How to find out if there is a ghost at home. Seven signs that a poltergeist has settled in your home. Interpret disturbing dreams

Surely you have heard many different stories about ghosts, and terrible chilling events occurring in the habitats of ghosts, so what are the most common signs that there are ghosts, spirits in a house or apartment, or maybe other anomalous phenomena are happening in the house? Magical phenomena occur to almost all people and animals. Even famous actors Nicolas Cage and Gwyneth Paltrow claim to have lived in houses haunted by spirits. Exists huge amount various signs of the presence of spirits and ghosts in the house, we will talk about the ten most important of them.

1. Strange smells:
One of the signs that your home may be haunted is strange smells that you normally shouldn't smell. These odors can appear unexpectedly and seemingly out of nowhere. The spirit may sometimes bring with it a smell that was familiar to it, such as the smell of a cigar or some exotic flower. Knowing that this smell does not come from something in the house helps to recognize the secret inhabitant of your home, which you had no idea about before.

2. Strange dreams about people or places completely unfamiliar to you.
If a ghost lives in your house, sometimes it can cause you to have strange dreams and even nightmares about it. In your dreams you can see mysterious places places you've never been to, or people you've never met before. All of these could be signs with which the ghost is trying to attract your attention and tell its story. You need to understand that sometimes these are the souls of people who died in some mysterious or violent way. Seeing such people in a dream, or the places where these people were, is a sure sign that their energy imprints remain in your home. You can discover the history of your home in libraries and try to determine if what you read in old newspaper news in the library is in any way similar to what you saw in your dream.

3. Feeling of persecution. Some people may be more sensitive to ghosts than others, they may feel the constant presence of someone or something, or feel as if they are being followed. Of course, you shouldn't rely entirely on such sensations when determining that a house is haunted, but it can also be a sign. If you feel that someone or something is watching you, chasing you, try to concentrate and pay attention to whether there are any other strange and mysterious things happening around you. Don't be afraid and try to explore all the paranormal around you. Sometimes, when people move into a new home, they cannot shake the feeling that they are constantly being watched.

4. Feelings of heaviness in the air. Some people are sensitive to change energy field, caused by the presence of a ghost or spirit in the house, and this sensation is akin to the feeling of heaviness in the air, making it difficult for a person to breathe. A sudden change in air can be caused by the appearance of a ghost or spirit in the house and is another sign that you are not alone in the house. People who are not hypersensitive to such phenomena may also notice this, because sudden changes can make it difficult for a person to breathe. Usually, after cleansing a house or apartment, or exorcism in more dangerous cases, people notice that the air becomes cleaner and lighter almost immediately after the completion of the ritual.

5. Mysterious sounds. Do you hear strange sounds or whispers that you can't explain? There are reasons for such sounds, and the reasons are spirits or ghosts trying to make their presence known. Naturally, sounds can also be the result of other things, ordinary household sounds made by the wind breaking through a loosely closed window, the creaking of a floorboard or some other household object, but knowing which sounds are common in your home and which are not can help in determining reasons for their appearance. Most ghosts and spirits do not make sounds that can be heard by the human ear and require special equipment. However, there are so-called aggressive ghosts that sometimes make frightening and even chilling sounds, scattering objects around.

6. Change in air temperature. Sudden changes in air temperature around you can also be a good indicator that spirits are nearby. If you move around your home and notice that some rooms are colder than others or the air around you suddenly becomes colder, it's probably not your cooling unit. Sometimes the presence of a spirit around you can be noticed through a sharp cooling in air temperature, and this is caused by the fact that the spirit uses the energy accumulated in the place of its appearance to materialize. Sometimes you may walk through a very cold spot in your home even though the temperature in your home should be normal. Naturally, if there is a whiff of cold around you, it does not mean that you will come face to face with a spirit, but this may be a sign of its presence.

7. Objects in the house move on their own.
Some spirits like to move objects around your home while you're away. You will definitely notice this sooner or later when you return. If you are absolutely sure that one or another object in your house is out of place, and was not moved by you or your relatives, or guests who are in the house at that moment, then there is a possibility that it was moved by a spirit or ghost, in an attempt to inform you about your presence. Sometimes objects can move in your presence: doors open and close, things fall off the table. It is important to remember that any spirit capable of such tricks is most likely not friendly towards you.

8. The feeling that someone is touching you. Someone is touching you, but strangely enough there is no one nearby? This may also be a sign that a ghost has settled in the house. Involuntarily touching something or feeling a light breeze around you, as if someone is touching you. It is very important to know exactly who it is and not fall into premature panic. You may just feel the hairs on the back of your neck tickling you. However, if any marks are found on the body after such a touch, or scratches and bruises that you cannot explain, this may be an indicator of the presence of evil spirits and energies. If the situation escalates, you should investigate what is happening and find the most appropriate way to deal with this phenomenon, because this can be very dangerous.

9. Sudden change in mood and behavior.
Naturally less common, depending on various signs, a more aggressive ghost or spirit may be present in your home. These spirits may not be spirits but demonic entities. Sometimes fear, anger, excitement and other emotions contained in a demonic creature can be transmitted to you, changing your mood and behavior. In more serious cases, the outcome may be the possession of a demonic creature in you. A person should always be wary of and protect others from such phenomena.

10. Seeing is believing. And the last, but most important sign of the presence of spirits and ghosts in your home is when you actually see them. Perfume may appear right in front of your nose. Human figures may appear or disappear in some cases. You can also watch seemingly ordinary people disappear right before your eyes. Such people may seem too pale, wounded, and bloody. These people are not typical shadows or specks in the corner of your eye, and most often these are the souls of people who died a violent death. Sometimes these souls will repeat the movements that they made right before death, often everything will be repeated over and over again, like a video recording. The souls of these people have already left, but the images of their presence and death are imprinted on the environment.


Rating 5

IN modern world Few people believe in otherworldly powers, black magic and ghosts. But, as has already been proven by psychics, we are surrounded almost everywhere by ghosts. In the apartment you bought, at work, in public place. The first signs that a ghost is near you are quite harmless. At first, you may simply feel the constant presence of something inexplicable next to you. AND..

Summary 5.0 excellent

In the modern world, few people believe in otherworldly powers, black magic and ghosts. But, as has already been proven by psychics, we are surrounded almost everywhere by ghosts. In the apartment you bought, at work, in a public place. The first signs that a ghost is near you are quite harmless. At first, you may simply feel the constant presence of something inexplicable next to you. And already at this moment measures should be taken - further actions other world will be more stringent. Psychics will tell you what to do if a ghost lives in your house.

Signs of other life in your home

We must take into account the fact that ghosts do not behave in the same way and simply from reading material on the Internet or other literature one cannot immediately say that there is a ghost.

If before this we only talked about the slamming of doors, then in this case psychics say that there will be a sensation of opening and closing the front door, windows, you can especially feel such phenomena in winter. When you are alone in a room, the light will go out and flash again several times. Psychics say that you can try to get in touch with a ghost and ask him whether he wants evil or good, just be sure to say the words out loud and decide on the number of signals.

You can use a Ouija board for this, making it yourself or inviting a Ouija board into your home. For information on how to make such a device, read the article Ouija board - how to make and use

Another sign of a ghost living in your home is the constant appearance of unusual odors; these can be unpleasant or, on the contrary, fresh odors. Psychics advise that when you encounter such signs of an otherworldly force in your house more than once, start keeping records of where and at what time the ghost made itself known. You can also list objects that began to move on their own. But before you raise a panic and call everyone to fight ghosts, make sure of this for sure, close all possible doors with locks or simply stick tape, but if the noise continues after that, then there are ghosts in your house. Psychics say that the existence of ghosts in your house can be easily verified with the help of a cat; if you don’t have one, take it from friends for a couple of days, and its behavior will completely confirm or refute the version with ghosts. Cats are very sensitive and they will be able to sense the presence of someone from the first minutes of their stay in your home. As psychics say, at night in the kitchen over a cup of tea you can talk to a ghost and help him go to another world.

How to drive away a ghost

It happens that it is not so easy to communicate with a ghost; they always express dissatisfaction with their behavior, this could be dirt in the apartment, quarrels that are not always to his liking. Most often, the ghost is the former owner of the house; to get rid of it, all you have to do is spend time in the apartment general cleaning which will involve washing every inch of the house. If this really caused aggression in the ghost, then it will calm down and disappear from your life. Grab a pair church candles and just walk around the apartment, ghosts are mostly afraid of them and will begin to extinguish them, where the candle goes out, pour a couple of pinches of salt and sprinkle the place with holy water. Soon the ghost will leave the house on its own.

Psychics advise that even before signs of a ghost appear in your home, hang the amulet for several days in your new home. It is that it will prevent anyone from entering your home. Take how many cloves of garlic, how many windows you have and don’t forget about front door, if double, then count on two doors. Garlic cloves must be strung on a red thread, blessed with holy water, tied in three knots and hung in the center above the door and windows. After they hang there for three days, remove them and throw them into water away from the house, preferably a river.

One of the most effective methods, according to psychics, is salt - it will help not only drive away the ghost, but also not let ill-wishers into the house. On Easter, it is customary to light not only Easter cakes, but also salt; you should always have it at home to cleanse the house. Take blessed salt and sprinkle a thin line on each threshold of the house. When you perform this ritual, it is advisable that you are alone in the house, and read the prayer. Psychics recommend using an ordinary small bell to fight ghosts, because even in the old days it was believed that the ringing of a bell drives away evil spirits; walk around the apartment with the bell ringing, and then place it above the front door.

Psychics say that all rituals to expel ghosts must be carried out with complete seriousness; jokes are not appropriate here, and preferably in all alone so that you are not distracted.

Psychics: what to do if a ghost lives in your house

The fact that a ghost settled with you is worth thinking about why this happened, maybe there were some reasons to protect it. What to do if a ghost has settled in your house, psychics say that you should try to make contact with him, unless he shows aggression. If you encounter sabotage from a ghost, immediately call specialists who will help him find peace in the afterlife.

You might be interested to know that you can also see a ghost in the villa of the famous Englishmen. Read about this in the article Psychics about the Beckham villa. is there a ghost?

Although there is no conclusive evidence of the existence of ghosts, some people believe that strange sounds, smells and events are supernatural in nature. If you think your home is haunted, conduct an amateur investigation, noting unusual occurrences and recording your observations. Also try researching the history of your home or area. It has been suggested that places where violent deaths have occurred have a much higher chance of ghosts appearing. Although ghosts can be very frightening, it is worth understanding that their existence has not been proven, and the presence of an alleged spirit in the house has never harmed anyone.


Explore physical phenomena

  1. Watch for shadows and silhouettes. If you have witnessed any unexplained phenomena, this may indicate the presence of a ghost in the house. These may be dark shadows in the periphery of vision or even shadowy silhouettes of people or animals.

    • However, it is worth remembering that peripheral vision cannot always be relied upon. If you notice a ghost in your peripheral vision, it may just be a trick of the light.
    • Set up a video camera in your home to capture unusual shadows on film while you're away.
  2. Pay attention to unusual odors. Some people believe that ghosts can leave unusual odors that have no obvious source. The smell of sulfur and other unpleasant odors are often associated with ghosts. However, smells of food and perfume can also indicate the presence of a ghost.

    • Eliminate other sources of odor before sinning on ghosts. Try to follow the smell to see where it is coming from, or check to see if you left a window open. An unusual odor may have entered the house from outside.
  3. Listen for unusual noises. People who believe they are living in haunted houses often report strange noises such as unexplained footsteps, scratching, music or even muffled voices. Don't forget that unusual noises could be caused by open windows or even a neighbor's TV, so don't suspect ghosts without checking more plausible explanations.

    • Scratching and footstep sounds can come from mice, rats or insects. Have an exterminator inspect your home to rule out this possibility and treat it if necessary.
    • Try recording the noise on a digital tape recorder.
  4. Watch for times when lights turn on and off. Flashing lights can be caused by short-term power outages. If the lights in the house flicker frequently, there may be another explanation. If the lights regularly turn on and off without any reason, this may indicate the presence of a spirit.

    • Loose bulbs and problems with the wiring and switchboard can also cause flickering lights. If the lights in your home flicker very frequently, contact an electrician.
  5. Pay attention to nervous behavior in pets. Strange animal behavior may indicate the presence of a ghost. Animals may become afraid for no apparent reason or look at something you can't see. If your dog, for example, suddenly starts barking at the corner of the room, a ghost or spirit may be to blame.

    • Strange animal behavior, especially excessive barking, may indicate that your pet is in pain. Before attributing unusual behavior to ghosts, consult your veterinarian.
  6. Pay attention to cold areas or changes in temperature in the home. Some people believe that ghosts can cause a drop in temperature. Even without an obvious draft, if some areas of the house seem colder than others, this may indicate the presence of a ghost.

    • However, double check that there are no cracks in doors or open windows. Drafts can easily cause unusually cold spots in your home.

    Personal experience and intuition

    1. Pay attention to your dreams. Some people believe that ghosts can influence the kind of dreams you have. If you start having creepy nightmares, it could be the work of a ghost. These may include nightmares about supernatural things and feelings of being chased or attacked in your sleep. Nightmares can be so vivid that you begin to physically experience things in your dreams.

      • If you experience shortness of breath during sleep, consult your doctor. This could indicate a medical condition, such as obstructive sleep apnea, that should be ruled out before ghosting.
      • In addition, nightmares can also have psychological reasons, especially if you have recently experienced significant stress or upset.
    2. Do you feel like you are being watched? Rely on your intuition when assessing whether a house is haunted. People who live in haunted houses sometimes feel like they are being watched. Feeling someone else's presence in an empty room may indicate a ghost.

      • If you have other people living with you, ask them if they feel like they are being watched.
      • It is worth noting that nervousness and paranoia can also be caused by psychological problems. Such nervousness should be assessed by a mental health professional.
    3. Pay attention to changes in mood (yours or other people's). Ghosts can supposedly influence a person’s character and mood. If you or another family member experiences unexplained bouts of anger, irritability, or depression, this may indicate the presence of a ghost. If mood swings only occur in the house, it may be the work of a ghost.

      • Chronic low mood and irritability may be signs of mental health problems. If you have been in a persistently bad mood for a long time, see a therapist before attributing it to otherworldly influences.
    4. Pay attention to strange illnesses and feelings of weakness. Some people believe that ghosts can cause minor physical ailments, such as frequent colds. A general feeling of weakness may also be their doing.

      • Because these symptoms can be caused by a number of other medical conditions, consult your doctor before attributing them to ghosts.
      • If everyone in the home is experiencing physical symptoms, have a professional inspect the home for mold and bacteria.

You seem to remember exactly that you turned off the light in the bathroom... but it’s on. And you begin to chalk it up to your forgetfulness, thinking that you simply forgot to turn it off.

If this happens often and you remember exactly that you turned off the light or left something on the shelf, stop deceiving yourself. The fact that there is an otherworldly force in your home can be scary, but you need to accept it.

Ghosts, as a rule, do not harm people, they simply return to the place where they lived before. If you rented an apartment, don’t be surprised by uninvited guests.

And you will learn about the signs by which you can determine whether there is an otherworldly force in your home from the article.

10. Feeling of being watched

Some people are more sensitive and find it easier to perceive things that others cannot feel. If you feel someone watching you, this, of course, may mean that you watched enough horror films before going to bed, and perceive any shadow on the wall as a ghost.

But if you are not under the impression, have not watched horror films, and feel quite comfortable and fearless, and suddenly something numbs you, this is not without reason. You may notice something unusual and realize it is a ghost.

9. Noises

You can lie down in your bed, nothing will portend trouble... You look around - you are in your favorite bedroom, you are surrounded by familiar things, and you close your eyes, hoping to quickly fall asleep...

But some time passes and your eyes become wide open - the whole point is that the whisper scared you very much, and now your whole sleep is interrupted. Someone was breathing or whispering something in your ear.

In addition to whispering, ghosts can emit hissing and muffled footsteps. Don't be afraid, the spirit just wants to show itself to you and start interacting. As a rule, such noises are made at night, and if you are brave, follow the sound, it is quite possible that you will meet a ghost.

8. Feeling of heaviness

Throughout your house, you may have the windows open, all the bedrooms ventilated, but you still experience heaviness in the sternum area. It’s hard for you to breathe, in addition, you feel heaviness in the space itself, and you even want to go outside, find a river to sit by the water and freshen up.

The presence of heaviness indicates that there are ghosts in your house, and if you want to drive them away, you need to call a priest who will read a prayer and also sanctify the entire house with sacred water.

7. Moving objects

Some ghosts like to play with things by moving them. You can put your hair tie on the table, go to the kitchen to drink a glass of water, and when you return, you won’t see the scrunchie. Of course, if you are a skeptic, you will think: “I just forgot, I actually put it somewhere else.”

Some time will pass, you decide to vacuum under the bed, and you see your hair tie there. This means that the ghost likes to play, in addition, sometimes poltergeists move objects right before their eyes.

6. Strange dreams

Dreams usually originate from the subconscious - it accumulates impressions and images, and then shows us the pictures. But if you often dream of buildings that you definitely haven’t seen - neither in movies nor in life, people you don’t know, abandoned cities, and in general you are bothered by nightmares - this may mean presence of mind.

5. Smells

The souls of the dead can interact with mortals through scents. If you begin to smell strange smells in your home that weren’t there before, it’s not just like that.

If you smell a familiar smell - for example, one of your deceased relatives used a certain perfume or smoked, and you began to smell this smell, this means that the ghost wants to contact you. Do not be afraid of him, most likely, his soul cannot find peace and returns to the mortal world.

4. Temperature changes

The presence of a trait can be recognized by changing temperature. If it has not changed in the house, for example, you are usually warm, but suddenly you began to feel severe chills, like your legs and arms are freezing, then this may mean that a ghost has come to you. Don't be afraid of him - he won't harm you.

But you should be afraid if you feel constantly hot, and at night in the cold winter you want to throw off the blanket - this indicates the appearance of a hostile ghost in your house.

3. Mood swings

The presence of the souls of the dead greatly affects your mood. If you were usually in a calm, peaceful state, and suddenly began to scream, easily lose your temper, this may mean that a ghost has visited you.

In just one hour you can experience severe sadness, depression, and then strong inexplicable euphoria and a flight of feelings. Keep track of when it starts, and if you cannot explain your mood, then you are faced with an otherworldly force.

2. Eye contact

100% proof of the presence of a ghost is eye contact. Otherworldly entity She doesn’t even try to hide herself; on the contrary, she shows herself to the person. You may see the silhouette of a person walking through a wall or door, a moving glow.

The ghost can sit on a chair or even lie on the bed with you. He may start talking to you... But if the ghost shows himself so clearly, this may indicate that he wants to warn you about something important - listen to him.

Do you think your home is haunted? It's not exactly a pleasant thought, but many people feel like they are sharing their living space with spirits and entities they don't know or understand. Here's 9 simple ways, which will help you understand whether uninvited guests live in your home.

Electricity problems

How often do you experience power outages in your home? Are there short circuits? How often do batteries drain? Does this only happen in certain rooms? When there are ghosts in a house, they borrow energy from certain sources.

Unexplained sounds

Do you hear strange sounds at night? Try to force the entity to answer you. One knock is “yes”, two knocks is “no”. If you receive a response, it means you have a tenant in your home who is not paying rent.

Extreme temperature changes

Do you experience extreme temperature highs or lows in different parts Houses? As we know, when there is a restless spirit in a room, people will experience temperature changes. Some, for example, felt that ghosts were passing right through them, it was a terrible sensation.

Strange smells

Do you smell random scents like cigar or cigarette smoke, or maybe it's a woman's perfume? This is called clairscent (“paranormal smells”). This is the ability to smell a scent that is physically absent.

Do you sleep a lot?

How often do you have nightmares or strange dreams? When you get up in the middle of the night, do you see shadows or figures? During a certain dream state, there is the easiest way to contact the dead.

Trust your inner voice and intuition

Always trust your gut and intuition. If she tells you the house is haunted, it probably is.

Do you get goose bumps?

Do you get goosebumps every time you walk into a certain room, basement or attic? Are the hairs on the back of your neck starting to twitch for no reason? Such conditions can be a sure sign that there are strange visitors in your home.

Ghost Photos

When you take pictures, do you see silhouettes or faces in them? Are there any waves of light in the photo? Try asking the ghost, if he allows you, for permission to take his photo, and see what appears in the photo.

Ghost Hunter Toolkit

There are different types of equipment you can purchase to see what or who is hiding in your basement. A special box will generate words and sentences from several radio stations. See if someone answers you when you start asking them questions. You can also try an EVP recorder. You can leave it in the room where you think a ghost appears at night. And when he comes, he'll turn it on to see what you're listening to. You can also try a comprehensive EMF Reader that will detect any electromagnetic frequencies in the room.

If one or more of these tests checks out, you may very well have a roommate who isn't paying rent. If your visitors scare you day and night, you need to seek help from specialists. Look for a professional who can safely exorcise the ghost or help it get to the other side and move on. Fear can fuel the energy of ghosts, so it is important to show them that you are the boss of your home.
