Can experienced clairvoyants make mistakes? Can fortune tellers spot a husband's infidelity? Does a clairvoyant always see the truth?

Want to learn more about clairvoyants? Here you will find answers to the most popular questions. Something interesting awaits you!

Find out now!

1. Is clairvoyance accessible to everyone?
2. Who is considered clairvoyant?
3. Does a clairvoyant always see the truth?
4. Do clairvoyants have a “third eye”?
5. Who is given the ability to open the third eye?
6. Are psychics and clairvoyants the same thing?
7. Clairvoyants are said to predict the future. This is true?

Superpowers both frighten and beckon. The more mysterious and inexplicable, the more speculation...

Which of what they say about clairvoyants, mediums and psychics is true, and which is an outright lie? Let's find out!

Is clairvoyance accessible to everyone?

Clairvoyance¹ is a superpower that literally means to see clearly. But to see what is inaccessible to ordinary vision. This is a subtle way to read information.

We can say about clairvoyants that they receive information in the form of images, symbols or pictures. Sometimes these images need to be deciphered, but more often they are clear and distinct images that indicate a specific circumstance.


You close your eyes (or simply focus on a light or dark background), tune in to what excites you, and after a few seconds you begin to see clear images before your eyes!

Clairvoyance can help you:

  • get answers to your questions,
  • foresee the future
  • find out more about the other person, about his attitude towards you,
  • understand what a given situation may lead to,
  • see other people's true intentions,
  • be in the right place at the right time,
  • predict the movement of currencies, oil, gold, stocks...
  • find out winning lottery numbers,
  • find valuables, money, treasures...

But is everyone capable of becoming clairvoyant? Yes and no!

Absolutely anyone can read information, but different people different channels of perception.

For example, someone can see clear images before their eyes (clairvoyance), someone can see pictures somewhere inside their brain (mental clairvoyance), someone can hear subtle sounds and inner voice(extrasensory hearing, clairaudience), and someone has access to inner knowledge, inner conviction in a particular fact or event (clairaudience)…

Who is considered clairvoyant?

It is important to understand the following about clairvoyants: these are people who receive intuitive information visually, that is, through images.

When a practitioner just begins to master clairvoyance, he can see on his internal screen(dark area before the eyes) unclear lines, stains, figures and other images. But with practice, these images become clearer and clearer and take on a meaningful form.

A clairvoyant, at his own request, sees very clear and bright pictures, sometimes even clearer than those seen with ordinary vision.

Does a clairvoyant always see the truth?

No. Along with our Universe, our world, there are many parallel worlds from which information also comes. Sometimes you can see 2 visions in a row - one of which will be true and the other false. It is impossible to distinguish them in any way. You just need to check the information received for truth.

Do clairvoyants have a “third eye”?

The third eye is the energy center in the area between the eyebrows (Ajna chakra)². When a person is clairvoyant, he sees intuitive images on his inner screen right before his eyes.

But clairvoyants do not always use the third eye!

As mentioned above, there is also a special form of clairvoyance - mental clairvoyance - when images are born somewhere inside a person, in his head. This clairvoyance is somewhat reminiscent of dreams.

So, some clairvoyants, having made a request, can see visual answers in front of their eyes in the form of separate pictures and symbols, while others will see a colorful film with vivid details inside themselves.

Let's look at an example...

A girl is getting married and wants to know how her wedding will go. One clairvoyant can see several separate images - White dress, rings, wedding procession, etc., and another will see a short “video” where she and her chosen one sign in the registration book and accept congratulations from relatives.

It all depends on the individual's ability to read information.

Are psychics and clairvoyants the same thing?

No. For many, clairvoyant and psychic are synonymous words, but this is not entirely true. Some psychics do not have the gift of clairvoyance at all. They read and analyze information in other ways. In general, the term “extrasensory perception”³ has more broad meaning than clairvoyance.

Who can open the third eye?

Absolutely anyone can open the third eye. The best tools for activating the third eye are meditation and visualization.

However, there are practices that allow you to open your third eye and develop psycho-informational abilities much faster!

Although many people get their first experiences already on the first or second day of classes!

Clairvoyants are said to predict the future. This is true?

Not always. It all depends on the request. A clairvoyant can also successfully “look” into the past and see an event there that affects the present and future. He can also restore the chronicle of events today.

Sometimes a clairvoyant can see one of the futures, but it may not happen!

If you develop the makings of your superpowers and learn to read subtle information, you can dramatically change your life!

  • you can write bestsellers,
  • make scientific discoveries,
  • create brilliant works of art,
  • predict market trends,
  • and many many others…

You yourself understand that there is nothing more valuable than knowledge in the area for which you clearly have the ability!

So someone can become a scientist, and someone an outstanding architect, someone has the ability to communicate with spirits, and someone can create accurate astrological calculations. And you?

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Clairvoyance is a type of extrasensory perception, the presumed ability of a person to receive information beyond the channels of perception known to science and determined by modern scientific means, including information about events of the past and future (Wikipedia).

² Learn more about the capabilities of the third eye and how to

³ Manifestations of extrasensory perception in parascience include telepathy, clairvoyance, proscopy, dowsing or “biointroscopy”; such manifestations also often include methods of some kind of intangible extra-physical influence on objects, organisms or physical phenomena- telekinesis or psychokinesis, extrasensory healing, etc. (

And then came the day that Alice had been waiting for with bated breath... Having watched enough of the top program “Battle of Psychics,” she firmly decided to pay a visit to the psychic, whom her best friend had been regularly visiting for two years now, in order to find out what prospects fate had in store for her.

It must be said that Alice was always worried about her future, but numerous questions about it were hanging in the air. The future was unknown, and therefore frightening.
Online astrological tests were no longer taken seriously. I wanted to find out specifically, in detail and in a personal meeting - face to face. And a friend has been enthusiastically advising her for a long time... It helps her, everything comes true... The psychic’s gift is hereditary, passed down through their family female line, not just anything there - it already inspired trust. And besides, it was tested on a friend... well, it wasn’t, I have to try it.

Getting ready to leave the house, Alice thought about the upcoming session.
- They say they have such abilities that they can even read thoughts... I wonder, but from a distance? Does she know what I'm thinking about now...?

So, finishing touches on the mirror. A click from the closed lipstick cap, the jingle of keys, and Alice is on her way. On the way, she mentally repeated the previously compiled list of questions and, just in case, slipped her hand into the side pocket of her purse to check if she had a cheat sheet with questions.
Yeah, with myself, thank God! You must not forget anything, the session is not cheap after all...

Running out of the psychic's salon, Alice immediately dialed her friend's number... After a storm of emotions and delight, she hastened to invite her friend for evening tea with cheesecake to discuss such a rich and magical day...

Over tea, Alice recounted the psychic’s predictions to her friend.
The psychic said that Alice has no luck with men, due to her indecisiveness, that she is afraid to take the first step, so the initial interest of Oleg (a work colleague) and barely noticeable courtship were replaced only by painfully stabbing, casually said greetings. She said that if the girl is more determined, success is guaranteed.
- Can you imagine, even our Zodiac signs are 98% compatible...! - Alice said without hiding her happiness. - And yet, at first I didn’t count on it, but then I decided - I cleaned the aura..! The prices, however, are steep, but now there will be no obstacles on the way! I'm just sure it shows that real psychic, I really have a gift... She also said - I have a good destiny! And she also said something about work! That a good offer will arrive soon! Everything will go uphill! She told me to act, regarding my personal life, to overcome modesty! Tomorrow I’ll go to Oleg myself!

What a fool I am! - Alice flew into her friend’s room, throwing her purse on the chest of drawers, - I thought for a long time, made up my mind and missed the chance... he waited for so long, and I hesitated... it’s my own fault...
Having calmed down a little, Alisa told her friend how she came to work, putting on her best dress and having done her makeup and hair in the salon, how she greeted Oleg and met his charming smile and decided that today was definitely her day, how she ran into the toilet to fix her hair and again rehearse the prepared words in front of the mirror... And what awaited her was not at all what she expected, he hugged the waist of a girl from the next department and, smiling radiantly, whispered something in her ear, gently straightening a strand of her hair...
As it turned out a few hours later, from today on Alisa’s rival’s finger shines an expensive ring, given by Oleg in honor of the engagement.
She didn’t remember how Alice ran to her friend... One single thought was pounding in her head: she was late, she missed her happiness. They told me to act, but I hesitated... fool, fool, fool!

Realizing her mistake, a week later Alice more or less calmed down with the thought that a successful job offer was ahead and waited patiently. It was difficult, and although she did not encounter happy newlyweds, due to their honeymoon vacation, all the walls and every millimeter of the office reminded her of him... all these two years, from the moment he joined the company, that she admired and dreamed of their relationship, but because of her stupidity she missed out on her happiness. Well, there will be a job offer, Alice waited patiently, biting the cap of her pen.
A month later, the happy newlyweds were joyfully greeted by their colleagues, everyone except Alice. Biting her lips and drumming her fingers on the table, she checked her email hourly, but no offers arrived.
Desperate, Alice had already admitted that everything said by the psychic was not true. And then she grinned:

This can't happen! It was shown on TV. And people just wouldn’t say that... there are long queues to see her, people are coming - it can’t be a hoax! And psychics can’t be wrong... Maybe I’m doing something wrong?
Exactly! She said something about blockage energy channels. Or maybe the universe feels that I have work to do and I’m not ready for something new? Moreover, now staying at work is completely unbearable. Maybe this is what she was talking about?
I can’t stay here, I’ll leave here and something better will happen! She said...fate is good...
Moreover, there was an “if” about the relationship, but she definitely and confidently said about money and work... Having made up her mind, Alice wrote a letter of resignation and began to wait....

Now the topic of extrasensory perception firmly occupies high positions in search queries on the Internet. Why?
I was interested in this question and, judging by the stories of my relatives and friends older than me, as well as information on the Internet (how would we live without it today?), I concluded that until quite recently, in the Soviet Union, there were no fortune tellers, psychics, clairvoyants, because there was simply no need for them. Society was stable, there was no overwhelming hostility towards each other, but today it reaches a level that threatens the integrity of the state.
The mentality and social value systems were aimed at society, so people felt their relative balance, security and safety.
Moreover, this was noticed and promoted in comparison with the West, where people were unsure of tomorrow. There was a simple life that did not require stress, there was stability.
Instead of modern psychics, there were grandmothers next door who told fortunes little by little, but the importance of fortune tellers and fortune telling at that time was not so significant...
Now there is a whole legion of them, a gigantic number, and demand creates supply...

How can one relate to such a phenomenon? And who believes psychics?

Yesterday they were grandmothers from the garden, and today they are young and modern people, they have their offices on the main streets of the capital, but still, in a village style, they predict the fate of the fearful, gullible spectators (those who by nature have the richest fantasies and emotional amplitude), and the sound artists who are always looking for meaning (the essence of which is the eternal search, search for the essence, meaning of life.).

Some make a business out of this, charging exorbitant sums for sessions, while others, sincerely believing in their gift, relieve others a little from their fears...
“Psychic fortune tellers,” as a rule, also have a visual vector in their vector set, and by creating emotional connections with the client, sympathizing, empathizing, supporting, they instill tremendous trust and due to this, for a short time, relieve their fears.

But in general, “extrasensory perception” completely deprives its consumers of such a concept as responsibility - responsibility for their lives, and does not motivate them to act at all (and if they do motivate, it is often completely inadequate); in general, a person prefers to rely on the predicted good fate and pure karma, and not act independently...
Like our heroine Alice, we believe in psychics, urgent “uncorking of channels”, “cleaning of auras”, etc., which could make our lives better... And subsequently for a long time we remain in the falsely sweet idea that we can relax and not making any effort - fate is good...
We believe in otherworldly forces, in grandmothers from the garden with three classes of education, assuming that they know more about human soul and future than all other people. We believe... Or rather, we trust, spending money, nerves, time...

After all, no grandmother Glasha with a bucket of carrots and a psychic of the same type, albeit in expensive salons magical services, does not know the future... But each of us, taking responsibility for our lives, makes our own future ourselves and only ourselves.
You can consciously build your happiness by truly understanding yourself and other people, unmistakably knowing their innate psychology. Today you can learn this, even online.

What do clairvoyants say?

In fact, right now I had the opportunity to talk about why this topic was raised. It was not entirely by chance that I drew your attention to people’s trust in clairvoyants and their information. Because I think that if you blindly believe everything that clairvoyants say, the probability negative influence for the future life of a person is too high. But since we now know that everyone is endowed with this gift, we will think a little logically.

I think many will agree with me that the inner world of each of us is so individual that it has no analogues. The experience of a lived life or lives will never have coincidences, even among twins. If only because they are born one after another, etc.

Thus, everything we think about, what we live, what experiences we have had, how developed our soul is, how much the soul has been developed and freed from fears, blocks, resentments, anger and other non-resource states - the World in which we we live. Because, for sure, it’s no longer a secret to anyone that what is commonly called reality is nothing more than a reflection of our inner world.

Yes, it's simple. Reality is our inner world. Everything that surrounds us is an illusion of reality, and only how we relate to this illusion determines our true reality.

However, let's return to our topic and the analogy with the radio (we talked about this in). Let's say there is a certain clairvoyant. He has his own store of knowledge, skills, experience, a certain level of soul development, his own (individual) idea of ​​the world and himself in the world. This clairvoyant is already tuned to some frequency. Question. What frequency and purity do you think it can be tuned to?

It is appropriate to give one more example to understand the issue thoroughly. What kind of mathematics textbook do you think will be given to a first grade student?

What kind of question, you ask. It is clear that in accordance with his level of knowledge, because if this student suddenly accidentally enters the graduate class and glances at the equations with roots and cotangents, these icons will at least seem funny and he will not understand the meaning of these encrypted messages now in principle .

So with clairvoyants the situation is exactly the same. If a person is born with a good channel for receiving information, then the frequency to which he will be tuned is directly proportional and dependent on his level of soul development. Because this “first grader” will not only not be able to handle another frequency, of a higher order, but simply will not understand it.

It turns out that the clairvoyant will broadcast only the information that he can catch and understand. Again, understanding occurs only through the prism of your inner world, nothing else. Therefore, when coming to a session with any clairvoyant or psychic, it is important to remember that what he broadcasts is NOT the ultimate truth.

Information and its reliability

Let me give you an example from life. One of my friends turned to a clairvoyant for help. As soon as she saw her, she immediately began to talk about the medical table, surgical instruments and tears. After asking about money, she said that she saw a sea of ​​money. So many. The relationship with my husband is perfectly harmonious (although at that time it was on the brink). Fortunately, my friend took the information calmly and did not dwell on what she heard.

But if we take it on faith that a clairvoyant saw an operating table, scalpels, tears, what might you think first?

In most cases, the first thoughts will fall on loved ones. If we also take into account that a person may have well-developed visualization and an excessive love of spinning the negative, then the result may exceed all expectations. More precisely, a person will subconsciously expect scalpels, hospitals and tears, and will constantly replay the same thoughts and images in his thoughts, like a broken record, thereby programming the course of events in precisely this direction.

Of course, again we touched on such a broad topic as programming your future. Let me say briefly that everything we think about is attracted into our lives, be it positive events or negative ones. Very often, for example, mothers inspire and program their children that: “If you get off, you’ll fall!” Put it down and you’ll be circumcised!”

Of course, this is done out of love and care for children, but the lack of knowledge in the field of energy-information exchange does its insidious work. After these words, children really begin to be circumcised, fall, get burned, etc. A feeling of guilt immediately comes into play, because, as a rule, parents also begin to add that they say, “I told you so.” Of course, we programmed it ourselves.

Let's go back to the friend. What really happened there? After a while, her dog got sick and there really were scalpels and a few tears. There was also a lot of money, because at that time her husband worked in such a way that he had to leave a lot at home. large amounts, which they then counted together in the evenings. As for the relationship, they eventually came to harmony, but after many years.

It seems that everything has come true and many may have a question, why not trust? But, first of all, it didn’t happen like that at all. And secondly, if my friend were an alarmist, she could have such thoughts that one trip to a clairvoyant would cost her her whole life.

Another example from life. A friend of mine also turned to a clairvoyant for help. She was at a dead end and wanted to find a way out. However, at the session she was told that in the next seven years she might completely forget about money, that her health would deteriorate (in some department specifically), her career would go to waste, and her husband would start drinking. It's a good program, isn't it?

Whether it’s true or not, it doesn’t matter at all, because the future has many options. There are a lot of ways. And which road we take directly depends on our actions and thoughts. And here we get exactly the programming of the future for these events. Can you imagine if they told you that you can forget about money for seven years? Will this thought be running through your head? Do you want to continue working and trying?

Of course, whoever gives up on this and firmly says that this is nonsense will be fine. By the way, she did just that, the heroine from the example just above. Going out into the street, she immediately managed to forget about everything she had heard and nothing that was said came true.

What if you say this to someone who is already completely depressed, in hopelessness with their hands down? From here we conclude that taking the words of clairvoyants on faith is not only pointless, but even dangerous for life and its further development.

A completely appropriate question may arise: is it then necessary to turn to clairvoyant people at all and how to treat their information? We'll talk about this in the next article.

19.06.2014, 20:41


How does a psychic differ from a clairvoyant?
Before going to see a psychic or see a clairvoyant, you should clearly understand how the first differs from the second. And many do not even think about it, mistakenly believing that these words are equivalent, and everything that a clairvoyant can do, a psychic can do. In reality, this is far from the case.

A clairvoyant, first of all, can see what is hidden from other people - the past, present, secret motives of the participants in a given situation, the future and much more. Moreover, especially strong clairvoyants understand that the future has many options, and therefore can always give practical advice on how to avoid problems and attract the desired outcome of events. Here we cannot do without an example, and I will give it. So you go to see clairvoyants, and hear from one, two, three that the man you love so much will never be yours, or that you will never get the money you so badly dream about. What do you do when you hear a verdict like this? You humble yourself. And that’s all because mediocre fortune tellers and predictors don’t understand that the future can be changed.

Once you have an appointment with a high-class clairvoyant, you will find out that you can get money, a loved one, and anything else. But, says a strong clairvoyant, for this you need:
- change your approach to life;
- get rid of destructive attitudes;
- change your environment by refusing to communicate with enemies posing as your friends;
- move to another city;
- change jobs.

The list can be very different, and that’s not the point. The main thing is that a strong clairvoyant will always be able to find the right version of your behavior, which will allow you to achieve exactly the desired future, so as to no longer be a slave to your fate.

That is why, when deciding whether you need a psychic or a clairvoyant, always make a clear distinction between the first and the second. Remember that all esotericists are like doctors in some mystical district clinic, where each of the employees has his own specialization, and where the one who heals the soul will never cleanse karma, and the one who predicts the future will never conduct spiritualistic seances .

Beware of scammers!

But practice shows that today you can get an appointment with a psychic who is ready to do for you everything you ask. They say that he can and knows everything from the multifaceted spectrum of magical science, and therefore there are no requests for him that he is not able to fulfill. In the same way, you can get an appointment with a clairvoyant who undertakes to treat you, or get rid of aliens who have made their way into your subtle bodies, or perform rituals love magic.

But here – STOP!!! – something like this is really possible. But provided that you apply for an appointment with a world-famous magician, or with a clairvoyant who has been proven in practice for a long time, .
In my case, predicting the future and changing it completely or partially is only part of the services I provide. And if you have carefully studied the materials on my site love-shops, you know this very well.

However, if the person you found by searching for “psychic reception” does not talk about anything like this on his resource or in his ad, but only writes “psychic services.” Or the clairvoyant or clairvoyant you found at the request of “clairvoyant appointment” also does not promise anything other than a conversation about the future, and therefore suddenly begins to impose a variety of services, BE CAREFUL!!! Here are scammers who, seeing your gullibility, or having managed to convince you of their “incredible capabilities,” are simply trying to profit at your expense!!! In fact, they do not provide any services, and if they do, they are of such insignificant quality that you will later very much regret that you turned to them.

Fraudsters can act in very different ways. So some of them, before conducting the same predictive session, will definitely talk with you for an hour or two. Some, in such a “confidential” conversation, learn all the details of your life, so that they can then give them to you as some kind of “revelation that has descended on them.” Others act more subtly. They begin to tell you stories of their clients, carefully watching your reaction. If they see that the story they are telling is close to you, and you react to it especially actively, then later, during the session, they will repeat it, and you will be surprised at the “accuracy of the coincidences,” believing in the incredible power of a psychic or fortuneteller.

Another way to become a victim of deception when visiting a psychic or visiting a clairvoyant is to agree to the services of those who work based on results. In this case, you are again dealing with the most natural fraud. So a clairvoyant, who does not guarantee that she can give a 100% prediction, tells you:
- If it comes true, pay. If you don't pay, trouble awaits you.

She does not risk anything, because she knows that the probability of her forecast is, say, 50%, which means that every second client will definitely pay her. And those to whom she gave incorrect predictions will not be angry with her, since they will not have to pay for an erroneous session. Those who force you to “receive psychics based on results” do the same thing. They heal you, correct your karma, bring you together with your loved ones, and help you get rich. In fact, they do not have any noticeable impact on your destiny. They just pronounce fake incantations and wave their hands, and then wait to see if you are lucky enough to get love, money or health or not. If you are lucky, then you, deciding that it is their merit, pay. If not, then everyone remains to their own.

Getting involved with such “miracle workers” who charge based on results is not only stupid, but also dangerous. After all, if you come to see a psychic who honestly does his job, he will most likely cure you, and you will not let your illness progress. Just as receiving an extra-class clairvoyant will allow you to avoid trouble, while by believing a scammer who works based on results, you will find yourself unprepared for the troubles and misfortunes that await you.

How to behave when going to see clairvoyants

Even if you have heard the most flattering reviews about the clairvoyant you are planning to see, still do not dismiss the idea that this is a fraud. After all, those who praise her may either not realize that they have been deceived, or they may be her advertising agents, working for a part of the fee that she will receive thanks to their flattering reviews. Therefore, behave like an investigator during the interrogation of a person whose guilt in fraud, although not proven, is not refuted.

First of all, never tell anything about yourself. Let the clairvoyant, if she is truly capable of reading information from subtle plans, she will tell you about you, your past and present. Secondly, don't talk about the reasons that led you to her. If she cannot see your problem herself, then you simply cannot trust her. If he can, then he can.

How to behave if you encounter psychics

When you see a psychic, behave with the same caution. At a minimum, do not talk about your diagnosis, how you have already been treated, or how your illness is progressing. If you came to a psychic to cure your destiny, then also do not start with complaints. Let the psychic conduct his own magical diagnostics, and only after that start either correcting him or catching him in inaccuracies.

Remember that you can only trust a psychic who is 100% faithful. If he constantly makes mistakes, even if he says something correctly, then know that he is not reading the information, but trying to guess it. Which means you can’t trust him. Act with exactly the same distrust when you sign up for an appointment with clairvoyants or psychics in order to help a relative, acquaintance, or loved one. Let the esotericist first prove his full professionalism, and for this reason you will order from him the services he offers.

How to behave after receiving clairvoyants or receiving psychics
And many also do not understand that having visited a clairvoyant or paid for an appointment with a psychic, they must trust esotericists in the same way as psychologists, business consultants or doctors. And any professional whose appointment you attend will certainly not only help you or reveal your future to you, but will also give a whole range of different recommendations.

So, having paid for an appointment with a clairvoyant or an appointment with a psychic, you will hear something like the following:
- You need to learn more, work more, sleep less, play sports, because your weakness mental body is primarily due to the neglect of the physical body. Give up friends who bother you. Or he is less sensitive to his wife’s advice, which, although given out of love for you, is almost always wrong.

Anyone who pays to see a clairvoyant or see a psychic will always receive similar advice. top class. So, those who adhere to such recommendations will definitely end up getting what they dream of. Those who decide that having attended a clairvoyant reception, he can live the same way he lived, will receive nothing. After all, as I already said, magic that fulfills wishes with the wave of a magic wand does not exist. There is only a set of sacred means that help radically change the situation, provided that you are the main driving force of all changes!

And if you are not ready for this, then no clairvoyant or psychic reception can help you!!!
witch Olga

Forecaster errors

Sometimes clients ask me: “What is the probability of your predictions coming true? Do you make mistakes? Unfortunately, there can only be one answer here: “Yes, they do.”

Astrology is not wrong - it is the most harmonious and perfect predictive system, but it is not easy to comprehend. Astrologers make mistakes - and they make mistakes because they are not gods, but simply people who, like all people, have the right to make mistakes. However, the cost of an astrologer’s mistake is very high - these are vain hopes, unjustified fears, and incorrectly constructed plans. Therefore, you should not “rush into battle” until you have complete self-confidence, until you have sufficiently “trained” on great people of the past, whose lives are thoroughly known, and on your friends who trust you and tell you in detail about the events of their lives. The past is the best key to the future, and without understanding the past, predictions for the future are impossible. Therefore, any consultation begins not with the future, but with the past, and the astrologer himself must tell his client a lot: the main character traits, the main events of life and what the client came to see the astrologer with.

And then, a good practicing astrologer always has his regular clients - people who consult regularly and for whom forecasts bring real benefits. There is a kind of compatibility between the astrologer and these people, suggesting that both parties understand each other well. It is great if the astrologer's Sun falls on the client's well-aspected Jupiter or Venus. Jupiter and Venus are planets of happiness and good luck, and here you can always expect positive results that make communication useful and enjoyable.

All astrologers, clairvoyants, and fortune tellers have their own “Waterloo”.

No one can predict 100 percent; even the great Vanga was sometimes mistaken.

My most high-profile defeat was associated with the presidential election. For a long time I did not make mistakes in political forecasts, and this gave me some confidence that everything would continue to be just as successful. And when in a television program I was asked a question about who will be the next president, I named the name of a person who could become president, but unexpectedly withdrew his candidacy from the presidential race. The basis for this forecast was the fact that only this person, in his election speeches, said that the results of privatization in Russia should be revised. The horoscope of our country precisely suggested a partial revision of the results of privatization. The current president, on the contrary, has quite categorically stated the opposite - the results of privatization will not be revised. However, when he was elected, he began to act differently, and now we are seeing how the situation in our country is gradually changing.

Presidential elections are an extremely difficult thing, since here the country's horoscope is more important than the personality of the president himself. If the country is approaching a period of change, which is inevitably accompanied by economic cataclysms, then the person who is capable of doing this will become president.

For example, at a turning point for our country, Boris Yeltsin, an Aquarius by horoscope, became president. Aquarius is a symbol of freedom and anarchy, it is a sign that rejects the principle of orderliness and structure. As a pioneer, oppositionist and destroyer, Aquarius has no equal, but leading a structure is not easy for him. Therefore, Yeltsin looked great when he was in the camp of the opposition, but when he himself became the head of the country, he quickly lost his attractiveness. There was no one to fight with, and he amused himself by dismissing the current government every three months.

But let's return to the mistakes of astrologers, clairvoyants and all those who deal with the future. What to do if the prediction did not come true? Perhaps the astrologer should honestly admit this, analyze his mistakes and think through the system he uses.

It’s different with clairvoyants; they don’t use complex calculations, but simply see pictures of the future. Sometimes bright and clear, and sometimes in an encrypted, symbolic form.

A good friend of mine, a well-known, very talented clairvoyant, says that the situation in the future may change. And that’s why one time she is seen this way, and another time differently. She admits that she does not always know the timing of events, and fully agrees that only the Almighty can know everything. She makes mistakes extremely rarely, and if this happens, she believes that a person is simply not supposed to receive information about the future. That's why it's not given.

The question of why one person can know his future, but another cannot, lies beyond human understanding. It's unexplainable.

Behind the mistakes of forecasters there may be a complex plan that shapes the future much more effectively than accurate forecasts.

Once, a friend of mine, an active and very charming lady, turned to me with the eternal woman’s question - will she marry the man she is dating.

And although it was clear that people of his type rarely divorce their wives and this woman’s official marriage could take place only in the very distant future, for some reason I said: “Yes, he loves you and can marry you.”

My friend turned to another predictor, who gave her completely opposite information. Literally, he told her the following: “Don’t waste time on him, he will never marry you.”

However, the affair continued, and this man helped the woman in many ways. So far the marriage has not taken place, and now my friend is wondering whether she needs all this. And, nevertheless, he recognizes the positive role of his beloved in his destiny.

When I made her prognosis, I was absolutely sure that in her case it was not the marriage that was important, but the love and support that made her life more stable and happy. Moreover, for four years a more worthy person could not have appeared on her horizon. My words reflected the situation at the moment in time in which my friend was, and perhaps this was more important than an accurate forecast.

And although such situations happen very rarely, sometimes you have to think - is it possible for a person to know the complete truth in all cases? After all, the most main principle astrologer - “do no harm.”

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