Ancient Slavic amulets and their meaning. The value of Slavic amulets for men. How to clean and charge Slavic amulets

Clothes were the main charm of men.

Slavic male amulets accompanied warriors, hunters, protectors and breadwinners of the family. The men of that time had a huge responsibility for their family, land, children, wife, parents. Often it was necessary to risk health and life, amulets carried out the connection of people with the gods, ancestors, with which our land was inhabited by various spirits and natural elements.

Now a talisman can be bought at every step, but in ancient times they were made by a mother or wife, a personal talisman could be created by priests, sorcerers, sorcerers.

Varieties of male amulets

Male Slavic amulets and their meaning are quite diverse. Each has its own sacred meaning, which depends on the patron. Gives the owner a certain strength: courage, courage, stamina. Suitable for people with certain character traits or occupations: some amulets promote the development of intuition, others promote creativity, others protect in battle with people, animals or the elements. Which one to choose is up to you. In the article, we will consider in what form it is possible to manufacture a personal talisman and the main magic symbols.

What are amulets for men:

Depending on what symbols were embroidered on the robe, the meaning and strength of protective embroidery changed.

Items used by men were also considered a talisman:

    tools necessary for the work of various kinds of artisans;

    weapons and shields of warriors;

    staff of a sorcerer or priest;

    household items.

It was of great importance . Women embroidered every thing for their husbands and sons in the hope of giving strength, protecting them from various evils.

How to make a charm

Previously, Slavic amulets for men were made by women of his family: mother, wife, daughters. When making a talisman from silver, gold or other metal, they turned to artisans or priests.

For the manufacture of protective amulets, silver is most suitable. To create talismans with solar symbols, it is best to use gold - a metal that enhances solar energy.

The material for manufacturing can be: stone (any), clay, wood, threads and fabrics.

The beginning of production should be correlated with the lunar calendar, if there are indications of the most favorable beginning of creation.

How to choose your amulet

The choice of a talisman for men depends on the magical power that a person wants to receive. The ancient Slavs knew which symbol to use under what circumstances, now, before choosing a talisman, one should study the action of a particular symbol and choose based on the necessary action.

If there is a totem animal in the family, preference should be given to it.

If there are no specific preferences, it is best to choose a symbol live. Which symbol you liked - that one will do. However, the value of the amulet should be taken into account.

Slavic amulets for men can be worn by women only in a critical situation, because when they are used, the femininity and energy of the family keeper are destroyed.


Considered universal, it can be used from infancy until the end of life. Suitable for men and women. The symbol contains the power of the Family, protects from evil spirits, helps to gain and increase health, keeps the family (family memory), connects generations.


It personifies the spiritual development of man, the desire for light. promotes self-development, self-learning and self-improvement. Attracts good luck, health. Promotes harmony, peace of mind and tranquility.

Can be worn from birth.


Suitable for men who love hard work. It helps to achieve a high result, promotes spiritual development, protects from evil. It gives self-confidence and contributes to the formation of the inner spirit (willpower). worn directly on the body, made of silver. Available for tattooing.


It belongs to the family amulet, contributes to the creation and preservation of harmony in the family, to achieve success, acquire benefits, maintain good relations among relatives of all generations. Glorify your family. Vseslavets protects the hearth also from external destruction and natural disasters.


Amulet with a symbol suitable for the defenders of their native land. The power of the amulet includes aggression and wisdom. In a peaceful life helps to achieve the goal,find a life partner and worthily continue your family.

Gromovik - thunderstorm

Amulets are purely masculine. Most often it is made double-sided, but each character can be separately. For detailed information on the influence of these solar symbols, read the main articles dedicated to each amulet specifically.


The sign symbol has magical energy aimed at protection in dangerous and difficult situations. Contributes to the acquisition and preservation of love, helps people of creative professions.

Among other things, the sign is able to accumulate positive energy and give it to its owner during the hours when support is needed. Protects from a breakdown, bad mood and heavy thoughts.


Can be used by men from childhood. It contributes to the formation of such character traits as: courage, wisdom, calmness. Develops strength of mind. Helps in martial arts.

Hammer of Svarog

A personal talisman helps self-development, mastering new professions, obtaining the necessary knowledge. Thanks to this talisman, the sharp corners of the character are smoothed out, the man becomes wiser, calmer. Promotes inner harmony.

Strengthens the bond between spouses, between different generations, has a family memory.


W nak ratiborets is a military symbol. It personifies wisdom, courage, responsibility for the decisions made. Suitable for men of dangerous professions. Children can wear a ratiborets no earlier than 12-14 years old.

Veles print bear paw

Bear Paw refers to a protective amulet designed for men. It helps people connected with nature: farmers, hunters, fishermen, foresters, as well as warriors, merchants and various kinds of rescuers.

Seal of Veles wolf paw

The paw of the wolf refers to the universal symbol, helps to achieve your goals. Attracts success, maintains health.


Male protects against wrong deeds, balances the character. Suitable amulet for boys from birth. In ancient times, the head of the family used the rodimich symbol to emphasize the important role and high respect.


Refers to a purely masculine symbol, available for wearing only by a mature husband over 32 years old who is ready to follow the path of enlightenment. The amulet will help you change your life, find your destiny given from birth.


Male amulet stribozhich aimed at protecting against natural disasters and accidents. Suitable for sailors, firefighters, rescuers, climbers.

Ax of Perun

Amulet and stands guard over family values: love, health, mutual respect. Promotes procreation. Protects a man in battles, betrays physical and spiritual strength.

Shield of Perun

The protective amulet protects from the evil eye, damage, failures and various manifestations of the Navi world.

Men's amulets are aimed at strengthening male character traits:

  • force;
  • wisdom;
  • courage;
  • assertiveness;
  • nobility;
  • responsibility.

Protect from rash acts. Help to find a way of life and self-development. However, the main purpose of male Slavic amulets was to protect on the battlefield, on the hunt, at sea. Women who wished well for their men created amulets with the belief that he would return home alive from any battle.

Our roots go deep into Slavic customs. Neither time nor the introduction of Christianity could completely eradicate pagan traditions, symbols, and knowledge. The paganism of our ancestors is a belief in the strength of the family, the continuity of generations, a close connection with nature. According to the ancients, everything is imbued with magic. It can serve for good or for harm. It depends only on the person, on how he directs this energy. Help in this talismans, amulets. You can make them yourself, or you can buy ready-made ones, made by craftsmen who strictly respect traditions. The editors of our site will tell you about which ones are better to buy, how to choose, and their meaning.

How to clean a silver amulet

Everyone met the darkened silver. For some, it loses its luster and color immediately upon contact with the body, for some it remains light for a long time.

The reason lies in the fact that this metal absorbs negative energy and darkening indicates a large accumulation of it.

Dark silver cannot be worn, it must be cleaned with special compounds or napkins. So the product is not damaged. If there are no special tools, then you can take soda, but the product may fade due to minor scratches.

If the product does not darken, it still needs to be cleaned from time to time. This brings back the shine and renews the protective properties.

Salt is used for energy purification. It is enough to put the jewelry for a day in salt, then rinse with water and dry in the sun and wind.

Where to buy a silver Slavic amulet, how to choose

Now there is no shortage of stores of Slavic paraphernalia. Prices and product quality vary. It is better to choose proven ones, about which there are a lot of reviews. Many of them employ not just jewelers, but people who study Slavic symbolism and mythology. It's better to find one.

It is better to choose amulets themselves with primordially Slavic signs, not stylized. So they will be more useful. For example, animals or runes are not depicted on the swastika, although this is now common.

Many images of animals are given out for Slavic symbols, but not so many of them were used in Rus'. These were mainly ducks and horses. Cats, bears, wolves, and even more so, skulls were not applied as amulets either on clothes or on jewelry.

When choosing, it is better to first study the meaning of the symbol by reading more than one source, but it is better to find the primary source where researchers describe Slavic symbolism. As a last resort, you can chat in the communities of Rodnovers.

The correct one made of silver will not only be an ornament indicating belonging to the Slavic faith, but will also provide protection for the ancient gods and ancestors. Silver will protect from evil spirits, damage, the evil eye, witchcraft, cleanse the energy of the owner.

08.05.2015 fortune

“Keeps a talisman from the evil eye, keeping evil forces out. A man intermarried with him, not parting to the grave. Keeps the warmth of hearts and the memory of the Old Testament…”

The amulets of our ancestors are fraught with a deep sacred meaning. Behind them is the strength, the power of the Family, a close connection with nature, which was the shrine of the ancestors. All talismans had a strong protective effect. They were taken with them on the road, used in everyday life and protected their lives, homes and families. How can Slavic amulets and their meaning help us, contemporaries?

Pagan traditional amulets

Our great-grandfathers perceived the world around us in a completely different way. Paganism was based on respect and worship of nature and fear of its forces and power. To protect themselves from various misfortunes, negative influences and falling under low vibrations, the Slavs came up with protective symbols.

Modern Slavic amulets look exactly the same as their ancestors. The photo of the found amulets during archeological excavations is taken as a basis. Therefore, modern pagan talismans have the same strength and power.

They will also protect their owners from the attacks of evil spirits, dangers, the black eye and injustice. In return, bringing good luck, prosperity and fortune in all matters and undertakings. To choose a pagan protective sign, first of all, listen to your own feelings - take a look at the photos of the talismans, listen to yourself. And you will immediately feel which of the amulets is “your”.

The ancient Slavs divided symbols into female and male.

Protection of Slavic beauties

Women were supposed to wear more amulets - after all, they were the bearers and guardians of the Family. In each Rus family, the oldest woman was responsible for making magical talismans. She did them all alone and in silence. In the process of creating a sacred thing, all thoughts must be pure, and thoughts clear.

Ancient Slavic symbols were used as the basis for a magical thing. They were applied to robes in the form of embroidery, household items and, of course, protective jewelry.

A powerful sacred sign that brought the Slav woman health and female happiness. Its importance was invested in the protection of pregnant women and safe childbirth. It was believed that through the baby he received a strongly generic beginning. These amulets are symbols of life, fertility and prosperity.

Slavic men could also use such a sign, but initially it was considered a female symbol. Yarilo cherished love, revived feelings and did not allow married couples to break up. Rusinka through this talisman influenced harmony, prosperity in the house, protected her Family.


Lada is the goddess of youth, beauty, health and love. Protective symbols protected the house from all misfortune and evil. These amulets were intended for young girls who dreamed of family happiness.


One of the strongest sacred signs. In its meaning, Slavic people laid power over time and the course of life. This talisman could also be worn by men, but in the legends such a sign has always been considered as female. For a young girl, he gave powerful protection to the entire Family.

Charming talisman for mature, family women. Those who sacredly honor the traditions of the Family and carry warmth and kindness. Great Makosh takes under her protection the family, the Slavic way of life, the family hearth and all family members. Abundance and happiness go hand in hand with Makosh.


In ancient legends, this name was borne by a sacred herb with magical powers. Such symbols protected from the attacks of demonic spells. And Mother Earth herself gave birth to this grass. Amulets, meaning Odolen-grass, protected the Rusyns and their families from illness and sickness.

Wedding attendant

The talisman of the newlyweds, which was awarded to the young bride. With his help, the young wife protected family values ​​and kept harmony and prosperity in the house. protected the newlyweds from the accidental evil eye during the wedding feast and attracted auspicious energies.


The strongest amulet that was given to the Slavs by their patron - the God of the Family. Slavic women, thanks to him, safely carried the baby and were relieved by a burden. These talismans also protected the newborn from the evil eye. They wore this badge throughout their lives.


Sacred symbols with Rozhanitsa (the goddess of fate) were intended for women who dream of children. The symbol was also suitable for pregnant women, for whom these charms were of particular importance: they protected newborns and helped prepare for the birth of the mother.

Any female Slavic amulets are a source of colossal power that carries goodness and care for others. Those who have a warm, open and sincere soul will only enhance the power of protective talismans.

Amulets of Slavic men

Male protective symbols primarily contributed to good luck in military affairs, helped in everyday life and protected on the hunt. Amulets for Slavic men were simpler than women's and were mainly worn as embroideries on shirts, bracelets, wearable plaques and fasteners (brooches).

The most powerful talisman was the one that was made by the hands of his wife. Many Slav women wove bracelets from their hair for their husbands - such amulets protected men in military campaigns and in everyday life. The claws and fangs of wild animals obtained by hunting had a strong magical significance.

Veles seal

Every man who wore the sign of Veles, one of the most important Slavic Gods, fell under his protection. The amulets depicted the paw of the divine Beast (bear, cow or wolf), which guarded the Rus throughout his life. Any business was protected from risk and misfortune.


Symbols with fiery protection, protecting from disagreements and quarrels. This talisman kept peaceful relations between the Clans, took away the flows of invisible powerful forces and transformed them for the benefit of the owner. He helped in all undertakings and saved Slavic dwellings from fires, preserving all property.


Protect for those who accept their life as the highest good and invest a lot of effort to become more perfect. This is a sign of the inner human fire, its basis, essence. Dukhobor helps to purify physically and become stronger spiritually. He protected men from sickness, disease and fatigue.

An amulet of strong warriors who protect their family and home from invaders and infidels. This talisman belonged to the cult of the God of thunder and lightning, angry skies, who helped protect traditions and family values.

Slavic men sacredly kept the family memory. They were changers, masters of events and change. All their amulets were passed down through the line of sons. After all, the power of the Family came from the knowledge and forces accumulated by generations.

Charm dolls

In addition to sacred symbols, amulets in the form of pupae were widespread in Rus'. Slavic protective dolls were designed to protect families and homes from diseases, all kinds of misfortunes and evil spirits.

Each doll was preparing for a specific event. They twisted it from scraps of fabric and thread. No scissors or needles were used. At the birth of a protective doll, it was necessary to have only a good mood, otherwise the talisman would take pessimism and harm the owners.

On the day it was made, the house was cleaned cleanly, Slavic women dressed in elegant clothes and performed the sacrament in complete silence, putting a piece of their own soul into each work. The doll did not depict a face, it was believed that an evil spirit could penetrate into it through the eyes. The symbols and meaning of the pupae were different.

A protective talisman that a mother twisted for her pregnant daughter. It was a symbol of prosperity, fertility and health. When a baby was born, the Nurse was placed in his cradle. Then the mother's milk did not decrease, and the baby grew up healthy and strong.

Or Herbalist-pod. An amulet of health, which was intended for the sick. It was filled with medicinal, aromatic herbs (thyme, dill, oregano, lemon balm, mint, geranium). The finished dolls were placed at the head of the sick person's bed in a warm place. The herbal smell killed germs, purified the air and gave strength for recovery.


Cross dolls were made for the Trinity. They carried the symbol of the Trinity Semik - the unity of a birch, a cross and a girl. The talisman was decorated with girlish ribbons, and the cross was made from birch twigs. The cross with honor occupied the most prominent place in the house.


The meaning of this doll was intended to protect the little ones. It was twisted from colored, bright patches. The amulet was hung over the cradle. Kuvadka was the first toy that the little one saw. Kuvadok dolls were twisted in several pieces. Their number must have been odd. It was a strong amulet for a little Rusyn.

Pokosnitsa dolls were made for haymaking. They have always been bright and elegant. After all, mowing has always been a holiday for our ancestors. The Slavs went to mow only in festive, bright robes. The hands of the talisman were wrapped with red thread to enhance the protective qualities. The stalk was supposed to protect workers from wounds and cuts.


Its meaning is to call for the future harvest. They twisted this amulet after collecting the grain. And such dolls should have stood in the Red Corner along with the icons. It was believed that Zernovushki would bring a rich harvest next year. It was also made for young girls who dream of children.

Family amulets. Symbols that protect happiness in the circle of loved ones. These dolls were given to the newlyweds at the wedding. Lovebirds symbolized the union of the bride and groom. The tassels that the talismans had meant the imminent appearance of the firstborn. When the second and third baby was born, brushes were added. Lovebird dolls have always been red - to enhance the protective power.


Such talismans were spun by the whole family on Sylvester's day in the early morning. They were folded from multi-colored shreds, which were tied with red thread. Each thread symbolized the illness and deficiency of a person and bore its own name: Dormant, Leney, Decrepit, Aveya, Looking, Agney, Deaf, Ledeya, Shaking, Vetreya, Nemeya and Zhelteya. There were 12 in total. Then the dolls were hung over the door. According to the belief of the Slavs, it was on this day that evil fevers flew into the house, which, seeing the amulets, immediately flew away.

Puppet amulets were sacredly kept from outsiders and passed on to heirs through the line of women. Their powerful properties have survived to this day. These cute charm dolls will protect you, your home and family from dark spells, evil looks, gossip, illness and misfortune.

The principle of operation of Slavic amulets in the video:

For a long time, the Slavs tried to protect themselves and their loved ones from all kinds of diseases, evil, slander and other problems, they used the magical properties of things to protect their homes. The main cult of the ancient Slavs, inherited from their ancestors, was the cult of the Sun, so most Slavic amulets have always been associated with solar signs. The amulets of the ancient Slavs are not characterized by universal magic items - each had power in a certain area, although sometimes there were also "multi-profile" talismans. One of the clearest examples of individual amulets that a person should never part with is the solar sign of the Valkyrie.

Slavic amulets created a kind of energy screen, and were selected not only by value, but also by the characteristics of a particular owner. Nowadays, when they are bought based on aesthetics and beauty, it must be remembered that each has a certain meaning. Failure to comply with important points when choosing an amulet can adversely affect the health of the person wearing it.

Talismans in the culture of the ancient Slavs

The culture of any nation has its own characteristics:

  • Traditions;
  • Myths and legends;
  • certain worldview;
  • system of esoteric images.

The foundations of the existence and worldview of the Slavs were laid on the basis of the simplest geometric figures. Studies have proven that the Slavic Kolovrat has a lot in common with the shape of the Milky Way and DNA.

Secrets of the correct selection of magical protection

Symbols and amulets of the ancient Slavs are currently sold in any large city. Not everyone knows that only correctly charged amulets help maintain health and a favorable aura. Each symbol, no matter how beautiful it may look, is nothing more than a trinket, if you do not concentrate positive energy inside it. Although the ancient Slav could independently fill his amulet with the power of nature, the most valuable and expensive were those made by the magi. Now it is almost impossible to meet a person with ancient knowledge of magic, but do not be upset, the amulet is easily charged on its own. To do this, it is enough to perform a series of simple rituals aimed at unity with nature.

The amulet is one of the best defenders against diseases and evil eye, subject to the right approach to the choice:

  • To study the variety of amulets, the rules for wearing them, the protective properties of each artifact;
  • Determine what properties the necessary amulet should have;
  • Choose the right material for the amulet. The most complex talismans are traditionally made of silver, sometimes expensive gold items are also found, but silver is considered the metal of magicians. Wooden amulets have more forces of nature, such amulets were worn by the ancient magi.

Choosing a talisman "for good luck" involves using your own intuition. Some rely entirely on it, forgetting even to understand the meaning of the symbols. You can often meet women wearing male Slavic amulets, as their choice is determined by the external beauty of the talisman.

It happens that some talismans cannot be identified, although they amaze the imagination with their beauty. In this case, you need to contact an expert in this field, which will definitely not be a seller near the transition or in the market. The modern level of technology makes it easy to check the amulet you like on special forums on the Internet. Buying a talisman from an unverified seller can be dangerous - distorted runes will not only not be useful, but can also harm the owner. People who believe in the power of amulets, but do not understand them, often wonder why a magical object with incomprehensible signs does not fulfill its functions. Even the famous and well-known Kolovrat, personifying life, can symbolize death if the rays on it go in the opposite direction.

Properly selected Slavic symbols on the amulets will turn a beautiful trinket into a personal assistant that can protect its owner, his loved ones and home. If the talisman does not fulfill its functions:

  • It was not made according to Slavic customs;
  • The amulet is not charged or this rite went wrong;
  • The man has chosen an unsuitable protector for himself;
  • The amulet is used incorrectly.

You should not think that talismans are able to radically change the fate of a person, their impact is reduced to strengthening a person's aspirations aimed at spiritual and physical self-improvement. Only daily work on oneself can make the owner of the amulet successful in various endeavors.

Types of Slavic amulets

Slavic amulets can be divided into several main categories:

  • Men's;
  • Women's;
  • Baby;
  • To protect the home;
  • Universal.

In the modern world, people do not feel connected with nature and higher powers, but charged amulets constantly affect the aura. Thoughts are of great importance in a person's life: if they are pure, then the aura is considered bright.

In the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, all amulets are divided into male and female, since the patron gods are different for everyone. Each Slavic deity was associated with a certain natural phenomenon and was considered the patron of various social strata of the population.

Men's and children's amulets are traditionally simpler than women's ones, the latter were distinguished by their peculiar beauty. In addition to ordinary amulets, women often wore embroidered shirts with other magical symbols that enhanced the effect of the amulet.

Slavic symbols-amulets for men

The most common talismans are Slavic amulets for men, and this is no coincidence. It was the hunter and warrior who had to constantly carry a talisman with him, capable of protecting him from the beast in the forest and the enemy on the battlefield. Men's amulets were distinguished by aggressive energy; warriors often had talismans showing the commitment of their owner to Perun. Many male amulets protect the wearer's health and bring good luck.

The most valuable are male Slavic amulets made of silver, made by the hands of a mother, sister, wife or girlfriend and charged with a sorcerer. You can wear witchcraft signs in the form of a neck ornament, sew them on military equipment, emboss them on weapons or draw on clothes, such talismans will become real helpers in any difficult situation.

The most popular ancient Slavic amulets for men:

  • Veles seal. Such a magical item looks like the paw of a bear or wolf, because Veles was considered a werewolf god. The amulet was popular with sorcerers. The most famous of these werewolves was Prince Vseslav the Enchanter. It should be noted that werewolves were not honored by the Slavs, so this talisman belongs to the dark pantheon. The man wore it all his life, not parting with him for a minute. Currently, such a talisman is suitable for firefighters, hunters, fishermen and travelers, it is able to protect the owner from various troubles and misfortunes;
  • Vseslavets - a charm endowed with the power of fiery energy, protects the owner from disagreements, bad weather, evil eye and damage. The amulet was often used to improve relations between the ancient Slavic tribes, helped protect the family from war and robbery attacks, it was a family sign among some peaceful tribes;
  • Gromovik is a talisman that enhances male character traits: masculinity, courage, valor, is able to make a man stronger and more resilient, increases self-confidence. Previously worn exclusively by warriors, now it is often used in everyday life. The talisman protects the owner from damage, the evil eye and evil spirits;
  • Thunderstorm - the amulet of the lord of the elements, makes a man wise, strong and courageous. The description of this amulet suggests that in ancient times it was used by the Magi, who wanted to gain power over the natural elements. The best gift for sailors, firefighters, rock climbers, fishermen and geologists;
  • Dukhobor is a talisman for those who aspire to reach spiritual heights. Great for hermits and people who want to know complete unity with nature, protects the owner from diseases, damage and the evil eye;
  • Svarga is an amulet for mature men who have reached the age of 32 years. In ancient times, it could only be worn by those who wanted to become a sorcerer. A man was allowed to become a sorcerer after he had at least 9 children. Currently, this amulet is not recommended for men who have not served in the army;
  • Ratiborets is one of the favorite amulets of professional warriors. The amulet is able to grant the owner wisdom, strength, courage and the help of ancestors in battle. The owner of the talisman receives protection from the elements and success in all his endeavors;
  • Strizhibozhich is similar in function to Ratiborets, but was intended for more peaceful professions. Now recommended to rescuers, firefighters and policemen;
  • The carol was considered one of the most revered charms of the common people, it made men braver, gave them the will to win, protected them on the battlefield and in everyday life;
  • Znich is a favorite amulet for refined natures, used by bards, harpists, and so on. The talisman charged its owner with energy, protected from diseases, damage and the evil eye, helped a man find love or revive old feelings;
  • The ax of Perun is a typical amulet of a warrior, often used by princes and elders of clans, created in honor of Perun, the god of thunder and lightning. He helps the warrior to stand on the battlefield, to protect his native land. In family life, he serves as a reliable guardian of marital fidelity.

The interpretation of the meanings of amulets is a very important component, you should not neglect this, because in the end you can get their negative impact on a person.

Features of Slavic amulets for women

A feature of female Slavic runes and amulets is their beauty and grace. The main purpose of such amulets:

  • Protection of family well-being;
  • Assistance in the birth of children;
  • Protecting a woman from enemies.

Often, Slavs embroidered protective signs on their clothes, turning them into magical things that were passed down from generation to generation. Women's amulets could be worn in the form of earrings, bracelets and necklaces. The most popular women's amulets:

  • Lunnitsa is the main amulet of female happiness and love, popular in ancient Rus'. Currently, there is an increased interest in him among modern girls. Lunnitsa helps to successfully marry, bear and give birth to a healthy child, protects from diseases and spoilage;
  • Yarovik-Fireman is a powerful double-sided amulet. It helps to increase family well-being and wealth, attracts good luck, is able to protect a woman and her future offspring from illness, evil eye and damage, gives her mistress the inner strength to deal with the difficulties of family life. In ancient times, it was used as an assistant during pregnancy and childbirth;
  • The Star of Lada is an amulet in honor of the goddess Lada the Mother of God. An interesting combination of paganism and Christianity. Lada is considered the goddess of family and love, along with the Christian symbol, not only gives a woman the love and respect of her husband, but also saves from evil spirits;
  • Makosh - the most important amulet of mature Slavic women, helps to preserve the family hearth, protects from illness and trouble. Goddess Makosh has long been considered the patroness of spinners and weavers. Currently, Mokosh amulets are used to attract money and family happiness;
  • Ognevitsa is a charm intended for married women who have become mothers. Only under such conditions does it protect the family hearth, otherwise the talisman is able to destroy the energy of the hostess;
  • Childbirth - designed for women who have recently married and dream of having children. After the woman becomes pregnant, she continues to protect the mistress and her child. In the modern world, it helps young mothers cope with postpartum depression, relieves pain during childbirth. It also acts after childbirth, protecting mother and baby;
  • Ladinets - another version of the amulet of the goddess Lada, saves her mistress from female diseases, gives family happiness. Such an amulet can be worn by all women who believe in its magical power.

Mostly female Slavic amulets protect girls and women, their families from evil forces.

Magical protection of children and the hearth

Many Slavic amulets are suitable for teenage children, although there are several types of talismans designed exclusively for newborns. Children's amulets were often hung over the cradle, saving the baby from the evil eye, damage and evil forces. In Ancient Rus', they were always made by the mother of the child, now they can be purchased in specialized stores. Amulets were embroidered on children's clothes, passed from one child to another, the most popular among them:

  • Rodovik was created in honor of the god Rod, who is considered the progenitor of life on earth and other worlds. The talisman was placed in the baby's bed or hung over it. It was intended to help the baby and his whole family, was kept in the house even after the child grew up;
  • Pelenashka belongs to the Slavic amulet dolls, able to protect the baby and his house from many troubles. It is still made by some mothers on their own, without the use of scissors and needles. Outwardly, it resembles a small doll in a scarf, wrapped in red thread.

Children's amulets were often passed down from older children to younger ones.

To protect their home, the Slavs used various amulets. Slavic amulets for the house were applied to the wall of the dwelling, preventing the penetration of dark forces there. Alatyr is traditionally considered the best of them, it protects the house from the penetration of diseases, thieves, and prevents fires. In addition to Alatyr, Rodovik, Molvinets and others often painted on the walls of the dwelling.

Universal Slavic talismans

The ancient Slavs had universal amulets designed to be worn by men, women and children. Their protection is not as strong as that of personal amulets. The most famous universal talismans:

  • The wedding man is not quite a universal amulet, not suitable for children. The talisman is intended exclusively for newlyweds, put on the newlyweds on their wedding day, helps to avoid family scandals, betrayals and the fading of love. Its power only works when worn by both spouses. Works in tandem with protective embroidery, placed on the matrimonial bed. The bridegroom is removed from the spouses after the birth of the first child, wrapped in protective embroidery and hides in a secret place where he will continue to protect the family from trouble;
  • Overcoming the grass is considered a female talisman, but on its back there is a fern flower, which is a male symbol. Ensuring happiness, wealth and luck, protection from evil spirits is his main task;
  • The amulet of Veles is not the Seal of Veles, it looks like an inverted letter “A”, it was used for ancient Slavic rituals, it helps to reveal the hidden potentials of the individual. With the help of the Veles amulet, you can establish a connection with the other world;
  • Svarozhich - an amulet in honor of the god Svarog. More of a male talisman, but now women also wear it. The owner of the amulet must be honest and fair, otherwise the god Svarog, who honors justice, will punish him;
  • Molvinets, according to ancient Slavic legends, was presented to people by the god Rod, the strongest amulet that attracts good luck and helps to find love. Can be used as an amulet, applied to clothing or skin in the form of a tattoo;
  • The Star of Rus' is traditionally a male amulet, but it is currently recommended to be worn by strong women raising children without a husband. The talisman is able to help to know the secrets of life, protect from negative energy, gives physical and moral strength;
  • Kolovrat - an amulet symbolizing the movement of the sun, helps to maintain health, protects from the evil eye and damage to its owner.

The choice of a Slavic amulet has now become a lottery, only 80% of those who buy talismans do so based on the appearance of the amulet. This approach is unacceptable, because you should not joke with magic. Women can wear several amulets at the same time, and men need to choose one single amulet.

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Kolovrat is a form of a solar sign or a combination with it, in which, as a rule, most of the ancient Slavic amulets are made. Kolovrat always symbolizes the rotation of the wheel, it can be expressed in different symbols, but all this is a phenomenon of one action and meaning.

A characteristic image of the solar symbol is a cross with ends bent clockwise or counterclockwise, symbolizing the solar movement across the sky and against it. In the modern world, solar signs and all symbols with their interpretation are commonly called swastikas, but in ancient times they all had their own meaning, naming and image features.

Solar symbols are the basis of almost every ancient Orthodox ornament, almost nothing could be done without their use, as a symbol of movement and solar energy, they had irreplaceable cult and amulets, the strongest sacred power. In the Russian language, there are still about 144 words that name various solar signs - the swastika, Kolovrat, holy gift, mara and others.

How to understand the solar signs, which one to choose for a personal amulet, how to understand their strengths and purpose for themselves? There is only one rule - you need to clearly understand your priorities, understand what you are looking for in this world, what energy and strength you lack for spiritual growth. Each sign is special, each has a mystical meaning, someone guards, and someone has a very narrow purpose, the only thing that can be said for sure is that everyone has their own sign, a special one, which will become his guide to the world of spiritual development.
