The cat brought kittens in a dream. Why does a woman or man dream of a cat with kittens: dream book. Also, using different dream books, you can interpret the plot of the vision in different ways.

Why do you dream of a cat with kittens? A vivid dream with touching furry pets promises something completely unexpected. To correctly interpret a dream, it is important to remember the smallest details well.

The interpretation of dreams does not always lend itself to logic; often bad and nightmare dreams promise good things, but cute kittens recently born to a cat, on the contrary, portend trouble.

A cat with kittens in a dream marks the imminent appearance of numerous problems, and the more babies a pet has, the more troubles it will encounter along the way. Most dream books recommend that after such a vision, take a good look at your immediate environment: friends, colleagues and beloved relatives. There is an envious person lurking among them, who is using all his strength to harm you as much as possible. If you manage to expose your ill-wisher in time, you will avert trouble.

There is no need to be afraid of future problems; the smaller the kittens were in the dream, the faster you will cope with the troubles. Growing up, playful kids, causing mischief and damaging property, warn of a series of troubles and tragedies that will befall the dreamer and his loved ones.

Why does a woman dream

A dream where there was a cat with kittens is interpreted differently if a woman dreamed about it. After a vivid dream, it makes sense to listen to your body and go to the pharmacy for a pregnancy test. If you are already aware of your interesting situation, then there is no need to fear bad omens: if you took care of the babies, fed and stroked them, experiencing extreme tenderness, then everything will be fine with the child, and the birth will go well for the woman.

If a young girl dreams of a cat and a kitten, the vision foreshadows a calm and successful fate. There will always be patrons in life, caring for and protecting from troubles and problems.

Interpretation of sleep for a man

A vivid dream in which a man saw a cat with kittens foreshadows minor troubles at work, as well as the risk of problems in family relationships. Try to restrain yourself and show maximum wisdom to avoid deepening conflicts.

Interpretation of sleep by various dream books

Almost all dream books contain interpretations of dreams related to cats and their offspring. To correctly interpret the vision, you should remember the circumstances and details well. But regardless of such trifles, the dream will signify troubles and problems.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

For Freud, furry pets personify the opposite sex and craving for it. If a cat that has given birth fawns over you, it means that in real life you have no shortage of admirers, and playing with your offspring symbolizes a craving for young ones.

According to Freud, if you are scratched by a cat or her babies in a dream, it means that you are hiding a craving for masochism, which extends not only to the sexual sphere, but also to everyday behavior. Look around you: perhaps you deliberately surround yourself with people who constantly cause you mental suffering.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga’s position towards pets is quite strict: a dream with their participation promises negativity and warns of the presence of a certain quarrelsome person in your life who is extremely dangerous for your destiny. If there are many kittens in the vision, expect the collapse of your own reputation and national disgrace.

Loff's Dream Book

According to Loff, seeing a pet giving birth in a dream foreshadows a rather unfortunate loss of money. You are too trusting and extremely inattentive, and this is where all the troubles that occur take their roots.

If your pet gave birth in a dream, your subconscious shows that you are very worried about the need to make some important and pivotal choice. If you have already formed a way out of this situation in your head, remember what kittens were like. If they were fluffy and well-groomed, then the right path was chosen, but if the kids looked sick and skinny in a dream, urgently think about everything again.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Tears and betrayal are foreshadowed by a pet who brought kittens in your dream. A vision in which there was a white animal is especially dangerous. The dream warns that an insidious enemy is lurking in your immediate environment, who will soon harm you.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The dream warns of impending betrayal; the Polish seer interprets such visions as an omen of ingratitude on the part of acquaintances. In response to your efforts, not only will you not hear a banal “thank you,” but your slightest mistakes and habits will be actively discussed behind your back.

Women's dream book

A dream about a pet that unexpectedly brought furry babies is a signal from the subconscious about an incorrectly chosen model of behavior. The way you behave in society is fundamentally inconsistent with your inner essence. Contradictions will eventually result in depression or outbursts of irritability that destroy an established life.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

A cat with a litter foreshadows a fatal series of failures, but if in a dream you tried to get rid of the offspring by driving away or killing the kittens, the situation in reality will completely improve without unpleasant consequences.

The meaning of sleep depending on the situation

The interpretation of night vision directly depends on the circumstances and details, so it will be good if you were able to remember the important little things that were present in your dream.

Cat feeding kittens

A rather peaceful spectacle is interpreted in a positive way. If in reality you love furry pets, the dream will be a vivid reflection of your own kindness and warmth.

Giving birth cat with kittens

A vivid dream where you see a cat giving birth and help her get through a difficult period foreshadows that events will burst into a measured life that will turn everything upside down. Over time, you will cope and get rid of the consequences of gossip and slander that are unpleasant for your reputation.

What color was the cat

The color of the cat is no less important for interpretation. If you dreamed of not your favorite pet, but a random animal, pay attention to the color of the coat:

  • a light cat portends that you will bathe in the waves of tenderness and care of your loved one;
  • a black cat warns that there are treacherous people in your immediate environment;
  • a tricolor cat speaks of future adventures and fun;
  • The red cat warns of the presence of ill-wishers, who will soon become more active.

The more offspring an animal has, the more pronounced the warning about impending danger and the presence of vile and insidious ill-wishers.

Cat with dead kittens

A tragic picture seen in a dream in reality foreshadows a positive outcome of the dreamer’s problems. The sick will return to their former health, the pregnant woman will safely give birth to a healthy child, and the businessman’s business will go uphill again.

If you do not come across dead kittens, but kill them yourself, then you will have to fight for a positive outcome of problems in reality. The more the kids resist, the more effort it will take to get back on track.

Everyone loves cats. And even though people now don’t need to protect their homes from mice and don’t believe too much in evil spirits, a warm, purring creature brings comfort, kindness and affection. But such a dear and cute cat in a dream is often a symbol of enemy forces. True, not all dream books interpret dreams this way: in order to find out why a cat and kittens are dreaming, you need to remember all the details of the dream.

Everyone loves cats

Miller did not consider seeing a cat with children at night a good omen. This is especially true for those dreams when an animal rushes at a person, protecting its kittens. In life, this can only mean one thing: beware, someone nearby is trying to screw you over.

  • In predictions Wangi dreaming of a pussy surrounded by many small kittens meant shame. Try to control your behavior, especially at corporate parties.
  • Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus more pragmatic: if a dream with a cat in the lead role predicts a drought or a large-scale disaster, then a furry creature with children means an improvement in the situation in the country.

Almost all interpretations Freud contain sexual experiences: a cat with children is no exception. Frequent dreams of a petting animal explain your subconscious desire to find a younger partner for intimate meetings.

Cats in the dream book (video)

Why does a girl, woman, or man dream about a cat with kittens?

The interpretation of the dream depends, in part, on who dreamed of the feeding cat.

  • For a young girl dreams about a cat with kittens
  • promise a large number of loving admirers. Unfortunately, interpreters are silent about the seriousness of the relationship.
  • For a man, a dream with a feline predator in reality means a desire to cause harm. It is possible that you have seriously offended someone close to you.

The interpretation of the dream depends, in particular, on who dreamed of a nursing cat

For beginning entrepreneurs, a cat with children is a bad dream: most likely your competitors are not happy about you and will try to set you up in every possible way.

Seeing a black, white, red cat with kittens in a dream

The color of the dreamed cat is of great importance.

  • An animal and its offspring are black in color and can mean betrayal of a loved one or major trouble. For a woman, this can serve as a warning about the appearance of a dangerous rival.
  • A white cat can promise an unexpected surprise, however, it will not be pleasant: subsequent events will be negative and the ill-fated gift will be to blame for everything.
  • A red-haired pussy with kittens promises a successful turn of fate in real life. It is possible that the cat will dream of adding to the family. In general, such a dream promises an easy life period when everything works out without much hassle.
  • Calico cats are also considered special in real life: as a rule, they are excellent hunters and have the gift of healing. A dream with such an exceptional animal foreshadows a life full of various adventures, perhaps somewhere with an adventurous twist. There is no need to worry: everything will end for your financial well-being.

Fluffy, smoky gray kittens predict peace and prosperity in the family.

If in a dream a cat feeds kittens

A nursing cat is white - a good dream. In real life, this could mean a nice gift from a close friend. By the way, the surprise will not necessarily be material - the loved one will probably show genuine love and tenderness.

In real life, this could mean a nice gift from a close friend

True, in order for the vision from the kingdom of Morpheus to come true, one needs firm confidence that the kittens are the children of this particular animal.

Why do you dream of a cat with very small newborn kittens?

Newly born blind kittens can tell the sleeping person that in real life not everything is so smooth and correct. It is possible that it is difficult for you to make a responsible decision, and you resemble a blind kitten that pokes in different directions and does not see a way out. The feeling of uncertainty and fear must be overcome, only in this case can fate be changed.

  • Most often, a bunch of small fluffy kittens promises trouble and a minor deterioration in health. Such a dream will not cause any particular concern, but you will still need to take some measures. Timely resolution of minor problems will save you from the machinations of major attackers.
  • Sleeping with newborn kittens can be interpreted depending on the emotional state of the sleeper. Disgust at the sight of an animal giving birth can mean a difficult path with many obstacles and evil enemies. On the contrary, tenderness and a feeling of compassion promise a favorable outcome in business.

Newly born blind kittens can tell the sleeping person that in real life not everything is so smooth and correct

If in a dream you happened to see purebred babies, then this dream promises a good gift or just a great mood in real life. A drop in the ointment for such a dream - it is possible that the offering was not made from a pure heart, and the donor expects a return service from you.

Why do you dream about dead kittens?

Seeing a dead cat baby in a dream is very unpleasant. However, in reality this is a completely harmless dream: you don’t have to wait for manna from heaven, but bad events will also pass by.

  • A litter of cat babies promises trouble, but dead animals are a completely different matter - the problems will end unexpectedly, to your delight.
  • If a furry baby dies in his sleep before your eyes, you should not be afraid: all difficulties will be easily overcome. Most likely, you won’t need much trouble.
  • Dead kittens in the kingdom of Morpheus promise early release to the prisoner in real life.
  • For women in this position, sleep predicts an easy birth without complications.
  • Small predators killed in a dream in real life will help solve the most confusing problems and dig a hole for those who prepared it for you.
  • A good sign is dead black kittens: the dark streak in your life is over, get ready to receive gifts from fate.

If a furry baby dies in his sleep before your eyes, you should not be afraid: all difficulties will be easily overcome

Drowned kittens dream of material well-being: a cash bonus or promotion is possible.

What else can a cat and kittens dream about?

If you dreamed that you were drowning kittens in a dream, then this portends success in real life.

  • If you dreamed of killing an animal with your own hands, get ready to solve your problems yourself: you will not receive help from your loved ones. If the kitten resists, then you have a long and grueling fight ahead of you.
  • If a small predator bites you in a dream, then when you wake up, try to identify the hypocrite and swindler in your circle.
  • The funeral of a kitten in a dream invites you to forget old grievances.
  • Buying a tiny kitten may warn you of impending deception: be careful with financial transactions.

A gifted kitten is a sad dream, foreshadowing loneliness.

Why do you dream of cats (video)

Unfortunately, in real life there are a huge number of abandoned cats with small children. It is likely that the animals seen in a dream are just an ordinary illustration of your day. If you suddenly want to neutralize bad interpretations of dreams, give a warm home to a small abandoned kitten. And then, no matter what you dream about, your life will be filled with kindness and affection.

Attention, TODAY only!

Soft, fluffy, purring creatures so dear to the heart, in a dream, are often a symbol of enemies. But for an accurate interpretation of a dream, one character is not always enough; you need to look at the totality of all the details. For example, what a cat and kittens dream about is not always a bad sign. In what cases should you beware, and in what cases should you prepare for joyful events? Our dream book will tell you about this.

A cat with kittens in a dream is the personification of tenderness and care for offspring, therefore, by definition, such a dream can only bring good moments in life, but only if you know for sure that the kittens belong to this particular animal.

For example, if in a dream you saw a lot of cats and kittens, just en masse, without showing care and tenderness, then this is a bad sign. In addition to the hidden ill-wishers symbolized by cats, you will have minor troubles that will in one way or another be associated with ill-wishers. According to the dream book, bad rumors will circulate around your person, spread by your enemies.

In this case, it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid deterioration of your reputation, but the dream book advises not to enter into relationships with strangers, shady individuals, and to lead the most correct lifestyle possible, so as not to create the ground for dirty gossip.

Also, the dream book can interpret what such a dream means in a positive way, if in the dream you petted and hugged pets. This picture is especially favorable if you currently have unresolved problems. Soon, everything will fall into place, and harmony and peace will reign in life.

Why do you dream about a story in which a cat gave birth to many kittens? The dream book interprets this picture from an emotional perspective. If, at the sight of an animal giving birth in a dream, you felt disgust and a desire to turn away, then you have to go through a difficult path to your goal, where enemies will definitely build obstacles for you, and not everyone will be able to overcome them.

But if you were not disgusted in the dream, then you can expect a long-awaited addition to the family and an extremely favorable situation in business. The dream book gives even more positive predictions if you pick up a newborn kitten - very soon you will literally catch luck by the tail.

The color of a cat with kittens matters

The coloring of the animals you saw in a dream has almost the most important meaning in the interpretation of the dream book. If you dreamed of a black cat with kittens, then this is a bad sign; in reality, you may encounter the infidelity of your significant other, or a charming rival who wants to take your spouse away from the family.

The dream book about a red cat with kittens in a dream is interpreted in a completely different way by the dream book. Why do we dream about the golden-red color of animals? This portends unprecedented success in all endeavors, receipt of significant material benefits, ease in the pursuit of a long-awaited goal.

A white cat feeding kittens is also a favorable sign. White color, as the embodiment of purity, and a feeding animal - as a symbol of tenderness, together make up a positive prediction in the dream book. Expect a pleasant gift from your loved one, as well as all manifestations of care, love and affection from him.

Why do you have a dream where a calico cat gives birth to kittens? Here, the combination of three different colors foreshadows the saturation of life with a wide variety of events - both good and bad, but in the end everything will be resolved successfully, you can even expect an increase in financial well-being.

Separately, it is worth considering the interpretation of Miller’s dream book about a cat with kittens in a dream. He gives only a negative interpretation to such a plot, especially if the cat, protecting her offspring, rushes at you, scratches, hisses. At the moment, the enemies especially want to ruin your life, so be careful, don’t fall into the traps set, and calculate all your moves to the smallest detail.

Hello! 🤗

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night️ 🌃.

The likes are spinning 😍⭐️

    1-Feb-2018 Arisha:

    I dreamed of a gray cat with a gray kitten (he had stripes), and there was something incomprehensible about the second one; when I first found them, he was black, and then, when he grew up, he became gray. The cat allowed her and the kittens to be picked up and stroked, she took very good care of them, I brought food every day. The cat was about 2 years old, and the first gray kitten was 2 months old, and the second was 1.5 months old, I say approximately the exact age, I don’t know.

    I dreamed of a cat who gave birth to three kittens. One kitten was pecked by a chicken. I managed to save two. She brought the whole family home and laid them on the bed. They became smaller, about the size of eggs. Then she began to fight off some incomprehensible creature, and the whole family disappeared. I was afraid that I had killed them through negligence.

    I dreamed that I went out to smoke and there was a cat on the steps and about 3-4 kittens with it. I took a cigarette out of the pack and it fell out. I wanted to pick it up, but the kittens tried to tear the cigarette and they succeeded. The same thing happened with the second cigarette. On the 3rd, everything worked out, but the kittens ran away afterwards. Despite all this, I was intoxicated. The cat and kittens were beige. I myself started smoking 3 days ago.

    Hello, I saw a lot of kittens, and just born, teenagers, and adult cats, among them is my kitten, and I tell my mother: take them away, they are Mickey. Everything is gray and white.

    A good article, but for some reason no Dream Book helps me interpret my recent dream. I tried Rambler, this one, and some other one. Nothing was clarified. Recently I dreamed of a cat with kittens. She herself is black and so are the kittens. Except for one thing, he was bright red. I somehow ended up in someone's apartment. Some woman gave shelter to my brother and me. We, in my opinion, are lost or lost in this city. Well, I see a box with a hole, and inside is a cat with three or four kittens. I have such deja vu and I grab the red kitten that was from the very edge. He squeaked, but I didn’t let go, I stroked him. There was some kind of irresistible effort to hold him. Then I let him go and took the cat. I put her somewhere softer and tried to lay her down. This is where the dream ended. I don't know how to interpret it.

    I dreamed of a cat, there was water all around in my bathhouse and I saw a cat with kittens. I wanted to drive me away, but the cat bit me on the hands and somehow she ended up at my house with the kittens. People are bustling around, I was afraid of this cat all night, and I dreamed about it until the morning. In the end, somehow I became friends with this cat.

    3-Feb-2017 Anonymous:

    I saw a 3-colored cat in a dream. Red, black, white and two kittens, one was like a cat, smooth-haired and tricolor, and the second was black and white and fluffy. I stroked them all (I had a dream during my illness).

    For two days in a row I have been dreaming of many cats and many kittens (kittens are 2-4 months old). And they are all in my garage, I separated a place for them where they will live, laid hay for them and put everyone there. After that, I looked after them: I fed them, bought toys for cats and kittens. In the dream it was so cute, but it turns out this is all gossip that will ruin your reputation.

    I dreamed that I was standing in the subway with my sister, and next to me a cat was giving birth to kittens, the cat was red, and there were three different kittens, one red, the second black, and the third gray. I don’t know why this is, but in my dream I was petting kittens.

    8-Sep-2016 Margarita:

    I enter the apartment where I previously met with my lover. There is a different environment there, many different kittens, the smell of boiled animal food. I’m looking for my wallet, but I find different other people’s wallets. And I think why I touched them and erase my prints.

    A tricolor cat with 5 kittens suddenly appeared in my house; she had incredibly beautiful turquoise eyes, and I stroked her, I really liked her, she charmed me, she was so affectionate, and there was so much understanding and intelligence in her eyes.

    I dreamed that on the threshold I saw a cat with kittens and tried to kick them out of the house, but they returned, and at the same time they bit and scratched. What is this for?

    I dreamed that my husband and I picked up a black cat and a black kitten at the market and brought them home. Then at home I see a cat sitting in the kitchen cabinet, thin for some reason, eating sugar. A dog appears and growls at her, and I gave her something to eat and bread.

    I dreamed of a three-colored cat lying down, and two fluffy red kittens playing nearby. The cat was affectionate, and the kittens began to play with me.

    I dreamed that a black cat was sleeping at my feet, it was as if I woke up in a dream and she also ran into my closet and I found her kittens there. She washed them. Then I see that her cat is also on my bed, but I threw him out the door... Why would this be??????

    I dreamed that the relatives wanted to take the kitten, but still had doubts, although the kitten was already waiting for them. As a result, the cat herself brought her kitten into the house. The kitten is smart and quick-witted. In this house the cat ended up with an adult kitten, a big one. Who saw her with a little kitten and became jealous. The cat began to calm him down, purring next to him. In the same dream there were a lot of fish. In some kind of zoo. I walked and looked at her. There were both big and small fish. I was afraid of some, and I sympathized with others. Another frequent change in weather in a dream. Either a cloud would roll in and it would rain heavily, then the bright sun would suddenly shine.

    I dreamed of many cats with kittens of different colors. They came from everywhere, from under the bed and from under the pillow. I began to drive them out, and the adult cats began to attack me, but were unable to bite me. Why would this be a dream?

People love cats very much. In life, furry animals evoke only pleasant emotions. But dreams involving these pets are not as clear as they might seem at first glance. Dream books compiled on the basis of centuries of experience will help you find out why a woman dreams of cats.

General interpretation of dreams with cats

In order to understand the meaning of sleep, you need to take into account many nuances. In addition, each dream book reveals information in its own way, therefore It is worth familiarizing yourself with various sources before drawing conclusions:

You need to think carefully about the meaning of dreams involving cats and kittens. A dream for a woman can have a very ambiguous interpretation. An adult cat is a symbol of femininity and sexuality, but kittens are a sign of helplessness and loneliness.

A cat swimming in the water portends an awkward situation with long-term unpleasant consequences. Moreover, a person will find himself in this situation of his own free will.

Several cats increase negative omens. Soon signs of hypocrisy and lies will appear in life. There will be deception from an unexpected side. But if you dream of a cat and a dog, this is a very good symbol. Loyal friends will protect you from troubles.

All representatives of the cat world are associated with otherworldly energy. The deceased cat represents a connection with the world of the dead. He warns that you need to take care of your health, as well as that of your relatives and loved ones.

If you dream of cats in the house, beware of lying friends. They only seem to be reliable people, but if the situation is right, they will surrender without blinking an eye. You should not let them near your home.

Fluffy in motion

All dream books most often associate a cat with an ill-wisher. If the cat is driven away and it runs away, it means that there will be deliverance from the machinations of enemies.

A cat eating fish suggests that good news may be passed over due to the fault of an opponent. But if you dream of your animal catching a mouse, you can count on prosperity and profit.

If a cat speaks human language, then this has only one meaning - the woman really lacks sensual pleasure. She feels lonely, which is why her experiences result in such an incredible plot.

If a cat scratches, troubles will happen in life. Possible problems with the nervous system. It is necessary to fight the circumstances with all your might and difficulties will recede.

An interesting interpretation of a dream where a cat shits in the house or on the bed. The dreamer will be disappointed along the path of life, however, this is precisely what will give him new strength and lead to prosperity.

Velesov's dream book gives an exact definition of whether a cat has bitten a young woman. She will be very disappointed in her chosen one because of his betrayal or betrayal. And if a cat bites a man, they will slander and slander him.

A cat fight promises a series of minor failures. But don't worry too much about this. The difficulties will not be as serious as they may seem. Soon everything will stabilize and a white streak will come.

Sick animals

Oddly enough, crippled cats are always a good sign. A wounded cat symbolizes the loss of strength among competitors. But a bloody animal is a very bad symbol. A loved one will suffer. A cat without a tail means the dreamer's loss of freedom.

A pathetic, homeless, old cat symbolizes unfulfilled desires. Most likely, a deterioration in business and a decrease in income is coming.

Why do you dream that the dreamer is beating an animal? Your efforts will go unnoticed, and people around you will reproach you for striving for success. But strangling a representative of the cat family is a good sign. This means that the person who saw the dream is making successful attempts in the fight against ill-wishers.

Killing an animal in a dream means identifying an enemy and a gossip. The enemy will receive fair punishment within the limits of the law. A lying dead animal indicates the character of the dreamer. He is working with all his might on his personal characteristics and will soon achieve success.

What does the death of a cat mean in a dream? In Aesop's Dream Book, this plot is given a negative definition. It becomes known about a serious illness of a loved one. If the dreamer himself killed the cat, this is a sign of the end of the battle with the enemies.

Different cats

A caressing domestic cat - there are deceitful people nearby who want to achieve the dreamer’s favor for their own benefit.

If you dreamed of a huge cat, this is a sign that the competitor is very strong. In order to defeat him, you will have to make every effort. Fat cat - a fat animal represents a lazy competitor who does not want to take active action. Although it causes trouble, it can be easily eliminated.

The dream book also says that a well-fed animal represents a misconception about an opponent. Maybe the enemy is just hiding for a while, while he himself is working on a new attack tactic.

The fluffy white cat carries with it a warning that the girl may be taken by surprise, but with wisdom, it may be possible to avoid the consequences and maintain an untarnished reputation.

A beautiful cat with shiny fur represents a cunning seducer. A new lover is not as simple as it may seem. If a girl sees a flea-covered cat, this is a sign that her competitors can ruin her relationship with her loved one.

A cute cat drinking milk indicates the emergence of a new, tender friendship. But a wet animal foreshadows an ambiguous situation that will greatly surprise the dreamer.

A missing pet - a dream just reflects personal sadness, which also manifested itself in the subconscious.

A mad cat means that competitors will act ruthlessly. And the angry little kitten expresses dissatisfaction and envy towards the dreamer. It is very difficult for him to recognize the true attitude towards himself in his environment.

Animal color

Many interpreters believe that it is impossible to determine the exact meaning of a dream without specifying the color of the cat. The following values ​​will be relevant:

Actions with mustaches

It is also important to remember what actions the dreamer performed in relation to animals. Here the most common examples:

The meaning of dreams with kittens

It's always a pleasure to see a cute little kitten. The appearance of a furry creature in the Kingdom of Morpheus also has many interpretations:

For centuries, people have collected knowledge about dreams. Dream books are compiled based on thousands of years of experience and are of great benefit to the modern generation. Furry animals from the Kingdom of Morpheus can tell a lot about the dreamer’s life, and it’s worth listening to.

Quick jump to interpretations

It seems that there are no people in the world who would be indifferent to cats. Currently, they are a symbol of comfort, kindness and affection. For this reason, many people do not think about why they dream of a cat with kittens, assuming that this is a good sign. In fact, cute pets often warn of an imminent meeting with enemies. And yet, in order to truly correctly interpret a dream, it is worth paying attention to the small details that appear in it.

General interpretation

In general, a cat seen in a dream is a messenger of a whole bunch of problems. They usually come from the dreamer’s closest circle, that is, friends, acquaintances, relatives, colleagues, business partners. Dreams in which furry pets are encountered most often foreshadow a clash with selfish, evil, hypocritical people capable of betrayal.

Dreaming of kittens usually portends small-scale troubles. The interpretation of the dream takes on an even more sinister tone if in it the cat is feeding her babies. Most likely, the dreamer faces a struggle to restore his own good name. If the cat is alone in the dream, but the presence of kittens is assumed, difficulties in the financial sphere of life are possible.

Interpretation from dream books

Different dream books give different interpretations to dreams where a cat and kittens are present. Most often, people look for this meaning in descriptions compiled by Miller, Vanga, Nostradamus, as well as the famous psychiatrist Freud.

Miller's Dream Book

The late night story, which showed furry pets with children, is not considered a good sign by Miller. Moreover, he recommends remembering whether the cat rushed at the dreamer, trying to protect its cubs. He interpreted such dreams quite simply: in real life, next to a person there is someone who is waiting for the right moment to plant a pig. It is worth reconsidering your surroundings, especially the immediate one.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus is known for the fact that his predictions apply not only to the fate of the dreamer. So, if people dream of cats, this is a harbinger of a catastrophe on a large scale, for example, drought. If the pet has cubs, there is an improvement in the standard of living of people in the country where the dreamer lives.

Vanga's Dream Book

Vanga pointed out that seeing a cat with kittens in a dream means experiencing great shame. Most likely, the dreamer should reconsider his behavior in society, otherwise he will soon be faced with an ambiguous reaction from others to his actions. This is especially true for young girls and unmarried women.

Freud's Dream Book

It is known that the psychiatrist interpreted all the images sent by the subconscious from the sexual side. In his opinion, if the dreamer saw a cat licking its kittens, showing affection towards them, he needs to throw out hidden sexual energy with the help of a young lover or mistress.

Who dreams of a cat with kittens?

The interpretation of a dream may differ depending on who dreamed it. It is always worth paying attention to what gender and age group the dreamer belongs to.

To the girl

If a young girl dreams of a cat with kittens, interesting acquaintances with representatives of the opposite sex await her. Many of the new acquaintances will be in love with the dreamer, however, it is impossible to say that all of them will have serious intentions. For this reason, you should carefully choose your chosen one among new acquaintances.

To a woman

A woman in adulthood who sees a cat with kittens in a dream should take care of her own safety. She should protect her affairs from the interference of too annoying “well-wishers.”

To a man

If a male dreamer saw a pet with children, most likely he will have to apologize to some nice woman or girl whom he greatly offended. Perhaps he himself can guess who he might be talking about, because on a subconscious level he feels guilty about himself.

What do the colors of animals indicate?

When interpreting a dream about animals, you should pay attention to what color the cat and her children were:

  • black animals dream of betrayal from loved ones and major troubles. A woman who sees a black cat with kittens should beware of the appearance of a rival and be fully prepared;
  • a white cat is a symbol of an unpleasant surprise. Events after a surprise received in real life will be negatively colored;
  • The red pet is an image of happiness. Good news and events await the person ahead; perhaps his own child will soon be born. Seeing a red cat with kittens in a dream means a successful turn in life;
  • A tricolor cat usually dreams of adventurous travels and adventures. She is also a herald of an improvement in the dreamer's financial situation in the near future;
  • gray smoky pets usually dream of tranquility and family well-being.

Feeding kittens in a dream

If a person dreamed that a cat was feeding her kittens, he should expect a pleasant gift from a close friend. It is not a fact that it will have material value; perhaps this will manifest itself in increased care, the manifestation of tender feelings. However, it is important to remember that after the night story there should be a clear feeling that the babies in it are really the children of the cat that fed them. Otherwise, the dream has no meaning.

Newborn kittens

Just born kittens in real life are blind and helpless. Seeing them in a dream is a warning that everything in the dreamer’s life is not as he would like. Perhaps he is waiting too long to make an important decision, the consequences of which will certainly affect the status of his life. It is better to overcome your feelings of fear and uncertainty, because otherwise it will be impossible to change your fate.

Does a cat have many kittens?

Kittens have always been considered otherworldly creatures, just like other representatives of the cat family. A large number of inept, funny, clumsy kids in a dream are a reflection of the dreamer’s own weakness. Every day he has to overcome his own failure, which is not always possible.

A cat having many kittens is also a symbol of minor problems that will be easy to solve. However, their number will be sufficient to make a person feel out of place. Perhaps they will affect family life, or perhaps they will manifest themselves in the form of worries at work, problems in relationships with partners.

Why do you dream of a cat giving birth?

If a woman dreams of lambing, she will be expecting an early pregnancy and a new addition to the family. A young girl who sees a cat giving birth will most likely fight off overly annoying fans. A man who dreamed of a cat giving birth will most likely become a full-fledged business partner or open his own profitable business.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to how newborn kittens feel. If they are dead, it means that the person himself creates problems for himself that he subsequently cannot solve. If they are alive, cheerful and cheerful, there is a carefree period ahead, favorable changes in their personal life.

Killing kittens in a dream

Considering the fact that kittens symbolize minor problems, killing them in a dream is considered a good sign, according to some sources. Others claim that killing a cat’s cubs with one’s own hands indicates that it will not be easy for the dreamer to cope with problems. No one will help him in this.

Burying a killed animal is a sign that the time has come to forget old grievances. Perhaps it is worth reconsidering your attitude towards them to understand whether they are really worth refusing to communicate with a once close person. Having seen such a dream, you should not be deeply imbued with it or react emotionally to what happened.

Having seen an unpleasant dream, you do not need to immediately look for hidden meaning in it. Likewise, good images in a dream are not always harbingers of good, pleasant events. Night plots are just small clues indicating which life aspects and sides are worth taking a closer look at.
