amulets in one day - you will be more exhausted, and you will not give the amulets strength; and the gods will not give it.

In order for the gods to pay their attention to you, you need to reach them. But we should remember that they do not live in our dimension, but in their Asgard, and any, even insignificant, contact with them is already an astral movement, which requires a lot of energy.

If you use the technology given at the end of the ritual, I recommend that you get a good night's sleep. Before the ritual itself, stash a chocolate bar or some kind of cake in the refrigerator. The fact is that after completing the ritual, you may be very craving for sweets. You can drink a little beer - small doses of alcohol, plus beer components support your metabolism very well. You should not drink strong alcoholic drinks, and you should only have a little beer. This information is purely subjective. I present them here just in case.

Now you can move on to the big ritual. This is a more serious action and requires much more effort. Therefore, three days before big ritual I recommend that you refrain from small rituals. You must have time to accumulate enough strength. At night it is advisable to get enough sleep or, paradoxically, not sleep at all.

No special abstinence is required from you, but if you suddenly feel that you need it, then, of course, abstain. In principle, if this is really important, then your life situation will be such that you simply won’t have to eat. Either there will be nothing, or there will be no time.

The only warning is to try not to drink alcohol, if possible at all. But if you suddenly, as happens, accidentally find yourself at some presentation, banquet or birthday, then drink some beer or weak dry wine. But... be careful not to overdo it!


As already mentioned, the runic rite has nothing to do with ancient knowledge. No information has been preserved about what he looked like magic ritual charging the runic formula or talisman, and whether it existed at all. However, performing the ritual is recommended by many practitioners. It allows you to concentrate, tune in to magic and show respect to the Gods.
Most famous runic ritual, which can be found in most Internet sources, was proposed by Sergei Batyushkov.
You probably have an altar. If not, any flat surface will do for the first time - a table, a board. Wash it with water and symbolically draw the Thurisaz rune over it, say: “I consecrate this surface with the Hammer of Thor.” Place the symbols of the elements on the altar in the corners of a conventional square (I have attached a picture): fire - a candle, air - a smoking stick or any incense so that the spirit comes from them (it is better, of course, when there is smoke, but in an apartment it is difficult, so we light a smoking stick, it is sold in any supermarket. You should like the smell); earth - you can use the earth itself, you can take rock salt; The water is clear, the main thing is not boiled.
In the center of the square - a photograph or a piece of wood with runic formula, in general, what we will charge.
I apply the runes in advance, before the ceremony; I first scratch them out on an object or photograph, and then color them during the ceremony itself. You can scratch it with a needle or an awl, but you can’t scratch it through. Although at the World Cup Vinany practices punctures with a hot needle at the locations of the chakras and then applying runes to this place. This is how she introduces the energy of the rune. This probably makes sense, but I haven't tried it. Some practitioners both draw runes and color them during the ritual. It's more convenient.
You can paint it with paint, or you can use your blood. I paint with watercolors, and on rare occasions I use my own blood. For example, she protected children with her blood. In your case, I would advise you to use black paint.
For the ritual, it is considered important: the phase of the moon, the day of the week, the “competence” of the god to whom we are addressing. Usually with the moon: we do damage and cleansing for the waning moon, love spells, love, prosperity, money - for the growing one. The best effects are during the full moon. But in principle, if it’s burning, you can ignore the moon and do the ritual for any one.
Day of the week:
Sunday – Balder – healing, family
Monday – Freya – fortune telling, love
Tuesday – Tyr – defense, victory
Wednesday – One – treatment, knowledge, wisdom, justice
Thursday – Thor – wealth, prosperity, victory in battle
Friday – Frigg – love, fertility
Saturday – Norns: Urd, Verdandi, Skuld – fate, luck

Therefore, we do something good for ourselves and for family members on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday; We make love on Monday, if orders about the husband are made on Friday; cash orders - on Thursday, damage, negatives - on Tuesday, Saturday.
Now gods: I don’t advise you to contact Odin for any nonsense, you will pay dearly. When I ask to protect my family and children, I turn to Frigga, despite the fact that she supervises Friday, and I do such things on Saturday; for love spells and love outside the family - to Freya; for money - to Frey; general luck - Tyr, norns (to all three at once); damage, evil eye - Lokki, Hel (this is when you need the goddess to take away the negative from you); health - Sunnah, Air.
When turning to God, you need to think about visa - turning to God. Experienced runologists compose entire odes, but at first it is possible without rhyme, the main thing is that there is a certain rhythm (similar to the syllable in Homer’s “Odyssey”). There are visas on the Internet for different gods, you can memorize and use, you can compose your own. Logically, what is the meaning of Russian words for Scandinavian gods? It seems to me that the rhythm of the spoken words is important, and the main thing is to really tune in internally to this god, to call upon him. (by the way, Russian conspiracies are also rhythmic)
Thus, in the ritual we combine: 1) the “energy” of God; 2) the energy of natural forces; 3) your own energy. Maybe I'm calling it wrong, but that's how I feel.
Let's start the ritual. Everything in our place is in its place, in the center there is a photograph or an amulet (talisman). Light a candle and a smoking stick. From the moment the fire was lit, the ceremony began.
Let's face north. In front of us, with our hand in the air, we draw the Thurisaz rune and say, “I consecrate this place with the Hammer of Thor!” So we turn sequentially and do it to each side of the world. Then, when we have made a circle, we do the same above our heads. Thus, they created a conditional “house” around themselves.
After this, we turn to face the east, raise our hands and say visu, calling on God. You can say it several times until you feel its presence. I usually close my eyes and listen to myself, somehow I feel inside. One practitioner on the forum said that he was waiting for signs: a candle fluttered or a breeze blew in a closed room. Well, it's individual.
Further. We take the paint and begin to color the runes, one at a time, pronouncing its name and immediately specifying the purpose for which the rune was included in the formula. Painted. Then we pronounce the formula in its entirety again and once again its task as a whole. When formulating a task, we visualize this formula, preferably on the person for whom it is intended, that is, we must also imagine this person. If during the ritual we are going to burn the carrier of the formula, then we stipulate here that we activate it precisely by burning. Otherwise, if we do not stipulate this, we will get the exact opposite result, because Burning usually stops the effect of the runes. (I stop the effect of runes by burning and burying, some are lowered into water or scattered through the air, depending on which element is closer to whom).
Next, we charge with natural forces: we hold the object over the fire and say: “I sanctify you with the power of fire,” then air, water (sprinkle) and earth (sprinkle). Each time we pronounce these words with a mention of the corresponding element. Place the item in the center of the altar. Next is creativity. I do this: with my hands, tracing all the symbols of the elements, I create a vortex, like a funnel, over the object that we are charging, slowly raise it above the altar, and then sharply “drive” it into the object. You can do this several times until you achieve a feeling of satisfaction.
Then I charge you with my energy: I bring the object to my face and slowly exhale onto it and say: I charge you with my power. Sometimes after all this I set the validity period of the formula (if necessary). But according to observations, this deadline is met only about half the time, so the deadline is not particularly important. By the way, it is possible to stipulate the beginning of the effect of the runes after burning at this stage, the main thing is not to forget to mention this.
Next, we burn it. If we are not going to burn the formula, then we will put the item aside for now.
Then we turn to God again, offer gratitude and ask him to accept the sacrifice. Some people practice drinking a drink during the ritual (three sips), as if sharing a meal with God. I don't drink, but when I ask God to accept gifts, I usually lay them out.
We finish the ritual: we extinguish the candle with our hand and the smoking stick with water. In nature, we extinguish everything with water.
That's it, the ceremony itself is over.
Now let's go outside and make a sacrifice. We pour the drink so that it hits the tree and the ground; we place other gifts on the ground under the tree. I have two sacrificial trees: a healthy pine tree with a forked trunk and the birch tree from which I took a branch for runes. I chose the tree on a whim. I take gifts to the birch tree if I ask for something for myself or my family, and to the pine tree when I need it strong help. Well, I don’t know, it’s determined somehow on its own. Sometimes both together. Yes, money is also possible, in Russia it is easier, you have coins there, we only have paper coins, so euros and hryvnias are used, and Russian ones, of course.
After that, go home and sleep!
This is also why I perform rituals more often in the evening. If you go to work in the morning and then go to work, you spend half a day getting yourself together.
