Rooster - description and characteristics. Eastern horoscope rooster Types of rooster according to the Chinese horoscope

Characteristics The Rooster is a dreamer, takes himself seriously and loves flattery. He does not mince words and sometimes acts sharply aggressive. Uh...


The Rooster is a dreamer, takes himself seriously and loves flattery. He does not mince words and sometimes acts sharply aggressive. This would not have happened without clashes if the victims had not attributed this attitude to his frankness and eccentricity. His victims are not deceived. The Rooster really does say what he thinks. But this frankness is most likely a tendency towards selfishness. He is completely indifferent to the vulnerability of others and believes that there is no reason to spare them. This quality, of course, blocks his path to a diplomatic career.

As for eccentricity, this is only an appearance. Of course he loves to be noticed. But truly the Rooster is deeply and completely conservative, even in political views, even to your own detriment. He thinks he's completely right and knows what he's doing. Doesn't trust anyone and relies only on himself. At the same time, he generously gives out advice. It is quite certain that he appears to be an adventurer. But don't believe it. He is bursting with absurd and impracticable projects, which are all pipe dreams.

He loves to dream, contemplate, imagine himself as a hero, but he does it indoors. He is a somewhat myopic philosopher who loves to improvise. The Rooster is not timid, on the contrary, he is courageous and courageous, if necessary, bold to such an extent that he can risk his life with a smile on his lips. Therefore, he will make a good warrior.

People find him interesting, but he always risks disappointing them. A braggart, in fact, always says more than he can do. Often brilliant, more pleasant with her appearance in society than in intimate relationships. Having a nature predisposed to contemplation, he may show a tendency towards laziness. At the same time, he is often a great worker. He always wants to do more than he can, takes on tasks that exceed his strength, and when he fails to complete them well, he is very upset. He has every reason to be active.

Money will not fall into his “beak” without difficulty. He must work to make a living, and if the field of activity is favorable, he can become rich. At the same time, he is able to extract money from a thankless field. The Vietnamese claim that due to the fact that the Rooster has to “scrape with both beak and paws,” he will always find what he is looking for. But if suddenly the Rooster allows himself to indulge in daydreaming and laziness, as he loves to do, then he can become one of the funny vagabond philosophers. But this, ultimately, is also one of the ways to attract attention.

The Rooster is capable of agriculture and professions where it deals with people. Loves to show off. Being wasteful, he constantly spends everything he earns. He has a tendency to take a lot of financial risk. Often ruin, bankruptcy, or catastrophe may touch him as a reward for his excessive daydreaming; he will never be an economist.

Love, marriage

In love, he will also have difficulty winning and keeping his loved one. Often the Rooster disappoints him, since he really does not live up to his dream. The Rooster man loves the company of women, among whom he can shine and prance, be loved, and care for. But it won't go any further. At the same time, he will rarely go out to see his friends. Men bore him. The Rooster woman loves the company of other women and specialties where she will be close to them. The Rooster will be happy with the Ox, a family man and conservative. He will be able to philosophize together with the Snake. In matters of love, the Snake will bring him its wisdom, but let it beware of shining too brightly, for the Rooster can “peck” it. With the Dragon, the Rooster will be completely satisfied if it acts through an intermediary, especially if it is a woman. Avoid the Cat! The cat cannot stand the Rooster's fanfare and his bright plumage. He despises the Rooster.

Life phase

The Rooster will have ups and downs during all three phases of his life, both in the area of ​​finances and in the area of ​​feelings. His the path will pass from poverty to riches, from perfect love to its most disgusting manifestations. But his old age will be happy. Folk wisdom states that “two roosters in one house would make life unbearable.”

The sign of the Rooster is classified as an animal of the Yang group. According to the Eastern horoscope, this sign is the tenth. The time interval governed by this sign is from 5 pm to 7 pm. The most successful season that brings good luck to the Rooster is autumn, and the peak period is September. Comparing the Eastern and European horoscopes, the Rooster corresponds to the sign of Virgo. Its element is metal. The color of luck is yellow. The most favorable plants and flowers for the Rooster will be orange tree, palm tree, gentian and hawthorn. Among the favorable countries where the Rooster lives, it is worth highlighting Paraguay, Haiti, Ghana, Austria, and England.

Years of the Rooster sign in our century

  • 1909 January 22 - element of the year earth
  • 1921 February 8 - element of the year metal
  • 1933 January 26 - element of the year water
  • 1945 February 13 - element of the year tree
  • 1957 January 31st - element of the year fire
  • 1969 February 17 - element of the year earth
  • 1981 February 5 - element of the year metal
  • 1993 January 23 - element of the year water
  • 2005 February 9 - element of the year tree
  • 2017 January 28 - element of the year fire

Famous people who were born in the year of the Rooster

Andrei Sakharov, Yoko Ono, Vladimir Belyaev, Yves Montand, Duke of Edinburgh, Yuri Nikulin, Catherine the Great II, Queen Victoria, MarttiLarney, Jean de La Fontaine, Peter Ustinov, Marcel Carné, Giuseppe Verdi, James Jones, Eugene Paton, Katherine Hepburn, Maria Medici, Johann Strauss, Andre Maurois, Vadim Kozhevnikov, Bella Rudenko, Lev Ginzburg, Cardinal Richelieu, Erol Flint, Benjamin Goodman, Philip Augustus, Goebbels, Dolly Partens, Claude Bernard, Juliet Masina, Rabindranath Tagore, Enrico Caruso, Richard Wagner, Andrei Gromyko, Leonid Vereshchagin, Fenimore Cooper, Jean Paul Belmondo, Stanislav Lem, John Colet, Neil Miller.

It is believed that Roosters began to spread from the Scandinavian countries. The first ancestor of roosters was the Gallic Rooster. There are no legends associated with this rooster; it appeared as a symbol. In France, when the revolution was going on, the Rooster was a symbol of the Revolutionaries for people. Why Rooster? It's simple, everyone knows how persistent and belligerent the rooster is. Many people believe that the Rooster represents the sun, because its singing causes a luminary to appear in the sky. So in India the Rooster represents the energy of the sun, and in Japan the birth of the first light. But in China, the Rooster is considered a symbol of good deeds. The Rooster in the Chinese horoscope is considered a harbinger of good; when it moves, the Rooster lures the spirits of good, and its crest resembles a famous Chinese gentleman. The Rooster's spurs speak of courage and military talent. The Rooster's posture symbolizes kindness and nobility; it is the Rooster who has the responsibility to distribute food among all his subjects. Roosters inspire superstitious fear and trust, since with their cry the dawn will come to our planet.

The rooster is a symbol of life and a patron image. With its morning cry, this zodiac sign proclaims the beginning of the day, thereby driving away evil spirits from the darkness. Everyone knows that vampires, sorcerers and witches perform their rituals before dawn, before the Rooster crows. By Chinese horoscope, it is the Rooster that personifies hope, light and youth.

There are a large number of Roosters in the world. Each species has its own unique color and different feather lengths. This zodiac sign is always relaxed and businesslike. Sometimes it repents that the Rooster looks at a person not as a master, but as his servant. Before alarm clocks appeared in the world, roosters performed this role. Although in some distant villages, the Rooster continues to wake people up with his morning cry.

Roosters keep order. If the chickens are in any danger, the Rooster instantly rushes to protect them. The Rooster never tolerates rivals. When confronted with an enemy, the Rooster continues the fight until the last breath; they will not retreat. The Rooster has the ability to be a very cunning criminal. Thanks to its eccentricity and conformity, the Rooster is considered a rather strange animal. Perhaps because of this, in fairy tales many fairies were turned into Roosters.

The life of people under the sign of the Rooster according to the Eastern horoscope

In the life of the Rooster great success can't be. This is due to the fact that this zodiac sign experiences a large number of ups and subsequent downs, both at work and in love. Wealth will alternate with poverty.

A rooster born in spring will be less boastful. In the periods from childhood to adulthood, the Rooster will be burdened with problems, thanks to which he will rise and fall. During these periods, happiness will be replaced by failure. They will either be surrounded by friends or in all alone. Often, such a bad situation changes after the second half of life. Roosters get good position in society, find a pleasant job. The life of this zodiac sign becomes calm. They live to a happy and ripe old age.

Characteristics of people under the sign of the Rooster

Roosters are quite versatile personalities. They actively participate in almost all types of activities. When attention is paid to Roosters, they become more flamboyant, beautifully dressed and elegant. They show good taste in everything. The ability to present yourself distinguishing feature all Roosters. Putting things in order is also very important for them, everyone is sleeping, and the Roosters are already working. Meanwhile, Roosters are rarely satisfied with themselves. When communicating with them, each interlocutor feels relaxed. They are relaxed and do not pay attention to the assessments of others.

The education of the Roosters allows them to carry on a conversation on almost any topic; any interlocutor can be proud of their company. Roosters prefer to show off their knowledge. From a psychological point of view, not everyone will be able to understand the true intentions of the Roosters. Each of the Roosters perfectly understands the value of their words, and does not reveal their weaknesses to anyone. But the essence of the Rooster is completely different, they are fragile creatures who do not want to be revealed in public.

Roosters are selfish and cannot stand it when things don’t go according to their plan. They only care about their own well-being and peace of mind, and find this normal. With all this, Roosters are completely indifferent to the conditions of other people. Roosters love to get things done to the end, but do not tolerate interference in their own affairs, and do not interfere in others. Roosters are very difficult to fool; they are very distrustful. At heart, Roosters are deeply conservative, and this is expressed both in family relationships and in politics. They believe that they are infallible and right.

Above all, Roosters are sentimental and very sensitive. Roosters are valued by many people because they can always come to the rescue. They are helpful and kind, and if they wish, they happily carry out orders. But at the slightest suspicion they respond with great negativity and unwillingness to help.

There is no need to ask Roosters about their personal lives; they can tell everything themselves if they wish. Roosters have a habit of expressing everything they think. This is why Roosters are often forgiven for tactless remarks. But there are also misunderstandings that lead to disagreements. Such frankness can be considered a form of selfishness.

The Rooster is the most eccentric sign of the Chinese horoscope. People born under this sign are full of dreams and romantic ideas, they are attractive, brave, and have something to be proud of. Roosters are organized, precise, their keen eye notices all the small details. They are perfectionists and leave no room for human error. For them, no task is too difficult. Roosters express themselves well both in writing and verbally. They are very fond of disputes and polemics. They are knowledgeable about most subjects you want to discuss with them. When you challenge them in an argument, you must be prepared for a long fight. Their endurance is amazing and they will prove their point at any cost. Even if they are wrong, they still won't admit it.

If circumstances require it, Roosters can be cruel. Their too straightforward attitude towards life makes them weak diplomats. They express their point of view with little regard for the feelings of others. They are good with money and their ability to control their budget is phenomenal. At the same time, they are not stingy and can be very generous. They just want their financial affairs to be in order, just like yours.

Roosters are sincere in their desire to help, and no one can complete important tasks as easily as they can. If you have problems, Roosters are capable of helping you, whether you want it or not. Don't be ungrateful and respond with mutual help. People of this Chinese horoscope sign organize their time well and skillfully plan things.

Roosters are ambitious and strive for high heights. They are completely dedicated to their chosen field and are creative in everything they do. As a rule, they start their careers early and quickly achieve success while still young. Roosters can succeed both in the service and in their own business. They carefully weigh everything and are competent enough to arrange things as they should. These people never stay still, are constantly busy with new projects, and are full of curiosity.

Roosters need to understand that some things take time. No matter how competent they are, they cannot reprogram the entire world according to their schedules. Roosters are capable of the most amazing achievements, but they must remember that excessive eccentricity can hinder them.

Never underestimate the Roosters. They are optimistic and fearless, never changing their course of action, even if everyone around them thinks they are wrong. If they decide so, then nothing will stop them in fulfilling their plans. They have a lot of wonderful talent.

The Rooster, according to the Eastern Chinese horoscope, is a representative of the Metal element. He carries within himself the Yin energy, corresponding to the feminine, passive principle.

Years of the Rooster

1957, 2017 - year fire rooster(January 31, 1957 - February 17, 1958, January 28, 2017 - February 15, 2018).

Horoscope for the rooster sign

In the rooster's horoscope there is no clear division of life into phases, but ups and downs are possible within one period. The life of the Rooster sign moves along a bizarre trajectory, and it is problematic to predict what might await him around the next turn.

The childhood of those born in the year of the rooster may be different, but most often it is not very happy - they want a lot, dream of something more than what can usually be offered to them daily life. They are dissatisfied with their surroundings and leave home early in search of incredible adventures and new sensations.

The second period according to the rooster's horoscope is rich in events and changes in different areas of life. During this time, the sign of the Rooster can go from poverty to wealth and back, more than once. But he will not lose heart in any case. The feelings of those born in the year of the rooster capture them completely, and they forget about everything in the world during the period of falling in love. If he experiences serious disappointment in life, he may become more indifferent and begin to build his future life, guided by a strict plan and material gain. At the same time, you should not think that this sign will limit itself in pleasures.

The third phase of life is usually prosperous. Those who were born in the year of the rooster find a safe refuge and indulge in dreams in complete comfort. If at the same time they manage to teach others about life, they will be completely happy.

Rooster compatibility horoscope

The Rooster's love horoscope, which is given below, will tell you which unions are preferable for this sign, and which, on the contrary, are less successful.

Compatibility with Ox

The compatibility of the Rooster and the Ox is considered very good by the eastern horoscope. They are both conservatives and suit each other quite well. The Ox is also a workaholic who can pull the burden, leaving his partner the opportunity to shine.

Compatibility Rooster - Cat

The Rooster and the Cat are hypothetically compatible, but in reality this is far from the case. In an alliance with the Cat, his partner’s self-esteem will seriously suffer. The cat, attracted by the philosophical reasoning of the Rooster, will soon see that there is nothing real behind it, will be disappointed and will express all its complaints.

Compatibility Rooster - Dragon

This is a fairly common union, but not everything is as smooth as it seems at first glance. The Dragon helps the Rooster in implementing his plans - he has everything that the Rooster lacks, for example, the ability to bring his plans to life. Both love glitter and recognition. And this is the main danger: the Dragon in such an alliance will have to be content with second roles, which does not at all correspond to his character and often causes violent protest.

Compatibility with Snake

Compatibility in a Rooster-Snake pair is usually achieved quite easily. The Snake can have a beneficial effect on the sign of the Rooster and soften its warlike disposition. Both signs are prone to philosophizing, but the snake is more practical and wiser and is curious about the unexpected turns of the Rooster’s thoughts. They are interested together, the only thing is that the Rooster cannot stand competitors in his field, and if the Snake turns out to be brighter in something, he may be seriously worried about this.

Compatibility with Horse and Dog

These are far from the best alliances for the Rooster. A long-term relationship in a Rooster-Horse pair is unlikely; it may be more of a passing hobby than something more serious. The dog will also not take the sign of the Rooster seriously, and they are unlikely to achieve compatibility. The characters of the Rooster and the Dog are too different from each other, and such opposites do not converge.

Compatibility of the Rooster with other signs

The compatibility of the Rooster with the Rat, Tiger, Goat, Monkey, Boar and with itself in the eastern horoscope is quite acceptable. These are neutral alliances, which, with the mutual desire of the partners, can be quite successful.

1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993 and 2005, 2017 year of birth

Chinese name for Rooster: Ji
Tenth sign of the Chinese Zodiac
Time of day ruled by the Rooster: 17:00 - 19:00
Corresponding Western Zodiac sign:
Element: Earth
Polarity: Negative

Positive qualities:
Rooster- loyal, noble, honest, caring and colorful, has many artistic talents.

Negative qualities:
The Rooster is hot-tempered, superficial, vain, tactless.

Recommendations for choosing a profession:
A person born in Year of the Rooster could be a good judge, policeman, politician, entrepreneur, correspondent or artist, or even an outstanding singer. Main features of the Rooster:
Rooster - brightest sun sign, song Rooster heralds the dawn. He also represents the hero, guardian and protector of life - you can see his image on the roofs of many houses. How Rooster, you are always on guard, looking down at people, and carefully peering into the horizon. At night you disperse ghosts - the army of the Forces of Darkness. Rooster- the embodiment of the forces of youth, hope and purity.

Childhood, youth and adulthood of the Rooster full of problems. Your life consists of continuous ups and downs. True, through such contrasts you will learn to understand the greatest joy and endless suffering. At times you will be rich, at times you will be poor. One day you are surrounded by good friends, and tomorrow you are alone again. But, as soon as you are able to find emotional stability, as soon as you choose a profession, your life will become much calmer. In any case, your old age will be cloudless and joyful.

Women born in Year of the Rooster, do not suffer from a lack of charm. In your younger years, you lead literally crowds of admirers by the nose. There is no need to worry about the future: you are reasonable and can almost always find a person who is both talented and able to feed your future family. You approach family life wisely and with humor. Rooster Woman friendly, sociable and very active in life. True, not everyone can get along with it: you zealously defend your freedom and do not tolerate any interference in your life.

People born in the Year of the Rooster will achieve success in any profession that requires self-confidence, audacity and talent. You have the gift of persuasion; with the help of your intelligence and professionalism, you are able to persuade anyone. You like comfort and safety, so you strive with all your might to get a well-paid and honorable job. But you dislike the daily routine and subordinate position. In any case, you will only work where you like. Your life will never be boring and ordinary. Show a little patience and you will definitely become rich and famous.

You are decisive and have enough intuition to follow what is happening around you. Your life plans and goals are very realistic; you can achieve a lot with this approach.
