Osho Zen cards. The meaning of the transformation card in the Osho Zen Tarot. Who is Osho Zen Tarot suitable for?

Tarot cards are one of the tools of both white and black magic. There are several types of cards. Frequently used ones include the Osho tarot. They help you focus on the events that are happening at a given time. Their principle is based on Zen philosophy, which says that all events that happen in our lives are a mental reflection. Fortune telling osho Zen Tarot allows us to comprehend the truth and everything that happens in our soul. The pictures presented on the cards reflect streams of consciousness and various states capable of transformation and change. To accurately interpret the meaning of the card, text is written on it. The deck is also called Zorba Buddha. Prediction with the help of such cards is more spiritual in nature. The meaning of any meaning must be understood in terms of energy level and spiritual essence. The deck has a certain list of layouts. Each type has its own specific purpose.

Tarot Osho Zen will help you understand the truth

Deck structure

Probably every tarot reader knows about fortune telling with Osho cards. The deck consists of 78 tarots. The meaning of Zen tarot is different for everyone. They are divided into arcana, senior and junior levels. Water, rainbow, clouds and fire - these suits can also be observed here.

  1. A distinctive feature of this type of card is the minor arcana, because all the cards in it have their own, unique names.
  2. Court cards and aces have a standard name. The cards also differ in their operating principle. Only an experienced interpreter will be able to correctly explain the meaning of the cards that fell out during the reading.
  3. Regarding the major arcana, they have also been changed. Fortune telling with Osho Zen Tarot occurs more at the level of intuition.

It is quite easy to interpret the images, since they reflect the whole essence of the name. The senior level arcana includes 22 cards and 56 cards at the minor level. Osho Zen Tarot, the meaning of which very well conveys the essence of the situation and its solution, can be used by anyone who has the appropriate knowledge.

There are 78 cards in the Osho Zen deck

Correct handling of the deck is the key to success

Tarot cards help answer questions difficult questions and receive practical advice. Many people mistakenly believe that Osho reached a special enlightenment level after long meditations, so the deck should be used in this direction. This is an incorrect judgment. Almost anyone who understands can tell fortunes on Osho Zen cards. spiritual world and has reached a certain level of development in this direction. Osho himself has nothing to do with the cards, since they appeared later. The teachings he adhered to during his life can easily be attributed to the classic version of the tarot. Osho Zen Tarot is able to answer various questions within reason.

You need to guess correctly using the Zen tarot - only then can you get the right answer. If you use the cards at your own discretion, it will not give any positive result.

The technique of fortune telling must be learned. Like other decks of cards, Zen does not perceive imprecise questions such as “My future and what awaits me there?” Also, you should not ask primitive questions like: “Will a certain person call in three hours?” This is all nonsense, since the layouts are made to solve complex spiritual issues. Osho Zen Tarot cards love specifics. The more specifically the question is formulated, the better the answer will be interpreted. Another distinctive characteristic of tarot readings is that they reveal cause and effect very clearly. A detailed disclosure of situations of various nature on an emotional level is available. Zen tarot cards are good at addressing issues related to business, work, or just business relationships.

Osho Zen gives answers only to precise questions

What are the different types of layouts?

Osho Zen tarot layouts come in different versions. The choice of layout depends on what state the person is in and what questions he wants to hear answers to. The most common technique is the Instant layout. It represents a selection of one card that shows absolutely any event or meditation for the current day. Osho zen tarot instant deal

  • used by many who have no special knowledge. It is very simple and understandable to everyone. Others are also highlighted. Rhombus. Often used for clarification certain situation
  • and the answer to a specific question, especially if you are stumped while making a decision.
  • Mirror. It is used in cases where it is necessary to understand how to behave with other people. Displays a relationship with a specific person. Celtic cross. often used to clarify very important issues and clarify the general features of the situation.
  • Ankh. When doing tarot reading, the Egyptian cross explains various states. Why am I having problems at work, I’m sick and can’t find common language with relatives? What lesson should I learn from this situation and what should I pay attention to?
  • Unity. Tarot fortune telling using this layout allows you to resolve issues between two people. It is great for those who are in relationships (regardless of status) and want to resolve conflicts, misunderstandings and enmity.
  • Bird in flight. The fortuneteller must lay out the cards in the form of a flying bird. The cards on the left reflect the energy of a woman - receptivity; on the right, male active energy will be visible.
  • Paradox. Zorb laid out in this position makes it possible to explain the essence of internal unresolved situations.
  • Communication. This layout allows you to look at how you communicate with others.
  • Key. If you lay out the cards in the form of a key, you can open the way to understanding specific situations, as well as inner life happening here and now.
  • Hagal. The interpretation of this consists of two oracles. The meaning of hagal itself has several interpretations; their generalized meaning represents the boundary of the universe and internal knowledge.

It’s not worth starting to make a layout right away without knowing all its subtleties. It is necessary to achieve a certain level of knowledge in this direction or seek help from an experienced tarot reader.

The Buddha should be sought for help only in specific situations that truly require a solution. The Osho Zen Tarot deck is laid out according to the situation that needs to be solved.

Osho Zen Tarot manual can be found in a special book. It describes each card, its meaning and detailed interpretation. Each card also has a description.

The meaning of Zen tarot, unlike other variants of tarot, is not so complex. Almost everyone can understand the interpretation.

The Nothing card in the Osho Zen Tarot deck is the sixth major Arcana of the deck, number V. This is without a doubt one of the most difficult and most interesting maps in Osho Zen Tarot, if not the most difficult.

Other cards are filled with images, on each there are some people, objects, various colors, details, figures - space for imagination and interpretation.. But on the card Nothing there is simply nothing! Only darkness, emptiness.. And for many people this card can simply just to scare, not to please. In fact, it also reflects death, the unknown, the NOTHING that frightens the mind of any person. If you ask many ordinary (not interested in spiritual topics) people, what is death? What will happen to us after death - a person will avert his eyes somewhat with obvious reluctance, answering - yes, nothing, nothing will happen, after death - nothing! And he would simply prefer not to talk about it. The topic of death is generally under an unspoken ban in modern Western society. It is unacceptable and unpleasant to talk about this.

I would also like to separately mention the comparison of this arcana in the Osho Zen Tarot system with its content in the traditional system. IN classic tarot this Arcanum is called the Priest (Hierophant), and in short, one of its most striking meanings is a representative of a religious sect, a certain Guru, mentor, priest. And it is very noteworthy that in the Osho Zen Tarot they decisively abandoned this image, replacing it with “Nothing”. After all, Osho most of all criticized the “Priest” - priests, religious figures, philosophers, emphasizing that they do not bring anything good for a person and his self-development, but on the contrary, they only poison his freedom and turn him into a slave.

But what is the Nothing card in the Osho Zen Tarot and how to interpret it? You can read a detailed description from the manual for the deck and Osho’s own vision on this issue at the link: . Osho tells us that Nothing can be positive or negative. And I believe that in interpreting this card we should rely on the definition of whether this card has a negative or positive meaning in the layout. This can be determined primarily with the help of your own intuition, as well as relying on the adjacent cards in the layout.
Nothingness in a positive sense is what all seekers strive for and where they find Enlightenment - in silence and deep self-contemplation.
Nothing in the negative sense is emptiness, darkness, immersion in fears and depression.
If we talk about the additional meanings of this card, then this can also be a simple answer “Nothing” to the question “Why...?”
For example, a person asks, what should I do to resolve this situation? this moment? and the answer - Nothing - may well be interpreted precisely as an indication of the need at the moment to simply let events happen their way and not interfere in trying to change them. Those. the case when our intervention in the situation will not bring anything useful.
Alternatively, the card may say that there will be no answer to this situation, it’s a secret, or it’s not the time to find out. Especially if you get the chance to “ask again” even after trying.

I will highlight the main, in my opinion, key words that describe the essence of the arcana of Nothing in the Osho Zen Tarot: God, enlightenment and closeness to it, stopping the internal dialogue, freedom, completeness, silence (in the positive aspect) and emptiness, darkness, death, depression, depersonalization, fear, despair, evil.

These are the concepts that should be relied upon when understanding it. Now let's take a closer look at examples and situations, various types layouts.

Description of personality through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

The Nothing card in the Osho Zen Tarot in a positive aspect can represent the personality of a spiritual, wise, calm, peaceful, deep-thinking... and even close to Enlightenment or an Enlightened person who has learned the essence of Nothing.

In a negative sense, this could be a depressed, angry person, mired in the darkness of his own vices. This card can especially strongly show a state of depersonalization and similar ones, when a person is filled with fear and neurosis, despair, but this is a normal stage of formation on the spiritual path - we simply dive deeper and closer to ourselves. Therefore, if you got just such a client, this card is not a harbinger of trouble with his condition, but on the contrary, a hint and help in his understanding and correct perception.

Description of profession, career through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

Who am I by profession? Nobody! =)
Well, seriously, we may well be talking about a person who has left the world, or who is in the world but has left its system - for example, he lives as a monk, an ascetic. This is an extreme example, but in a positive sense, the card will most likely indicate professions that are perceived by ordinary people as “he’s a nobody.” In the usual understanding, a person should be a lawyer, an economist, a doctor... But here, for example, a person engages in spiritual practices and shares this with others. This is incomprehensible to society.
This is one of the possible interpretations.
If we take the negative aspect, then this card can speak very clearly about the “marginal”, a person who cannot find a job, cannot find his place and the opportunity to prove himself.

Description of personal life through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

In personal life, in a positive aspect, we will most likely be talking about relationships of a very high level, full of real, genuine Love.
There may also be a characteristic of the partner’s spiritual perception, when there is no layering of one’s own thoughts and images, but he is perceived precisely in his true essence, purely.
If we talk about the negative aspect, then of course the following examples are suitable: there is no partner and is not planned, the relationship has reached a dead end, low-level relationships, dark thoughts and actions of the partner(s).

Description of business, money issue through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

In a positive aspect: rather, we will be talking about detachment from money, a person’s emphasis on internal wealth, rather than on external ones.
There may also be a loss of money, its absence, but in the sense that through this the experience of independence from material things should come.
In the negative aspect: poverty, loss of money, but precisely as a consequence of negative karma, dark influence.

Description of health through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

Health in a positive aspect is excellent.
In the negative aspect - bad, on the verge of an advanced stage. Just don’t scare your client under any circumstances! Do not make terrible diagnoses, even if you intuitively feel the bad aspect of the meaning. Carefully ask and find out if he has any serious problems, and if so, then it’s time to seriously work on them.
Health tips in general - calm your nerves and mind. An indication that the root cause of the problem is a mental disorder, and by clearing the mind and working with relaxation, a person will improve his health.

Description of the issue of residence through the Nothing card Osho Zen Tarot

On the positive side: again, non-attachment to material things; it doesn’t matter where a person lives, he feels “at home” everywhere.
The house is nice, cozy, and most importantly with a very good aura.
In the negative, there is no housing, or it is temporary, loss of housing.
Worries and fears about your home (a warning that you need to get rid of them),

Description of the issue of self-development and spirituality through the Osho Zen Tarot Nothing card

A card with very spiritual and deep meaning.
The clearest connection here is with Zen Buddhism and meditation. Practices to stop internal dialogue.
A state close to enlightenment (or enlightenment itself), experiencing beautiful, deep experiences of inner silence.
In the negative aspect - darkness, confusion, a person is far from spirituality and light, the influence of witchcraft and black magic.

This is how my analysis and reflections came out on the Nothing card in the Osho Zen Tarot system. I would be glad if this article helps you to better experience this map or to comprehend and perceive it in your own way.

Osho Zen Tarot is considered unique among other decks and is highly valued among tarot readers. This system represents an amazing fusion of the classical traditions of Rider Waite and the worldview of the legendary spiritual teacher Osho. The tarot was created by students after the master's death, in 1995.

Deck structure

Unlike classic decks containing 78 cards, this Tarot has an additional card - the Master, which depicts Osho himself. If this card comes up in response to a question, they try to tell you something like this: “You already know the answer.” In another sense it can mean some person who has big influence on the questioner, his spiritual mentor or teacher.

Most of the Major Arcana have undergone significant changes in names. The High Priestess became With an inner voice, Hanged Man - New Vision, Star - Silence, etc. Such names give a completely new approach to the usual meanings.

Traditional suits have also been changed. So, the bowls turned into the element of water, the wands were replaced by fire, the pentacles were replaced by a rainbow, and the swords were replaced by clouds. Now accompanying words have been added to each card, succinctly describing the main message. For example, in 8 clouds it is wine, in 10 water it is harmony, in 9 fire it is exhaustion.

Why do tarot readers use the Osho deck?

  1. Spiritual knowledge. First of all, Osho Zen Tarot is intended to study the inner state of a person. This deck gives very accurate and wise answers for those who want to understand themselves and realize the direction in which they need to move.
  2. Karmic issues. Due to the specifics of this Tarot, the questioner can receive information about his past lives and tasks in this incarnation.
  3. Chakra layouts. There are many layouts designed to diagnose the state of the seven chakras. Osho Zen helps to take a deeper look at the functioning of the chakra, see problem points and track the amount of energy involved.
  4. Relationships. This deck helps to consider the subtle facets of relationships between people, show true feelings and identify hidden motives.

The opinion that you should not look at issues related to everyday life on the Osho Zen Tarot is incorrect. Issues related to work, money, and travel can also be considered with the help of cards, only in a slightly different way, with the identification of the deep internal reasons for what is happening.

Step-by-step plan for fortune telling

To begin with, it is important to tune in to the fortune telling process. Remove all extraneous irritants, discard thoughts unrelated to the question, create a comfortable space around you. You can light candles or incense.

Focus on the question. The more specifically it is formulated, the more accurate the answer will be. For example, instead of the question: “What hinders and helps me in this situation?” It’s better to ask separately: “What’s stopping you?” and “What helps?” so as not to get confused in the answer.

At first, it is better to use ready-made layouts, where each card has a clear position that answers the question. As soon as you master this, you can lay out cards without a diagram, focusing on internal sensations.

Osho Zen on relationships and love

Let's consider the practical application of the Osho Zen Tarot at home using the example of the popular “Station for Two” layout. Seven cards are laid out here according to the following scheme:

  1. Significator of relationships in the present. The map shows what is happening between partners now.
  2. What the questioner thinks about the partner, how he imagines him.
  3. What does the partner think about the questioner?
  4. How does the questioner feel about his partner?
  5. How the partner feels towards the questioner.
  6. How the questioner shows his feelings towards his partner.
  7. How the questioner’s partner shows his feelings.

Let's say in this layout the following cards came out:

  • 8 clouds
  • 7 clouds
  • King of the Clouds
  • Loneliness
  • 10 fire
  • 7 lights
  • Rebel

It is clear from the situation that relations between the partners are now very tense. Both feel guilty towards each other (8 clouds - Guilt). The questioner's partner probably recently got caught in a big lie (7 clouds - Politics), and now the couple does not trust each other. He considers his soul mate to be too tyrannical, wanting to completely control his entire life (King of the Clouds - Control) and therefore feels a lot of tension inside (10 fire - Suppression). The partner gives a way out to this tension through open confrontation, throwing off prohibitions and moving away from moral and ethical standards; there may have been treason (Rebel).

The questioner himself spends all his energy on maintaining relationships, although he harbors a deep grudge (Loneliness). He understands that he is suppressing his partner, but after what happened he cannot loosen control, but only strengthens his grip, putting more and more on his shoulders (7 lights - Stress).

As can be seen from the layout, it is not necessary to know the structure of the deck well, to identify the ratio of the Elders and Minor Arcana or pay attention to the prevailing suits. It is enough to have analytical skills, and the cards will tell you the direction in which you need to think.

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With the help of Osho Zen Tarot you can get advice in any exciting situation. You don’t need a special scheme for this; one card is enough.

Focus on the question and ask the Tarot for help. The dropped card will be the answer. At the same time, Osho himself believed that a person’s future is determined not by a combination of circumstances, but by actions taken in the present. Therefore, if you asked, say, what the prospects will be in your personal life in a month, and a bad card comes up, do not rush to get upset, everything is in your hands.

Let's say you ask the Tarot about the reason for your loneliness, and the Knight of the Clouds comes up - Struggle. This card shows that on an external level, you are repelling potential partners with your aggressive attitude and short temper. On an internal level, this is caused by a deep mental wound that was once inflicted on you, and now you are afraid to let someone near you.

Behind the apparent ferocity lies a wounded soul, covering itself with armor of cynicism and mockery, just so that no one sees weakness in it. But remember, covering yourself with such armor will not cure your wounds, but will only prolong the pain. The advice in this case is this: let yourself show the real you, learn to gradually trust and open up to people.

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How to read layouts and interpret dropped cards

For a regular Tarot deck, there is a rule by which you can easily deduce the meaning of the card. It consists of suit and rank (number). But Osho Zen works completely differently. To read these Tarot cards, it is not necessary to know the classical methods of interpretation; it is enough to rely on intuition and receptivity. Each card carries a specific idea, the plot of which is easily traced and is accompanied by an explanatory caption. Therefore, even a novice tarot reader who has never picked up cards before can master this system.

In what cases may a prediction not come true?

As mentioned above, Tarot cards do not program our lives for certain events with one hundred percent probability. They only show the most possible scenario based on current circumstances. This applies to both negative and favorable forecasts. For example, if you received a promotion at work for hard work, you calmed down and stopped working as hard as before; of course, you won’t see a promotion. Or if you lead an unhealthy lifestyle and a bad health card comes up after a few months, you can give up your bad habits and the result will be completely different.

There is also a rule that warns against excessive curiosity. You should not ask the Tarot the same question several times in a row, otherwise you will be completely confused with the answer. If something bothers you, ask about it at least two weeks later so that time can pass and the situation can change.

Osho Zen Tarot is suitable for use by both experienced tarot readers and those who are just starting to read cards at home. This deck will not only help you find out “What is happening?”, but will also answer the question: “Why is this happening?” It is good to work with her to penetrate into the very essence of things, to ask questions that contribute to a deeper understanding of yourself and your spiritual path.

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