Ecovillage Aryavarta. Archive of the category ‘Slavic communities’ Land: cost and conditions of ownership

The settlement is located in the Semiluksky district of the Voronezh region, near the village of Kondrashovka (directly 30 kilometers from Voronezh. By road - 45). Near the plots is the Veduga River, the small Serebryanka River flows into it, there are also 4 clean streams and 4 ponds. There are many springs with healing living water...

We invite cheerful and active young men and women to the Settlement, married couples, creative guests, just like us, who intend to live as a strong, united and friendly Slavic community, in harmony with Nature and in harmony with each other. We intend to revive and use in life Vedic knowledge and the traditions of our Ancestors, to celebrate the ancient holidays of the Slavic-Aryans, to help other people in word and deed to become better, cleaner and kinder. Our settlement has the status of a Cossack farm, thanks to which the local authorities help us in everything, and the local residents treat us with respect and support.

We will be glad to have new neighbors - bright people with pure thoughts, leading a healthy lifestyle, vegetarians, Rodnovers, Orthodox Christians, who dream of living in a harmonious and joyful world, and who are ready to do real things to make this Dream come true.

Land: cost and terms of ownership

Form of ownership/disposal: Ownership
Copyright holder: Individual
Cost of land per 1 hectare: 30,000 rubles.
Average plot size: 1 ha
Construction permit and registration: Residential building with the right of registration.
Cellular connection: Yes
Electricity: Yes, most
Gas pipeline: No, but possible for some
Water supply: There are public springs
School: there are 2 schools in neighboring villages; in our settlement there is a school building, but the school is not yet functioning.
Distance to school: 2 km.
Common house: There is a common house
Shop: There is 1 shop in the settlement. There are 4 more in the villages closest to us.
Possibility of arrival: You can put up tents.


Write to [email protected] or call 89081473771, ICQ 310101937

"Center Slavic culture” with the name “House of Svarog” was opened in Voronezh on the initiative of the local organization of veterans of the RUBOP ( Here again the idiots will say - “cop setup!” – note by d-pankratov). The pagan center occupies three halls with a total area of ​​300 square meters in the building of the city shopping center “Yarmarka”.

The basis of the exhibition “The House of Svarog” is made up of household items demonstrating ancient symbolism. In addition, there are exhibitions of photographs dedicated to natural and archaeological monuments of the Voronezh region, as well as a thematic exhibition of paintings by contemporary artists. There is a small library at the center.

address: st. Donbasskaya 23, (entrance from the end of the building, western side, 4th floor);
contacts: tel: 71-79-96, 94-86-51;
e-mail: [email protected]

According to the organizers of the “House of Svarog”, the exposition should gather supporters of the preservation of folk culture and national values. The center assigns a significant role to its participation in the patriotic education of the population and especially youth.

The opening of the “House of Svarog” was announced on the website of the Voronezh City Hall, and the district government provided support for the initiative.

Svarog is the god of the pagan Slavic pantheon, according to the Tale of Bygone Years, the patron saint of the hearth, marriage and blacksmithing. Folkloristics of the 19th century considered Svarog one of the main gods of the ancient Slavs.

During a long conversation between one of the leading journalists of the Voronezh TV channel “TNT Gubernia” (the studio has the status of a state unitary enterprise, the television is broadcast in the format of a regional insert on the TNT channel) Rauf Akhmedov with the Voronezh ruling bishop of the Russian Orthodox Church MP, Metropolitan Sergius (Fomin), on the initiative of the presenter, was touched upon the question of creating the “House of Svarog”.

Responding, Metropolitan Sergius stated that “this is not connected with Christianity,” that these are, in fact, “neopagan ideas.”

Metropolitan Sergius noted that today’s Russian neo-paganism demonstrates “a desire to associate itself with the Old Believers,” mentioning the name of Archpriest Avvakum, and immediately pointed out that “this is not so.”

In the actions of neo-pagan groups, the bishop sees a desire to “involve people who think” but are not religiously undecided. The passion for neo-paganism, represented by different directions, warned the head Voronezh diocese ROC MP, leads to the destruction of families, loss of health and other negative consequences (yes, yes, and Orthodoxy lengthens the penis by 5 cm after baptism at a discount - approx. d-pankratov, but in general it looks more like a powerless mixture of threat and intimidation).

So - Welcome. The origins of Tradition come to life. And with the origins, the entire flow will be faster and cleaner.

The Slavic community of Rodnovers “Gromnitsa” arose in 2003 in the city of Cherepovets. The original name of the community was “Kolo Borusov”. As you know, Gromnitsa is just one of several Slavic main holidays that herald the long-awaited arrival of spring. The Gromnitsa community is positioned with religious organizations that place traditional pagan rituals and holidays at the forefront of their activities. Community organizers believe that every nation can exist […]

Ryazan Rodnover community “Troesvet” The Ryazan Rodnover community “Troesvet” began its history in 2001. From the very beginning of the existence of the community, the Ryazan Rodnovers chose the path of following the God of Health - Troyan. The founding day of the community is considered to be the celebration of Maslena, held in 2001. Four pagan Rodnovers took part in this holiday. This composition of the community remained until the onset of autumn, when, […]

Slavic pagan organization“The Skolot Community” appeared on the Rodnoverie map of the country on December 3, 2002. The community is named after its great legendary Slavic Ancestors - the Scythians and plowmen, descending from Koloksai and Targitai. The “Skolot Community” sees its main goal as the revival of the Rus culture that existed on the lands Eastern Slavs from pre-Christian times. In addition, the community […]

The Russian Rodnover Slavic Community “Prophetic Call” was founded on November 2, 2011. The main goal of the community is the revival of the Russian Native tradition on its land. In addition, the primary tasks of the community include: providing assistance in spiritual development to all native believers; achieve your goals, moving along the path of your Ancestors; in accordance with Rodnoverie, to hold Slavic holidays and, if possible, […]

Bryansk pagan Slavic community "Light of Svarog" Bryansk pagan Slavic community "Light of Svarog" originated in the city of Bryansk in 2000. The leaders of the community are Raven and Valkyrie. The community was legally formalized and registered in 2006. You should know that the registration procedure follows a simple procedure. The “Light of Svarog” community advises all Slavic communities and associations to also go through this […]

“Rodolad” - the Astrakhan Rodnover community was founded in 2011 AD or in 4420, counting from the founding of the city of Veliky Slavensk. Before this, for almost two years, a group of people gathered on the city island to hold Small Radians (kindling sacred fire) and Slavic holidays (Maslenitsa). The founder of the Rodolad community is the leader Svyatogor. The community includes: · Ministers […]

“Svarozhichi” (urban settlement Yayva) is a pagan Slavic community from the Perm region. The community was founded on June 22 (Kupala Day), 2001. The size of the community, according to its representative, has never been very large. Only those people who were ready to proudly bear the title of Rodnover and who wholeheartedly accepted the new way of life went to the community. The sign of the Svarozhichi community is a solar symbol, [...]

The Slavic community “Wild Field” was founded in Donetsk in September 2008 as a union of like-minded people. The goal of the community is the revival of ancient Slavic traditions in the territory that has long been called the Wild Field. In addition, the goal of the community is to unite single Rodnovers living on this land. In July 2010, the “Wild Field” community joined the Velesov Krug Commonwealth of Communities. All this […]

Boyarga is a spiritual, non-political community of Rodnovers following the path original faith our Great Ancestors. The Boyarga community is based on joint spiritual, educational and research work, as well as on the spiritual community of people and the Kinship of its members. A community is a traditional form of social organization characterized by social work and common needs. The goals of the Russian-Slavic community of Boyarga are: · revival, multiplication and preservation […]

The Moscow Slavic Pagan Community (hereinafter, MSN) is the first religious neo-pagan officially registered association. The ICNW received official registration on February 14, 1994 at the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation. That day can be considered the official date of recognition of Rodnoverie and neo-paganism by the Russian authorities. This community of pagan Rodovers has existed unofficially since the late 80s of the twentieth century. At that time she, according to [...]

"Triglav" - the Rodnoverie community of Troyan was founded in 1993 in the city of Obninsk, thanks to the efforts of the community "Triglav" is religious organization, professing the Faith of our Great Ancestors. The official birthday of the community is considered to be the holiday of remembrance of our great Ancestors - the Autumn Grandfathers (November 1). IN different periods At the time, there were 15-25 people in the community. To the main tasks of the community [...]

The Russian-Slavic community of Rodnovers “Rodolyubie” was founded by the sorcerer Veleslav (Cherkasov I.G.) in Moscow on February 24, 1998. The “Love of Rodolubie” community is a community of followers of the primordial knowledge-faith of our wise Ancestors (not a political spiritual community of Rodnovers). The community is based on the spiritual community of life interests and goals of its members, on their spiritual affinity, as well as common spiritual, educational and research activities. Before the Rodnoverie Russian-Slavic community “Rodnoverie” […]

1. Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie community “Rodolyubie”

1. The Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie community “RODOLYUBIE” was founded on the 24th day of the summer of 4407 from the founding of Slovensk the Great (summer 1998) in the city of Moscow by the sorcerer Veleslav (Cherkasov I.G.).

2. The Russian-Slavic Rodnover community “RODOLOBIYE” is a non-political Spiritual community of Rodnover (followers of the Primordial Faith-Knowledge of our ancestors), based on the Spiritual affinity and commonality of life goals of its members, as well as joint Spiritual research and Spiritual educational activities.

3. Goals of the Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie community “RODOLIUBIE”:

1) Revival, preservation and enhancement of the Spiritual heritage of our ancestors. In particular, the reconstruction and holding of traditional holidays and rituals in accordance with the requirements of modern times (see below);

2) Life according to the Family Icon, based on the three main principles of Family Love (see below);

3) Research and educational work.

4. The Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie community “RODOLIUBIE” has its own internal structure, built in accordance with the personal Spiritual qualities of its members (see below).

5. At present, the Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie community “RODOLYUBIE” bases its ritual activities primarily on the “Uryadnik Malom” vlkh. Veleslava.

6. Veles, the Slavic God of Wisdom, is revered as the Spiritual Patron of the Russian-Slavic Rodolubie community.

2. Three main provisions of Rodolubiya

Family love as a spiritual and moral teaching within the framework of the Russian and Slavic Rodnovery is based on three main provisions, which are:

1. Love for the All-Existing All-God Family - the One Supreme Truth - the Creator, Preserver and Destroyer of all things, the All-pervading Spiritualizing Principle, One in Itself and Many-faced in the All-God (in the Faces of the Native Gods - His Powers acting in the World) the visible manifestation of Which is the All-Living Mother Nature.

2. Love for the Heavenly Rodune - the collective Soul and Power of the ancestors. Spiritual continuity in the inheritance of the Ancestral Icon and a life worthy of the glory of our ancestors.

3. Love for the Motherland - for one’s relatives living in reality. All possible assistance to those in need and cooperation with those living according to the Rule.

3. The most important Holy Days of Kologod

The Russian-Slavic Rodoloverie community “RODOLOBIYE” celebrates the twenty most important Holy Days of Kologod, which are:

* 1. KOLYADA (25th cold/December);

2. Vodokres (6 days/January);

3. Gromnitsa (2 luten/February);

4. Velesovden (11 luten/February);

5. Magpies - Calls of spring (9 birch/March).

* 6. Maslenitsa-Komoyeditsa (25 berezosol/March);

7. YariloVeshny (23 blooms/April);

8. Spring Grandfathers (from 1 to 7 May/May);

9. Spring Makoshye (9 May/May);

10. YariloMokry (3 Sunday/June).

* 11. KUPALA (24 Sunday/June);

12. Summer Svarog (29 Sunday/June);

13. Perun day (20 June/July);

14. Spozhinki (15 September/August);

15. Rodai Day (8th spring/September).

* 16.TAUSEN-RODOHOSHCH (24 Spring/September);

17. Autumn Grandfathers (from 21 to 27 leaf fall/October);

18. Autumn Makoshya (leaf fall 28/October);

19. Autumn Svarog (from 1st to 7th breast/November);

20. Marin day (21st breast/November).

(The four most important Solar Holy Days of Kologod are marked with an asterisk.)

For more information about all the Holy Days of Kologod, celebrated by the Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie community “LOVE OF FATHERHOOD”, see “Kolo of the Year” vlkh. Veleslava.

4. Internal structure of the Rodolubie community

The Russian-Slavic Rodoloverie community “RODOLOBE” is based on the Spiritual equality of all its members before the Native Gods, as well as the free pursuit of their own Spiritual purpose in the life of each individual. In accordance with the Spiritual qualities of each of its members, the “LOVE OF FAMILY” community has the following internal structure:

1. Guardian Magi Spiritual Knowledge, called to serve by the Native Gods;

2. Priests - ministers of rituals, no younger than 25 years old, called to this by the community and have undergone appropriate initiation into the Priesthood;

3. Radari - all members of the community who sincerely care about Rodnoveria (they can be students and priests at common rituals);

4. Parishioners are welcome guests at open events held by the community, although they themselves are not members of the community.

5. Military squad of the Rodolubie community

The military squad, existing within the framework of the Russian-Slavic Rodoloverie community “RODOLYUBIE”, consists of community members who have a conscious inclination, as well as a mental and physical predisposition to ratai (military) service. Any member of the community who has the necessary qualities and has passed the appropriate initiation can become a member of the squad. The squad is headed by an elected governor, who is also the squad priest.

Squad goals:

1. Nurturing the warrior spirit in yourself, your children and your relatives. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, personal spiritual, moral and physical improvement.

2. Revival and development (in accordance with modern requirements) of the military arts of our ancestors.

3. Direct maintenance of order during open events held by the community (educational conversations, rituals, activities, celebrations, fraternities, etc.).

6. Spiritual and educational society "Satya-Veda"

"SATYA-VEDA" (Sanskrit. " True Knowledge") - A spiritual and educational society founded by the sorcerer Veleslav on the 24th of July/February of the summer of 4407 from the founding of Slovensk the Great (summer of 1998 from n.h.l.) in the city of Moscow (simultaneously with the Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie community "RODOLUBIE").

Goals of the Spiritual and Educational Society "SATYA-VEDA":

1. Comprehensive study of the Common Aryan Spiritual Foundations of the Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie.

2. Study of the spiritual-philosophical and spiritual-religious teachings of related Aryan peoples (traditionally living throughout the Indo-European area: from Scandinavia to India), as well as some cultures of other peoples close to them.

3. Study and practical development of some Spiritual Traditions of the Aryan peoples (practices of Spiritual work and self-improvement, such as runic art, yoga, shamanism, etc.) - to the extent that this seems appropriate in modern Russia.

4. Spiritual and educational activities (writing and distributing books, holding open seminars and educational conversations on the history and culture of the Aryan peoples, Traditional Aryan Spirituality, etc.).

7. Commonwealth of Slavic Rodnoverie communities “Velesov Krug”

1. “VELESOVKRUG” - The Commonwealth of Slavic Rodnoverie communities, founded on voluntary principles by the Council of the Magi in the summer of 4408 from the founding of Slovensk the Great (in the summer of 1999 from n.h.l.), of which the Russian-Slavic Rodnoverie community “RODOLUBIE” is a member.

2. Goals of the Commonwealth of Rodnoverian Communities “VELESOV CIRCLE”:

1) Revival, preservation and enhancement of the Spiritual heritage of our ancestors;

2) Practical development and implementation of the Volkhov Knowledge (Knowledge) of our ancestors;

3) Spiritual coordination and research and educational work.

3. All-Russian communities that are part of the Commonwealth of Rodnover Communities “VELESOV CIRCLE” enter it of their own free will and with the consent of other members, and have equal rights and obligations to each other.

4. The Commonwealth of the Russian Faith communities “VELESOV CIRCLE” is governed by the Council of Magi, which meets at least once a year.

5. Veles is revered as the Spiritual Patron of the Commonwealth of Rodnoverie Communities “VELESOV CIRCLE” -Slavic God Wisdom.

Glory to Rod!

For the first time announced at the Priestly Council of the Russian-Slavic Rodoloverie community “LOVE OF FATHERHOOD” on the 5th of the spring/September of the summer of 4413 from the foundation of Slovensk the Great (2004 from n.h.l.) - to the glory of the Native Gods!
