How to shut the enemy's mouth - white magic. Conspiracy from evil people: how to deal with ill-wishers. Muslim prayer against the evil eye and damage

Effective spells against anger can be used for any person who harms you, ruins your life, or slanderes you. They help even when this enmity is long-standing and unpleasant. At work, in the family, group of friends There is often someone who harbors malice towards you. Very often this is the result of envy.

Such energy sends in your direction will have a very negative impact on you. From evil people and their bad words will be helped by simple village magic. You will not harm a person with your conspiracy, just do not allow him to spread gossip about you, speak badly, or spoil your reputation. You can help yourself. Try spells against anger to subdue even the most fierce ill-wisher.


Evil tongues can ruin your life. What does this come from? You offended someone, maybe you noticed it out of ignorance. Someone simply disliked you at first sight. And there are people who envy your success, beauty, personal life. This is the worst category. From such evil tongues you can get damage that will ruin your whole life.

If you do not believe in damage, then you are very mistaken. A person can do without a ritual in order to send damage or even a curse. To do this, you just need to experience very strong negative emotions, constantly wish evil, and be angry with you. Conspiracies from anger sometimes they are very useful for well-being. To receive such damage means to lose a lot:

  • health deteriorates;
  • problems begin in the female part of women, potency in men worsens;
  • money is lost, valuables disappear;
  • You can lose your job, lose respect.

All of this is very detrimental to your well-being. Who knows, maybe you'll be damaged. There is no other solution for evil tongues. It is better to avoid when you are already damaged. Whatever the enemy wishes for you, some even of death. Very rarely appears from envy and anger mortal damage, but this is also possible, especially if a person has powers.


Outright hatred hurts you, but gossip can also be dangerous. They give birth to unprecedented stories about you, your personal life, work, hobbies. And before you know it, you will become a laughing stock in the eyes of your colleagues and important people because of one or two gossips. It is better to stop such stories immediately.

It is because of one innocent gossip that someone’s envy can grow. And then - famous story with damage. There are a lot of situations like this at work. It is best to use a light spell to stop the gossip of evil people. It won’t harm a person, but it will help you right away. After the first use you will see the result. There are no more topics for conversation about you, and if someone from the outside starts talking, the conversation will stop immediately. These conspiracies give good results against gossips. They belong to the village and gypsy magic . Tested for years.


They're all pretty simple. The longer you practice magic, the better and faster it will turn out. Your energy is enough to stop envious people and ill-wishers. All these spells against anger can be done at home. Some of them will require photographs or personal items. They carry the strongest the owner's energy and with them the result comes faster. Be sure to try these rituals if you feel the first signs of anger from a colleague, friend, or even relative. The most terrible problems come from families where there is no mutual understanding and trusting communication between people.

Very strong conspiracy from a detractor:

Does it on Thursday or Saturday. The night should be clear, there should be a moon in the sky. Best done on full moon. You need a photo of your ill-wisher. Today, photographs of people are easy to find on the Internet, and can be printed on your home printer. For a spell against anger you will need 3 red candles. On each of them you need sewing needle cut out the enemy's name.

Place the candles on the windowsill, and stick the photo to the window glass with tape.

Stand so that the photo obscures the Moon in the sky.

Read three times:

“Be, my words, strong and sculpted. Stronger than stone, stronger than damask steel, stronger than sharp tenderness. The lock is in the company, the key is in the ocean-sea. In the name of the Father. and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Blessed be my guardian angel on the eighth of March. Mother Mary prayed on the throne. Jesus Christ appeared to her. Mother Mary said that in a dream she saw Jesus Christ being crucified, holy blood being shed, his hands and feet being nailed, and a crown of thorns being put on his head. First thing, second thing. I, my third mate, answered Jesus Christ to Mother Mary. Whoever reads the Sunday prayer, the Lord saves him from fire, from flame, from water, from a stream, from a fierce beast, from every evil person. From the prison castle. Amen. How you, Father David, are meek and humble, and merciful, and compassionate, and do not think of any evil, evil or grief. So you, slave (name), the authorities and all the judges would be meek and humble, would not think evil, would not do evil. We would always think and guess. Just like the Tsar’s father, the Tsar’s lackey did not think evil, did not do evil, and always rejoiced and had fun. So, all the authorities and all the judges would rejoice about me, slave (name), and the enemies would not notice. I'll lock the lock, I'll lock the lock. I'll drop the key into the blue sea. There's a rock at the bottom, I won't give it to anyone. The stone stands, it will not float, it will not move from place to place. So no one could change my words. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Let the candles burn out andphototake it in the morning, cut it into three parts. Bury each of them in the ground in different places.

So his anger is no longer scary to you, and the earth will take everything away and cleanse it. The person will forget why he was angry with you and will look at the problem with different eyes.

Conspiracy from hidden enemies:

If you only suspect that you have an enemy, but don’t know his name, then do this ritual. It will help detect the enemy and deprive you of your strength. Done at night waxing moon.

Draw a person on a piece of paper. You need to trace the outline with your own blood from your index finger. Tell:

“I will pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, I will submit to the Lord God. On this day, at this hour, early in the morning and late at night. Like the sun rises every morning, and like the moon sets every morning. So my enemy will move from right to left, and will leave me, the servant of God (name), forever. From this day until the end of time. In the name of the Lord God, the King of Heaven. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Burn the paper with the design and collect the ashes.

The ashes must be scattered at the intersection in all 4 directions..

When you finish, leave immediately, don’t look back. even if someone calls you with a familiar goal, just pass by.

Conspiracy to the enemy at work:

Your enemy at work? Is it one of your colleagues or even your boss? Then this old plot will suit you. Light up the workplace church candle, whisper to her:

“May my honor go to the servant of God (name), may my honor torment him, beat him and bake him. Wherever my enemy (name) goes, wherever he wanders, I will chase him everywhere, break his bones, and take his life. You will not think about me, the servant of God (name), you will not plot evil, you will not harm or interfere with me. You won’t see me in your dreams, you won’t be able to keep me in your thoughts, you will forget about me, the servant of God (name), forget and not remember. You go to your own side, stay away from me on a different path. Just as a blind man does not see and will not offend anyone, so you, servant of God (name), will not see me, and you will not be able to do evil. Don't look in my direction, don't look at me. I lock my words with a steel key, and throw the key into a deep ravine. Just as animals cannot figure out a steel key, so no one can cancel my words. Let what is said come true. Amen".

Cross yourself on 4 sides and extinguish the candle with your fingers. Let no one see this, you can do it after work or in the morning before.

Helps shut the mouths of gossips and speak evil tongues.

Protection from enemies for a new shirt:

This is a good protective spell. You need to buy from the market new shirt.

It may not be expensive, but you need to buy it without haggling.

Speak the text to it:

“The dark will always be dashingly topsy-turvy, it will not come to me, but will go into the dark forest, bouncing off my threshold. I, the servant of God (name), will walk through the meadow, I will not meet a wild beast there, I will not meet an evil person who thinks bad or plots. I will not accept an enemy, his evil will not come close to me, will not harm me. I lock the house inside out with the key, but I put the key away. No one can find the key, evil cannot pass against me. Amen".

Wear this shirt where your enemy is. Anything he says bad about you or wishes will bounce off your shirt as if from a good shield. This village protection spell, which has been used against enemies for a hundred years. A person can resist damage if he has such a charmed shirt. Every 5 years you need to read the protection plot again.

Conspiracy-prayer from enemies:

Short prayers will help you if you find yourself in a bad situation. Spells from anger work quickly, they will help to cool the enemy’s ardor, and shut him up if it has already come to an open conflict. Say to yourself three times:

“The Lord came from the seven heavens, the Lord carried 77 locks from 77 tongues. Close, Lord, the eyes, mouths, and mouths of all people, enemies, judges, so that there is no misfortune for God’s servant(s) (your name), throw the key into the ocean-sea. Whoever can get it can judge me. Amen."

Help will come quickly.

A quick whisper from an evil tongue:

Another quick whisper to always remember. He helps with difficult situation when the quarrel begins. Tell:

“Lord, Almighty God, protect my shelter and threshold, my mortal body, my work and my business from enemies visible and invisible, everyone I know, whose names I list, and those whose names I don’t know, but from whom I suffer innocently. Protect me, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Your ill-wisher will give up the idea of ​​harming you, you will each go in your own direction.


These conspiracies are quite expensive in terms of energy. You need to put protection around yourself, which cannot be penetrated negative energy. There is no need to do such rituals often or for several people at once. This will significantly reduce their strength and effect. Better find out who is the center of the evil ones gossip and slander on you. After all, it all started with someone. So direct the plot at him.

If you feel bad or are sick, then it is better to hold off on conspiracies. You are already weakened, and you are also wasting your own energy. conspiracies. Wait until you recover, otherwise the plot will take away even more health.

If you have diagnosed yourself spoiling, then start removing it, and at the same time, shut your mouth to evil tongues. Even if you just talk someone else's anger, the damage will no longer leave you. It still needs to be removed, the sooner the better.

Don't jump to conclusions. Perhaps the person has absolutely no negative attitude towards you. Therefore, do not resort to strong spells that could harm him. For ruining the life of an innocent person, Universe will definitely require an answer from you.

What else can help you:

The icon will help you St. George the Victorious. Place it at home, it will ward off enemies from the house. If this is someone close to you, then he will stop showing up at your place, saying that he feels bad in the apartment. This way you can identify the enemy.

From evil people orthodox icon helps a lot.

You can carry it with you in your bag or put it at work.

This will protect you from dangers, damage, and gossip.

Everyone has hidden ill-wishers, and the machinations of these people can seriously ruin our existence. Haters have an extensive arsenal of nasty things, intrigues and slander. A conspiracy from enemies will help you escape - a magical ritual invented by our ancestors to destroy anger.

People are looking for Vanga's conspiracies, Slavic or Islamic rituals - all this for the sake of protection from negativity. It’s hard to get rid of enemies, but we will help you deal with them. Quite simple spells will help you punish the enemy and protect yourself from trouble. Get ready to record.

Enemies and envious people in Everyday life enough. Natural magic works well against ill-wishers, making them suffer and suffer. There is a proven conspiracy that relieves you of uncertainty and makes your enemies fall behind. You need to read the text three times:

"If bad person(name is called) on God's servant(your name) or a cow, dog, or horse covets me, then he will never be happy. I collect sand from the sea, I take away your anger. I can’t count the trees and I can’t drink all the sea water, so this man can’t defeat me. Let the evil man's joints ache like roots God's power breaks in the forest. Let the troubles go back. Let the conspiracies and prayers of the adversaries strike with an arrow. Amen".

Magically neutralize the enemy

Some particularly powerful rituals are aimed at making the offender afraid of you. Such conspiracies from enemies are read once, with right hand, placed on the heart. So, if there are people nearby who are interfering with your life, mentally cast the spell:

“It’s not I who should suffer, but you. Lord, protect me from evil thoughts, take me away from evil deeds. Your eye sockets are empty, your bones are waxy. My prayer is strong against intrigues and unnecessary evil. Forever, adversary, get out of my way. Victory will be mine. Adonai."

Getting rid of enemies at work

Sometimes a person may need a conspiracy from enemies at work who have decided to destroy their competitor. To get rid of envious people and spiteful critics who interfere with your career advancement, get their photographs. For the spell against ill-wishers at work to be effective, the photo must be individual. You would not want to black magic did bad things to innocent people.

It happens that the picture shows 10-12 people, one of whom is your sworn enemy. To spend magical ritual, take the scissors and remove the extra characters. If you are interested in getting rid of a group of ill-wishers, you can work with their collective image.

Reading a conspiracy against colleagues

Taking a black thread, wrap it tightly around the obtained photograph. The thread against enemies at work should be wool. Procedure:

  1. Read the spell from evil people 7 times.
  2. Tie the thread as tightly as possible (three knots is enough).
  3. Say the phrase: “I go and say - so be it.”
  4. After reading the conspiracy against the enemy, go outside and burn his photo there.

There is no need to be afraid to combine rituals. There are different conspiracies from ill-wishers; they can be used for several groups of opponents separately. Some spiteful critics cast spells on food, others – on three candles. Here is the full text of the “working” spell:

“I direct my will, I direct my word, so that many adversaries’ undertakings reach a dead end. Let (mention of a name or names) take their hands away from me, they will not achieve their task. I am winding a black thread, I wish to destroy the enemy. Let (enemy’s name) suffer from envy, but he cannot take my power. He will always wander and lag behind me. Amen".

The most powerful conspiracies

With a powerful spell you will protect yourself from enemies even at a great distance. Magic works both on Slavs and on representatives of other nations. The main thing is to know the name of the potential enemy. After waiting for sunset, say the following prayer (read three times):

“I will call upon Saint Elijah to remove misfortune and misfortune from me. Heavenly army, forces of earth and water, tell me how to get rid of an envious person. I lead the Guardian Angel into battle; all his power will punish the evil-doing adversary. Help, heavenly army, with unpleasant person cope. Stop anyone who thinks evil, and warn anyone who gets rid of me. Evil force will be defeated. Amen".

Spell on a scarf

In order for a strong conspiracy from enemies to bring the desired effect, you can use magical artifacts. With a charmed handkerchief you can confuse the enemy and prevent his aggressive actions. This is strong protection from enemies, but you need to cast the spell before leaving the apartment. Please note a number of points:

  • we whisper the handkerchief;
  • the optimal time for the ritual is before going to work;
  • Having wiped your face with a charmed handkerchief, hide the resulting amulet in your pocket;
  • the ritual is repeated daily;
  • a spell can restore health, ward off damage and create good conditions for business.

A scarf will create a lot of obstacles for a bad person. Anyone who reads such a slander will cease to be afraid of competitors. The ritual is not the most effective, but quite serious. Here is the text:

"Seraphim and sky Angels. I made a feast for honest friends, the Lord's servants and unexpected guests. They will protect me from the evil eye, they will drive away evil damage from the house. What sticks will go into the scarf.”

Ritual with poppy seeds

The poppy spell is considered a preventative ritual - it is used to get rid of potential enemies. In this case, the person’s status and the degree of his closeness to you do not play a role. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Take out a handful of poppy seeds.
  2. Pour the poppy seeds into a clay container.
  3. Cross the food 3 times.
  4. Read the plot.
  5. Throw a charmed poppy to anyone who crosses the threshold of your home.

Guests do not need to sprinkle grains on their hair - just toss the grains into the pocket of their jacket or shirt. This can be done when the guest wants to go to the toilet. The well-wisher will be fine, but the potential enemy will have problems. Conspiracy text:

“I will cross the grains, I will not allow evil enemies into the house. Whoever had a bad thought immediately returned to his enemy. Let the enemies live and suffer, but do not encroach on my ruin and health. If an enemy steals anything, damn him.”

Prayer with candles

Strong conspiracies sometimes come from simple prayers. A candle spell will become a strong defense against any adversary. For the ritual you will need a glass of water and three candles. Cross yourself and drink water, light candles and begin reading the prayer:

“Lord, protect me from snares and snares, insidious ideas and evil plans, swords and poisons. Let not the Muslim blade, prison, bribery and enemy will strike me. Hot words, false promises, drowning wave, wild beast and fire, go away. Jesus and the twelve apostles are with me, they will protect me from early death, illness and an inverted cross. Mind me. Amen".

Return slander

There are slander popularly called “boomerangs”. The spell below is recited mentally in the face of an enemy arguing with you. Procedure:

  1. Learn the text by heart.
  2. Say a curse mentally.
  3. Seeing fear in your opponent’s eyes, add: “It will come back to you.”

The return spell works quickly. The enemy leaves without having time to harm you. The spell is:

“What is mine will remain with me, your evil will return to you. Dark thoughts are in your bodies. Everything will be that way. Amen".

How to make a talisman against enemies

Experienced healers recommend combining conspiracies to make enemies afraid, combined with the production of magical artifacts. Take out the loose gray poppy and start the ceremony on Thursday. An important point: change is not taken in the store when buying a poppy. The protective poppy itself crumbles at the threshold and passively protects your home from ill-wishers. Conspiracy text:

“There is a month behind us, the red sun is before our eyes. If the adversary is up to something dangerous, I will tie up with the night stars, I will not be afraid of anyone. Roll out, gray poppy, to my enemies for ruin and destruction of vile plans. A key and a lock with a tongue. Evil is spreading. Amen".

We have presented the simplest and most effective rituals that have been used by our ancestors in everyday life since ancient times. There are also more complex conspiracies pronounced at midnight or on major Religious holidays. Some rituals fall into the category dark magic, so use them carefully. Hit the enemy with a spell only as a last resort!

Every person has obvious or hidden ill-wishers. The machinations of these people negatively affect our lives. Intrigues, slander, gossip and rudeness cause serious damage to a person’s energy. To destroy anger, a conspiracy of silence is used.

Most people don't realize how dangerous gossip is. Slander always causes psychological and energetic trauma to a person. If he is discussed, his personal life is made public, this negatively affects his internal balance. Most often, gossipers and envious people look for victims among those they envy. As a result, a gradual destruction of a person’s energy shell occurs, and he may face a serious illness. Gossip has the ability to create negative vibrations on an energetic level, and this is fraught with consequences.

To avoid gossip, you should not share your personal life and problems with anyone, brag about your successes, or praise your partner. Envy can be so powerful that it will become a curse or an evil eye for you. People can envy not only success, but also beauty and intelligence; these qualities often become a target for gossip and gossip. You can help yourself protect yourself from negativity from ill-wishers with the help of magic.

Rules for conducting rituals

A conspiracy of silence will be effective only if all the rules are followed during its implementation:

  1. Such rituals can be performed by anyone, even without having certain knowledge or skills. It is very important to believe in the power of words and actions. This is the only way to achieve the desired result.
  2. All words must be pronounced clearly, without getting confused, without changing or removing anything.
  3. All intentions must be pure.
  4. Rituals are held at night, using mainly lunar energy.
  5. Rituals are performed in all alone. No one should interfere or distract. This includes family members, pets and noise from household appliances.

Remember also that you should not wish harm to anyone and spread gossip, otherwise higher powers will punish you and everything you have done will come back like a boomerang.

Effective rituals for silence

Silence the enemy

To silence the enemy and not spread slander about you, you can perform the following ritual. When cleaning the house, getting rid of garbage, read these words:

“I’ll clean my house, I’ll get rid of everything bad. He will become clean, I will sweep away all bad words, looks and wishes in my direction. I’ll take all the negativity to the trash heap and let it stay there.”

You can also use poppy seeds to get rid of enemies. The algorithm for performing the ritual is as follows:

  • take a handful of poppy seeds;
  • pour poppy seeds into a clay container;
  • cross the product three times;
  • speak poppy;
  • To everyone who comes to your house, quietly add a pinch of poppy seed to their pocket or shoe.

The words of the conspiracy are:

“I will cross the grains with the sacred cross, I will not let evil enemies into my house. Whoever thinks badly of me, let his thoughts and atrocities return like a boomerang. My health is with me, my happiness is with me, my wealth is with me. So let it always be.”

Ritual against gossip

To shut the mouths of those who like to gossip about you, you can use this ritual. Say the following words to spring, spring or well water:

"Bless Holy Virgin, this water, wash away from me all the touches and glances of the scythe, envious and bad words, gossip of women and men, all allotments and counterfeits, all the lessons, oohs, sighs.”

Cross the water three times, then wash your face and hands. This ritual can be performed every morning after waking up. After which there will be no gossip or slander against you. To achieve maximum effect, repeat the ritual daily. You can also take a few sips of the charmed liquid.

If you know someone who is spreading gossip and saying bad things about you, you can stop him. You will need a photograph of this person. She needs to be put under three church candles. Light the candles. While they are burning, say the following spell:

“I do not walk with my own feet, but fly with a black raven. Ahead of me the red fire breathes its flame, I step on the threshold of the enemies with my right foot. I’ll step on the threshold and crush the evil tongues with my toe. Let my enemies only move their lips and remain silent like a fish. Let them grind their teeth in anger, but they won’t touch me. Let a white circle fall around me, I can get rid of my ill-wishers. Shut your mouth and don’t bare your teeth against me, hide your tongue and don’t show it against me. You will be silent like a fish, you won’t say anything bad about me. Let it always be like this."

To get rid of gossip and slander, you can perform a ritual with a new rope. Tie three knots on the rope and lower it into holy water. Light the candle. Take a wet rope and bring it to the candle flame, while saying:

“I have a thick rope, I’ll tie knots on it. I will put those secret words in the knots. All the thoughts are cunning, all the words are bad, all the sneaky whispers and sidelong glances thrown at me, said and unsaid, far-fetched and invented. Let the nodes burn and not catch fire, and you lie and do not lie. Avoid me, take deception and misfortune with you. Go, you liars, to the crow’s land, shout there, teach everyone, but don’t touch me.”

Be sure to thoroughly wet the rope so that it cannot catch fire.

Protection from rudeness

Rudeness is a type of magical attack. As a result of such exposure, a person feels broken, empty and vulnerable. To protect yourself from such influence, you can use a special ritual to close a person’s mouth. It is held at any time of the day and during any lunar period. The following attributes are required:

  • small padlock;
  • church candle;

You need to wait until evening and light a candle. Open the lock and say to it three times:

“Evil tongues are spreading all over the world, slaughtering people with their knives, covering the sun with abuse. I will put a strict mark on those evil tongues, let them not move against me, they will no longer be able to create evil speeches. I will protect myself not from the heat or from the hated cold, but from the evil speeches of people, which flow with their poison, and eat up good people. No one will open their mouths at me, no one will pour out their insults, no one will scream, no one will howl like a dog, no one will stop growling like a wolf. And whoever dares to raise his tongue at me, let him instantly rot inside. I will close the lock with a knife forever and ever, I vow to my words.”

Place a lock on the knife blade and lock it with the key. Plunge the knife into the door frame. As long as the lock hangs on the blade, the ritual against rudeness will work. If the knife suddenly falls, this is a sign that this defense has been subjected to a very powerful energy attack and is no longer effective. In this case, the ritual must be repeated.

A quick whisper from an evil tongue

There is such a sign that if your ears “burn”, it means people are gossiping about you. In this case, you need to cross yourself three times and say the following words:

“Good Lord. Drive away all slander from me, punish all gossips. Guardian angels, my protectors. Stand with your wings in my defense, let all gossip go back. Let it be so.”

This method helps to quickly silence those who spread gossip and slander you.

Prayer to help

Prayer becomes an effective defense for you. Fill a glass with water and place three candles in front of you. Light the candles, sign the cross over the water, drink it and say a prayer:

“Lord Almighty, protect me from the tricks of enemies, from their intrigues, from inventions and malice, from poison and sword. Let the Muslim blade, prison and enemy will not touch me. My words are powerful, let them drive away waves, wild beasts, fire, lies. The Lord God is in front of me, the guardian angels are in front of me. Amen".

Wait for the big one Christian holiday. Go to the crossroads. Wait for the bell to ring, break the needle in half and throw it at the crossroads, saying:

“Stay by the four roads, the castle, and don’t let an evil tongue enter the threshold.”

Go to church, light a candle and place it in front of the icon of Christ, saying: “Let the Lord’s will come true, let my protection be established.”

When you come home, drink holy water and pray for health. When using prayers, it is not at all necessary to specifically memorize them. You can ask a higher power for help in your own words, only do it sincerely, with all your heart.

Everything about religion and faith - “a prayer to shut the mouth of gossipers” with a detailed description and photographs.

In this article I will introduce you to the most simple conspiracy from gossip. You can do it on any day without exception.

Gossip haunts us at work, at home and in broad daylight.

They will say something that never happened. And at the same time, the reputation is severely “damaged.”

To protect yourself from gossip and magically “tie tongues,” a special occult plot was invented that you can perform whenever you want.

You don't have to light any candles. And wait for the full moon too.

The only condition is to involve your own energy in the conspiracy power.

So give those who spread gossip a “punch on the lips.” Just do it not with your palm, but with “distance”.

Sit down at table. Calm your thoughts. Don't think about anything - not even about the gossip.

After a while, mentally imagine how “sharp tongues are tied.”

If you suspect someone, do not send retribution, but “shut his mouth” with a magical spell.

I create a conspiracy based on gossip, I don’t like falsehood and hubbub. Let your chattering lips close, let all your enemies become happy. They won’t agree on my soul, their mouths won’t burst from gossip. As soon as someone discredits him, the hiccups immediately wear him down. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

There is another short spell that you can say “on the go.”

If you're too much of a gossip, don't bother, shut your mouth and repent. Amen.

As soon as the gossip breaks, let it not affect me. Amen.

Now you can not be afraid of grumpy gossip spread by those who have nothing better to do.

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How to shut up a gossip girl with magic phrases

Has a gossip appeared at your work? Don't have the strength to endure her slander? Shut her up with magic phrases. You'll see, the gossip will soon calm down.

Apparently, with the help of gossip, they want to remove you from your position.

Perhaps this is an envious attack when someone’s mouth turns the entire team against you.

There's no time to figure it out. The right solution is to shut up the gossiper with the help of effective magic phrases.

After finishing the working day, leaving the office building, whisper these words to yourself:

As a lousy mouth spews gossip, let this scum suffer in pain. Amen!

Before you take workplace, read these magic phrases:

I shut up the gossiper and let her sickness take her to bed. Amen!

While at work, not necessarily next to a gossip, but feeling outside negativity, silently read these words:

I escape from gossip, I am not afraid of evil mouths. Suddenly you shut up, get the hell out. Amen!

It was a short article.

Now you can shut up the gossiper who badmouths you at work.

When the magic phrases begin to be worked out, you will feel the desired result.

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A protective spell will protect you from gossip

Gossip and rumors can make a person's life unbearable. You can protect yourself from slander and stop talking about yourself with the help of magic. Exist special rituals, which are easy to carry out and provide reliable protection for a long time.

But besides this, you should remember that in order not to provoke gossip, you need to talk less about yourself. It is important in society to learn to listen more than to speak. You should not arouse envy by talking about your achievements. You can only share your worries and hopes with people whose friendship has stood the test of time.

Effective rituals against gossip

There are a very large number of protective rituals that use a conspiracy against gossip. They need to be chosen on a purely individual basis, depending on the current situation. After all, sometimes it happens that gossip does not carry dangerous negativity and delivers minor troubles. In such cases, simple, quick-acting rituals should be used.

But if you feel that your success in life causes the envy of many people, this becomes dangerous and can seriously harm and even lead to health problems. In such situations, it is necessary to perform strong protective rituals.

Country way

Even in ancient times, our grandmothers protected themselves from gossip using charmed water. This simple ritual allows you to successfully resist slander and guarantee a calm life. All you need to do is speak water and wash your face with it every morning.

The plot goes like this:

You need to speak water every morning and try not to miss a single day. Before washing, the water should be crossed three times. It is very important to tune in every time you wash your face. positive result. This will release your own natural defenses.

Relieving the Symptoms of Envious Talk

Probably everyone is familiar with the feeling when involuntarily, on a subconscious level, the understanding comes that at a particular moment in time someone is discussing you. For example, your cheeks suddenly begin to burn. To others a clear sign gossip about you is a feeling of inner anxiety.

To relieve these symptoms you need to use the following conspiracy against gossip:

Before pronouncing the conspiracy, you must cross yourself. If you believe in magic, then such a conspiracy helps instantly. But it should be understood that it is a short-term protection; for a more reliable barrier to gossip, you need to carry out a more powerful ritual.

Powerful conspiracy

If you are sure that it is a specific person who is spreading gossip about you, you should use powerful ritual with candles.

For the ritual, you need to get a photo of an unkind gossip. There are no special requirements for the photo, so you can discreetly take a photo of a person, for example, with a mobile device.

Having retired to separate room It is necessary to place a photo of the person on whom the influence is directed on the table, and three church candles should be placed on the photo.

After this, you need to light the candles and say the following plot:

This is a very powerful conspiracy. Its action is based on the fact that a person who is about to say something bad about you with the aim of harming you will immediately feel very bad.

Protective amulet

A very effective magical attribute is a protective amulet, which you must carry with you at all times. Any object can become such a talisman. For example, silver jewelry is considered the optimal amulet. You can also order production protective amulet from a professional magician.

You should know that envy can seriously harm a person who has similar feelings in his soul towards other people. And if you are a positive and bright person, then you hardly need to be afraid of gossip and slander directed at you.

Conspiracy against gossip: how to get rid of slander

No one likes to be talked about behind their back, so it is worth using a gossip spell if you suspect that you have become the subject of heated discussions. It's simple enough folk ritual, which anyone can do. Let's talk about how to perform this magical ritual correctly so that it works and gossip disappears from your life.

Why is gossip dangerous?

Many people do not attach importance to the gossip that others invent about them. There is an opinion that “if they talk about me, it means I’m popular.” But gossip can cause serious harm.

What could this harm be like:

  • Negative discussions about your personality are bad for your energy. Usually gossipers invent tall tales out of envy - and this feeling kills a person. Moreover, both the one who envies and the object of envy. If gossip is not stopped, dangerous diseases can develop
  • If gossipers talk about your personal life, it can seriously damage your relationship with your partner. Firstly, he may simply believe his ill-wishers and stop trusting you. And, secondly, such discussions create negative energy vibrations that will have a bad effect on your union

If the gossip is harmless and does not carry a negative context, there is no need to worry. Discussing your life in a positive way will not do any harm. Therefore, you should only read a conspiracy that will help you get rid of gossip if the fables written about you are negative.

A conspiracy is a simple folk ritual that anyone can easily perform. But there are certain rules - they must be followed if you want the conspiracy to work and the gossip to stop once and for all.

  1. Believe in the magical power of conspiracy. There should be no doubts, no skepticism. The ritual only works for the person who unconditionally believes in it, without trying to understand
  2. Read the text of the conspiracy clearly and distinctly. You can’t stammer, peek at a piece of paper and forget words. Therefore, memorize the words in advance so that nothing prevents you from reading the plot correctly and accurately.
  3. Have pure intentions. You should only pursue good goals. If you want to harm someone with the help of a conspiracy, you will only bring trouble upon yourself. Evil sent to a stranger, will return to you threefold
  4. Read the plot in the dark, by the light of the moon. Lunar energy has very powerful force which helps enhance the effect of the spell
  5. Make sure that no one disturbs you during the ceremony. No person should enter the room. It is advisable that pets are not present in the premises.

If you follow all these rules, the conspiracy will definitely work and save you from annoying gossip.

Village plot: how to get rid of gossip with water

Water is a good conductor of energy, which is why it is often used in spells. Try to get water from a natural source - a spring, river or lake. As a last resort, you can use melted water or settled tap water. But then the conspiracy will have less power.

At night, fill a glass cup with water, stand over it and say the words of the spell:

After you read the text of the conspiracy, you need to commit three times sign of the cross. Remove the bowl with the charmed liquid to a secluded place.

Wash your face every morning with the charmed water. And gradually the flow of gossip, slander and fables about you will subside. Evil tongues will shut up and find another object for heated discussions.

Emergency plot

There is such a sign: if your ears suddenly “tan”, it means that at that second someone is speaking badly about you. If you feel that blood has rushed to your ears, you can use this spell to avoid gossip.

As soon as you feel your “burning ears,” mentally say the spell three times:

Then cross yourself three times. A sign that the conspiracy has worked is that your ears will stop burning. And the person who tried to discuss or judge you will immediately stop doing so.

Conspiracy from a gossip

This ritual is used when you know exactly the name of the person who is talking bad things about you behind your back and spreading gossip. Such a thing cannot be left unpunished - if the gossiper does not calm down, and conversations and clarification of relationships do not help, perform the ritual.

You will need a clear and high-quality photograph of the gossip, as well as three wax candles. It is better to purchase them at the church store on Friday afternoon.

Wait until midnight, open the window in the room to Moonlight entered the room. Light the candles and place the gossiper's photo in front of you.

While the candles are burning, clearly read the text of the plot:

Wait until the candle flames go out. The cinders must be collected and buried in the ground, along with the photograph.

This is a very powerful spell that should act instantly. Now the gossiper, every time he gets ready to say something about you in a negative context, will not be able to do so. He will either feel bad at this moment or feel a serious psychological barrier.

Watch a video about how gossip and rumors harm a person’s life:

Advice: To protect yourself from gossip before it even starts, wear amulets and charms. They will protect from negative influence emotions that ill-wishers feel towards you.

And most importantly, try not to gossip about anyone, criticize or judge anyone. Then evil tongues will not touch you either.

It seems to me that in our time it is almost impossible to get rid of gossip. But this plot is certainly worth a try.

Now everyone is discussing each other, and I myself do not hide the fact that sometimes I do this too. This is part of our life and there is no escape from it.

It’s unpleasant, of course, when people whisper behind your back, so I decided to make a conspiracy. The spell with water is so complicated that anyone can do it. But I’m more interested in the candle, the only question is, which one is needed? Black or regular?

And the advice is quite useful, you really need to gossip less about others, everyone has their own life.

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A conspiracy against gossip will help shut the mouth of your ill-wishers

No person wants to have various gossip talked about him behind his back. A conspiracy against gossip will help you protect yourself from evil tongues. This is a simple ritual that anyone can do. If you can carry it out clearly and correctly, slander and slander will disappear from your life forever.

To protect yourself from gossip and evil tongues with the help of a ritual, do not spread rumors about other people yourself, otherwise the conspiracy will not help.

Why is slander dangerous?

Many people don't understand the seriousness of gossip. Some experience a kind of euphoria - “if someone talks about me, it means I’m worth something and am popular.” But that's not true. Most slander is aimed at causing negative injury to a person. What does it mean?

Any discussion of a person, his personal life, has a negative impact on his internal balance. Often, gossipers slander a person out of a feeling of envy, killing with this feeling both the object of envy and, paradoxically, themselves. A person’s energy shell is destroyed and he can become seriously ill. Gossip can create negative vibrations on the energy level, which will lead to nothing good.

Gossip that reaches your partner's ears can ruin your relationship. And your arguments and justifications will not always be on your side. Your partner will stop trusting you.

How to prepare for reading conspiracies?

Hello. Please tell me how best to read conspiracies. How to prepare for the ceremony? It is better to read the hex in a whisper, silently or out loud.

Is it possible to read a conspiracy against another without his knowledge?
On what days is it better to read conspiracies?

I noticed that some conspiracies on your site indicate a specific day of the week on which you need to read the conspiracy more often.

Rules for reading conspiracies

  • Any person can read a conspiracy from gossips. But when performing it, you need to follow certain recommendations and rules for it to work for sure:

Do not doubt the power of the conspiracy. Believe that he will definitely help you.

  • Pronounce the words of the spell clearly and correctly, without hesitation or peeking at the paper;

    Do not wish harm on your friend during the ritual, otherwise you will harm yourself.

    Conspiracies against gossip and evil tongues

    Water spell

    Water is very often used in various spells; it is an excellent conductor of any energy. It is advisable to use not tap water, but water collected from natural sources. Water from a spring or river will have great strength than from the tap.

    At night, get up quietly and fill a container with water. A glass container is best. Over the water, clearly speak the conspiracy against gossips:

    “Holy Virgin, bless me for a good deed, deliver me from sidelong glances, idle gossip and slander. Let evil tongues bite themselves and forget about me, Your strength is great - my word is firm!”

    After reading the plot, cross yourself three times. Then hide the bowl in a secluded place. And wash your face every morning with only this water until it runs out, when this happens, the gossip directed at you will stop.

    Quick plot

    Each of us experienced a feeling as if for no reason our ears were on fire. This means that someone is discussing you. In this case, read the gossip plot three times:

    “Lord, help me, deliver me from idle gossip, and punish those who slander me, put a seal on their lips. Let their gossip come back to them. Amen!"

    After speaking the words, immediately cross yourself three times. And if your ears stop burning after that, then the plot has hit the mark. The person who discussed you will not hurt you with his words.

    Rite of protection

    Knowing the specific person who is weaving intrigues around you, it is easier to protect yourself from his attacks. If a gossip has been annoying you with his long tongue for a very long time, you should moderate his ardor and perform a certain ritual for this.

    Take the photo of the gossip and 3 wax candles, purchased on Friday in the second half. After waiting until 12 o'clock at night, open the window of your room so that the moonlight falls freely and illuminates everything around. Light the candles and place the photo right in front of you. With candles burning, read the conspiracy against slander:

    Red fire will help me, I will reach any enemy, but I will step on his sharp and evil tongue. I’ll attack so hard that I’ll crush him completely. Protect me with fire, create your white circle around me. So that not a single enemy with teeth and loud mouths and tongues gets to me. So that not a single evil mouth opens against me and does not start talking. No one else will dare to say anything bad about me or spread an evil tongue. Amen!"

    Do not extinguish the candles; let them burn out completely or their flame will go out on its own. Bury the candle stubs along with the gossiper's photo in the ground.

    Read this article: Protection from evil people at work. You might be interested...

    The power of this conspiracy is very great, so it should take effect immediately. And now the gossiper will not be able to say anything bad about you, since at this moment he himself will feel bad, or he will have a psychological barrier to utter words against you.

    To prevent slander and gossip, use special amulets or amulets. They will help protect you from various negative energy and unwanted emotions directed towards you by ill-wishers. Read also: Amulets and amulets against the evil eye.

    Ritual during cleaning

    The essence of this conspiracy is that it is carried out while cleaning the house. Along with getting rid of household garbage, a person puts himself in order and gets rid of the negative energy of evil gossips and envious people.

    While cleaning the house and sweeping away the trash, you can read the plot against evil tongues:

    “I clean my house, I get rid of negativity. Let all evil wishes and words be swept away and gone forever.”

    Whatever you do while cleaning, repeat these words with reference to the process itself. Put all your energy into clearing all negativity and dirt from your home.

    You can come up with the words for such a cleaning spell yourself, since the important thing here is the mood to get rid of black energy.

    Christian amulet

    Evil should not go unpunished.

    If you don’t know where to expect the “blow” from and the ill-wishers are unknown to you, you can make a talisman to protect yourself from all evil tongues. The best one in this regard is a Christian amulet.

    First, you need to choose the day when the waning moon phase begins. You will need:

    • 1 green candle;
    • consecrated red thread;
    • fabric black, white and red (three pieces).

    Do not tell anyone that you are going to perform this ritual. Don’t even let your relatives in on this. Lock yourself in an empty room, light a green candle and say:

    “I call on all the saints to help me! Envy has never been white, but only black, strong and evil. I burn it with a green candle, saving myself from envy. And the red color of envy is useless, I give it sacred fire. Let only white words remain, and let others be burned out by fire. Amen!"

    After reading the text, place the candle in the candlestick. The glow from the candle should not be visible from the street. Cut out three small circles from different colors matter and place it with a candle. Then read the second part of the plot:

    “I cover black and white with red. I close the entrance to bad words and thoughts. The Holy Cross helps me!”

    Topic "How to read conspiracies for healing" Topic "Stepanova's conspiracies - work or not?"

    General forum "White Magic" Fold the circles in this order: black first, then white, and a red circle on top. The circles are sewn together with red thread in the form of an embroidered christian cross

    . The cross will be the basis of the amulet. During embroidery, the plot is also read:

    I sew up the holy cross - lips, words and thoughts for an eternal lock. By the will of the Lord and the sacred outline. From now until forever. Amen!"

    Upon completion of the embroidery, you need to tie a tight knot of thread on the back of the amulet and say:

    “I secure the power of my words with a knot. From now on, an eternal castle will be thrown over the human mouth.” By silhouette pour a trickle of wax from a green candle. The remaining piece of red thread and needle from the embroidery is stuck into this candle and hidden. At the end of everything, the “Our Father” is read. The amulet is ready.

    Waiting for the great church holiday, you need to come to the crossroads and when the bells ring, break the needle and throw it on the side of the road, saying:

    “Remain my castle by the four roads, do not let an evil tongue enter the threshold.”

    Light the candle again in the church and place it under the icon of Jesus Christ and say:

    “The canvas is finished - this is the Lord’s will. Amen!" (3 times)

    Carry this amulet with you, and it will protect you from idle gossip and bad rumors.


    Conspiracies against gossip need to be updated regularly. You yourself also need to avoid gossip and gossip, so as not to become an object of whispering behind your back in the future. If you yourself do not discuss anyone, then nothing threatens you.


    If you have any questions or need help in your current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

  • What to do if your enemy or ill-wisher spreading gossip about you? How can you shut your enemy's mouth so that he can no longer cause you trouble? In this situation only a conspiracy will help you. The conspiracy will force your enemy to shut his mouth and stop harming. You will have time to take a break from the machinations of the enemy.

    Conspiracy to shut the enemy's mouth

    “On the Carpathian Mountains stands the Mother of God,
    She protects me, God’s servant (name), and protects me from enemies.
    He does not allow my enemies to take me with either sword or tongue.
    The Mother of God stands in my head,
    And her angels are behind me and at my feet.
    They are prayers saints read,
    I, the servant of God (name), am protected from enemies and blasphemy every day.
    My enemies' tongues are shortened and their mouths are closed.
    Enemies are turned away from my gates,
    They are fenced off with a holy tine,
    They close their mouths from lies and bad rumors.
    How the water doesn’t stay on the back of your hands, it flows down,
    So from me, the servant of God (name), the evil word bounces off.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    Shut the enemy's mouth with a conspiracy

    The purpose of the ritual is to prevent the enemy from saying anything against the caster. A conspiracy to shut the enemy's mouth helps make the enemy completely harmless.

    You will need:

    • needle and black thread;
    • a piece of black fabric;
    • wax candle.

    The ritual works best during the waning moon, but the phase is not important. Light a candle and say:

    “Spirits and demons, animals and people, hear me, put a lock on (name)’s mouth so that his tongue does not move, so that his teeth do not open, if (name) speaks against me or says a dashing word. With my own hand I will create this, with the power of fire I will bless this spell! Thread a needle and make as many stitches on the fabric as there are letters in the full name of the object. Every time they pronounce a spell: It’s not a thread on the fabric, but a spell on (name)’s mouth - they sew it, sew it up, close it tightly, so that my enemy does not make speeches, so that he does not speak dashing words, so that he does not carry evil on my tongue!”

    The ends of the thread are secured with candle wax. The stitched fabric is taken away from the house and placed under a stone. The cinder is thrown away.

    A conspiracy to shut the enemy's mouth will work within a few days. If the object is energetically strong, it will take up to a month. The effect of the spell is indefinite: only magic can remove it.
