Is it possible to kill spiders at home? Why shouldn't you kill spiders in your house? Why you shouldn’t kill spiders in the house: rational reasons

Folk signs about spiders are observations of people passed on from ancient times to the present day to subsequent generations.

For many peoples, this arthropod had a mystical meaning. They were used to prepare various potions and in magical rituals.

People observed the spiders neighboring them, drew conclusions, and accumulated information. Gradually, stable cause-and-effect relationships developed between the behavior of spiders and events in life.

Such related signs a sufficient number gathered, because even today you will not find a spider in a rare house or apartment.

Some of them predict favorable events, and some predict various misfortunes. When you see a spider in the house, do you need to think: what does it mean? This is what the signs warn about.

We found quite a lot of meanings of folk signs about spiders in the house and apartment, so for your convenience we divided them into subheadings and presented them as a list.

  • Many spiders have appeared or live in the house- a rich and happy life.
  • See you in the house in the evening- if a spider comes out of its hiding place in the evening or in the morning, it means good weather and vice versa.
  • Suddenly seeing a spider- to profit. A small spider means a small profit, a big one means a good profit. If at the same time you get scared, there will be bad news.
  • Kill the spiderbad sign, an old illness may reappear. But some signs say that for killing a spider that weaves icons with a web, 40 sins are removed.
Is it possible to kill spiders in an apartment and why not? Our grandmothers believed that this led to serious illnesses.
  • If a web is woven near front door - a quick profit awaits.
  • Saw it in a bucket of water- the sign says that this means problems with money or troubles at work. The larger the animal, the larger your problems will be.
  • On the windowgood sign, make a wish - it will come true.
  • Spider web on the balcony- to the guests.
  • In the hallway and corridor- also to pleasant guests.
If the newlyweds see a spider on the way to church, they will not be happy in the family, so says a very old folk sign.
  • If a spider came down from the ceiling in front of you- a pleasant person will come to visit you, or there will be good news, a letter, a call, a reward, etc.
  • Dead Spider
  • Black spider– if you come across a large black spider, it may have several meanings for you.
  • Near the water- loss of money.
  • Near the ceiling- prosperity.
  • Spider in the web- good news.
  • Kill the black spider- to death or illness.
  • Comes down from the ceiling in the morning- sad news. If it is black, the news will bring joy; if it is red, it will bring sadness.
  • If a spider meets during the day- great love will come to you. In the evening - you will have hope. At night - a lot of trouble awaits you tomorrow.
  • On the table- a bad sign that tells you that an envious person or ill-wisher has appeared in your environment.
  • On the floor- to good news.
  • In the bath- to new achievements.
A spider descends on the table while eating - the owners of the house have an enemy.
  • The spider ran across the table– a change of place of residence awaits you.
  • Goes down the web to the threshold- foreshadows someone's death.
  • White spider brings happiness, black brings misfortune.
  • in winter- to the loss of relatives.
Why do spiders appear in the apartment? A large number of spiders in an apartment may indicate that there are difficulties in this home: health problems, quarrels and illnesses. But spiders attract all negative energy to themselves and try to eliminate all the negativity that interferes with a person’s life.

On the wall or ceiling

  • On the wall- soon you will receive good news or joyful events will happen to you.
  • Crawling up the wall(and in the evening too) is a sign foreshadowing love. Perhaps you will meet your “soul mate”, or maybe you will just make peace with your loved ones.
  • Goes down the wall- also a good sign.
  • On the ceiling- the sign says that soon you will have positive changes.
  • Came down from the ceiling- a loss awaits you.
  • Comes down on a web- perhaps something will be stolen from you.

In the bedroom

Here are all the meanings that we could on the topic of signs about spiders in the bedroom or bed.

  • Notice a spider or web in the bedroom- to cool your feelings with your partner.
  • Spider in bed- a bad omen that foreshadows the betrayal of one of the spouses.
  • In bed- if it's a spider white- fortunately. A black spider means illness.
  • On the pillow– worries, nerves, troubles. A large number of different issues and their solutions.
  • Black spider weaves a web over the bed– her owner will soon fall ill.
  • In the hall- you will buy yourself something new: clothes or personal items.

In the bathroom and toilet

Values ​​for the bathroom:

  • A spider has taken up residence in the bathroom– get rid of everything unnecessary in your life, put it in order. Otherwise, stagnation awaits you, both in your personal life and in current affairs.
  • Spider in the bathroom– if the spider is close to water, this may “hint” to you that you will soon experience financial difficulties.
  • Big black the spider on the wall tells you there is a leak. This could be money, important information or missing valuables.
  • Crawls towards you- expect profit.
  • See in the morning- bad sign.
  • Sudden encounter with a spider in the evening- to the rapid purification of spiritual and personal life.
  • In the sink- problems are possible not only in your personal life, but also with finances.
If a spider has settled in the bathroom, then this is some kind of signal that it’s time to change the course of your own life! What are you doing wrong? You must find the answer yourself in your head.

What does it mean to see a spider in the toilet, the sign says that:

  • Spider in the toilet- a bad omen, indicating that your wealth can “flow away like water.”

In the kitchen

Meanings about spiders in the kitchen:

  • Saw it in the sink- a conflict is brewing in your personal life, perhaps an internal conflict with yourself.
  • In the kitchen with cobwebs(maybe on the ceiling) - such a sign portends discord in the family. It could be a simple quarrel, or it could be a divorce.
  • In a glass of water- portends large financial waste that will not bring you any good.
  • Spider in a plate without food - to profit, in food - to problems and illnesses.
  • On the kitchen table(morning or evening) is a bad sign, telling you that an envious person or ill-wisher has appeared in your environment.
  • Crawling on the pan- large financial expenses await you soon.

On personal items and body parts:

  • Spider on clothes- to the new thing.
  • The spider suddenly fell on his head– beware of serious illness.
  • Sign: spider on hand. Suddenly you find a spider on your hand - prosperity awaits you in the future, and if it’s on your palm - a wedding is coming soon.
  • If a spider descends along a web onto someone’s head, that person will receive a gift, and money on their hand..

Type: black, green, white, brown, red, red, light, gray

The meaning depends on the color of the spider seen:

  • Black spider– if you come across a large black spider, it may have several meanings for you. A spider near the water means loss of money, a spider near the ceiling means prosperity, a spider in the web means good news, killing a black spider means death or illness.
  • Black weaves a web- the one who sees it will soon get sick.
  • Red- portends you a new acquisition or reward. It could also be a promotion at work. The red spider is popularly called "Money Weaver Spider". The red spider brings prosperity to the house, financial well-being.
  • Ginger- to money.
  • White or light- fortunately.
  • Grey- to happiness and favor of fortune.
  • Cross spider- is considered a poisonous insect, so you should be careful when encountering such a spider. In most cases, it portends illness or death.
  • Dead Spider- a sign that foretells you problems with money, as well as discord in relationships with loved ones.
  • Yellow- portends a joyful event or the appearance of a child in the house. The yellow spider can also tell you that your planned business may have a favorable conclusion.
  • Greengood omen. Green color portends you monetary profit. Do not drive this insect away under any circumstances.
  • One- a symbol of wealth, depending on its size, one should judge the amount of profit.
  • A lot ofauspicious sign, telling you that your business will “go up.”

Crawling up or down

  • Climbing up the web- your business will also creep up. This sign portends prosperity and success in your professional activities.
  • Crawling up- the sign says that there will be prosperity, food and peace in the house. All family members will get along.
  • Crawling down- you should protect yourself from thoughtless waste, so as not to incur problems with your financial situation.
  • Goes down the web- you will soon be haunted by wastefulness and financial difficulties.
  • Slowly descending“Perhaps there will be quarrels in the house.”

Times of Day

  • See a spider in the evening- your endeavors will be successful, don’t give up.
  • At night- soon you will have additional income.
  • Spider in the morning- a good omen, foreshadowing a good day for you, pleasant emotions, and profit.
  • See during the day- portends falling in love.

On the body, head, face, arm, leg or even in the hair

  • On the hand- a generally positive sign.
  • On the left hand- to waste.
  • On right hand - extra money will appear.
  • Crawling up your arm or shoulder- soon you will meet an old acquaintance or receive a message from him.
  • sat on my hand- also a positive value.
Fell on my hand- to unexpected news. The news can be both positive and negative.
  • Crawling up your hand— your loved ones or acquaintances want something from you.
  • On the face- something good awaits you in the near future.
  • Came down from the ceiling in front of my face- a positive sign. Your business portends success for you, you will be prosperous.
  • Slowly spins a web in front of your face- also positive.
  • On the foot- to new acquisitions.
  • Crawling up your leg- for large purchases.

  • Crawling over a person's body- to monetary rewards.
  • Why is he running all over me? Perhaps they will give you a bonus.
  • sits on the body- you will soon have financial well-being if you don’t give up.
Came down or fell on your head- most likely, you will soon receive good news and meet a pleasant person.
  • On the neck- perhaps your loved ones will help or please you with something.
  • On the hair- wait for guests. Hair is associated with cobwebs, so the sign is favorable.

On clothes and personal items

  • Crawling up clothes– you will buy yourself new clothes or personal items.
  • On shoes- you will have to lose something or spend a lot of money.
  • In a circle- you have an envious person.

In the car or at work

  • In the car- if you make money using a machine, then this is a good sign, profit awaits you.
  • Spider web in the car- an analogy with a house, if it has woven a web, you may have an envious person. It is your ill-wishers who give you the negativity that you bring into your home and car.
  • At work- maybe you will be promoted.

Should you believe?

Of course, each of us chooses for himself: to believe in his omens or not. If the presence of spiders in your apartment causes you negative emotions, you still shouldn’t kill them, it’s better to let them out into the street.

Spiders are part of our life, part of the ecosystem and bring us considerable benefit by eating flies, mosquitoes and other insects.

At the same time, we should not forget that some spiders are poisonous. The venom of the karakurt spider causes paralysis and death, and the venom of the tarantula causes fever. But most of the spiders living in our neighborhood are harmless. And in order for luck to visit you, you need to make an effort yourself.

Few people consider spiders to be pleasant creatures. They can be associated with danger and even death (after all, poisonous spiders are found in nature, although, fortunately, not in our latitudes). Therefore, many people, when they see a spider in their home or even on the street, try to crush the unfortunate insect. But we don't recommend doing this. Why? Read the answers in our article.

Humane reasons

If you are trying to educate yourself and your loved ones on the principles of humanism, then you should know that any murder, be it a person or a small spider, is wrong. Nature has created many different creatures in the world, each of which plays its own role. And you and I have no right to interfere with this order.

We need to learn to coexist next to Mother Nature and treat each of her creations with love.

Sanitary reasons

Spiders feed on flies, mosquitoes and other flying insects that fall into their web. Simply put, if there were no spiders, you and I would be eaten by mosquitoes, or we would die from infections carried by flies. If you want fewer flying insects in your home, don't kill spiders.

Religious reasons

There is an interesting and beautiful biblical legend. Its plot is as follows: when the Virgin Mary with the newborn Jesus and her husband Joseph was hiding from the soldiers of King Herod, she ran into a cave. Near the entrance to the cave there was a hazel tree on which a spider lived. The insect quickly wove a dense web between the hazel and the entrance to the cave. Therefore, when Herod’s soldiers approached this place, they decided that there was no one in the cave - after all, the entrance was overgrown with cobwebs. Thus the holy family escaped danger.

In gratitude for this, the Lord made the hazel become the only tree that is never struck by lightning. And the spider became an honorable insect, killing which is a great sin.

By the way, there are similar legends in other world religions. This means that it is better for a person not to anger higher powers and take care of the spider.

Esoteric reasons

Old people said: in the house where the spider lives, happiness lives. IN modern world such a belief can be explained from an esoteric point of view. If the home is dominated by positive energy, flowers grow well there, and animals, birds and spiders love to settle there. Therefore, you should not disturb the fragile harmony in your home by exterminating a living creature. Better rejoice in the fact that creative and favorable energy reigns in you.

Signs associated with spiders

There are many folk beliefs associated with spiders that you should familiarize yourself with before deciding to kill the insect.

  1. For unmarried girls they portend meeting suitors. At the same time, by the color of the arthropod one can judge what hair color the new fan will have. For example, if you suddenly saw a black spider in the house, then soon a certain brunette will look after you. Accordingly, a white insect predicts a relationship with a blond guy. If you kill a spider, then acquaintance, according to popular belief, will not happen. Therefore, dear girls, do not tempt fate and leave the insect alone.
  2. For married women And married men an encounter with spiders can predict future events. So, if you see a spider in the evening, it promises good luck, at night - the fulfillment of long-conceived plans, in the morning - minor troubles, in the afternoon - a visit from guests.
  3. If a spider has imperceptibly landed on your shoulders or head along the web, that’s just wonderful! Expect some money to fall on your head soon too! But provided that you do not kill the insect.
  4. If during the illness of one of the family members you see that a spider is weaving a web in the house, rest assured that the patient will soon recover.

And a little humor on the topic:

As you can see, there are many reasons to let a spider live. To believe them or not is everyone’s personal choice. But human experience accumulated over many centuries inspires confidence. If our ancestors never killed insects, they were most likely right!

Spiders do not ask people for permission to move into their homes. The insect brings a lot of problems into the life of the owners of the house, but fear does not allow them to kill the spider, because according to beliefs, such an act is punishable by severe punishment from higher powers. A person who wishes happiness for his family will never raise his hand against a spider.

Signs about killing spiders

The small creature is the source of good luck, prosperity and health - that’s why you should not kill spiders in the house.

News bearer

There is a sign: if a spider travels across a person’s body or furniture, you can expect a gift or news from friends. To kill a spider is to “block the road” to these pleasant surprises.


IN old times healers prepared medicines from herbs and insects. In many old recipes for medicinal potions, arthropods were found as an ingredient. Even the web was used for “medical” purposes. To take the life of a spider is to leave your home “to be torn to pieces” by diseases, without “medicines” (which there is nothing to prepare from).

Defender from corruption

There was a belief about spiders that protect the house from evil spirits and negative energy. To destroy an arthropod is to attract troubles, curses, and the evil eye of ill-wishers into your home.

Catcher of luck

Observant people have noticed that spiders use their webs to attract joy into the house. If the spider is not allowed to spin its web, there will be nothing to attract family happiness and well-being.

"Money spinner"

According to legend, small red spiders attract families material well-being, prosperity. Signs recommend keeping such an arthropod in your pocket. The British believe that an arthropod falling on one's head portends a substantial inheritance. Kill the spider - block the money channel.

Wisdom teacher

Since ancient times, people considered these animals to be divine beings, examples spiritual development and hard work. For killing an arthropod, the culprit was expelled from the tribe, dooming him to eternal wandering.

Is it possible to kill a spider in the house

The well-known folk superstition why you should not kill spiders in the house did not arise out of nowhere. Many peoples have a legend about how spiders saved a saint. And it doesn’t matter who it was: the prophet Magamed, the baby Jesus or Moses himself. Arthropods weaved a web around the entrance of the cave in which the fugitive was hiding. The pursuers decided that there could be no one in such a place, and walked past. Since then, believers have revered the eight-legged insect; killing it is considered a great sin. Who would want to lose protection?

According to another version, by destroying a spider, you doom your home to the absence of a web. But it is the spider’s web that attracts and retains everything good in the house, just as the owner of the web catches prey in it. In addition, the web collects all the negativity - you need to get rid of it when the thinnest threads are covered with dust. But this must be done carefully so as not to harm the “manufacturer”.

It is believed that you can kill spiders in an apartment only in one case - if they crawl or weave webs on the icon.

Random murder

There are cases when arthropods end up in an unexpected place, or due to their small size they are not noticed. In this case, accidentally killing a spider is a good sign (according to signs, such an incident serves as a reason for the forgiveness of 40 sins).

If you had to destroy an animal in fright, do not be discouraged. Throw the dead arthropod over the threshold with the words: “Go away, and take the bad things with you into the night!” This measure will prevent the occurrence of problems assigned for killing the sacred insect.

If you just find a dead spider in the house, you need to throw it out the door - this will bring good luck. If you throw the corpse of an arthropod in the trash, this will lead to losses of varying sizes.

What does fate promise for the one who kills the spider?

According to biblical commandments you can't kill. Even though spiders differ in size and significance from people, it is a sin to destroy them. Such an offense will be followed by punishment. Moreover, superstitions suggest that the smaller the injured arachnid, the more serious the retribution for its murder will be.

Omens of what will happen if you intentionally kill a spider:

  • a person who has committed an offense will be subject to failure and bad luck;
  • the culprit expects waste and losses (and not necessarily material ones);
  • A chronic disease may worsen in the one who offended the arachnid.

It is possible that such threats appeared as a result of a “reverse” in the methods of using arthropods to treat various ailments, as a result of which the eight-legged animals die and the sick person recovers.

Ancient Spider Treatments

  • Patients with jaundice were offered to ingest a live animal lubricated with butter.
  • A spider hung over the baby's crib helped cure a child of whooping cough.
  • Fever patients put the little spider in a blind box from which it could not get out.
  • It was believed that the death of an animal would provide relief from the disease.
  • Asthma and excessive sleepiness were treated with spider webs. The patient had to swallow a piece of spider net.
  • The bleeding was stopped with a skein of spider web, which was applied to the open wound.

As you can see, the signs prohibiting killing spiders did not arise in vain. But believe them or not, choose for yourself. If insects and the fruits of their labors are very disturbing, carefully collect the spiders with a twig and take them out into the wild, where they will be as comfortable as in an apartment.

Killing a spider is a negative omen. But there are certain conditions when such meaning can be reversed, to one’s advantage. IN different countries There are various interpretations, including those with opposite meanings.

In the article:

Killing a spider is a sign with a positive meaning

Positive signs about killing spiders have not spread. Do not hurt a living being to attract good luck or make a good day, and then pleasant events will find you. There are countries where they believe that killing a spider is good luck.

Don’t worry if you accidentally killed an arthropod or stumbled upon someone who had killed it. Ominous signs have nothing to do with you. Bad omens apply to those who killed the spider on purpose.

According to some sources, those who kill the spider are exempt from forty sins, but then, what if they did it by accident or in a state of fright. But don't try to get rid of your sins by killing innocent arthropods.

Why you shouldn't kill spiders

In the North they believe that killing a spider means illness. Northern shamans also do not recommend throwing people out of the house; the web protects the house and the family living in it from disease. By collecting it, it is possible to cure a person of a serious illness, but you need cobwebs from his home. And when spiders are killed, they stop weaving a web, and its absence will lead to a fatal disease.

Read the article: - signs.

There is one more sign that explains why it is dangerous to kill spiders. Not only flies get into the web so that the arthropod gets food. She catches luck and happiness. Kill him in the house - other spiders will stop weaving webs and... So drive happiness out of your home.

Killing defenseless creatures is unjust. And every person who does this will face punishment. The smaller the spider killed, the greater misfortune awaits the killer. According to legend, the spider helped Jesus Christ hide - he disguised the entrance to the cave with a web. There are similar stories about Mohammed and Moses. When you want to live a long and happy life, do not offend representatives of this species of insects.

There are many positive signs about spiders. When he or, foretells pleasant events. But when an arthropod, while trying to convey good news, frightened rather than delighted, it is impossible to kill. Then the pleasant prediction will not come true, and there is a threat of illness.

Why were spiders killed in the old days?

Hundreds of years ago, they tried to treat fever and jaundice with the help of spiders. Live arthropods were rolled into a ball of soft butter to make it easier to swallow whole.

Diseases were reduced to these arthropods with the help of magic, and they endured evil eyes and damage. This is not practiced now.

According to medieval doctors, the web had many healing properties. It was used to stop bleeding by applying a spider net to the wounds. It was recommended to roll it into balls and eat it to cure fever and asthma. This phenomenon also has scientific explanation- modern scientists are studying the properties of spider web, which is considered an antiseptic, and glue or an excellent material in terms of strength characteristics.

You cannot kill spiders - this will bring troubles and failures to the house, and will get rid of a creature useful in the household, which perfectly protects the house from a variety of harmful insects. When there is at least one spider in your home, you can forget about flies and cockroaches.

In contact with

How does a spider make you feel? Hardly kind. Fear, disgust and disgust... These little creatures get it in full! Every second person, when they see an eight-legged insect, their hand involuntarily reaches for a slipper. It is even considered a kind of valor if a man with a light click slams down the spider that frightened his lady. But is it worth doing? Signs confidently say - no!

Why can't you kill spiders?

Unlike us, who are frivolous and inclined to trust emotions, ancient people treated little “weavers” with more respect. The ability of an insect to weave strong webs and remain in ambush for hours, controlling the tension of each web, seemed to be an act akin to the work of higher powers to establish cosmic order. It’s not for nothing that Buddhists considered a spider in a web to be a prototype of the Universe! And not only them.

  • Among the Celts, this wise insect collected together the threads of life and death, past, present and future, and firmly wove every person into the overall picture of the universe.
  • Among the Egyptians, the spider was the main attribute of the goddess Neith, who wove the world.
  • IN ancient Greece he served as a companion to a number of goddesses, one way or another associated with weaving. Neither Athena, nor Persephone and the Moirai, endlessly weaving the threads of destinies, did not disdain to take the hardworking insect into their retinue.

Christianity and Islam swept away the pagan temples, but did not touch the little spider. There is a legend about how Moses (in the Muslim version of the legend - the prophet Muhammad) took refuge in a cave from the enemies who were following him. And he would definitely have fallen into their hands if there had not been a spider nearby, which tightly wove the hole into the saint’s shelter with its web.

Knowing all of the above, you are no longer surprised by the signs that so clearly come to the defense of the insect. His murder predicts loss of health, luck and even happiness. Why be surprised? After all, it is the many-legged master who weaves the nets that can catch the capricious Fortune!

Does the prediction depend on the size of the insect and your intention?

The smaller the insect, the greater the reward the signs promise to its offender

It is believed that the smaller the killed individual, the more unpleasant surprises one should expect from fate. Firstly, this flighty young lady will not want to turn her face to the killer of her many-legged colleague. Secondly, it is known: the smaller the creature, the more defenseless it is. And you have to pay more for offending the weak.

And keep in mind: although “deliberate murder” is an aggravating circumstance, signs do not relieve responsibility from the one who accidentally smacks or crushes the spider. It is better not to touch these creatures at all. Moreover, in different countries they will tell you their reasons for leaving the insect alone:

  • In England they believe that a spider falling on a person means big profits. Therefore, killing him will make your wallet thinner.
  • In France, meeting an insect in the evening means good luck coming straight into your hands. Squash him and your hands will remain empty.
  • In Italy, on the contrary, bad omen killing a “morning” or “night” spider is considered.
  • In China, the spider is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Grab a newspaper or slippers - don’t expect a prosperous life.
  • In Japan, the multi-legged insect is seen as a messenger from the other world, bringing greetings from departed relatives. To deal with him means to show simply outrageous disregard for our ancestors.
  • In the Middle East, there is a funny belief that spiders can put out a house fire. Would it even occur to anyone to destroy such valuable neighbors?!
  • In Russia, as in a number of European countries, the appearance of a spider in an apartment predicts important news. Therefore, do not rush to destroy the “postman”: what if there is good news?
  • If you meet an insect on the street, especially after lunch, good luck will come. Naturally, murder cancels all happy predictions.

What threatens the one who kills

What exactly are the signs that frighten those who stubbornly continue to harm spiders?

The spider brings health, wealth and luck

Diseases. The small insect often appeared in legends as a skilled healer. Its web was sculpted onto wounds for speedy healing, swallowed as a remedy for asthma, fever and whooping cough, and sometimes the patient was offered to use the spider itself as a powerful medicine. As a result, a strong belief developed: if there is not a shred of cobwebs in the house, then there is no health there.

Financial losses. In many cultures around the world, a red spider is directly called a money spinner, and its fall on a person is perceived as a sure sign of wealth. If you ignore the lucky prediction and kill the insect, there will be no money.

Bad luck. If you killed a spider, don’t complain that you can’t catch luck, because there’s no one to weave a web for it. In some Slavic families, the spider was purposefully allowed to settle in the far corner of the house and under no circumstances was its web disturbed in order to lure harmony and happiness into the family.

Any Living being lives in this world for a reason and occupies a strictly defined niche for him. You should never kill him unless absolutely necessary. Have you found a multi-legged “neighbor” in your home? Cover it with a jar, take it outside and let it go in peace. Fate will certainly appreciate it.
