Whoever read the plot is very pleased with the servant of God reviews. To help you. Love spell while eating

It happens erroneous opinion that there is a love spell without consequences. Many sources write about white love spells, after which there are supposedly no consequences. This is a blatant lie. All love spells refer to black magic and, a white love spell is a fiction, hanging noodles on the ears of simpletons ignorant of magic. All love spells, even the easiest ones, are the subordination of a person to someone else’s will without his desire. And retaliation for such actions is inevitable, regardless of the strength of the ritual. Unless, the severity of the consequences will directly depend on the power of the love spell ritual performed. However, if a person decides to cast a love spell, nothing can stop him, not even consequences.

A love spell is an element of black magic, which, in essence, is the zombification of a person, his depersonalization. By influencing the victim of a love spell with the help of magic, the performer deprives him of his own “I”. A bewitched person becomes a puppet in the hands of the customer or performer, completely subordinate to his will and desires, without having his own opinion. The victim of black magic, on a subconscious level, feels that something wrong is happening to him, but cannot do anything about it, from which he suffers greatly and becomes unhappy, blaming the culprit of what happened to him for all his troubles. The character of the poor guy changes beyond recognition: from a kind and attentive person, a person turns into an aggressive and always dissatisfied, irritable monster who will gradually wear out the performer with his nagging and jealousy. If you like this prospect of a “happy” life together, then you can begin to perform magical actions.

Options for love spells

How to bewitch a guy without consequences? As can be seen from the above, this is impossible, however, if you perform light love spells of a short duration, terrible consequences will probably be avoided, but such love spells will be very weak, if they work at all, but it’s up to you to choose.

Ritual from photo

The safest are love spells based on photographs without the use of biomaterial, however, such rituals are very short-lived, and you need to make every effort to take advantage of the temporary disposition of your loved one towards your person and try to establish a relationship with him, if possible.

Option 1. This is the simplest love spell, and one of the easiest ways to attract the attention of your chosen one, but its effect is very short-lived. You need to place a photo of your chosen one in front of you, put your hands on it and, sending all your energy and love into the photo, cast a spell:

“The true master, the slave (name), cannot live without his shadow, and will not overcome the longing for me, your slave (name). Walk, stutter, choke from melancholy. Like the sun in the sky, so are you with me, the master’s servant (name).”

This spell is read over a photograph of a lover three times a day until the result appears.

Option 2. On a blank piece of paper, write the first and last name of your lover, as well as what you expect from your relationship with him. When writing, you need to turn on your imagination to the fullest, imagining all the delights of life together and your strong love. Next, the leaf is rolled into a tube and set on fire with a red candle and, holding it over the photo of the beloved, they say the spell:

“Whatever passes over your head will hit it. As soon as it ignites behind your back, the zealous heart of the slave (name) will flare up.”

Ritual with an apple

For the ceremony you will need:

  • a recent photo of the chosen one;
  • two candles from the church;
  • paper;
  • apple;
  • strong thread.

Current page: 7 (book has 12 pages in total)


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Love spell on hide and seek

With the help of the so-called hide and seek, you can do strong love spell(dry). Take a small cloth and wrap it in it new cross and five kopecks. Wrap the rag tightly with threads so that you get a small bun, read a special spell over it and hide it as best as possible. Know that the hide and seek loses its power as soon as someone other than you picks it up. Don’t put a hiding place in the ground or in nasty places - the relationship with your loved one will immediately deteriorate. The plot is as follows:

The shaking old man walked along and took my secret.
Shakes, rushes, throws to the side.
Seventy-seven of his veins hurt,
His eyes are burning, his teeth are chattering.
How he suffers, he knows no peace,
He doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink, doesn’t give himself rest,
So the servant of God (name) does not know peace,
For me, the servant of God (name), suffered,
He tore seventy-seven veins.
He was eager to come to me, he was striving,
Wouldn't stop at anything
Everyone would run to me,
And so he would grieve and suffer,
How the shaking grandfather took my secret.
Wherever he looks, he will remember me.
I am everything to him, God's servant (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen.

For love in the family

The spell words are read over the fish, which is then treated to the husband or wife.

Pavel asks Peter:
Pavel asks Peter:
– Where did you hear the sturgeon’s voice?
The fish doesn't speak, doesn't bite,
Doesn't scream, doesn't get angry.
Saint Peter answers:
– The fish does not scream, the fish, Pavel, is silent.
So it would be in the family of God’s servant (name)
They didn't shout in anger,
And they loved and made peace every year,
And for every hour, and for half an hour,
And for a minute, and forever and ever. Amen.

Reconcile quarreling spouses

If there are children in the family, but the spouses have already completely quarreled and are even planning to divorce, you can try to reconcile them with the help of this conspiracy:

I go, blessing myself, crossing myself at the icon.
How it suffers Mother of God according to His Son,
So from now on the servant of God (name)
And the servant of God (name) was sick of each other,
Their hearts were burning
Couldn't we be and live apart,
And spend the night and live forever:
Not a day, not a night, not an hour, not a half hour.
I will close my slander,
I won't put a lock on the fence,
I’ll hang it on the church gate.
I close the word, I break the deal,
I'm luring my husband and wife
On your porch, on your wedding ring.
Key, lock, God is on the threshold. Amen.

A quarrel between lovers

This conspiracy is read into the wind:

There is no end to my words,
There is no end, no wedding ring.
Like feet trampling grass,
They do not regret and do not cherish,
The mouse runs away from the cat
The dog squeals from the stick,
So they would fall out of love, run away,
We didn’t reconcile, we didn’t meet
Servant of God (name)
And the servant of God (name). Amen.

Strong quarrel

Here is another very strong and effective conspiracy that helps to quarrel between a husband and his mistress. The words are as follows:

Are you high mountains?
Are you deep rivers?
You forests are dry, you dogs are angry.
So high, so far,
So it would be both evil and evil
Servant of God (name) with servant of God (name)
For centuries and centuries, and all holy men
They cannot be helped, and they cannot be reconciled,
And not to get married: neither today, nor tomorrow,
And not the day after tomorrow, and never.
My deed, my word, and everything is ready. Amen.

If your opponent pesters you

I remember once a woman came to me and began to sob and complain about her husband’s mistress, who not only took him away from his family, made his children orphans, and after that didn’t leave him alone: ​​she kept calling and saying nasty things, or simply remained silent. into the phone. In addition, she constantly spreads gossip, insults her wife at every opportunity, carries earth to the door, pours water, etc. What to do in such a situation?

At midnight, knead the dough. When it rises, roll it out with a rolling pin and say:

How do I knead this dough?
So I tear away your anger.
I'll feed your business to the dogs.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

In the morning, throw the dough to the dogs.

Against love plot

Let your hair down and at dawn, standing at the window and clasping your hands, read the following plot:

Not a city, not a capital,
And the black tomb,
Satan lies in it,
Dead girl.
Her hand doesn't rise
She doesn't bleed,
The heart does not light up with love,
He does not mourn for anyone, does not lament.
So the servant of God (name) would not lament
I didn’t miss God’s servant (name),
I didn’t suffer, I breathed calmly,
Ate, drank, walked,
I didn’t take it into my thoughts, I didn’t look for meetings,
Like the girl in the coffin,
Dead Satan.
I would cool off towards everyone,
He would forget everyone except me, his wife,
God's servant (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Another way to separate lovers

The following conspiracy will also help you:

How there is no peace and harmony
With a cat and a dog,
In a dog with a wolverine,
By the fire with water,
So are you, my servant (name),
Don't agree on anything
Don't know day or night
Don't go out on dates
Fight and swear with my rival,
Servant of God (name). Amen.

Cold spell

This spell is very powerful, and should be used as a last resort.

I'll put a chip under your heel,
I'll go without looking back
In the tryn-grass, towards the stone side.
Lying there, lying
Strictly guards
Feisty evil, sucking blood,
Nine-eyed, nine-mouthed, nine-yawned.
Cool the soul of God's servant (name)
To the servant of God (name).
At night with a candle, in the morning before dawn,
At church hour and every time,
When he looks at her,
The devil will remember my words
And will not give them both peace,
No peace, no feast, no love affairs,
No tender bodies
No water, no fire, no honey, no salt,
And an unfortunate fate.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To take away the ardent love

From a letter from Lesya from Kyiv:

“Either I was bewitched by him, or I’ve gone completely crazy - I don’t understand, but even without him, Natalya Ivanovna, the world is not nice to me. He treats me rudely, but even the dog behaves better. Teach me how to free myself from such love?”

Go to the cemetery on Saturday and find a grave in which a person with the same name as your lover is buried. Walk around the grave counterclockwise nine times in a row, and then stand at the feet of the deceased and say three times:

Came to a dead threshold,
I'm standing at dead feet.
The deceased lies, his soul sleeps,
His heart doesn't hurt.
He has no thoughts and sufferings,
Love experiences
Neither ardent love, nor ardent anger.
His dead bones are empty,
His heart is empty.
Doesn't grieve or get bored
Doesn't wait and doesn't see you off,
He does not sigh from ardent love.
So would I God's servant(Name),
Don't grieve and don't be bored,
Don't wait and don't see off,
Do not sigh or cry out of ardent love.
How calm is the soul and heart of this man,
So from now on and forever I will not grieve,
Don't shed tears
Don't sigh from love

Dryness on her husband

Before going to bed, take a crust of bread and eat it, saying:

How I gnaw and eat bread,
So gnaw and eat melancholy
My husband (name) to me,
To my wife (name), now and forever. Amen.

Love spell on a photo

This plot is read in the morning, during the day and after sunset, looking at a photograph of the husband. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Ahti, servant of God (name) live
He can’t live without his shadow, longing for me,
God's servant (name) will not prevail.
Walk, stutter, choke from melancholy.
As the sun moves across the sky,
So you go along every road to me,
God's servant (name). Amen.

Love spell on drool

They spit, then look at the drool and say three times:

The servant of God (name) cannot live without saliva.
The servant of God (name)'s saliva is drying up.
So that the servant of God (name)
I couldn’t live without God’s servant (name),
He also dried up, didn’t eat, didn’t eat, didn’t walk,
So that God's servant (name) does not fall asleep
He didn't lose his mind.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then leave without looking back.

Love words for water

Looking at the water, cross yourself and say:

The Kingdom of God to the servant of God (name). Amen.

Then you need to drink this water, taking exactly three sips.

Love spell while eating

As is already clear from the name, this love spell is read when they sit down at the table. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

How I eat, drink,
So eat, melancholy, my husband (name)
For me, wife (name).
From now on and forever and ever. Amen.

Calling a husband who left his wife

This plot is read every day for exactly a month. Starts on the 27th of any month and ends on the 27th of the month following it. Before reading the plot, be sure to say the name of the husband who left you three times. The spell words are:

I call not the dawn of the morning, but the dawn of the day.
Day dawn, evening dawn,
My sad bitterness
Help me find the servant of God (name).
Oh, Lord, how hard it is on my joints,
I cry and sob for the servant of God (name).
Oh, Lord, help me
All these little words get there
Before God Christ - with the first smoke,
With the first ardor.
The enemy is crooked, and the chip is lame,
Antipas the fingerless, fly to all lands,
Find the servant of God (name),
Drive him back to me, God's servant (name).
When you find it, you take it -
With the first smoke, with the first ardor,
With hot fire.
So that you don’t get stuck in food,
I didn’t go on a drinking spree,
Didn't stay with the company
I didn’t wash myself in the bathhouse,
I did not forget the servant of God (name),
He cried and sobbed like a little child.
How infant can't live without breasts,
So is the servant of God (name)
Couldn’t do it without me, God’s servant (name),
Not a day, not a minute,
Everyone would cry and search,
Day and night he did not stop.
Oh Lord, oh Lord, oh Lord,
Help me, help me.
Lord Father, help
To a woman of heart, I am like the Mother of God.
Oh, Lord, don't hurt me,
An offended woman.
Lock in my mouth, I won't tell anyone.
Forever and ever. Amen.

Amulet against the machinations of a rival

This plot is read once in the morning and once in the evening. His words are:

Intercede, save and have mercy,
Save us, O God, with Your grace.
Savior angels, stand by my side
To both sides, servants of God (name),
And don't let it
enemy force and evil people. Amen.

Another amulet against the machinations of a rival

The following conspiracy will also help you:

My angel, my savior,
My patron
Save my soul, save my heart.
And you, the enemy, Satan,
Get off me.
There is no place for you, there is no kingdom for you.
One Throne – and that of Christ.

Love spell on husband for milk

If your husband is cheating on you, is ready to leave the children and destroy the family, take the milk you milked in the evening and read the spell over him. Let your husband drink this milk. The spell words are as follows:

I, servant of God (name),
I didn’t see it in the smoke, I was expecting my husband,
She burned in the fire, she endured with her soul.
Like my husband, servant of God (name),
Cruel as a stone
And I chew the earth, chew it,
How my blood boils,
So his liver hurts.
With me and with me, and be he my slave.
My walls, his floor.
As on his stomach, so on my blood.
Help and save. Amen.

Love spell during a kiss

While kissing, say to yourself:

My spirit is your soul.
Love me more than yourself.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Establish peace in the family

This plot is read over morning water. Wash your face with half of this water, and add the other half to your husband’s drink. The spell words are as follows:

Good morning, Ulyana water, Tatyana earth.
Give me, God's servant (name),
Water from family trouble.
The water is clean, life is sweet.
God's servant (name) be with me,
With God's servant (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Dryness for a walking husband

After intimacy with your husband, wipe the sweat off him with your nightgown and say:

Like me, servant of God (name),
I can't live without an undershirt,
Without your sweat
So that the servant of God (name)
Couldn't live and be without me,
Servants of God (name).
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Return the father to the children

Go outside, stand against the wind, exhale sharply and read the following plot three times:

Fly, fly, my darling, across the ocean-sea,
There is a copper bath there,
In that bathhouse there are three boards,
Three evil melancholy.
Don't rush, don't rush,
Don't rush from door to door,
And you fly into a makeshift crevice,
To the servant of God (name).
To servant of God (name)
He yearned and grieved for me,
Servant of God (name),
He would be a fool, he would roar.
Key, lock, my teeth. Amen.

Make your husband treat his wife kinder

Read this plot morning and evening twelve times in a row. On the day you read the plot, put on a new dress and change all the curtains in the house. The spell words are:

Dawns-lightnings, there are three sisters in the sky.
You are God's helpers:
One is a caretaker, another is a bore, the third is a vestibule.
One is baked, the other is boring,
Third - turn to God’s servant (name)
To me, servant of God (name).
So that it bakes for me, the servant of God (name),
So that he feels drawn to me,
To be attracted to him
His soul was captivated.
So that he eats, but does not overeat,
So that he drinks, but does not drink,
I wouldn’t go on a walk, I wouldn’t go on a spree,
Until he greeted me kindly,
I wouldn't greet him with a kind word.
I wouldn't be bored in the house,
A nightingale would sing around me.
I wouldn't listen to the old ones,
Neither young nor small:
Neither the first nor the last.
So that I could be for him,
How he is the only one for me throughout my life
And until death.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the husband does not cheat

This is a very strong, as they used to say in the old days - strong, conspiracy. My grandmother said about him: “A fierce conspiracy against prodigal husbands.” They read it at sunset three times. The words are as follows:

Oh, mother of the first star,
High in the sky, far from me,
See the servant of God (name),
Meet him on the road
In someone else's garden, on a treacherous threshold,
In the house, in the field, on land and at sea.
Make him sad
So that he doesn’t stay with other people’s girls,
I didn’t take bread and salt from strangers’ hands,
I didn’t fall asleep in someone else’s bed,
About me, my wife, God’s servant (name),
I didn’t forget it for an hour.
Take him, star, by the bridle,
Bring him here
To me, God's servant (name).
Ako the bird flies to its nest,
Cattle to their meadow,
A horse before foaling, a sheep before lambing,
Mother to her child,
So that the servant of God (name)
He ran before me, before the servant of God (name),
To my black eyebrows, to my clear eyes,
To scarlet lips, to a white face,
To the zealous heart,
To my home, to the marital threshold. Amen.

Another conspiracy to prevent your husband from cheating

The spell is read at the beginning, middle and end of the month over a cold drink, which is then treated to the husband. The spell words are:

How a brownie can't change
To your home, to your gender,
Your wall
So with not a single servant of God:
Neither with the beauty, nor with the pockmarked one -
My darling will not change me
God's servant (name). Amen.

So that the husband does not miss his mistress

Wash your husband’s shirt in “free” water, i.e. in a river, pond, etc., while reading the following plot:

Swift water, living river,
You don't stand in one place,
You drive waves and throw them on the shore.
Throw away, throw away the melancholy of my husband,
Servant of God (name), after servant of God (name).
How do you not grieve over heavy stones?
loose banks,
You're not driving hot blood,
And the water is cold, stagnant.
Cool it down once and for all
The heart of my friend according to the servant of God (name). Amen.
I’ll close it on my shirt with a quick slander.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

(For men)

If a man is going to write to me, then most likely he will write about love: both women and men are most concerned about the issue of personal relationships. After all, we all actually have the same desire for love, we want to find our one and only partner. At numerous requests from men, I want to publish in this section special love spells that can be used by representatives of the stronger half of humanity.

Love spell for men

After midnight, go outside the fence, take an ax, hit the ground with it three times and say:

I'm coming with an axe.
Seven brothers came out to meet me:
Seven brothers, seven wild winds.
– Where have you been, what have you seen?
- We were in an open field,
In the wide steppe,
Over the stunted grasses,
Poor forests, rich arable lands.
- Come to us, wild winds,
Comfort widows, orphans, little children,
Take earthly sorrow
And infuse her into an indomitable heart
Servants of God (name).
Chop her heart with a steel ax,
And let sorrowful sadness live in him
According to the servant of God (name). Amen.

Bring the ax into the house and let it lie on the doorstep for a week. The girl you dream about will start thinking about you.

To make your wife want you

The following plot will help you with this:

Fire to fire
The heat is driving me, and my wife is me,
The servant of God (name), wishes.
Doesn’t drive with his tongue, doesn’t scold,
Doesn't send from himself.
Glad to me, my soul,
Servant of God (name). Amen.

To make peace with my wife

This spell is read on sweets that are treated to the wife, or on a gift that is then given to the wife. The spell words are as follows:

How would you, my soul, eat and overeat
Yes, in tears and melancholy I would remember
All spring days are my hands, my lips.
I couldn't forget myself in a dream,
Everyone would think of making peace
Come to my doorstep.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

So that the wife and husband are considered

From the letter:

“My wife doesn’t understand some things, but she does everything her own way. Even if she sees that she did something wrong, she won’t admit it. It's a shame that she doesn't take my opinion into account at all. He doesn't want to listen to anything, even when I'm right. Am I a man or not? I can’t hit, but I can’t understand the words.”

Buy your wife a new nightgown. Take her out at night under the starry sky and read a special spell over her three times. Then give her this shirt. The spell words are:

How are you stars?
Frequent on the Throne of God,
How you, heaven, are immense according to God's will,
So is my wife, God’s servant (name),
Have your share as a woman
And know my will over you.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that no one approaches his wife

At the request of many jealous husbands, I am publishing this conspiracy. The husband reads it over a gift or sweets, which he then gives to his wife. The plot is read on Women's Day: Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. The spell words are as follows:

I'll wash myself white,
I'll get up early,
I'll tell my Guardian Angel,
To my savior:
Lead me, my angel,
Servant of God (name), not to my home,
And in the clear field, where the sun is radiant,
Where the grass is waist high
Where there are no paths, no ears of corn.
Satan's servant sits there,
The wind itself will not keep up with her.
She protects her lining.
I will put my treasure in its lining,
And my treasure is a family harmony.
Oh you, satanic light-pleaser,
No one can hide from you.
Who will covet Zhinka from now on?
Let my guard deal with it.
And pinch them and drive them away,
Save my family lining.
The dead lie, their lips are silent,
The lining is guarded.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

So that the wife does not run from home to her friends

They give their wife a new scarf on Saturday, over which they first read the following plot:

The dawn is shining, my upper room is shining,
Be desirable to my sweetheart,
And not hateful.
So that she hurries to the house,
So that her heart beats with joy.
She wouldn't want to see
No girlfriends, no friends,
I would be glad to meet her. Amen.


To live with my husband until old age

This conspiracy is a guarantee of a long married life. I decided to publish it because I receive too many letters from you, my dear gray-haired friends. In them you talk about your women's grief: you lived with your husbands for many years, grew old together, and then the men seem to go crazy, suddenly forget everything and leave their families.

Of course, anything happens and circumstances are different, but I will still teach you a special conspiracy. It is read by young wives who want to talk themselves into a long and happy life with their beloved husband.

The mother of a young wife should tie a veil in a towel and go with her to church when someone is getting married there. After this, the following plot is read over the towel and veil:

On the not blue sea, not on the ocean,
On the yellow island not on Buyan
The blacksmith stands, well done,
Forges a couple of rings.
Those rings are not simple,
Not gold or copper
And not from silver, but from family goods,
From a treasured treasure, from a good mood.
Kui, well done blacksmith, for married hearts.
How you can’t count the stars and asterisks,
So you can’t unchain rings and hearts.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy to pity the mother

From the letter:

“I am asking you for help. I lost the love and respect of my only daughter. I noticed this too late. My daughter is twenty-one years old, and I will soon be fifty. She grew up selfish, cruel and greedy. I refused to be a source of income for her, and then my eyes were opened. So I have no desire to live to an old age. Old age will be lonely and hungry. I have your books, but there are no spells in them that could be read for adult children. Please help me, I beg you."

It saddens me to read such letters, especially since there are too many of them. Some tell such stories that you simply become scared and wonder where there is so much cruelty in a person. Yes, times are not easy now, but when and for whom was it easy? Negligent children mortgage their parents' homes, hoping to pay off debts or get money for their needs. And now the old ones, no one necessary people they live anywhere, without their own roof over their heads. I accept the reader’s reproach and will definitely teach you conspiracies that protect elderly parents from cruel children.

Here's one of them. It is read on the first Wednesday of the month, preferably at the hour at which you gave birth to your child many years ago. If you don’t remember the exact time, then read the plot at noon. The words are as follows:

I'm going through three doors,
Three gates
Three nine paths
By native blood,
Through veins and blood veins,
Through a conspiracy case
Servants of God (mother's name) body
For mother's business.
May God's servant (daughter's name)
Didn't offend me
She gave free rein to her tongue,
I wouldn't let go of my hands
I didn’t take the bread.
How I didn't sleep, how I didn't eat,
Carried and nursed,
Cherished and protected
I didn’t sleep through the dark night,
I kept thinking about the child, grieving,
I didn’t let you suffer, I didn’t let you cry,
She fed and watered, she was sorry and did not beat,
So my child wouldn’t scold me
And he didn’t offend, he didn’t give offense to others.
As I pray to Jesus Christ,
So my daughter (my son) would feel sorry for me
Until my end.
Fish in water, Lord on the Cross,
And God is on the Throne.
Lord, give me a happy mother's share.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

I'll put a chip under your heel,
I'll go without looking back
In the tryn-grass, towards the stone side.
Lying there, lying
Strictly guards
Feisty evil, sucking blood,
Nine-eyed, nine-mouthed, nine-yawned.
Cool the soul of God's servant (name)
To the servant of God (name).
At night with a candle, in the morning before dawn,
At church hour and every time,
When he looks at her,
The devil will remember my words
And will not give them both peace,
No peace, no feast, no love affairs,
No tender bodies
No water, no fire, no honey, no salt,
And an unfortunate fate.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To take away the ardent love

From a letter from Lesya from Kyiv:

“Either I was bewitched by him, or I’ve gone completely crazy - I don’t understand, but even without him, Natalya Ivanovna, the world is not nice to me. He treats me rudely, but even the dog behaves better. Teach me how to free myself from such love?”

Go to the cemetery on Saturday and find a grave in which a person with the same name as your lover is buried. Walk around the grave counterclockwise nine times in a row, and then stand at the feet of the deceased and say three times:

Came to a dead threshold,
I'm standing at dead feet.
The deceased lies, his soul sleeps,
His heart doesn't hurt.
He has no thoughts and sufferings,
Love experiences
Neither ardent love, nor ardent anger.
His dead bones are empty,
His heart is empty.
Doesn't grieve or get bored
Doesn't wait and doesn't see you off,
He does not sigh from ardent love.
So would it be for me, God’s servant (name),
Don't grieve and don't be bored,
Don't wait and don't see off,
Do not sigh or cry out of ardent love.
How calm is the soul and heart of this man,
So from now on and forever I will not grieve,
Don't shed tears
Don't sigh from love
According to the servant of God (name). Amen.

Dryness on her husband

Before going to bed, take a crust of bread and eat it, saying:

How I gnaw and eat bread,
So gnaw and eat melancholy
My husband (name) to me,
To my wife (name), now and forever. Amen.

Love spell on a photo

Ahti, servant of God (name) live
He can’t live without his shadow, longing for me,
God's servant (name) will not prevail.
Walk, stutter, choke from melancholy.
As the sun moves across the sky,
So you go along every road to me,
God's servant (name). Amen.

Love spell on drool

They spit, then look at the drool and say three times:

The servant of God (name) cannot live without saliva.
The servant of God (name)'s saliva is drying up.
So that the servant of God (name)
I couldn’t live without God’s servant (name),
He also dried up, didn’t eat, didn’t eat, didn’t walk,
So that God's servant (name) does not fall asleep
He didn't lose his mind.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then leave without looking back.

Love words for water

Looking at the water, cross yourself and say:

The Kingdom of God to the servant of God (name). Amen.

Then you need to drink this water, taking exactly three sips.

Love spell while eating

As is already clear from the name, this love spell is read when they sit down at the table. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

How I eat, drink,
So eat, melancholy, my husband (name)
For me, wife (name).
From now on and forever and ever. Amen.

An article on the topic: “love spell is so great, the servant of God on the love spell master website” will help you do everything right.

Once upon a time I found this love spell on a magic website:

On a photo of the person you want to bewitch, you need to read the following text 3 times a day:

“Ahti the Servant of God (name) cannot live without his shadow,

God’s Servant (name) will not overcome his longing for me.
Walk, stutter, choke from melancholy.
As the sun moves across the sky, so you follow every path to me,
God's Servant (name). Amen."

You need to read early in the morning, then at sunset, and late in the evening. I even carried the photograph with me all the time. The description of this love spell did not say how long to read this spell, and what to do with the photo, so here I already turned on my intelligence. So I want to say that my young man then began to show increased attention, besides, we were in different cities with him, so he called, even came, which is not like him. I didn’t know about any payoffs at that time, and accordingly I didn’t do it.

The only thing I understand is that it only works as long as you read it.
And one more nuance. Maybe this is a coincidence, but I read it in different versions, in the sense that I immediately began to read it and pronounced my name as in life, not a church name. And then she became the way she was baptized. And, as far as I remember, it was more effective when I read non-church things. But I won’t argue here, maybe it was a coincidence.

If anyone has heard of such a love spell and knows what’s what, please write your opinion.

Touching on the moral side of the issue of a strong love plot based on a photo of a married man, we will inevitably face condemnation from people who are confident that feelings should arise naturally, that any correction is impossible, and certainly not gross witchcraft interference in the fate of another person. If you ask a thousand people if they know what they need to be happy, everyone will tell you that they do. And they will name approximately the same thing, perhaps in a different order. But, if each of us knows what he needs to be happy, why then are there so many unhappy people on Earth? This is how I pose the question.

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Or another form of magical correction of fate no longer seems immoral. In addition, conspiracy is different from conspiracy. And this also needs to be well understood. There is coercive magic, where love spells are so tough that a person who has experienced the power of this magic becomes a victim in every sense, a slave of his master. These are very serious things, dangerous magic, and I am not a supporter of such rituals becoming public knowledge. There are also means that help one person to love another, but not force him to love. It’s better for you to take a seminar on developing love skills, and not delve into magic.

If you decide to seek help in a love plot on married man, you must know about the rules for casting spells. Any errors or distortions, insignificant in your opinion, can significantly affect the progress of the ritual. Photo spells for a guy's love are best done in the morning, you can do them indoors open window, facing east. If the structure of the house does not meet these requirements, then the caster must turn to the east. Love spells from photographs, which are pronounced during the day, should be directed towards the sun; If you read in the evening, look to the west, at the setting sun. Pronounce the words of the spell loudly (if you are in a secluded place) or in a whisper, but always with a heartfelt feeling, clearly, without confusing the words or stuttering.

The Love Amulet is enchanted so that people who wear the jewelry constantly attract Love to themselves. The Love Talisman is made and customized strictly individually,

You can order it here!

Before carrying out the conspiracy, you should read the prayer: “Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the road, and on the road, in heaven and on earth: intercede and save from all evil.” You can also turn to the angel of the current day in prayer. These rules correspond to all conspiracies; a love conspiracy based on a photo is no exception.

A valid love plot based on a lover's photo

Looking at the photograph of the chosen one, three times a day, read:
“Ahti, the servant of God (name) cannot live without his shadow; he will not overcome the longing for me, God’s servant (name). Walk, stutter, choke from melancholy. As the sun moves across the sky, so you follow every road to me, God’s servant (name). Amen". &1

Watch the video of a love plot from a photo

Tagged with: conspiracies love joys of life seminar training


“The crown of the King and Queen, a heavenly wedding on earth. Two hearts of the soul of the servant of God (say the name) and the servant of God (say the name) wedding scarf, wedding candle, wedding altar, wedding bell, wedding time, wedding hour and my strong command. From this hour, from my order - go two hearts, souls of the servant of God (say the name) and the servant of God (say the name) towards each other, for eternal eternity. I crown you with a strong word, a sculpted deed and all White magic. Amen."


Make jelly from two berries, for example raspberries and cherries, and while the jelly is cooking, say twice:

“Growing up apart, but now together.”

You need to drink it together with your spouse.


If a quarrel has arisen in your family and you cannot find a way out of the situation, read this short prayer for any food or liquid.

“As Eve walked for Adam, so you, servant (name), go for slave (name). So that they could live together forever, share bread and bed, keep up with each other, and not know life without each other. Where the slave goes (say his name), there goes the slave (say his name). Amen".


Late in the evening, preferably after midnight, discreetly cut off a lock of the man's hair. Cut them very finely with scissors so that you get about a teaspoon. Then do the same with your own strand. Early in the morning, mix your hair, 2 teaspoons in total, and say the following spell:

“As our hair is tied, so our lives are tied - the servant of God (name) and the servant of God (name). Amen, amen, amen"

Sew a small bag, pour the hair into it and discreetly give it to your husband. You can sew it into his clothes or hide it under his pillow. If possible, this bag should be with him at all times.


If things are not going well in the family, a seemingly simple but good method will help a lot. Plant in the ground in spring different places flowers. If you live not in a private house, but in an apartment, plant it near all entrances of your house. Flowers should bear the names of people: Cornflower, Pansy. Maryin root, etc. When you plant, say:

“You should grow, and I should bloom in front of the slave (name of my beloved). As people will look at you, so slave (name) will look at me. Just as people will admire these flowers, so the slave (name) and I will have mercy. Key, Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen."


Say over the wine: “Mother Holy Mother of God and Father Jesus Christ, I do not speak wine, but return love. So that there will be love until the end of the age of Your servant of God (name of husband) and servant of God (name of wife). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Read it 3 times and give it to your husband to drink wine in the evening at dinner.


Slander about food or drink if the husband is about to leave for another:

“For bread, for water, neither on a clear day nor in bad weather. So that the slave (name) does not find a place for himself on the road, on the way. So that his legs tremble, his tears do not dry up, his dreams call him back home to his slave (name). The word is strong and will last forever. Amen".

SALT SPELL (for husband)

They read for salt so that they can add salt to food for their husband. Just as people love salt and cannot live without it, so that my husband would love me just as much and could not live without me, not a day, not an hour, not a minute would pass, he would still follow me and admire me. Amen.


Place three candles on a new white tablecloth. They read the spell three times and after each time they extinguish one candle. When all three candles are extinguished, tie them together and light them again, so that nothing remains of the candles. Chad, let the smoke out the window, let them leave with a spell.

“O Eternal Lord, I pray to You with tenderness. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, an impenetrable fence, an insurmountable melancholy. The depth is three fathoms of earth, the height is immeasurable height, and the melancholy is immeasurable depth. Lock it, Lord, and block it, so that the slave (name) does not leave me. He does not find another girlfriend. Lock it and take it for yourself. Help, Lord, God’s servant (name). Until this lock is opened, Until then, slave (name) will not stop loving me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen"


“Ahti, the servant of God (name) cannot live without his shadow; he will not overcome the longing for me, God’s servant (name). Walk, stutter, choke from melancholy. As the sun moves across the sky, so you follow every road to me, God’s servant (name). Amen."

This is what they say when looking at a photo of their husband, in the morning, during the day and after sunset.


“I will take the heart of God’s servant (name), carry it to the ice kingdom, to the cold state. So that the slave (name) does not love the slave (name), cools his heart, does not carry her in his heart. In the ice kingdom, in the cold state, there is an ice hut, in the hut there is an ice wall, an ice window, an ice stove. The devil and the devil are fighting, pinching, bleeding, not thinking, and not giving advice. So if the servant of God (name) fought and pinched, got angry and swore with the servant of God (name), he would not think twice, would not give advice. Century after century from now on. Amen."


Do it on Wednesday, on days close to the full moon, at night and after reading the plot, immediately go to bed. Light a candle and looking at the flame of the candle read:

“White smoke, curly smoke, go my smoke, through all the forests, through all the rivers, through all the cities. Fall on the heart of the slave (name), no matter where my fate goes, and the slave (name) does not pass. So that the slave (name) does not fall asleep in his sleep, does not eat too much in food, from now on and forever, he kept the slave (name) on my mind. Be, my words, strong and molding, from now on and forever. Amen."

“You (name) come to me (name), my clear falcon, not along one road, but along all at once. Listen to my order. Here's my threshold. This is where you should be, this is where you should live. I am waiting for you (name) today, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Do not blow out the candle, but extinguish it with your fingers and go to bed.

Do it on Monday. Find fern leaves in the forest and pick them. Find an aspen tree and sit with your back to it. Whip yourself with a fern, saying:

“Dry, grass, dry, wither. May my dear friend, servant of God (name), pine for me in the same way. Amen."

Tie the fern to the aspen and leave without looking back. There should be no one with you in the forest.

When your friend drinks wine, look with your right eye, without blinking, into the cup, reading to yourself: “Our Father...”. After drinking this wine, he will see your gaze directed at him all week and feel your invisible presence.

Take half a glass of water left hand. Drive right hand along the edge of the glass and say the name of your loved one 21 times. This is done at night. Then place a glass of water on the windowsill so that it falls on Moonlight(better to do on days close to the full moon). The next day, invite the person you want to your place and quietly add a little charmed water to tea or coffee, but not to alcohol. And when he drinks, looking at the bridge of his nose, mentally convey his desires.

They slander the salt used to salt food and offer this food to their loved one:

“Just as I, the servant of God (name), cannot live or be without salt, and just as I, the servant of God (name), tastes unpalatable and unpleasant without salt, so the servant of God (name) cannot live or be without me. , and life without me, the servant of God (name), is not nice and unpleasant for the servant of God (name). Be, my words, strong and molding, stronger than stone and more moldable than wax. Amen."

“Wednesday, Friday, Thursday in between. Just as the days are in their places, so is the servant of God (name) with me. Amen."

If a person smokes, then circle the cigarette butt around your index finger 3 times, then cross your heart with the cigarette butt 3 times. At 24 hours, sprinkle tobacco from a cigarette butt in the four corners of your room, saying:

“Always, everywhere, everywhere mine, think about me, you are strongly drawn to me. You can't live without me."

Having sweated, wipe the sweat from your forehead with a handkerchief and wipe your loved one with the same handkerchief, saying to yourself:

“Just as my sweat boils and burns, the servant of God (name), so would your heart, the servant of God (name), boil and burn for me, the servant of God (name). Let it be so!".

Write on the candle with a new knife full name beloved. Insert a pin into each letter. And every night after 24 hours, light a candle and let it burn until 1 pin falls out, after which the candle is extinguished until the next day. While the candle is burning, looking at the flame, say the name of your loved one and think about what you want. If it is possible to get your loved one’s hair, then you need to secure it with pins on a candle and then the ritual will be even stronger. The candle is lit as many times as there are letters in the full name of your desired one.

Love words

“Just as Mother Theotokos loves her son Jesus Christ, thinks about him with a tender soul, with a tender heart, with a smile on her lips, so would a servant (name) love me, think about me, dream about me, and greet me with a gentle smile. He looked and couldn’t stop looking at me, either day or night, but throughout my entire life. Amen".

Read in bad weather: rain, snow, thunderstorm, wind.

“The priest walked to the church. The wheel rolls, plays, throws itself under the feet of the butt, and clings to the floors. So the servant of God (name) would rush at me, rush around me, spin around me, pray at me like a priest at an icon. Devils, brothers, help, conquer the servant of God (name). Amen".

This spell is cast on a human footprint, which can be left on the floor from a bare foot, wet shoes, in the snow, in the mud, etc. After this, the person will run after you like a devoted dog.

“Following the trail of the servant of God (name) came a fierce misfortune, her name was melancholy, it came in his wake, and filled him into my slaves. Just as a faithful dog watches over its owner and runs after its owner, so the servant of God (name) followed in my footsteps, didn’t turn anywhere, didn’t go anywhere. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

They pour beer or wine from their glass to the one you like, saying to themselves: “Drink, finish, love, don’t forget.”

When you start dancing with a friend, look into his eyes and say to yourself three times: “Adam and Eve sinned, they gave birth to children because they loved each other. So you will love me too. Amen."

Dryness on a string

Take the rope white, but not transparent, that is, not made of gauze, tie as many knots on it in a row as will come out involuntarily. If the number of nodes turns out to be even, then you can read the dry spell. If the number of nodes is odd, leave this matter until the next day. The spoken rope is thrown where the dear one lives. Will love and miss you.

“No matter how long the rope is, there will be the last knot. No matter how you, slave (name), walk away from me, my slander will destroy you. Love, soul of the slave (name), the soul of the slave (name). Amen."


They burn a candle, cutting off the flame with scissors, and say:

“As this wax melts from a burning fire, so you, slave (name), from my mighty slander, you will come and appear before my clear eyes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

To make a friend miss you

Talk about some gift or thing that he (she) will have later. The slander is this:

“You take a thing from me, you give me your peace. Not in the middle of the day, not in the middle of the night, without your slave (name), you would not have peace and urine. Amen."

Make you think about yourself

Keep the new pin pinned on yourself for three days, then, having talked about it, fasten it in an inconspicuous place on your husband’s clothes. Read like this:

“Carry it, don’t lose it, don’t forget your slave (your name). Amen."

Whisper in the back

“Little devils, little brothers, stand behind the slave (name), follow him, wander after him, whisper in his back, put my name (your name) in his heart. Footprint after footstep, step by step, don’t lag behind and don’t leave behind, remind me of me. So that he knows and remembers my name and never forgets. Amen."

Whispers on the threshold

“Go where you went, you’ll still come back. From me you come as a gelding, in my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so it will be. Amen."
