New astrological horoscope for Gemini. Love and family

You need to see what the horoscope for 2018 says - Gemini will be luckier in love! What will happen to work and finances for your zodiac sign? Find out what the year of Yellow will be like Earth Dogs for Gemini!

For Gemini, 2018 will be a landmark year; it will determine your future life for several years to come. The Yellow Earth Dog is very favorable towards the wards of Mercury, which means that favorable changes are possible in all areas of life. But you don’t need to rush in all directions at once, trying to simultaneously arrange your personal life, solve financial issues and achieve career growth. The horoscope advises to focus on one thing and you will achieve success!

During the spring months, you will be charming and will be able to charm everyone you want - from members of the opposite sex to your own boss. But the summer months will give you the most pleasant surprises, and more precisely July and August. We won’t reveal all the secrets in advance, but try to plan your vacation for the end of summer. You can be sure that Yellow Dog will not disappoint you!

Health and Wellness

The horoscope says that 2018 will be a very important year for representatives of your zodiac sign, so you need to meet it fully armed. However, in the near future your energy potential will not be very high, so try not to waste your energy and take care of your nerves. Learn meditation in advance. Use them whenever you feel very tired or seasonally depressed.

People say that all diseases are caused by nerves, and in your case this is more than true. Don't get irritated by little things and take care of yourself. In January, the risk of injury is increased, be careful (especially on icy conditions). The same applies to Gemini car drivers. We hope you have already managed to change your “iron horse” into winter tires?

Love and family

For Gemini, the Year of the Dog will be so rich in love adventures that you will even feel slightly tired from new acquaintances. But how the relationship will develop depends only on you; a horoscope will not help here. After all, you have already had to deal with the close attention of numerous suitors? In this case, you should know how to ward off unwanted suitors!

If you are actively searching for your match, then the stars advise you to take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Sometimes you can find your happiness where you don't expect it. Do not forget to take care of your appearance, because the popular proverb says that we are always greeted by our clothes.

According to the horoscope for the zodiac sign Gemini for 2018, family people will spend the next 12 months in a warm, romantic environment. Now is the right time to refresh feelings that inevitably dull over years of living together. Go with your significant other to a resort or on a joint tourist trip around cities and villages. Not enough extreme sports for you? Try to persuade your partner to skydive or bungee jump with you! A powerful adrenaline rush will be a good catalyst and help bring passion back into your relationship.

Finance, career

Cash receipts will be fairly stable throughout the year; some difficulties may arise only in March and October, but they will not cause you much inconvenience. The only caution is to try not to participate in dubious transactions, as there is a risk of becoming a victim of a scammer.

Gemini businessmen will be able to successfully develop their business, thanks to their excellent oratorical abilities and the ability to get along with others. the right people. However, be prepared for the fact that some malicious individuals may try to gain your trust. The horoscope recommends carefully checking new acquaintances, especially if they offer you quick and “murky” schemes for getting rich.

Career growth is possible for Gemini employees if you manage to improve your performance and impress your superiors. The Yellow Dog will provide many Geminis with excellent opportunities to change their occupation, so if your job does not suit you, then there is a reason to think about a more suitable business.

You shouldn't just focus on making money. Think about your prospects - what would you like to achieve in the next 3..5 years? It is in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog that you will be able to lay a reliable foundation for future happiness! Try to realize your abilities and talents. Focus on your goal and don't get distracted by trifles.

In the spring months, you may be overcome by apathy and blues. If possible, then go on a short vacation. For example, you can visit a mystical

The horoscope for Gemini 2018 advises being vigilant in everything in the year of the Dog, and not relaxing, which they are used to doing in the year of the Rooster. The dog will not tolerate lazy people and those who rest on their laurels prematurely. Of course, Geminis can cope with many problems themselves, but the help of friends will not be superfluous. By the way, the Yellow Dog will also support Gemini in difficult situations.

Spring 2018 for Gemini will be a time of romance, blossoming and love. So many fans are expected that the Twins will even be confused - who exactly should they choose? In professional affairs, everything will also work out well. The main thing is to trust yourself, your intuition and, of course, your faithful Dog.

The horoscope for Gemini for 2017 predicts a stable financial situation. If you draw up a budget correctly, then the money will come in, and not flow through your fingers. will throw up a lot of tempting offers that will lead to replenishment of your wallet. But no one has canceled competitors, so Gemini needs to be more careful when dealing with dishonest individuals. "Trust but check!" - Geminis must learn this rule, like the multiplication table.

The dog belongs to the element of Earth, so he loves everything related to nature, fresh air and a garden. In the summer, Gemini will have to work hard at the dacha in order to reap a good harvest in the fall and preserve vegetables for the winter. Many will even develop new varieties of tomatoes and strawberries, and distribute some of the grown crops to friends and neighbors.

The horoscope for Gemini for 2018 (Dog) promises a busy summer period. Some will register as entrepreneurs, engage in commerce, and some will occupy high positions. If Gemini's plans include a vacation, then it is better to write an application for the middle or end of summer. The dog will secretly tell Gemini where you can buy tour packages to exotic countries with impressive discounts.

The dog has pleasant surprises in store for lonely Geminis. In 2018, they will meet “their” person, who will become for them not only a lover, but also a sensitive friend. Engagement and wedding celebrations are just around the corner! Family Geminis are expected to move, buy a home, and have a child. Numerous changes will have a beneficial effect on your relationship with your spouse. Autumn will be fruitful for Gemini for dates, romantic acquaintances and official proposals. The dog is not averse to performing at a wedding as a witness or toastmaster. Just keep in mind that those who treat this feeling with tenderness and gratitude will be lucky in love.

The 2018 Gemini horoscope does not recommend being too frivolous and careless. Especially in the financial and love spheres. Despite the fact that the Dog will support and forgive you in many ways, the positivity may decrease after failures. In December, you should weigh every word and decision so as not to get into trouble. In difficult moments, it is better to seek advice from older family members or long-time friends. Although, Gemini may only outwardly seem weak and weak-willed. In fact, in 2018 they are more confident and serious than ever.

The horoscope for 2018 for Gemini recommends not to lose composure and fortitude. Then any obstacles will be within your reach, both in material and personal matters. Geminis were born under the Air sign, so they can be overly gullible and inconsistent. In the Year of the Dog, they need to boldly face changes, improve their social status and take the initiative in their personal lives into their own hands. There are no problems with finances at the end of 2018, but only if they are spent wisely. Otherwise, you won’t have to count on wealth and major acquisitions.

Love horoscope for Gemini for 2018

The love horoscope for Gemini for 2018 predicts many meetings, acquaintances and unforgettable dates. Of course, not all of them will result in something serious and concrete, but the romantic mood will not leave Gemini until the end of the year. The dog will do everything possible to ensure that love is real and mutual. But there is no need to return to former lovers. Otherwise, problems in your personal life will only increase.

From whatever point of view the 2018 horoscope for Gemini is considered, we will have to admit that the balance, both mental and material, will be upset.

There are a few things you don't want to take seriously. There are things that need to be resolved urgently, no matter how hard you try to ignore them.

The Year of the Dog for Gemini is a time when it is important to clean up all the loose ends, submit work, finish or devote more time to studying. This year, like a parenthesis, should close all past troubles; it is important to just start and not deny that you have them.

Don't divide between family and work, because family is a crystal ball. And you can’t throw it away; it won’t fly back to you safe and sound.

Don’t complicate life, as you like to do, don’t reflect and don’t analyze situations whose meaning lies on the surface. Do not look for the second bottom in people, do not lose faith in sincerity and honor. It is very difficult to communicate with you now, since you are subject to constant denial and adhere to the point of view that dispute gives birth only to truth. The truth is not always interesting to people, especially to loved ones, because they want your attention and love.

Don't have any illusions about better life, do not hold on to illusions, do not trust your inner voice, most likely this is mistrust, and unfounded.

Don’t rush to rest; it’s better to take all possible measures to stabilize your situation. Only closer to summer will you have a “window” when you can easily relax and be in a state of static. At this time, it is better to go on vacation rather than stay at home, deciding to spend it on repairs.

Do not skimp on attention and small gifts. Trust your employees to treat you with patience and respect.

Health and sports

The horoscope for Gemini for 2018 insists on an active lifestyle. Sport can become a kind of outlet for you, thanks to which you will relieve excess tension and aggression, which accumulate at incredible speed.

The first ten days of the year can be quite stressful, but most likely you understand that this is only your internal state, and not the environment that is set against you. Don’t look for excuses, otherwise the moment of recovery will be delayed for a considerable period. Normalization of mood, and with it internal harmony, will come to you closer to July or even September, depending on how quickly you admit that the reason lies in you. Find a toggle switch in yourself that turns off the voltage.

It is useful to do yoga or other spiritual practices. Go jogging, go out into nature more often. And only understanding that you personally influence your mood will allow you to quickly come to terms with yourself.

Your children, or the children of friends, grandchildren, can become rehabilitative material, because there is so much adulthood in you that it prevents you from seeing the beauty and simplicity of the world around you. Try to make contact with them, and you will understand that everything is actually simple.

Consult a doctor if you are bothered by even minor, and most importantly, unfamiliar sensations from your heart. Don't be silent if you feel bad. This is the weakest point this year, and you shouldn’t test your heart’s strength, this is not a technique. A visit to the doctor with blood pressure problems, which you consider sensitivity to weather changes, is mandatory.


You have nothing to worry about in this direction of life. You are so suspicious that you will double-check everything ten times, and you will always find all the errors in the documents, whether accidental or not.

Having learned financial horoscope for 2018, Gemini will rejoice, because he is calm and stable as ever. Don't look for reasons where there is no reason for it. Don't make grand gestures, but don't skimp on what you need. Pay for treatment, and this money will soon return to you. Spending must be justified and logical for a given period.

You are frugal by nature, but it’s worth loosening the knot a little, because gifts are rather a moment that brings more joy not to the recipient, but to the giver.

Don’t stock up at home, trust banks or interesting projects where your funds will grow. Cash may be lost as a result of your forgetfulness, or, conversely, excessive distrust.

Career and business

You know very well how your colleagues treat you, and you know that among them there are people with whom you have been fighting for several years. You are well aware of your quarrelsome nature, and if you admit to yourself that some disagreements are entirely your fault, you will gain new allies who perfectly see your professional potential and strength.

Business plans and new projects that you personally organize can become very profitable, but you should not trust your conclusions, but leave ways for the most bloodless exit. Mistrustful Geminis do not consider the career horoscope for 2018 serious, and due to this they may lose new interesting offers.

Learn to multitask, monitor several processes, rather than immerse yourself in one, missing all the surrounding changes. You should not deeply comprehend one single area of ​​life and not pay attention to the rest. You have the strength and opportunity to be widely developed person, and therefore development is most important to you now.

Love and family

The beginning of the year is a wonderful moment for the formation of your “I” in one connection with another “I”, and love horoscope for 2018, Gemini can safely be called a card that can be read in clear text. It's time to build relationships, make decisions regarding your future life. You cannot leave to chance what your whole life and future depend on. Only you can make the choice.

You should meet spring in full readiness for one proposal or another. If it doesn’t arrive, it means your passion is shy, afraid of being intrusive. Try to push him or her, or better yet, make the offer yourself.

Family Geminis can be calm about their rear, but at the same time it is worth constantly keeping your finger on the pulse and monitoring the firewood in your family hearth. Since you are already not a gift with your uncertainty and tossing, and now your internal discord is causing confusion in the head of your spouse.

Be patient with parents and children, they deserve your attention, do not rush to dismiss their desire to help, this is not patronage on their part, but a desire to be a part of your life, your world. They are trying to surround you with care not in order to tie you to themselves, but for their personal satisfaction from being next to you.

Signs born from May 21 to June 1 They are in no hurry to change their lives, but in vain they give up where everything depends on them. Most likely, this is personal modesty, which is time to stop.

Signs born from June 2 to June 12 They can confidently start their own business, but they waste time by taking too long to double-check and calculate. They have a lot of new ideas, creativity and a sharp mind, but internal conflict is a trait that holds them back.

Signs born from June 13 to June 21 may find themselves at the pinnacle of fame thanks to their selfishness. Oddly enough, but this is true. Just don’t rush to get active in this direction, because no one knows from which side luck will come, and losing loved ones is a matter of minutes.

Gemini Women

There is no area in which you would not consider yourself at least a little savvy. Your inquisitive mind, charm and grace work exclusively for you, but there is one “but” that can ruin your reputation and career. Read more >>>

Gemini men

Static at the beginning of the year and somewhat lazy closer to summer, in the fall they will create an aura of mystery and a flair of romance around themselves, and the most surprising thing is that they will attract the attention of someone who is not expected.

On February 15, 2018, Gemini can crow and stand on their heads, saying goodbye to the kind Red Rooster, but on the 16th, the air signs will hear a loud bark - the Yellow mistress of the year will climb onto her golden booth and notify the world of her arrival.

At the end of winter, it is advisable for airy children to get together with the Earthen Dog and discuss plans for the future. The good dog will not leave you unattended - the mistress of 2018 will give Gemini several promising deals, and a lot of profitable and interesting offers.

In the spring, Gemini will bloom and smell - everyone will be enchanted by Mercury's pets: both business partners and representatives of the opposite sex. The Yellow Dog knows how to keep secrets, so Gemini can trust her with all their secrets (and you have something to hide - the number of fans will be three-digit).

Everything is cloudless in the financial sector - kind Dog knows how to distribute funds fairly. In addition, the owner of 2018 has a booth full of chests with surprises - all the bills are numbered, and every piece of money dreams of meeting cute Geminis. However, there is a small problem - there are plenty of scammers among any zodiac sign, and in the year of the Dog they also dream of getting rich. The dog has heard a lot about the gullibility of Gemini, and will try to protect you from insidious and cunning competitors.

Since the Dog in 2018 is associated with the earth element, it will definitely help Gemini, who has a dacha. So the creatures of the air can sow radishes, grow pineapples, or think about a coffee plantation - the harvest will be the envy of everyone (it will go to relatives, friends and neighbors, and you will also get rich from sales).

The most interesting period for Gemini will be the summer of 2018. Mercury's pets will easily open their own business and become business tycoons (at worst, local oligarchs). It is better to plan your vacation for July or August - the Yellow Dog has sniffed out travel packages at ridiculous prices, and is about to deliver them to the Twins in her snow-white teeth.

In the year of the Earth Dog, many Geminis will achieve not only financial well-being- Your personal life is also at its best. Married pets of Mercury will finally improve relations with their marriage partners - you can dream about adding to the family and look for a spacious house. Free Geminis in the year of the Yellow Dog will be Cupid's favorites - the cheerful shooter will find his soul mate, organize a wedding, and encourage storks, just give a hint. It is better to plan ceremonies for the fall - the Dog will happily bark: yes, yes, yes, and will shower the newlyweds with yellow leaves to match the color of its fur.

In November, the life of frivolous Gemini will be like a fairy tale. The dog will be by your side until the end of his reign, and December 2018 is also full of miracles and magical changes. The main thing is not to wander in the enchanted forest and more often to listen to the affectionate yapping of the Yellow Mistress of the Year (the Dog will not advise anything bad and will bark only on business).

Love horoscope for 2018 for Gemini

The Year of the Dog will be full of love affairs - Gemini will even get tired of having affairs and going on dates every day.

The cheerful Dog will give Gemini meetings and acquaintances with interesting people. But there’s still no soul mate, and no – maybe it’s time to change the attitude towards the fans, and hear a marriage proposal behind the ornate compliments?! And there it’s not far from the registry office - the lady with the high curly hair will even cry at the sight of the charming airy creatures.

The fickle Gemini will become serious in the year of the Yellow Dog. The air signs themselves don’t believe in this, but you can’t argue with the stars - here you have a confession of eternal love, And family life, and even the birth of children. Have time to take a walk - the Mendelssohn march is about to be played for you. But if you are categorically against the registry office, then try living in a civil marriage - you will like it.

You are sweet and seductive - the poor fans don’t know what to think. Conquering Gemini is quite difficult, but the Dog will arrange everything in at its best, at least, Mercury’s pets can’t get away from long affairs. True, some admirers will turn out to be annoying; here Gemini has two options: either change their appearance or leave for another country.

Business forecast for Gemini 2018

Money luck will be favorable, but it is better to strike the iron while it is, as they say, hot. Geminis need to show dexterity.

Gemini 1st decade (May 21-May 30) The more ideas your bright minds come to, the better - the Dog will support any endeavors. The most fantastic plans of the air guys can come true and lead to a great result, but here it is important to cast aside doubts and go ahead (even if the whole world is skeptical). And your competitors are already hiding in their holes - they are afraid to even think about you.

Gemini 2nd decade (May 31-June 10) The dog has prepared a lot of part-time jobs, and it is important for Gemini not to make a mistake with their choice. It is not advisable to take risks in 2018 - the money is already in your pocket. The crisis does not threaten you - the mistress of the year will teach you how to plan a budget. Some pets of Mercury will be able to spend big - a car honks outside the window for a couple of million, and a villa is being built on the ocean shore.

Gemini 3rd decade (June 11-June 21) Try not to lose control over cash flows – rivers of rubles and seas of dollars await Gemini. The dog will start barking invitingly at the beginning of the year - keep your ears on top, because even your competitors do not suffer from deafness. Many air guys will forget about loans and installment plans - you will deal with these matters in a couple of days.

Family horoscope for Gemini for 2018

Geminis are frivolous guys, but in the year of the Dog, Mercury’s pets will come to their senses, and all efforts will be aimed at improving relationships with household members.

Gemini 1st decade (May 21-May 30) Even the Dog is jealous of you - the relationship with your family is ideal, the chosen one is ready to write poems, and the children fulfill all the requirements. It turns out that for family happiness you need very little: patience and lack of criticism towards household members. Well, and of course, a friendly attitude - and Gemini has no problems with this, because you are famous cheerful people and optimists.

Gemini 2nd decade (May 31-June 10) Decent and honest, kind and fair - all these characteristics are ideal for Mercury pets. Is it any wonder that your family is delighted with you? The arrival of babies is also just around the corner - the Dog will even give away her favorite magic bedding, if only the airy children would quickly start equipping the children's room and purchasing strollers and soft toys.

Gemini 3rd decade (June 11-June 21) A dog will teach you to enjoy the little things. But remember - bringing happiness to loved ones is good, but it is advisable to act not to the detriment of yourself. Don’t let yourself be exploited, and your relationship with your family will be as good as possible. If the horoscope is read by free Gemini, then pleasant acquaintances await you, and family life is not far off.

Health horoscope for Gemini 2018

The mistress of the year will drive away any cold, and the blues in 2018 will not come close to the cheerful and cheerful pets of Mercury.

Gemini 1st decade (May 21-May 30) In the year of the Earthy Yellow Dog, no health problems are expected, but Gemini should adhere to the rule in everything: no excesses. Delicious food in moderation, drinking alcohol only on holidays, and about the rest bad habits and there can be no talk - you must become an example for all zodiac signs. Yes, and try to avoid drafts!

Gemini 2nd decade (May 31-June 10) You are a hot and impetuous people - learn to control your emotions and do not get irritated over trifles. Take the example of the owner of the year - the dog is always calm, and growls only as a last resort. And the most important stellar advice is to communicate with positive people, and wave your hand at all the whiners (they are always whining, and is it worth paying attention to them).

Gemini 3rd decade (June 11-June 21) The dog moves a lot, and she advises Gemini to do the same. Buy an expensive sports suit, buy skis (roller skates, roller skates) and go ahead. First, break your own records, and then we’ll see. But you definitely won’t remember about coughing, sneezing, or aching joints (if anything, the hostess of 2018 will adjust a belt from her magic fur).

Star forecast for 2018 for little Gemini

Airy tomboys in the year of the Dog will be hot - the restless Gemini will rush around like the wind, and no one will be able to stop them.

Gemini children 1st decade (May 21-May 30) Your fussy children will outdo themselves. Even the puppies of the Yellow Dog will seem slow and phlegmatic compared to the airy little devils - it is useless to lock small Geminis in a room (they will find a way and break free). There is only one way out: sculpt beacons on the fidgets, or assign a personal nanny to each offspring.

Baby Gemini 2 decades (May 31-June 10) Every day there are a thousand questions, every minute there are hundreds of movements - this is Gemini, and nothing can be done. It is impossible to distract the airy children from their pranks - small breezes always achieve what they want. Geminis are not familiar with patience, and when they hear the word: Crib, they panic. A platoon of magicians will help - Gemini will calm down for five minutes.

Gemini babies 3rd decade (June 11-June 21) The inventors of Gemini in the year of the Dog outshine any storyteller - just have time to write down their amazing stories. But it is advisable to limit Gemini’s imagination, otherwise the little ones will come up with such scary stories about villains that even adults will feel uneasy. It’s better to call the directors of horror films - the children will become famous and become millionaires.

Horoscope 2018 Gemini by year of birth

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Rat

In the year of the Yellow Dog, you will become unusually economical and thrifty. Well, the hostess of 2018 appreciates these qualities, but does not prohibit chicness. Moreover, the financial situation is great - spend as much as you want. The charm of the Gemini-Rats will increase several times - the fans have gone crazy, and will not leave you until you choose which suitor to walk with to the wedding palace.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Ox

Smart Gemini-Bulls in the year of the Dog will surpass themselves. Dreams will come true even before you formulate them - be careful with your wishes. You have a lot of self-confidence - even your competitors are delighted with you. Your personal life will be pampered with variety, and you won’t have to use horns to disperse your rivals - any person you like will kneel and ask for your hand in marriage.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Tiger

In 2018, Gemini Tiger Cubs will be known as real hunters - both in business and in love you have no equal. But the Dog advises you to avoid adventures - luck is already on your side, and sudden movements are absolutely useless. But it won’t hurt you to shoot your eyes at your fans - you are professionals in this matter. But if you are not going to the registry office, then flirt wisely, in case you come across suitors who are overly impressionable.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Cat (Rabbit)

Gemini-Cats can be called anything, but not homebodies - in the year of the Dog you will be drawn to travel. You have a lot of money, but leaving your homes and going far away to find happiness is not advisable - you will only lose time. Arrange a surprise for your household - they will happily take a trip on a personal yacht, or learn how to fly a helicopter that you bought for the occasion.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Dragon

In the year of the Dog, Gemini Dragons may display magical talents. Just don’t glare at your ill-wishers, and don’t bewitch your competitors - direct your energy to the sphere love relationship. They blinked - the fans formed piles, smiled - the suitors extended wedding rings. The stars are even afraid to imagine what will happen if you speak - learn to control yourself.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Snake

You are wise and careful - it's time to reach the pinnacle of glory. In the year of the Dog, Gemini-Snake is able to deal with any problems, but it is not necessary to strangle competitors (it is enough to show the tip of the sting). But in family matters you will have to try on the suit of a diplomat - it is better to leave your temper outside the home. By the way, in 2018 you can think about heirs - watch the movements of storks.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Horse

Golden horseshoes, a cozy stable that looks like the palace of a rich sultan - what else can you dream of?! Well, of course, about love adventures - in the year of the Dog, Gemini-Horses are not expected to have any problems with this matter. You won’t have to hit your hoof – your rivals have suddenly become admirers of your beauty. The stars advise only one thing - watch your health and eat exclusively fresh grass.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Goat (Sheep)

In the year of the Earth Dog, your charm will be off the charts - you can also use this for selfish purposes. Charm, for example, your boss - for the sake of your smile, the boss will unload from his chair and personally brew coffee. And then promotion is just a stone's throw away. The joy of the household will know no bounds, just remember your promise to take your relatives to the resort (travel agency employees are already standing at the door with vouchers).

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Monkey

Beaches, palm trees and coconuts – how do you like this prospect for the Year of the Yellow Dog?! But if Gemini-Monkeys are too lazy to leave their homes, then everything will work out just fine at home. Your restless mind will push you to new and new achievements - today you are opening a workshop for the production of custom upholstered furniture, and tomorrow you are enrolling children in English courses. There is no need to be surprised that all your cabinets are filled with banknotes.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Rooster

In the year of the Dog, all doors will open for Gemini-Roosters. But if in business you are real warriors, then the same cannot be said about the sphere of love relationships - those around you consider you naive chickens. But this is for the best - fans will bring you tasty grains and protect you from troubles. Just be on your guard, otherwise you won’t notice how kind suitors will take you in their arms and take you straight to the registry office.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Dog

Gemini-Dogs are talented and ambitious - with these qualities you will not be lost. The Mistress of 2018 adores you and endlessly wags her tail in your honor. You'll be the center of attention all year, so update your wardrobe in case you find yourself at a reception with the president. After all, your patrons will be very influential. On love front confusion, but novels are novels, and you will have to choose a partner for marriage.

Horoscope for 2018 Gemini – Pig (Boar)

Defenseless and trusting, kind and fair - this is all about you, dear Gemini Pigs. But no one will dare to offend you - The dog has sharpened its teeth, and in case of danger it will roar so loudly that all its enemies will run away. In 2018, the most pleasant changes await you in the financial sector - do not envy the oligarchs, soon you will live next door to them, and millionaires will go crazy when they come to you for a cup of tea.

In general, 2018 will be a dual period for the Gemini zodiac sign. On the one hand, your ruling planet Mercury will take a dominant position among other celestial objects. This means that in most situations you will have enough strength and resources to resolve any difficulties on your own. In addition, this year there is likely to be a frankly fortunate combination of circumstances in your favor, although you should not bet on this, because the exact moment when such trends will arise is impossible to predict. But there is another side to the current situation. The Yellow Dog, representing the element of Earth, is the direct antagonist of your sign, which belongs to the element of Air. And this aspect can have a number of consequences. Firstly, difficulties definitely await you; you will have to pay increased attention to health and financial issues. However, on the other hand, these difficulties are unlikely to be fundamental; they are capable of shaking the positions only of those Geminis who themselves do not know what they want and in fact strive for self-destruction rather than self-improvement. For others, all this is unlikely to become a significant problem, especially since such situations will only benefit you, because the vector initially inherent in them will be aimed at strengthening your spirit.

Among other things, in 2018, many Geminis will experience a change in social status. This may be related to achievements at work, or to other aspects of your life. For example, you worked as a journalist, but were fond of powerlifting and unexpectedly took first place in a regional competition in your category. You will receive several interesting offers that you don’t necessarily have to accept, but you definitely need to stop and think about them. Here you need to be especially careful; there is no point, as they say, in exchange for soap. Therefore, try to evaluate all aspects, in any case, there is a chance that this will benefit you, because the patron of the financial sector, Mercury, is entirely on your side. In addition, you should listen to the advice of the Moon, who is also not averse to helping you life path. The younger sister of the Sun advises Gemini in 2018 not to be afraid of change. Even if the metamorphoses seem dramatic, in reality they may not be so large-scale, because, as you know, fear has big eyes. While maintaining a harmonious mood, at a certain moment you will still have to leave your home, but not for the sake of some lofty goals, but for your own development.

In 2018, Gemini women will be more active than Gemini men, this will be due to aspects of the circumstances rather than your own desires or aspirations. On the other hand, the Yellow Dog, having given you some tests, will be obliged to give something in return. And this something will most likely turn out to be financial surprises. There is no need to count on them in advance, because the time of their occurrence is difficult to predict (most likely in the summer). However, you should not be surprised if the situation suddenly changes in your favor at the most (for once!) opportune moment. At this point life stage you, like most zodiac signs, really have nowhere to rush. Therefore, think carefully about where to spend additional financial assets that you did not count on. At the same time, don’t emphasize Special attention On this side of your life, try to see friends more often, but it is not at all necessary to leave the confines of your home every time. Romantic moments can await you in your favorite den.
