Itigelov's message. ​The presentation of the book “Messages of Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov” took place in Ulan-Ude. “He serves Russia!”

Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov - Pandito Khambo Lama XII (that is, the head of the Buddhists of Buryatia). He was recognized as the reincarnation of Damba-Dorzho Zayaev, the first Pandito Khambo Lama.

According to existing sources about Itigelov, with a high degree of probability, Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov was born in 1852 in the area of ​​Ulzy Dobo (now the territory of the Orongoi rural administration of the Ivolginsky district of the Republic of Buryatia).

According to legend, on June 15, 1927, XII Pandito Khambo Lama Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov sat in the lotus position and gathered his students. He gave them last instructions: “You will come and see my body in 30 years.” Then he asked them to read “huga Namshi” for him - a special prayer of good wishes for the deceased.

The students did not dare to say it in the presence of a living teacher. Then Hambo Lama began to read this prayer himself; gradually the students picked it up. Thus, while in a state of meditation, XII Pandito Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov allegedly went into nirvana.

He was buried in a cedar cube in the same position (lotus position) in which he was at the time of his departure.

According to the will, in 1955, a group of lamas led by the 17th Pandito Khambo Lama Lubsan-Nima Darmaev, secretly from the authorities, raised a sarcophagus in the Khukhe-Zurkhen area with the body of the 12th Pandito Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov. Having made sure that his condition had not changed, they carried out the necessary rituals, changed his clothes and again placed him in the bumkhan.

In 1973, the 19th Pandito Khambo Lama Zhambal-Dorzho Gomboev and the lamas also examined the Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov and were convinced of the safety of the body.

On September 7, 2002, eighty-year-old Amgalan Dabaevich Dabaev, a resident of the village of Gilbira, indicated to Khambo Lama D. Ayusheev the location of Pandito Khambo Lama XII Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov in the Khukhe-Zurkhen area.

On September 10, 2002, the XXIV Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev with a group of lamas and secular persons lifted the sarcophagus with Pandito Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov and, having performed the necessary ritual actions, transferred his body to Ivolginsky datsan.

The phenomenon of the incorruptible body of Pandito Hambo Lama XII was allowed to be studied by secular scientists.

With permission from the highest Buddhist authorities of Buryatia, we were provided with approximately 2 mg of samples - these are hair, skin particles, and sections of two nails. Infrared spectrophotometry showed that the protein fractions have intravital characteristics - for comparison, we took similar samples from our employees... there is no cadaverous smell either when opening the sarcophagus, or now.

Victor Zvyagin, head dept. Personal identification of the Russian Center for Forensic Medical Examination

An analysis of Itigelov’s skin carried out in 2004 showed that the concentration of bromine in the llama’s body was 40 times higher than the norm.

During exhumation, it was discovered that Itigelov’s sarcophagus was filled with salt, which “in some places harmed his skin - dried it out” (according to Dr. Zvyagin, there was no salt in the sarcophagus until 1973). This, in particular, may explain the phenomenon of fluctuations in body weight (within 100 g) on ​​days of mass visits. Dried fabrics or salt can absorb water vapor, increasing body weight on these days (several per year). After days of visiting, excess moisture evaporates from the surface of the body, resembling sweat. In the first few years after the opening of the sarcophagus, the body gained weight up to 2 kg annually. Over 6 years, the weight increased by 5-10 kg and amounted to 41 kg.

Since January 2005, any medical and biological research on Itigelov’s body has been suspended by order of Damba Ayusheev.

What messages does a Buddhist saint convey telepathically to the living?

During his visit to Buryatia, Vladimir Putin visited the main monastery of Russian Buddhists - the Ivolginsky Datsan. As an exception, the President was given access to the supreme shrine - the incorruptible body of Khambo Lama Itigelov. True, the Federal Security Service will seat the president next to him on the throne. The president's arrival was preceded by Itigelov's otherworldly revelation about disrespected people's representatives. “MK” found out what messages the incorruptible conveys to the living.

V.V. Putin during a visit to the Ivolginsky datsan. With Pandito Hambo Lama Damba Ayusheev.

Every day at seven in the morning, the main custodian of Itigelov receives a message from him through meditation, which is then posted on the website of the Russian Sangha. The message, published before Putin's arrival on April 8, refers to the “shameful” behavior of Russian officials. Itigelov in his vision assures that the bureaucracy will change for the better over time: “One man, laughing, says: “When the head of the administration in his own native land is driven out in disgrace, where is this good?” Hambo Lama said: “When the time comes, he will become different.” In our time, unfortunately, cases have become frequent when people's representatives cease to be respected by their own voters and fellow countrymen. This seems to be the result of their selfish intentions during the election campaign. And winning through deception, sooner or later, always brings its unpleasant fruits.

The shame is even greater if a deputy or head deceives his own countrymen, his own fellow villagers! But Hambo Lama still asks us not to rush to assessments and conclusions, since every person has a chance to change for the better. And even to the one who deceived the hopes of his fellow countrymen and lost their trust. It is the matter of time".

The Last Prophecy Itigelov of April 12 also concerns government officials: “Approaching Khambo Lama Itigelov, one lama says: “The Khan has arrived.” Hambo Lama said: “Old philosopher.” Only a person with very strong karma is capable of reaching the highest heights of power. Hambo Lama today especially emphasizes that a successful ruler must have not only strength, but philosophical view at things and see them from many sides.”

On April 11, Itigelov spoke about the role of men in society: “A man must be ready to serve.” The commentary on the prophecy is as follows: “At the heart of the prosperity of any society is always a man - if a ruler, then just and strong, if a priest, then wise and compassionate, if a father, then a strong master, caring, reasonable, if sons, then purposeful and well-behaved. All these qualities are united by responsibility and concern for one’s neighbor.

Gain in modern world female influence is a forced phenomenon, as a result of a change in the mentality of men, a deterioration in their self-esteem, an unwillingness to act, take responsibility and bear it, both for the benefit of their loved ones and society as a whole.”

In general, government officials appear suspiciously often in Itigelov’s prophecies. This is how the imperishable Hambo Lama recently spoke about gossiping officials: “One boss, in a white shirt and tie, is gossiping. Hambo Lama says: “The long tongue will wrap itself around itself like a snake.” And in June last year he suddenly gave out wisdom about the elections: “We can see different people with a small body, a large head and even one-eyed. Hambo Lama said: “These are beings who manifest themselves during elections, their nature will appear from what is written on paper.”

As a rule, Hambo Lama still speaks about eternal values: integrity, faith, and sometimes he says something philosophical. For example, on June 4 last year, his statement sounded like this: “10 pilgrims are going to Hambo Lama Itigelov to worship, but got lost along the way. They could be seen leaving a large house. To which Hambo Lama said: “They showed too much faith and got lost.” Sometimes it gives practical advice: “One man, pointing to the measure of land, said: “We need to put something here.” To which Hambo Lama said: “Put up a yurt, the air is clean and warm.” Sometimes he even reveals something abstract to his listeners: “When Khambo Lama Itigelov sat with his eyes closed, a blue light came out of the top of his head, like a rocket. Then Hambo Lama said: “Friday.”

Well, sometimes the saint gives advice, the specificity of which one can only marvel at: “A foreigner with curly hair asks one person: “We will speak in Christian,” the second says: “In Russian.” Hambo Lama said: “Talk to Putin.”

And you say - Nostradamus...

Blessed by the Three Jewels of the 1st unforgettable Lama

Improves your Mind safely and constantly,

Creating the opportunity for ten important meetings.

The young friend's wealth lies only in the early accumulation of blessings.

The vision of the golden mountain Sumeru is like meeting the five Skandhas2.

Is your precious body at peace?

Be clean among the sea of ​​filth in dangerous and troubled times,

Like a flower of the five Skandhas, like a spreading tree holding a grown place.

Are your bright and good aspirations untouched by frost or hail?

With these words I convey the Teaching for reminder and preservation!

The finder of human precious freedom is hard to find!

It is difficult to meet someone who has encountered the Precious Teaching of the Buddha!

It is difficult to get to the owner of this place – Ochirdari Lama – and communicate!!!

Having given in to the deception of life-threatening acts,

You will reach the limit in this life, and walking carefree,

Driven by the red energy of your karma,

Leading to a meeting with the master of death.

During the lonely departure to the next world,

All your wealth, family, friends,

If they stay on their native side, they will not follow you.

These riches are madly collected and accumulated,

They will turn into a special poison and become useless,

This is what all previous Buddhas taught.

Dispassionately studying earthly life, start from today

Practice the Ten Good Deeds3 – immediately!!!

There is nothing more to say in my final message,

When I am in this life.

Translation of the XXIV Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev


1. Three jewels - Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.
2. Five Skandhas - the basis Buddhist description reality, literally means the five aggregates - single process For ease of explanation, the perception of reality by a living being is divided into five aspects:

Rupa - skandha or the totality of the perceived (the entire objective world of a living being, including his physical body);
Vidana - skandha - perception or feeling (pleasant, unpleasant and neutral);
Samjna - skandha - discrimination, functional intelligence;
Sanskara - skandha - a set of subconscious impulses (acceptance, rejection and indifference) that form the entire spectrum of perception of living beings;
Vijnana - skandha - awareness, which has 6 aspects: awareness of the visible, the audible, the smelt, the tasted, the tangible and the work of the mind.

3. Practice of ten Good intentions - renounce the ten sins of the body, tongue, consciousness. The practice of morality based on abstinence from the ten non-virtues.

Three physical non-virtues:
taking the life of a living being;
sexual misconduct, depravity.

Four non-virtues of speech:
slander (to cause strife or discord);
idle talk.

Three non-virtues of the mind:
false views (presenting something that does not exist as existing).

Photo by Anna Ogorodnik

On September 23, the presentation of the book “Messages of Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov” took place at the National Library of Buryatia. The publication in Russian contains the daily messages of the XII Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov, which, as representatives of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia note, he transmits through a “deep mental connection” through the oracle Choijin Bimba Lama, reports Buryaad Ynen.

Photo by Anna Ogorodnik

“This book is different in that the messages are more abstract. At first glance, perhaps even illogical in the dialogue in which they are presented. This book requires not only to read and understand what you read in the literal sense. It requires thought. So that the reader, after reading the dialogue from the message, reflects on this and contemplates, extracts something for himself, and subsequently, of course, applies it in Everyday life or in Buddhist practice,” said the rector of the Ust-Orda datsan Zorigto Lama, and emphasized that the publication is intended not only for Buddhists. It can also be useful to a person of a different faith or without faith at all, the monk believes.

Photo by Anna Ogorodnik

The phenomenon of Khambo Lama Itigelov is a phenomenon of the greatest level and scale, Buddhists are sure. For 15 years now, Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov has been with his followers and admirers. During this time, the servants of the Ivolginsky datsan preserve the Precious Body. Since 2012, Itigelov’s daily messages began to appear, which represent modern teaching Buddhism.

Photo by Anna Ogorodnik

“Like many Buddhist works, it is not necessarily for those who have taken any Buddhist vows. It provides general recommendations or advice for a person to train his mind and change his life for the better. It would be good if Khambo Lama commented on these messages; there would be a continuation of this book,” Zorigto Lama shared his opinion.

Photo by Anna Ogorodnik

The book “Messages of Khambo Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov” contains 365 messages for the period from June 2016 to June 2017, short biography Khambo Lama Itigelov and the history of the Ivolginsky datsan - the residence of Pandito Khambo Lama of Russia.

Photo by Anna Ogorodnik

Representative of the Tibetan House in Moscow and Siberia Ekaterina Kosenko said that the idea to publish the book came after she had the opportunity to give a report about Itigelov at the conference “Buddhist Women of Mongolia.” According to her, people were very interested in the phenomenon of Hambo Lama, but no one knew his story. Moreover, no one had heard of daily messages.

Photo by Anna Ogorodnik

“For two years we have been maintaining pages on social networks where we publish Itigelov’s messages. First, Hambo Lama Ayusheev publishes them and translates them into Russian, and then we take them from him and distribute them. After the conference, we realized that few people are on the Internet and there are those who are not interested in social networks. How can they become familiar with the message? The old way - through books. We received approval from Hambo Lama Ayusheev, and now we published the first book. This is a signal publication that we released specifically for the conference in a limited edition of only 100 copies. The point is to show that teachings are given every day. Both the laity and the clergy were enthusiastic about the existence of such a book,” said Ekaterina Kosenko.

Photo by Anna Ogorodnik

The book is not intended for sale, it is presented as a gift. The entire circulation was consecrated at a prayer service at Khambo Lama Itigelov.

“This is an absolutely people's project. I put out a call on social networks that I want to publish a book; whoever wants it, help. And people actually sent money and collected money for the first edition. Some 100 rubles, some a thousand, some 10 thousand rubles. When the collection for the second edition was announced, one of the biggest patrons of the arts became Maria Tkacheva, endocrinologist. When she sent her amount, we realized that there would definitely be a second edition,” said Ekaterina Kosenko.

IA correspondent Buryaad Ynen managed to talk with Maria Tkacheva. She works at the Institute of Neurosurgery named after. Burdenko in Moscow, has several medical specialties (endocrinologist, pediatrician, obstetrician-gynecologist, ultrasound diagnostician). Maria also has a hobby - she is a helicopter pilot. On a voluntary basis, she collaborates with the “Angel” search and rescue team, looking for lost people in the forest. When asked why she decided to support the publication of the book, the girl answered with a smile:

“Because the world should become better and kinder. Because Tara always helps everyone, and you don’t always need to ask her, you just need to think.”

Photo from the archive of Maria Tkacheva


According to legend, on June 15, 1927, Itigelov sat in the lotus position, gathered his students and gave them the instruction: “You will visit and look at my body in 75 years.” Then he asked them to read “huga Namshi” for him - a special prayer of good wishes for the deceased. The students did not dare to say it in the presence of a living teacher. Then Hambo Lama began to read this prayer himself, and gradually the disciples picked it up. So, being in a state of meditation, Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov, according to Buddhist teachings, went to nirvana. He was buried in the same lotus position in which he was at the time of his departure.

In 1955, a group of lamas led by the XVII Pandito Khambo Lama Lubsan-Nimoy Darmaev secretly from the authorities, according to the will, she raised the sarcophagus with Itigelov’s body in the area of ​​Khukhe-Zurkhen (Blue Heart). Having made sure that his condition was unchanged, the lamas performed the necessary rituals, changed his clothes and again placed him in the bumkhan.

In 1973, XIX Pandito Hambo Lama Zhambal-Dorji Gomboev the lamas also examined Itigelov and were convinced of the safety of the body. September 7, 2002 octogenarian Amgalan Dabaevich Dabaev, a resident of the Gilbir ulus, indicated to the XXIV Pandito Khambo Lama Damba Ayusheev the location of Itigelov in the Khukhe-Zurkhen area.

On September 10 of the same year, Damba Ayusheev with a group of lamas and secular persons lifted the sarcophagus with Hambo Lama Itigelov and, having completed the necessary ritual actions, transferred his body to the Ivolginsky datsan. On October 31, 2008, the rite of consecration of the Blessed Palace of Khambo Lama Itigelov was held. The teacher's incorrupt body was solemnly escorted to the temple.
