When is Lyudmila's name day in September? The name Lyudmila in the Orthodox calendar (Saints). Postcards and funny congratulations in verse on Lyudmila Day

Most parents rack their brains for a long time about how to choose the right name for their child. You will have to live with this name all your life, and each name gives its own direction to the child’s character and practically determines his fate. Beautiful name for a girl this is Lyudmila, what awaits the representative of this name in later life?

A little about the name itself

The name Lyudmila comes from Slavic male name Lyudmil. Has several precise meanings, such as freedom, hinder and grow. The name itself is very affectionate and gentle, similar to the Russian pronunciation beloved, it is reliable and beautiful. If you divide it into two forms. It will turn out to be nice to people, which affects the owners of this name. Once upon a time it enjoyed enormous popularity, but over time it lost it. Today this name is not used as often, but Orthodox people love him very much.

Characteristics of the name

There are several seasons by which you can determine which exactly your Lyudmila belongs to.
Spring Lyudmila is a gentle sentimental nature who is touched by any actions and deeds. She takes everything that doesn’t work out and doesn’t work out very close to her heart. Such Lyudmila, as a rule, choose the profession of an artist, educator or teacher. In this they are expressed and revealed.

Summer Lyudmila is a woman endowed with a good mind, resourceful and sometimes too kind. Such Lyudmilas will be able to perfectly self-realize themselves in rhythmic gymnastics and choreography. All Lyudmilas born during this period are very light and airy.
Autumn Lyudmilas love independence and often try to fight for independence. Such a person would make a good writer, poet or journalist.
Winter Lyudmila, this is strictness itself, They are the ones who make wonderful leaders. They are brave, impetuous, very proud and demanding.

Little Lyudmilas

As a child, Lyudmila usually lives up to her name; for those around her, they are sweet and affectionate girls. They understand how charm affects those around them and use it constantly. But they do it completely sincerely without any ulterior motive. Almost all Lyudochkas do not tolerate any scandals; they constantly want to be close to their parents, looking for peace and warmth in them. Various types of disagreements and quarrels have a bad effect on Luda’s psyche. For such children, harmony in everything comes first, and therefore the family will have to observe it. The parents will be faced with the task of leading a very calm and measured lifestyle, in which there will be no outbursts of aggression, otherwise Lyudmila may experience childhood depression. Loving parents try to prevent various quarrels in front of the child and maintain balance in the house.

IN school years There are practically no problems with Lyudmila. She does well in her studies and is a success among her friends. She has well-developed organizational skills and, as a rule, she has already developed them by the time she reaches school. This age affects Lyudmil very positively; they are full of energy and optimism, which manifests itself in everything. During this period of his life, Lyudmil makes a lot of friends, he captivates with his charm and optimism. She is the center of attention, who can cheer and, if necessary, reach out and reassure. A sense of justice will go through life next to Lyudmila, it will not always play a good role, but she cannot escape it. Sometimes a child needs a little rest in order to gain strength and go into battle again.

In the class, Lyudmila usually takes the role of headman; almost everyone trusts them. Diplomacy adds a bit of oomph to executive status. They react very ambitiously to any movement happening around them, but they can always make the necessary and correct decision. Lyudmila needs to be helped to calm down her temper and aggressiveness; this will not always help her in life. This is the kind of leader whose rules can be difficult to agree with, but she will be able to lead a large number of people.

Adult Luda

Lyudmila, as an adult, remains the same irrepressible girl, but with a calmer character. Sometimes there may be outbursts of excess energy, but she can handle them skillfully. This charming person will still try to help everyone. If this is not needed, he will be able to advise something, point him in the right direction and convince him of the correctness of the decision.

If in life Lyudmila becomes a leader or assistant, then this is a great success. She makes an excellent employee who soberly assesses the situation and will be able to make the right decisions. A lot of ideas and fantasies fit in Lyudmila’s head. She can plan a family dinner and at the same time think about a new project. For the home, such women are simply irreplaceable. There is almost never a mess in Lyudmila's house. She is so fixated on this that sometimes it may seem that no one lives in the apartment. Cleanliness, neatness and everything in place are the most important principles of such women.

They usually choose a profession spontaneously, but there are those in which it will be like a “fish in water.” In medicine and psychology, these women will be able to open up completely and allow others to do the same, in general, they are perfectly positioned. In jurisprudence, this could be an excellent lawyer or prosecutor who will know the outcome of the entire case from the very beginning and will be guided towards it correctly. If Lyudmila chooses a profession related to music, then she will be the best music director. Lyudmila will also be able to express herself in art. With a wonderful sense of everything beautiful, she will be able to achieve good results. Lyudmila’s choice of profession is often influenced by close people, she tries to listen and makes her choice.

Positive traits of Lyudmila

Lyudmila is always a charming and neat girl who hardly gives her parents any trouble. From a child's early childhood, it is immediately clear which girl will grow up to be a mother. Luda shows the traits of a caring and sensitive mother, even when playing with dolls you can see this. Sometimes she simply needs praise, and therefore understanding parents try to praise and encourage her for any reason. People like Lyudmila are very loving and will be able to forgive the stupidities and shortcomings of other people. They have an analytical mind, which only helps in life. The owner of an excellent memory, Lyudmila, will be ahead of everyone during her school years. She will be able to approach everything with a creative approach. What will he take on? Such people read a lot, but do not become bores. Luda loves guests, just as she herself is not averse to visiting.

Negative traits

The most unpleasant thing is that in Lyudmila’s character there seem to be two people living in her. Rudeness, external weakness, hopeless laziness, can coexist with opposite qualities in one person. Sometimes she can be too touchy, at the same time cunning and crafty. At first glance, it may seem angry, distrustful and rude, but this is most likely just an internal defense and over time they begin to understand it. Any feature of Lyudmila is her inner world and sometimes it can be so fragile and brittle, so you need to take care of it and cherish it.

The Holy Martyr Lyudmila is considered the first patroness of the Czech Republic. She was ranked among the saints for her righteous living and martyrdom.

Life of Saint Lyudmila

The daughter of a Serbian prince, born in 860, Lyudmila received an excellent education, which was unusual for women of that time, and spoke several languages, including Greek and Latin. While still young, she married the Czech prince Borzivoj and left for her new homeland - the Czech Republic. Thanks to this marriage, several tribes united on the territory of the modern Czech Republic.

The couple, like almost the entire people, were pagans, however, acquaintance with Methodius, the great Slavic educator and the creator of Slavic writing, prompted them to convert to Christianity (in 882). They built the first in the country christian temple, named after St. Clement; they contributed in every possible way to the spread of the true faith in their state.

Lyudmila was widowed early - she was only 29 years old when her husband died, leaving her with 6 children, four daughters and two sons, of whom the eldest also died quite early. The youngest son Bratislav began to rule the country, but virtually all the reins of government were in the hands of Lyudmila, and her rule was considered wise thanks to her Christian charity, which was especially evident in helping the needy, the disadvantaged and the sick.

Prince Bratislav married Dragomira, an arrogant girl with exorbitant pride, but most importantly, a pagan at heart. They had two sons, completely different from each other. The eldest, Vyacheslav, was like his Christian father, and the youngest was like his wicked mother. Since the eldest son was the heir, the prince entrusted the upbringing of Vyacheslav to his own righteous mother Lyudmila, and left the younger one to Dragomira.

In 921, Lyudmila’s son, Prince Bratislav, died, and Vyacheslav ascended the throne, but since he was a minor, the Czech Sejm appointed Dragomira as his regent. It was then that she showed her true colors, trying to restore pagan orders in her land. Lyudmila expressed her dissatisfaction to her daughter-in-law in no uncertain terms, but since she had no power, she had to retire to Tetin, where she continued to do charity work and prayed a lot.

Murder of St. Lyudmila

At night, assassins broke into her chambers. Lyudmila understood everything and only asked to kill her with a sword, so that, like other martyrs, shed her blood for Christ. However, the killers knew that shedding blood meant recognizing the murdered as a Christian martyr, and therefore they strangled Lyudmila, presumably with her own veil, which became her constant attribute and is depicted on every icon of St. Lyudmila.

They buried her under the city wall of Tetin, not according to Christian customs, but the Lord marked this place - burning candles appeared over it every night and things began to happen. miraculous healings. When this news reached Vyacheslav, Lyudmila’s grandson, he transferred her ashes to the Basilica of St. George in Prague, and then, after the construction of a temple in honor of St. Vitta, to this temple.

Although the veneration of the martyr Lyudmila constantly grew, it took the church more than a century and a half to canonize her. Then the day of her memory began to be celebrated as church holiday, and the icons “Martyr Lyudmila, Czech Princess” appeared. She is also revered by the Russian Orthodox Church: her name is listed in the calendar, and in many churches there is an icon of “Lyudmila of the Czech Republic.” On the icon she is always depicted with her head covered with a veil, with which, according to legend, she was strangled, and wearing a princely crown.

What do they pray to the icon of Saint Lyudmil for and what does it protect from?

Every woman bearing this name must have an icon of the saint, because she will become her patroness. In general, St. Lyudmila, in addition to her homeland of the Czech Republic, patronizes grandmothers, mothers, teachers and educators, which is fully explained by her life. The best gift for a girl, girl, woman of this name is a personalized icon “Lyudmila”.

They pray to the icon, the holy martyr, asking for protection from evil intentions and family discord, for the well-being and health of children and grandchildren, for overcoming everyday troubles and, of course, for strength in faith. Prayers that can be said in front of the icon “Lyudmila - Holy Martyr” should come from pure heart; You can also pray in your own words.

Prayer to the holy martyr Princess Lyudmila

Oh, Holy Saint of Christ, Martyr Princess Lyudmila, First Lady of the Czech country and the capital city of Prague, an adornment, warm prayer book for us before God, behold, we, who have committed many sins, humbly fall down and pray to you, do not let us perish in the mud of our sins, but lift up us prayer.

Oh, Most Blessed Mother Lyudmila, do not forget to visit your children, even if you passed away from us to the heavenly abodes. Together with the Holy Martyr and your grandson Vyacheslav, when the youth Vyacheslav grows up, his father, your son, according to the custom of that time, ask the Bishop and the priests with all the clergy to call upon him the blessing of God. The bishop, having served in the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos, placed the youth on the steps of the temple, and blessed him as follows: “Lord God Jesus Christ, bless this youth, as you blessed your righteous ones, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and crown him, as you crowned Orthodox kings, equal to the apostles Constantine and Helen."

In the same way, you, his holy foremother, ask us, sinners, for God’s blessing on our children, and on all of us, who have sinned greatly, let us thank the Lord for the gift of His grace. May we together glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and your great intercession for us forever and ever. Amen.

Besides own day Every person can also celebrate their birthday. You just need to know the correct date. So, when is Lyudmila’s name day?

Option 1

I wonder on what basis these or those are celebrated personal dates? Everything is very simple, the day is associated with certain events, which most often relate to the religious sphere. The same applies to Lyudmila’s name day. So, on September 29, approximately 860, Lyudmila of Czech was born - a historical person who, together with her husband, tried to educate her subjects. They built churches and helped clergy in every possible way. Canonized as a great martyr, because she was strangled on the orders of her own daughter-in-law much later than her death own husband(at the same time she led a pious lifestyle).

Option 2

According to another version, Lyudmila’s name day can be celebrated on September 28. This is connected with another person who was numbered among the great martyrs only in 2000 by the Russian Orthodox Church - Lyudmila Vladimirovna Petrova. Afterwards, in Soviet Russia, she tried in every possible way to spread Orthodox faith, for which she was arrested several times and subsequently sentenced to death on September 27, 1937, the sentence was put into effect the next day.

About dates

It should be noted that Lyudmila’s name day in 2013, as well as in any other year, is celebrated on September 29; this date is considered fixed and not transferable. On this day it is customary to greet all women who bear this name.

About Lyudmila

Knowing when Lyudmila’s name day is celebrated, I would like to dwell a little on the meaning of this name. It is worth noting that it is considered Slavic and initially consists of two words - “nice to people.” Depending on this, certain conclusions can be drawn: People are kind, affectionate, completely non-conflict individuals. As children, they are serious, study well, and try hard. At a young age, Lyudochkas are attractive, men like them mainly due to their gentle nature, but in the family they are the core that keeps everything afloat. Even in this case they manage to find a way out. People with this name are very patient and able to endure any hardships in life. Also, Lyudmilas do not like officialdom, so it is better to congratulate them without unnecessary pathos - quietly and modestly.

About the name

When the holiday approaches - Lyudmila’s name day, those who wish to use this name want to address them in a particularly affectionate way. There shouldn't be any problems in this situation. Lyudmila is called by all sorts of names: Luda, Mila, Lucy, Lucien, Milasha, Mika.

About gifts

It’s approaching, but you have absolutely no ideas for a gift? It's quite simple. Since Lyudochkas are most often housewives, they are excellent housewives, you can give them gifts from this area. Milas will be happy with new pots, dinnerware, an interesting cookbook, and small household appliances. Often women with this name are creative individuals who love music and art. It’s not a bad idea to present Lyudmila a ticket to a concert or to an art gallery, you can give your favorite book in an expensive binding - a woman will definitely appreciate it. Like most ladies, Lucy is gentle and reverent, so her loved one will please if she simply arranges a romantic evening for two, a walk through the city at night, or gives her flowers or a cute teddy bear. And even if it is a banal gift, a woman with this name will definitely like it.

You always want to know more about the origin of your name. One of the first questions to arise is about the stories associated with the lives of the saints of the same name and the days of their memory. After all, it is at this time that the day of the angel is celebrated. After reading the article, you will find out when Lyudmila’s name day is according to the church calendar.

When is the day of the angel Lyudmila

The Slavic roots of the name originated during the Middle Ages. The era of romanticism of the 19th century is the time when this name spread. The impetus was the appearance of Pushkin’s poem about Ruslan and Lyudmila. It was most common in the 50-60s of the previous century.

The church form of the name is Lyudmila.

Briefly - Mila, Luda. IN foreign countries meets like Lucia. IN male version- Lyudmil.

The name speaks for itself - “dear to people.”

It can be divided into two parts:

  • “people” sounds harsh;
  • “mila” is pronounced softer and more melodious.

This property gives duality to a woman’s behavior. Luda combines prudence and organization with hot temper and impulsiveness.

Twice a year in church calendar Lyudmila’s name day is mentioned:

  • Petrova - September 28;
  • Czech - September 29.

A popular legend says: you can judge the approach of cold days if you see flocks of geese flying away on these days.

Brief description of Lyudmila

Duality of character causes a lot of trouble for Lyuda. It combines strength with weakness, laziness with efficiency, sensuality with emotional coldness.

She has a good memory, so studying comes very easily to her.

She has many friends. Lyudmila always tries to help them solve problems, give helpful advice. He is respected for his ability to keep other people's secrets secret. Gossip and squabbles are not for her.

Positive traits:

  • kindness;
  • unselfishness;
  • love of reading and handicrafts;
  • attentiveness;
  • accuracy;
  • patience;
  • hospitality.

Professional activity

Lyudmila does not like monotony and painstaking work. She needs interesting work with a creative approach.

She has excellent intuition, which allows her to quickly understand the characters of the people around her.

Lyudmila will find her calling in the profession:

  • medical worker;
  • teacher;
  • lawyer;
  • designer;
  • seller;
  • advertising agent;
  • artist;
  • writer.

Leadership positions are suitable for her. She doesn’t quibble over details and fairly evaluates the actions of her employees.

She is not always lucky in creating her own business; she often has to create everything again.

Family relationships

Lyuda’s independence of character and excessive independence are a common cause of family discord. The husband does not want to put up with these traits. The family breaks up.

Successful marriages with Alexander, Andrey, Evgeny, Kirill, Ilya, Dmitry.

Doesn't fold family relationships with Nikolai, Egor, Yakov, Stepan, Eduard.


A woman needs to pay attention to her cardiovascular system. Varicose veins occur at a fairly early age. The main thing is not to miss the onset of the disease.

Problems with neurological disorders are observed when the daily routine is not followed, when Lyuda goes to bed late and sleeps for a long time in the morning. This way of life affects her appearance.

The story of the Holy Martyr Princess Lyudmila of Czech Republic

She is called the patroness of grandmothers, mothers and Orthodox teachers.

The origin and date of birth of Lyudmila Cheshskaya are unknown. She was married to a Czech prince. I took it with my husband Christian faith. They preached it to their subjects and built new churches.

Soon the prince died at the age of 36. After his death, the widow led a righteous life, worried about the church, and ruled the country for her young children.

Her son Vratislav, married to the pagan Dragomira, ascended the throne, and then their son Vyacheslav. Dragomira took advantage of her youth and inexperience young man, began to distribute in the country pagan rituals. She hated her mother-in-law, who tried to resist, and tried to destroy her. On her instructions, the princess was killed during prayer.

According to legend, various miracles occurred at the burial site (near the city wall):

  • burning candles appeared at night;
  • The blind man was healed when he touched the earth from the grave.

Having learned about the signs that were taking place, Vyacheslav ordered her relics to be transferred to Prague to the Church of St. George.

The story of the martyr Saint Lyudmila Petrova

Lyudmila Petrova is a needlework teacher who lived in Rostov.

After her retirement, she was arrested several times. She was accused of belonging to a church-monarchist group and sent into exile.

In 1937 she was shot.

Name day - important date In human life. Remember your patron saints, take an interest in their fate. There is always something to learn from them.

She was given in marriage to Prince Borivoy. Both of them were baptized personally by Saint Methodius. After this, the couple did a lot to ensure that Christianity spread among their subjects: they built churches, invited priests to conduct services.

However, great grief befell this family; at the age of 36, Prince Borivoy passed away to the Lord. Saint Lyudmila, after the death of her husband, led a pious life, cared for Saint Orthodox Church. 33 years after Prince Borivoj, his son Vratislav, who was married to Dragomra, ruled. They had a son, Vyacheslav. After the death of Vratislav, his son ascended the throne. But since he was inexperienced, his mother Dragomira concentrated all power in her hands.

She began to spread paganism in the country. But she received powerful opposition from Saint Lyudmila. Then Dragomira decided to destroy her mother-in-law. At the time when the martyr retired to pray in the city of Techin, murderers sent by Dragomira entered her cell and carried out their crime. This is how the martyr Lyudmila departed to the Lord, whose body was first buried in Techina and then transferred to Prague to the Church of St. George.
