4 coins meaning in a relationship. Four of Pentacles tarot card meaning. Interpretation of direct provision

The Four of Pentacles Tarot in a love reading will tell you what problems may lie ahead and whether there are prospects for the relationship.

In combination with other cards general meaning will depend on the cards drawn and their position.

Characteristics of the lasso

The Four of Coins or Pentacles belongs to the minor arcana.

Key card meanings:

  • stable financial position;
  • goal achievement;
  • making decisions using reason rather than emotions;
  • health problems due to nervous tension;
  • thoughtless spending;
  • unexpected success.

The main meaning of the lasso is awareness of the boundary between the desired and the possible. The person who received this card is characterized by a sober mind, pragmatism, and occupies a stable position in life.

But due to stinginess with emotions, a person is perceived as arrogant and cold, which may be absolutely wrong.

The meaning of the card in relationships

The meaning of the Tarot card 4 of Pentacles in personal relationships depends on its position.

Straight position

The upright Arkan states that relationships are built on trust between partners. You can be sure that the person will reveal the secrets of the fortuneteller.

Indirect position

The Four of Coins in an indirect position does not pose a clear threat to relationships, but is a warning about the emergence of conflicts on financial grounds. To maintain a favorable atmosphere between partners, it is necessary to clearly define the responsibilities of each and try to avoid quarrels over trifles.

Combination of arcana with other cards

In combination with other cards, it is important in what position they fell, as well as which group the second card belongs to.

With the major arcana

When 4 Pentacles appear with the major arcana, the Tarot endows them with its energy. This combination in most cases describes the situation from the financial side.

Major ArcanaFour uprightFour upside down
JesterGreed will lead to ruinUseless gift
Jester, invertedThe desire to possess something that does not belong to the fortuneteller
MageCreditReceiving a well-deserved award
Magician, invertedSolving debt problemsCelebration in honor of the winner
High PriestessAbility to keep secretsTrusting your intuition
High Priestess, reversedCovering up a person acting illegallyAn original solution to old problems
EmpressThe need to control spendingUnexpected prospects
Empress, reversedProper use of the family budgetHappy coincidence
EmperorSaving money over a lifetimePraise from the boss
Emperor, invertedQuarrel between relatives over inheritanceHelp from a family member in finding a job
HierophantRefusal to help people in needGifts from a secret admirer
Hierophant, invertedStinginess
LoversJealousy destroys relationshipsRefusal to help a friend
Lovers, invertedDistrust of partners to each otherGreed
ChariotUsing funds set aside for a rainy dayWork abroad
Chariot, invertedTaking advantage of existing opportunitiesUnexpected turn of events
JusticeFailure to keep one's wordFear of change
Justice reversedWasting money and data storagefutility
HermitCreative stagnationFear of the inexplicable
Hermit, invertedInsufficient project fundingNervous tension
Wheel of FortuneReluctance to listen to other people's opinionsMemories of traumatic events
Wheel of Fortune, invertedNarrow thinkingRegrets about missed opportunities
ForceSharpening your skillsExtortion
Power reversedWaiting for the right moment
HangedSelf-sacrificeInsulting a loved one
Hanged, upside downNon-profit workDisdainful attitude from management
DeathDevastationEliminating problems on the way to the goal
Death invertedDestruction of a family businessTaking the project to the international level
ModerationAbility to solve difficult problemsSuccess in self-realization
Moderation, reversedIncreased knowledge
DevilReluctance to part with old thingsSerious disease
Devil, invertedPassion for hoardingProblem with credit
TowerInvesting money in a losing projectWinning the lottery
Tower, invertedVictim of financial fraudUnexpected inheritance
StarAcquiring what you wantListening to people will benefit you
Star, invertedDream come trueHelp a friend
MoonParticipation in a dubious enterpriseAdvantageous offer at work
Moon invertedProblems with lawGift from a fan
SunStable source of incomeNew project
Sun invertedBank fraudNew addition to the family
CourtAn old project that makes a profitAbility to do meticulous work
Court, invertedAttention to details
WorldAccumulating the necessary amount to start your own businessConclusion of a peace treaty
World upside downGood healthResponsibility for other people

With the minor arcana

When combined with minor arcana the meaning of 4 Pentacles of the Tarot dominates the second card, the general meaning will be precisely its energy.

In combination with its suit, it takes on the following meanings:

Combination with Swords:

  • Ace – minor troubles can develop into major problems;
  • King - painful perception of criticism;
  • Queen - an objective assessment of her actions;
  • Knight – unwillingness to listen to the opinions of others;
  • Page – trust will serve as the basis for strong relationships;
  • 10 – dependence on other people’s opinions;
  • 9 – emotions will cause harm;
  • 8 – decisions must be made with prudence;
  • 7 – apathy, unwillingness to fight public opinion;
  • 6 – success in love;
  • 5 – goal achievement;
  • 4 – control over children;
  • 3 – logic will help you avoid mistakes;
  • 2 – bias does not allow one to perceive one’s essence objectively.

Combination with Wands:

  • Ace – saving money for education;
  • King - the ability to find a way out of any situation;
  • Queen - false testimony;
  • Knight - waste of inheritance;
  • Page – lack of ideas;
  • 10 – creative stagnation;
  • 9 – self-interest in marriage;
  • 8 – career advancement;
  • 7 – desire to satisfy one’s needs dishonestly;
  • 6 – stinginess;
  • 5 – progress towards the goal without taking into account the needs of others;
  • 4 – being strict with yourself will help develop talents;
  • 3 – contribution of funds to a new project;
  • 2 – refusal to travel due to lack of finances.

Combination with Cups:

  • Ace – the need for rest;
  • King - conflicts with parents;
  • Queen - an attempt to get out of the influence of another person;
  • Knight – inability to quickly navigate in a difficult situation;
  • Page – demotion;
  • 10 – the need for careful planning;
  • Conclusion

    When fortune telling for love, the Four of Pentacles Tarot directly speaks of complete harmony between partners. The inverted sign is a warning of impending conflicts over material resources.

    It is worth considering the position of the cards and which group of arcana they belong to.

The 4 of Pentacles card belongs to the element of Earth, which means it can talk about material, mundane things: money, health, order. IN favorable meaning it is a symbol of stability, excellent health, in unfavorable conditions - crisis, loss, disorder. Let's consider the interpretation of the map in more detail.

The card indicates a person who is most fixated on material things in his life: he is dependent on money.

Interpretation of the 4 Pentacles of the Tarot in the upright position:

  • You are closed from others, unable to show your emotions. That's why you don't get them in return. A volcano of jealousy may be seething inside, but your loved ones don’t even know about it. It is important to learn to give vent to such feelings
  • The card represents the desire to accumulate money and save money. A person strives to save, but is extremely reluctant to spend. However, such an approach will not lead to wealth - on the contrary, you will have to constantly live modestly and cut yourself down in everything
  • The 4 of Coins Tarot often symbolizes a conservative person, stingy in every sense. He extremely dislikes wasting money, energy and emotions; he is not ready to give, he only strives to receive

Advice from the card when it appears in the upright position: save money, but do not try to then waste a large amount. Adhere to a reasonable distribution of finances: do not deny yourself the necessary and important things, but do not waste them either.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

When the Four of Coins appears in a reversed position in a reading, its meaning changes slightly. The interpretations are as follows:

  • Symbolizes a person dependent on material things and power. This is a true miser who saves on everything just to save more. Even if he has a lot of money, enough for three lives, he is not morally ready to spend it - like Kashchei, who “wastes over gold”
  • Also, 4 Coins promises health problems due to savings on doctors’ services and medications. A person puts off treatment until the last minute, just to avoid spending an extra penny.
  • Presages business collapse or demotion wages. Money doesn’t love you and leaves your wallet quickly
  • In the sphere of relationships, the card symbolizes control, pressure on others, despotism and authoritarianism
  • Symbolizes a person who is stingy with emotions, cruel, indifferent to other people’s experiences

Stinginess is the main characteristic of the card. First of all, this concerns the material world, but also extends to the emotional sphere.

4 of Pentacles Tarot: meaning in relationships

In relationship readings, the card takes on the following meanings:

  • Points to married man or married woman. This is a person in a strong marriage. The relationship seems stable and almost ideal to others, but within the family there are a lot of problems related to finances
  • You strive to conform to the patterns imposed by society and adhere to generally accepted rules. It's all due to the fear of condemnation and criticism. An excellent example is a girl who gets married at the age of 20 to the first person she meets, just to “make it to 25” and not be left alone. Clings to her partner to avoid being abandoned, even if she has no feelings

Card advice: listen to yourself and choose a partner in accordance with your feelings. Don't live to please social stereotypes - be happy, not approved.

Watch the video about the meaning of the Tarot Four of Pentacles:

Card combinations

Experienced tarot readers always look at which cards surround the Four of Coins. This is necessary because it helps to create a more accurate and correct interpretation.

Let's look at examples of card meanings in combination with Tarot arcana:

  1. The jester is a symbol of greed, which you need to get rid of so as not to lose everything you have
  2. Mage - favorable time for a new business. You can open a business, look for a job
  3. The High Priestess is a call to be careful and not share plans with people around you
  4. Empress - promises profit, material security and stability
  5. Emperor - you need to learn to control expenses so as not to end up with beans
  6. Hierophant - you are too sensitive and gullible, you need to become more indifferent to other people’s problems
  7. Lovers are a symbol of possessiveness and jealousy that interfere with relationships
  8. Chariot - the time will come to get the money put aside for a rainy day
  9. Strength - don't waste energy. On the contrary, you need to look for sources for its accumulation
  10. Hermit - a time of financial stagnation is coming. There won’t be large expenses, but you won’t get any tangible profits either.
  11. Wheel of Fortune - lack of peace and stability in the material sphere of life
  12. Justice - you risk suffering from the actions of scammers, be careful
  13. Hanged Man - you are sacrificing yourself in vain, stop and think about your own interests
  14. Death - to bankruptcy
  15. Moderation is a symbol of harmony and balance in all areas of life
  16. Devil - you are seriously addicted to money
  17. Tower - you will become a victim of financial fraud, which will cause you to suffer
  18. Star - there is every chance of getting something long desired
  19. Moon - relieve yourself of responsibility and let other people make decisions
  20. Sun - money will come from an unexpected source
  21. Peace is the right time to save money

Yes, the Four of Coins most often promises unfavorable events in life. But this is a reason not to be upset, but to think about whether you are moving in the right direction, whether you are managing your income correctly. It is worth learning how to properly distribute finances, then money will come into life easily.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

A person will have clear boundaries of what can be done and what cannot be done. The card also speaks of stinginess or frugality.


The card indicates stingy relationships in all areas - emotionally and materially.



Any enterprise related to investments and savings will bring success. The Arcanum can also indicate that a person does not live on a small income.

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✚ For the future

The card symbolizes great stability, which occupies a very significant place in the life of every person. Try to achieve a stable present in order to ensure a fulfilling and bright future filled with bright colors. However, there is a possibility that you are an excessively stingy person, which does not allow you to get the most out of life. You take care of your health and try to keep it in excellent condition. You just have to be more relaxed about spending money, then life will become easier and more interesting.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

A person who asks about the possibility of new relationships in his life must ask himself - is he ready for such global changes in life? Most likely, this person has now set his priorities in such a way that his financial situation, status in society and career occupy the main place in his life, and his loved one may simply not have enough strength and attention. If a person is currently in a relationship, he should also think about the fact that his partner may be receiving too little attention from him. Reluctance to change your habits and course of action, which has been developed over the years, can cause separation or serious disagreements.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Stability, reluctance to share, clear boundaries of what is permitted and economy. You strive to save money from your modest profits in a routine job that you don’t want to change just out of habit. The card says that you are very careful about your health and physical and emotional state, and therefore it is strong. The card indicates frantic jealousy in relationships on your part, caused by an acute desire to rule and not share with anyone. You are a stingy man of small views. Try to spend your saved money wisely!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A map of clearly defined boundaries. The boundaries are most often of a material level, that is, living within one’s means, saving, no changes - everything goes according to plan. But the card can also appear in a more abstract sense, as the personification of the stability of the inner world.

Tomorrow won't bring much trouble. Most likely, this is the usual way of making money, a quiet evening with your family or with your loved one. No “outbreaks” are expected. Perhaps a little disappointment associated with the inability to make a large purchase.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

You can create with a real partner strong family, which will be distinguished by bright emotions and harmony. A family hearth allows any person to achieve their goals, which improve their personality and allow a person to become more self-confident. However, the development of these relationships can be hindered by jealousy, which plays an important role in such love. Jealousy is a destructive feeling that, in excessive quantities, does not allow you to reach a new level. Therefore, try to restrain excessive emotions that may interfere with your love.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

You are a serious and reliable person. You are not alien to such qualities as pragmatism and determination. However, Fate has prepared a serious test for you - a situation in which these qualities will have to be replaced with the opposite. You may also have to sacrifice your beliefs. Think about it, is your desire worth it?

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Crisis events have arrived, but you are not ready for change and make decisions to serve your own interests. Feeling concerned about the future. Self-restrictions are possible. A reasonable distribution of resources and a period of accumulation of benefits are necessary.

Excessive dependence on material things, concentration on one thing and stinginess will interfere with your life. Success will come if you approach the problem intelligently. Focus on one global goal, and don’t be scattered about trifles, but at the same time be generous!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The Four of Coins promises you complete confidence in your partner, peace of mind for tomorrow and reliability of the relationship. However, this does not at all mean a speedy marriage, quite the opposite: now begins a period of long build-up and thinking about the question: Should I propose or not? Fortunately, the cards ensure that the answer will come to you. Fate will guide you, but you have to wait.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

✚ For treason

From the outside, such a union seems ideal, but inside, unpleasant things happen that slowly destroy the relationship. One of the partners is pathologically jealous of the other, poisoning the lives of both. A riot of feelings and unrestrained emotions sometimes get out of control.

Among the tarot cards, the four of pentacles is considered symbol of power and possession. In her astrological houses, Mercury is in Cancer and Saturn is in the second house of the horoscope. This indicates that the person is in an anxious state, excessively worrying about the state of affairs in his own future.

Perhaps, at present, everything in his life is not going in the most favorable way, and due to his anxiety, he may become a victim of hasty and fundamentally wrong decisions.

4 of pentacles

The Four of Pentacles symbolizes all the efforts you have made to achieve a particular goal. It indicates that everything you own in this moment your life is the result of a lot of work and your willpower.

This applies to almost all aspects of life, be it health, career, love or relationships with others. Arcanum indicates that fate has not spoiled you and you have achieved everything in your life through your own labor.

This card tells us that the time has come to stop and pay more attention to preserving what has already been achieved. Don't take on new projects and don't try to jump over your head.

Your ambitions and partly selfishness may become the root cause of a possible crisis that you are so afraid of. Intuitively, you feel that you are doing something wrong, which is why life can go downhill at any moment.

Calm down, sit down and think about how best to redistribute your life potential. It is likely that at this time you are spending too much energy on something that you do not need at all.

Meaning in relationships

A storm of emotions is just boiling inside you. Are you constantly experiencing distrust of other people, in most cases completely unfounded. Don't worry so much about preserving your own reputation.

Don't forget that your loved ones are next to you, loving people, which will help you accept this or that situation at any time. There is no need to play it safe so much; at the right moment, you may miss the chance that fate has already prepared for you.

The Four of Pentacles indicates that you spend too much energy on maintaining your own social status. This is partly the reason why for some time now you are standing in the same place in self-realization and self-development. You are so afraid of losing what you already own that you have stopped thinking about what else you can achieve in your life.

IN currently it may be typical for you lack of compassion for others. You are so concerned about your own well-being that you are completely oblivious to the fact that life around you continues to move forward.

There are those who desperately want your attention, so give yourself the opportunity to take some time off and relax.


Arkan suggests that you may have serious health problems. For the most part, this may be due to weakened immunity and psychological disorders.

Yours Vital energy stopped circulating, due to which a situation of stagnation arose. This can be expressed in the form of blockage of blood vessels or severe slagging of the body. You've been taking from your life for too long, it's time to give something back. In this case, it is your energy.

For people with serious chronic illnesses, the Four of Pentacles symbolizes exacerbations and complications in the course of the disease. They can occur unexpectedly, so try to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle to minimize the risks.

In love

In love, the Four of Pentacles carries a negative meaning. It falls to indifferent people, those who don't want to change and develop together with your partner. Often these are lonely people who do not know how to maintain long-term stable relationships.

If a person has a soulmate, he torments her in every possible way with jealousy and sarcasm, thus expressing the fear of losing his loved one.

The Four of Pentacles is symbol of your individuality. You value your personal space and worldview. However, you should be more flexible in your relationship with your partner.

If you get the Four of Pentacles lasso, think about the fact that Lately you become too suspicious. You should not demand any guarantees from your companion and impose obligations on him. You yourself are not yet ready for what you so passionately dream of receiving.


The Four of Pentacles is considered a symbol of the incomprehensible union of rationality and fortitude with intuition. The person who got this card is so obsessed with his own safety that he is ready to resort to various rituals and fortune telling, even if he does not believe in their power.

Perhaps you need to ask yourself what exactly you want from your own life. Now in your world order too much space is occupied by various things and material values.

Remember that it is we who determine how dear this or that thing is to us by giving it part of our energy, when in fact it is just a mere trifle.

This card can also be a sign that if you can properly review your own system life values, then soon you will have an excellent opportunity to increase what you already own. Don't refuse to help your loved ones people if they need you.


The four of pentacles can take on different meanings depending on the adjacent tarot arcana in the layout:

  • Near With "Tower" it symbolizes unexpected losses due to one’s own stinginess and short-sightedness.
  • If the fortuneteller gets the four of pentacles together With card "Moon", then there is a high probability that there is a person next to you with negative energy which is not the most in the best possible way influences your life.
  • Seven and nine of swords side by side with this lasso means that in the near future you should expect pleasant and unexpected gifts from loved ones.
  • Reversed Four of Pentacles together with four of swords says that now is not the best time to take the initiative. Try not to attract too much attention from others.
  • Knight of Pentacles nearby with a four promises useful purchases.
  • And if this lasso goes following the inverted king of cups- be careful when dealing with strangers, there is a risk of becoming a victim of fraud.

In progress

The Four of Pentacles in professional activities symbolizes hostile relationships with colleagues at work, alienation and reluctance to share their knowledge and experience.

Most often, it falls to a person when the situation has become so tense that something urgently needs to be changed. Be careful and don't miss this hint of fate.

Don't expect any advancement up the career ladder. Currently, you are not putting in enough effort to satisfy your own ambitions.

Try to deviate a little from the rules and trust your sixth sense. Don't be afraid to work as a team. People will change their opinion of you if only you allow them to. Correctly distribute your own strengths and capabilities.

Description of the card image

In the center of the card is a young man, a prince or king. He sits on a dais and thinks about something. The young man rests on a pentacle with each leg, the young man hugs one pentacle with his hands, another pentacle is inserted into the crown on his head young man. Behind the young man’s back is a beautiful city, symbolizing the earthly power and empire of the king. The atmosphere is calm, the sky is clear and transparent.

Impression from the Four of Pentacles: fear for the safety of one’s property, money, concern about the current situation. Attempts to maintain the current situation.

Interpretation of direct provision

Keys: practicality, guarantee, moderation of income, stability and reliability of financial position, property ownership. Contentment with little things. Fear of losing what is in your hands. Fear for the safety of property. Economical. Self confidence and tomorrow. Satisfied position. prosperity. Receiving an inheritance or a good gift.

Now in the life of the fortuneteller there has come a period of prosperity and a time of stability.

The efforts made will be justified, and you will receive decent payment for your work. You have confidence in yourself and your abilities, faith in the future. Your status is stable, your quality of life is improving, and your material wealth satisfies you.

You will achieve your dreams, your plans will come true. You will achieve what you want, but in addition to this you will also receive a stable position, preserving what you previously achieved. Your position will allow you to enjoy your life and not think about the future.

Your life is quite predictable, but for that reason it is devoid of unnecessary worries and worries; calculated moves will allow you to foresee almost everything. This predictability brings you peace and security, pleasure from life and a strong state of affairs.

Man is accustomed to relying only on himself and using only his own resources. Calmness, seriousness, responsibility, confidence are the strengths of a person. He is good at resolving problems and can lead others, but is unable to resolve a situation that was not part of the plans or is different from the standard situation.

Interpretation of the inverted position

Keys: self-confident person, selfish, greedy. Anxious states, limited boundaries of one’s thinking, expectations of something, obstacles on the way, opposition. Stinginess, both monetary and emotional. Limitation. Closed position. A fixated position on personal interests and results. Obsession with money. Losses in the financial sector, an unstable state of affairs. Reduced income and earning potential. Indecisive man, control over the situation is lost. Dissatisfaction with one's position, difficulties in business.

Problems in the financial sphere, difficulties with property, distorted attitude towards money. The Four of Pentacles reveals the following issues of a person’s character:

  • Constant race for profit, money, benefit.
  • Greed, snobbery,
  • Fears of losing property and money.
  • Stinginess or excessive spending.

From this we can conclude that a person is mainly interested in his financial situation and money. Such a person evaluates other people by the thickness of their wallet, property and appearance. A person is always haunted by quarrels and conflicts based on money.

Your attitude towards money creates problems not only for you, but also for those around you. Being obsessed with money will not lead to any good. On the one hand, it seems that everything has been calculated and taken into account, but in fact the result is loss, decreased income, lack of opportunities to earn money, problems in relationships with family and friends. You deliberately turn away from everyone and focus on the money sphere. There is a great risk of experiencing loss and loneliness instead of joy, when no one will come to the rescue.

Advice: change your attitude towards money, profit and benefit, do not chase after all possible and impossible ways to earn or win money.

Four of Pentacles in Health

Problems with blood circulation. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Flat feet, skin problems, problem of removing toxins from the body.

Straight position. the person’s condition is stable, there are no global health problems, but if you continue to overload yourself, then a variety of diseases may appear. It is necessary to relax, walk in the fresh air. Household chores can wait a little longer.

Inverted position. The body needs rest and cleansing. Pay more attention to what you eat; perhaps you should switch to proper nutrition or at least reduce your consumption of flour and other unhealthy foods. Check your blood vessels and be careful with excess weight.

Four of Pentacles in Relationships

Straight position. A person is satisfied with his position, and he is not ready to make any adjustments, so there may be isolation or reluctance to make contact and talk. A stable and serious relationship is not as important to a person as a stable financial situation. And if we are talking about choosing a career or a relationship, then a person will choose a career and money. A person’s own habits are more important than building relationships. One’s own integrity and satisfaction of one’s needs is the first and main task of a person.

Inverted position. Cooling feelings in a couple. Fear of responsibility. Jealousy, sense of ownership. Attempts to hold on to something, but unwillingness to compromise and allow relationships to develop.

Conflicts are possible due to money, disorganization of home comfort. There are too many misunderstandings and secrets in relationships.

Four of Pentacles at work

Professions: cashier, treasurer, storekeeper, accountant, supply department worker.

Straight position. The person has achieved a prosperous position, both in terms of work and financially. Everything that has been achieved was acquired as a result of painstaking and hard work. Stable financial situation, no need to worry about a decline in profits or deterioration in business. At work, things go on as usual, everything is planned and thought out.

Inverted position. Deprivation of a comfortable position. Financial instability, instability, many questions are in doubt. Inattention, stressful situation.

It is impossible to foresee everything, but it makes sense to prepare, analyze the situation and draw the necessary conclusions.

Four of Pentacles about the current situation

Straight position. It is necessary to rationally use your resources, strictly set boundaries and plans, and adhere to these guidelines. Only targeted expenses are needed, the rest can be postponed. The card makes it clear that the situation is stable, the situation is stable and there is no need to worry about trifles.

In building something new, be it a house, a relationship, a job, you put maximum effort, while calculating your steps several moves ahead. Finishing the work started, completing and summing up the interim results.

The energy received should be directed in the right direction, and not spent on meaningless ideas and plans that have no possibility of implementation, at least for now.

Key phrase of the Four of Pentacles: a bird in the hand is better than a pie in the sky. Take care of your savings.

Advice. It is necessary to put everything in its place and put it on shelves. Your soul and your property need your protection from outside encroachment and interference in your way of life. Learn from other people's mistakes, take lessons from what is happening.

Inverted position. The situation is unstable. Your position may be shaken at any moment. All problems stem from your inability to handle money. Excessive spending, pointless investments, stinginess - these are things worth thinking about. Your desire to control prevents you from creating a plan of action, so you miss not only small problems, but also difficult moments.

Advice: when making decisions, remove emotions, control yourself first. Learn to seek compromises and give in when you see that the gain is not yours.

After drawing the Four of Pentacles, you should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are you currently in control of? How do you have the confidence that everything is in your hands?
  • What resources do you have? How do you spend your resources?
  • What are you a master at?
  • How to stabilize the situation?
  • What are your fears? Your losses? Experience from past situations.
  • What or who is trying to deprive you of your property?
  • When can you tell yourself that you have enough, that it makes sense to stop?
  • What is safety to you?

Four of Pentacles Ideas:

  1. The desire to control everything from the surrounding space to the smallest events.
  2. Always assess the situation adequately and soberly.
  3. All resources are used rationally.
  4. Responsibility is understood.
  5. Following the created plan.

Card advice in fortune telling by one card. There is no point in taking unnecessary risks today. Do not forget about caution and prudence; in pursuit of results, you may miss details. Something may not go according to plan, so be prepared to act according to circumstances and adapt to the situation, or turn the situation in your favor. Don't stop at one question. Be careful when communicating with others, do not blindly believe what they tell you.

Four of Pentacles combined with the Major Arcana

  • With a jester. Relaxed state, serenity.
  • With a magician. Accumulation of resources for something of your own.
  • With the High Priestess. Hiding information for good purposes.
  • With the Empress. Control in the financial sector.
  • With the Emperor. Family funds, business.
  • With the hierophant. A callous person.
  • With lovers. Jealousy in relationships. A sense of ownership.
  • With a chariot. Spend your accumulated funds.
  • With strength. Accumulated strength, untapped potential.
  • With a hermit. Stagnant situation.
  • With the wheel of fortune. Instability of position.
  • With justice. Unrepaid debt.
  • C hanged. Unjustified sacrifices.
  • With death. Accumulations quickly dissipate.
  • With moderation. Balancing costs, saving.
  • With the devil. Dependence on money.
  • With a tower of lightning. Bankrupt. Failure to pay obligations.
  • With a star. Saving for a dream.
  • With the moon. It only seems safe to you.
  • With the sun. Investments bring income.
  • With the court. Your past investments are starting to make a profit.
  • With peace. Laying the foundation.

Combinations of the Four of Pentacles with the Suit of Wands

  • With an ace. Accumulation of money. It's also worth keeping an eye on your spending.
  • With a deuce. Voluntary refusal of favorable opportunities.
  • With a three. Expanding the boundaries of the review.
  • With four. Achievements.
  • With an A. Self-interest.
  • With six. Sole farmer.
  • With seven. Pulling something in your direction.
  • With eight. Taking over something.
  • With nine. Conflicts, selfish attitude.
  • With ten. Stagnant situation.
  • With a page. Lack of knowledge.
  • With a knight. Waste of savings.
  • With the queen. Self-interest.
  • With the king. An enterprising person.

Combinations of the Four of Pentacles and the Suit of Cups

  • With an ace. It's time to celebrate.
  • With a deuce. The position is in your power.
  • With a three. You are a leader because of your self-confidence.
  • With four. Stabilization of the position.
  • With an A. Difficulties will pass.
  • With six. Think about your health.
  • With seven. Stress and depression, rest is needed.
  • With eight. Organize your personal life.
  • With nine. Trip, troubles.
  • With ten. Create an action plan and then take action.
  • With a page. The stability of the situation may be shaken.
  • With a knight. You shouldn't make spontaneous changes in your life.
  • With the queen. You do not accept the fact that others influence you.
  • With the king. Hostility from a loved one.

The combination of the Four of Pentacles in combination with the suit of swords

  • With an ace. Minor problems can grow into big complications if you don’t take care of your business in time.
  • With a deuce. Inability to adequately determine the situation.
  • With a three. Restraint must be shown.
  • With four. Control over relatives, they need it.
  • With an A. Progress and income generation.
  • With six. Relationships come first, career comes second.
  • With seven. You are not interested in the result, lack of desire to work.
  • With eight. Control your emotions.
  • With nine. You are being used for their own purposes.
  • With ten. Deception and lies, be careful.
  • With a page. Don't suspect or blame everyone indiscriminately.
  • With a knight. Inappropriate attitude towards criticism.
  • With the queen. Clarity and consistency in actions.
  • With the king. Mystery of affairs.

The combination of the four of pentacles in combination with the suit of pentacles

  • With an ace. Self-deception. Control is not on your side.
  • With a deuce. Harmonization of relationships and careers is necessary.
  • With a three. Assess the situation soberly, remove the emotional background.
  • With an A. It's impossible to predict everything, but you can prepare a little.
  • With six. Relationships take a different shape.
  • With seven. Crash of plans.
  • With eight. Luck is on your side.
  • With nine. Opportunity to build relationships.
  • With ten. Anxiety states.
  • With a page. Pay attention to the weaknesses of others.
  • With a knight. Non-standard situation.
  • With the queen. Share positive emotions.
  • With the king. There is always time for change.

Description of the Tarot card Four of Pentacles

On the Four of Pentacles Tarot card you can often see a greedy person who does not want to share his coins. This symbolizes the fortuneteller’s property and everything that rightfully belongs to him. Only human behavior here is caused not by greed, but by a feeling of the need to protect one’s property from encroachment.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Four of Pentacles in fortune telling and layouts

Direct card position

The Four of Pentacles in an upright position symbolizes hyper-caution, the desire to retain values, reluctance to share, and greed. Such an attitude is inherently hostile to life, because any attempts to “stop the moment”, to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contradict the natural course of things. Thus, this card usually indicates that you are just one step away from stagnation. If the Four of Disks finds itself in a position that requires just such behavior, then this means that at the moment it is necessary to concentrate, limit oneself in something, retreat - or, having taken up the matter, not let it out of one’s hands. If the question in fortune telling concerns something new (idea, plan, business, etc.), then in this case the card advises emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach and attentiveness in order to understand the details, form a correct idea and assess the limits of the possibilities of the plan .

Reversed card position

Finding itself in an inverted position, the Four of Coins symbolizes disorganization, excessive workload, and too strict limits. If the question concerns money and material goods, then Arcanum denotes stinginess or, on the contrary, wastefulness - those extremes that do not allow a person to have consistently satisfactory material security.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Direct card position

Here the Four of Disks shows that the person holds on to his position, or at least expects it to guarantee a stable income and well-being. The card predicts that many problems will soon be resolved, order will be restored and business (work) will return to normal.

Reversed card position

Tarot card Four of Pentacles, which appears in an inverted position, indicates improper organization of activities, overexertion, excessive physical effort, which may arise due to the inability to organize oneself or subordinates. Everything planned can go to waste due to stress or apathy. Sometimes the inverted Four of Coins speaks of external factors that can have, if not fatal, but still a noticeable and rather unpleasant impact on the professional activity of the fortuneteller.

Meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Direct card position

Health is stable, but requires adherence to a regimen.

Reversed card position

It is necessary to conserve strength.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

The Four of Coins indicates that a person is afraid of open, natural relationships, trying to replace them with given patterns of behavior. He “clings” to his partner, which is caused by his subconscious fear of being abandoned, abandoned. Sometimes the Four of Pentacles indicates a relationship based on the subordination of one partner to the other and imposed strict rules, material dependence of one partner on the other.

Reversed card position

Finding itself in an inverted position, the Four of Disks testifies to conflicts and disagreements that arise due to lack of money and disorder in everyday life; portends quarrels regarding the distribution of the family budget. Sometimes reports the partner’s material interest in the relationship.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

Characterizing a person, the Four of Pentacles indicates his pragmatism, law-abidingness and respect for private property.

Reversed card position

The inverted Four of Denariev speaks of a conservative person who hides from everyone in his own boring and unpromising, but understandable and safe, from his point of view, world.

Meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card as a card of the day

Today you are too fixated on something that actually interferes with the implementation of your plans, so most likely you will end up with something exactly the opposite of what you wanted. Just in case, check what exactly prompted you to intervene in the course of events - fear of your own future or concern for higher things? Based on this, you need to build a plan for today.

Advice from the Four of Pentacles card in fortune telling and readings

Remember to learn from everything that happens, especially if it is a negative experience.
