When can you give communion to a child? The servant of God, the baby, receives communion... The process of performing the sacrament

Some parents believe that babies have no concept of sin, and what is the point of giving communion to a baby who has no sins? However, Saint Theophan the Recluse said that communion effectively and vividly unites the baby with the Lord, as a new member of His Church. According to the teachings of the saint, Communion sanctifies him, pacifies him and protects him from dark forces By God's grace.

Every person, even an unconscious infant, is open to acceptance God's grace, which is perceived not by consciousness, but by the soul. In addition, there is evidence that children who frequently receive communion get sick less, sleep better, and are not capricious. But not everyone knows the rules for giving communion to children. We will try to answer the most popular questions.

Which part of the service should you bring your children to?

Up to a year

You can come with your infant to receive the Sacrament after the Liturgy. However, babies can be fed before communion. But this should be done at least half an hour before communion, so that the baby does not accidentally burp. Mothers who were preparing for communion are allowed to partake of the Holy Sacraments together with their children, even if they came with them towards the end or in the middle of the Liturgy.

Up to seven years

From the age of two or three, one must gradually accustom the child to attend services at least with the prayer preceding the end of the Liturgy, that is, with the general church singing of the “Our Father.”

After 3 years of age, you can try not to feed the child, however strict rules no on this matter. Some feed children before service until they are 6-7 years old. Every parent should approach this issue wisely. It is good to consult a priest about this. From the age of seven, it is customary to teach children to fast, but not strictly and gradually. For example, you can convince him, for the sake of Christ, to give up watching cartoons, or eating some food that is especially tasty for him.

Up to ten years

Children from 7 to 10 years old should be brought to church to sing “Izhe Cherubima”.

We must remember that not every child, especially a small one, can withstand the entire service and therefore parents can come to church later. Children over 10 years old should come to the full service, but if parents notice that the child is tired, they can go outside with him and take a walk near the temple. You should know that not all children have the patience to endure the entire service, so do not force him to do this, as you may make him dislike the service.

What prayers to read to children before Communion

Priests recommend that parents read at least one prayer or several prayers aloud to their children when preparing for communion. Moms (unlike dads) do not have to read all the canons and all the rules. Just read prayer rule to Holy Communion. At the same time, either the father, or godparents, or grandparents can read the canons and rules in full for the child.

If no one except the mother can do this, then she should pray according to her capabilities. But even if the mother does not have time for a large number of prayers, then it is enough to pray according to the rule of the monk:

“Our Father - 3 times”, “Hail the Virgin Mary - 3 times”, “I Believe - 1 time”

There is no need to fast for a child. However, before the child receives Communion, parents should abstain from marital relations. We must try to do everything possible so that coming to church to introduce a child to grace does not turn out to be useless. But we must do everything to the best of our ability, because God knows our strength, He does not expect anything impossible from us.

We must remember that it is not enough just to bring a child to church and give him communion. Parents should try to preserve the grace received in the temple. On the day of communion, be peaceful, do not get irritated, and especially not quarrel. On the contrary, try to show special love for each other. Children are sensitive, and will definitely understand that Communion Day is a special day. Only by their example and kind-hearted attitude towards each other and towards their children will parents be able to cultivate a reverent religious feeling in their children.

How to teach children to pray

The child must be taught to pray in his own words. For example, “Lord save me, my dad and mom, my godparents (names), my grandparents (names)”. As they grow older (from three to four years old), you can already teach your child main prayer "Our Father...". In this case, each word should be explained to the child so that he specifically understands the meaning of the prayer.

Gradually (from four to five years old) the child can be given a short rule of several prayers. “Our Father...”, “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice...”, “Holy angel of God, pray to God for me,” “Lord, save and have mercy on me, my father and mother, my godparents, my grandparents.”. The rule for a child should not be difficult and short (from 5 to 10 minutes in the morning and evening). The main thing is that he understands what to pray for and prays willingly.

How to prepare for confession

Children have different ideas about sin than adults. Therefore, the Church, as a rule, does not confess to children under the age of 7 years. Children under this age are not confessed because although children can talk about their sins, they cannot bring repentance in order to completely correct themselves.

Parents of children over 7 years old should find time to briefly prepare them for their first confession. If a child has committed an unseemly act, the parents must explain to him why he did wrong and ask him to ask for forgiveness, first from God, and then from them. This is how the first skills of confession are instilled. Over time, parents need to have simple conversations with their child about confession and the meaning of the Sacrament of Communion. Speak in accessible words about God, who loves everyone. God sees all the deeds, all the actions of people, including children, all their thoughts. And if a child has done something bad, he waits for him to admit it to his parents and tell the priest in confession, through whom God will forgive him his bad deeds, that is, his sins.

How often can children receive communion?

When asked how many times children can receive communion, probably every priest will answer: “As often as possible.” But there are certain, recommended periods of time. Infants can receive communion almost every day, and children aged one year or more 2-3 times a week. Children after seven years old, once a week or once every two weeks and on holidays. Please note that these are just recommendations. It happens that due to their busy schedules, parents give communion to their children less often, so they must decide on this in accordance with their capabilities.

Infants are not given Holy Communion on Wednesday and Friday →

Infants are not given communion on Wednesday and Friday of Lent. Any other day is possible.
Children usually do not fast either the day before or on the morning of communion, this is how he can stand it. For me, Sashka sometimes doesn’t eat in the morning.
The schedule in churches is different, look at what time the liturgy begins. From the beginning to communion it takes 1 - 1.5 hours, you should arrive 15-30 minutes before communion.
Crosses, of course, should be on you and the baby. There, realize, the priest will come out with the Chalice, everyone will line up, the babies will be let in first. Come up and say his name in full, with which you were baptized. Then you'll go get something to drink. That seems to be all. It happens that children get scared out of habit and cry, then there is no need to force them, just stand aside, next time they will agree.

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12/20/2002 22:11:50, Olga Ovodova

Natasha, everything is much simpler, the main thing is not to fight →

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Natasha, everything is much simpler, the main thing is that they are not afraid - no one in the church bites, and don’t be shy to ask the grannies when it comes to the child, they all fall into tenderness and will tell you everything, the main thing is not to anger them with tight jeans and bare heads. They always give communion during the morning service - the Liturgy, but it’s better if you go up to the priest and say that you want to give communion to your child for the first time (if you want to, it’s a little stricter), he’ll say everything. It’s not clear how old the child is, but if he’s probably been eating meat for a year, it’s better, of course, not to eat before communion, but it’s unlikely he’ll do without breakfast, ours can also chew an apple in an hour in church (in any case, it’s better than a tired, crying child), if this is your first time, then estimate how long he can calmly spend himself in the church, I love the service and we go to the beginning, but Sashka is already used to it. For me, coming 5 minutes before communion is not very clear, at least 30-40 minutes before, because it’s not for yourself, but for the child, although of course it’s up to you, but usually the children like it in church)), even those who are visiting for the first time. That seems to be all, look at how others will give communion at the beginning and do the same. I hope you (and you will like it too) and this will not be the last time.))) 12/20/2002 19:07:43, OleNkaM

>>I’m wondering if it’s possible to clean myself in →
>>I'm wondering if it's possible to brush your hair during Lent?

Yes, sure
>>Is it possible to feed a child meat a day in advance? Small child

usually does not fast.
>>What time should you come to church? If for the communion itself - approximately an hour after the start of the liturgy, where and how, it is better to ask candle box

in the temple where you go.
>>What should you take with you?

Place the cross on the child.
>>Is it necessary to defend an entire service?

Optional. As a rule, small children are brought to the temple immediately before Communion.
>>What day should I come?

Any day in the morning when there is a service in the church (Divine Liturgy).
You can simply go “to the front row” of those praying after everyone has loudly sung “Our Father” and wait for Communion. Children receive communion before adults.

>>And most importantly, what should we say?
Take the child in your arms, if he is small, then lay him down in your arms, with his head to your right elbow. If he’s older, just pick him up and fold his arms crosswise on his chest (right one on top). Approaching the priest, say clearly full name child. After Communion is given into his mouth with a spoon, he will need to kiss the bottom of the cup (or simply kiss it). Then you need to go to a table where you will be given to wash down Communion with a small amount of warm wine, heavily diluted with water. Like that. 12/20/2002 19:02:18, Emily

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Ideally, a child should receive communion every week →

Ideally, a child should receive communion every week and, of course, during Lent too. There is no need to fast (the little one just won’t be able to do it), you can eat and drink. It is better to arrive at the end of the service (or rather, at communion), because it will be difficult for both you and the child to stand through the entire service, but I know that there are heroes who have calm children, they go to the entire service. Communion is given on any day when there is a service in the church. Children are given communion first and usually all the old women vigorously “push” mother and child forward and clear the way for them. So go ahead. And advice: if you are afraid that your child will be scared or that he is generally averse to the spoon, then it is better to put him on right hand, with the other hand, hold the baby’s arms and bring him to the thicket in a lying position. This is how the youngest are usually given communion. Then the same grandmothers themselves will indicate where the drinks are.

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12/20/2002 18:59:16, trapezund

About the communion of children

Communion is a mystery. But without partaking of this mystery, we will not be able to be full members of the Church, grow spiritually, and, ultimately, without partaking of the Holy Mysteries of Christ, we will not be able to become heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven (John). By receiving communion, a person receives the fullness of the grace of the Most Holy Spirit, i.e. all the best that he can only get on earth for his life, for his development.

The Lord showed that physical communication, physical closeness to Him is just as real as intellectual or spiritual communication, and that infants’ lack of understanding of the “truths about God” does not prevent real closeness with God.

When giving Communion to children, you need to take into account that for children from one to three years old there is no preparation before Communion; they can even be fed. It is also important to prepare the child for Communion. Say that we are going to church, that the priest will give you communion, that you will open your mouth.

Moreover, by about two years of age, a child, especially if he is not used to receiving communion, must be explained what Communion is and how to begin the Sacrament. There is no need to use blasphemous formulations like: “Father will give you a delicious compote” and the like. It’s better to say: “Father will give you Communion – holy, good...”. Or: “We will partake of the Body and Blood of the Lord.” So gradually, thanks to the attitude of adults towards the child-communicant - how they congratulate him, kiss him, try to dress him in a festive way on this day - he begins to understand that Communion is a joyful, solemn, holy event.

If the baby has never received communion, then when he is brought to the Chalice, he may be afraid. He does not understand what they are trying to do to him or, for example, he thinks that they want to give him medicine, or there may be another reason. In such cases, there is no need to force the child to receive communion. It’s better to let him watch how other children receive communion, give him a piece of prosphora, bring it to the priest for a blessing when they venerate the cross, and tell him that he will receive communion next time.

By the age of three or four, it is possible and necessary to explain to children the meaning of the Sacrament of Communion. You can tell children about Jesus Christ, about His Nativity, about how He healed the sick, fed the hungry, and caressed little children. And so, when He learned that he would soon die, He wanted to gather with his disciple friends for the last time and have dinner with them. And when they sat down at the table, He took the bread, broke it and gave it to them, saying: “This bread is I myself, and when you eat this bread, I will be with you.” Then He took the cup of wine and said to them: “In this cup I give myself to you, and when you drink from it, I will be with you.” This is how Jesus Christ gave communion to people for the first time and bequeathed that all who love Him should also receive communion.

Starting with a simple explanation, growing children can be taught about the Last Supper in more detail and more fully, following the Gospel text. During the liturgy they will hear the words: “Take, eat, this is My Body, which is broken for you for the remission of sins” and “Drink of it, all of you, this is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins.” And they need to be prepared for this. But no matter how we simplify the Gospel stories, it is important that their meaning is not distorted.

A small child may cry during the service, which will disturb those praying, and it is not easy for parents and their child to endure the entire service. Therefore, it is better to come to the temple 10-15 minutes before Communion. This may also apply to some children over 3 years of age. Children should be accustomed to the Temple gradually, not forced to defend the entire service, since in the future this may have the opposite effect, and the child will not want to go to church at all.
Gradually, by the age of four, you need to teach your child to take communion on an empty stomach. This liturgical fast is an excellent preparation for receiving the Sacrament, and the sooner the child gets used to it, the better, and the easier it becomes.

From the age of five, children can already fast the day before communion. Not strictly: abstain from meat, sweets, from watching cartoons, try to behave better, be more obedient, etc. It is good to read out loud one or more prayers for Holy Communion with them.

Parents are called to teach their children how to approach communion: fold their hands on their chest, and when approaching the Chalice, do not cross themselves, so as not to accidentally push the Chalice. You should tell the priest your name. After communion, we are given a piece of prosphora to eat and a little wine and water to drink - this is called “zapivoka.” All this external rules, and they cannot be confused with the meaning and significance of the sacrament, but the behavior established by tradition in the temple has no small importance. It is important for children to feel in solemn moments that they know how to behave like adults.

Speaking about the frequency of Communion, we note that young children can receive Communion often, but starting from the age of six or seven, it would be more prudent to coordinate this issue with their confessor. Or with any priest who will be aware of your circumstances.

From the age of seven, a child must be brought to confession, for which he should also be prepared: tell that in this sacrament the Lord himself forgives sins. Of course, we teach children even earlier to analyze what is good and what is bad, so the age of confession can be reduced if the child understands what kind of Sacrament this is and is aware of his actions. It is important that the child is not afraid of this Sacrament, and therefore you need to try to warn the priest that your child is having his first confession.

From the age of seven, the child must gradually be accustomed to the other requirements for Communion. But it is important to remember that this is external preparation for Communion, and internal preparation is also important. Parents themselves must strive to love the temple, love God and fulfill His holy commandments. Remember that in the Sacrament of Communion we meet Christ and we must strive for this meeting, rejoice in it, desire it (as we desire a meeting with a loved one). It is important to instill this love in a child. And therefore, here we need gradualism in everything and, most importantly, a personal example, otherwise we can only tear the child away from the Church and God. The Lord accepted children and rejoiced in them, did not burden them. So we must gradually and lovingly lead children to Christ. Striving ourselves to be an example of not just formal fulfillment of church instructions, but an example of love, understanding, moving away from rubbish, anger and malice. After all, a child judges faith by looking at us, and if we do not live Christianly, then the mechanical Communion of children is unlikely to bear fruit. Only with an understanding of the essence of the Sacrament, only with desire and love for it, and therefore for God, will Communion bring benefits to a person, will be a cure for both spiritual and physical ailments. And of course, a firm faith in God and faith in His love for Us is necessary. “I give myself to Christ, and Christ comes into my life.” His life in me is what the sacrament of Holy Communion consists of, and this is where the meaning and purpose of our life is revealed.

(Reflections on the upbringing of the children of priest Ilya Shugaev, a father of many children)

Children, like adults, prepare for Communion by fasting, confession and prayer. But preparing children for Communion is different from preparing adults.

0–3 years. One can say very simply about preparing children for Communion at this age: children are not preparing in any way yet. You can feed infants when they require it and come to church. Moreover, you don’t have to arrive at the start of the service. At this age, children do not fast because they cannot fast. Kids have not yet fully learned to manage their feelings and their behavior. For example, a child, going into the kitchen in the morning and seeing cookies there, will take them, although two minutes ago his mother strictly reminded him that he was not allowed to eat before communion. He understood this and easily agreed with his mother; his desire completely coincides with his mother’s desire. But now there is a cookie in front of him, and a new desire arises. A child has two desires, but he does not yet know how to control them, so, as a rule, the last one wins. The child will eat these cookies, and it will not be his fault. You cannot demand from a child what he is not yet capable of. Therefore, the child can be fed before Communion at this age, if necessary. Closer to the age of 3, it is advisable not to eat before communion, but if a child accidentally eats something, this does not prevent him from receiving communion. Special prayers before Communion with a child are not yet read. Obviously, there is no confession yet either.

You can come to the Liturgy 15 minutes before Communion. If the church service starts at 8.00, then you can come with the kids around 9.15. We arrived, in 15 minutes there will be Communion, we took communion, in another 15 minutes the end of the service. A child spends about half an hour in the temple, so almost any child, even the most restless, usually endures this time in the temple. You just need to find out in advance at the church where you will go and when it is better to come with your child to communion.

It is best for children at this age to receive communion every week. All Christians received communion just as often in ancient times. Now, due to the fact that it is customary for an adult to fast for two or three days before communion, adults receive communion somewhat less frequently: once every two to three weeks or once a month. Every week there are already two fast days (Wednesday and Friday), and add a few more fast days It will be hard as adults. Since children do not fast, they can receive communion every week.

3–7 years. At three years old, a child reaches a certain transitional age, he grows up and already controls his feelings and actions. Therefore, from 3 to 7 years old, children receive communion on an empty stomach. At three years old, you can explain to a child that he cannot eat before the service, and he can already stop himself at the sight of an accidentally left delicacy. If a child accidentally eats something, he may not be allowed to receive Communion, which the priest must decide, taking into account the age of the child, the church affiliation of the child and parents, and much more.

At this age, the child is also not brought to the beginning of the service, although a little earlier than toddlers. At home, together with his parents, the child can read 2-3 familiar prayers. The child is brought to church 15–30 minutes before communion. Children can receive communion every week. Children at this age do not confess. Some children can quite consciously confess before the age of seven, for example, as early as six years old.

7-14 years old. At seven years old comes next stage child development. He becomes a little adult, so he does everything like adults, only to a lesser extent. For example, adults fast for two to three days, but a child should fast for at least one day. Adults read the complete prayer rule, but a few short prayers are enough for a child. And finally, from the age of seven, children begin to confess. Further, as they grow older, children become closer and closer to adults: they fast a little longer, read more prayers, and confess more seriously.

Therefore, at this age, the child fasts 1-2 days before Communion. From the moment a child learns to read, he reads special prayers to Communion. At the age of 7, you can read only 3-4 special prayers, and the older the child, the closer his prayer rule is to an adult.

Good afternoon, our dear visitors!

Should children be given communion? And how often should this be done? What to do if a child resists Communion: he is capricious, breaks out and clenches his teeth?

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev answers:

“For me, the answer to this question is obvious: “Let the little children come and do not hinder them from coming to Me, for to such is the Kingdom of Heaven.”(Matthew 19:14). These are the words of Christ, you cannot argue with Him. Therefore, children need to be given communion; this should be started as early as possible and repeated as often as possible, as circumstances allow.

Usually, when women ask me about this, I answer that non-lazy mothers give communion to their children once a week, and lazy ones - once every two weeks, then I suggest that they decide on the category to which they want to classify themselves, and act accordingly.

In Communion, God Himself unites with man. Naturally, this does not pass without a trace: God influences both the soul and the body of a person, his character, his behavior.

Childhood is the time of personality formation. A wise observation is known: a person can be taught while he lies across the bench, and not along. Next, the time of education is replaced by the time of reaping the fruits of this education. And how important it is that at the most crucial time of his formation in life, a person (still small) is not deprived of God’s strengthening help.

If a person does not receive something in childhood, the consequences of this affect throughout life. I undertake to affirm the validity of this in relation to Holy Communion: if the human soul from infancy has not had the experience of communion with the shrine, this will have consequences in the future. Favorable or not - guess for yourself.

Sometimes they say: “Children cannot be given communion, because a person approaching Communion (as well as any other Sacrament) must understand what is happening to him, what he is about to begin. Is a young child capable of understanding what Communion is?” I answer firmly and decisively: Yes! Capable! To the extent of its development.

I remember an incident that struck me with my son. Children at the age of one or two years are explained who God is, pointing to icons, and then they are touched when asked: “Where is God?” - the child points his finger at the image. My son did not escape this either; he, too, touched my wife and me in this common way: he babbled “God” and pointed to the icons.

One day he and I were looking at photographs. Children love this, and it is useful for them to fixate their attention on the details of the image. Here we open a photograph of a priest standing in the Royal Doors with the Chalice in his hands, the son points to the Chalice and says: “God.”

I was amazed: we - the parents - did not teach him this, so this is his personal discovery! This is his personal faith! I don’t think that my son is any special, a child marked from childhood with the stamp of piety and knowledge of God, and he himself supports my opinion with his whims, stubbornness and disobedience. This means that such faith is available to any child. And how can we then say that children are not able to understand the Sacrament of Holy Communion?!

In addition, we will try to answer the counter question: “Are adults able to understand what happens in the Sacrament of Communion?” Can any of us claim to understand how bread and wine become the Body and Blood of the Creator? And how do they become our body and blood in Communion?

That is why the Sacraments are called that way because they are inaccessible to human understanding. And how do we differ from children in this respect, and how do they differ from us? Nothing. We are also capable of understanding something and believing only to some extent. So let's leave this conversation. Children can and should be given communion.

But! Parents need to make every effort to ensure that their children receive communion with dignity. It is known that Communion can cause troubles and misfortunes if performed unworthily. Let me remind you of the words of the Apostle Paul: “Whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord unworthily will be guilty of the Body and Blood of the Lord... whoever eats and drinks unworthily eats and drinks condemnation for himself, without considering the Body of the Lord. That is why many of you are weak and sick, and many are dying.”(1 Cor. 11:27-30).

We, of course, do not wish this for our children, so we must try to ensure that our children are prepared for Communion, again, to the extent of their development. We need to tell children about what awaits them, we need to directly call the Body and Blood of Christ body and blood, without filling the little man’s head with nonsense about sweet water or “the compote that your uncle will give you.”

Yes, the reality of the presence of Christ in the Holy Gifts cannot be explained to children, but there is no need - they generally take all the words of adults on faith, and they will take these too, especially if the parents themselves firmly believe in what they are talking about.

Older children need to read aloud at least one prayer for Holy Communion, or together with them, in their own words, ask God to be worthy of Communion. It is necessary to make Communion dependent on the child’s behavior so that he feels that he can be unworthy of Communion.

Finally, the parents themselves need to receive communion, otherwise bewilderment and even distrust will arise between them and the children: how can it be that they push me to the Chalice, but for some reason they themselves do not receive communion. There should be no disunity in the family, which means we should strive to receive communion with the whole family.

What to do if a child resists Communion: he is capricious, breaks out, clenches his teeth? Pray hard for him, try to go to church with him more often, so that the church environment becomes familiar and familiar to the child, so that he sees how other children receive communion, and finally, you yourself need to set an example for the children.

There is no need to forcibly give Communion to children, holding them hand and foot, otherwise they will have a feeling of violence for a very long time, and in the future their resistance to Communion will only worsen, because it is human nature to resist violence.

The impressions we receive in childhood may be unconscious, but they are very stable, and we run the risk of establishing a certain negative stereotype of perceiving everything churchly for the rest of our lives. Perhaps most often, children’s resistance is explained by a lack of understanding of what is happening. After all, any of us is wary of encountering something unfamiliar and incomprehensible.

So is a child: if he was suddenly snatched out of a stroller, instantly destroying his usual cozy little world, dragged through a crowd of strangers, uncles and aunts, thrust into the presence of some bearded monster (thanks to the fact that most of the male population now go “bare-faced”, many have a beard children perceive as an anomaly), then what reaction will be natural? Rejection.

So there is no need to place the blame on the child, attribute to him almost demonic possession. You just need to prepare your children for Communion in advance, explaining to them the meaning of what is happening and setting a personal example, which, as we know, is the most effective means of education.”
