April Capricorn horoscope is the most popular. Horoscopes for Capricorn

The horoscope for April 2017 advises Capricorn to be firmer in actions and more persistent in words. Even if you face many trials this month, still do not deviate from your intended path. Support will come from a person from whom Capricorn did not expect it. The more thoroughly you behave in your interactions with colleagues, the faster you will make a career for yourself in April 2017. In the love sphere, Capricorn is haunted by failures, deceptions and betrayals.

The horoscope for April 2017 promises a Capricorn woman an excellent and fruitful month if you take on solving problems on your own. You should not rely on anyone, especially if the issue concerns finances. It is better for Capricorn to avoid crowded places and noisy companies in April 2017. Children will delight you, but clashes with relatives are possible.

The horoscope for April 2017 predicts a slight disappointment for the Capricorn man, both in people and in his own capabilities. It will seem to you that success and finances are “floating away” from you to someone else. In April, conflicts with business partners are possible, so Capricorn should be patient in advance. In the family in 2017, on the contrary, there is a harmonious relationship with the spouse.

Children's horoscope for April 2017 Capricorn

The child is predicted to have a difficult month, when parents will begin to find fault even with minor mistakes, and friends will begin to give orders. It will be difficult for Capricorn to solve all the problems that fall on his fragile shoulders. If you need help or advice in April 2017, you can safely turn to older family members. The Capricorn child will develop new hobbies related to art and sports. You can go to the cinema, circus or water park with your parents. If a Capricorn boy has difficulties with his studies, he should contact a tutor.

Health horoscope for April 2017 Capricorn

The horoscope advises you to take a closer look at your condition. The main thing is not to run around to healers, but to get treatment from doctors. If you are offered to stay in a hospital, then you should not refuse and argue with the specialists. In April, Capricorn may experience an exacerbation of old diseases associated with the hematopoietic system and vision. Exertion and active sports are contraindicated for you in 2017.

Capricorn women need to visit a hairdresser and cosmetologist. The new image will appeal not only to you, but also to everyone around you. Well, as you know, health also depends on the state of the soul.

Capricorn men should be careful on the road in April 2017. In addition, handle sharp objects, electricity and household appliances carefully. Capricorn may experience bruises, burns and injuries.

Favorable days in April - 1, 2, 6, 7, 11, 12, 16, 20, 22, 27, 28
Unfavorable days - 3, 4, 17, 18, 28, 30

Love horoscope for Capricorn for April 2017
Finance and career horoscope for Capricorn for April 2017

Horoscope for the month of April for other zodiac signs:

From the very beginning of the year, Capricorns have been going through an unfavorable period in their lives, according to the horoscope for April 2019. Capricorn is trying by any means to improve their financial situation, but they do not bring the long-awaited result.


In April 2019, this trend is likely to continue. Absolutely for reasons beyond the control of the representatives of the sign, any work comes to a deep dead end, and all undertakings, even the most promising ones at first glance, will turn into disappointment. There is no point in scourging and reproaching yourself; it’s all due to the influence of Pluto on the lives of representatives of this zodiac house. Only towards the end of the month will its influence begin to weaken, and it is at this time that Capricorns should prepare for a breakthrough that will break through the series of failures. However, already at the beginning of April it is necessary to carefully check the vector and the strength of forward movement, which must be observed.

If you are looking for a job, and you finally got it from April 10 to 15, then the tactic of delaying making a decision in the current period will be the most successful. During the time it takes you to make a decision, a lot of water will flow under the bridge and a lot of things may change. Later life will show that new job not so attractive at all, and the stars will more than compensate for everything towards the end of the month.

By the end of April 2019, Sagittarius is entering a phase of high performance and vitality, and here, don’t yawn and confidently go catch the bird of happiness by the tail. Feel free to accept offers to change not only your job, but also your type of activity.


For Capricorn, the horoscope predicts a difficult situation in the family in mid-April 2019. Capricorn will suddenly feel that his partner has moved away from him and his feelings have completely faded away. But this is absolutely not true. The main reason lies in the representatives of the sign itself and its attitude to life during this period. His gaze is fixed on the past, he sees all the good and significant things only there, and does not notice at all how magnificent and comfortable his life is today. It is unlikely that the partner will be able to resist this mood of Capricorn; it is better to come to terms with it and fall into nostalgia together. Dine to the accompaniment of memories, look through family albums, on the pages of which pleasant moments of life together come to life, and closer to the last ten days of the month Capricorn will be able to return to his usual rut.

In the last ten days of the month, Capricorn will have an unexpected meeting with a person who will subsequently become for a long time, if not a patron, then a person who will provide significant assistance. Do not ignore meeting older men or women, be kind and courteous.

Capricorn Woman

The Capricorn woman in April 2019 will experience a period of some stagnation and apathy. She will still fulfill her official and family responsibilities, but she will do it “without a soul.” She will be oppressed by household chores and will be completely unsatisfied with the situation when her own interests are completely dissolved against the background of the interests of family members.

Take a little time out. There is no need to do everything by force now. Perhaps you have taken on too much, and your husband is quite capable of handling the next batch dirty dishes after dinner, and your grown son will be able to take out the trash on his own! Good music, time alone with yourself, a trip to see your mother will help you quickly regain your peace of mind, and you will easily get back on track.

Capricorn Man

In April, people close to a Capricorn man may point out his bad habits. It will be extremely unpleasant for representatives of the sign to hear this, but many of them will agree that the craving for alcohol has long gone beyond the healthy, and stale breath in the morning, reinforced by alcohol fumes, has more than once become a reason for jokes from colleagues. Representatives of the zodiac house urgently need to reconsider their lifestyle, otherwise this addiction will quickly enter the life of Capricorn and become its absolute master. The alternative, although banal, is simple. Load your evening with activities that will benefit you personally or your family members, active recreation or sports. Try to avoid companies where relaxation is impossible without drinking alcohol.

Capricorn child

In April 2019, little Capricorn will demand not only parental love, but also parental respect. Try to babysit less with him. It is much more productive in April, and indeed always, to treat him like an adult. This will flatter him and all your wishes will be instantly satisfied. And all you can expect from your advances is a glance from above.

Little Capricorn will feel more comfortable alone. He will prefer to postpone noisy companies and family evenings until a later date.


April 2019 promises to be very bright for Capricorn, full of events and emotional shocks, which cannot but affect the state of his cardiovascular system. To insure yourself against problems with blood vessels and the heart - surges in blood pressure, arrhythmia, spasms, the horoscope advises Capricorn to remember such simple but very effective things in this regard as light exercise in the morning, dousing with cold water and eating only healthy food .

But excessively intense aerobic physical activity is contraindicated for Capricorn in April. Don't even think about fast paced running, barbell training, or vigorous strength training. Capricorn's heart should beat faster in the spring only from dizzying love!

And one more thing: April will be very auspicious month for the treatment and prevention of skin diseases, so all Capricorns with skin diseases do not mind treating them and improving their well-being and appearance skin.

Horoscope for April 2019, Capricorn, who received a job offer from the 10th to the 15th, should not immediately accept it. The stars advise using the tactic of delaying the decision.
A Capricorn woman needs to take time for herself, meet with friends or her mother, and take a break from household chores and monotony.
A Capricorn man should avoid drinking company, otherwise you may hear critical remarks about alcohol abuse from those around you.
Horoscope for May 2019, Capricorn.

Capricorn horoscope for April 2017.

In April 2017, Capricorns will need brains most of all! It is not for nothing that it is believed that the most ornate expression is “go, good fellow, the otkel has appeared.” It takes time and some brainpower to understand that you have been sent. Capricorns will have approximately the same situation in April 2017. You will often be called “good fellow” or “beautiful”, but this does not mean that in fact they do not want to send you away or deceive you. Therefore, in April 2017, Capricorns will need brains to understand what is really hiding behind in beautiful words or a smile.

Yes, and in general, April 2017 for Capricorns will resemble workdays before the holidays. Which is actually true. But, nevertheless, missing the warmth and spring, many Capricorns will welcome even the troublesome April with open arms. True, this will happen already in the second half of April, when the nights become very short, and many Capricorns will remember Spring, not only thanks to the calendar, but also in their mood and will feel it in their hearts. However, the horoscope for Capricorn for April 2017 generally resembles the rules of good manners from the Wild West: “Behave with people as if they were armed.”

April 2017 for Capricorns is characterized by a lot of communication, new acquaintances and professional worries. And since nothing in communication brings two even unfamiliar people closer together than the desire to understand the third, then in April 2017 this rule will work successfully. In general, the horoscope for April 2017 for Capricorns is quite symmetrical: and the phrase “action overcomes inaction” not only confirms this, but also clearly characterizes the next month.

As we have already warned in detail, from April 10 to May 3, 2017, we will experience another period of Mercury retrograde, so Capricorns will begin to enter a state of self-reflection. And since self-reflection is quite a complex thing for our consciousness ( Self-reflection(aka self-reflection) - This our response to ourselves). Then you will begin to delve deeper into introspection of your own actions (and this is good, if sober). Capricorns, try to use this time to your advantage. Use this period of correction, not for self-digging, and digging a trench deep into yourself. And dig along. Ask yourself something important - for example, is it worth investing in real estate in Thailand now, rather than just thinking about the fact that you don't have money right now. Ultimately, this will force you to make some important decisions in life and at work.

Horoscope for April 2017 Capricorn favorable days are 1, 6, 18, 22, 24 and 29.

Horoscope for April 2017 Capricornunfavorable days– just because a person has a good heart does not mean that he cannot punch you in the face. The situation is approximately the same with favorable and unfavorable days. Favorable days can also “punch you in the face.” And unfavorable days can teach you something, or be useful and interesting. The main thing is not to plan “black streaks” for yourself, and then there will definitely be fewer of them!

Horoscope for April 2017 Capricorn work, career and business

Many people have it written on their T-shirts that they love New York, and on their faces that they love their village. In April 2017, it doesn’t matter what is written on your T-shirt, the main thing is that it is written on your face that you love the company you work for. So Capricorns, get ready next month to praise, be proud and endlessly flatter your employer, and, if possible, also your superiors.

This advice is also absolutely suitable for Capricorn businessmen and managers. Praise, be proud, and you can even flatter your superiors, even if the superiors are you, and the company you are proud of is engaged in sewerage work.

So Capricorns, become team members and leaders, and inspire others with your dedication, company and work. Even if you send out your resume anonymously.

When communicating with management and when performing tasks, try to follow instructions exactly, and do not incur expenses at the expense of the company’s budget. Like in a situation from childhood: “Mom, can I buy something with change?” - There is only no bread. — Came from the store. - I only said BREAD. “It’s strange, but all I heard was bread, Fanta, chocolate chips and lollipop!” You are already adults, and your boss is not your mother, so Capricorns, watch your expenses and not only for entertainment needs.

Horoscope April 2017 Capricorn Finance. As we have already hinted, in April 2017, Capricorns need to monitor their expenses. Let us remind you once again that you are already adults and childhood is over, so remember what it’s like to sometimes limit your own desires. This could be discussed in the school cafeteria: “Give me 9 pies. - Take 10 for good measure. - Where should I go? Are you going to overeat or what?!” In April 2017, Capricorns need to ask for one pie! If not because of the money, then at least because of the figure.

Love horoscope for April 2017 Capricorn. Horoscope for April 2017 Capricorn Love.

In April 2017, Capricorns will be like a hooligan boy who couldn’t get home for 5 days: he kept ringing the doorbell and ran away!!! In April 2017, many Capricorns will also have difficulty getting home - you will always be running away somewhere. And you will call home 5 times, asking how you are doing. Therefore, the horoscope advises family Capricorns to compensate their loved ones for the lack of attention in some other way. Sex, gifts, good mood, promises - use any techniques that will help smooth out your desire to be together less. This is especially true for Capricorn women. Even if you have long planned to tell him: “We are not suitable for each other. I'm Capricorn, and you're an idiot! You don't need to run away for this. Let the person listen to this information. Perhaps this is important to him.

In April 2017, single Capricorns are better off not looking for an abstract new love, but looking for someone concrete - whoever you would like. Stop telling your friends that: “I’m not looking for anyone!!! Because if I start looking, I’ll find some crap again!” What you plan is what you will find. First, mentally think through, come up with, and then think again about what kind of person you would like to meet, taking into account the reality of your life. And then it is quite possible that such a little man will materialize!

At the end, the horoscope for April once again reminds Capricorns about brains. Think even if you are alone at home. Like the girl Dasha, who sat in her underpants in front of the computer, with a muzzle of hair on her head, sang Spleen’s songs, laughed and smeared chocolate on her face... everything would have been fine, but the webcam was on... So Capricorns in April 2017 can sit in just shorts, you can sit with a gun on your head, or with a gun in your pocket, you can sing Spleen’s songs and laugh. Do what you want - the main thing is to think about the consequences.

Detailed for all zodiac signs

April foreshadows unexpected meetings and pleasant changes for representatives of the sign. After reading the horoscope for April 2017, Capricorn may feel the desire to become as inconspicuous as possible at the very beginning of a hectic month, but pressing problems will require urgent solutions and it will not be possible to quietly “sit in a corner.”

The horoscope for Capricorn for April 2017 recommends not to give up short trips; they can help you get an unexpected source of important information or material income.


In general, health problems will not overshadow the April days for Capricorns. Headaches and minor ailments are possible due to stress at work and a series of overly busy days. Intense work activity should be alternated with periods of active rest. Capricorn women are not recommended to undergo serious cosmetic procedures, especially not to use the services of plastic surgery until the very beginning of May.

Also, it is in April that Capricorns may experience the first symptoms of hereditary diseases. There is no need to panic right away; if health problems appear, examinations should be started in the middle of the month. At the beginning of April, established diagnoses may turn out to be erroneous, and tests should be taken only in trusted clinics.


There is a high probability of conflicts with superiors; resolution of many service issues may be suspended until the end of April, but then the problems will go away so easily that Capricorns will not even notice it. April is not very favorable for approaching your superiors with a request for a promotion or salary increase.

When communicating with colleagues, you should be more modest and brag less about your successes; you should not get involved in empty disputes and break promises to employees. In April you need to be somewhat stricter with your subordinates; even a small mistake by an employee can lead to major financial troubles. Therefore, important issues should be resolved independently, without shifting responsibility to subordinates.


After the first ten days of the month, the Capricorn horoscope for April 2017 loses some of its optimism. Representatives of this sign should concentrate as much as possible when concluding financial transactions and signing important papers in order to avoid mistakes that could result in financial losses in the future.

Significant financial assistance from older relatives is possible; debtors will unexpectedly decide to return funds borrowed for a long time to Capricorns. You should temporarily avoid expensive purchases; April is generally not the most successful month in terms of investments and acquisitions.

Love and relationships

As promised love horoscope as of April 2017, Capricorn will be able to easily restore relationships lost in the past; representatives of this sign will forgive many mistakes and unintentional inattention to their partner.

Life married couples in April it will be calm and quiet, without violent emotional outbursts. The main thing is that regularity in relationships does not lead to a feeling of boredom and monotony. Peace of mind in the family will be an important support for a tired Capricorn; the home will become a reliable support amidst troubles at work and a series of minor conflicts.

April for Capricorns is a great time to start living together with a loved one; the middle of the month is best for creating a new social unit or arranging a romantic nest.

Man – Capricorn

As the horoscope for April 2017 recommends, Capricorn, a man who decides to acquire a life partner, must be patient and attentive to the requests and opinions of his chosen one. Warmed by his reliability and care, she will definitely reciprocate. It is worth avoiding excessive pressure on your partner, listening more than talking, then the relationship between the couple in April will become more harmonious and trusting.

Capricorn Woman

As the horoscope for April 2017 foretells, the Capricorn woman will face a series of tests of her ability to find a compromise; she may need to give in to her loved one, sacrificing her interests. In the middle of the month, the Capricorn woman’s partner may not have enough warmth and care, he may feel unnecessary and superfluous, and begin to attract attention to himself with not the most plausible actions. However, the Capricorn woman should not be offended and nervous, because all the whims of her partner are nothing more than a manifestation of the fear of losing her beloved.

April for optimistic and patient representatives of the sign will generally go quite smoothly and without incident. A sense of tact and the ability to compromise will help improve the atmosphere in the family and strengthen relationships with your partner. It is important to decide what is truly dear to Capricorn, and not try to achieve everything at once. To achieve success in April, Capricorn needs to concentrate all his efforts on achieving one specific goal.

You shouldn’t spread yourself thin and offer help to people who haven’t addressed their problems directly to you. This won't lead to positive results, but will only bring a lot of unnecessary fuss.

Basically, those around you will be responsive to Capricorns if they, in turn, do not insist too much on their decisions. In April, it is especially necessary to listen to the opinions of loved ones and relatives; the family will become help and support in solving many pressing problems.

What Capricorn doesn’t dream of not thinking about the ups and downs of the month in April? love front and just enjoy tenderness and passion with your partner? The love horoscope is in no hurry to give such an opportunity to representatives of the sign, but does not disappoint them either. In April, Capricorns can hope for cloudless happiness, but only accurate horoscope about love.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for April 2019

The second month of spring will begin quite encouragingly for Capricorns. At the beginning of April, the love horoscope predicts the occurrence of events for the sign that can well be regarded as prerequisites for the fulfillment of the most important dream - to be mutually loved. However, the stars will turn out to be treacherous, and the slightest mistake of Capricorn can cost him personal happiness.

Mid-April 2019 will be one of the most pleasant periods for Capricorn. People of this sign will be able to simply enjoy peace of mind, because at this time nothing will depend on their actions. All initiative in the second part of April should come from their halves, and if it is otherwise, nothing good will come of it.

The end of April will be marked by one fateful event for Capricorn. Whether it will be a decision to get married or an intention to put an end to a long-standing relationship, the stars do not tell. But the love horoscope revealed one secret - regardless of the polarity of the predicted event, Capricorns will ultimately become happy precisely because of it. Therefore, representatives of this zodiac sign do not need to be afraid of serious changes in April.

Love horoscope for Capricorn woman for April 2019

The love horoscope decided not to spoil Capricorn girls in April of this year. Beautiful representatives of this sign will face a number of difficulties in April if they do not solve all their heart problems at the beginning of spring. Overcoming the obstacles that arise will not be difficult, but it will be quite time-consuming. Therefore, Capricorn girls in April must be prepared to mobilize all their strength - both mental and physical.

April will bring a lot of troubles to married Capricorn women. At the same time, the love horoscope assures that all of them in their entirety will turn out to be pleasant and not burdensome. Girls will care a lot not so much about themselves as about their beloved husbands. In April, Capricorns will begin to receive incomparable pleasure from this, which will certainly have a positive effect on family relationships.

For those Capricorn girls who are just planning to get married, the love astrological forecast promises both negative and positive aspects in April. The first will touch on jealousy. In the second month of spring, the halves of Capricorns will be extremely distrustful of their chosen ones. If girls treat such weakness critically, then nothing will threaten their relationship. In mid-spring of this year, Capricorn brides will be able to feel happy if they give up the habit of deciding everything alone. By shifting responsibility into the hands of their significant other, Capricorns will feel peace and will be able to focus on matters that are more important for the relationship.

Love horoscope for Capricorn man for April 2019

In April of this year, strong representatives of the Capricorn sign will be able to establish relationships with all their close women: with mothers, with sisters, with bosses, and, most importantly, with lovers. The middle of the month will bring several important chances for men. Thanks to them, Saturn’s wards will be able to put their feelings in order and become truly happy in love.

Capricorn men will not regret their decisions made in April. Therefore, they do not need to think about the correctness of their conclusions. The stars will favor Capricorns, even if their behavior leads to a break in the relationship. Capricorns in April will seem frivolous to many, but in fact such behavior is only a sign lucky people, which Capricorns will be in mid-spring.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for other months of 2019
