Scripts for Hanukkah. Hanukkah methodological development on the topic. Characters - Hanukkah candles

Ved.: The events that we will tell you about happened a long time ago, more than two thousand years ago. The Jews then lived in their own country, which was called Judea. Three times a year, on the most important holidays, all Jews came to the Temple. More than all the treasures of the world, they valued their main book - the Torah - and strictly followed all the commandments.

But it happened that Judea was captured by the Greeks. It was a large army of strong and beautiful warriors. They walked around the world, conquering country after country, and everywhere they forced people to live by their rules and worship Greek gods. Their gods were also very beautiful - all the peoples happily exchanged their clay idols for them.

And only the Jews did not agree to live according to Greek rules...

They studied the Torah (a Jew in a tallit with a scroll comes on stage and reads a few words from Bereshit and remains standing, “freezes”)

They celebrated Shabbat (the “family” comes on stage, “dad” has a glass for kiddush in his hands, “mom” has candlesticks with candles or a napkin for challah, you can also introduce “children.” They say to each other: “Shabbat shalom!” and remain standing, “freeze”)

They taught the children (the “father” and “son” come on stage, the “father” shows the letters in the book and says: “This letter is “alef”. Repeat! (the child repeats “aleph”), and this one is “bet” and etc. Remain standing, “freeze”)

They prayed to the one G-d(everyone sings one of the blessings)

The Greeks enter (8-10 people) to marching music

1. What kind of strange people are they? What are they doing - who can figure it out?

2. Hey, come out, we’ll teach you our gymnastics, look: And - once! (one person does cartwheels, the other does push-ups, etc.)

3. Hey, come out, stop being afraid! We will teach you how to fight! (someone shows several “tricks”)

4. Hey, come out, it’s time for you to learn how to play beautifully on stage! (sketch with masks)

5. Hey, come out, it's time for you to learn how to dance properly! (dance Greek dance)

Antiochus Epiphanes comes out:

Stop persuading the Jews!

We'd better defeat them by force!

If they don’t want to live like the Greeks, we’ll force them,

We will set our conditions for them!

Listen to my order: first, the Torah.

Take her away without any further discussion!

Secondly, the Jewish language is prohibited

And make them learn Greek!

Thirdly, Shabbat must be abolished,

Let them work all days in a row!

And fourthly, it’s time to put Zeus in the temple

And force the Jews to bow to him!

Vedas: Terrible days have come for Judea...

To the accompaniment of energetic music, the “Greeks” approach groups of Jews one by one and take everything from them. The Greeks are leaving. The Jews remain.

A sad Jewish song or nigun sounds. The Jews come forward and dance the Jewish sad dance. The dance is over, the Jews remain standing

Yehuda Maccabee comes out:

I am Yehuda Maccabee!

I'm proud to be a Jew!

I will stand at the head of the people,

And we will see who is stronger!

Jews! This is not the time for us to whine!

It's time to protect our people!

We may be few, but G-d is with us!

He will help us win!

We will continue to teach children

So that we don’t forget our Torah,

And it's time for adults to learn to fight,

To defeat the Greek army!

Jews dance a “heroic” dance (for example, “Banu Khoshekh...”), take their swords, and walk away proudly.

A “group of children” and a “teacher” come out

Teacher: Children, we will start learning letters,

We just need to be careful

So that the Greeks cannot find us...

Child 1: And I already know how to trick them:

We'll spin the top in circles!

Let's write the letters four on it

Let's learn these - we'll take others!

Child 2: If the Greeks find out about us

We'll write a true story

Let's say that we're playing for money here,

The Greeks will leave us at that very hour!

They begin to spin the top one by one, shouting out the letters: Gimel, hey, nun, drink!

There may be a song and dance “Sevivon, owl-owl-owl”

Vedas: For three years a small Jewish army fought with a huge Greek army.

The Jews knew their country very well, they knew in which places to hide and from where to attack. They knew how to quickly move between rocks and climb to the tops of hills. Yehuda Maccabee and his friends attacked their enemies at night, jumped on them from cliffs and did not allow them to come to their senses. And they managed to expel the Greeks from Jerusalem!

Enter Yehuda Maccabee and the soldiers:

Jerusalem is free!

And again, as before, invincible!

We liberated our city

And we thank God!

But we cannot enter the Temple!

There's dirt and debris on the way

The temple was desecrated, oil was spilled...

Now we have nowhere to go...

This is not the time to indulge in sadness!

It's time to get down to business

Let's cleanse the Temple, light the Menorah,

Now we have nothing to fear

A dance symbolizing cleaning (all children can participate in this dance, i.e. “Greeks” by this moment can “turn” into “Jews”)

A Jew comes out wearing a tallit:

Jews, I need your advice:

The menorah is here, but there is no oil!

Only one jug was found

But only for a day will he give us light.

During those eight days while we prepare the butter,

What to do to prevent the Menorah from going out?

Let us light a fire just for a day -

Let's offer a prayer to God!

Let's fill the day with sacred light -

And we will solemnly enter the Temple!

Children say the following phrase:

And they lit the menorah.

And a great miracle happened!

The oil that was supposed to burn for only one day burned for eight days.

And after eight days, new oil was ready, and the fire in the Menorah no longer weakened.

The lights go out. The ceremonial lighting of Hanukkah is accompanied by music (beachot for Hanukkah).

The light comes on.

Brahman Alexey


1. Hello, fireworks, what happiness,

Why do we have holidays so often!

Shabbat has barely ended

Everyone is talking about Hanukkah!

And that means it’s a day off again:

And the first day and the eighth day!

2.You just need a day off!

Don't confuse us, dear!

The children will now enter the hall.

Play music for us at the entrance!

Music. Login.Song. Dance.

1.On Hanukkah all over the planet

Children sing and have fun!

And the lights come on

They burn like beacons.

To come to us from an unfamiliar planet

Suddenly, once! - and the guests arrived!!!

They made a circle and sat down!

3. Aha! From Saturn or Mars!

And they brought us a box of “Mars”!

And Martian Coca-Cola

3. I don't know. Just for fun!

Cosmic music plays and “little green men” appear

1. Your light signals are tracked!

Hello, brothers in mind!

We are adequate, pleasant and polite,

We speak your basic dialect!

Ready to exchange culture and knowledge!

As telegraphed in advance!

We are interested in your history and tradition!

But we are ready to share ours too!

Wow! Interplanetary cultural exchange!

Or maybe you are children in disguise?

No way in the world!

Real brothers in mind?

As was already said above!

Cultural exchange begins!

What is this all called?

1. It's all Hanukkah! Holiday of miracles!

A miracle in the basic language will be…. Nes!

2. Small jug - an important role!

A great miracle - i.e. Gadol!

3. We all believed in a miracle, friends:

It happened, it happened... So, haya!

4. A miracle happened in Israel, there...

There are miracles there, but in Moscow there are miracles.

You've messed with our ears.

Just at the basic level, it's a sham.

Ancient Greeks on ancient Jews

They began to press harder and harder:

Like, give up your faith,

Our numbers are clearly stronger!

Quarrels and disputes and everything is hot...

The ancient Greeks had swords!

The ancient Jews were led by the Hasmonean!

Brave and wise ancient Jew!

There were battles, battles, fights.

The Greeks have left our land!

And the Temple was consecrated in victory:

The miracle of Hanukkah is our memory.

So this is what they fought bravely for!

And their Menorah burned for 8 days!

It shone into the distance, and in breadth, and in depth, and up!

And now light up Chanukiah for us!

We will fly away to our place, and there in the universal distance

Let's remember everything you told us!

About miracles, about faith, about the Menorah!

About how the wisdom of the Torah wins!

Let Chanukiah burn now,

And its light flies over the whole Earth,

And into space, to you, into unimaginable distances!

But still... You weren't kidding us?

The "little green men" take off their masquerade.

These are ours!

They are ours, just like us... And the joke... Well, so what, but we had a reason to talk about Hanukkah, didn’t we?

Scenario for the school holiday Hanukkah. 2009

Traditional entrance to the hall accompanied by music.

A song about Hanukkah is playing.


New song about Hanukkah. (Melody - “Song about Summer” by E. Krylatov)
Hanukkah is sweeping the planet!
And children sing about it today!
Hanukkah is the most wonderful thing in the world -
Sing along with us, friends!
Hanukkah, Hanukkah
Hanukkah, Hanukkah
Our candles shine brighter than the stars,
A miracle warms this evening,
Hanukkah will hug us by the shoulders,
Because we are friends!

Hanukkah is a story about a miracle.
We will never forget her
And Hanukkiah will remind people:
What a miracle it was there!
Talk about faith and honor.
Jews will be together on Hanukkah.
We sing these songs on Hanukkah.
Come on, sing along with us!
Hanukkah, Hanukkah
Hanukkah, Hanukkah

Girl Teacher: Hello, guys. We have a new addition to our school, 4 new boys. They entered our school today, at the beginning of the Hanukkah celebration. I hope you make friends!

1. Not that I turn up my nose,
But I have a question:

I heard the word now

It was sung twenty times...

What does Hanukkah mean, tell me?

And explain everything point by point!

History, law, custom:

I want to know everything perfectly!

2. No, no! Not at all interesting!
I don't know this word

And I don’t feel like knowing him:

Fuck you and Hanukkah into the swamp!

I am a berry from another field.

Don't pester me anymore!

3. The word is also unfamiliar to me,
I didn’t hear him at home,

Neither in the yard, nor on the playground...

But it’s really disgusting to swear like that!

And I tell you from my mind:

I don’t know now, but I will understand.

4. We got along, la-la, choo-chu!
And I have to admit, I want to eat!

I want to eat, drink, sleep!

And don’t study anything!

(Sit down)

(Other old-timers come out)

5. These are the new ones, hello!

Ready to tear them apart!

Or put the other one to death!

They don't know anything about the holiday!

6. Don't be angry, don't be angry! Cool down quickly!

There are different Jews in the world,

And their path to Knowledge is different:

Who wants to know, who is indifferent,

Who doesn't want to know at all

And who doesn’t know how to say it?

7. It has always been like this everywhere.

Everything is like in the Passover Haggadah:

Four sons are waiting for a story,

Why wait, let's do it right away:

8. Let's start the story about Hanukkah

For everyone: for them, for you, for us!

Oh, there is no sadder story in the world

What about freedom and freedom of conscience!

A number from one of the previous holidays:

The rap to the tune of “Night Watch” can be downloaded here:, and the words are here:

Performed to the tune of a song from "Night Watch"

Once upon a time there lived a priest named Matityahu the Hasmonean

By nationality - naturally, Jewish,

He lived in Judea two thousand years ago.

A Greek detachment came to his village.

They have civilization and military superiority.

Culture-multur, progress in everything.

They showed zeal and gathered the population.

Come on, come out,

Look at the statue.

This is the emperor

Our glorious Antiochus.

Everyone on your knees!

He is your god!

And the world cracked in half, what kind of god is there!

Your emperor is just crazy, he is very bad!

The village rose up and hit the Greeks...

We saw supermen in the coffin!

And the statue is in pieces! - that’s what she needs!

Our patience is over..... Greeks!

Then the Hasmoneans went to the mountains,

And they called themselves Maccabees.

They became leaders without fear,

Five sons of old man Matityahu.

They hid in the mountains, attacked suddenly,

Liberating the country step by step...

Although Antiochus was furious, it’s understandable

But he suffered defeat many times...

He could not defeat the Jewish faith!

And the armies perished in the mountains of Judea!

The war elephants were marching forward!

But the enemy did not see the running back!

The brave Eliezer rose with his sword:

Just think, an elephant - we don’t care about elephants.

And the world cracked in half, what an elephant!

Here he is, this monster, walking straight ahead!

We boldly enter into battle for our faith!

Who is for Hashem, hey Jews, everyone is behind me!

And now the Greeks are running away in fear...

Those who support Hashem always win!

And now we are walking to Yerushalayim.

We clean and clean the temple.

We will be able to consecrate it very soon!

What a nuisance - there is no oil for the Menorah!

We found one jug, barely...

Another will be delivered only in a week!

What decision can be made here...

There's no need to put it off - let's get started!

And the world cracked in half - a magical light!

It burns in the Menorah for eight days - there is no doubt!

And if someone, somewhere here sometimes...

Who is for Hashem - hey. Jews are all behind me!

It turns out that the light that came on in the Temple

Through the thickness of centuries, Gan Hama comes to us!

It turns out that a miracle is brought by faith.

And a small jug is a great measure.

And a small people against a strong army

He fights with faith, wonderfully, heroically.

Everyone has their own plans for Little Israel...

Goliaths are coming to fight David...

But David has light in the shepherd’s soul,

And David’s light is in the shepherd’s sling!

And now Goliath is carried on a cloak.

Did he understand anything? Will he understand at all?

Someone new again:

So this is what kind of light Chanukiah gives...

And we are in the circle of light!

And I'm in it!

And I'm in the circle of light!

The whole school!

The earth is in a circle of light!

Planet Earth!

Chanukiah lights up!

This is a sign to Moshiach - beacons!

They are shining, here we are, here, appear!

Get up to the city where we will build the Temple!

Hanukkah, Hanukkah, Bright days!

The lights will come on at GAN-HAMA school!

Different adults, different children,

Let us be in the Light, the light of Hanukkah!

Herald 1 What is Hanukkah? This is a day of miracles

The day when the Lord sends blessings from heaven.

Herald 2 The day when the menorah burns in the Temple of God,

And when the Lord Almighty works miracles

Herald 3 Today we will tell you one story,

Where all the people glorify this Holiday - HANUKAH!


Hanukkah is a holiday commemorating the successful revolt of the Jews during the Second Temple era against the Greeks, heirs to the collapsed Empire of Alexander the Great.


The oil needed to light the temple lamp, the Menorah, was desecrated by enemies. The Jews found only one jug of pure olive oil, which should have been enough for a day, but the lamp burned for 8 days! In memory of this happy event, Hanukkah is celebrated for 8 days, starting from the 25th day of the month of Kislev.


On the first day of the holiday, one candle is lit, on the second, two, etc., until eight candles are lit on the last evening. A candlestick (hanukkiah) is placed on the windowsill as a sign of fidelity to Judaism.


Jewish wisdom says: “A little light is enough to dispel much darkness.”

(mother, father and two sons on stage)

Mother (lays a white tablecloth on the table, arranges cutlery for the festive table) Father is reading. The younger children are making something on the floor.

Father Today is a big holiday. Do you remember how it was in your childhood, the first time...

Mother. (remembering, mysteriously) The lamp burned all night and did not go out. It burned for the entire 8 days while new oil was being prepared.

Eldest son . Just think, what a great miracle! Well, the oil burned for 8 days! Is it really that important?

Mother . A miracle is always important, and the miracle with the jug is especially important.

Younger brother. Why, mom?

Mother . Just like those ancient times The light of the Temple lamp has not gone out, just as the light of the Torah has not gone out throughout the centuries. We put Hanukkiah on the window and try to illuminate not only our home, but also the outer darkness of the whole world.

Big brother . Fairy tales are everything, fairy tales for little children. I don't believe.

Father . And in vain. Very soon you will be convinced that you were wrong. (mother and father leave

Big brother (catching up) - I will believe in a miracle when it happens to me! In the meantime, brother, it hasn’t happened, let’s just light Hanukkiah.

Younger brother. Let's

(they find matches, strike them, try to light the candles, but the candles don’t light)

younger brother . Brother, what a miracle, the candle doesn’t light...

Senior. This is no miracle. You just don't know how to strike matches. Let me try.

(candle lights up and goes out)

Younger brother. Let's call mom and dad!

Eldest son . Of course I don't believe it. It’s also a miracle for me, the matches are probably damp.

Eldest son. I want the candles to light themselves

White angel

On Hanukkah we every evening

We light candles in the house.

Why? Want to know?

I can tell you.

Holy fire for Jews

What did the Maccabees give us back?

Reminds everyone of miracles

About people who rejected fear

Laying your head down for your faith.

And now, following their example

The Jew lives and will live,

He will teach his children.

Let's light Hanukkiah soon!

There are no stars in the sky yet,

Let the light of the first candle burn\

Nine children with candles in their hands stand in a row, the one standing in the middle is the shortest, and his candle, unlike the others, is lit. This is "shamash". After pronouncing the text of each of the “candles,” the “shamash” comes up to her and lights her candle with his own. Between the performances of the “candles” you can insert concert numbers.

1st candle:

One story for you
I'll tell you... In the old days, -
That was in a terrible era -
King Antiochus of Syria
The Jews were given a strict command:
Forget customs and God,
Serve the Hellenic laws
And bow to idols.
And the old kohen Matityahu
Called his sons to courage -
Five Glorious Maccabee Brothers
The Jews were raised to fight
And they defeated the enemy army,
Honor, truth, Torah was defended!
For this we bow to our ancestors.
In their honor I will light my fire!

2nd candle:

About Yehuda, one of the brothers,
I want to tell you now.
He was brave and smart
And endowed with God's gift.
He put his enemies to flight,
The people were delivered from their shackles,
Yerushalayim liberated
And the Temple was cleansed and consecrated.
Yehuda lit a lamp in it.
A miracle happened with the oil there!
I will light a fire in his honor -
May it never go out.

3rd candle:

Elazar was the youngest.
And he experienced the nightmare of war,
And he fell on the battlefield,
Mortally wounding an enemy elephant.
Thanks to people like him
Israel was saved again.
Let us light the fire for son Matityahu
I hold a candle as a tribute to his courage!

4th candle:

High Priest Jonathan
It was given to Israel by God.
He ruled honestly, justly,
The envy of your enemies, the wonder of everyone!
And he became a victim of intrigue -
The Syrian sword overtook him.
But the glory of the Maccabee brothers
He multiplied among the Jews.
Let the candle inspire fire
A memory of him.

5th candle:

They gave their lives for their people
All Maccabee brothers.
Only Shimon survived, he lives
For the good of Judea:
He expelled enemies from the entire country,
And they lived happily!
And celebrated every year
The lit candles are amazing.
Let the candle flicker
Reminds us of him.

6th candle:

There were rulers, there were tyrants,
What wounds were inflicted on Israel...
In the twentieth century, in the molten darkness
All ideas about evil have collapsed,
Wars pale in comparison to this:
Death camps, Jewish ghettos...
A tornado of extermination hovered over the people,
But they did not break to please the fascists.
To the victims of fascism, victims of terror,
Victims of "gulags", famines
Eternal memory! This fire is
A symbol of hope, a protest against wars.

7th candle:

Our Jewish people have passed
Through torment and persecution,
Tolerated foreign kings, gentlemen,
Shrines of destruction.
But he lit a spark of faith
sacred fireTorah .
In the darkness of centuries our people became
Mobile Menorah!

8th candle:

Scattered all over the earth,
All over the planet
We all need warmth
In freedom, in light.

Let the joy of new days
The rays sparkle
And the Hanukkah lights
Will light Hanukkah

And let these candles burn in honor of the victory of small light over the abyss of darkness

In honor of the victory of simple, modest people, like Matityahu Hasmonean and his fellow villagers, over the formidable and powerful Greek emperor

In honor of all the heroes of the Jewish people who carried within themselves faith in the One God, no matter what...

In honor of the Jews who died during the Holocaust

In honor of those noble righteous people of the world who tried to save or alleviate the fate of the doomed

In honor of the fallen soldiers of Israel

And so that the light of the Torah does not go out over the centuries, just as the light of the Temple lamp did not go out 2 thousand years ago.

Let the light not fade, let the candle burn

(Jewish dance performed)


Boris Finkelstein

Two thousand (thousand) two hundred years from year to year in different parts of the big planet
On the 25th day of Kislev, my people, like a miracle, revive the festival of light.

On this holiday we light candles... And so that the tradition is respected,
from the first day to the eighth, every evening one is added to the burning candles!

Those years ago, during the reign of Antiochus (king of Syria, from a Greek family)
Everything was stifled: from faith to freedom... Life for the Jews of Judea was very bad.

An alien culture was implanted there... Torment, torture, executions, arbitrariness...
The dilemma of choosing the lesser evil - without the right to choose under the rule of a tyrant.

Scene 1
The small town of Modiin. Believers gathered. The words of prayer are heard:


At this moment, Greek soldiers burst in.

Appeles (commander of the Greek detachment):
Just look what's happening here? They are again violating our master's orders.

(Interrupting the prayer, the Jews froze in anticipation)

Appeles (Turns to his subordinate):
Bring in the statue of Zeus! (Greek soldiers bring in the statue)
Listen up everyone! Our ruler, King Antiochus, from now on and forever, under threat of death, commands: you, Jews, must not read or study the Torah, or observe the Jewish Law! Anyone who celebrates the Sabbath or circumcises a male child will be subject to special punishment! You Jews are required to pray and worship the Greek gods. Those who disobey this command will face death.

A venerable old man emerges from a group of Jews.

1st Jew:
Dear! Our people have an alliance with Our G-d. We believe only in him and cannot worship other gods. We are ready to obey you in many ways, but not in what you just ordered.

Appeles (shouting):
On your knees, old man! Here is your GOD! (points to the statue of Zeus) I swear by the Thunderer, I will carry out the order given to me, even if it means putting every second of you to death! On your knees, old man!

(He grabs the old man and drags him to the statue of Zeus. The old man resists. The warrior hits the old man with a sword. The crowd shudders, a muffled “Ah!” is heard and then the words of the prayer “BARUKH ATA A-DONAI E-LOGEIN MELECH GAOLAM..." are heard again)

Appeles (orders his soldiers):
Grab the next one! (His gaze stops at the Jew trembling with fear.) This one - here!

(Greek soldiers bring a Jew to him. He walks on stiff legs and trembles.)

Go, worship your god (points to the statue) and sacrifice on the altar, or I swear the same fate awaits you! (points to the old man lying in the blood)

(The frightened apostate, bent over, heads towards the statue of Zeus)
(A voice is heard from the crowd: “Stop! Don’t do this!” And then a whisper: “Mattityahu Hasmonean... High Priest...")

Our G-d commanded us not to bow down to idols. Our G-d is one, and there will be no other gods for us!

(The apostate cowardly falls to his knees in front of the statue of Zeus)

Mi le-HaShem - elay! - He who is for the Lord, let him follow me!

(Matatyahu rushes at the apostate and kills him near the altar. At the same time, his sons attack Apelles and his squad, kill everyone and destroy the Greek altar)

Scene 2

The deputy of the Syrian king Antiochus IV Epiphanes and his camarilla recline and feast. In front of them, slaves perform a Greek dance. A messenger runs into the hall. The dance is interrupted.

1st Messenger:
Oh, lord! There's a riot in Modi'in! The Jews killed your soldiers! Some of their priests gathered the rebellious ones and took them to the mountains.

Who let this alarmist in here?! I interrupted the holiday because of some trifle! (To the commander of the Jerusalem garrison) Send a couple of hundred of my soldiers, and tomorrow the head of this rebel will lie at my feet! (To the dancers) Carry on!

The girls are dancing. The fun resumes. But after a short time another messenger runs in.

2nd Messenger:
My lord! Our soldiers were ambushed. Only one wounded man reached the camp with this bitter news. The leader of the Jews, some Yehuda Maccabee, threatens to raise up all of Israel!

Look how scared he is! A handful of cowardly Jews who do not know how to hold a sword in their hand are threatening me and my valiant army. It's time to teach them a lesson so that others won't! (To the Commander of the Jerusalem Garrison) Enough for you to feast and luxuriate! Gather your army! And so that in a week there won’t even be a memory of them left on this earth! Do not spare either the elderly or small children!

Scene 3

Greek camp. Everyone is sleeping. Only the sentries, calling to each other, walk around the camp.
In the darkness, Jewish soldiers creep up on them. They simultaneously hit the sentries. With a wave of his hand, the entire Jewish army bursts into the Greek camp with battle cries. In the battle, the leader of the army dies, and the army itself is partially killed, partially scatters.

Scene 4

The Presenter appears on the stage.

The Great Temple, as a reflection of grief, was desecrated. In the sanctuary of the people -
darkness, desolation... The flame in the golden Menorah went out for three long years.

25 Kislev. Jews enter the Temple. Some of them have swords in their belts, some are in prayer clothes.

In the Temple there is destruction and devastation. For some time they walk around the Temple and restore order.

High Priest:
Finally, we are back here and can again offer our prayers to the Almighty from His home! But first of all, Jews, we must cleanse and sanctify the Temple. We need to light the Menorah Holy fire. Look for oil!

Everyone rushes in search of oil. Exclamations are heard from different sides: “The vessel is broken!.. The oil is spilled!.. Everything is desecrated!.. There is not a single surviving jug of oil!..” But at the end one joyful exclamation drowns out the rest: “There is! One whole jug! Sealed ! The one and only! They carry it with reverence to the High Priest.

High Priest:
Look for more! This oil will only last for one day of burning. And it will take eight days to prepare a new one!.. Search!.. Search!..

Again cries are heard from everywhere: “The vessel is broken!.. The oil is spilled!.. Everything is desecrated!..”

Gradually everyone gathers around the High Priest again

High Priest: (Addressing G-d)
Help us, Almighty! Not enough oil. But we will light the lamp and prepare new oil. (Lights the Temple Lamp).

The Presenter appears on the stage again.

On the day of burning oil in that vessel, but it takes eight for the new one to ripen!..
And exactly eight o'clock the oil burned, preserving the fire of freedom. Such a miracle!

On this holiday we light candles...
And so that the tradition is respected,
from the first day to the eighth every evening
one is added to the burning candles!

Two thousand (thousand) two hundred years from year to year
in different parts of the big planet
on the twenty-fifth day of Kislev my people,
like a miracle, it revives the festival of light.

There is a lit Chanukah on the stage. Music, songs, dances.


Hanukkah, Hanukkah, where have you been?

We were waiting for you, and now you have come.

With bright colors, you have many gifts,

She brought it to us for the holiday.

Hanukkah, Hanukkah, where have you been?

You gave us a beautiful miracle.

Delicious sweets, happiness and joy,

And drove away the darkness forever.

A song about Hanukkah is playing (waltz)

1. The candles are lit, you smile,

Hanukkah is our best holiday.

A bright life awaits you and me.

All the clouds fly away.

2. There are no barriers for us, and everyone is happy,

Celebrate the bright Hanukkah.

The songs are also played for the guys,

The sun is shining tenderly.

The joyful holiday of Hanukkah has come to us.

What did you bring for this holiday?

This holiday brought us sweet, delicious buns,

Which are called -suvganiyot. And one bun

It's called suvganiya. Now we will play with you

A fun game. (one child wears a hat -

Suvganiya and everyone stands around Suvganiya goes

in a circle and sing :)

Suvganiya-ya-ya, ve agulya-la-la.

Im ktsat riba-ba-ba.Toda slave.

(they choose another child and play


On Hanukkah we every evening

We light candles in the house.

Why, you want to know

I can tell you.

Long ago in a distant era,
Once upon a time there was the kingdom of Antiochus.

(the King Antiochus doll appears on the screen)
I am the ruler Antiochus.
For you I will be king and god.
Will be announced immediately
For all Jews my law is:
Saturday - cancelled!
Torah is prohibited!
Life without Shabbat
Maybe rich.
I give away the Jewish Temple
Zeus and other gods!
Do you want to live like a person?
Do as every Greek does.
But all the Jews gathered together and drove out King Antiochus and

all enemies. We returned again to the city of Jerusalem. The main one in Israel.

And then everyone came to the temple,

But it was very dirty there.

Then the chief warrior Maccabee said:

This is not the time to indulge in sadness!
It's time to get down to business
Let's cleanse the Temple, light the Menorah,
Now we have nothing to fear.

But I really need your advice:
There is a menorah, but no oil!
Only one jug was found
But only for a day will he give us light.

(dance with a jug)

Kad Katan, Kad Katan,

Shemona yamim shemnu natan.

Kolya am itpolya,

Melea ga mithmalya.

The jug is small, very small.

Gave oil for eight days.

And people entered the Temple,

And they lit candles there.

Holy fire for Jews
What did the Maccabees give us back?
Reminds everyone of miracles
About people who rejected fear
Laying your head down for your faith.
And now, following their example
The Jew lives and will live,
He will teach his children.

And he will help with this,

Our cheerful sevivon.

(a song about the sevivon-top is played and the children dance the dance with the top)

They also prepare very tasty pancakes on this holiday.

made from potatoes called latkis

(children dance the Pancake Latkis dance)

Okay, okay, we're baking pancakes.

Let's start baking pancakes.

We'll take some potatoes.

We'll take some potatoes.

And grate it on a grater.

Okay, okay, let's bake pancakes

We have potatoes.

And a little bit of flour.

We'll also add an egg.

We can bake in a frying pan.

Okay, okay, let's eat pancakes.

Well done, now I’ll sing you a funny song

about Hanukkah, and you sing along.


(Melody - “Song about Summer” by E. Krylatov)
Hanukkah is sweeping the planet!
And children sing about it today!
Hanukkah is the most wonderful thing in the world -
Sing along with us, friends!
Hanukkah, Hanukkah
Hanukkah, Hanukkah
Our candles shine brighter than the stars,
A miracle warms this evening,
Hanukkah will hug us by the shoulders,
Because we are friends!
Hanukkah is a story of a miracle.
We will never forget her
And Hanukkiah will remind people:
What a miracle it was there!
Talk about faith and honor.
Jews will be together on Hanukkah.
We sing these songs on Hanukkah.
Come on, sing along with us!
Hanukkah, Hanukkah
Hanukkah, Hanukkah

There is eternal light in the Jewish soul,
He is not susceptible to desecration,
And with every Hanukkah there is a dawn
Drives away darkness with lighting.

Now is the time to light our Chanukiah.

The candle is lit and the children dance to the song about Hanukkiah.

Happy holiday, happy holiday,

Happy holiday of light.

I congratulate you on Hanukkah from the bottom of my heart.

May these days be warmed by the sun.

And suvganiya will be delicious for tea.

Smiles and joy sparkle everywhere.

Having fun will help lift your mood.

The candles are lit and a miracle happens.

The children are happy, and so are the parents.

Let it cover the Hanukkah fire,

From any problems from any bad weather.

Let it pour into the palms of children like stars:

Love and care

May everyone be happy.

Preparing for Hanukkah:

Hanukkah, as a holiday not commanded by the Torah, does not require special preparations. You should take care of Hanukkiah: buy it or make it with your children. We need to stock up on 44 candles. Since Hanukkah is celebrated with foods cooked in large quantities of oil, you should make sure there is enough of it in the house in advance.


1. During the eight days of Hanukkah, it is forbidden to fast and mourn the dead, for these are days of “little joy.”

2. It is customary to sing hymns and praise the Lord. It is customary to eat dishes cooked in oil in memory of the miracle with a jug of oil.

3. You can do any work on Hanukkah, since this holiday is not bequeathed to us by the Torah.

4. The main Hanukkah traditions: lighting the Hanukkah lamp every evening, frequent praising the Lord at home and in the synagogue, saying the entire Hallel prayer daily and offering thanksgiving prayer Lord for the miracles that He showed to our ancestors.


1. The commandment to light candles on Hanukkah applies to the entire family.

2. It is customary for one of the family members to light the candle on behalf of the entire family.

3. If desired, each family member can light the candle themselves.

4. The visiting family lights a candle for themselves.


1. It is best to fill the lamp with olive oil.

2. If there is no olive oil, the lamp is filled with other fat or candles are lit.

3. It is customary to use a clean, beautiful Hanukkiah, rather than a random or ugly item.


1. The lamp is placed at the entrance to the house or at the gate - as if for general use. The Hanukkah lamp must be installed no lower than 25 cm from the ground and no higher than 10 m. The light must be visible from a great distance in order to announce the miracle of Hanukkah.

2. If the family lives on the top floor or if it is dangerous to place the lamp at the entrance, you can place it on the window so that it can be seen from afar by many people.

3. If the housing is located at a height greater than 10 m from the ground, you can place a lamp inside the housing, but try to place it at the entrance.


1. The Hanukkah lamp is lit at nightfall. Some people light it at dusk, others when the stars appear in the sky (about 20 minutes after sunset) or after evening prayer.

2. The burning time of candles should be at least half an hour. If the lamp is filled with oil, you need to make sure that it lasts for half an hour.


1. With the onset of Shabbat, we light the Hanukkah lamp before lighting the Shabbat candles. It is necessary to properly fill the lamp with oil or place large candles so that the lamp burns for half an hour after the first stars appear in the sky.

2. At the end of Shabbat, we light Chanukkiah along with the end of Shabbat.


1. On the first evening of the holiday, we light one wick, the one on the far right, and every evening we light an additional wick, so that on the eighth day all eight lights are burning.

2. Every evening we light the lamp from a new wick, and not from the one we lit the day before.

3. If there are not enough candles in the house, you can light one candle every evening.

4. There should be at least a finger width of space between the wicks so that the flames do not merge with each other.

5. It is customary to light an additional wick, which is called "shamash" ("servant"), since Hanukkah lights are prohibited from being used for utilitarian purposes - for example, for lighting, for lighting other fires, but you can use the light and fire of "shamash". “Shamash” occupies a special place in Hanukkiah - not in line with the other wicks.


1. All family members gather together to listen to the blessings and attend the lighting of the candles.

2. On the first evening of the holiday, we say three blessings: candles, miracles and times. On other evenings we say only the first two blessings.

3. We say blessings before lighting the lamp.

4. After lighting the first wick, while lighting the others, we say “Ha-nerot halalu.”


In addition to the laws on how Hanukkah should be celebrated, there are many customs associated with this holiday. For example, it is a common custom to eat donuts or pancakes fried in vegetable oil during Hanukkah. This custom reminds us that the miracle of Hanukkah happened with a jar of oil. In order for children to feel the special atmosphere of Hanukkah, it is customary to give them “dmei Hanukkah” - money that they can use at their discretion. It is also customary to let children leave classes earlier than usual. Children play special games on Hanukkah. The most famous of them is the game of Hanukkah spinning top - in Hebrew its name sounds like sevivon, and in Yiddish it sounds like dreidel.

The top is made in the form of a cube, and on its four sides the letters “nun”, “gimel”, “hey” and “pei” are written: the first letters of the words “nes gadol haya po” (“a great miracle happened here”). Outside the Land of Israel, instead of the letter "pei" they write the letter "shin", and thus the letters form an abbreviation of the words "nes gadol haya sham" ("a great miracle happened there" - i.e. in Eretz Israel).
