Who is Bill Cipher (triangle) from Gravity Falls. Biography of Gravity Falls characters Hell demon or morning star

The animated series "Gravity Falls", which lasted 4 years and won a lot of fans around the world, has ended its television existence. During this time, fans managed to unravel a lot of keys, codes and hidden ciphers, which allowed them to predict in which direction this or that director’s plan would turn. But the solution to the latest mystery takes them out of the fictional world and into the real one, as confirmed by the video that appeared in and relating to the search for the Bill Cipher statue. So does the demon Bill Cipher exist? real life- In this article.

Does Bill Cipher exist?

The statue of this intelligent and irreverent demon, who can penetrate a person’s consciousness and receive any information from there, was demonstrated by the creators of the animated series themselves in the final credits, and not a fictional one, but a real one, at least that’s how it looked in the short video. It is quite natural that fans of Gravity Falls, who could not live a day without solving difficult riddles and searching for answers to the most difficult questions, we immediately became interested in this latest mystery. In addition, together with the decryption of another code hidden in the bus on which the inseparable couple Mabel and Diper were returning to California, a very mysterious message was obtained.

Particularly zealous fans used the Vigenère cipher and were able to read the code by rewinding the video of Bill's death, thereby receiving a message that, if not directly, but indirectly confirmed the existence of Bill Cipher in reality, but whether this was so remained to be seen.

The statue has been found!

Of course, the creators of the series could not leave their fans without impressions and did not refuse the opportunity to tickle their nerves. Either drawings of a statue in Oregon, Northern California act as a bait for tourists, or a person working for the Disney company posts on the network the GPS coordinates of the location of a “real” statue in the same “real” city of Gravity Falls. Apparently, those who could no longer sleep peacefully and were constantly wondering whether it existed, personally went on a search, posting a report on the work done on YouTube on August 8, 2016.

Of course, after his appearance, all the fervor and enthusiasm of the fans disappeared, or maybe it only flared up even more, who knows, because even with the naked eye you can see that this is a linden tree. The hundred-ruble Russian banknote in the treasure chest found next to the statue looks especially funny. So now fans of the series are left to answer the question of whether the Bill Cipher statue exists and decide whether to believe the find or not. After all, reality can be an illusion, isn't that what Bill once told Lil Gideon?

Bill Cipher is the hero of the animated series Gravity Falls and the subculture associated with it. Children are well aware of this harmful triangular little booger who seeks to take over and destroy the world. They also know that Bill Cipher is an “Illuminati.” But as a rule, they no longer know what “Illuminati” is. Come on, you tell them, and we can help you a little?

Every cipher can be deciphered (if it is, of course, a real cipher and not gobbledygook). The riddle of Bill Cipher consists of two parts: the riddle of his name and the riddle of his appearance. Let's start with the name.

Louis Cypher - according to the plot of the film, Satan himself

The English word “cipher” (“cipher”) is read as “cypher”. If you write it according to the principle “as it is heard, so it is written”, you will get “cifer”, and this is an abbreviation of the name Lucifer (Lucifer) accepted in American pop culture. (Adult readers of this web page will remember Robert De Niro's sinister Mr. Louis Cypher from the movie Angel Heart.)

Lucifer in Christian mythology is one of the names of Satan, the ruler of hell. It turns out that Bill Cipher (Cypher) is an evil creature and an alien from bad places. However, not all so simple!

Hell demon or morning star?

Translated from Latin, Lucifer means “luminous” - from lux (“light”) and fero (“carry”). The ancient Romans called Lucifer the “morning star” - that is, the planet Venus, which is visible the longest in the morning sky.

morning Star

How did the star become the name of the ruler of hell?

As a result of “lost in translation”...

In the Bible, in the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, there are such words relating to the terrible enemy of the ancient Jews, the king of Babylon: “How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! He crashed to the ground, trampling the nations.”

And this is also the “morning star”!

Jerome of Stridon, a translator of the Bible into Latin, translated the Hebrew word הֵילֵל (“heylel,” “morning star”) as lucifer because that is what the morning star was called in Latin.

However, his Christian contemporaries associated this passage not with the king of Babylon - the embodiment of evil for the ancient Israelites, but with their enemy - Satan. And the word “lucifer” (“light-bearing”, morning star), which was originally just a pompous epithet of an eastern king, began to be written with a capital letter.

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!” - this is what this appeal looks like in the English translation of the Bible. The innocuous name of the star became a hellish name.

Triangle with eye

Jan Provost (1465–1529). "Allegory of Christianity"

Let's move on to appearance our mysterious hero. Some argue that the history of the “all-seeing eye” symbol (an eye inside a triangle) goes back almost to ancient Egypt. This is an exaggeration.

In fact, this story begins with the painting “Allegory of Christianity” by the Dutch artist Jan Provost, painted between 1510 and 1515. Here we meet the image all seeing eye, but it is not yet inscribed in the triangle.

The triangle first appears in the painting “Supper at Emmaus” by the Italian Jacopo Pontromo, painted in 1525.

Since then the symbol has become very popular. It is depicted on the pediments of churches and on tombstones, applied to battle banners in the army of Peter I and on the first copy of the American Declaration of Independence (from where it later migrated to the dollar bill).

Jacopo Pontromo (1494–1557). "Supper at Emmaus"

The meaning of the symbol is very simple: “God sees all our deeds and thoughts.” (Which means we cannot lie.)

Why the eye is clear, but why the triangle? Firstly, it symbolizes the Christian Trinity, and secondly, strength and stability. It is no coincidence that in many images of the all-seeing eye, the triangle turns into a pyramid. The triangle is the most “rigid” engineering structure, the least susceptible to loosening.

Bill Cipher and the Masons

Why do we perceive this symbol as something sinister?

« All-seeing eye» Freemasons

The fact is that at the end of the 18th century, the “all-seeing eye” symbol began to be actively used by Freemasons. They were a secret organization (created in the likeness of closed medieval craft workshops; “Luchik” talked about them in No. 3 for this year) and around them, like around any secret organization where “entry is prohibited to outsiders,” there were many suspicious rumors.

It was believed, for example, that they secretly influenced the policies of entire states. After all, if states and peoples compete, and the rulers of these states are “brothers” (that is, both are Masons), then they can agree among themselves to the detriment of the interests of their states, governments and even peoples...

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, who himself joined the Masonic lodge in his youth, but then left it, wrote about the Freemasons: “All philanthropic and humanitarian secret societies, even Freemasonry itself, received a direction that was suspicious and hostile to the existing state orders”...

"All-Seeing Eye" on the pediment of the temple and on the gravestone

In general, Freemasons were considered cunning and powerful people seeking world domination. And the sign of the “all-seeing eye” also began to be considered a symbol of the desire for world domination.

Bill Cipher wants to take over the world!

Who are the Illuminati?

Many people call Bill Cipher the Illuminati, without really understanding what it is. Now we'll tell you.

The Illuminati (from the Latin illuminati - “enlightened ones”) called themselves members of four secret societies that existed from the 16th to the 18th centuries in Spain, France and Germany. The most famous of them, the Society of the Bavarian Illuminati, was allied with the Freemasons.

The first US President George Washington with Masonic attributes (trowel in hand and a “free mason” apron). Mason ("Mason") in English - "bricklayer".

In modern words, it was an underground revolutionary organization. True, unlike most revolutionaries, they did not intend to seize power by force. They tried to attract influential people into their ranks (for example, the great German poet and philosopher Johann Wolfgang Goethe was a member of the Bavarian Society) and through them to spread their views peacefully.

What kind of views were these?

The Illuminati did not want to fulfill church ceremonies and instructions. They believed that in everything (including faith in God, without which people could not imagine themselves then) it was necessary to rely on reason. Highest value human life believed freedom.

In those days, these were truly revolutionary views, for which the authorities could severely punish, so such societies had to be secret. But now we live like this without any Illuminati! The question arises: why then do such secret societies exist today?

"All Seeing Eye" on the one dollar bill. A sign of purity of intentions or a symbol of world domination?...

Probably to achieve some other goals? I wonder what kind... You won’t recognize them - they’re secret societies!

Suspicious, right?

So, we found out that the name and appearance of Bill Cipher symbolize: 1) bad intentions; 2) secrecy; 3) desire for dominance.

But initially there was nothing bad in the name and sign! People themselves have endowed them with a negative meaning, because ignorance breeds fear. Or, as the old Spanish proverb says, “the sleep of reason creates monsters.”

Francisco Goya (1746–1822). "The sleep of reason creates monsters"

Section: Blog / Date: June 6, 2017 at 16:19 / Views: 44680

Not long ago, an exciting animated series appeared called Gravity Falls, which is intended for both adult audiences and children. It has become very popular because it intrigues with its plot and original characters. The role of the main villain in Gravity Falls is played by Bill Cipher.

Meeting a Stranger

Bill Cipher - who is he and what is he like? This magical creature with special abilities, which can even be classified as demons. Bill Cipher and Dipper are called practically the main characters of the animated series. Available in our store, you can take a look.

The main ability of the Triangle is that it can penetrate people's consciousness and thus cause great harm. The appearance of this character is associated with the explosion that Ford caused in Graffiti Falls. This event happened approximately 30 years ago. In the first season of the animated series, the demon appears very rarely, but in the second, he is present in almost every episode.

Where does the villain come from?

Triangle from Gravity Falls is a very mysterious character. His story begins long before the events described in the main episodes. It appeared in the second dimension about a trillion years ago. Bill Cipher despised his birthplace, and characterized it as a flat world with flat dreams. After some time, the hero managed to leave the second dimension. After that, he burned that world to the ground along with his entire family.

After some time, he learned that there was a way to combine the third dimension with the Nightmare dimension. After that, this idea stuck in Bill Cipher's head. To achieve his dream, it was necessary to obtain a physical body. In spirit form, he could only visit other people's dreams.

The first targets of the villain were the natives living in the city. Triangle managed to convince the shaman to build an interstellar gate. But the demon's intentions did not come true as they were destroyed. The shaman learned of Bill Slate's goal and warned of the apocalypse. After all this, the people inhabiting the territory of Gravity Falls left it. As a result, all the lands of the city were called cursed.


Now it is clear that Bill Cipher was not loved in Gravity Falls, since he was constantly harassing the residents of the city. But this hero has a special charm. He is funny, ironic, speaks quickly, which is very funny, and even a little strange. For his own benefit, Bill can become almost anyone. This spectacular manipulator is not always taken seriously because of his subtle humor, but all this disappears once he gets angry.

The villain will not do anything without his own benefit. Therefore, any deal with Beal is considered risky. He even admits his own madness. This is confirmed by the actions and behavior of the Triangle, which are described in many episodes.


This cartoon character looks like a yellow triangle. It is somewhat reminiscent of the Egyptian pyramids or the All-Seeing Eye. The villain has only one eye with a vertical pupil, thin arms and legs.

Bill mostly floats in the air and very rarely lands on the ground. This character wears a black bowtie and a top hat that rises above his head. Sometimes the villain will have a gold or black cane. When Bill gets angry, he can turn red.


Bill Slate's abilities are simply impressive:

  • knows how to control the mind, manipulate;
  • in response to a call, he can enter into contracts and fulfill any desires;
  • after the appearance of the demon, everyone around seems to be in some kind of trance;
  • after penetrating a person’s consciousness, has access to all his thoughts;
  • has special knowledge about many events of the past and future;
  • capable of expelling a person’s soul from the body and can settle there.

After the interdimensional crack has formed, Bill's abilities are practically unlimited.

Summon Demon

Bill Cipher first appears after being summoned by Gideon, who wants to know the code to Uncle Stan's safe. To perform the summoning ritual, you need a photo of the victim with his eyes gouged out. After this, the picture is placed in a circle of 8 candles. When everything is done, you need to read the spell from Ford's diaries. Also, the caller must say special words 5 times. After the ritual is completed, this demon appears.

In this article you will learn:

Bill Cipher– demon, villain, character from the animated series “Gravity Falls”.

In the history of world cinema there have been many villains and antagonists. Animated films in this category often lose to traditional cinema, since you need to play the villain much more accurately than the hero, and animators rarely manage to draw a high-quality enemy of the heroes. However, when you manage to create such a character, he becomes truly unique. This feeling is familiar to all fans. animated series"Gravity Falls", in which Bill Cipher acts as the main antagonist of the story.

An evil yellow triangular demon capable of changing the world and entering a person’s mind is already a rather terrifying image. Enormous charisma, cruel humor and Napoleonic plans to take over the whole world add to the character's originality. This image successfully competes with famous villains throughout the history of cinema. In the original version, Bill was voiced by the main creator of the entire series, Alex Hirsch, and in the Russian translation, Mikhail Tikhonov became the voice of the demon.


Bill Cipher is an otherworldly being who lives in a dimension (or dimensions) different from ours. This demon supposedly knows everything, including events that will happen in the future. Previously, his goal was to fully manifest himself in our world, for which he came into contact with Stanford Pines, brother (great-uncle of the main characters of the series - the twins and). The fact is that Bill can only appear in the human world for a short time, and besides, his powers here are very limited. To fully influence the Earth, a demon needs a portal or a vast crack between dimensions. Bill Cipher tried to create a similar path with the help of Stanford.

The villain's past is revealed in one of the episodes of the second season. Then Dipper, with the help of a clever machine, tried to read his grandfather’s thoughts, and later, to erase his memory (the guy was afraid that Bill had entered Stanford’s brain). This prompted Stan to open up about his past. When the young researcher was conducting his scientific activity in Gravity Falls, he learned of Bill's existence. In the cave, Stan found information about a creature who knows the answers to all questions. After an unsuccessful attempt to summon this creature, Stanford was upset, but Bill Cipher began to come to him in his dreams. In his diary, the scientist speaks of the triangle as a polite and attentive creature that strives to cooperate. Bill helped Stan build an interdimensional portal, but did not manage to get into our dimension. Stanford found out about Bill's plans (to get into the human world, bring evil demons with him and destroy the Earth, after having fun), broke the deal, and closed the portal.

In the series itself, Bill Cipher does not appear very often, although images of him can be found everywhere, in every episode. This is explained by the demon’s ability to observe what is happening in the world through such “windows”. Surely he convinced the residents of Gravity Falls to portray the All-Seeing Eye as often as possible. Below is a list of episodes in which Bill Cipher plays a key role, appearing in the flesh:

  • "Brainscrapers". Yellow triangle makes a deal with Gideon, helping him get the Mystery Shack documents. In exchange, Gideon agrees to help Bill in the future. The heroes in this episode will have to fight a demon that penetrates the mind of Stanley Pines. In the struggle for the health and life of their grandfather, the twins and their friends successfully expel Bill, but he claims that he will look after Gravity Falls.

Bill and Gideon

  • "Dipper and Mabel vs. the Future." The twin sister, upset, runs into the forest, where she meets an old acquaintance from the future named Blendin. His body and mind are under Bill's control. Mabel, unaware of the danger, gives Blendin the crack between dimensions enclosed in a sphere, and the villain destroys the fragile shell. This allows Bill Cipher to finally come into our world and cause Weirdmageddon.
  • "Weirdmageddon." First of all, he declares himself the new owner of the city and burns the statue of the founder. After this, Bill opens a large portal through which his demon friends (Eight, Teeth, Locksmith, Dummy, Kryptos, Amorphous, Hexagon, Pyroniac and Zanthar) penetrate into Gravity Falls. The villain euthanizes Mabel and places him in a ball-dungeon, gives Dipper to be torn to pieces by his minions, and disfigures Preston Northwest's face. Ordinary residents of Gravity Falls turn into stone statues if they fall within the viewing range of Bill's flying eyes. Stanford Pines reveals himself in an attempt to destroy Bill, who turns his old enemy into a golden statue. Later, Cipher kills the Time Child himself, and is about to establish control over the entire world, but discovers that the city is surrounded by an impenetrable barrier.


Remember, reality is an illusion, the Universe is a hologram. Buy gold! Bye!

The End of Weirdmageddon

Bill was almost on his way to breaking out into the world, he disenchanted Stanford and tried to lure out of him the secret of how to remove the shield, but the old man did not give in.

At this time, a team led by Dipper and Mabel attacked Cipher's hideout using a robot - the Huttron, made from the Mystery Shack. They managed to tear out Bill's only eye, but Cipher didn't last long. He defeated the robot and rushed to the shelter, where the heroes drew a pentagram capable of expelling the demon.

Bill turned everyone into his jewelry and erased the circle. Bill decided to kill Dipper and Mabel, but Stanfor stood up for the children, agreeing to reveal the secret of how to tear the dome over the city. The cipher entered Stanford's mind and was horrified when he learned that it was the empty mind of Stan, disguised as his brother.

Bill was unable to get out of Stan's mind because his memory was erased.

Thus the demon named Bill Cipher was defeated forever.


The villain demon looks like a regular yellow triangle, sometimes pulsating. In moments of anger and anger, the color of the triangle changes to red. The only eye located in the center of the figure, equipped with four eyelashes above and below, also becomes the same color. Bill wears a black bowtie and a tall black top hat positioned a few millimeters from his head. The demon has arms and legs that can move freely around the perimeter of the triangle, but Bill prefers to fly and act on the surrounding space with the power of thought.

Bill and Dipper


Bill Cipher is intelligent, evil and charismatic. He speaks quickly, jokes strangely and loves to mock. Bill is probably a sadist (likes to hurt others) and a masochist (when he finds himself in Dipper's body, he hurts himself in every possible way). He is very powerful, and he is also definitely crazy, and he confirms this himself.

  • Bill Cipher has several reflections in world culture, but the main one is the supposed symbol of the Freemasons called the “All-Seeing Eye.”
  • Cipher's famous line, "Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram," is a reference to the theories of Albert Einstein and the film The Matrix.
  • The demon's age is no less than 1 trillion years!

First appearance: " Tourist Trap" (pictured); "Prisoners of the Mind."
Last appearance: "Weirdmageddon (Part 3): Let's bring back Gravity Falls."
Voice: Alex Hirsch; Mikhail Tikhanov.
Prototype: All-seeing eye.
View: DEmon of the mind.
Capabilities: teleportation; clairvoyance; cross-dimensional consciousness Illusion of manipulation; not tangibility; intuitive ability; laser control; levitation; manipulation of molecules; transforming fears; control of the physical body; vision of the future (one of the possible abilities); pyrokinesis; size manipulation; telikinesis; telepathy.
Other names: Evil Triangle; Triangle Guy; Bipper (in Dipper's body); One-eyed beast.
Target: unite real world with your own.
Friends: Gideon Gleeful (formerly); Ford Pines (formerly); Eight; Kryptos; Zantar; Teeth; Locksmith; Hexagon; Amorphous; Pironiac; Dummy; Flying Eyes.
Enemies: Ford Pines; Stan Pines; Dipper Pines; Mabel Pines; Sus Ramirez; Zaller and Kraz; Child of Time; Anti porodox temporary special forces; Gideon Grifful.
Like: Xaus; parties; destruction.
I do not like: Withsynthesized music; recalled products; magic symbol named Kryptos.
Fate: bwas erased inside the Wall's mind.
Quote: " Remember! Reality is an illusion, the universe is a hologram, buy gold, bye!"
Bill Cipher -magical Creation, a powerful demon capable of entering a person’s subconscious, and also the main antagonist of the series. He has been appearing in Gravity Falls since being summoned by Ford over thirty years ago. Known for his mysterious behavior and sadistic humor. Gravnium is the antagonist of Gravity Falls, despite the fact that he did not play a major role until the events of Season 2.
Behind the scenes.
“Trillions of years ago before the events of the series, Bill Cipher arose in the second dimension. Bill, however, despised the place, describing it as a dimension of "flat minds in a flat world with flat dreams." He was freed, but burned the entire dimension along with everyone he once knew, including his own parents. After Bill learned of a prophecy that it was possible to merge the Nightmare Dimension with the Third Dimension, Bill manipulated countless people into becoming physical being and free this dimension.

A prophetic picture of Bill's defeat.
Without a physical form, Bill could only visit the dreams of the dimension's inhabitants. Among his targets were the natives who lived where the town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, was once formed. He asked a shaman named Modok to build an interstellar gate leading to the Nightmare dimension. The gate was built, although it was made of rods. After Modoc learned of a prophecy that predicted an apocalyptic event, he set himself on fire in an attempt to stop Bill's reign. The valley was nicknamed the “cursed land,” and the natives hastily abandoned it. The natives managed to defeat Bill using the ten symbol zodiac, they left a painting in the cave depicting their fight with Bill, as well as information on how to summon him, and more importantly, a warning to "never read" what it is written there.
