Fortune telling for marriage by date. Fortune telling: when will I get married? Fortune telling for marriage. Ring to the rescue

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Happiness for a true woman is home and family ties. Lack of personal life often causes prolonged depression and other negative consequences. The question of how to find out when you're getting married, millions of women ask. Some go to professionals for answers, but if you wish, you can perform special rituals at home.

How to find out when I'm getting married

A woman’s desire to get married depends on the degree of her maturation at the psychological level.

Psychologists are confident that based on an analysis of a specific person and her relationships with men, one can find out the date of marriage.

But not only psychological methods help solve this issue, but also the most ancient methods of prediction that have reached the present day.

Some believe that for a more accurate analysis, facts obtained from fortune telling and psychological research can be compared. Indeed, these sectors can complement each other in many ways, helping to more accurately determine the date of a woman’s marriage.

By date of birth

The easiest way to calculate the date of marriage is to do it yourself.

85% of predictions come true

The date of birth, according to numerologists, stores all information about a person.

It can be decrypted using simple operations. You need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. Then bring the resulting number to a single digit by addition.

Let's look at the calculation procedure using a specific example. Let's say a woman was born on November 14, 1992 = 1+4+1+1+1+9+9+2 = 28 = 2+8 = 10 = 1+0 = 1. The result is the number one.

How can we determine which year this figure corresponds to? In the same simple way of addition. The sum of the numbers of the year is also equal to a prime number. For example, 2+2+2+0=6.

Based on the presented calculation, the value of the coming years will look like this:

  • 2018 – 2;
  • 2019 – 3;
  • 2020 – 4;
  • 2021 – 5;
  • 2022 – 6;
  • 2023 – 7;
  • 2024 – 8;
  • 2025 – 9;
  • 2026 – 1.

The wedding month is calculated in a similar manner. It is believed that he will be the ninth after the woman's birth month. For example, if she was born in May, she will get married in February of the year following the fortune telling.

Watch the video. When will I get married? Divination.

By name

The first and last name also store a large amount of information about a person. With their help you can even calculate the wedding date.

For example, the girl’s name is Makushkina Daria. The number of letters in the first and last name is counted, the result is 14. Then the number is reduced to an unambiguous result: 1+4=5.

Then the numbers of the day, month and year when the fortune telling was performed are added up. For example, 06/13/2018=1+3+0+6+2+0+1+8=21. The value is also reduced to one number. 2+1=3.

Then the number of the name and date of fortune telling are added: 5+3=8. Thus, 8 is the ideal month for a woman with this combination of first and last name to get married.

It is better to determine the wedding day at the beginning or end of the year

According to the natal chart

A science such as astrology can also help find out the date of marriage.

With the correct calculation of the natal chart, you can find out not only the date of marriage, but also the beginning of the relationship with your future spouse.

If you have no experience, it is better to turn to a professional or use modern online methods.

When making calculations of this kind, a large number of nuances are taken into account. Particular attention is paid to the significator of marriage.

For example, for women born during the day or in the morning, this is the Sun; evening people are under the protection of Mars. For men born during the day - Venus, for those born at night - the Moon.

The age of marriage is calculated depending on the degree in which the significator was located from a particular house.

By hand

The marriage line can be found between the heart line and the base of the little finger. It is always located in the horizontal direction.

According to palmists, the wedding date can be calculated using this line.

Calculating the age of marriage is quite simple. First you need to measure the distance between the bottom mark of the heart line and the top mark at the base of the little finger. This period is equal to 75 years of life of the average person.

Then this section is divided into three equal segments by year: 0-25 years, 25-50 years, 50-75 years.

The symbols located in the first gap indicate unconscious love, the passion of youth.

The second interval shows a serious relationship with the possibility of continuation.

The third gap speaks about the arrangement of personal life in adulthood or even old age.

When calculating, it is important to consider that the total distance is about two centimeters. In this way we can calculate that three years of life are equal to one millimeter. The data is corrected based on the structural features of the palm. Professionals also take into account a person’s psychological age.

Watch the video. Fortune telling about marriage using a gold ring.

Fortune telling

Every girl wants to know when she is destined to find her betrothed and get married.

Thanks to various fortune telling, you can find out the future of the relationship, as well as the approximate date of the wedding.

On the maps

First you need to thoroughly shuffle the deck of 36 cards, then carefully remove the top with your right little finger and place it under the bottom of the deck.

Then the number of cards between the hidden queen and the king of the same suit is counted. This number will become the main indicator of the date of marriage. It could be a year or a month.

With ring

Grandmothers told fortunes in a variety of ways. The method associated with the ring has reached modern times.

For fortune telling you will need your long hair and a wedding ring.

This method is simple, but proven over the years.

The hair must be threaded through the ring. Then the ring is lowered into a glass of water.

If the ring sways after contact with the liquid, the wedding will happen soon. Remains motionless - it means that the wait is in vain.

By candlelight

Another way to find out your future is fortune telling by candles.

For fortune telling you will need two small church candles and a mirror. The mirror is placed on the table, and candles are placed next to it.

Then you need to make a wish which of the candles represents a woman and which represents a man. After this, you need to light them and watch the flame.

An evenly burning flame on both candles means an imminent wedding.

If only a woman’s candle melts, it means that only she dreams of marriage. If the candle is a man, he will propose soon.

By the mirror

For fortune telling for marriage, you need to prepare the largest mirror available in the house. It is necessary to wipe it well from dust.

You will also need a red rag, which will then need to be used to cover the mirror.

To perform the ritual, turn off the lights and close the doors. Make sure that no light enters the room.

Without disturbing the darkness, write down your date of birth on a piece of paper. Place the piece of paper in front of the mirror.

Close your eyes and remove the material from the mirror. Then ask: “Tell me, reflection, when will I get married?”

After this, you need to turn away for five seconds. If you look closely in the mirror, you can see barely visible numbers, which will be the wedding date.

According to the book

For this ritual you will need your favorite book. If you don’t have it, you can buy it or borrow it.

You should flip through the book until you realize it’s time to stop.

Then you need to close your eyes and move your finger across the page until the thought also comes that you need to finish the process.

On the line where the finger stopped, there will be an answer to the question posed. All that remains is to decipher it.

By cherry

For fortune telling you need to buy cherries. The ripeness of the cherries is not important. Then you should eat them and put the bones aside.

Count the number of remaining seeds. When counting, you need to say the following words: “Soon, next month, this year, in a year, in two, never.”

The last bone will answer the question about the date of marriage.

Many girls can’t wait to find out when the most exciting event in their lives awaits them - a wedding. When will I get married? The answer to this question today can be obtained with the help of special tests and free online fortune telling. However, most of them show incorrect results.

We offer you a truthful fortune telling for marriage. Its main advantage is that the result of fortune telling is based on your personal energy, which cannot be calculated by any online fortune telling or test. Our fortune telling for marriage will allow you.

Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle it, remove the top with your left little finger and place it at the bottom of the deck. Focus on your question. Close your eyes and ask mentally: when will I get married?

After this, select any nine cards from the deck and arrange them into three piles of three cards each. The first pile means the day, the second - the month, the third - the year. Unfold the first pile and analyze what came out in it. To obtain the result, you need to count the numerical values ​​of the cards.

To know numerical value of low cards very simple: six - 6, seven - 7, eight - 8, nine - 9, ten - 10.

The meaning of high cards will be as follows: jack - 1, queen - 2, king - 3, ace - 11. Count the sum of the cards drawn in the first pile and then you will find out your wedding day.

Example: a six, a nine and a king are rolled. We add their values: 6+9+3 = 18. In this case, the wedding date is the 18th. If the result is a number greater than 31, then you need to reduce it to a monosyllabic form. For example, the number 42 needs to be converted to the form 4+2=6. The wedding date is the 6th.

The third pile will indicate the year in which your wedding will take place. Just as in previous cases, sum up the value of the dropped cards. For example, if the number 15 is rolled, it means your wedding will take place in 2015. If the dropped cards show the past year (for example, if the number 13 is 2013), then you need to draw another card from the deck and add its value to the existing one.

When guessing about marriage, remember that the result obtained may change in a couple of months. Your actions and decisions can change your Destiny, therefore the prediction will change.

This free marriage fortune telling will allow you to find out the exact date of your wedding. And to attract love in marriage, do not forget to press the buttons and

23.04.2014 16:25

Today each of us can find out our destiny from the cards. To do this you don't need to have...

Have you ever thought about what the future holds for you? What does tomorrow have in store for you...

For thousands of years, people have conducted research to identify patterns in this world, systematize data and knowledge, with the help of which they tried to predict the course of events. It was during such manipulations that science was born. Numerology gives you a chance, based on information about your date of birth, to lift the veil of the future and find out your destiny.

Happiness for a woman is home, family and a loved one nearby, so among fortune telling the most popular topic is wedding. To find out the future, many turn to professional fortune tellers, but this is not necessary. However, you can guess by date of birth for marriage at home.


Calculations are carried out adhering to the following rules.

  1. Believe in what you are doing and in the forces that help you look beyond the veil of the future.
  2. It is advisable to carry out magical procedures during the full moon.
  3. Before fortune telling, it is better to fast for a day or two.
  4. Don't tell anyone about the ritual.
  5. True and truthful fortune telling is obtained in bathhouses or wooden houses. Natural material is the best conductor between worlds.
  6. The most favorable period is holidays, birthdays or full moons.

To find out the future, they use simple or complex calculation methods. For simple ones, you will need a blank white sheet and a writing medium, and for complex ones, a calculator. You will also need a manual for the procedure and a table with information on the interpretation of the obtained values.

Fortune telling by date of birth for marriage

Method one - calculate the probability of a wedding

You will need to do some arithmetic.

Take the fortuneteller’s date of birth and the year for which you need to calculate the probability of a wedding. After this, multiply the numbers together.
10/25/1988, let's calculate the probability for 2018

25*10*1988*2018 = 1 002 946 000

The probability of marriage is assessed by the presence of eights (the last digit of the desired year) in the result. In our example there is no such probability.

Method two - when will I get married?

You will need a blank sheet of paper, a pencil and attention.

Write your first and last name on the paper and count the number of letters.

➦ For example:

  1. Utinovina Ekaterina – 17 letters. We reduce it to a simple number: 1+7=8.
  2. We write down the date on which the fortune telling is performed: December 21, 2017: 2+1+1+2+2+0+1+7=16 ⟹ 1+6=7.
  3. We add the two resulting numbers: 8+7=15 ⟹ 1+5=6. The fortune telling number is 𝟞.

After this, we look at the meaning of the result obtained in the following transcript.

  • 𝟙 - Portends a very quick marriage, but either a marriage of convenience, or due to pregnancy or for other reasons. The union may be long-lasting, or it may not, everything is in your hands.
  • 𝟚 – The expected event will occur in 1-1.5 years. Show patience and wisdom, and then the union will be happy.
  • 𝟛 - This number does not foretell a quick marriage, but when it happens, you will be the happiest person in the world.
  • 𝟜 – You don’t know why you want to get the information you are looking for, because you yourself are not eager to get married.
  • 𝟝 – It all depends on the fortuneteller. If there is a desire, the event will happen soon.
  • 𝟞 – A person is looking for an ephemeral ideal that does not exist. Don't look for people without flaws - they don't exist.
  • 𝟟 – It is possible to conclude an alliance at any time, but do not rush things, there are other goals that require attention.
  • 𝟠 – After my friend’s marriage, the wedding will take place soon.
  • 𝟡 - The fortuneteller is one of those people who get married late. The reason lies within themselves.

☞ Video story

How old will I get married by date of birth?

First method

  1. Date of birth: 10/25/1988. We calculate the number of birth (Nr). Chr = 2+5+1+0+1+9+8+8=34 ⟹ 3+4=7.
  2. Let's find out the meaning of each coming year - the number of the year (Ng). For example: 2018 ⟹ 2+0+1+8=11 ⟹ 11=1+1=2; 2019 ⟹ 2+0+1+9=12 ⟹ 1+2=3; 2020 ⟹ 2+0+2+0=4, etc.
  3. We determine the date according to table 1.

Where: Chr – number of birth; Chg – number of the year

Table 1.

Date Date Date
1 One, four, five and seven4 One, four, seven and eight7 One, two, four and eight
2 One, five, six and eight5 Two, five, seven and nine8 One, two, six and eight
3 Three, six, seven, nine6 One, three, six and nine9 Two, three, six and seven

According to the data from the table, it can be seen that the birth number 𝟟 corresponds to years with Hg equal to 𝟙, 𝟚, 𝟜 or 𝟠 - this is 2018; 2020, 2021 and 2024, 2028, etc. It is believed that marriages created in these years are the most durable.

Second method

  1. Find out the number of the name by adding the number of letters in the first and last names (Chi) ⟹ Chizhova Anna ⟹ 6+4=10 ⟹ 1+0=1.
  2. We calculate the value of the number we are guessing at Ch 12/22/2017 = 2+2+1+2+2+0+1+7 = 18 = 1+8 = 9.
  3. We print the sum of two numbers Chi+Chg ⟹ 1+9=10 ⟹ 1+0=1. The result obtained corresponds to an ideal year for a wedding. We add the number 𝟙 to the end of the year - 2021, 2031, etc.

Fortune telling how many marriages there will be

To find out how many marriages a woman will have, it is enough to divide the number of her month of birth by 2 (we give the number in a simple form). For example, if she was born in October (10th month = 1+0=1), there will be one marriage.

To determine the characteristics of family life, we define several required quantities.

Marriage number (Nb) = Chi (name number) + Zhp (life path number)

Chi is calculated as follows: find out what number each letter in the first and last name corresponds to. The table will help with this.

A, I, S, B, K1 G, L, F, E4 Yo, O, Shch, Ch, K7
B, J, T, S2 D, M, X, Yu, K5 F, P, W8
B, K, U, L3 E, N, C, Z6 Z, R, Shch9

➦ For example:

Yana Belova ⟹ 6+6+1+2+6+4+7+3+1=36 ⟹ 3+6=9

We look for the date of birth by adding the numbers of the date of birth.

➦ For example: 11/15/1988

  • 1+5=6
  • 1+1=2
  • 1+9+8+8=26 ⟹ 2+6=8
  • 6+2+8=16 ⟹ 1+6=7

Bw (number of defects) = Chi + Chzhp ⟹ 9+7=16 ⟹ 1+6=7

☞ Meaning and interpretation of characteristics of family life

B&WFor womenFor men
1 Headship in the familyLoyalty to work
2 Boring marriageShowing concern for the family
3 Comfort, home, fidelityEntertainment
4 Smoothing out or ending conflictsEqual position in the family of both spouses
5 Talks about success in career and businessCarefree life
6 Fickle behavior, rash actionsThe desire for comfort and homeliness
7 Showing care and affectionHaste in everything and incompleteness
8 Attacks of jealousy and anxietyCunning, lying and dishonesty
9 Loyalty and finding loveMelancholy and sadness
  1. Consider your own state of mind and the health of your body before fortune telling. You should be in good shape and feel energized.
  2. It is better to tell fortunes on Friday night - this day is ruled by Venus, and at night the world of spirits is as open as possible.
  3. During the procedure, maintain silence, preferably alone and without distractions. Concentrate completely on the process.
  4. True fortune telling occurs on the full moon or days of power.
  5. Don't guess more than three times a year.

In what cases will fortune telling not come true?

  1. There was no mood, we didn’t feel a connection with another world.
  2. The procedure was carried out under conditions of stress or emotional upsurge.
  3. They were looking for confirmation of expectations, not truth.
  4. An overly dynamic or stagnant life.
  5. They guessed too often.
  6. Not very interested, and desire is at a low level.
  7. You don't trust the result or don't believe in it.

For many centuries, girls have dreamed of a happy marriage and love. In the course of the development of civilization, a lot of ways to find out the future have appeared - numerology, fortune telling with playing cards and Tarot, ritual or not - there are many methods to look beyond. However, remember that whether the prediction comes true or not depends only on you. Your destiny is in your hands.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Every young girl is concerned about the most important questions concerning her fate: “at what age will I get married, “who will my husband be, how many children will I have?” etc. Many women set certain time limits for themselves when they simply have to get married. But it is not always possible to get within these limits. And, sometimes, young beauties are in such a hurry to fulfill their own plan for marriage that they don’t particularly care that the decision to become a wife can be made completely thoughtlessly.

Tell fortunes for your betrothed

For a long time, young girls wanted to know their fate - they wondered about the groom, about marriage, about children. Today's beauties are no exception. They ask similar questions, but with one big difference - the girls want to know when exactly this main event will happen. Therefore, modern questions are formulated more specifically: “At what age will I get married? Will I have a wedding in the next two or three years? How can I find out by my date of birth when I will get married? etc.

To what extent are such questions correct? Perhaps quite. And there is nothing strange or out of place - these are life-changing issues, so they are always important. The problem is different - who can give accurate answers?

To a fortune teller or a psychologist?

Understanding the desire of young women to create a strong and lasting family, many psychologists organize special trainings to help women get married in two to three months. But, believing in your destiny, it is stupid to absolutely and completely trust such methods!

Our fate is largely predetermined - the main points have already been laid down, and we can only paint them in the desired colors of the life palette. And our fate is predetermined, firstly, by the date of birth.

Many palmists see the encrypted code of our future in the lines of our palms. And real professionals can quite successfully answer troubling questions about marriage, children, and life expectancy.

But here, it is important that the information is read by a knowledgeable person who subtly understands the meaning of each line, each island, cross or other sign. Palmistry performed by an amateur is not only inaccurate, it can negatively affect the further development of events due to fatal misinterpretation of certain points.

About the method of determining the age of marriage by date of birth

One of the most accessible methods for determining the expected age of marriage is numerological analysis of the date of birth. What is the point of the technique? Our date of birth is a kind of code, a key to what is destined for us by fate. Of course, our fate for the most part is in our hands. But the most significant years in each destiny are encrypted in the meaning of the date of birth.

So, by accurately deciphering the date of birth, you can find out about the most fateful years, the date of marriage, the number of future children, even about possible death. Any psychic or astrologer will agree that this is possible.

Numerology will answer important questions

Important vital dates are determined by in-depth analysis of a 9-10-digit number obtained by multiplying the year of birth by the life code number. You can calculate your life code by multiplying all the numbers of your date of birth.

For example, the date of birth is 04/15/1991. The life code is calculated as follows: 15x04x1991=119460. Next, we multiply this figure by the analyzed year for marriage, for example, 2010. As a result, we get the number - 240114600. Or the year 2014 - it corresponds to the number 240592440. And so on.

Each number of this year carries its own specific information. It is necessary to carefully analyze each number, taking into account the meanings of adjacent numbers.

The resulting code concerns all important moments in the life of a person born on the specified date. But, since the original question concerned the topic of marriage, the analysis of the obtained figures will be carried out in relation to a successful time of marriage. The most likely years for marriage are those years in which at least 3 fours are rolled in the code. If there are 4 or more fours, then marriage for love is more likely.

This forecast can be called quite accurate, but only in the correct interpretation of the results. If you want to find out not only about marriage, but also about other important aspects of your personal life, and get not an approximate, but the most accurate answer, seek help from a numerologist.

Ekaterina Lidovskaya

Every girl at some point in her life has a desire to get married. they say that you can determine whether this most important event in a woman’s life will happen if you find out what she thinks about men and how she imagines herself. We will not get carried away with psychological methods and techniques, but with the help of tests, fortune telling and other methods we will try to answer the cherished The question of all girls: “How will I know when I will get married?” The practical advice given here will be of interest to all unmarried beauties interested in getting married soon.


Let's start with the simplest method. This test will help determine how deep a girl’s feelings are and whether she is ready to become a wife. Each question can be answered either “yes” (2 points), “not sure” (1 point), or “no” (0 points).

1. Do you rejoice at the thought that you will spend your entire life with your chosen one?

2. Can you forgive him for cheating?

3. Do you think it’s right to consult with him when choosing clothes for yourself?

4. Will you be pleased by the prospect of spending the evening with his parents?

5. Can you forgive your loved one if he promised to call you and didn’t?

6. If you have done something wrong to him, will you go to him first and ask him for forgiveness?

7. Would you refuse a date with your ex-boyfriend if he invites you?

8. Do you consider your chosen one the best of all your men?

9. Is your partner close in attitude to you?

10. Are you ready to change something in yourself in order to stay with him?

11. Does your chosen one occupy one of the main places in your life?

12. Do you often try to please your loved one?

The “When will I get married” test has been passed, and now we are counting the points scored.

Less than 6 - you will not marry your chosen one, there is no need to deceive both yourself and him.

From 7 to 18 - you are definitely in love, but your chances of getting married with this person are 50/50; this event is unlikely to happen soon.

More than 19 - your feelings are deep, it is very possible that they will be crowned with a successful marriage, and this will happen in the near future.

Zodiac Sign Compatibility

There are people who are skeptical about horoscopes. But still the majority trusts them. The girl who wonders: “How will I know when I’ll get married?” - must first find out which zodiac signs suit her in terms of family compatibility. “+” here means a successful marriage, and “-” means an unsuccessful one. Compatibility Horoscope:

Aries: “+” with Leo, Sagittarius, “-” with Virgo, Pisces.

Taurus: “+” with Virgo, Capricorn, “-” with Gemini, Aquarius.

Gemini: “+” with Libra, Aquarius, “-” with Taurus, Virgo, Pisces.

Cancer: “+” with Scorpio, Pisces, “-” with Aries, Aquarius.

Leo: “+” with Aries, Sagittarius, “-” with Taurus, Cancer, Pisces.

Virgo: “+” with Taurus, Capricorn, “-” with Aries, Gemini.

Libra: “+” with Gemini, Aquarius, “-” with Cancer, Virgo.

Scorpio: “+” with Cancer, Pisces, “-” with Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Sagittarius: “+” with Aries, Leo, “-” with Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

Capricorn: “+” with Taurus, Virgo, “-” with Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

Aquarius: “+” with Gemini, with Libra, “-” with Taurus, with Cancer, with Scorpio, with Capricorn, with Pisces.

Pisces: “+” with Cancer, Scorpio, “-” with Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

What does numerology tell us?

Do you believe in fate? Do you think your life is ruled by numbers? Then the science of numerology will help you answer your cherished question. “When will I get married?” - the girl thinks when a worthy man appears on her horizon. And in order for the marriage to be happy, you need to guess with. To do this, you need to add up all the numbers of days, months and years of birth of the future newlyweds as follows. For example:

Date of birth of the bride: 11/09/1985 = 0+9+1+1+1+9+8+5=34=3+4=7.

Date of birth of the groom: 02/26/1986 = 2+6+0+2+1+9+8+6=34=3+4=7.

Now let’s sum them up: 7+7= 14. This is the number that will be the ideal wedding date.

The girl had a question: the cards will give the correct answer

If you are sitting in a company of young men and women, you can try to find out which of you will marry first. To do this, you will need a new deck of cards that have not yet been played. A married woman must certainly mix and distribute them to all participants in the fortune telling. How to find out if you will get married soon using a card? The girl who got the king of hearts can rejoice. She will become the very first bride in the company. And the man who got the lady of the same suit will soon get married.

Hair through the ring

Now let's turn to the methods of our grandmothers. Pondering the question: “When will I get married?” Fortune telling will help you find out the answer. To do this you will need one long hair from your head and a wedding ring. This method is simple, but proven. We simply thread the hair through the ring. And then we carefully lower the jewel into a glass of water. If the ring starts to pump when it touches the liquid, it means the wedding is imminent; if not, there is no need to build vain hopes.

Fortune telling by candles

Another of these techniques that can help a girl who asks: “When will I get married?” - For this you will need a mirror and two candles (preferably small ones, church candles). You need to put a mirror on the table. In front of him are two candles in small plates. One on the right, the other on the left. Make a guess which candle will be you and which one will be your chosen one. Now set them on fire. If the flame burns evenly on both candles, this is the main sign of an imminent wedding. If “you” melt faster, it means that dreams of marriage are only on your part. The “betrothed” candle burned out faster - expect a quick marriage proposal from him.

Folk signs

Superstitious girls who ask themselves the question: “How will I know when I will get married?” - we can recommend turning to the wisdom of our ancestors. They say that folk omens often come true. Here are some of them:

If you were doused with wine or champagne at someone else’s wedding, it means you will soon become a bride yourself. Moreover, the marriage will be very happy.

Have you tried on someone else's wedding dress? There is a risk of never becoming a bride.

If you caught a bride's bouquet at a friend's wedding, then expect a marriage proposal from your chosen one.

Do you often sit on the windowsill or on the corner of the table during meals? You risk remaining an old maid.

At someone else's wedding, try to dance with the groom. This is a lucky omen. She guarantees a quick marriage.

A witness at someone else's wedding can be sure that soon she herself will walk down the aisle.

What can you spy in a dream?

It is believed that during dreams our soul travels in parallel worlds. They contain information about the past, present and future of each person. You just need to decipher it correctly. But how can you find out when you'll get married through dreams? You just need to remember what you saw in your night visions lately. If these were beautiful mountains, lakes, green fields, children, flowers, full glasses with something, the moon in the sky, silver, beautiful organ music was heard, then you can count on marriage within a year.

Giant birds, various animals, fish, the dazzling sun, magnified glass, paper are dreamed of by those girls who are not expecting a quick wedding. But there is no need to be upset, this important event will happen within the next five years. But old maids usually dream of bells, storms, soldiers and gold. But still, don’t be upset if you see something unpleasant. It's just a dream. And thoughts should be positive. Then positive changes in life will not keep you waiting.

Girls think: “How will I know when I’ll get married?” You can turn to astrology and fortune telling. And the best thing is not to think, but to act. After all, somewhere there is a young man who dreams of finding someone like you.
