October 9, Ivan theologian. National holiday of St. John the Theologian: the story of the Apostle Christ. Other holiday names

October 9 is the date of the important holiday of Ivan the Theologian, in honor of honoring the memory of the Apostle John, who is popularly considered the most beloved disciple of Jesus Christ. He was always close to the Son of God, testified to many of His miraculous deeds, the Transfiguration, and accompanied him on the Way of the Cross.

Apostle and Evangelist

John the Evangelist and James were the sons of a fisherman named Zebedee. One day, while fishing, Jesus saw them and called them to follow him. They left their father’s craft and followed the Teacher, becoming one of the 12 apostles. The elder brother was killed at the age of 44 for his ascetic labor. John, the only one of the 12 apostles, died a natural death. It is not known exactly when this happened. Presumably, he lived in 17 - 100 AD. n. e.

John went through a difficult and long missionary path, converting pagans to Christianity. For this he was sentenced to death, but did not die after drinking a cup of poison. Then they decided to cook him in boiling oil, but he came out unharmed. After unsuccessful attempts to destroy the saint physically, he was exiled for a long time to the island of Patmos, where he was with his disciple Prokhor.

One day thunder roared and the earth shook. Prokhor was frightened, and John ordered to write down the words that he would speak. For 2 days and 6 hours the disciple wrote down what the Spirit of God said through the mouth of the apostle. This is how the Gospel came into being. Once again John heard God’s voice, commanding him to write down what he heard on paper. The result was Revelation (Apocalypse).

After his imprisonment, John returned to Ephesus, where he preached, protecting the faith and Christians from heresy. The repose of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian occurred miraculously. The disciples prepared a grave in the shape of a cross. The saint lay down in it, ordering him to cover himself with earth. The disciples, weeping, fulfilled the will of the apostle. When the grave was dug up, nothing was found in it. But every year, on May 8 (old style), healing ashes appeared from the ground at the burial site. In honor of this miracle, the memory of the apostle is also venerated in the spring, on May 21.

Customs of the day

Ivan the Theologian is one of the twelve holidays and is celebrated with special respect. Everyone was going to church service. They prayed to the saint, asking for protection and help, especially before a long journey. Travelers always turned to the Theologian for help to protect them from the evil spirits lurking along the roads and at crossroads. They also asked for inspiration, because the saint was considered the patron saint of painters. This was facilitated by the legend of how John once turned a goose herder into a talented artist.

The main tradition was to predict the weather and the nature of the coming winter. Snow fell often on this day, and when and how it fell was of great importance. They also paid attention to the number of leaves on the trees: if they were already bare (especially cherries), then they were preparing for the imminent onset of winter.


  • After the first snowfall that fell on Bogoslov, real winter will come after the Michaelmas thaw (late November).
  • Snow fell when the cherry tree dropped its leaves - signifying the imminent onset of winter.
  • If it rains and snows, then you should expect 3 big thaws in January.
  • Sun and warmth on October 9 promise coolness and rain in June.
  • Red clouds at sunset portend wind, and if the sky is yellow or pink, the weather will be good.
  • Bad weather will continue if the air temperature does not change during the day.
  • Those born under Ivan the Traveler experience many misfortunes in life.

On this day Orthodox Church honors the memory of the evangelist and one of the twelve apostles, the only one of them who died his own death - John the Theologian. This saint was especially loved by God. After the Ascension of Jesus Christ, he remained in Jerusalem, caring for and serving the Mother of God.

When Mother of God left the earth and went to Heaven, the apostle went to preach the Truth, and was subjected to exile and persecution. For several years before his death, the apostle was in the city of Ephesus. Here he wrote one of the four Gospels.

There are many legends about the life of John the Theologian, and there is also a legend about his death, which tells that at the age of more than a hundred years, the saint felt that the time of departure to the Lord was approaching. He asked his disciples to prepare a grave for himself, in which he lay down and ordered them to cover himself with earth. His wish was fulfilled. When other students found out about what had happened, they decided to dig up the grave, but found nothing in it. However, every year, on one day, ashes began to emerge from the grave, which healed believers from many ailments.

The prophetic book “Apocalypse” also belongs to the pen of John the Theologian, which concludes New Testament. It contains information about life and future fate Church of Christ, as well as the whole world.

John the Theologian is considered a mentor in icon painting. According to legend, he made a skilled icon painter out of a simple goose shepherd.

October 9: traditions and customs of the day

By this day, our ancestors had finished sowing winter crops in the southern regions. Back on October 9, people were afraid to eat onions and garlic, so that boils wouldn’t appear on their bodies.

People turn to John the Theologian for protection on a long journey. It is believed that the roads that people build, especially those with intersections, attract supernatural forces.

Crossroads have long had a bad reputation, and all because here people get rid of troubles and illnesses. People come here to tell fortunes, punish the offender, or communicate with evil spirits. But not only evil spirits live at crossroads; here, according to legend, you can meet the souls of the dead (especially those who died without church repentance). Witches often come here to perform magical rituals. Therefore, nothing should be lifted at an intersection. In this part of the road you cannot eat, spit, yawn, or count money. It is also not recommended to walk through the center of the intersection, after which life may change for the worse.

On roads and crossroads, evil spirits play at night, fool and scare late travelers. For this reason, a person setting out after sunset should be especially careful. There are many conspiracies that protect travelers from unkind encounters along the way.

Conspiracy against wickedness from four roads

When going on a long journey, especially in the evening or at night, you should read this protective plot so that nothing bad happens.

October 9: signs and beliefs

  1. If it rains on this day, then there will be rainy weather for another three weeks.
  2. If snow falls on this day, then winter will begin from .
  3. Rain and snow on October 9 foretell that there will be three strong thaws in January.
  4. Warm and sunny – June will be cold and rainy.
  5. Black grouse are sitting on the treetops - the weather will be clear.
  6. Pink sunset - to the winds.
  7. If the sky is hazy during sunset, then there will be bad weather.
  8. Bright stars mean good weather, dim stars mean rain or snow.
  9. Heavy leaf fall means colder weather and the imminent onset of winter.
  10. The sun sets behind the clouds - to rain, into the cloud - to bad weather.
  11. If the rooks have flown away, then snow will fall soon.

Person born9 October - fidgety. He has a strong and strong-willed character, is true to his principles, and does not tolerate hypocrisy and affectation. Topaz and jasper are suitable for him as a talismanA.

October 9(September 26 according to the “old style” - the church Julian calendar). Wednesday of the 17th week of Pentecost(seventeenth week after the feast of the Holy Trinity, Pentecost). Fast day, at the meal they bless lean food with vegetable oil. Today the Russian Orthodox Church commemorates 10 famous saints by name. Next we will briefly talk about them.

The Repose of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” - This gospel saying is widely known. Even for those who have never picked up Holy Bible. It belongs to Saint John the Theologian, the most mysterious of the evangelist apostles. To the beloved disciple of Christ, whose texts, primarily the Gospel of John and the Apocalypse (Revelation of John the Theologian), have been interpreted most often over the past two millennia.

Loud apostle of Love: Orthodox Christians celebrate the day of St. John the Theologian

The Lord Himself gave the Apostle John the name “son of thunder” - for his fiery sermons that shook people like thunder and lightning. At the same time, the iconographic symbol of John the Theologian is an eagle - an image of the high soaring of the theological thought of this saint.

Today we call everyone who has received at least some theological education theologians. But in Orthodox tradition only three saints bear this high name: John the Theologian, Gregory the Theologian and Simeon the New Theologian. It would seem that this means that the teaching of St. John must be very complex and sublime. And this is partly true, which is especially noticeable in the example of the Apocalypse. However, the main idea that John the Theologian sought to convey to all people is extremely clear.

The repose of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. Photo: www.pravoslavie.ru

Thus, in one of his sermons, Archpriest Andrei Tkachev explained this basic thought of the Apostle John the Theologian as follows:

His teaching is very simple. He tells us that God is Light, and there is no darkness in Him. And that the main Name by which God can be called is Love. And he who knows God as Love manifests his faith in love for his neighbors and does not commit sin, because the one who commits sin does not know God, and he is not His...

It would seem, why so categorically? But this is precisely what true Love consists of. All-human love of the Apostle John, the only mortal to whom the Revelation about the End of Times was given in its entirety. Perhaps that is why he was so straightforward in his rejection of any sin. After all, it is our sins, the main one of which is the impoverishment of love for God and neighbors, that alienate our world from its Creator and bring the reign of the Antichrist closer.

Glorification of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus'

Revolutionary 1917 brought a lot of troubles to the Russian Church and its people. But that same year, an event occurred that the Orthodox had been waiting for for more than two centuries. In November on Local cathedral For the first time after Peter's reforms, the Moscow Patriarch was elected. This was Saint Tikhon (Bellavin), a man whose wisdom and meekness contrasted amazingly with the spirit of the times that had come.

Angel of the Russian Church: the day of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow

The future Patriarch was born in 1865 in the Pskov province in a priestly family. From a young age he was good-natured, meek and God-fearing, without guile or holiness. And among his comrades at the Pskov Seminary he had the playful nickname “Bishop.”

The seminarian jokers turned out to be perspicacious. Already at the age of 32, Father Tikhon, who had never sought high ranks and awards, was ordained by the Bishop of Lublin, suffragan bishop of Kholmsk Rus', now part of Poland. Later, Vladyka served in North America, in the Vilna region and in the Yaroslavl region, where he did not shy away from political activity, heading the local Union of the Russian People. And finally, in the fateful year 1917, he became All-Russian Patriarch. It was on Vladyka Tikhon that this difficult lot fell.

The election of the High Hierarch did not ease the pressure of secular power on spiritual power. Moreover, the atheistic persecution only intensified. But in consciousness church people clearly stated: now we have an earthly intercessor - His Holiness the Patriarch.

IN last years During his earthly life, Saint Tikhon repeatedly found himself in prison. But, despite the most severe pressure, he did not renounce the patriarchal service until his death in 1925. The saint courageously carried the high priest's cross. And this bore fruit: the Russian Church survived, and in 1989 solemnly glorified as a saint her High Hierarch of the most difficult years - Patriarch Tikhon.

Saint Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow. Photo: www.pravoslavie.ru

Righteous Gideon, Judge of Israel. Old Testament saint XI century BC. This righteous man lived during the years when the ancient Jews were divided politically and spiritually, which is why the lands of Israel were in decline and oppressed by the Midianites, as the Bible says: "And Israel became very poor"(Judges 6:6). The brave warrior Gideon was called by God to deliver his people from oppression and, at the head of a small detachment of 300 people, he was able to drive the Midianites beyond the Jordan. The Israelites offered him to become a monarch, but Gideon refused this form of government, becoming a judge, and under his leadership, Israel prospered for forty years.

Venerable Ephraim of Perekom. Russian saint XVcenturies, founder of the Perekom Monastery near Veliky Novgorod. From his youth he strove for the monastic life and, despite the urgent requests of his parents, refused family life. The first teacher and spiritual mentor of the future saint was Venerable Macarius Kalyazinsky, second - Rev. Savva Vishersky, who tonsured Father Ephraim into monasticism. Near 1450 future elder went to Lake Ilmen, where he spent some time in hermitage, but later his disciples joined him, and the monastic community. Saint Euthymius, Archbishop of Novgorod, ordained Father Ephraim to the priesthood and appointed him abbot of the new monastery, which was named Perekop or Perekom. The old man died in 1492 from the Nativity of Christ.

Hieromartyrs Afanasy Dokukin, Alexander Levitsky and Dimitry Rozanov, presbyters, martyrs John Zolotov and Nikolai Gusev (1937). Hieromartyr Vladimir Vyatsky, presbyter (1939). These holy sufferers, including those in holy orders, received martyr's crowns in different years Soviet atheistic persecution. Later, everyone was glorified as saints in the many-thousand-strong Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of the Russian Church.

Congratulations to all Orthodox Christians on All Saints' Day! Through their prayers, Lord, save and have mercy on us all! We are happy to congratulate those who received names in their honor through the Sacrament of Holy Baptism or monastic tonsure! As they used to say in Rus' in the old days: “To the Guardian Angels - a golden crown, and to you - good health!” To our departed relatives and friends - eternal memory!

The folk Christian holiday Ivan the Theologian is celebrated on October 9. On this day the church honors the memory of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. Other names for the holiday: Intercession Whisperer, Ivan the Traveler, Theologian.

On this day, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the evangelist and one of the twelve apostles, the only one of them who died his own death - John the Theologian. This saint was especially loved by God. After the Ascension of Jesus Christ, he remained in Jerusalem, caring for and serving the Mother of God.

When the Mother of God left the earth and went to Heaven, the apostle went to preach the Truth and was subjected to exile and persecution. For several years before his death, the apostle was in the city of Ephesus. Here he wrote one of the four Gospels.

There are many legends about the life of John the Theologian, and there is also a legend about his death, which tells that at the age of more than a hundred years, the saint felt that the time of departure to the Lord was approaching. He asked his disciples to prepare a grave for themselves, in which they lay down and ordered them to cover themselves with earth. His wish was fulfilled.

When other students found out about what had happened, they decided to dig up the grave, but found nothing in it. However, every year, on one day, ashes began to emerge from the grave, which healed believers from many ailments.

The prophetic book “Apocalypse”, which completes the New Testament, also belongs to the pen of John the Theologian. It contains information about the life and future fate of the Church of Christ, as well as the whole world. John the Theologian is considered a mentor in icon painting. According to legend, he made a skilled icon painter out of a simple goose herder.

By this day, our ancestors had finished sowing winter crops in the southern regions. Back on October 9, people were afraid to eat onions and garlic so that boils wouldn’t appear on their bodies. People turn to John the Theologian for protection on a long journey. It is believed that the roads that people build, especially those with intersections, attract supernatural forces.

Crossroads have long had a bad reputation, and all because here people get rid of troubles and illnesses. People come here to tell fortunes, punish the offender, or communicate with evil spirits. But not only evil spirits live at crossroads; here, according to legend, you can meet the souls of the dead, especially those who died without church repentance.

Witches often come here to perform magical rituals. Therefore, nothing should be lifted at an intersection. In this part of the road you cannot eat, spit, yawn, or count money. It is also not recommended to walk through the center of the intersection, after which life may change for the worse. On roads and crossroads, evil spirits play at night, fool and scare late travelers. For this reason, a person setting out after sunset should be especially careful.

In Rus', on this day they judged the upcoming weather. If snow fell on Bogoslov, then winter was expected on Michaelmas. They said that if the first snow falls when there is no leaf on the cherry tree, then winter will come soon. They guessed about winter from the leaves: if they do not completely fall from the trees, then you need to wait for frost.

There were many sayings and superstitions about the very first snow. “It’s not the snow that’s blowing, but the snow that’s coming from above,” people said. It was believed that snow that fell during the day would not last long, but real, winter snow would certainly fall at night. If it rained and snowed on Ivan the Bogoslov, this foreshadowed three strong thaws in January, and if the day turned out to be warm and sunny, they expected a rainy and cold June next summer.

By folk custom, those who were born on Ivan the Theologian wove a thin rope from straw soaked in seven waters - a symbol life path. They girded themselves with this rope. By popular belief, “The one born on this day has a path, but life forces you to tear this path apart. And we must begin it again, find it again, no matter what the year.”

If it rains and snows, it means there will be three warm spells in January.

A warm sunny day means a cold, rainy June.

A sudden wind in the middle of a calm foretells rapid precipitation.

The temperature is the same throughout the day - the bad weather will continue.

If the sun sets on a whitish cloudy cloud, there will be bad weather.

At sunset, the sky is colored golden, yellow or pinkish - the weather will be good.

Bright stars mean good weather, dim stars mean rain or snow.

If the cherry tree has lost all its leaves and snow has fallen, winter is just around the corner.

If leaf fall passes soon, expect a cool winter.

If there are a lot of bubbles appearing at the bottom of a dish filled with water, it means rain.

Red clouds at sunset - towards the wind.

Field mice hide a supply of grass inside their burrows - for the cold winter.

It’s not the snow that’s blowing, but the snow that’s coming from above.

Afanasy, Tikhon, Vladimir, Nikolai, Alexander, Ivan, Dmitry.

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Ivan the Theologian is celebrated in memory of one of the twelve disciples of Christ, John the Theologian. He was Jesus' favorite disciple and the only one to die own death. But there was also a lot of suffering in his life, in particular, exile to the island of Patmos. There he was given a revelation from above, thanks to which the “Apocalypse” appeared. The event is celebrated on October 9.

history of the holiday

Saint John was called as the Savior along with his brother named James. Their father was a fisherman. At the call of Jesus, the brothers left their fishing business and left their home. They set out to follow Christ. Saint John was with Jesus everywhere and witnessed many gospel events. He was present when Christ raised Jairus' daughter. He followed Jesus when he was brought to trial and was present when Jesus was interrogated. John was at the place where the Lord was crucified, and experienced grief, standing next to the Mother of God Mary.

After the crucifixion of Jesus, John cared for Mary until the end of her days. When the Mother of God departed into another world, John and his disciple Prochorus set off on a journey to preach in a city called Ephesus. They went there on a ship and crashed. Prokhor was thrown ashore, and John remained at sea. His disciple went to Ephesus, but two weeks later he found John washed up on the shore. Upon arrival in the city, John preached the word of God and increased the number of believers every day.

They tried to sentence the righteous man to death for his preaching. When they couldn’t poison him, then they couldn’t execute him by throwing him into boiling oil, they decided to exile him to the island of Patmos. There John was given revelations, which he ordered his disciple to write down. This is how the book of Revelation (Apocalypse) appeared.

Traditions and rituals

John the Theologian is considered the patron saint of travelers. Prayers to this saint protect you from unclean spirits on the road. Road intersections have long had a bad reputation. People believed that they were coming here and evil spirits. The reasons for such rumors were actions performed at crossroads: fortune telling, punishment of the guilty, communication with evil spirits. Therefore, evil spirits could lie in wait for travelers going at a late time. They read conspiracies against evil spirits and prayed to John. This date was the end of winter sowing.

Garlic or onions were avoided. It was believed that this could lead to boils. The day was rich in weather forecasts. This was especially true when the first snow fell. The daytime snow melted quickly, and the night snow fell thoroughly. People who were born on John were engaged in weaving thin straw ropes. They were called running routes. Such a rope symbolized the path of life.


  • The sun hides behind a cloudy cloud white, inclement weather is expected.
  • The presence of bright stars in the sky indicated good weather. If the stars were dim, rain or snow was expected.
  • The first snow falling on Ivan the Bogoslov meant that winter would not come for at least a month.
  • The constancy of the air temperature also meant the constancy of inclement weather.
  • Fallen leaves on the cherry tree and falling snow spoke of the imminent arrival of winter.

Until the holiday “Ivan the Theologian”:

On this counter you can keep track of how many days are left until the holiday “Ivan the Theologian”
