The most accurate horoscope for July is Gemini. Gemini - Horse

Everyone around is shocked by your behavior. Since when did you become such a sweet and easy-going cat? Usually, the Gemini woman is the first to rush into battle and tries to show everything she is capable of. If there is no public around, is it worth trying at all? You don't always think about your actions and usually behave too unpredictably, and then the hour of reckoning comes. In July, for some reason, you decided to reconsider your behavior and it is unknown what will come of it all.

Down with noisy parties, long live new emotions and impressions. If you want to enroll in some courses, do not delay this solemn moment. Additional skills will definitely not hurt you, so take risks and enjoy everything that happens. Visit your parents, be sure to gossip with your girlfriends, who will tell you a lot of interesting things about their lives. You pay too much attention to the words of others; everyone judges to the best of their ability. Don’t take criticism to heart; a person will try to inject more painfully in order to once again rejoice at another person's failures. Don’t give anyone such pleasure, confidently overcome all difficulties and everything will definitely work out.

On the personal front, everything is gradually getting better, the young man is simply crazy about you. Try not to spoil the first impression with your impulsive antics and you can hope for the continuation of the romance.

Many pleasant surprises await you in your career. You need to give your best and get rewarded in the form of a coveted promotion. Show all your creativity, and your boss will definitely notice your enthusiasm and reward you with a bonus. How more strength and the time you put into your work, the more you get.

Try to pay off all your debts by the middle of the month so that you can go on vacation with a clear soul and conscience. You should undergo a routine examination by a dentist so that unpleasant situations do not arise in the future.

Favorable days in July 2018 for Gemini: 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31.

Love horoscope for July 2018 Gemini

Representatives of this zodiac sign are ready to persuade Cupid to contribute. And why are you so unlucky in your personal life? The Gemini woman is too irresistible, there are so many men walking around, but all of them are unworthy even of attention from this person. If you continue to behave this way, you risk being left alone. A handsome, kind, wealthy representative of the stronger sex with a personal driver is a figment of your sick imagination. In films, this only happens and the main character doesn’t always turn out exactly the way she originally intended.

Cupid is ready to help, he is tired of the endless whims and complaints of Gemini. There is one proven option - go on speed dating. You will be able to meet interesting young people, stroll around the city and just have a good time in your free time. Relationships can be taken to a new level very easily if you feel mutual attraction - you can safely confess your feelings to your partner.

Geminis in love need to work on their relationships every day, don't be overconfident. If you rely solely on fate and do nothing, your lover can run away from you at any opportunity. First, he will start looking at beauties, and then he will select the most suitable candidate for himself and leave you to the mercy of fate. Geminis who are already in a legal relationship will become overly anxious and worry about everything. Do you think your husband is cheating? The main thing is not to panic! You can check your phone number, correspondence in in social networks and even stop by at work. But don’t overdo it when playing detective; if you seem too suspicious, your spouse will definitely suspect something.

Finance horoscope for July 2018 Gemini

They offer you new job? Don't refuse right away, you can consider all offers. If you are determined to change your permanent location, take the risk. You can always go on an exciting journey, meet new people, radically changing your life. Those ladies who remain to work for the benefit of their beloved boss will have a hard time.

Firstly, you will be rewarded with new responsibilities, and secondly, you will begin to stay late at work. The prospects are not very good, try to be patient and behave confidently. Geminis do not know how to concentrate on important moments; any little thing can make you angry. Don’t try to please your work colleagues, much less be friends with them. It’s better to keep your distance, it will be much easier not only for you, but also for those around you. If your business is connected with foreign partners, you should be extremely careful.

In July 2018, they will be ready to sign any documents; this fact should alert you. It is better to check several times, and only then agree, or refuse this deal. From July 17 to July 23, it is not recommended to negotiate at all; there is a high probability of becoming a victim of fraud or deception. On the full moon on July 27, do not make business meetings; this day is unfavorable for concluding any agreements. Try to behave with restraint, no one should see your emotions. Even if you really want to break down and yell at someone in the office, it’s better to postpone this idea for a while.

Summer 2018 will give Gemini new financial opportunities that will allow them to increase their wealth. In August, you can start looking for an apartment to buy, since you have wanted to acquire your own property for so long. Follow the rule “it’s better to double-check your documents several times, for the sake of your own peace of mind.”

Health horoscope for July 2018 Gemini

Those born under this zodiac sign can rely entirely on their health. You will feel physically excellent; you will not be bothered by any pain throughout the entire month. But the psycho-emotional sphere and stress resistance are practically zero. You are not in better shape, circles under the eyes and a pale complexion.

A zombie twin who has to get up early every day and go to work. On the weekend you sleep off and go back and forth. This lifestyle will not allow you to feel confident and free. My nerves are on edge and I urgently need to do something about it. Don't know where exactly to start? It's simple, make a regimen for the whole day. Try going to bed earlier and waking up earlier, and you will be surprised to find that you get a lot more done. No eating while watching a television series; in general, it is worth limiting the consumption of any food products after 18.00.

At work, on your computer and at home, you spend too much time on social networks, is that really possible? No and no again. Time should be limited, not a minute more. Do you want to like someone’s photo once again? It’s better to spend this time with maximum health benefits - go to the gym on the treadmill. Consult your trainer and try to do all the exercises he advised you every day. The more you work on yourself, the more confident you become. Fruits and vegetables will help you cheer up and return your usual complexion, drink more still water. The norm is 2 liters per day, without tea and coffee.

Evening walks in the fresh air will help you look at the world and myself a little differently. There is no point in sitting within four walls; you can communicate with loved ones and discuss all the most intimate things. Your psychological health depends only on you, don’t expect that someone will make even minimal efforts to diversify your leisure time. Until you pick up paints and try to choose the colors and shades you like on your own, nothing will happen. Geminis need praise, they love to be the center of attention and when they are not praised, they fall into a state of depression. Don’t let yourself become an amoeba, let go of all your fears and live every day in an unusual way.

Read the horoscope for July 2018 for other zodiac signs:

In July 2018, Geminis have extremely good relationships with loved ones. As the Horoscope hints, a certain metamorphosis happened to you, dear Gemini. You have become more tolerant, more forgiving of the mistakes and shortcomings of others, and more attentive to them. This behavior is welcome. That's why people reach out to you, share plans, thoughts, and ask for advice. Your authority has noticeably increased, which will have a positive impact on your career and help you arrange your personal life.

Bright summer colors have a powerful emotional impact on Gemini women. In July, they cannot sit still; they strive for everything new, unknown. But the stars warn: be a little more careful, don’t give in to spontaneous desires, don’t take risks. If your energy is overflowing, then find a use for it - sign up for a sports section or advanced training courses.

Another piece of advice: don’t forget about your loved ones. Visit them more often, call them by phone.

July 2018 may become a month of fateful acquaintance for Gemini women. You will meet a person who will almost immediately win your heart. In order not to scare off such a prince, try to behave naturally and sincerely. Then the communication will continue. Moreover, events will develop very rapidly; it is possible that very soon the conversation will turn to a wedding.

When going on vacation in the summer of 2018, remember if you owe someone money? If so, then first pay off your creditors and only then purchase a tour to warmer climates and tourist equipment.

Remember that summer 2018 for Gemini is a pretty hot time in every sense. Passions run high, and people sometimes behave unrestrainedly and inappropriately. That is why try not to participate in disputes, do not react to provocations, otherwise you will make enemies for yourself. In general, impulsive Geminis need to learn to control themselves. They often take rash steps, and then not only regret it, but also truly suffer and worry.

Make time for your health. Visit your dentist. It is necessary to check the condition of the teeth and gums.

Favorable July days for Gemini in 2018: 1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 23, 25, 28, 30, 31.

Unfavorable days: 7, 13, 22

Love Horoscope

Do matters of the heart leave much to be desired? Yes, Gemini women will more than once complain about fate, which never sent them a meeting with their betrothed. But maybe the root of the problem lies elsewhere? Don't be too picky about your fans. And men don’t like those who constantly whine and complain.

It's time in mid-2018 to look a little differently at the representatives of the stronger sex in your environment. It may very well be that among them you will find the hero of your novel. Moreover, you wouldn’t immediately guess how interesting and charming that very modest guy you see every day actually is. Perhaps he is simply shy in your presence because he feels a deep sense of sympathy.

So, Geminis do not need to become despondent and start each day with the hope of meeting their future lover. You can take the initiative, for example, visit the so-called “speed dates” at least once. Skeptics might argue that this is not the most reliable way to start a relationship. But no one insists on a continuation. Moreover, this way you can have a lot of fun.

“Seek and you will find,” - you definitely can’t argue with this advice from the Gospel of Matthew. Moreover, the stars promise Gemini women, in the midst of summer 2018, a meeting with a person who will play an important role in life.

But those Geminis who have already found a mate should hurry up a little. At the very beginning of a relationship, there is always a bright flash, passion, but then everything becomes a little more familiar. To maintain love, you have to work. You cannot be lazy and rest on your laurels, calmly accepting signs of attention from a fan. He also dreams of attention, affection, sweet surprises.

So, Gemini women, don’t spend hours on social networks. There are so many interesting things around you! But they are like enchanted zombies looking for a groom among the cute avatars. By the way, dating via the Internet is an empty idea, if not a gamble. Be careful!

And the stars also tell Gemini women to be a little more romantic. This definitely suits them, and this way they will find their soul mate faster. Remember that on the New Moon on July 13, you do not need to make dates or make (accept) marriage proposals.

Finance horoscope

Risk, of course, is a noble cause, but in July 2018 it is better for Gemini not to rely on chance and not to take rash steps. First of all, this concerns official matters and financial issues. Employees should generally keep their mouths shut for the time being, and not discuss any innovations from their superiors. Otherwise, conflicts with the boss are likely. It’s better not to argue with him at all. In addition, it depends on whether the application for the long-awaited vacation will be signed. Just in July it is simply a wonderful time to relax.

But don't rush to pack your bags. Alas, it is in the middle of summer that you will have more than usual work responsibilities. You will even have to stay to work overtime in the evenings. Nothing terrible. Take this not as a duty, but as an opportunity to gain experience and knowledge. Moreover, among your colleagues there are such scoundrels who only dream of taking your place.

Businessmen in 2018 also need to be careful. You can't trust your partners too much. Even verified. They also have their own plans, their own benefits. In negotiations, get your way, but do not be overly stubborn and intractable. Stick to the golden mean in everything. Check each document yourself or with the help of a competent lawyer, checking dates, signatures, and seals.

There will be a chance to get involved business relationship with foreign partners. Know that Geminis cannot plan all important negotiations and transactions with foreigners for the period from the 17th to the 23rd.

But on July 27, 2018, during the Full Moon, you cannot schedule important meetings, meetings, or events. This is an extremely emotional day, fraught with conflicts, quarrels, and harsh statements. You need to be restrained and ready to compromise.

July 2018 for Gemini is the month of starting new projects, the first step towards the goal. If you dream of buying something valuable, a car, a house, then you can start saving money for this already in the middle of this summer. The first money for a future purchase can and should be put aside as early as July. And refrain from the temptation to spend your earned money on trifles and momentary whims.

Health horoscope

Gemini, who rarely complain about their health, fortunately, will not be sick in July 2018. Although my nerves are a little frayed. Constant tension leads to frequent breakdowns - it is not always possible to keep negative emotions under control. But is it worth getting upset over every little thing? You spoil your own mood, depress your psyche. And, as a result, problems with the intestines and stomach may arise. Don’t experiment with foods, eat high-quality, simple, but healthy food. More vegetables, coarse fiber, this contributes to good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

In July, it’s simply a sin to spend your free time at the computer. Spend more time in nature, swim, enjoy the sun. If the weather is not good, then go to the gym, take up tennis, fitness. Remember how you loved to ride a bike as a child. Now it is becoming fashionable among adults too. There are even more modern activities. For example, skateboards, roller skates. When starting training, do not overdo it and do not forget that in the summer, especially in hot weather, with increased physical activity, you need to drink a lot.

Communicate with people who are dear and pleasant to you. Geminis simply need to spend more time in the company of friends, going on picnics. This will allow you to forget about production problems, relax your soul and body. As a result, no disease will even dare to approach someone born under the sign of Gemini.

Gemini women, pamper yourself, visit a beauty salon to see a cosmetologist or massage therapist. Just contact establishments with a proven reputation so that the result will please you and not horrify you.

Geminis are very versatile and freedom-loving individuals, and they know how to get everything they want from life. For representatives of this zodiac sign 2018 will be filled with bright colors and breathtaking adventures.

The Yellow Dog has prepared a lot of travel, new romantic acquaintances and unusual moments for Gemini. The most joyful time will be the middle of summer, when a very pleasant event awaits Gemini - it could be an engagement, a wedding, or the birth of a long-awaited child.

The most important problem that will bother Gemini throughout 2018 may be the lack of money. This result will result from the inability to properly distribute finances. Desire getting more will push these individuals to commit rash and downright stupid actions, but you should not sacrifice yourself for the sake of self-interest, because as a result this will not lead to anything good.

Astrologers advise Gemini to stop and wait a little. Not the best right now best time In order to artificially rush things, you need to wait for a more opportune moment. All important changes and fateful events will happen in due time.

At the beginning of the year, representatives of this sign will be forced to resolve pressing issues, and only after that they will be able to begin new projects that are designed for the future. In February and early spring, Gemini will meet new and very useful acquaintances. They will literally begin to gush with brilliant ideas that will provide an excellent opportunity to make good money.

Gemini is one of the zodiac signs

Gemini will achieve quite great success It is in the creative field of activity that they will be able to achieve a balance between personal life and career. However, closer to the end of May, they may feel a sharp decline in strength, and joint work will begin to cause strong rejection.

However, in the summer Gemini has quite a lot to look forward to major risk in almost all areas of activity. Many will find solace in alcohol, but it is better to abandon this idea. Very quickly, global goals will return Gemini to real life. At the end of the year there will be a feeling that stability is greatly lacking. It is this feeling that will force Gemini to actively engage in restoring damaged relationships with close friends or relatives with whom they have been quarreling for a long time.

Parents and children will experience an acute lack of communication, so the horoscope advises not to skimp on gifts and spend more time with your family.

2018 is becoming the ideal time for travel and long-distance business trips. Exotic countries await Gemini - African oases or South American jungles. Even if the financial situation is not stable and does not allow you to go on an expensive trip, you can visit the cave cities of Turkey, the vast expanses of Kamchatka or the rocks of the Caucasus.

The main thing is that you shouldn’t sit at home now, because there are so many interesting things in the world that you definitely need to have time to see. It is best to spend a little time and find some non-tourist place where the flavor has been preserved, and the life of the local residents will arouse genuine interest in Gemini. The stars advise planning a trip for August or September; you can go on a trip by car.

Gemini business horoscope for 2018

In the near future, Geminis should not count on rapid career growth, however, diligent and hardworking individuals will be able to achieve great success. The most important thing is that in 2018 you can only take on those cases that do not violate the law.
The horoscope advises you to reconsider your wardrobe and things; perhaps there is an old phone or a coat that has not been worn for a long time. The stars will help you get a good profit for them and make room for new things.

Starting in the fall, Gemini will have the opportunity to begin to actively develop; many will go on trips to exotic countries. You shouldn’t give up communicating with your work colleagues, because this will help not only find good friends, but also enlist the support of your employees. Gemini can choose to become a negotiator or a sales representative.

Gemini financial horoscope for 2018

Throughout 2018, Gemini will be looking for opportunities to make good money. Representatives of this sign very rarely undertake heavy physical work, as they prefer intelligent look activities.

Gemini will face a difficult choice: to earn honestly or take advantage of the chance of easy enrichment, for example, by entering into a marriage of convenience, but such a relationship will not be happy. As a result, such actions will lead to quite big troubles.

Such a union will completely disintegrate after just a few months of living together, and Gemini will again return to actively searching for work. Quite large expenses are expected in August and September; you may have to borrow or open a loan. If the financial situation is quite stable, you don’t have to worry, but just relax and enjoy life.

Gemini health horoscope for 2018

The stars advise Gemini Special attention focus specifically on your own health. Even feeling great cannot be a reason to refuse a routine examination.

Abuse of alcoholic beverages and unhealthy fatty foods can negatively affect the condition and functioning of the liver. If you have problems related to joints or bones, you should immediately consult a specialist, because an advanced disease can lead to not the most pleasant consequences.

Gemini Health

The beginning of autumn is ideal for exercising, but you don’t have to buy an expensive subscription to a fitness center. A morning warm-up or jogging in the fresh air will be enough. There is a risk of serious injury, so Geminis need to be very careful and always follow simple rules security.

Gemini love horoscope for 2018

Literally from the first days of 2018, single Geminis will begin an active search for " soul mate" Representatives of this sign, more than ever, will need consistency and support from a loved one. Towards the middle of the year, Gemini will plunge into romantic adventures. But the stars warn that you need to be more careful, since rash actions can greatly offend a person who shows sympathy for Gemini.

Representatives of this sign are never in a hurry to formalize relationships. If Gemini decides to get married, it will not happen before the fall. All alliances concluded during this period will turn out to be not only strong and long-lasting, but also happy. The stars warn that it is better to refuse a wedding in late autumn, otherwise this event will only bring disappointment.

Not only lonely, but also married women In September, Geminis may feel an irresistible desire to get married for convenience. Representatives of this sign are very charming, so they can easily capture the attention of a rich chosen one and win his heart. However, the stars warn that relationships that are built only on profit will not lead to anything good and both partners will be unhappy in a couple.

A family crisis awaits married Geminis. Many representatives of this sign will begin to get angry even in cases where there is no apparent reason for this. As a result, this will negatively affect communication with loved ones.

Conflicts started within the family can lead to divorce. Gemini's significant other may face a difficult choice - to put an end to the relationship or show more patience. It is disagreements that will force Gemini to change, in some cases this will help strengthen the marriage.

Those Geminis who can resolve conflicts within the family will enjoy greater happiness in 2018 than before. Closer to summer, single individuals may meet their destiny. However, the stars do not advise starting a relationship with an unfree person or breaking up families for the sake of your own happiness. If you throw yourself into the pool now, you can lose a lot more than you gain. This behavior of Gemini can lead to them completely losing the trust of their loved ones.

Gemini Men Horoscope for 2018

The stars advise strong representatives of the sign to be more careful and try not to make rash and hasty decisions. Due to their own ardor, they risk quickly losing everything that Gemini achieved last year; moreover, during the reign of the Yellow Dog, no easy money is expected.

In 2018, Gemini men will not receive gifts from fate, because they will hold all the cards and trump cards in their own hands in order to independently change their lives for the better. In the summer there will be an opportunity to relax and take a break, but closer to autumn there is a risk of deterioration in health.

Horoscope of Gemini Men

At the end of the year, single Gemini men will be able to achieve the love of their chosen one and beat all competitors. But even if you lose, you shouldn’t be upset, because you can devote your free time to bringing your existing creative plans to life.

Horoscope of Gemini women for 2018

Women who were born under the sign of Gemini, from the first days of 2018, will begin to show categoricalness and severity towards the weaknesses of others, and such behavior will turn out to be unfounded. Beautiful representatives of this sign will often act as if they have a precious crown on their head.

Even too much self-confidence will not be able to alienate admirers from Gemini women, because men will be completely charmed and fall into pre-arranged love networks.

Some Gemini women will feel an irresistible desire to change jobs already in the middle of the year, because a higher and more promising position with decent pay will await them. Switching to a new company will help you get more time to take care of yourself or pay attention to your family.

In the summer, stars advise you to scrupulously evaluate your own appearance; perhaps it’s time to sign up for a gym or swimming pool. Already in the fall, Gemini women should start strengthening their immunity, thanks to which they will be able to endure the period of colds much easier.

In the last month of 2018, the horoscope advises Gemini women to spend less time at work, since overexertion should not be allowed now, otherwise it will negatively affect their overall health.

Gemini horoscope 2018 by year of birth

Gemini - Rat

(born 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

Gemini-Rats in the year of the Yellow Dog will become very thrifty and economical. The mistress of the year will like such qualities, but this does not mean that you cannot pamper yourself from time to time; the main thing is to adhere to a sense of proportion in everything. The financial situation will be quite stable, good profits are expected throughout the year. The charm of these personalities will literally go off scale, driving fans crazy. Single Gemini-Rats will be able to meet their destiny and create strong relationships.

Gemini - Ox

(born 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

Gemini Oxen are always distinguished by their intelligence, but in the year of the reign of Yellow Earth Dogs they will simply outdo themselves. Dreams will begin to come true even before they can accurately formulate them, so the stars advise you to be more careful with your wishes. Gemini-Oxen will be very self-confident, which will delight even their sworn enemies and competitors. Personal life will be quite varied, vibrant and full of interesting acquaintances. Gemini-Oxen can easily, without much effort, achieve mutual love person you like.

Gemini - Tiger

(born 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

In 2018, Gemini-Tigers will become real hunters - this will concern not only their personal lives, but also business. However, the Dog advises trying to avoid adventures and dubious deals. Luck is on your side now, so you shouldn’t make any sudden moves. Single individuals can safely flirt with members of the opposite sex, and they will literally bask in the attention of fans. But Gemini-Tigers are in no hurry to formalize the relationship, so you need to flirt correctly, because suitors may misunderstand your behavior and make a marriage proposal.

Gemini - Cat

(born 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

During the reign of the Yellow Dog, Gemini-Cats will feel an irresistible desire to go on an exciting journey, and will rarely spend evenings at home. The financial situation is quite stable, good profits are regularly received, so they can easily realize all their plans and dreams. However, the stars do not advise leaving your homes forever, because as a result you can lose precious time. The horoscope recommends arranging a surprise for your significant other and going on a romantic trip together or taking a boat trip. Thanks to a successful coincidence of circumstances and their own determination, these individuals will be able to quite easily make any desire and dream come true.

Gemini - Dragon

(born 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

In the year of the reign of the Yellow Dog, the Gemini Dragons will begin to manifest magical talents. But it is better to refrain from the desire to incinerate enemies with a glance or bewitch competitors; it is worth directing all your energy to the sphere of personal relationships. Throughout 2018, these individuals will be surrounded by fans. The stars advise Gemini-Dragons to learn to control their emotions, especially if they want to build a long and happy relationship.

Gemini - Snake

(born 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

Gemini Snakes are very careful and wise, but now the time is coming when it is time to begin the path to the pinnacle of glory. In the year of the reign of the Yellow Dog, these individuals will have unique ability, quickly and fairly easily deal with any problem. To achieve success, it is not necessary to strangle competitors, because showing a sting will be enough. In family matters, you need to become a professional diplomat, and hot temper and ardor are best left at home. In 2018, many individuals will think about the appearance of heirs, because simply ideal conditions will be created for this - a loved one is nearby, there is harmony and tranquility in the family, the financial situation is stable.

Gemini - Horse

(born 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

In 2018, Gemini Horses will easily get everything they want. They will be most concerned about their personal life, because the lack of love affairs will negatively affect their overall health. But no special problems are expected with this issue in the year of the Yellow Dog’s reign. To win the attention of the person you like, you won’t have to make almost any effort; all rivals will retreat on their own and give way to purposeful and stubborn Gemini. In 2018, the stars advise paying close attention to your own well-being and eating only healthy and natural food.

Gemini - Goat

(born 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

In 2018, the charm of these individuals will simply go off scale, and they will be able to use this for their own selfish purposes. For example, you can charm your boss and get a promotion, but don’t forget that in order to stay in your new position, you will have to work hard. The household will also please, and in order to strengthen family relationships, you can go to the resort together, not forgetting to plan your vacation in advance.

Gemini - Monkey

(born 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

In the year of the Yellow Dog's reign, Gemini-Monkeys will be able to enjoy a wonderful holiday, but these individuals will be too lazy to leave their home. Even if you stay within your own walls, everything will turn out quite well. The desire for adventure will push these individuals to new achievements that will affect almost all areas of life. Gemini-Monkeys will achieve the greatest success precisely in their work, so the financial situation will also please them.

Gemini - Rooster

(born 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

New prospects and opportunities will open up for Gemini-Roosters in the year of the Yellow Dog. In business, these individuals become real and brave warriors, but in their personal lives they turn into inexperienced chickens. But such a situation will only benefit them, because the fans will happily begin to please and try to guess any desire. The stars advise you to be on guard, otherwise they will not notice how the suitors will take you in their arms and all that remains is to sign in the registry office.

Gemini - Dog

(born 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

Gemini-Dogs are very ambitious and talented, and it is these qualities that will help them achieve success in 2018. The Yellow Dog simply adores these individuals and happily wags its tail, following any command. Throughout the year, Gemini-Dogs will be in the center of everyone's attention. The stars advise updating your wardrobe, because soon you may receive an offer to have dinner with the president. Gemini-Dogs will acquire influential patrons who will help resolve various issues. The situation will not be the most understandable love front, but it is the choice of a partner to start a family that deserves the most attention.

Gemini - Pig

(born 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

Gemini-Pigs in 2018 will be very trusting, defenseless, fair and kind. However, no one will dare to offend them, because the Yellow Dog will always be there and will protect all of its charges. Favorable changes await Gemini in the field of finance. You shouldn’t envy the oligarchs, because soon you too will live in a luxurious mansion and millionaires will personally invite you to tea.

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In July 2018, Gemini, in addition to the main assistant of this sign, Ceres, will have another unexpected ally - Eris, which is usually quite aggressive towards Gemini. Such an amazing tandem will have no less amazing consequences. As for most signs, the current month for you will be bright and literally overflowing with various events. It is important not to miss the opportunity, the very opportunity that you have been waiting for a long time. Don't neglect what has always been more valuable. Do not follow the lead of the “mainstream”; it is much more important what you yourself think about a specific phenomenon or event. This period will not be straightforward, but you may well be so, no matter what motivates you. If you want to change your job, you need to do it. If you think that your current relationship will lead nowhere, well, it’s time to deal with it a long time ago. But don’t focus on emotions, let your mind and feelings work together, only this option can lead to an ending that suits not only you. In general, at this stage you will not encounter obstacles that will be insurmountable for you. Even your main celestial antagonist, Jupiter, will not be strong enough to thwart your plans. But if you relax too much and begin to act inappropriately, the situation will no longer favor you and the result will change to the exact opposite of what you want. At another time, you could easily afford this, but not now.

Dwelling in more detail on the business sector, it is worth noting that in July 2018, Gemini may well “move to the next level.” For example, if you work “for someone else” and have long planned to improve your position by adequately and objectively assessing your own capabilities, then now you may actually be given such a chance. How this will affect your career in the future depends on what tools you choose to achieve your plans. This period will turn out to be very variable, so here everyone can find something they like. Or he may make a mistake by stumbling, focusing on selfishness and pure hedonism. If you haven’t realized yet, then this time gravitates towards fundamentally different attitudes. Geminis who work for themselves will most likely quickly understand how to act in order to, at a minimum, maintain their existing positions. In no case do not neglect the opinion of your companions and do not stop halfway. Your energy will be enough to implement all current plans, but you may be convinced otherwise; you should not let others do this. In general, this month is successful from a financial point of view. By acting confidently and thoughtfully, you can significantly increase your income. In addition, drastic measures will be almost more effective than the systematic implementation of a well-thought-out project down to the smallest detail. This is precisely why the second month of summer will be interesting for your sign, with an abundance of unusual opportunities.

If we focus on the “love front,” then Gemini has every chance here in July 2018. For what? Whatever you want, the main thing is to be fully aware of it. That is, ill-considered, ambiguous actions are unlikely to lead to a successful outcome, regardless of the circumstances. And the more specific your actions are, the more obvious (including for others, now this is a plus), the greater the chances of success. If we are talking about Gemini, who at this point life stage are not “burdened” by overly close relationships, then they should definitely turn their heads, as they say, three hundred and sixty degrees, as often and sharply as possible. You may well see something important, and not only for yourself. This is the perfect time to help an old friend solve his biggest problem. Of course, no one will blame you for anything if you decide to act only to please your own desires, but then don’t expect an epic victory of “good over evil.” For Geminis of the family type, the stars advise not to overload themselves with unnecessary worries. It is unlikely that anyone will interfere with you purposefully; it is more likely that at a certain moment you will cease to understand something, due to short-sightedness or because you did not rush in at the right moment and did not ensure that you have the full set of necessary knowledge. In any case, try to calculate the situation at least one step forward and do not be afraid to “confront” loved ones who (without unnecessary pathos) have forgotten their place. Sometimes it is very useful to quarrel, especially if it allows you to put all the points in order.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for July 2018 for the zodiac sign Gemini, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Gemini. More accurate horoscope can be found out by making one of personal horoscopes, which can be obtained by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Gemini sign: Personal horoscopes for the Gemini sign:

This month promises to be very successful for most representatives of the Gemini sign. The planets will now be positioned in such a way that in July 2018 you will be able to realize most of your plans, but for this you will have to make your own efforts.

Main tasks of the month of the Gemini sign

In July 2018, the Sun will be in Gemini's 2nd house - the area of ​​property and finance. This will give you the opportunity not to worry about money, you will have solid ground under your feet and are full of confidence in your abilities. The Gemini horoscope for July 2018 promises many bright events this month, but you will need not only hard work, but also patience and prudence in your actions. Perhaps you haven't seen your relatives for a long time - why don't you visit them in July? Do not pay attention to the gossip and rumors that are circulating behind your back, these are all the machinations of your envious people, now you can simply turn a deaf ear to them. If you are not lazy, then in July 2018 you will be able to climb one more step career ladder. Lonely Geminis can count on a happy meeting with a person. which will seem unusually attractive to them. As the horoscope for July 2018 predicts, Gemini should show prudence and not participate in various conflicts, especially if they are not directly related to you.

Horoscope for July 2018 Gemini: study, business and contacts

During July 2018, Mercury will be in Gemini's 3rd house. The horoscope promises significant success in studies, as well as many different trips and movements over not too long distances. You will literally absorb the information you receive, which can be very useful to you later. Those Geminis who would like to find a new job will receive several extremely profitable offers in July 2018, each of which will deserve to be considered more seriously. Many of you may get a vacation at the end of the month, so it makes sense to start thinking now about where you will go and, if necessary, take care of a trip. Other representatives of the sign will have many additional work responsibilities and therefore you will have to devote more time to it than usual. According to the Gemini horoscope, July 2018 recommends not to be lazy; this situation will entail a good increase in your wages. You just need to prove yourself properly.

Love and money of the Gemini sign in July 2018

The financial situation of Gemini in July 2018 will be extremely good - money will come to you from different sources. Those representatives of the sign who work in the field of art and are engaged in personal creativity will be able to earn especially a lot. However, everyone else will not have any problems either. This month it is possible to successfully invest money in real estate or in developing your own business - the horoscope says this will bring you good income. It is also very likely to receive an unplanned reward in the form of a bonus from your superiors.

In the first half of July 2018, Venus moves into the 4th house of your horoscope - the area of ​​relatives and family traditions. This will give you excellent relationships with your loved ones, including older family members. The horoscope advises lonely Geminis to be in society more often, sign up for a dating site or use express dating. Here you may unexpectedly meet a very nice person. And family representatives of the sign or those who are already in a long-term relationship are advised to remember this. that they require constant work and development.
