Feng Shui broom in which zone to store. Feng Shui for money. Aquarium with goldfish

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  1. The atmosphere at home should be filled with the energy of relaxation, comfort and coziness, then your health will be good. Let's try to learn how to change the atmosphere of the apartment, adjust it in the right way.
    Every second, a house or apartment absorbs the mood of all family members. The atmosphere at home should be filled with relaxing energy, comfort and coziness, then your health will be good. Remember, when you come to one apartment, you are enveloped from the threshold by a feeling of harmonious space; you don’t want to leave such a house. In rooms with bad energy, a feeling of discomfort, coldness, and hostility arises. Let's try to learn how to change the atmosphere of the apartment, adjust it in the right way.
    One of the basic rules of Feng Shui is that before making changes to a space, it must be cleansed. Energy cleaning of an apartment can be divided into several stages:
    Throw away old things, broken utensils, broken dishes, in general, everything that you do not use or that has become unusable. They spoil the interior and give off bad energy.
    Do general cleaning, be sure to wash the windows, doors, thresholds, floors.
    Fumigate the room with smoky incense or a candle.
    So, in order for positive Qi energy to move freely around the apartment, it is necessary to cleanse the room first of physical dirt and then of energetic dirt.
    Cleaning the premises
    If you want the work to go well, and the cleanliness and order in the house to be maintained for a long time, do general cleaning on the waning moon. I do not recommend cleaning the room during the full moon or the first few days of the new moon. During this same period, it is favorable to dry or ventilate bed linen, pillows and blankets. You probably now remember your grandmothers, who every summer took pillows outside for airing. This procedure will not only save you from dust mites, but will also help cleanse your energy. By the way, the ancient Slavs had a special ritual when certain days years, linen and bedding were taken out for cleaning and drying under open air up a high hill. It was believed that the patron deities of thunder, rain and sun would cleanse it of energy dirt, drive away evil spirits and fill it with the energy of love and health. Let me remind you that all this should be done on the waning moon.
    Regarding cleaning, you must also adhere to several rules. You can’t sweep rubbish to your doorstep - this risks losing money, and for young girls - loss of attractiveness. It is best to do this in the direction of the kitchen. Cleaning cannot be carried out in large areas Religious holidays. It is believed that during the holidays the heavenly gates are open, through which divine energy comes to us, and by waving a dirty broom, we destroy it. Therefore, according to Slavic customs, before major holidays, it is necessary to do the cleaning in advance so that the cleaned room is filled with pure divine energy. There should be only one broom in the apartment. And it should stand with the whisk up. If it stands upside down, then you can’t count on an influx of money, and, in addition, you will be constantly cleaning the apartment. By the way, our ancestors considered the broom a strong protective symbol. Broom-shaped amulets are still very popular today.
    It can be carried out in several ways: using a candle, incense sticks or dry herbs, which method is better is up to you. When fumigating, you need to move around the apartment from the threshold clockwise, stopping at each corner. Sandalwood and incense are considered the most effective incense for cleansing space, but if you like other scents, you can successfully use them. In Slavic traditions, fumigation was carried out using dry plant branches. The most popular among them were wormwood and juniper. You can use oak leaves, St. John's wort, lavender, pepper, peony seeds, pine and sage; such aromatherapy is also very beneficial. It's good to spray the apartment holy or just clean water. An excellent alternative method is aerosol cleaning of the room (it is suitable for those who cannot stand the smell of incense). To do this, you need to prepare a solution: per 100 ml of clean water, 9 drops of aromatic oil (if you want to use a cocktail of oils, then the number of drops should be a multiple of nine). After preparing the solution, we walk around the room, clockwise from the threshold and spray the solution in each corner at least 3 times.

    And remember that after cleansing the space, a lot of “energetic dirt” remains on the person. How to properly cleanse your own energy, see below
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    Cleansing personal energy

    It is important to remember that after the ritual of cleansing the apartment, the energetic dirt of the space will settle on you in large quantities (hair and skin are especially sensitive in this regard). Therefore, it is necessary to carry out cleansing procedures for the physical body.
    Very well, the energy mud is washed off with streams of cold water, filling the body with strength. It is no coincidence that doctors and traditional healers recommend regular dousing with cold water to their patients. After them, a person becomes more energetic and healthier. If the cold douche technique does not suit you, it can be replaced with a regular shower, but at the same time you must mentally remove all energy debris from your body.
    Special baths give an excellent effect. They not only have cleansing properties, but also help restore energy potential. You will feel renewed and healthy.
    “Orange bath” technique:
    water temperature – 37 – 38 degrees; add the juice of one orange and 4 whole orange slices to the water. The duration of the bath is 10-15 minutes. After this, take a shower. Without drying yourself, wrap yourself in a large terry towel, take a comfortable position, relax, light an aroma lamp with lemon or orange oil and sit for a few minutes with your eyes closed.
    “Clear Day” technique:
    water temperature – 37 – 38 degrees; add a decoction of wormwood or juniper to the water. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes. Take a shower, mentally washing away the energetic dirt.
    So, we’ve sorted out the cleansing of energy. But what needs to be done to ensure that the energy at home and your personal energy are subject to “infection” as little as possible?
    Home protection rules:
    After guests visit, never leave unwashed dishes. Immediately after guests leave, thoroughly wash the dishes with running water and wipe the floor with a damp cloth to remove any, even accidental, negative information.
    New purchased or gifted items or clothing should not be worn without first being cleaned or fumigated. You risk getting unnecessary energy waste.
    When you come home, be sure to wipe off your shoes, take a shower and change into home clothes.
    Domestic plants and animals, especially cats, serve as assistants in cleansing space.
    Charms and amulets
    To protect against negative external energy, amulets or special ones have been used since ancient times. protective amulets. I'll tell you about some of them. First of all, the front door and windows need protection. In China, for these purposes, images of the gods-protectors of the house are used, which are hung on both sides of the front door. To reflect negative energy directed at the front door, statues of lions, elephants, Fu dogs, and Winged Dragons (Pi Yao) are used. You can make door decorations in the form of a metal ring or staples. In especially severe cases, when a dangerous “poisonous arrow” is aimed at the door, it is recommended to use the Ba Gua mirror.
    The Slavs traditionally placed a protective symbol carved from wood above the front door (it is best to use acacia and oak wood). According to Slavic traditions, it is best to have three amulets in the house. They can be the same or completely different. One is placed near the door, the second near home altar, the third is near the fireplace or stove. Whitewashing a house also has a protective effect. But it works as long as it is not contaminated. It's good if there are shutters on the windows. In this case, make handles on them in the shape of the letter S.
    Bundles of onions, garlic and red pepper have an excellent protective effect. Among the Feng Shui amulets there are special decorative bunches of red pepper that “scare away” negative energy.
    Beautiful protective properties possess herbs. A mixture of valerian, oregano, basil and elderberry must be mixed and scattered in the corners of the apartment. This will bring peace to the house and protect it from robberies and unwanted visits.
    A powerful protective symbol is fishing floats. If you hang them in a visible place at the front door, then no evil energy will penetrate your home.
    Among the minerals, agate and jade are endowed with special protective properties; they can be used both for home protection and personal protection. Agate jewelry (it should be large enough and noticeable) will protect you from envious eyes and bad energy.
  2. Tips for beginners:
    1. No need to change everything at once. First, you need to decide what area of ​​life at this stage you would like to change, for example, career, wealth, or vice versa, family, children. You need to set your priorities correctly and take on the area of ​​your life that really requires change. Don’t chase all the rabbits at once; everything needs to be done gradually. As a last resort, you can combine similar Feng Shui sectors, for example, wealth, fame, career or love, family, children.
    2. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.. It happens that a person, inspired by fabulous prospects for the future, begins to make changes where they are not necessary, i.e. Everything was great with him there, he just wanted to “improve” so to speak. But the result may be the opposite, because harmony is disrupted. Therefore, in order to avoid such misunderstandings, there is no need to radically change anything if you are already satisfied with everything in principle, and if you want to refresh your relationship, for example, in the love zone, the best recommendation would be to sort out the rubble that has accumulated there, just put it in order, throw it away everything unnecessary and that's it. This will free up energy to stimulate this sector without any extreme interventions.
    3. Trust your intuition. We have already talked about this here. Don’t rush headlong into the pool, listen to yourself and your body, whether you are comfortable or not. After all, Feng Shui is not only about the arrangement of rooms, mirrors and other paraphernalia, but above all, the house should be cozy and comfortable for its inhabitants. If suddenly you can’t change something (let’s say you have a toilet or bathroom in the glory zone), there is no need to make sacrifices, you don’t need to tear down walls and act categorically, you need to come from the other side and simply soften negative energies. Even if it won’t be as written, a little wrong, but it will be convenient and comfortable, and this is the most important thing, because in principle there is no such thing as “ideal Feng Shui”. Do as you think you need with some adjustments and that’s it.
    4. Remember that Feng Shui really WORKS and works for you. But since all people are different, it works differently for everyone. He brings something unique to everyone. Everyone has his own path. But most importantly, Feng Shui gives a person confidence in himself and his strengths, that he can really create his own destiny, and not just go with the flow of life. Just don’t expect instant results, although this happens, don’t bother yourself, you can, for example, just dismantle the cabinets and mezzanines and forget about it for a while, just let go of the situation, and then the result won’t take long to arrive.
    5. Never use Feng Shui with bad intentions. Remember, our life is a boomerang, what you give is what you get, only multiplied many times over. Therefore, I urge you not to use Feng Shui with bad intentions or to simply annoy someone. Believe me, everything comes back with interest!!!
    6. Tune in to the good, positive, bright!!! You yourself know that without a positive attitude towards life everything turns out much worse and takes longer. You need to do everything easily and fun, then everything will definitely work out, I guarantee you!!! Tune in to the wave of good luck, be patient and never lose heart, I advise you, on the contrary, to bring as much joy, fun and smiles into your life as possible and then you will really get what you deserve by birthright!!! Be happy!!!
    Get rid of the old - make way for the new!

    Each of us always has things that we have not used for a long time because they are outdated or we simply no longer like them. Many people keep all these things for years in their closets and pantries, leaving them for a “rainy day” or regretting parting with them. Such “storages” are very unfavorable from the point of view of Feng Shui, because... in places where old things accumulate, energy cannot circulate freely and stagnates.And this leads to stagnation in life and the emergence of various difficulties, including financial ones.

    To let something new into your life, you must first make room for it. Therefore, every time you get rid of old and unnecessary things, you thereby make room for new and better ones!

    Don't hold on to old things, thinking that they might be useful to you someday.If you have not used them for quite a long time, then you are unlikely to need them in the future. It's better to give them to those who could really benefit from them. After all, there are many people in need around us who will accept this gift with joy and gratitude. This way you will help not only yourself, but also other people.Just be sure to wash your clothes before giving them away. A person will be doubly pleased to accept clean things from you.

    I try to clean out my closets as often as possible and give clothes and other things to those who need them.It brings a feeling of liberation, lightness, hope for a brighter future and joy that my things have found new life and a new loving owner!

    If you have no one to give your clothes to, then tryFind out in the nearest churches whether they accept old things.

    Children's clothing in good condition can be given to children from orphanages.

    There is also one great siteDaruDar where people from different countries and cities just give each other completely different things. Here you can also find a new owner for your things.

    Freeing yourself from the old, trust the Universe, and it will be very generous to you!

  3. Cleansing space with nine oranges.
    For the Cleansing procedure you will need:
    1. Nine oranges. For a larger house, you can use more oranges. For example, 18 or 27.
    2. Large bowl. The material doesn't matter.
    3. 100 grams of cognac, whiskey, vodka or gin. (You can do without alcohol if you wish).
    4. A fresh bouquet of flowers, prepared especially for Cleansing the space. A total of three bouquets will be required to successively replace the wilted one.

    If you strictly follow tradition, then before starting the procedure you need to fold your hands into mudra and read the universal protective mantra: GATE GATE PORO GATE PORO SOM GATE BODHI SVAHA.
    You can also use any prayer that matches your beliefs. For the Universe, only purity of intention and sincerity are important.
    Pour water into a bowl so that there is room for the peels of nine oranges, add alcohol to the water.
    Peel all the oranges and throw the skins into a bowl of water. The oranges themselves can be safely eaten.

    Setup and visualization.
    Now let's proceed to the procedure itself.
    First of all, put fresh flowers in a vase and place the vase in the part of the apartment or house that you intuitively consider to be the central place.
    Take a bowl filled with water with alcohol and orange skins in your hands and go to the door to the apartment. Ask for blessings from the Higher Powers for a good deed. Focus your attention on what you want to get out of your actions. This could be increasing revenue, attracting customers, or expanding your business. The main thing is that you are in a good mood during the procedure!

    Walking around the premises.
    So, focus on the good, and start walking around the room. If you feel that too much negative energy has accumulated in the room, then move counterclockwise. If you are striving to improve what you already have, then clockwise movement will symbolize a new beginning.
    As you move, vigorously spray the orange peel water throughout your home. In this process, the most important thing is your sincere desire to improve your life, open up new business opportunities and attract money.
    Constantly visualize how old, negative energies disappear, dissolve, melt. At this very time, with every gesture you fill the room with light, freshness and joy.
    The process will be significantly enhanced if you chant any mantra, for example: OM MANI PADME HUM, or a prayer.
    Try to hold in your mind vivid visions of a new, Abundant and joyful life.
    Carefully and carefully go through your entire house, without missing any objects. Sprinkle orange water on all corners, cabinets, walls, stove, window sills, desktop, and so on. If you have a two-story apartment, then go up to the second floor and continue spraying water there.
    After walking around the perimeter of the entire apartment, you returned to the front door. It is very helpful to end the procedure by making an infinity, or horizontal figure eight, symbol with your hand, saying something like, “May there be goodness for all!” or "May there be Abundance!"
    It will be great if you stand at the front door, facing the apartment and imagine that your body is filled with light, which grows and spreads throughout your apartment. Then the light of your aura will protect your home during your absence.

    After this, you can pour out the remaining orange water from the bowl. With gratitude, of course! Orange peels left on the floor should be removed only after 24 hours.
    We open the windows.
    After the procedure, open the windows and imagine that you are letting in a fresh wind of change into your life.

    We change flowers.
    The bouquet that you placed on the table at the very beginning should be replaced at the first signs of wilting. You will have to buy two more fresh bouquets and replace the existing one every time the flowers fade. Thus, it turns out that you used only three bouquets for your procedure.

    Congratulations! You have accomplished a very important task in removing old negativity and attracting fresh, sparkling energies into your life! The results will please you!
    It happens that after the Cleansing procedure, light bulbs burn out, or even electrical appliances become damaged. Don't let this scare you. This is a signal that an energy shift has occurred, and therefore you have achieved your goal. Calmly replace the light bulbs and thank the Universe for hearing you.
    After the Cleanse, you'll probably be tired, so it's time to take a sea salt bath to cleanse your physical body. When you lie in salty water, imagine how all the problems and adversities leave your body and dissolve in the water.
    The next day you will be fresh and energetic. You will also be left with the feeling that you have done something significant!
    Space cleansing done with with a pure heart and with a clear intention to change his life, he does his job.
    So get ready for change!
  4. Feng Shui against rubble in the house.

    To achieve success in your life (in personal relationships, at work, in relationships with finances), it is very important to create a clean and bright flow of energy in your home and workplace, which has amazing power.
    One of the most effective ways Increasing the flow of positive energy is the purification of space.

    There are three main reasons that cause stagnation positive energy:
    1. Physical dirt.
    2. Previous energy.
    3. Blockage.
    Physical dirt includes dust, small and large debris, mold, cobwebs, etc. Low level energy always accumulates around such dirt. Therefore, carrying out regular or general cleaning is an integral part of the process of cleansing the space.

    The previous energy is inherited from the residents of the house or apartment who lived before you. The fact is that all events occurring in the house are “remembered” at the energetic level by the walls, floors, furniture and other objects in your home. This energy accumulates in the same way as ordinary dirt and has a detrimental effect on the people living in the house. If you bought an apartment from the secondary market, the previous residents of which were often sick or quarreled among themselves, then the negative energy they created does not disappear anywhere. Left in the house, it becomes the cause of a repetition of events, that is, illness, quarrels and discord. Such events can be avoided with a well-thought-out, thorough cleansing.

    Any blockage (that is, disorder) in the house interferes with the uniform flow of energy, which in turn causes stagnation in the life of the inhabitants of the house. All types of blockages interfere with the harmonious flow of your life.

    Blockage is stagnant energy , Moreover, the energy is negative. The more clutter you have, the more it attracts unpleasant events into your life or simply slows down the movement of your life. This is why thorough cleaning and quality cleansing in any way is one of the most important aspects of feng shui. Any effect from all the transformations in the house will be minimal until the rubble is cleared and the apartment is cleaned in any available way. You can place magic amulets, perform multi-day rituals, or stare for hours in your favorable direction, but the event you need is unlikely to happen if you have not parted with the rubble. Moreover, mirrors and crystals hung before clearing the rubble can double the existing problems.

    First of all, try to restore order in your apartment by doing a good cleaning, which will definitely help restore an effective energy flow. In my opinion, good cleaning is not only washing the floor and windows, wiping off dust and removing cobwebs, but also looking into those places of your house where, as a rule, hands do not reach, for example, seeing what is going on under the bathroom, under the bed , what is in the pantry or on the mezzanine, disassemble all the shelves in the dressing room, clean up the chests of drawers and bedside tables. If you have cleanliness and order in such places, congratulations to you: good changes in your life are just around the corner.

    Galina Parusova

  5. spring-cleaning

    Remember the old saying, “Cleanliness is the key to health”? This book talks about how our environment works on an energy level, and an example of this is the simple fact that if your house is dark as a dungeon, then your body's energy field (aura) will also be dark.
    And if, when cleaning your house, you constantly avoid hard-to-reach places - under beds, on closets, behind wardrobes, on bathroom cabinet shelves, and so on - areas of sluggish, stagnant energy will always be present in your energy field.
    Also beware of rotten food in the refrigerator and greasy stains on the stove.
    Some day, as an exercise, decide to really thoroughly clean something that you usually just dust off. A good object for this is a TV, computer or tape recorder. All this equipment has “unpleasant” places where fluff and dust accumulate.
    Arm yourself with an old toothbrush, a dusting rag, and some suitable cleaning product (you can buy it at a computer hardware store) and get to work.
    Do it like meditation. Do it with love. Do it not out of obligation, but because the item is part of your life and you want to honor yourself. You'll be surprised how enjoyable it is.
    Before the birth of a child, many women feel a huge need to clean their homes, prepare and clear the space for the unborn child. This is a natural, instinctive reaction.
    Traditionally, people in the West energize themselves by deep cleaning their homes once a year. Imagine what your vitality would be if you kept your home in this condition all the time!
    If you don't have the time or inclination to do it, you don't have to do it yourself. There are people in this world who love to clean! Arrange for a mutual favor with a friend or pay someone to come and do it for you.
    You will get amazing results if you do a thorough cleaning of your home before doing a Space Cleansing and then keep it in that condition.

    What to do with unnecessary gifts

    Get rid of them. The very thought of this seems terrifying to some people. “What if Aunt Jane comes and that expensive figurine she gave us is not on the mantelpiece?”
    So whose fireplace is this anyway? And whose life is this? If you like this figurine, great, but if you keep it in your house out of fear or obligation, you are disempowering yourself.
    Every time you enter a room and see this object, some of your energy disappears. Surround yourself with things that you enjoy, that inspire you, and that lift your spirits. And don't think "out of sight, out of mind."
    You will not be able to store this item in the closet and take it out into the light of day before Aunt Jane arrives. After all, your subconscious knows about his presence in the house. If you are surrounded by a lot of “extra” gifts, your energy network is like a sieve with life force flowing out through the holes.
    Try adopting a different philosophy regarding gifts. When you give something to someone, give it with love and joy. And don’t forget to “let go” of the situation. Give the recipient complete discretion regarding this gift.
    If he finds it so useful that he throws it straight into the trash, well, great.
    If they give it to someone else, that's fine too (you don't want people cluttering their space with extra gifts, do you?). Give others freedom, and you will begin to experience a sense of greater freedom in your own life.

    Debris areas in your home

    Where in your home does debris tend to form? A cluttered basement corresponds to the subconscious, clogged with unconscious problems. A cluttered attic can limit your highest aspirations. There is no place in the house where the blockage does not have an impact on you.
    Even if you drag all the junk into the garden shed or wherever, know that it is still with you and continues to influence the course of your life. The only thing you can do with the rubble is to take responsibility for it and clear it.

    Cluttered rooms

    Further in this book there will be a chapter devoted to the Feng Shui bagua. It provides a “grid” that shows how the areas of your home correspond to certain aspects of your life.
    So, for example, one zone is responsible for relationships, another for a career, a third for well-being, and so on. If you have a cluttered room in your home, it means that some aspect of your life is being affected.
    One of my clients has a greenhouse in her house in the Gifts of Fortune zone. She used to take all her unnecessary things there.
    This lady was an excellent doctor, but could not earn enough money to support herself. By cleaning out the greenhouse and planting flowers in it, she saw her income increase significantly.
    Another woman has accumulated a lot of rubbish in the Relationship area. All the men she attracted in her life were burdened with problems. Having cleared this area of ​​debris, she finally found a man with whom she was able to establish a strong relationship.
    If you have weak points in your life, check if the corresponding area in your home is not littered with all sorts of rubbish!

    Your front entrance

    Keep this area completely clean. The front entrance to your home symbolizes your approach to the world, looking outward, and your approach to your own life, looking inward.
    When the first thing you see when entering your home is a pile of trash, your energy level drops before you even cross the threshold. Some people like to hang all their outerwear and put their shoes in a tiny space behind the front door. This is definitely not a good idea.
    Others like to put things near the entrance so as not to forget to take them out of the house, and this ends up with them having to constantly step over the resulting rubble. This is how you create tension for yourself.
    A surprising number of environmentally conscious people use the front area of ​​their home as a place to store old newspapers, magazines, cans and plastic bottles, which they then recycle.
    By keeping all this in sight, you are making a statement (no matter how unconscious it may be) that your approach to life is to constantly repeat situations of the past.
    This can relate to ideas, problems, illnesses, relationships with people and so on. This means you never learn a lesson the first time. Repetition in itself is not a bad thing. However, why admire this rubbish without even crossing the threshold of your home?

    Behind the doors

    Doors that don't open all the way restrict the flow of energy in your life. I have been in houses where so much rubbish accumulated behind the doors that people had to squeeze through narrow cracks. Remove anything that prevents the doors from opening fully, including clothing hanging behind them.


    These are the arteries of your home. Clutter in the hallway and corridors interferes with the flow of vital energy and puts obstacles in your way. As a result, you are more likely to trudge through life like an old nag than to enjoy a walk. Keep all aisles clear.


    If you can't avoid clutter, at least clear the debris from the floor. Many people suffering from depression keep crap on the floor to constantly “ground” their energy.

    Under the beds

    The piles of junk under your bed are affecting the quality of your sleep. If you sleep on a bed with drawers, it is best to keep only clean bedding in them. To sleep well, remove everything from your bedroom except the bed itself!

    On cabinets
    Debris hidden from view on cabinets is like problems hanging over you, awaiting a solution. They reduce your ability to think clearly and clearly. If you pile things on top of your bedroom closet, it will affect your sleep.
    You'll have a hard time waking up if the first thing that catches your eye in the morning is the storage on top of your closet. When you have a lot of rubble in your home, hidden somewhere high up, it will have an overall overwhelming effect on you. In addition, you will suffer from headaches.

    Get rid of unnecessary clothes

    Do you have clothes that you haven't worn for a long time, but keep "just in case"?
    One woman said at my seminar that when her husband received the settlement, they decided to go out on a limb and buy her two really nice suits “in case” they never had enough money to buy anything like that again.
    Two years have passed since then, and she has never worn one of these costumes. She believes that the money was thrown away.
    Some people keep things they haven't worn for 20 years. They say that if you keep them long enough, they will come back into fashion. My advice to you: if you have never worn an item for Last year, not to mention, if you haven't worn it for two or three years in a row, part with it, sell it, trade it, burn it, or just throw it away.
    All seasons change throughout the year. If in all this time you have never felt the urge to wear it, then its time has passed. If two or three seasonal cycles have passed, and it remains unclaimed, then the time has come to finally part with it.
    You might find it helpful to know why you no longer want to wear certain clothes. Just as you choose colors for the walls of your home, you unconsciously look for clothes of a certain color and cut so that they match the characteristics of your energetic vibrations.
    For example, people go through different color phases. A few years ago, my entire wardrobe was purple with occasional splashes of green, blue and turquoise.
    Someone I knew came to visit me in Bali and recognized my house by the amount of purple laundry hanging out to dry! At that time, I accumulated a lot of violet energy in my aura, which was supposed to return my strength and success. I've gotten used to the color now, so I hardly ever wear it.
    Many people have items in their closets that they bought, wore once, and never wore again.
    It just happened that you weren't in the mood for shopping that day, but your eyes caught on something, well, let's say, an orange dress with purple polka dots. You tried this item on and it looked “fantastic” (in your opinion). You bought it.
    In short, on that very day you were slightly unbalanced emotionally, and the colors of your aura changed to orange with purple spots... So the new clothes looked great on you.
    But the next day is special emotional mood passed, your aura returned to its usual colors, and clothes lost their attractiveness for you. You wait for that state to return, but it (fortunately) repeats itself extremely rarely or not at all.
    The trick is to never shop when you're even a little out of your mind. The feeling of comfort that arises when shopping is a guarantee that you will stop purchasing things that you will never wear.
    Some people become attached to clothes that are too small because they plan to lose weight. But this rarely happens. If you are one of these people, do yourself a favor and listen to Denise Lynn's advice, which in many cases produces amazing results.
    Throw all those things away and then go out and buy yourself something that makes you look and feel good while still being who you are. And guess what usually happens in this case?
    You are losing weight. Believe it or not, this law works, and the reason for this is that you have stopped resisting the fact that you are fat.
    You decided to love yourself for who you are instead of waiting until you lose weight. What you resist persists, and when you stop resisting, it gives in!

“Only a very rich Chinese can afford to live richly”

Chinese folk wisdom

Feng Shui for money

We have already touched on such a broad topic as Feng Shui for money more than once. In this article we will summarize all the Feng Shui recommendations for attracting money into our lives, handling it correctly, preserving and increasing it. How to increase your wealth, how to create wealth in your home, or, say, how to earn your initial capital to establish and develop your business? And at the same time be in happy harmony with yourself, people and the world?

How often do you hear complaints from your friends and acquaintances that their business or trade is not going well, despite all their efforts? Are you familiar with this yourself? We are not talking about those who sit and wait for mythical money “just like that,” but about those who actually do a lot for it. Those who really look for any opportunity to earn money and use every chance to do so. Such enterprising people know how to create favorable financial opportunities and implement them. But what if, despite all your efforts, nothing works out for you?

In this case, Feng Shui masters advise starting with your house, apartment and making sure that money feels comfortable “living” with you.

Attracting money luck

To attract into the house money luck and well-being, you first need to throw out all the old things that you don’t use and sort out the accumulated rubble. By doing this, you will allow the Chi energy to move freely and give the opportunity for something new to enter your home.

This is especially true for the corridor and the room or side that you have in the southeast (it is this side that is responsible for material well-being and cash flows). The corridor should be bright, without heavy bulky furniture, faulty light bulbs, shoes and clothes piled up. Neither people, nor money, nor new opportunities will want to enter such a hallway.

For the same purpose, pay attention to your front door. If it is dirty, old or unkempt, then you may not expect money, no matter what you do. Health and harmonious family life, by the way, too. Be sure to keep your front door clean.

Feng Shui Money Zone: activation

Southeast is a sector financial well-being in the home, office, and so on, so it is this that needs to be activated to attract wealth. Locate this sector in your home using a compass and Bagua grid. Then proceed to the proper arrangement of this sector:

By the way, in the Slavic tradition, pure water is poured into a jar and stood on the windowsill with east side during the new moon, is also a guarantee of health and good luck.

Feng Shui talismans to attract money

Deities of wealth

Hotei is one of the most revered and beloved monetary symbols of China. After all, this cheerful fat man by his very appearance symbolizes well-being, pleasure from life and prosperity. A figurine of Hotei with a bag of money in his hand, with peaches or just coins, placed in the Money zone or in the Patrons zone, is the guarantee of your successful career and good income.

Another god of wealth, Daikoku, especially in combination with the god Ebisu and the fish Tai, will make you not only rich, but also happy. And this, you see, is not the same thing. It is this combination that will bring into your life a feeling of harmony and joy from what you already have, and hope for the best. Daikoku in itself is so positive that he alone, with a mouse over his shoulders and a mallet, will bring quite tangible wealth into your life.

Chinese coins

Three coins to attract wealth

To attract wealth and prosperity, you can use talismans such as Chinese round coins with a hole in the middle. Three such coins, tied with a red ribbon, are hidden in a wallet or under a doormat. Six coins tied with a gold or red ribbon destroy the influence of Sha energy, which leads to illness and quarrels. It is good to put such coins in a home fountain, an aquarium, or under a flower pot with a tree.

It is also believed that coins scattered in the corners of the house attract monetary luck.

feng shui money tree

Another favorite among the Chinese is the money tree. It can be either live (a tree-like crassula with round green leaves) or made by hand. You can make an artificial money tree yourself or buy a ready-made one. It is important that there are as many “leaves”, coins and twigs on it as possible. If you buy a tree, choose one with , rather than stones: it is more effective. If you have a tree with stones, decorate its branches with red ribbons with coins tied up.

Symbols of keeping wealth in the home

Three-legged toad Feng Shui with a coin in your mouth is your personal money keeper if placed correctly in your home. The frog should seem to jump into the house, bringing money into it. If you point the toad towards the door, then the money will “jump away” from you. Often a three-legged frog is placed in an aquarium or in a fountain that already stands in the southeastern sector of the house.

Owl figurine, located next to money tree, is a wise bird, also protecting people from waste with its wisdom.

The rat is a “money” animal

Fish and Rat- two more . Placed in the south-eastern zone of the apartment, they will help you get rich.

Oranges and tangerines- symbols of not only wealth and prosperity, but also health. By placing them in your home, you will never overexert yourself and undermine your health in pursuit of money.

In general, when human energy is harmoniously combined with the energy of the objects and space surrounding it, it very quickly turns into a magnet for all kinds of benefits, including material ones.

When choosing symbols, listen to yourself: you will probably like some of the listed more, and some less. It is those symbols that you like most that will be the best talismans of wealth for you. Therefore, do not rush to buy half a store of symbols, because in this case more does not mean better.

Also use traditional signs to attract and preserve wealth:

  • There must be a beautiful piggy bank in the house that you will use;
  • keep the broom upside down with the handle down and the toilet lid closed;
  • keep your money in a beautiful box - this way you will show your good attitude towards it;
  • bills in a piggy bank or wallet should be placed like this: the smallest ones are at the bottom, and the largest ones are on top;
  • use, preferably from natural materials (leather, fabric); Brown or black wallets are also suitable;
  • place a small mirror in the money storage area - then they will multiply;
  • keep money away from windows, doors and mirrors in which they are not reflected;
  • if money is stored in a box, then it is advisable to use a red box.

Master of money feng shui

Money must be respected and loved in order for it to come to you. Know how to take care of them, count them more often and store them carefully - only in this case the money will begin to multiply.

Of course, Feng Shui is a real “home” magic that can make you rich, happy and healthy. But don’t forget also that without effort on your part this magic will be useless. Whether you take advantage of this help or not, whether you will see all the opportunities that will present themselves to you after activating the Wealth Zone, depends primarily on your readiness to be rich. You will be surprised, but often we ourselves do not allow ourselves to have money!

Therefore, do not expect miracles if you have identified all the sectors, placed symbols in them, and then lay down on the sofa. Feng Shui is that tangible help that will make it much easier for you to do everything you plan, but the key word here is do.

Feng Shui: seven steps to harmony

Are you fatally unlucky? Have you ever thought that the cause could be an unwashed stove or open lid toilet? Feng Shui offers an original way to achieve life harmony.
Already in ancient times, people noted that the environment can have both positive and negative effects on him. Feng Shui - ancient chinese art and the science of living in harmony with ourselves and the world around us - invites us to become real mistresses in our own home.

Step one - get a pet

In order for there to be positive energy flows in the house, get a pet. Feng Shui favors the turtle. In China, they set up a small pond for them, in which there is a stone on which the turtle can climb out. In our conditions, any container about 30 cm in diameter is quite suitable. The water should be changed three times a week, and the turtle should be fed fish. It is believed that armored ones bring stability to the home. However,… a frog will also do. They are believed to protect against dangers and troubles. For those who prefer warm-blooded pets, you can offer a tiger. The tiger, on the one hand, symbolizes protection, on the other hand, the feminine principle. So it is quite logical for women to have a small tiger, in the form of a cat, which will protect their well-being. By the way, in Egypt, the cat was considered a goddess who guarded the hearth and a woman’s family happiness. The Chinese had nothing about dogs, but I believe they are unlikely to harm domestic harmony. So, the choice is yours.

Step two - pay attention to the front door and hallway

The theater begins with a coat rack, and the apartment begins with the door. The Chinese believe that the front door located at the staircase or at its top is bad sign. The stairs, of course, cannot be moved, but the situation can still be corrected. It is recommended to hang a medium-sized mirror above the door to reflect negative energy.
The same technique will help if you are unlucky and the doors in the apartment are located opposite each other. It is recommended to hang coins or bells on the inside handle of the front door, as it is believed that they attract money into the house. The Chinese use coins with holes for these purposes, tying them with a red cord.
The entrance to the home should be well lit. If the hallway is too dark, use more saturated colors, increase the lighting and hang paintings or photographs in rectangular and oval frames on the walls.
In addition, any hallway must be kept clean, not only before receiving guests, but constantly. Otherwise, you will be haunted by feelings of apathy and fatigue.
For your door mat, choose a color that matches the direction of your front door.
Some feng shui experts advise placing three gold coins under the rug for good luck. I think that copper ones are quite suitable, since it is the color rather than the texture that matters.
Ideally, when a person enters a home, their gaze should be drawn to the living room, dining room or family room, and not to the rooms of individual family members. The latter, over time, can lead to disunity among family members. To improve the situation, place impressive, interesting objects in the hallway that distract attention from the interior rooms. Hold closed doors leading to Step three - let's take care of the bathroom and toilet
One of the main requirements for a bathroom is cleanliness and order, which goes well with ordinary Russian habits. Otherwise, “the Chinese have their own quirks.” The environment in it should be as simple as possible. Hang a mirror on the bathroom door, if it is located in the southern part of the apartment, and choose blue or blue shades for the walls. If this color does not suit you, then hang a picture of a fish or waves.

If the toilet is in the bathroom, fence it off with a partition. The toilet lid should always be closed. Otherwise, prosperity will constantly disappear. If possible, place a plant in the closet.
A mop, rag and similar things should be stored in a secluded place, out of sight, otherwise the inhabitants of this home will not have good luck. This especially applies to the kitchen. Failure to comply with this principle leads to the fact that the owners cannot get out of poverty.

Step four - pay attention to the room in which you eat

Sometimes the dining room and living room are combined in one room. In this case, the area where food is eaten must be isolated from the living room. This can be achieved by using a wooden trellis with climbing plants, a mirror and paintings or photographs. A bookcase, bookcase, or other similar piece of furniture can also serve to create a “dividing line.” Combined with a warm color scheme (possibly different from color range living room).
A person usually feels better when eating in a room with a high ceiling. In a Khrushchev building with ceilings of 2 m 40 cm, you cannot cut a hole to your neighbors, so you need to increase the height visually. To do this, you can use wall lamps with light directed upward. Lighting that is too bright is not conducive to coziness and relaxation, so use dimmable switches or lower wattage bulbs - at least for everyday meals.
Mirrors, a favorite feng shui element, are also recommended in the dining room, as they not only enhance natural light and create the illusion of more space, but also double the number of dishes on the table, making each meal twice as impressive.
Although ideally chairs should be placed against the walls, in practice this is not always possible, so use the tips that are practical for our small kitchens. Do not place the table opposite the front door, there should be an even number of chairs, and seat your dear guest facing the entrance, not directly opposite.
Eating while facing the toilet has a negative impact not only on appetite, but also on the health and well-being of family members. If the dining table is adjacent to the wall of the toilet, this guarantees health problems.
The dining table, located between the doors at opposite ends of the room, is also under attack. Prosperity will quickly “float” from such a house. In such a situation, you need to hang a musical pendant or bell at the door.
The color of the tablecloth can be chosen in accordance with the area of ​​the room where the dining table is located: blue in the north, green in the east, and so on. If you always use a white tablecloth, try colored napkin rings. Insulating pads should match the shape of the table: if you have a round table, use round pads, buy oval ones for the appropriate one. Do not eat from dishes with cracks or chips. This spells trouble. During meals, use glasses, filling them with clear liquid, then they will act as individual crystals, stimulating energy flows. What’s nice is that you don’t have to use expensive crystal; even cut glass will do.

Step five - let's work on the living room

The living room not only serves as a gathering place for family members to watch TV or just relax together, but also serves as a social center when friends and acquaintances come to visit. The living room should be cozy and welcoming, warm and well-lit, but not too bright or noisy.
If your living room has an alcove, the energy can stagnate. Hang a mirror on a protruding wall to create a sense of depth, and diffuse the energy with plants and wall lights.
It’s good to install a TV in the corner, this will be an area of ​​wealth. Armchairs and sofas should be placed with their backs to the walls.
Don't keep books on open bookshelves. Over time, this will lead to the appearance of diseases, ailments, and bad mood. As a last resort, place the spines of books flush with the edge of the shelf, this will reduce the harmful effect. Wooden shelves are not recommended to be placed in the southwest, northeast and in the center of the apartment. Glass ones, do not place them in the northern part of the apartment. Plastic shelves are the least harmful.
Hang family photos on the living room wall. All family members living in the house must be present at them, and always in a good mood. This will bring good luck.
The center of the room is considered the luck zone. Place a chandelier above it.

Step six - bedroom secret

Take a beautiful vase. Fill it up semiprecious stones or crystal, or put jewelry in it. Hide it in a closet (but not opposite the bedroom door) or chest of drawers and don’t show it to anyone. These actions promise financial well-being.

Step seven - a few words about the corridor

If the corridor is long, hang mirrors on the walls to create a wave-like effect. A lot can also be done with wall hangings, dim lights and hanging pots of climbing plants if space allows.

You can improve the flow of energy in the apartment with the help of devices: “wind music”, bells, “sound of water”. A ticking clock on the wall also creates a good sound background in the house.
Try growing an orange tree in your apartment. Orange is a symbol of prosperity. Place it in an unfavorable part of the apartment (geopathogenic zone) so that this place becomes less dangerous for you. Lemon trees can be used for the same purpose. Different colors should dominate in different corners of the apartment and room.
Curtains should improve the feng shui of the home. Before choosing curtains for certain windows of the house, find out which side of the world these windows are directed to, and then use the table to find out which color will be the best.
Organize a symbolic representation of the primary elements in your apartment. To attract money to your home, take care of the representation of water, since water is a symbol of wealth. It can be represented by a small aquarium, black or dark blue. Water is also symbolized by mirrors, glass, images of fish, waterfalls and seascapes.
The tree symbolizes growth, creativity and nutrition. It can be represented by any flowers, plants, green. It is good if the flowers are located in the east or southeast. Wood is also symbolized by wooden objects; images of trees and plants.
Symbols of fire (candles and light bulbs) in the home environment increase activity levels.
The colors yellow and tan are traditionally associated with earth.
Its symbols are ceramic products. Using them will give you practicality.
Metal colors are white, gold and silver. The main forms for expressing metal are the circle and the crescent, as well as any metal objects, especially coins. Having such items in the home encourages enterprise and versatility.
None of the primary elements should be over-represented. This will lead to negative consequences.

Feng Shui in modern Russia

Chapter from the book by Anatoly Sokolov “Energy of Space. Feng Shui in a city apartment"

For example, the so-called “zone method”, the “Eight Life Aspirations” method, as Lillian Tu called it, has become widespread in recent publications on Feng Shui. Some authors often reduce to it all the variety of methods and techniques of this ancient Chinese science, and yet this method arose only at the beginning of the 20th century in Hong Kong. Then it was further simplified by T. Lin Yun. In fact, this method was the result of a transformation of Chinese positive thinking, it grew out of the Chinese love for symbolism. Yes, it works, but, as a rule, with its help it is possible to attract only 10-15 percent of luck into your life, and of course all feng shui does not come down to it!
To what extent is Feng Shui, as a science created in the East by mountain dwellers, each of whom had their own home, applicable to Russians with our housing and communal services? Unfortunately or fortunately, since the 17th century in Europe and since the beginning of the 20th century in Russia, most people have lost the opportunity to have their own home. The leaders of the world revolutions that broke out proclaimed all people brothers, and therefore decided for them all to live together - in apartment-type houses. Whereas before this it was believed that only members of the same family or brothers in faith, that is, monks, could live under the same roof.
Therefore, on the one hand, methods of attracting qi that are acceptable for houses in China cannot be used for our conditions. When choosing housing today, we are more likely to be tied to communications and infrastructure than to the land and surrounding space. But, nevertheless, the house did not cease to be a home. Although it was transformed into an apartment, it remained “our fortress” for us. We still identify ourselves most with home, considering our apartment in some way our own reflection - our habits, tastes, inclinations. Therefore, our modern home influences us no less than any mansion in the past influenced its owners. Considering this, we can say that Feng Shui methods have not lost their power for people of the 21st century!
Yes, if each of us had our own home, then we could have a greater influence on our luck using Feng Shui methods, because we would have the external and internal space of the house at our disposal. In the case of an apartment, the external space available for changes barely extends to the landing in front of it... But one of the principles of the same feng shui says that even a little is better than nothing. Let us not influence the decision of the authorities to build a road near our house, the energy of which can negatively affect our lives. But we can change the feng shui inside our apartment, inside our room, thereby neutralizing its impact and, at least slightly, increasing our chances of success!
Ultimately, these chances come down to the degree of freedom that we have to transform our home, and therefore our lives.
For example, if we have the funds to buy an apartment, then by choosing it based on the principles of Feng Shui, we can attract 90 percent of luck. If we already have an apartment in which we decide to renovate using Feng Shui recommendations, then we will have from 50 to 70 percent luck. If we cannot or are not ready to take such radical measures, then simply by moving the furniture in a certain way or hanging some decor in the apartment, we will become 20-30 percent luckier. Do you agree that this is better than nothing? It is always necessary to remember that if we want to improve our lives, then it is important to skillfully use the degree of freedom of our actions that we currently have.
And if you have already acquired the determination to do this, Feng Shui will help you put your plans into practice.

Feng Shui talismans:

The Dragon

The dragon symbolizes strength and generosity, courage and endurance, nobility and wisdom. It carries the spirit of rebirth and change, life-giving rain, representing the productive forces of nature. It is also a symbol of vigilance and security, which stands apart from all celestial creatures and unites all the scaly creatures of the Universe. For the Chinese, the Dragon is a symbol of the nation.
The dragon is a universal and very complex symbol, a creature that has the greatest spiritual power, a symbol of life and light. The dragon, or winged serpent, combines the snake (feminine earthly Yin) and the bird (male heavenly Yang), spirit and matter. At first, its symbolism was entirely favorable and meant the waters that bring life (snake) and the breath of life (bird). He identified with the heavenly gods and their earthly representatives - emperors and kings. Subsequently, its symbolism became ambivalent, denoting the beneficial rains that follow thunderstorms, and, at the same time, the destructive forces of lightning and flooding. In the East, the dragon is the Heavenly Power that brings good; it symbolizes supernatural power, wisdom, hidden knowledge, the power of the waters that bring life.
The dragon controls four elements: earth, air, water and fire. Dragons migrated from China to the mythology of other Eastern countries - Japan, Korea, Vietnam. In the myths of these countries, the dragon also represents the highest spiritual power, the supernatural, infinity, the spirit of change, divine power, fulfilling wishes, rhythms of nature, supernatural wisdom. The emblem of the Chinese imperial family is the golden dragon. Among the many titles of the Chinese emperor, the most honorable was "living dragon", and the imperial throne was called the "dragon throne"; The state's coat of arms depicted a dragon. It is believed that at the birth of the heir to the throne, the dragon left a mark on his forehead.
According to the mythical beliefs of the Chinese, legendary rulers and heroes originate from the union of a dragon and a woman.
According to legend, the legendary ruler of China, Fu-Hsi, introduced ranks and ranks for officials and assigned each class a special dragon patron. For example, the ceremonial robes of officials of the highest, seventh rank were decorated with the Lun (Highest) dragon embroidered with gold threads, also known as the Blue or Turquoise Dragon, which had five claws on its paws. The Lun dragon lives in heaven and is a life-giving spirit, heavenly power, supernatural and infinite power, on earth it is a sign of delegated imperial power, a sign of the emperor. The Lun Imperial Dragon has five claws, its head points to the South and its tail points to the North. He represents the East and life-giving rain. The attire of lesser dignitaries was befitting the dragon Mang, who had only four claws; he represents temporary power. And so on….
For wearing clothes with images of dragons, a commoner was subject to the death penalty.
Two “fighting”, competing dragons looking at each other represent the dualism of the Yin-Yang forces, all opposing and complementary forces, the forces of heaven and earth; usually between them either the Sun or the “pearl of heaven”, the Moon, is depicted. The dragons turning their backs to each other represent the principles of yin-yang. When they are depicted chasing each other's tails, it is a symbol of the mutual creative action of the Yin-Yang forces. The Dragon is depicted together with the Tiger, who assumes the Yin position; The dragon depicted with the Phoenix is ​​a symbol of the union of Heaven and Earth, the emperor and the empress, the divine potentiality that contains all opposites, the interaction of the macrocosm and the microcosm, the two aspects of the androgyne, the rhythms of evolution and involution, birth and death. Their symbol is also a double spiral.
To this day, the Dragon is depicted on homes and institutions, bringing good luck and wealth, and protecting against evil spirits. Often the dragon is depicted clutching a “dragon ball” or “celestial pearl” in its paws. Available different interpretations these images: these are either thunderclaps, or it means that when the Moon, the bearer of rain, wanes, the dragon swallows it, and when it arrives, it is a sign that he gradually spits it out. In Taoism and Buddhism, it is the “pearl that fulfills all desires,” the pearl of perfection, wisdom, light and the spiritual essence of the universe.
As a talisman, the Dragon promotes career growth, financial success, protects a person from unscrupulous partners, competitors and generally from unkind people. Being a symbol of pronounced yang energy, the Dragon patronizes the strong half of humanity. The Guardian of the East represents the awakening of the forces of nature, growth and new beginnings.
Living inside the house, the Dragon brings money into it. The dragon should be placed on the left side of the front door (as viewed from the house); in an ideal layout, the dragon’s place is in the east.
The placement of the Dragon in the living room is welcome. The talisman should be placed on a stand, pedestal or elevation, but the Dragon should not be taller than human height, since then it will not patronize the person, but manipulate him.
You can awaken a dragon to life, that is, activate the talisman, by “opening” its eyes using simple ritual. Determine by Chinese calendar day of the dragon and in the morning, between seven and nine o'clock in your local time, using a new brush and black ink, put dots on the eyes of the figurine or image of the dragon. During the ritual, the dragon must face east. You can also symbolically consecrate the dragon's eyes with an incense stick.

White tiger.

The white tiger gives protection, his patronage saves the family from robbery, troubles and collapse. The specificity of this talisman is such that there is no need to activate it; on the contrary, in order for the tiger to properly protect you from external aggression, the Dragon must balance and control its restless essence, for they are inextricably linked.
The Dragon is a masculine symbol associated with the active, yang principle, and the Tiger is a feminine symbol and associated with yin energy, so these two animals are balancing opposites.
The Tiger will provide protection to your home, but you must always remember that it must be in balance with the Dragon. Once you have a Tiger in your house, then a Dragon must also appear, which will control its uncontrollable energy. Otherwise, the presence of a tiger can give the opposite result; instead of protecting those who live in the house, it will direct its aggression towards them. And be sure to ensure that the influence of the Tiger is not stronger than the influence of the Dragon, as this will have a very unfavorable effect on your home.
In Chinese mythology, the Tiger is a symbol military valor. His image is used in the fight against demons and evil spirits. The Tiger Spirit is so strong that better protection from the evil that threatens from without, one cannot find it. He is the guardian of the West and in Chinese he sounds like Bai-hu. The appropriate time of year for the Tiger is autumn.
The tiger is a patron and guardian Western direction(sectors). It was no coincidence that he received this privilege. According to legend, the gods chose the guardian for a long time and carefully, since the Western sector is responsible for health. After all, if there is no health, you no longer need money, fame, or a career. Even love loses its color and freshness when a person is sick. They chose from the four strongest animals: dragon, turtle, phoenix and tiger. The dragon was considered the wisest and most powerful, but spewed fire, which was destructive for the West, while the phoenix was inherently fiery, so their candidacies were immediately rejected. The turtle represented the water element and was not suitable for the role of a guardian, since water drains the western sector. And only the tiger was ideal for this role. He was strong, fearless and could not harm the West, since he belongs to the element of wood. To top it off, the gods showered the tiger with stardust and made it white, the color of the West, for the West is also a symbol other world for the Chinese, and, as is known, in China White color- the color of mourning.
The Tiger symbol is used in the home with great caution, as it is a very ferocious animal that, if handled inappropriately, can destroy its owner. Using it to protect your home, check if among your family members there are those born in the year of animals that make up the tiger's food (boar, rabbit, rooster, etc.). This warning is so serious that the mothers of sons born in these years strongly object if they want to marry a girl born in the year of the tiger; it is believed that such a wife can cause the premature death of her husband. Women born in the year of the tiger's food animals are warned not to give birth to children in the year of the Tiger, as the small "tiger" may "absorb" the mother during childbirth. In any case, this talisman is very powerful for the interior space of the home, so it is better to use a sculpture or image of a sleeping tiger or a small tiger cub.
According to the canons of Feng Shui, a tiger should be metal, but stone or made of wood or glass is acceptable. In principle, even a plush toy will do. Color - white, yellow, beige, silver or golden. The tiger can be indirectly represented by a figurine of a cat, say, made of white ceramics, or flowers in white pots on the western window. Of course, a special talisman in the form of a sleeping tiger is preferable, but it all depends on your conditions and on the time of birth of all household members. The place of the White Tiger, respectively, is in the Western part of the house or with right side from the front door. His image can also be placed on the western wall of the living room, especially if there is a Dragon in its eastern part, remember - the Tiger, which connects with the Dragon, produces huge volumes of cosmic qi. Also keep in mind that the power of the Tiger should always be inferior to the power of the Dragon, and never place the image of the Tiger higher than the image of the Dragon.


The fan is one of the most famous feng shui tools and one of the most popular in China. With the help of a fan, you can achieve saturation with positive energy, as well as activate the necessary areas of your home. The history of the fan is ancient and complicated, like everything else in the Middle Kingdom...
The Chinese believe that the Great Goddess of the Wind brought the first fan to earth. She traveled a lot around the planet and was filled with sympathy and compassion for the plight of humanity. To make it easier for her at least a little, she gave people her magic fan, so that any person in trouble could create a wind and thereby turn to the Goddess for help.
In the second millennium BC. e., in the era of Emperor Wu Wang, the first fans appeared, and later - round paper fans with a handle, which Japan later borrowed from China.
Folding fans, used as lucky talismans, appeared in the Celestial Empire in the 10th century, and they were invented in Japan in the 7th century. Folding fans consisted of flat plates cut from bone, mother-of-pearl, turtle, wood, interconnected, or from a bone frame covered with parchment, paper, or silk.
Fan - the most important detail Japanese costume and Japanese life. The first folding fans - ogi - were the property of men: warriors wore these fans in their belts, along with weapons. Then the samurai began to use fans to give signals, and only in the 10th century did the fan become widespread in aristocratic circles.
Fans were exchanged between women and monks on special occasions; fans were used during the tea ceremony, as a notebook, in women's everyday life, and were mandatory attribute Noh theater actors
The fans were made from bamboo and special thick washi paper, which was painted with ink. The fan was decorated with calligraphic inscriptions, images of flowers, birds, animals, landscapes and other images with benevolent symbolism. The decor of a Japanese fan, like the fan itself, was created in accordance with the time of year, location, event, social status, age, and profession of the owner.
At the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th centuries. A semicircular folding fan was brought from China to England and Spain. Around 1517, the first fan was brought from Macau by the Portuguese, among other Far Eastern antiquities and curiosities. From Spain the fan migrated to Italy, and only then to France. As early as the middle of the 16th century, Italian artisans began making fans in imitation of the Chinese. In France, fans first appeared under Catherine de Medici. In the 17th century, the folding fan spread throughout Europe, and even, as a curiosity, began to appear in single copies in Russia.
The fan is one of the most famous feng shui tools and one of the most popular in China. With the help of a fan you can achieve saturation with positive energy. It enhances the flow of qi in places where there is stagnation. For example, if your apartment has dark corners in which qi stagnates, it is enough to place a small fan in such a corner, with the fan pointing upward. The fan carries the energy of the movement of air currents along which the qi energy moves.
The fan also symbolizes long life.
You need to choose the right fan. For example, the effect of a small fan in a large room may be insignificant, but a large fan in a small room, on the contrary, may cause too much vibration. In ancient times, a fan indicated a high position in society, so it would be appropriate to place it in the south, in the zone of glory. With the help of a fan, you can stimulate any other area in the apartment. This is a universal Feng Shui tool that has a whole range of properties. It depends on the material from which it is made, as well as on the design on it - a crane, a butterfly or, say, a dragon. A peculiar symbol within a symbol, which makes adjustments to its use, but, in any case, enhances its effect.
The color of the fan is not important, the main thing is that the fan pleases the eye, promoting relaxation or strengthening the tone as you wish.
If it is necessary to add energy to the place where a person sleeps or works, then the fan is hung on the wall, not far from the head of the bed (but not above the bed itself, as this can deprive sleep), or behind the back of the working person, at an angle of 45 degrees, the fan the fan should be directed slightly upward.
In order to direct energy to any room, just hang the fan in the appropriate direction.
A large fan-fan should not be placed opposite the front door, otherwise it will redirect the positive energy entering the house back to the street, which will contribute to the accumulation of dead Yin energy in the home.
In China, the fan is also a powerful talisman of protection and immortality. For example, it is known that it was with a fan that one of the Taoist immortals, Zhong Liyuan, revived the dead.
The erotic symbolism of this talisman is also widespread.
The action of the fan is activated when it is used for its intended purpose. By fanning yourself, you will attract a flow of energy in your direction and feel renewed and rested.



Previously, brooms were made not only for routine cleaning, but also for decorative purposes. They were decorated with ribbons, dried flowers, nuts, peas, and grains of various cereals. Each decoration had an ancient symbolic meaning, according to which it brought wealth, health, family happiness, and so on to the house. Such a broom became a talisman for the house. Of course, it was given to Domovoy for his birthday. Or they often gave it to figurines depicting a brownie - to keep the house clean and sweep all the evil spirits out. It was believed that when moving to a new place, you must take an old broom with you, since the brownie “moves” with it.To this day, it is impossible to make a high-quality broom without human hands. The process of their production has never been fully automated. To make a simple broom, you need to perform at least ten operations, which are far from easy physically. Homemade brooms are knitted from cereal plants such as millet. It grows up to 1.5-2.5 m. The stem in the upper part branches into many small flexible stalks where the seeds ripen. Brooms are knitted from the threshed upper part of the stem (in common parlance - “brooms”). They are made from bunches with a diameter of 2.5 - 3 cm; For each bunch, the stems are collected by hand, and then the bunches are tied with split willow vine.
This is how natural dry herbs and the hardworking hands of a master create a seemingly “living” object - greetings from distant meadows and forests.

Here are some other signs associated with the broom:
Sweeping trash beyond the threshold means failure. Our ancestors believed that garbage (such as salt, water) could be damaged, so it was always burned or taken out of the house and buried in the ground.
The threshold was generally considered the line between the cozy home world and the dangerous, unknown, otherworldly. That’s why it’s not customary to say hello or goodbye across the threshold.
All garbage must be taken out of the house before sunset - if you decide to clean up late, you will be left without money.
But, one way or another, everything must be removed before nightfall. The house can be visited at night light forces(y Slavic peoples- angels, Mother of God), and it must be clean.
But sweeping on the eve of big church holidays(especially on Good Friday and before Easter) is not possible. A special day was set aside for cleaning Holy Week- “Maundy Thursday”.
Remember the expression - “So that not a trace of you is here!” In ancient times, people believed that traces have their own mysterious power, a particle of the “owner’s” energy. To the place where a person left his mark, he will someday return. That is why it is not customary to sweep and wash floors on the day of departure of guests or household members. But if he left unwanted guest- on the contrary, you need to “sweep away” his traces as actively as possible in order to prevent his return.
By Chinese teaching Feng Shui believes that a broom should be positioned with the handle down. Otherwise, it is “saturated” with the energy of various “dark forces”, whose habitat is closer to the earth. Having accumulated at the bottom of the broom, all this invisible dirt and evil spirits are eagerly awaiting cleaning, thanks to which it can spread throughout the house...
Let us add that brooms come not only in the usual sizes (designed for cleaning), but also small ones - for car seat care, clothing, bath brooms, etc.

Bath broom

If a house broom, as our ancestors believed, “swept” out of the house evil spirits, then a bath broom (as they used to say - a bath broom) expelled it from the human body, dealing with evil spirits and all kinds of diseases at the same time.
The baenik (the spirit - the owner of the bathhouse) lived on dry brooms, which were specially left for him under the shelf along with soap, so that the baenik could also take a steam bath. Healers prepared special brooms during Slavic holidays. The youngest and strongest trees were selected for such magical brooms. The type of wood (oak, birch, cherry, currant...) was chosen depending on the purpose for which the broom was needed: to enchant marriage, to give strength and good health...
One of the most common were birch and oak brooms. Birch was revered as a symbol of femininity, so brooms from it were used in rituals as a means of strengthening family relations, could get rid of personal problems. According to legends, on the branches of birch trees growing near the water lived sap - or “water maidens”, or mermaids. They could give a person a lot of strength and vital energy, helped drive out evil spirits, and were related to the elements of water and air. The Slavs believed that by carefully cutting branches for a broom, you could “carry away” with you the invisible sap sitting on them, which would heal and “revive” the body and soul.
The branches of the ritual bath broom - “greenery” - were cut off no later than June 28 - until the cuckoo leaves the nest. If a woman failed to get married, such a ritual was performed. She steamed herself with greens three times, knocking down all the leaves, and with them driving out the green melancholy. Then the remaining branches of the “golyak” were scattered near the houses where possible suitors lived.
After the first wedding night, newlyweds were supposed to steam with one broom, which was then stored for a whole year and burned when a new “green” was made. Oak and birch, as symbols of the masculine and feminine principles, combined in one broom, “connected” and brought married couples closer together. A broom of oak and birch branches tightly bound loving hearts.
Cherry brooms were considered “love spells.” Today, the “love spell”, “igniting passion” power of some brooms is explained by the special properties of plants, which, for example, stimulated the production of female or male hormones. Currant broom not only has a wonderful invigorating aroma, but also has a positive effect on mental processes, activating creative thinking.
In addition to alder, juniper, fir brooms, which are not difficult to imagine, nettle, mint, and finally, brooms made from eucalyptus, cypress, and even mimosa, common in the south, also have their beneficial and “magical” properties... Mimosa is a wonderful tonic that improves mood, relieves depression, brings deep and healthy, healing sleep after a bath, which has a very good effect on the nervous system. After such a dream, a person feels as if reborn. Mimosa is a plant intended for particularly sensitive people, especially women. It relieves anxiety and anxiety, calms after quarrels and conflicts, but, at the same time, gives softness to the character, eliminating mental callousness.
Brooms from any branches collected in early spring, with sticky leaves that had just blossomed, were called “Yuletide”. It was believed that the spirit of revival was strong in such young trees, and a person, using a broom from the first greenery, was, as it were, “sanctified” for a new life.

Felt boots.

Felt boots are designed to protect people from the cold in severe frosts. But felt boots also have special properties that attract happiness and good luck. That is why experienced people advise everyone to have their own pair of felt boots and to wear them at least once a season: we went to the winter forest for a weekend - and the felt boots came in handy. Put on your felt boots, run in the clean snow, lie in a snowdrift - all your sorrows will remain there.
pair of felt bootsHistorical information. We find the first mention of “felt boots” in oldest work Russian literature "The Tale of Igor's Campaign". Valenki are original Russian footwear; they first appeared in Siberia. These were low shoes, the tops of which were felted separately, that is, with a seam. The birthplace of real felt boots is considered to be the city of Myshkin, Yaroslavl province, whose craftsmen in the 18th century were the first to felt felt boots entirely, with the boot top. By the way, in only two cities of Russia - Myshkin and Moscow there are museums of Russian felt boots. From the Yaroslavl region, felt boots began to spread throughout Russia at the speed of the wind. Very soon, each village had its own “workshop” for making felt boots, and corresponding factories began to be built in cities.
The advantage of Russian felt boots, and what has always surprised foreigners to the extreme, is the unity of their shape, the absence of seams. Most likely, thanks to this feature, the saying “as simple as felt boots” appeared. But this expression cannot be attributed to the process of making felt boots itself, which requires incredibly complex efforts and skills. First of all, the sheep's wool was cleaned, beaten until it became soft, felted by hand and on special devices, kept in boiling water and saline solution, put on a triangular shape, beaten, and only after all this the felt was knocked down on a block to the desired size .
Felt boots have a wonderful property - they always warm your feet, no matter how cold it is outside. It’s even difficult now to say when and where the tradition of wearing felt boots came from, because very quickly it became a necessity from a tradition. Maybe the fact is that our feet are one of the strongest energy ports in the body, because they are constantly in contact with some surface. Through our feet we exchange energy with the environment: nature shares with us positive energy, and we give it our spent energy. This is why we feel refreshed when we run barefoot on the grass in the summer - at these moments nature takes care of us. Walking barefoot around a house in which everything is fine, family members love each other and do not make trouble, we feel happy and joyful, and problems fade into the background.
It’s very good when you have the opportunity to leave the city for a week once every 2-3 months to a secluded countryside, where there are many places barely touched by man. After spending several days there, everyone notes an improvement in well-being and an unprecedented surge of energy; returning to the city after such a trip, people get to work with renewed zeal, improve family relationships - in general, the quality of life improves. Felt boots have the same effect on our body - cleansing and refreshing, try it!
You need to buy large felt boots so that every member of the family can wear them. Wait until the evening, when it becomes dark, turn off the electric lights in the entire apartment. All family members except the eldest must pick up a church candle and light it. The eldest family member puts on felt boots and walks around the house three times (you need to go clockwise), then silently takes off the felt boots and hands them to the second oldest family member, and takes the candle from him. Next, the second oldest family member walks three laps around the house. And so on down to the youngest family member. Then everyone should go to bed, and the mistress of the house (if there are several, then the eldest) takes these felt boots and takes them to the pantry. You need to put a large coin in each felt boot, and the coins should be in the toe of the felt boot. The hostess herself must turn to fate: “If you are so kind to us, fate, do not pass by our house with gifts, when you stop by - bring gifts to both the old and the young, and we will not remain in debt, we will not upset you, and we will live in peace and harmony." After this, the hostess must bow to her felt boots three times and go to bed. And from that day on, fate will bring gifts to these felt boots.
It is advisable not to tell anyone about these felt boots; discuss this with your family in advance. After the ritual in the house, you cannot swear, shout, or make troubles: you asked for happiness for a friendly family. You shouldn’t wear this pair either, for any reason. Don't touch this pair, it's better to get new ones.
Instead of felt boots, you can use woolen socks for such a ritual. Only store-bought ones are not suitable for this - the socks should be knitted by an elderly relative, preferably the mother of the housewife. When knitting, she puts her labor and patience into the product - thus it is positively charged. Socks should also be large so that every member of the family can wear them. It is best to knit such socks from undyed wool. Because any chemistry dulls natural energy, which is embedded in natural material.

Since ancient times, people have believed that a broom is not just a household item, but one that must be handled with care and caution. After all, it can save the house from or, on the contrary, cause trouble if it is handled incorrectly, which is why signs about the broom arose, which were strictly observed.

To keep the money flowing

The broom should be placed in the left corner of the room where the broom is stored, with the broom facing up. From there you need to start revenge.

If there is a person in the house whose work is related to money, for example, an accountant, financier or bank employee, he needs to sweep himself every day before leaving the house.

On the day when money was brought into the house, for example, wages or profit, you cannot go to the threshold, only, on the contrary, into the room.

You cannot take revenge in the house after the sun has set - it will lead to losses.

So that there is well-being

When someone sweeps in the house, everyone present at that moment leaves the room so as not to touch the broom; it is believed that this is not a sign of bad luck.

Revenge is needed only in women's days and not to the door, but to the middle of the room. It is advisable for the oldest woman to do this.

A man who has chosen a profession associated with a broom should not take revenge on himself, otherwise he will attract all adversity to himself.

In a new house, when sweeping for the first time, you must definitely sweep up trash from the street.

After the “unclean” person, you need to sweep the front door with a broom, then turn the broom clockwise three times. Then no evil eye will be able to harm the owners.

To get married sooner

You cannot sweep unmarried or unmarried people; they will not soon start their own family.

To get married as quickly as possible, you need to sweep thoroughly - so that not a speck remains.

The parents of the young must cover the path of the bride and groom from home to church. If the broom breaks at the same time, then you need to wait for a quick addition to the family.

To get better

Every day you need to sweep the room where the sick person is, from the bed to the threshold, this way the disease is swept away.

If a child is sick, then the mother must first treat herself, and then him, so that he has strength.

Under no circumstances should you sweep the room of a woman who is sick; you can sweep away her strength.

In the room where a seriously ill person is lying, you need to move from the door to the window; it is believed that the illness will go out the window.

Signs about a new broom

It turns out that what it will bring into the house depends on the day of the week when the broom was purchased:

Monday is joy

Tuesday - good luck

Friday - money

Saturday - prosperity,

Sunday - stability.

They must sweep the house on the same day they purchased it, starting from the window of each room to the threshold, and sweep all the garbage to the front door. Collect it there and throw it into a sewer or pond.

But not only the day of the week, but also the month of buying a broom can affect the house.

January - a broom will bring good luck to the house.

March - a meeting with an influential person will also affect the well-being in the house.

April - to loss.

May - those who want to conceive a child should definitely buy a broom.

June - to monetary profit.

July is for love.

August - purchasing a broom can cause a quarrel and breakup with a loved one.

September - for guests.

October is the time to leave home.

November - a new family member will appear in the house.

December is for romance.

After purchasing the broom, you need to wash it in three waters - running, settled and with the addition of holy water. Let it dry and cover all the corners, both above and below, so that there is order and happiness in the house, so that no unclean forces can harm its inhabitants.

One of the most common household Slavic amulets is the broom amulet. This seemingly simple household item was endowed with the ability to cleanse the energy environment, maintain prosperity in the house and protect against the attacks of evil in all its various manifestations.

In the days of vacuum cleaners and robotic cleaners, the good old broom is still popular among many housewives. A decorative analogue is found a little less frequently in modern homes, but also finds application. This article will help you understand the difference between a classic and a talismanic broom, and will tell you how to make a talisman and use it so that it fills your home with happiness and joy.

Our ancestors believed that the broom served as a resting place for the Domovoy, a good spirit that lives in every home.

Broom d The house was mentioned as a talisman among many ancient peoples. And in some cases he could even fulfill perform the functions of an amulet, attracting certain energies, necessary for a person. It was with his help that China called for warm sunny weather during the long rainy season. The Chinese believe Is it possible that the rains will stop if you hang a homemade broom on the fence near the house.

In European countries, including England, it was believed that a broom could change its positive value, if used incorrectly. The sign not to sweep or take out trash from the house after sunset appeared precisely on the basis of these beliefs.

However, this amulet was most widespread in Rus'. The Slavs respected the broom, which they used to clean their homes, and also made a special broom-amulet and hung it in certain places.

According to the ideas of our ancestors, the broom served as a resting place for the good spirit that lives in every home - the Brownie. The spirit lived behind the stove, but often rested on a broom, so the housewives monitored the cleanliness of this item and changed it every year, trying to please the protector of the house. After all, if the house is not tidy, the Brownie could get angry and start doing mischief.

How to use a home broom correctly

An ordinary broom, when used correctly, will help bring prosperity, prosperity and luck into your home.

A home broom, used in a special way, can serve as an alternative to a miniature amulet. This option will be useful for those who have not yet managed to buy a talisman, but already want to put their house in order - to get rid of both ordinary garbage and energy clutter. Of course, it will be better if you have two brooms - a regular one and a protective one.

Using an ordinary broom in accordance with the recommendations given, you can attract prosperity and even find love:

  • When buying a broom, the first cleaning should be done with it and only then take up the mop.
  • To increase the flow of money into the house and attract coziness, when cleaning, sweep from the threshold and corners to the middle of the room.
  • There is a belief that an ordinary broom can make wishes come true. To do this, you need to think about what you want to get the first time you clean with a new broom.
  • If you decide to find a betrothed, then know that you don’t have to spend your desire on just that. To attract love, step over the broom nine times and then sweep the floor with it.

To attract money into the house, when cleaning, sweep from the threshold and corners to the middle of the room.

It is also important to remember a few rules, violation of which can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  1. The Slavs believed that if there were several brooms in the house, they would conflict. One of them may be “offended” that the hostess chose the other over him. In order not to cause trouble, there should be only one broom in the house, used for cleaning.
  2. When moving to a new place, it is recommended to leave the old broom in the previous apartment or throw it away. A broom that has been sweeping up trash for a long time will not have the same power as a new one.
  3. You cannot lend your home broom to other people - neighbors and friends. Because of this, he will stop sweeping all problems out of the door and may attract bad luck.

Broom amulet - buy or make it yourself

Only one of the oldest women in the Family could make a broom amulet in Rus'.

When thinking about purchasing an amulet, people very often cannot decide whether to buy an amulet or whether it is better to make it with their own hands. Body amulets much more often they order from craftsmen, because not everyone knows how to work with wood or metal. But amulets for home protection are often made independently.

Decorative brooms in Rus' were made by women. This is due to what exactly they were doing. women's work- looked after the household, cooked and put things in order. But not every woman could take on such an occupation, but only an experienced one - one of the oldest in the Family.

Nowadays, few people pay attention to age, and even young girls make the broom amulet. This is not forbidden, but keep in mind that in this case the power of the amulet will be less. You can ask your grandmother or mother to make a broom amulet for you and give it as a gift. Such a talisman will be very strong, because the mother will put into it all the warmth towards the child.

But this can only be done if you live with your parents. Also keep in mind that this method is not suitable for using a real broom. Only the one who lives in this house and always cleans with it should take up a household broom.

The meaning of symbols for a protective broom

On broom amulets sold at souvenir fairs or in magic goods shops, you can almost always notice additional elements. Among them there are houses, bast shoes, and even canvas bags or nuts.

Many people believe that this is just decoration. In fact, amulets are specially decorated with various elements. Each of them has its own meaning. Therefore, whether when purchasing a talisman or when making it, it is important to know the meaning of these components.

Each decorative element of the protective broom has a symbolic meaning.

Traditionally, the amulet should contain exactly twelve elements. But this rule is not always followed, reducing the number of additional elements or replacing them with others.

You can add to the broom:

  • A house made of salt dough or clay. It symbolizes strong family and helps maintain a pleasant environment in the home.
  • Canvas bag. Don't fill it with various fillers like cotton wool - pour grains into it. Thanks to this, there will always be food and drink on your table.
  • Grains and legumes. They also mean prosperity. Sometimes they are replaced with coins, but in this case the word “prosperity” will take on a narrower meaning and everything will come down to an increase in income. And happiness is not always in money.
  • A clove of garlic. There’s no need to even explain here - everyone who has ever listened to old wives’ tales knows that the fruits of this plant protect against ghouls and other representatives dark force. There is an opinion that garlic also helps with energy vampires. In addition, it simply clears the space of negativity.
  • Pepper. Symbolizes male strength and helps ensure guaranteed prolongation of the family. It can be replaced with corn, which also symbolizes procreation.
  • Rosehip berries. Unlike pepper, a woman needs rosehip - it will help her remain beautiful and desirable.
  • Seeds - they help children stay active, healthy and cheerful.
  • Bay leaves. Their meaning comes down to what they symbolized during Antiquity Laurel wreath- success and fame.
  • A bast shoe that conceals the coziness and comfort necessary for every home whose owners want to live happily.
  • Pretzel. This pastry is considered a symbol of prosperity and hospitality. It was not for nothing that it was customary for us to treat our guests to tea and various delicacies.

It is important not only what additional elements you add to the broom amulet, but also the material of manufacture. Don't even think about plastic and similar modern materials.

Artificial foundations carry empty energy, which prevents the amulet from fulfilling its purpose. Try to make the components of the amulet from natural raw materials. Salt dough, clay, wood and sponge are ideal for such purposes.

How to hang a broom amulet correctly

This amulet, like a horseshoe, should be hung in special places. , we have already told you before. Let's deal with the broom. It was allowed to be mounted above the main entrance - both outside and inside, on the wall in the entryway and even in the kitchen. The Slavs considered it important not only the location of the amulet, but also the method of attaching it.

How to hang a broom amulet so that it protects its residents and gives them positive energy:

  • Handle down on the entrance side. In this position, the amulet protects the house from unwanted and envious guests and drives away evil spirits. There is an opinion that this option is suitable only for residents of private houses, because in the entrance of an apartment building the amulet will attract too much attention, which will weaken its impact.
  • Handle up on the inside of the front door. This way the broom will sweep away everything bad from the house. The best way would be to combine the first and second methods. This combination is reminiscent of using a horseshoe. One also clung to the outside to ward off evil, and the other inside to retain positive energy in the house.
  • In the hallway and kitchen, the broom should be held with the handle facing up. In the kitchen they chose the most honorable place for him, and in the hallway - opposite the front door.

In the kitchen, the protective broom should be attached with the handle facing up.

How to make a broom-amulet with your own hands

Making a talisman by hand is not as difficult as it might seem. Brooms are also made from natural materials and finding them is not difficult.

Never use an old broom as a talisman. An outdated broom should be disposed of by throwing it in the trash or leaving it at an intersection. Decorative brooms are more compact in size, so even a new broom will not be suitable for creating them. You will have to make the amulet practically from scratch.

From a grass paint brush

The classic scheme for making a talisman requires a paint brush, washcloth, wire, ribbons and the special elements that we mentioned earlier - grain crops, garlic, a house figurine and other things.

The paint brush will serve as the main one. It must be natural - the handle is made of wood, and the brush is made of herbs. The washcloth must be placed over the frame and wrapped with wire so that the shape of the object resembles a broom. Then all that remains is to decorate the handle with ribbons and glue it to the bottom of the figure. Don't forget to varnish the amulet so that you can wipe dust on it without worrying about the preservation of its appearance.

From tree branches and herbs

When collecting herbs for a talisman, thank them for their help and apologize for interrupting their existence.

An alternative way to create a talisman is to use tree branches or dried herbs. In this case, you can save money on purchasing materials for the amulet, because all you need to do is go for a walk in the forest.

Try not to break tree branches, but pick up those that are already on the ground. The Slavs often made brooms from birch, endowing this tree with the most positive properties, including the protection of light forces.

You can't do this with herbs, so you'll have to pick them. While collecting herbs, thank them for their help and apologize for interrupting their existence. You can leave some little thing in this place. This way you will show that you made an exchange and did not take without asking what does not belong to you. To create a broom, St. John's wort is suitable - this herb has protective properties, which will only enhance the meaning of the amulet itself.

Having combined the branches of birch and St. John's wort into a kind of panicle, tie them with a ribbon and decorate them with some kind of protective sign.

Master class on creating a broom amulet from bast and jute threads

In order to make a talisman using bast and jute threads, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a special master class.

To make a protective broom you will need some tools and materials:

  • bast;
  • jute thread;
  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • decorative symbols.

The process of making a talisman is quite simple and even a schoolchild can do it:

Manual for making a talisman broom from bast and jute threads with your own hands.

  1. We collect the bast into a bundle and tie it on top with a jute rope, fastening it into a ring with a small knot.
  2. We skip a short distance from the first harness and again wrap the bundle with rope, creating a second ring. Thus we get a handle for the future amulet.
  3. Next, you need to straighten the broom so that you get a kind of fan. Separate a small bundle and wrap it with rope . In the same way, we wind the rope around the next bundle, tying it to the first. We divide the rest of the bast into bunches and treat them similarly to the first two. As a result, we get a broom - the basis for the amulet.
  4. Using glue, we decorate the base with decorative elements that have symbolic meaning.
