Desirable actions on the day of Ashura. Is it permissible to get married in the month of Muharram? Brief information about Imam Hussein

Ashura, or Shakhsey-vahsey is a significant date for Shiite Muslims, which is celebrated on the 10th day of Muharram, one of the most significant months in the Islamic calendar. This is a day of mourning dedicated to Imam Hussein, who died as a martyr in 680 in one of the most revered Muslim cities - Karbala. Ashura Day is strictly observed wherever Shiites can be found: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Pakistan, Lebanon, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, etc. The meaning of the holiday is participation in the heroic deed of a great man, ready to fight, brave and brave; one who was able to accept martyrdom for the sake of Islam, even though he knew that the struggle was hopeless and led to death.

Day of Ashura for Shiites

Basic information about Imam Hussein
The full name of the imam is Hussein ibn Ali. His father's name was Ali ibn Abu Talib and he was the cousin of the Prophet Muhammad, the fourth (out of 12) successor of the prophet. He is considered the first imam in the Shiite teachings and is the first man to convert to Islam. Hussein's mother, Fatima Zahra - the daughter of Muhammad - was a model of morality and purity. Hussein became the third imam of the Shiites after his elder brother al-Hasan, who was supposed to become ruler, was poisoned on the orders of the Umayyad dynasty, which wanted to see its heir in power. Hussein was an imam for 10 years. For most of this time, Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufiana reigned (the same one who was allegedly involved in the tragic death of al-Hasan), and the last 6 months of the great imam’s life were ruled by Muawiyah’s son, Yazid.

Background to the Karbala uprising
There were more than enough reasons for discontent among the population. Among the first reasons: the inconsistency of the behavior of rulers with the norms of Sharia, which is based on 2 main sets of rules for the life of Muslims: the Koran and the Sunnah. Almost all representatives of the Umayyad dynasty, except Umar II, who was famous for his piety and honesty, violated the precepts of Islam. For example, Yazid did not hesitate to openly indulge in entertainment (wine, dancers). In addition, Muslims of all nationalities were not equally revered under the Umayyads, as prescribed by Islam. Arab Muslims were clearly in a privileged position.

Disrespect for the norms of Sharia and persecution of representatives of the revered family of the Prophet Muhammad (his traditional designation is Ahl al-Bayt) led to the emergence of an opposition, the ideological spokesman of which was Imam Hussein. A considerable number of Muslims came over to his side and expressed their support for him, including in writing. From Kufa (Iraq), a city now sacred to the Shiites, the imam received the most messages. People openly proposed to raise an uprising and wanted to see Hussein as their leader. He deserved this with his inflexibility - a quality that is confirmed by many events. For example, Hussein refused to swear allegiance to Yazid when his father, Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan, contrary to Islamic norms, wanted to transfer power to him.

Before Ashura
Hussein was in Mecca before the mandatory pilgrimage for every Muslim, the Hajj, began. The pilgrims were a very convenient screen for the hired killers who, on Yazid’s orders, infiltrated the imam. Hussein was warned that they wanted to destroy him, but he could not allow blood to be shed in a city holy to Muslims. Bloodshed in this place is prohibited by the Koran. Therefore, having gathered his family and friends, he left Mecca and headed to Kufa, without completing the required rituals and declaring that his sacrifice to Allah would not be animals, but himself.

Some of the residents of Mecca took his side and were ready to fight Yazid. On the way to Kufa, Hussein learned that the city's inhabitants were surrendering to Yazida's scouts and were beginning to kill his followers. This is how Muslim ibn Aqil, sent by Hussein to Kufa, was killed. This was shortly before the death of Hussein himself, on the 5th of Muharram. Yazid's army overtook Hussein 44 km from Kufa, in Karbala. 30,000 people surrounded the imam, his companions, and family. Among the besieged were children and women. They spent 8 painful days in the middle of the desert without access to water.

On the night of the 10th day, Hussein gathered his companions and informed them that they had no chance and would face the death of martyrs. He allowed everyone who did not want such a fate to leave the camp at night with their torches extinguished. Some people left the camp, but in the morning 72 people remained with him, including his relatives. Of these, only 18 are adults, capable of fighting men. But the exact numbers are unknown. According to other sources, 120 people remained with Hussein. At the same moment, Yazid’s army brought up reserves and increased to 45,000. Yazid wanted to start the battle on the 9th, but respected Hussein’s request to postpone the battle until the morning so that the latter and his companions could perform namaz, that is, pray.

Day of Ashura: Battle
10th day of the month of Muharram (words "yaum al-ashura" means "tenth of the month" in Arabic) the battle took place. According to Arab tradition, Hussein's companions came out one at a time. They fought as hard as they could, but the forces were too unequal, so painful death from numerous wounds was inevitable for each of them. One of Hussein’s relatives, Abul Fadl Abbas, managed to break through to the river (the city of Al-Kufa is on the Euphrates River) to get water, but Yazid’s soldiers cut off his hands and he died. It is not known exactly when this happened, on the day of Ashura or earlier. At the same time, the imam’s son, Ali Akbar, who was 17 years old at that moment, died. Hussein's nephews, Aun and Muhammad, the sons of the imam's sister, whose name was Seyida Zainab bint Ali, were killed. Yazid's supporters killed two more of the imam's children - teenagers who were eleven and thirteen years old. Hussein's six-month-old son, Ali Asghar, was shot with an arrow when his father asked for water for the child. Imam Hussein himself received almost 30 cut and stab wounds, and then, while still alive, Sharakhbil, nicknamed Shimr, which means experienced, cut off his head.

What happened to the members of Imam Hussein's family?
After Imam Hussein died, his enemies burned the tents in the camp, and everyone who was in it was taken prisoner. Among the captives were many close relatives of the imam:

  • Sister Zainab bint Ali is the granddaughter of the great prophet. She was very attached to her brother.
  • Sister of Umm Kulthum.
  • Imam's wife Layla, mother of Ali al-Akbar.
  • The wife of the Imam, Princess Shahr Banu, mother of Zayn-ali-Abidin, the fourth Imam.
  • The wife of Imam al-Hasan, the same one who was supposed to inherit power after Muawiya.
  • Daughter of Imam Suqein (4 years old).
  • Imam's son Muhammad (5 years old).
  • Ali Zan al-Abidin (20 years old). He was unable to take part in the battle because he was seriously ill.
  • On the way to Kufa, the prisoners were subjected to all kinds of humiliation: the women's hijabs were torn off, all the prisoners were carried on horses without saddles, like slaves. The guards carried the heads of Hussein's previously killed companions on spears. Hussein's sister, Zaynab bint Ali, distinguished herself in the palace of the governor of Kufa, Ibn Ziyad. She was not afraid to make an accusatory speech against Yazid, who committed a number of crimes by attacking the relatives of the Prophet Muhammad.

    Then the captives visited other cities of the Persian Gulf: Mosul (Iraq), Homs (Syria), Baalbek (Lebanon). Everywhere Yazid's supporters tried to portray them as rebels. After this they arrived at Yazid's court in Damascus. Yazid expressed his anger by beating the dead Imam Hussein's head, which was placed on a tray. It was here that Seyida Zainab, with the support of Hussein's son Ali-Zayn al-Abidin, made a speech in which she spoke out against the atrocities of Yazid and the entire Umayyad dynasty. The enraged Yazid wanted to kill both rebels, but his advisers convinced him of the recklessness of such an act.

    Mourning on the day of Ashura

    All events on this day are aimed at sharing, if possible, the suffering of Imam Hussein. The first meetings in memory of his death began to be held by his sister Seyida Zainab in her home in Damascus. During them, those gathered read poems dedicated to the courage of the imam and voiced the events of Ashura. The following imams attached great importance to such events, which made it possible to preserve the memory of Ashura.

    Modern Shiites organize remembrance evenings or processions that last the first 10 days of the corresponding month. However, many Shia Muslim communities observe mourning for 40 days. Imams read khutbahs (Muslim sermons), Muslims beat themselves on the chest with their fists as a sign of loyalty to Islam and readiness to sacrifice for it. The color of the clothes is black, the music is mournful, and mourning poems are also heard, which are called "latmiya".

    Especially for all these events, sheds or buildings are built, which are called "Husseiniya". They are similar to mosques, but are intended only for Ashura. Some of the traditions on this day are very specific and not widespread everywhere, for example, Shiites from Pakistan or Iraq consider it obligatory to torture themselves until blood appears with the help of swords or chains. However, some theologians of Islam (mujtahids), such as Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, another Iranian Grand Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi, and the founder of the Hezbollah movement, Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah, have prohibited inflicting bleeding wounds on the day of Ashura. The prohibitions were outlined in the fatwas they issued.

    Sunni day of Ashura

    Sunnis say that the month in which Ashura is celebrated is the first month in the Islamic calendar. Based on the Koran, they claim that Muharram is one of the 4 months that have a special, sacred meaning for Muslims, months in which it is forbidden to kill, wage war or hunt. There are Sunni collections of hadiths, that is, legends about the Prophet Muhammad, according to which on the day of Ashura, Noah’s Ark was finally able to land on land after a long wandering through the watery desert. Sunni experts in Islam, the ulema, also say that Musa (Moses in the Bible) found salvation on this day from the Egyptian pharaoh who was pursuing him.

    Thus, the day of Ashura, according to Sunni concepts, is celebrated in a completely different way. On the Kaaba, main shrine Muslims in Mecca, changing an old blanket. Instead, they lay out a new one. And the old ones are cut into pieces and donated to Muslim communities around the world.

    The Shiites, of course, object to this interpretation of the day of Ashura, arguing that the hadiths on which the Sunnis rely were fabricated during the reign of the Umayyads by those who wished that the tragic events in Karbala would not receive wide publicity and would be consigned to oblivion by the Muslim Ummah.

    The month of al-Muharram has arrived!

    ✅ From the words of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr, may Allah be pleased with him, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:

    “The best fast after fasting in the month of Ramadan is fasting in the month of Allah - al-Muharram.” Muslim 1163.

    Hafiz Ibn Rajab said: “The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, called al-Muharram the month of Allah, and the attribution of this month to Allah indicates its honor and dignity.” See “Lataif al-ma'arif” 89.

    Someone may ask: If voluntary fasting in the month of al-Muharram is the best fast, then why is there no message from the companions that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, fasts diligently in this month, as we say in the month of Sha'ban, about which 'Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: « In no month did the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, fast more than in Sha’ban.” al-Bukhari 1970, Muslim 1156.
    The answer to this was given by Imam an-Nawawi, who said: “One of the reasons why the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, did not fast in the month of Muharram as diligently as he fasted in Sha'ban may be that knowledge the superiority of fasting in Muharram could have been revealed to him at the end of his life.” See Sharh Sahih Muslim 8/232.

    ✅ Also, the month of al-Muharram stands out because it contains the great day of ‘Ashura, which falls on the tenth.

    Abu Qatada reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

    “I hope in Allah that fasting on the day of Ashura will serve as atonement for the sins of the past year!” Muslim 1162.

    Imam at-Tibi said: “The word “hope” is connected with the words “in Allah,” which indicates the obligation that given promise will happen.” See “al-Kashif an haqaik al-Sunan” 5/1608.

    Abu Jabala said: “I was on the road with Ibn Shihab (az-Zuhri) and he observed the fast of the day of ‘Ashura. When they said to him: “You observe the fast of ‘Ashura on the road, but do not observe the fast of the month of Ramadan on the road?” He replied: “Truly, Ramadan can be made up on other days, but the day of ‘Ashura can no longer be made up!”” al-Bayhaqi in “Shu’ab al-iman” 5/335.

    Should one fast on the day of ‘Ashura with the day before it or after it?
    Ibn 'Abbas said:

    « When the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, fasted on the day of Ashura and ordered his companions to do the same, they said: “O Messenger of Allah, this is a day that is honored by Jews and Christians.” Then the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:Next year, Allah willing, we will fast on the ninth . But before the onset of next year, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, died » . Muslim 1/151.

    ‘Ata said: “Ibn ‘Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, fasted the day before (‘Ashura) and the day after it.” at-Tabari in “Tahzib al-asar” 1430. See “Ma sah min asar as-sahaba” 2/675.

    Also, the point of desirability of fasting on ‘Ashura with the day before and after is to not miss this great day in case of incorrect calculation of the onset of the month of Muharram. They said that the hadith: “Next year, Allah willing, we will fast on the ninth.” Muslim 1/151, explains another hadith of the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, who said: “If, Allah willing, I live to see the next year, then I will fast on the ninth, for fear of missing the day of Ashura.” at-Tabarani in “al-Kabir” 10817. The hadith is reliable. See “as-Silsilya as-sahiha” 350.
    Shu’ba said: “Ibn ‘Abbas observed fasting on the day of Ashura even while on the road, also fasting the day before and after it, fearing to miss this day.” at-Tabari in “Tahzib al-asar” 597.
    Regarding fasting on the day of ‘Ashura, Imam Ibn al-Qayyim said: “Fasting on this day has three types:
    The best of them is fasting with a day before and a day after it.
    Then next view- This is the observance of fasting on the ninth and tenth days, and most hadiths indicate this.
    And after this, fasting occurs only on the day of Ashura, the tenth.” See “Zadul-ma’ad” 2/76.

    Is the day of Ashura an Eid holiday?
    Abu Musa al-Ash'ari, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

    « The day of 'Ashura was a holiday / 'Eid' among the Jews, and therefore the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: And you are fasting on this day! » al-Bukhari 2005, Muslim 1131.

    Hafiz Ibn Rajab said: “This hadith indicates the prohibition of choosing the day of ‘Ashura as a holiday. Fasting on this day indicates that this day is not a holiday.” See “Lataif al-ma'arif” 112.

    ❗ The mentioned hadith clearly indicates that the day of ‘Ashura is not an ‘Eid in Islam! Yes, there is a great reward for fasting on the day of Ashura, but this does not mean that this day is a holiday for Muslims. And based on this, it becomes clear the mistake of many Muslims who believe that the day of Ashura is Eid, and for this reason they prepare food dedicated to this day for distribution, treats, etc. There is no indication of the legality of this in Islam. Sheikhul-Islam Ibn Taymiyya said: “There is not a single indication of this, neither from the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, nor from the companions, nor from any of the imams, nor from the four madhhabs. There is not a single reliable message about this, not in any book of hadith, be it the books “Sahih”, “Sunan” or “Musnad”. See “Majmu'ul-fatawa” 25/299.

    Accounted for significant in Islam – Day of Ashura. It comes at sunset today(Friday, September 29) and will last exactly one day.

    The word Ashura is derived from the word "ashara", which means "ten", as this day is the tenth day of one of the four forbidden months in Islam - the month of Muharram.

    The Day of Ashura is important not only in the present, but also because of the events that happened on this day, and there are many of them and they are evidence of the enormous mercy and mercy of the Almighty Allah Subhanu wa Tagal. These are signs for us, a reason for reflection and expression of endless gratitude to Allah for having arranged everything in the best possible way.

    Events that, according to legend, occurred on the day of Ashura are associated with the prophets (peace be upon them) :

    1. The repentance of Adam (a.s.) was accepted

    2. Prophet Nuh (a.s.) and his followers were saved from death in the waters of the great flood

    3. Prophet Yunus (peace be upon him) was rescued from the belly of a whale

    4. Prophets Isa and Idris (peace be upon them) ascended to heaven

    5. Prophet Ayuba (peace be upon him) was healed from illness

    6. Prophet Yaqub (peace be upon him) met with his son

    7. Prophet Suleiman (peace be upon him) became king

    8. Prophet Yusuf (peace be upon him) was released from prison

    9. Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) saved from the pursuers of Pharaoh

    Moreover, it is important that on this day the creation by the Almighty of Heaven, Earth, Arsh, Course, angels, and the first man Adam took place. The end of the world will also come on this day.

    Just like on any other day, on this blessed day the heart of a believer should strive for good in worship (persevere in worship), in his character, relationships with people, and avoiding the forbidden, abstaining from sins, and performing repentance. It is important to make dua with a sincere heart and ask the Almighty for the unseen, salvation from Hell, finding His contentment and happiness in both worlds.

    What special worship can be performed on the Day of Ashura?

    You should fast on this day , but the important point is that along with the day of Ashura, fasting must be observed the day before or the day after .

    The hadith says: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) arrived in Medina, he found the Jews fasting, and they said (when asked): “This is a great day on which Musa (peace be upon him) and His people were saved from Pharaoh, so Musa (peace be upon him) observed the fast and we fast as a sign of gratitude to Allah.” Then the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “ We (Muslims) are more worthy of fasting out of respect for Prophet Musa (peace be upon him) as a sign of gratitude to Allah“- and ordered to fast on this day” (Muslim). From this day on, by the grace of Allah, fasting on the Day of Ashura became sunnah for Muslims.

    Ibn Abbas (ra) said: “ I have not seen the Messenger of Allah more zealous in observing fasting than on the day of Ashura and the month of Ramadan"(Imam Muslim).

    The virtues of fasting on the day of Ashura are stated in the hadith: “ It serves as atonement for the sins of the past year"(Muslim).

    It is advisable to spend some part of the night of this day in worship, performing Tahajjud prayer. The hadith says: “The best month for fasting after the month of Ramadan is the month of Muharram - and the best prayer after obligatory prayers and prayer performed in the depths of the night, i.e. Tahajjud prayer is a prayer performed on the day of Ashura” (Muslim).

    On this day you should also give sadaqa to your loved ones. As the hadith says: “ Whoever is generous to his family on the day of Ashura, Allah will make him abundant (in food) in other years as well."(al-Haythami).

    There are especially blessed days and nights, months and periods that are given to us as a reward and are the great mercy of Allah. At these moments, the distance between the Creator and his creations is reduced, the doors of Allah’s mercy are opened, duas are accepted, sins are forgiven if a believer with a sincere heart treats this gift from Allah with special trepidation and zeal for the sake of His pleasure. Allah Almighty has given us another such beautiful day, and whether to miss it or to gain its merits depends only on the person...

    Blessed Day of Ashura!

    The first month of the Islamic calendar. This is one of the four months (Rajab, Dhul-Qaada, Dhul-Hijjah, Muharram) during which Allah forbade military action, provoking conflicts, etc. Undoubtedly, the best day of this month is the day of Ashura.

    The importance of the month of Muharram is also spoken of in hadiths and verses. IN Holy Quran said: " Verily, Allah, on the day when He created the heavens and the earth, determined the number of months - twelve, according to the Scripture of Allah. Four months of them are forbidden, this is a persistent religion. So don’t harm yourself during these months.”

    « Punishment and reward for actions increase during these months. Oppression in any month is a great sin, but in these four months the punishment for it increases. The Almighty magnifies whatever he wishes. Thus he exalted the prophets, choosing them for this, and not angels. From all human speech, the Almighty singled out His remembrance. The most the best places on earth are mosques. Among the months chosen by the Almighty are Ramadan and Muharram. The best of days before the Almighty is Friday, and of the nights - the night of Laylatul Qadr. Extol what God exalts" (Ibn Kathir, interpretation of Surah at-Tawba, verse 36) Therefore, every Muslim should try to spend this month in the service of Allah Almighty.

    Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reports that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about the virtues of fasting this month: “After fasting in the month of Ramadan, the most worthy is fasting in the month of Allah - Muharram” (Muslim)

    Usually, people consider the onset of a new year as the entry into some new phase of their life. Therefore, they make plans, hope for improvements, dream about future happiness, and prepare for new achievements. Of course, Caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) decided that Muharram should be the first month, since it follows the month of Dhul-Hijjah, in which Muslims perform the pilgrimage (Hajj). The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever makes the Hajj to this House without swearing or committing wickedness will return the same as his mother gave birth to him.”(Al-Bukhari:1819)

    Therefore, having performed the Hajj, a person returns free from the burden of his sins, like a newborn child. Fortunately, a person begins the next year in such a purified state. And this gives him the opportunity to look into the future with optimism and enthusiasm. It also encourages you to maintain the purity of your soul throughout the year and not return to mistakes and sins.

    Hassan al-Basri said: “Verily, Allah opens the year with the month of Muharram and ends the year with this month, and there is no month in the year after Ramadan that is greater before Allah than Muharram because of its holiness!” See “Lataif al-ma'arif” 79.

    ‘Uthman al-Hindi said: “They (the Salaf) exalted ten days of three months: Ten last days month of Ramadan. The first ten days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah. And the first ten days of the month al-Muharram!” See “Lataif al-ma'arif” 79.
    Ibn 'Umar said: “The people of the times of Jahiliya fasted on the day of Ashura, and the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and Muslims fasted on this day before Allah imposed fasting in the month of Ramadan. After fasting in Ramadan became obligatory, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Verily, ‘Ashura’ is a day of the days of Allah! And whoever wishes, let him fast, and whoever does not wish, should not fast.”" Muslim 1126.

    As we see, all the days of Muharram have dignity. Therefore, a Muslim is allowed to fast throughout this month, or to fast more in it than in other months. But the day of Ashura, in addition to having a special position and high reward from Allah, also has a number of useful points related to the beliefs and history of Islam.

    Holy day - "Ashura" is tenth day, and it is the most valuable day of this month. Many events in human history happened on this day. It accounts for the creation by Allah Almighty of Heaven, Earth, Al-Arsh, Angels, the first man and the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). The end of the world will also come on the day of Ashura. On this day, many events related to the Prophets of Allah took place.

    • Allah Almighty accepted repentance from Prophet Adam (peace be upon him);
    • the ark of Nuh (Noah) (peace be upon him) landed at Mount Judi (Iraq) after the Great Flood;
    • Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) (peace be upon him) was born;
    • the Prophets Isa (Jesus) and Idris (peace be upon them) were ascended to heaven;
    • Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) escaped from the fire kindled by the pagans;
    • Prophet Musa (Moses) (peace be upon him) and His followers escaped the pursuit of Pharaoh, who died on that day, swallowed up by the sea;
    • Prophet Yunus (peace be upon him) came out of the belly of a fish;
    • Prophet Ayub (Job) (peace be upon him) was healed of a serious illness;
    • Prophet Yaqub (Jacob) (peace be upon him) met with his son;
    • Prophet Suleiman (Solomon) (peace be upon him) became king;
    • Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) (peace be upon him) was released from prison.
    • Also on this day, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty), Hussein, died the death of a martyr (a fighter for the Faith).

    On the day of Ashura, as well as on the previous and subsequent days, it is advisable to fast. According to one of the hadiths, fasting on the day of Ashura cleanses a Muslim from sins for the previous year, and for a grain of alms (sadaqa) on the day of Ashura, Allah Almighty will give a reward the size of Mount Uhud. It is said in the hadith: “Whoever feeds and waters his family on the day of Ashura, Allah will give him barakah for a year.”

    Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “ I have never seen the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) so eager to fast as on the day of Ashura and in the month "(Al-Bukhari).

    Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “ I hope that Allah will accept the Ashura fast as atonement for the year before "(Muslim).

    Abd-Allaah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: “When the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) fasted on Ashura and prescribed fasting for all Muslims, they said: “O Messenger of Allah, this is the day that the Jews honor and Christians.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) replied: “If I live to see next year, Insha Allah, we will also fast on the ninth day.” . But it so happened that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him) died before the next year came” (Imam Muslim).

    And his disciples such as Imam Ahmad and Ishaq narrated: “ Fasting on the ninth and tenth days is advisable, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him)fasted on the tenth day and intended to fast on the ninth».

    Imam An-Nawawi said: “The scholars - the Companions and others - have mentioned several reasons why it is advisable to fast on the ninth day of the month of Muharram:

    1. Difference from the Jews, who honor only the tenth day. This opinion was narrated from Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him).

    2. The intention is to add another day to Ashura. This is similar to the prohibition of fasting separately on Friday, as mentioned.

    3. Make sure that the fast falls on the tenth day.

    If you perform a complete ablution (ghusul) on Ashura, Allah will protect a person from illness for a year. If you smear antimony on your eyes, Allah will protect you from eye diseases. Whoever visits a sick person on the day of Ashura is equivalent to visiting all the sons of Prophet Adam, peace be upon Him (i.e. all people). On the day of Ashura, people distribute sadaka, read the Koran, bring joy to children and loved ones, and also perform other godly deeds.

    Ashura is the most important holiday in the Shia Muslim calendar. It is celebrated on the 10th day of the month of Muharram, the first month in the Muslim calendar. For Shiites, who make up about 15 percent of all Muslims in the world, it is the biggest holiday of the year. However, for the rest of the world, it is most often associated with bloody processions, during which its participants flagellate themselves, striking with chains with sharp blades at the end, daggers and sabers. The bloody tradition of the Ashura holiday through the lens of photographers.

    16 PHOTOS

    1. Procession of Shiites in India. (Photo: THAIER AL-SUDANI / REUTERS)

    The Ashura holiday is a day of remembrance of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, who died in 680 during the Battle of Karbala (in central Iraq) with the troops of Caliph Yazid from the Umayyad dynasty. The grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, Hussein ibn Ali, is revered by Shiites as the third imam and their spiritual ancestor. Shiites live primarily in Iraq, Iran and Bahrain, and are a minority in countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia.

    2. The bloody tradition of the Ashura holiday in Kabul. (Photo: OMAR SOBHANI/REUTERS).

    For Muslims, Ashura is a day of mourning. They mourn the martyrdom of Hussein's heroic death in the name of goodness and justice. And although this is a Shiite holiday, Tatar Sunnis also take part in it.

    3. A man cuts the skin of a child as a sign of grief during a procession in Mumbai, the capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra. (Photo: DANISH SIDDIQUI/REUTERS)

    On this day, traditional processions of men take place, who, as a sign of mourning for Hussein, mutilate their bodies with whips, knives, machetes and beat their chests. This is how they express their grief and solidarity with the deceased grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

    4. Women also take part in the Ashura holiday; they do not participate in bloody processions, and on this day they wear black clothes without decorations as a sign of grief. (Photo: OMAR SOBHANI/REUTERS).
    5. Interestingly, self-flagellation and self-mutilation are incompatible with the principles of Islam. Shia spiritual leaders issue fatwas (a decision on an issue based on Islamic principles) against this tradition. (Photo: OMAR SOBHANI/REUTERS).
    6. Bloody procession in Kabul. (Photo: OMAR SOBHANI/REUTERS).

    However, not everywhere the Ashura holiday is associated with bloody rituals. For example, there are also known customs of publicly reading excerpts from the 16th-century work “The Garden of Martyrs,” which describes the tragic circumstances of the death of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.

    7. Ashura is the biggest holiday in the Shiite Muslim calendar. During processions, participants are often attacked by Sunni rebels, so such events are now held with local police cordons. (Photo: OMAR SOBHANI/REUTERS).
    8. Self-flagellation as a sign of mourning for the deceased Hussein ibn Ali. (Photo: OMAR SOBHANI/REUTERS).
    9. One of the participants in the bloody procession in Kabul. (Photo: OMAR SOBHANI/REUTERS).
    10. Lebanese Shiites, supporters of Hezbollah, listen to the story of the life and death of Imam Hussein ibn Ali during the Ashura holiday in Beirut. (Photo: HUSSEIN MALLA/AP)
    11. Self-flagellation of Shiites in Pakistan. (Photo: PAP/EPA).
    12. The bloody tradition of the Ashura holiday in Pakistan. (Photo: PAP/EPA).
    13. The bloody custom should remind Shiites of the heroic and martyrdom of the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. (Photo: PAP/EPA).
