Who lit a candle for the repose of a living person reviews. Prayer for the repose of a living person. How to light a candle for the health of your enemies

After browsing the Internet, you can see that this question worries a lot of people. This topic is even discussed on forums. Some are interested in such actions in order to harm someone, to punish an enemy. Others, to find a means that will protect them from causing damage. But in reality, is it so scary if you light a candle for the repose of a living person in church? We will talk about different opinions on this matter. You will choose what you like more.

People's opinions (information from forums)

  1. This is definitely guidance damage and curses per person. The victim will begin to get sick, dry up, lose interest in life, and finally die.
  2. There is another opinion, although some scientific basis. A person who finds out that a candle has been lit for his repose will become nervous and worry. Experiences can drive him into depression. Against this background, you can even get sick.
  3. Third point of view optimistic. You cannot harm a living person while praying for his repose. If we assume that all these tricks with the candle are true, then our people would die out in droves (“well-wishers” abound).
  4. The opinion of the fourth categorically. A person who attempts to harm others by using magical rituals, harms only yourself. His soul is given over to the power of evil forces, satanic forces.

Opinion of black magicians

All practicing magicians speak out unequivocally on this matter.

Some people use a funeral candle to kill a victim or to make a person sick. This opinion is wrong. It is based on a common misconception. As a result, the aggressors themselves suffer.

A candle that is lit for the repose of a living person, used by masters black magic when causing damage to death. They do this only as a additional action, which is only part of the ritual. This manipulation is not the main and not the only one.

The opinion of Orthodox priests

Such judgments are utter heresy. The grace of God operates in the Church, and not magic spells. God listens only to good thoughts and requests. It is he who decides what events will follow the prayer and the lit candle. Manipulations with God will not work. You can't force him to do what you want.

Therefore, if you give a note “for the repose” of a living person or light a candle, all this will not have any consequences for the victim. But those who do such things with malicious intent should think twice. Evil usually returns to those people who wish it on others.

It is foolish to believe that your life and health depend on wax church candles. The Lord will not encroach on a person because someone decided to put a candle in the wrong place.

If candles are lit for the repose of a living person. Damage

If candles are lit for the repose of a living person. Damage

One of the most harmful to human well-being is the manipulation of witches and sorcerers with candles, which they place in the temple every day for the repose of a victim they dislike. This type of damage is recorded when rolling out chicken eggs: when they are broken into a glass of water, the white forms visible threads around the yolk, located in a vertical plane, resembling burning candles. Their number indicates exactly how many candles the witch lights daily for the repose of a living person. If you encounter this type of damage, then proceed as follows.
At midnight on the waning moon, retire to a suitable room where no one can stop you from performing a ritual to neutralize this type of damage. Spread a small piece of black cloth in the center of the table, place twelve church candles on it (in the shape of a circle) and light them one by one.
Read the Lord's Prayer six times. Then, focusing your gaze on the burning candles, clasping your hands in a “lock” in the abdomen, quietly say (you can read from a sheet) an ancient magic spell-prayer:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In four directions, on broken grave crosses, on broken church domes, on gallows, aspen, and Judas beams, memorial candles are burning, stinking, the living servant(s) of God (your name) are ordered to leave the world. But the Lord Jesus Christ sees: a wrong, twisted deed, contrary to His will, is being plotted, it is being created by those who betrayed His name, it is crawling across the earth like a viper, it is constantly drinking the blood of the slave (your name), it is breaking bones, it is depriving it of reason. Against that creeping misfortune, and to the inevitable memorial misfortune, the Lord’s heavenly armies are marching to war, burning my remembrance with twelve candles: from below and from above, from Alpha to Omega. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Using the fingers of your left hand, extinguish the candles one by one. Wrap the cinders in a piece of black cloth, the one that was on the table. Leave the house and, having reached the nearest intersection, leave the package by the side of the road with the words:
“Whoever remembered God’s servant (your name) with candles, performed his own funeral service. Exactly!"
Turn over your right shoulder and, throwing a handful of change over yourself with your right hand (no need to count coins), say while they are in the air:

"In honor of all evil spirits, all candles, all crosses!”

Upon returning, cross the threshold of the apartment (house) with your right foot, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water and go to bed, having first read the Lord’s Prayer six times.
In the morning, visit the church, where at the icon of Christ the Savior light six candles for the health of all potential ill-wishers. Upon leaving the temple, distribute alms within your power to six people who need it.
Be careful!
Over the next six days, those who lit candles for the repose will definitely come to you. Do not let such people into your house under any pretext, do not enter into discussions.

If, through carelessness or ignorance, you accidentally lit candles for the repose of a living person in church, then this is how you can help correct this situation. In three churches, order three services about the health of this person. Buy live fish, and then bury it, bury it, thereby taking it away from yourself and from this person. Near the fish “grave” let this person read:
“I was born with a fish tooth. She gave the tooth to the fish, and the fish gave the tooth to the earth. Death is on the cards, not on me. The sky is lubyan, the earth is lubyan, there is a fish tooth in the earth, not me. Amen".
Then walk away without looking back. At home, eat three pancakes and wash down with jelly.

One of the most harmful to human well-being is the manipulation of witches and sorcerers with candles, which they place in the temple every day for the repose of a victim they dislike. This type of spoilage is detected when chicken eggs are rolled out: when they are broken into a glass of water, the white forms visible threads located in a vertical plane around the yolk, resembling burning candles in appearance. Their number indicates exactly how many candles the witch lights daily for the repose of a living person. If you encounter this type of damage, then proceed as follows.
At midnight on the waning moon, retire to a suitable room where no one can stop you from performing a ritual to neutralize this type of damage. Spread a small piece of black cloth in the center of the table, place twelve church candles on it (in the shape of a circle) and light them one by one.
Read the Lord's Prayer six times. Then, focusing your gaze on the burning candles, clasping your hands in a “lock” in the abdomen, quietly say (you can read from a sheet) an ancient magic spell-prayer:
“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In four directions, on broken grave crosses, on broken church domes, on gallows, aspen, and Judas beams, memorial candles are burning, stinking, the living servant of God (your name) is ordered to leave the world. But the Lord Jesus Christ sees: a wrong, twisted deed, contrary to His will, is being plotted, it is being created by those who betrayed His name, it is crawling across the earth like a viper, it is constantly drinking the blood of the slave (your name), it is breaking bones, it is depriving it of reason. Against that creeping misfortune, and to the inevitable memorial misfortune, the Lord’s heavenly armies are marching to war, burning my remembrance with twelve candles: from below and from above, from Alpha to Omega. Amen. Amen. Amen".
Using the fingers of your left hand, extinguish the candles one by one. Wrap the cinders in a piece of black cloth, the one that was on the table. Leave the house and, having reached the nearest intersection, leave the package by the side of the road with the words:
“Whoever remembered God’s servant (your name) with candles, performed his own funeral service.”
Turn over your right shoulder and, throwing a handful of change over yourself with your right hand (no need to count coins), say while they are in the air:
“To all evil spirits, all candles, all crosses!”
Upon returning, cross the threshold of the apartment (house) with your right foot, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water and go to bed, having first read the Lord’s Prayer six times.
In the morning, visit the church, where at the icon of Christ the Savior light six candles for the health of all potential ill-wishers. Upon leaving the temple, distribute alms within your power to six people who need it.
Be careful!
Over the next six days, those who lit candles for the repose will definitely come to you. Do not let such people into your house under any pretext, do not enter into discussions.

If, through carelessness or ignorance, you accidentally lit candles for the repose of a living person in church, then this is how you can help correct this situation. In three churches, order three services about the health of this person. Buy a live fish, and then bury it, thereby moving it away from yourself and from this person. Near the fish “grave” let this person read:
“I was born with a fish tooth. She gave the tooth to the fish, and the fish gave the tooth to the earth. Death is on the cards, not on me. The sky is lubyan, the earth is lubyan, there is a fish tooth in the earth, not me. Amen".
Then walk away without looking back. At home, eat three pancakes and wash down with jelly.

Today, damage to a candle or the evil eye is quite a common occurrence. This magical intervention can greatly harm a person, resulting in discord in the family, an apathetic state, serious illnesses, which sometimes lead to fatalities. Magicians and sorcerers perform dark incantations over a lit candle. It is these witchcraft actions that damage human health. How is damage to a candle carried out, how to protect yourself from negativity? What should you watch out for? How to remove damage or the evil eye using an ordinary or church candle?

Considering the problem on this side, we immediately realize that he must again hear his rights on the other side of the action of the imagination and its image-making activity. The elementary distinction between the fantastic and the imaginative does not exclude the unity of imaginary functions and the fact that the imagination refers to itself in the most diverse forms, so that it is by no means surprising that the function of imaginary valorization is found in the same fantasy. This is truly an imaginative valorization that gives fantastic objects all their charm.

Today, damage to a candle or the evil eye is quite a common occurrence.

How to damage a church candle

With the help of a church candle you can both get rid of damage and bring negativity to a person. A person who casts a witchcraft spell with a candle from a church dooms his victim to serious suffering caused by serious illnesses. These diseases cannot be cured with medications. How is this type of damage carried out?

What makes them attractive is to engage in them with valorization processes. The theme of valorization reappears on the other side of the connection between imagination and desire and emotions in general: subjectivity is called into question precisely by the attraction created by the “fantastic essence”, which we could not only realize on the basis of its rules of construction, but also on the paths of meaning that begin with him. Subjectivity then moves along the double path of the fantastic and the imaginary - accompanying the figures that appear in its course and entering into various complex relations of appropriation, repulsion and identification with them.

When a service takes place in a temple, a specialist (sorcerer) lights a candle for the repose of the soul of a living person. After this, he gazes intently into the bright light of the flame and whispers a curse:

“As this candle burns, so the body of the slave (name) will hurt, it will break, shiver, shake, he will suffer and toil. I’ll put out the candle and bring the pendulum to the slave (name). Key, lock, tongue, stone, amen."

Thus, the winged horse, as soon as it enters into a concrete fantasy, becomes a fantastic object that has an image profile. Whatever the movement of the imagination may be, we can decide it from the concreteness of the context. Of course, the sheer content of the winged horse seems at once to evoke happy fantasies of celestial attractions; and so it may happen that we leap upon it with confidence, abandoning ourselves to ride on the high heavens. But look how much it holds up the winged horse of Cubina!

We are immediately struck by the “dark atmosphere of the drawing”, and the larger we become, the more the positive valorization rate still forms part of the capabilities of this fantastic entity. In short, Kubin's horse does not jump at all. There is an important imaginary possibility that is simultaneously destroyed, i.e. the object is offered in a context that blocks precisely this possible direction of imagination. Therefore, it is not enough to remember only the context, as if the object implied this or that meaning the connotation is solely under its authority.

Then the candle is turned over with the wick down and placed in the place where it originally stood.

In addition to this ritual, magicians also take out candles placed in the health, extinguish them and break them into two parts, and read powerful spells over it. One of the most dangerous magical manipulations is a candle placed in the coffin of the deceased. It is impossible to get rid of this type of damage at home. In this situation, only a specialist specializing in white magic will help.

Context is crucial, but it interacts with the range of possible meanings in which the imaginary content lives. And just as we cannot approve of a horse and jump on its rump immediately after hearing it, so such a winged horse will never spin a fly. It is over something like a huge monument - and in this statue, frozen, the wings can no longer name the ability to fly. He becomes a petrified idol, something like an image of an inaccessible, mysterious, meaningless force. Then disables the identification direction.

The drawing makes us identify ourselves with those dark and unhappy people who prostrate themselves to the animal idol and wander, each in their own way, wrapped in black cloaks around the great monument: in the form of a procession that excludes the communication of the rite, each of the worms on their own, hiding from an idol, the inaccessibility of which is emphasized by huge steps. Here, too, there is another possible figurative artifact that can be given the form of a rule: a scale that primarily indicates the possibility of access and ascent is presented in the drawing so that it manifests the condition of absolute inaccessibility.

To protect yourself from black witchcraft, wear a sacred cross on your body, visit holy places as often as possible, and do not forget to pray!

Can a funeral candle be damaged?

When a person dies, candles are lit in every house until the deceased is buried. Close people of the deceased place the candle not in a candlestick, but in an ordinary glass filled with wheat or salt. When the candle burns out, you need to make sure that the cinders do not disappear. The burnt fragments are a real find for the magician. Using cinders to damage a living person is not difficult. This negativity will carry a powerful, destructive force. This type of damage can bring death in a matter of months.

Also notable is the spatial extent in which the scene is presented. At the same time, he appears with symbols of unreality that contribute to emphasizing valorization in a pronounced symbolic direction - a touch of allegory. This effect of unreality is mainly attributed to cosmic time. The constitution of space as an empirical constitution is closely related to the understanding of things that can serve as a support for the perception of space. In the drawing, of course, there are things - a horse, a monument, human figures - they are the foundations for constructing space, but are immersed in an indefinite space that is completely independent of them.

Burnt fragments of a church candle are a real find for a magician

The use of glass, grain or salt is prohibited. After the funeral ceremony is over, these items must be buried away from home. By doing this you will protect yourself from black magic.

It offers no space. We will take a second example from Kubin. Such was the simple, general dissection of the rule made by the imagination, so subtle and complex were the ways in which it worked in this design. In fact, if we say that there is only a head separated from the body, we would fall far short of even providing a simple description of the drawing. What actually matters, in the expressive result, is the relationship that is established at the same time in which the imagination became aware of the disaggregation.

It is the same design that forces us to express in this apparently paradoxical way. The mutual position of the head and the trunk leads us to talk about a double look. And this theme of double vision contains the entire construction problem that lies at the heart of the creation of this design. Human body of the severed head is in an upright position, and not, for example, lying as if decapitated. In this calm contemplation of the main contrasts, the head lying on the ground looked shocked, immediately horrified and scared.

Getting rid of damage with wax candles

Some types of damage can be removed with the help of candles. Waking up early in the morning, go to the temple, buy wax candles (three pieces). When you come home, wait until evening, before going to bed, light candles and place them at the head of the bed. Closing your eyes, read the “Our Father”, then a prayer speech to the Life-giving Cross:

Here we are therefore faced with a complex of oppositions: disaggregation operates in the sense of separating two joint parts, but division refers to opposition, which in addition to the fact that space is also psychological. At the same time, disaggregation is carried out in such a way as to preserve the “image” of personal identity. We said that it is: the headless body looks at its head, and the head looks back at its body: this double look is actually a unique look at itself. The block splits so sharply. the drawing freezes in an inventive state of irreparable breakdown. then you can find other meanings of “unconscious” all “picture of a severed head and” introspection, as well as presented?

“May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish in the face lovers of God and signifying sign of the cross, and in joy saying: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-giving Cross Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen".

But using other means, other methods. Implementation of the image. We also noted that there is a connection between these two functions that interacts with others in a variety of ways. An interesting case of this interaction is what we might perhaps call, giving it the dignity of a rule, the "concretization" of an image.

In accordance with this, “the image passes into” fantastic-fictional formations. As everyone knows, he became an ass. After this, the captain of all incidents that can happen to the donkey will end up in a circus, get nailed, crippled, thrown into the sea, etc. etc. The origin of this invention story is quite clear.

Then a prayer for healing:

“Merciful Lord, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, look kindly upon Thy servant (...), who is overcome by illness, forgive him all his sins, drive out the feverish illness from his body and give him a long and prosperous life, so that he may offer thanksgiving prayers with us To You, the All-Bountiful God and my Creator. Most Holy Theotokos, Queen of Heaven, through Your omnipotent intercession, help me to beg Your Son, my God, for the healing of God’s servant (...). All saints and angels of the Lord, pray to God for His sick servant (...). Amen".

Thus the metamorphosis that inspired the story. “The materialized image becomes the core of the story in a simple and admirable procedure. - what makes you appreciate the intelligence and imagination, with discounted talk about its irrationality. In a sense, in such cases, when the imagination plays with itself, with its own rules, it intervenes twice: in the creation of the image and in its actualization. At the same time, there is a possible and precise connection between the imaginary and the imaginary.

The fantastic object, the donkey as the metamorphosis of Pinocchio, follows directly from the apparent synthesis. Artistic synthesis shows here its unity with imagination as an anti-synthetic ability. This obviously applies to the actual stretching of Pinocchio's nose when he lies. The nose is included in proverbs about lies, but probably the starting point is the saying that lies with short legs - this image is a model on which it is coined that another "lie has a long nose", here there is a variation of the figurative stereotype, followed by a specification , which still holds the meaning of the metaphor.

If the damage is severe, then the candles will crack and flutter. Once the flames have calmed down, extinguish the wax objects. This ritual must be carried out for at least three days. If your health does not improve, you can extend the procedure up to nine days. When you feel better, take the candle stubs and the container they were in and take them outside. Find a secluded place and bury all items deep into the ground. When performing the ritual, your heart must be pure, without anger or resentment. Only sincerity and faith in the Lord will help cope with witchcraft.

You won't get far with a lie, and sooner or later you will appear in the light of day. Not to mention the central invention of the story, which still comes from the metaphorical expression "head of the tree" - that head that Geppetto first draws from Mastro Cerri's tension. Speaking of the origin of these narrative inventions, there is naturally nothing like a “psychological origin”, as all these examples show. These are not at all occult rules, nor rules based on the psychology of the imagination, based on certain hypotheses around its objective mechanisms.

Some types of damage can be removed with the help of candles

Getting rid of the evil eye

This ritual can only be used by a baptized Christian. It is not difficult to perform; it is only suitable for removing the evil eye, light damage, or clearing negativity. Visit a church or temple early in the morning on an empty stomach. Buy a church candle, but you need to take it with your right hand. After this, move the lit wax object around yourself, drawing cross-shaped outlines. During this time, say the Lord’s Prayer. If there is an evil eye, the candle will crackle and smoke unnaturally. Black witchcraft along with the flame will leave your body and mind. While drawing crosses with fire, say:

We can only say this occultly in the sense that for us readers they must remain in the background, we care about the story and not about its methods. "Don't worry about methods" is a condition for reading history well - there is a good reason for this "phenomenology" in Bachelard's sense, which insists on the need to abandon history, to identify oneself in its "living", in them, which certainly requires an attitude , in which we are ready to accept all its rules without any doubt, without bringing them to the fore.

This point is important if we do not want books to be always and only school textbooks. let them think both about their content and how they are constructed, and in this reflection we can begin to understand the rules of the story, realize that they have been chosen from alternative possibilities, and question their reasons for making them less meaningful in relation to to the story.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The sacred words must be read at least seven times.

Despite the simplicity of the ritual, the evil eye will disappear very quickly. The very next day you will feel lightness and protection. Recovery will follow faster if you order a prayer service for health in the temple.

This ritual can save people who truly believe in a higher power from the negative impact and evil eye. After sunset, fill a wide container with warm water and lower your feet. The liquid should only cover the ankles. Place a handful of regular coarse salt in your right hand and throw it into the water. Close your eyes, completely relax, don’t think about bad things. All thoughts should be filled with positivity. Imagine how salt takes away all witchcraft and negativity. After fifteen minutes have passed, take the sacred, lit candle in your left hand. It should burn to the ground on its own. While the whole candle burns, the water may cool down, thereby causing your feet to freeze. Therefore, you can use half the candle. The ritual will not only remove the evil eye, but also clear the negative field that has formed next to you.

The actualization of the image in turn may indicate, rather than a single procedure, many procedures. Among Grimm's stories there is one which develops almost entirely according to various variations of this method. He talks about the farmer's invitation to the death of the goddess of one of his many children, who becomes an adult, to be made by a doctor, and the doctor, protected by death, as he understands, is doomed to earn a fortune, with the exception of the princess, godfather Death marks death, and he himself must die.

A candle and salt will take away the negativity forever

What type of damage can a church candle not cope with?

White magicians and sorcerers are sure that some types of damage cannot be removed on their own. Not every magical effect can be overcome by a church candle. In what cases is the help of a specialist needed?

The climactic scene of the story is the one where death leads his deity into a large cave where thousands of candles are burning, and as they say in death, every life is represented by a burning candle. This scene is constructed from an “image that is realized.” The candle that consumes it is the "image of consumption of life", and therefore the candle that covers the image of the dying person. But the candle is now a real candle, and main character of a fairy tale, therefore, is able to see it and see how it ends. Another example of the concretization procedure can be seen in the episode in which the godson contradicts the order of death; more precisely, the method of reproduction.

  • If a black magician has imposed a strict destructive program.
  • Candles will not help with a black love spell.
  • If an item was used to perform the spell.
  • If damaged to death.
  • With generational curses.

A church candle will cope with light damage, the evil eye, and child or adult fear. A candle in case of damage will not remove serious magical intervention. However, it is possible to provide psychological support to a wax object.

In case of serious witchcraft, it is better to contact an experienced specialist. If rituals are performed independently, you must believe in the Lord and regularly ask him for help. In this situation, the candle is a conductor between you and higher powers.

Since childhood, we have become accustomed to thinking that church, icons, and holy water can scare away everything bad from a person. But black magicians and sorcerers can not only freely visit temples, but perform their rituals in them, even cause damage to death.

How to behave in the temple so as not to get damaged

It is not uncommon to hear stories of people losing their health in the temple or even being damaged to death. You need to be very careful and protect yourself from the sorcerer’s aggression, because... its consequences can be the most disastrous.

It is customary for girls and women in Russia to cover their heads in church.

  1. If someone unfamiliar tries to hug you in church, by doing so he wants to take your health away. To protect yourself, you need to put your hand on the very place that this person touched.
  2. In church you have to light candles. It is very important to make sure that no one touches the candle you set. If anyone tries to take it, he must be stopped, and done so very decisively.
  3. You should not listen to the advice of “good” aunties. Sometimes a stranger may try to teach you something. She may ask you to break the candle in half and place both parts in front of the icon to attract happiness and double prosperity. This cannot be done, because... otherwise you will damage yourself.
  4. To protect yourself from damage to death, it is advisable not to enter the temple through the large gate, from where the deceased is usually brought in for the funeral service. There are also small doors.
  5. When holding a candle in your hands, you need to watch how it burns. If she suddenly starts smoking, there is an object lying nearby, under your feet, that can damage you. It is also not recommended to light it from other candles. There is a lamp in the center, and it is with the help of it that you need to light the candle.
  6. It is better to give alms when you enter the church, and not when you leave it.

Rituals of hexing through candles

There are many ways to cause damage, including death, through ordinary candles. Most often, a candle is lit for the repose of a living person. Sometimes the sorcerer makes the candle himself. He adds some funeral supplies to it: soap, water that was used to wash the deceased, or things that came into contact with him. It is also placed for the repose of the living.

Sometimes a sorcerer manages to sell such a candle under the guise of an ordinary one. This is great luck for him, because... he will do his dirty deed with the help of another person.

Sometimes other rituals are done in the church. If you want to destroy another person, you need to quietly take out the candle that he put for his health. After this, you can put it out and break it, or put the two halves in front of the icon, turn it over and light it, also placing it for repose. A very effective way is to throw it into the coffin of the deceased.

Funeral service with a scarf

There's another one effective way cause damage to death. You need to steal a scarf from someone you wish harm against. Then go to church and sing the funeral service at the same time as the deceased. It is also worth reading the “Our Father” prayer, backwards to front.

Then you need to collect tree branches (aspen, weeping willow) and black datura. It is necessary to burn them for ten evenings. And then leave the inveterate scarf at the grave. After such a ritual, a person lives no more than 6 months.

Damage to death in three churches

If done correctly, this ritual can be very effective. But, before spoiling death, you need to remember that there may be a strong rollback. Experienced magicians know how to cope with this, but it will be difficult for beginners.

Preparation for the ceremony

For this rite you will have to visit three churches. In each of them you need to order a magpie “For the Repose” of the one you want to harm. It is also necessary to take a candle from the very place where the candles for repose stand, replacing it with your own. As a result, you will collect three candles. They are necessary to achieve results.

You need to get some black fabric, the same thread, a needle, a piece of chalk and a photo of the victim. Through these objects, damage to death will be caused.

Carrying out the ceremony

For the ritual you need to take a cloth and draw a triangle. In its corners you need to place candles taken from churches. Then we take a needle with the prepared thread and sew the picture with it, the way your heart desires, repeating 13 times:

“Let unexpected destruction come upon him, and let his net, which he hid for me, catch him; let him fall into it to destruction.”

After this, the needle and thread must be removed. It is necessary to place a photograph in the center of the triangle and light the candles. Then you need to take a candle, and while saying the words written above, you need to drip wax into the photo. Repeat the same with other candles. We say these words once with each candle. At the end of the ritual you need to say three times:

“Thrice you are cursed, thrice entangled in the nets of death, doomed to destruction and deprived of all forgiveness and salvation.”

Completion of the ritual

Candles must be left to burn out. Wrap the photograph in cloth and bury it on the grave of a person with the same name as your enemy. Then, for 12 days in a row, you must read prayers for the repose of the person for whom you wish death.

The remaining needle needs to be broken by saying:

“He broke the needle in two and stopped the life of slave (name). The needle is broken, life is stopped. Amen".

Having uttered these words, it is necessary to imagine how a person dies. These halves of the needle need to be thrown into the enemy’s house.

How to determine that you have been damaged to death

Determining that you have been damaged to death is not very easy. Its symptoms are similar to those of ordinary damage. But you can still highlight something:

  • Obsessive thoughts about suicide.
  • Serious illnesses.
  • I have no strength all the time.
  • Doctors cannot make a diagnosis.
  • Restless dreams, nightmares.
  • Craving for alcohol and drugs.

If you are experiencing these symptoms, you need to get diagnosed. To do this, you need to visit the church and purchase 3 candles and an icon of the Virgin Mary there. At night, at exactly 11 p.m., you need to cross yourself and light the candles. Then read prayers. If the flame fluctuates and smokes heavily, then there is damage.

Removing damage from a church

You need to go to the temple and pray to God. It is worth asking Him to forgive all your sins and help you recover. A person must sincerely believe, and he must also have a desire to live according to God's laws. The prayers “Our Father”, “ To the Honest Cross" and "Alive in Help." They have enormous power.

I’m sick: head, eyes, back, no strength in arms and legs. I lose strength, I see double, I feel sour, I choke when eating, I forget how to swallow. Often my legs get twisted and I can fall. It is very difficult to climb the stairs. no strength to lift my leg. Doctors cannot make a diagnosis. The fortune teller poured curses and a candle onto the wax. What to do?


Greetings, Elena!

I have repeatedly spoken on the pages of my website about how church love spells. My omission is that until now I have not talked about what you need to do if they have done this on you. church damage. I'm correcting myself: I'll try to give as detailed an answer to your question as possible.

The energy of the church has nothing to do with the intervention of higher powers. The whole point is that this is a place of prayer. When people constantly gather in one place experiencing sacred reverence, be it a temple, a synagogue or a temple, it acquires a special energy that is very easy to direct in a certain direction. It allows people to create magic without having any talent for it. A striking example of such witchcraft is a funeral candle for a living person. It forms a directed flow negative energy, which transforms into , which is far from easy to remove!

The symptoms you described are indeed very similar to church damage. In the usual ways this negative program you can't take it off. Each Master has his own technique that helps save people from severe damage to death. My method is based on the practice of shamanism and Voodoo magic. I carry out a series of rituals in order to summon and bind it to the energy shell of a person. Astral entities They are very freedom-loving, but most of all they are afraid for their “skin.” Binding a spirit to a person is a non-trivial way to force otherworldly entity Be vigilant about keeping it clean at all times. The spirit will become free only if its owner dies a natural death.

If damage is to blame for your illness, no doctor will be able to help you. The only way to survive and become healthy again is with help professional magician. Send me your photo so that I can conduct a free diagnosis of all magical problems. After this, I will be able to determine with complete confidence how I can help you. Considering your condition, I would recommend not to delay! Damaging a church candle is a very fast-acting negative, so you should hurry.
