Temple of Elijah the Prophet in Obydensky Lane schedule. Temple of the Prophet Elijah in Obydensky Lane - why is it remarkable? The unusual history of the temple

The Temple of Elijah the Prophet of the Everyday is a church that is located not far from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. It was built in the Baroque architectural style with the support of the architect I. Zarudny back in 1702.

This temple is very popular and attracts a huge number of parishioners every year.

Historical background

The modern temple was erected on the site where a small church built of wood previously stood. It is believed that the first church was built on this site in the 15th century. Architectural style- baroque. Similar buildings of that time were often built in this style.

There is a legend that in ancient times, past the place where in at the moment there is a shrine, the prince was passing by. Just at this time a storm arose for no reason and a very strong thunderstorm began. At this moment, the prince promised that if he remained alive, then a temple would be erected in this place, which would be named in honor of Elijah the Prophet. Relying on some documents, it can be assumed that this church was built around 1592, but there is no exact data on its construction. The church began to be called ordinary, because it was built “everyday”, which is in the language Ancient Rus' meant in one day.

It should be noted that the name of the temple has been preserved for a long time. This church has always enjoyed special respect among the parishioners. Based on historical facts, it can be assumed that during periods of drought and bad weather, religious processions were held around it. At their head was the king. Only in 1702 the wooden church was replaced with a stone one.

The Derevnin brothers became the builders of the new shrine. It is noteworthy that the architecture of the building remained unchanged, only over time were completed some chapels to the church. The main chapel was dedicated to the Holy Prophet Elijah, others - to Saints Peter and Paul and the prophetess and martyr Anna and Simeon the God-Receiver.

This temple became a haven for many shrines that were brought from other temples and cathedrals that were influenced Soviet authorities and closed. Church ministers and parishioners were able to defend the church. According to old legends, in 1941 they wanted her close, however, this did not work out either, because the war began.

Shrines in the temple on Obydensky Lane

Where the Church of Elijah the Prophet is located, there are many shrines. Some of the most significant include:

  • The miraculous face of the Mother of God is a miraculous image with an interesting history of writing. Many parishioners come to pray to this icon.
  • Icon Mother of God“Feodorovskaya”, many women who are trying to conceive a child worship her. As a rule, it helps to get pregnant and facilitates childbirth, brings happiness to the family and protects against diseases.
  • The face of Our Lady of Kazan helps strengthen families, protects soldiers in places of war and helps to find righteous path and take the path of correction.
  • “Vladimir” icon of the Mother of God, from whom they ask for finding the true path, strengthening faith, spirit and healing from physical diseases.

All these shrines have miraculous powers, so many parishioners go to this church. In addition, in the temple there are particles of the relics of Seraphim of Sarov and Sergius of Radonezh, before which many people and pilgrims gathering from all over the country want to bow.

The church opens its doors to everyone every day from 8 am to 10 pm.

Schedule of services

As already mentioned, this building opens its doors every day at eight in the morning. Many parishioners want to visit this shrine. Worship services are held according to a specific schedule:

  • On weekdays, every day services are held at 7:40 in the morning and at 17:00 in the evening.
  • On weekends and holidays conduct liturgies in morning hours- 7:00 and 10:00.
  • On Mondays, services are held with an akathist to the prophet Elijah.

In addition, wedding and baptism ceremonies are held in the church. At the end of the Liturgy, parishioners can order various prayer services and memorial services.

Location of the shrine

The temple is located in Obydensky Lane. Its address: 2nd Obydensky Lane, 6. You can get to this place by bus or trolleybus. It all depends on which area of ​​Moscow you need to travel from.

Bus numbers that go to the place: 255, 05, 6. Trolleybus numbers: 1, 33, 31, 15, 44, 1. You can also see how to get to the temple on a map of Moscow. First you need to go to the Kropotkinskaya, Borovitskaya or Park Kultury metro stations.

If possible, everyone should visit this amazing old church, which has a unique and miraculous energy.

The Orthodox Church of St. Elijah the Prophet in Obydensky Lane in Moscow is one of the ancient church buildings, which to this day parishioners treat with awe and love.

Since the church's existence, an extraordinary atmosphere has reigned inside it. God's grace, which helps people in the most difficult moments of their lives to cope with all difficulties and sorrows in prayerful communication with God.

There are many sacred relics here, which are especially revered by believers. After visiting church service people, leaving the room, begin to feel “born again,” full of strength and energy, and most importantly, a peaceful feeling of calm and joy reigns in their souls.

History of creation

Once upon a time, at the place where the temple was built, a strong thunderstorm overtook Vasily III.

Frightened by the unfolding weather phenomenon, Vasily, having prayed to Saint Elijah, made a vow that if Elijah saved his life, he would build a church on this place. And so it happened.

But the wooden structure did not stand for long, a little more than a century. In 1702, the wooden structure was demolished and a stone church on the savings of the Duma clerk F. Derevnin.

The architecture of the building has not changed to this day; over time, only the church side chapels were completed. The main chapel is dedicated to the Holy Prophet Elijah, and additional buildings are dedicated to Saints Peter and Paul, as well as the martyr prophetess Anna and righteous Simeon God-receiver.

Moreover, all the shrines from other cathedrals that came under Soviet influence and were closed were transported here for preservation. The times of Bolshevik rule did not pass by this building.

There were many attempts to close the Orthodox shrine, but the parishioners and ministers of the church were able to defend their spiritual monastery and did not allow it to be closed. For example, in 1930, more than 4 thousand parishioners gathered in the square near the church to defend the church building from Soviet officials.

But it was not possible to defend the Church of the Prophet Elijah on Ilyinka in Soviet times; in 1923 it was closed, the building was adapted for an institution. And only in 1995, services were resumed there (the schedule of services can be seen on the official website).

The Elijah Church also has a namesake in St. Petersburg - the Church of the Prophet Elijah on Porokhov.

Main shrines

The shrines of the Ordinary Church that are especially revered by Orthodox Christians are icons Holy Mother of God:

  • "Unexpected Joy" miraculous icon, having very interesting story creation. According to legends, the fate of one robber became the prerequisite for the creation of the icon. Tradition says that this robber revered the Mother of God and desperately prayed to her, especially before the next robbery campaign, asked for luck and accompanying luck. But during one of his prayers, he saw that the Baby depicted in the icon began to bleed from ulcerative lesions on his legs and arms. And then came the authoritative voice of the Mother of God: “You, like all other sinners, again and again crucify my son with your criminal acts. By calling me Merciful, you immediately insult me ​​with your crimes!” After this, the robber begged forgiveness from the Mother of God and stopped leading a sinful lifestyle;
  • as well as the “Feodorovskaya” icon of the Mother of God;
  • "Kazanskaya";
  • “Vladimirskaya” bestow parishioners with their miraculous powers.

In addition, there are such revered icons as “The Savior Not Made by Hands” and “The Fiery Ascension of the Holy Prophet Elijah.” Icons of Saints Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov are also preserved in the Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah, as well as holy particles of the relics of these two saints. In the reliquary, which is located near the chapels of the holy apostles Paul and Peter, a small part of the belt of the Mother of God is kept.

Please note: in the temple of the prophet Elijah there is also a very significant image of the Holy Trinity for Christians, in front of which they performed prayer requests to god they are like that famous personalities, like Pozharsky and Minin.

The doors of the temple are always open. Anyone can come here and pray for the health of loved ones, entrust their sorrows and problems to God in prayer, and ask for help from the saints and the Most Holy Theotokos. The temple is open from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm.

Take note: a church church is open on the territory of the temple Sunday school, which can be visited by adults and children, as well as one of the most extensive church libraries in Moscow.

How to get to the church, the Moscow road map will tell you, the exact address: Ostozhenka, second Obydensky lane, 6. Nearest metro station: Park Kultury. In the official community of the temple in VK it is indicated that you need to go to Kropotkinskaya.

For more information about the shrine, watch the following video:

MY UNUSUAL DAY 02/28/2016

What a wonderful Sunday I spent.

I am gradually emerging from “computer captivity”, and in the freed up time I am busy reading spiritual books and going on pilgrimages.

I usually go to my nearby temple on holidays and weekends.

But in my “secret” plans, a long time ago I really wanted to visit the Obydensky Church, in honor of the Prophet Elijah, built around 1592.

I know for sure that it is filled with SACRES. Even when the BELT OF THE VIRGIN was brought to Moscow, they reported that parts of it were also in this temple, and also parts of the GIFTS OF THE MAGIC.

Fires often occurred in Moscow, so it was necessary to constantly rebuild quickly, floating the timber across the water for lightness, which made construction easier. They built, so to speak, quickly, assembling manufactured structures here, which were later, if necessary, located in other parts of the city, which is why this place was called “SKORODOM”. It was convenient to assemble house structures at the place where timber materials were sold. This is where the first one was built wooden temple in the name of the holy prophet of God Elijah. Construction was completed quickly, in one day - “everyday”, which gave the temple the clarifying name “Ordinary”, presumably in 1592.

The Obydensky Church was revered in Moscow; on the day of remembrance of the holy prophet of God Elijah, and during drought or prolonged bad weather, people from the Kremlin went to the temple. religious procession with the participation of the king.

During the period of godless hard times, the temple was not closed, although such attempts were made. It is known that in 1930 the temple was unanimously defended by believers, of whom there were 4,000 people in the community at that time.

According to legend, the authorities were going to close the temple after the service on June 22, 1941, on the day of remembrance of All Saints who shone in the Russian Land, but this did not happen - the war began.

The revered shrines of the temple are the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”, the icons of the Mother of God “Feodorovskaya” and “Vladimirskaya”. In the local row of the iconostasis of the main altar there are several revered icons: “The Fiery Ascension of the Holy Prophet Elijah”, “The Savior Not Made by Hands” with stamps, the “Kazan” Icon of the Mother of God. Icons are kept in the temple St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. Seraphim of Sarov with particles of their relics. He donated a particle of the relics of St. Seraphim to the temple His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' († 2008) immediately after the second discovery of the honest relics of this great saint of God. On August 1, 2009, an additional altar was consecrated in the church in the name of St. Seraphim.

Of course, I went to the SEARCH ENGINE, found the website of this temple, and read everything carefully. I studied the address, location and the most convenient way to get there. It’s not very convenient for me to get there, transfer to the metro, and such a long walk from the Okhotny Ryad station to the Kropotkinskaya metro station, and then on the street I still have to walk and look somewhere in the courtyards for this 2nd Obydensky Lane. I read that the walk from the metro is only 6-7 minutes, I decided that I could definitely handle it, but in ancient times people walked many kilometers to get to the temples... !!!

The service starts at 10 o’clock in the morning, I left home at about 8:30, I figured that I should get there in an hour, I generally like to arrive early, I didn’t take a chair with me. And there were so many temptations... but I firmly decided to go and did not back down! I’m walking, and my legs feel like stone, and I want to move them with my hands... they walk poorly on their own, I’m worried that I won’t be able to stand, but I’m a real “little one.” And ahead of me is such embarrassment... . I get out of the door of the car already at the Kropotkinskaya metro station, and towards me there is an almost real “possessed”. A dirty, toothless woman in rags, saliva spraying from her mouth onto my face, waving her arms and shouting: “Don’t go there, don’t go!!!” And she said something else, I was confused, she went behind the column and retreated from me. And I, with even greater zeal, continued on my way. There, leaving the carriage on the platform, if you go to the left, there is the entrance to the TEMPLE OF CHRIST THE SAVIOR, and if to the right, then after walking for some time there will be my temple in honor of the prophet of God Elijah. I was walking and didn’t know where to turn, I looked ahead of my mother in floor-length skirts, I realized that these were MY SISTERS, so I came up and asked, to my joy, this is not the first time they are going exactly to my desired temple. The Lord helps, we got there quickly and easily.

The temple in ancient decoration is very similar to the temple in Tsaritsyno. There were still few people, I did all my business, handed in notes, asked the mothers where the icons I needed were located, so as not to fuss and calmly come up and venerate. Of course, there was a free place for me on the bench.

I looked around and saw a short man in modest clothes entering the church, and all the parishioners reached out to him like a stream, asking for a blessing, and I asked too... . Then she asked the gray-haired man who came in, it turned out that it was Archpriest Alexy Lapin - the honorary rector of the Church of the Prophet Elijah in Obydensky Lane in Moscow, he will be 90 years old on April 2.

Born on April 2, 1926 in the village of Martynovka, Oryol region. For 20 years (1986-2006) he was the rector of this temple. Since October 2006, he is now the honorary rector of the Obydensky Church. Today he concelebrated with Archpriest Nikolai Skurat.

How good it is to go to different temples Moscow, don’t limit yourself only to “your own”..., it seems to me that some kind of cooling or getting used to is happening? I now strictly followed the progress of the service and looked closely at some, to my joy, features. For example, in our church the lecterns for confession are in the hall, but here on a raised platform - on the SALT, on the side of the altar. This is so exciting, this is the first time I have stood on an elevated platform, usually only clergymen walk on SALT... . And when the COMMUNION took place, all the PARTICIPANTS also went up the SOLEIA and approached almost the ROYAL GATES. And how unusually carefully and clearly the reader, the former choir director, read the hours and the order for communion, every word and every letter could be heard and understood.

The service lasted more than three and a half hours, but how quickly the time “flew”, I really didn’t want to leave the church at all, such GRACE. By an extraordinary coincidence, I was sitting on a bench with such a thin, venerable mother, as only the soul can hold on, at the end of the service she told me that she sang in the choir of this church for more than 20 years, and now lives in the south-west of Moscow and every times he gets there with transfers on three trolleybuses... !!! And I “moaned” that it was hard for me to get there. At the end of the service, she suddenly fluttered up easily and stood on the choir for the entire PRAYER service, singing in her thin voice, which sounded throughout the entire church... for about an hour. What is her strength???

It didn’t even occur to me to photograph anything; my whole soul was in these events.

“I trudged home” by about 2 pm, but still managed to feed the NS and myself, of course, lunch on time.

Photos are taken from open sources on the website of the temple in honor of the prophet of God Elijah.


The Temple of the Prophet Elijah in Obydensky Lane, located near the Church of Christ the Savior, belongs to the Peter the Great Baroque style. It was built by the architect I. Zarudny in 1702. And the main trustee of the church was a clerk named Derevnin, who was later buried here. As for the bell tower and refectory, they were erected by the architect A. Kaminsky in 1866–1868.
Peter's Baroque Peter's Baroque was characteristic of church architecture at the dawn of the 18th century. It expressed trends new era. This style is characterized by clarity, rigor, and correctness, but at the same time there is a noticeable amount of romanticism in it. The churches look reserved and practical, but quite beautiful. During this period, “ship” type temples were built: a long vestibule, a bell tower and the building itself are located on the same axis. This was typical for that time. Such is the Temple of the Prophet Elijah in Obydensky Lane.

Among the ancient Moscow churches, the Church of Ilya the Obydennogo enjoys special reverence and love among parishioners. It has existed since the 16th century, serving as support and support for believers at various points in their lives. The large number of shrines with which the temple is rich fills the House of God with a special light energy, charged with which, everyone who comes here feels an influx of physical and mental strength, peace and tranquility.

The Church of Elijah the Prophet on Obydensky Lane is a special place. This amazingly beautiful building fits organically into the surrounding landscape, ennobling and aestheticizing the surrounding area. The earliest christian church in Rus', also Kyiv. The Obydensky Church, which is one of the parish organizations of the capital's Orthodox diocese, is also associated with it.

The history of the building is unusual and interesting. After all, it belongs to the oldest buildings of ancient Moscow. The first temple of Elijah the Prophet in Obydensky Lane was built of wood literally in one day or, in Old Russian, “obyden”. There were craftsmen in Rus' back then! This happened during a period of severe drought, and the people, who always firmly believed in their beloved patron, relied on his help even now. The construction dates back to around 1592, and the area itself was called Skorodomnaya. Here, once upon a time, timber was floated on water, and Muscovites, taking advantage of the convenient crossing and delivery of materials, quickly built homes for themselves in order to later move their houses to more convenient areas of the city. The Temple of Elijah the Prophet in Obydensky Lane also gave the name to the streets leading to it - Iliinsky. They were renamed to their current name later.

Defense of Holy Rus'

The church was loved not only by the inhabitants of the surrounding area. People from all over Moscow flocked here to Orthodox holidays. And on ordinary days it was never empty. In historical documents, the Church of Elijah the Prophet in Obydensky Lane is often mentioned. Prayers take place here for many significant events related to the domestic and foreign political activities of Russian rulers.

If there were prolonged rains or long dry spells, on the saint’s name day there was a procession of the cross from the Kremlin led by the Tsar-Father and the primates of the Russian Church. It is no coincidence that Obydensky Lane, the Church of Elijah the Prophet, became those places where the clergy, together with the people’s militia led by Minin and Pozharsky, prayed to the Almighty and the saints for help in military matters. We are talking about the era of the Time of Troubles, Polish intervention and the defense of Moscow from invaders. On August 24, 1612, after a prayer service, a decisive battle took place, ending in the victory of Russian weapons.

Second birth

At the very beginning of the 18th century, the old church building was demolished. A stone one was built in its place. The current Church of Elijah the Prophet in Moscow has largely retained its ancient architectural appearance. Funds for its construction were provided by Gabriel and Vasily Derevnin. In memory of them, marble memorial plaques were installed in the church. Next construction work continued into the next century. The building was renovated and new chapels were added. Since then, religious services have been held here continuously. And in difficult times for the House of God, when the authorities wanted to close it, the parishioners did not allow this to happen. For example, about 4 thousand people defended the church in 1930.

Temple shrines

The main chapel of the temple is dedicated to Elijah the Prophet. Additional ones - to Saints Peter and Paul, martyrs Anna the Prophetess and Simeon the God-Receiver. Among its most significant shrines are, first of all, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which is called “Unexpected Joy”. The image of the Holy Trinity, before which the folk heroes Minin and Pozharsky prayed, is also extremely important for Christians. Lists of such famous icons as the Kazan, Vladimir and Fedorovskaya Mother of God, the Savior Not Made by Hands, give their healing power to the suffering. Particles of the relics of Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov also attract pilgrims from all over the country. The doors of the temple are open to everyone from 8 am to 10 pm daily.

The first church built in Kyiv under Prince Igor was in the name of the prophet Elijah. After Baptism, Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Princess Olga (July 11) built the temple of the prophet Elijah in her homeland, in the village of Vybuty.

In Moscow, on Ostozhye, which was formerly called Skorodom, Muscovites often built after fires, bringing the forest along the water, which facilitated the preparation of construction. They built here, so to speak, hastily, with the aim of subsequently placing pre-assembled structures in other areas of the city, which is why this place was called “Skorodom”. It was convenient to build on the site where timber material was sold. Here a wooden temple was built in the name of the holy prophet of God Elijah. The construction was completed in one day - “everyday”, which gave the temple the clarifying name “Ordinary”. The estimated year of construction is 1592. After the name of the temple, the three lanes leading to it became Ilyinsky, and then Obydensky.

Since then, the name of the temple appears quite often in various historical documents. This place witnesses widely known historical events Time of Troubles: in 1612, near the temple, the prayer of the clergy and the zemstvo militia is offered before the expulsion of the “cold” heretics-foreigners who desecrated the shrines of the Moscow Kremlin.

The Obydensky Church has always been revered in Moscow. On the day of remembrance of the holy prophet Elijah and during drought or prolonged bad weather, a procession of the cross was made from the Kremlin to the temple with the participation of the king. On such days, the primates of the Russian Church performed services in the church.

In 1702, on the site of a wooden one, a stone temple, the altar part of which and the main building, built according to the “octagon on a quadrangle” type, have been preserved to this day in unchanged forms, having served God and people for more than 300 years.

The builders of the new temple were the Derevnin brothers: Duma clerk Gavriil Feodorovich (†1728) and commissar Vasily Feodorovich (†1733), at whose expense the construction was carried out and in memory of whom memorial marble plaques were installed on the walls of the arch at the entrance to the central part of the temple they built.

For 300 years, services have been held in the temple. During the period of godless hard times, the temple was not closed, although such attempts were made. It is known that in 1930 the temple was unanimously defended by believers, of whom there were 4,000 people in the community at that time.

According to legend, the authorities were going to close the temple after the service on June 22, 1941, on the day of remembrance of All Saints who shone in the Russian Land, but this did not happen - the war began.

Communities of Moscow churches that were closing in those years, joining the parish of the Ordinary Church (sometimes together with their clergy), brought their shrines and good age-old traditions, carefully preserved by the clergy of the parish. The traditions of the parishes gathered in the Ilyinskaya Church merged together, passing on to subsequent generations the fullness of the spirit of the pre-revolutionary parish life of Orthodox Moscow.

Venerated shrines of the temple- miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy", icons of the Mother of God "Feodorovskaya" And "Vladimirskaya". In the local row of the iconostasis of the main altar there are several revered icons: “ Fiery ascension of the Holy Prophet Elijah", "Savior Not Made by Hands" with stamps, icon of the Mother of God "Kazanskaya". Icons of the saint are kept in the temple Sergius of Radonezh and Reverend Seraphim of Sarov with particles of their relics. He donated a particle of the relics of St. Seraphim to the temple His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II(†2008) immediately after the second discovery of the honest relics of this great saint of God. On August 1, 2009, an additional altar was consecrated in the church in the name of St. Seraphim.

A large number of particles of the relics of the holy saints of God are located in three relics located in the central part of the temple and in the right aisle. The particle is stored in a special ark honest belt Holy Mother of God.

Divine services in the temple are held daily: on weekdays and Divine Liturgy start at 7.40, evening service— at 17.00; on Sundays and holidays - two liturgies, at 7.00 and 10.00. On Mondays, Vespers with an akathist is performed (for the Sarov-Diveevo chant) St. Seraphim Sarovsky, on Wednesday - Vespers with an akathist to the prophet of God Elijah, on Friday -.

The temple is open daily from 07.00 to 23.00.
