Mark the secret and meaning of the name. Mark - name meaning, origin, characteristics, horoscope. Photo gallery: famous personalities bearing the name Mark

Meaning of the name

Mark is a calm, strong, practical and strong-willed man who always relies solely on his own strength. He is proud and vain, so he is quite jealous of the successes of those around him. At the same time, the desire for self-improvement leads him on the path of development and self-knowledge. Therefore, one should not be surprised at Mark’s well-readness and erudition, who is always welcome in any company as an interesting interlocutor, ready to support a conversation on any topic.

Characteristics of the name Mark

Winter Mark - a balanced, calm, practical and calculating person. Thanks to his analytical mind and patience, he slowly but confidently moves towards all his goals. There is no place for chaos in his life, because this man makes all decisions guided by reason. In women, winter Mark values ​​softness, compromise, femininity and calmness. But emotional ladies with a stormy temperament repel this man.

Spring Mark responsive, good-natured and sensitive, so he often even chooses a profession in which he can realize these qualities (he will make, for example, an excellent doctor). The life of this man is reminiscent of a fairy tale about a hero who, by sacrificing himself, saves the whole world. A spring Mark woman should be kind and accepting of her lover as he is, because any attempts to change him will run into a wall of misunderstanding and irritability.

Summer Mark - this is an artistic nature, perceiving life with all its ups and downs as an exciting adventure in which you can show intelligence, ingenuity and ingenuity. He cannot stand boredom and loneliness; his cheerful disposition is disgusted by monotony. Summer Mark is looking for a chosen one who is just as cheerful and sociable, while housekeeping and housekeeping are of little concern to him.

Autumn Mark pragmatic, scrupulous and pedantic (in his life everything is always subordinated to a strictly drawn up plan, from which he is not going to deviate). It is not surprising that this man is quite difficult to find mutual language. Autumn Mark will be comfortable and cozy with a non-conflict woman who puts her man’s interests above her own.

Stone - talisman

Mark's talisman stones are agate, diamond and porphyrite.


A magical amulet made of agate develops self-confidence, attracts wealth, enhances courage and strength, promotes physical health and emotional well-being. In addition, this stone is indicated for those who have trouble sleeping, as it relieves bad dreams and attracts joyful dreams.

Agate - stone creative people, it helps to develop creative abilities, gives good luck to its owner, and brings peace and harmony to life. It is also important that this stone perfectly neutralizes negative energy.

Products with agate protect against intrigue, help expose conspiracies and evoke sympathy for the giver.


This royal stone, which the Greeks called “the frozen tears of the gods,” symbolizes courage, fearlessness, bravery, courage, toughness and incorruptibility. Also, a diamond is the personification of luxury, wealth, brilliance, as well as purity and spirituality.

Even ancient people believed that diamond was able to neutralize the effects of poison, protect against evil spirits and ward off animals.

Interesting fact! For temperamental and overly emotional people, diamond has a calming effect, while for unbalanced owners it gives even more aggression and rage.


This stone symbolizes strength, sensuality, courage, justice, power, but at the same time aggression, sacrifice and suffering.

For some peoples, porphyrite personifies heroic life, nobility, power and prosperity.

IN Christian tradition this rock was a symbol of mercy, martyrdom and Divine love.

Masons identified porphyry with anger, revenge, retribution and loyalty.



Mark's lucky number is nine (you can read more about the influence of this number in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).




Animal - symbol

Mark's totem animal is the yak, symbolizing fertility, power, strength, power, male sexuality, but at the same time violence and rage. This multi-valued symbol of divinity and royalty can signify the opposition between good and evil, light and darkness, death and rebirth.

The bull not only symbolizes mockery of death, which it openly challenges, but also personifies the desire to elevate and ennoble base human passions.


Mark's symbolic plants are aralia and purslane.


This is a symbol of closeness, sensuality and intimacy, so for a long time it has been customary to give bouquets of these flowers to your beloved as irrefutable proof and recognition of your deep feelings.

Aralia also personifies perseverance of character and firmness of decisions, for this reason this flower patronizes insecure people with a dual character.


IN Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, purslane was extremely popular, since it was considered not only medicinal plant, capable of overcoming many ailments, but also a powerful amulet that protects against any spells, curses and slander.

Later, this plant became a symbol of mistrust, caution, wariness and betrayal.


Platinum is considered the brand's metal, symbolizing high status, luxury, purity, impeccable taste, uniqueness, a high level of intelligence, as well as the determination and ambition of a person.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Mark

Name translation

From Latin the name Mark is translated as “dry”, “fading”.

History of the name

The name Mark comes from Greek male name"Markoe", derived from the Latin word "marcus", which translates as "hammer".

According to another version, this name is a derivative form of the name Mars (remember that this was the name in Ancient Rome god of war).

Finally, the name Mark indicates belonging to the ancient Roman family of Marks.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Mark: Markusha, Marik, Markushechka, Markushenka, Marichek, Markusya, Markushka, Markus.

The legend of the name Mark

The Monk Mark the Grave Digger came to the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery at the end of the 11th - beginning of the 12th centuries. Pure at heart and his thoughts were busy digging places for the burial of the brethren from the monastery. He did not demand anything for his hard work (if his work was nevertheless rewarded, then he distributed what he earned to the poor).

The life of the saint was spent in constant prayer and fasting. He not only humbled his flesh, but also practically refused to drink water, which he drank exactly as much as his copper cross, which Mark never parted with, could hold.

The monk was so pure in his faith that the Lord rewarded him with the miraculous power of eloquence (they said that even the dead did not dare to disobey his voice). One day, the Monk Mark, very tired, dug a very narrow grave, in which he placed his dead brother. But the grave was so inconvenient that it was impossible to adjust the deceased’s clothes or pour oil on his body. Then Saint Mark ordered the dead man to pour church oil on himself, which he did, after which he humbly handed over the vessel, lay down in the coffin and rested in eternal sleep.

The Monk Mark quietly ended his righteous life in the Kiev-Pechersk monastery.

The secret of the name Mark

Patrons of the name

  • Reverend Mark Grave Digger (Cave Digger).
  • Hermit Mark of Egypt.
  • Hieromartyr Mark the Evangelist.
  • Reverend Mark Deaf.
  • Venerable Martyr Mark of Sinai.
  • Archbishop Mark Eugenicus (or Ephesian).
  • Faster Mark of Nitria.
  • Reverend Mark.
  • Confessor and Bishop Mark of Arethusia.
  • Venerable Mark of Pskov-Pechersk.
  • Venerable Mark the Athenian (or Thracian).
  • Martyr Mark of Crete.
  • Martyr Mark.
  • Martyr Mark Claudiopolis.
  • Pope Mark.
  • Martyr Mark of Thebaid.
  • Venerable Mark of Triglia.
  • Hieromartyr and Deacon Mark of Rome.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 11th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 27th.

February: 1st and 23rd.

March: 14th, 15th, 18th, 23rd and 24th.

April: 11th, 18th and 25th.

May: 8th and 27th.

June: 2nd and 18th.

July: 16th and 17th.

August: 7th, 14th, 24th, 27th and 31st.

September: 28th.

October: 7th, 10th, 11th, 20th and 22nd.

November: 9th, 12th, 15th, 22nd and 28th.

December: 5th, 7th and 31st.

Famous people

Famous directors named Mark:

  • Mark Zakharov;
  • Mark Rozovsky.

Famous artists named Mark:

  • Mark Prudkin;
  • Mark Bernes;
  • Mark Dacascos;
  • Mark Espinoza.

Famous writers and poets named Mark:

  • Mark Twain - American writer;
  • Marcus Martial is a Roman poet who was famous for his epigrams;
  • Marcus Varro - Roman scientist and writer;
  • Marcus Agrippa - Roman leader and commander;
  • Mark Sobol is a Soviet poet.

Famous political figures:

  • Mark Cicero;
  • Mark Brutus;
  • Marcus Aurelius;
  • Marc Vadier - French revolutionary.

Famous athletes named Mark:

  • Marc Zurer - Swiss racing driver;
  • Mark Bluvshtein - Canadian-Israeli chess player;
  • Mark Bomersback - Canadian ice hockey player;
  • Mark Kirchner is a famous German biathlete.

Mark Mancina - American composer who wrote soundtracks for many popular Hollywood films and cartoons.

Mark Powerman - Russian conductor.

Mark Scanavi - famous Soviet mathematician.

Mark Gallay - Honored Test Pilot of the USSR.

Marc Chagall - Belarusian-Russian artist who emigrated to France.

Mark Antokolsky - famous Russian sculptor.

Meaning of the name Mark

For a child

Mark grows up as a self-centered child who, by hook or by crook, tries to attract the attention of others. He is selfish by nature, so he does not want any brothers or sisters (he is not going to share parental attention with anyone). It must be said that with age, Mark will hide his narcissism behind a mask of charm, politeness and good manners.

This boy is not alien to such qualities as responsiveness, kindness and self-sacrifice, but he is ready to sacrifice something insignificant (he has developed self-love above all else).

In general, little Mark has a rather difficult character, because he combines determination and self-doubt, ambition and fear of losing, selfishness and kindness. He zealously defends his opinion, even if he knows that it is fundamentally wrong.

Mark tries to study “excellently” in order to fully satisfy his vanity, but he does not always succeed, which is due to the boy’s restlessness. But you won’t see this boy even among the “C” students, because he doesn’t want to be worse than one of his peers, whose success he always treats with envy.

For a teenager

Young Mark is responsive, sociable, smart, well-read and well-mannered. His room often resembles a huge library in which you can find books for every taste. Therefore, it is quite natural that Mark is an interesting conversationalist with whom it is pleasant to talk about everything in the world, but it is better not to start an argument with him, since this young man does not know how to listen to other people’s opinions.

Mark’s secrecy and pragmatism can repel others, and he is only willing to trust and open up to the closest people. In relation to his friends, Mark is faithful, honest and selfless (he will never forgive duplicity and deception).

It must be said that Mark’s main driving force is “white envy,” which transforms with age into healthy careerism.

Mark has a wonderful sense of humor, but often his jokes are ironic and even sarcastic, which can negatively affect his relationships with people. Already from his youth, this young man differs from his carefree peers in his practicality, strong character and strong will, which helps him overcome many obstacles.

For a man

Adult Mark is strong-willed, strong-willed, a pragmatic and reasonable man who is childishly carefree, simple-minded and fussy. With age, he reconsiders his guidelines and understands that what is more important in life is not the material component, but simple human warmth.

Mark's activity and energy find a way out in his many hobbies, to which he devotes quite a lot of time. Moreover, any hobby for Mark is another opportunity to prove his superiority. But ambition does not always bring positive results, which the owner of this name should remember.

Mark is an excellent manipulator who easily achieves his plans, directing people in the direction he wants. He does not strive for obvious leadership, content with the role " eminence grise". In people, this man values ​​​​honesty, devotion and purposefulness (Mark tries to live by the principle - do unto others as you would like to be done unto you). He only lets people close to him, proven by time and circumstances, who have always been with him in difficult times. next to him.

Description of the name Mark


In terms of morality, Mark is a real opportunist who will never miss his benefits (if necessary, he will be able to step over some moral or ethical principles). But still, he tries to live his life correctly, so that he would not be ashamed in front of his children and grandchildren.


Mark is in fairly good health, but as he ages, he may develop problems related to the musculoskeletal system, to avoid which he is advised to lead an active lifestyle, including regular physical activity.


In love, Mark does not know constancy (at least until true love bursts into his life). However, it may take many years to find this feeling, since the pragmatic and skeptical Mark is very wary of the manifestation of feelings. In principle, he is not inclined to trust women, so it is extremely difficult to win his heart. But if Mark finds his only love, he will never betray or leave her.

The owner of this name is accustomed to relying only on the voice of reason, so he is in no hurry to trust his heart. In addition, he believes that youth is given to us in order to fully experience all the beauty of relationships without any obligations and vows in eternal love. And only after enjoying freedom and independence to the fullest, you can think about serious relationships and marriage.


Marriages at an early age are not typical for Mark, who carefully chooses his wife, since he marries once and for all. His woman must be ideal: a faithful friend, a sacrificial and impeccable wife, a wonderful housewife, a skilled lover, smart and simply beautiful woman that will be admired by others.

At the same time, Mark’s wife must clearly understand that she will never be a leader in the family (even an unspoken one). On the contrary, her duties will include recognizing the undoubted intellectual superiority of her husband. Therefore, ambitious and bright women who are not ready to part with their freedom cannot get along with the domineering Mark.

Family relationships

Mark is a real master, on whom his wife can rely in all matters: domestic, family, and material. He is quite unpretentious in everyday life, but this does not mean that chaos and disorder reign in his house. On the contrary, he loves cleanliness and orderliness, which is why he chooses a housewife for himself.

He treats his wife with love and respect, since most often he marries for love, and not for calculation. She also knows how to find a common language with her mother-in-law, which is important for family happiness. In matters of raising children, he is strict (sometimes even despotic) and adamant, and will not allow anyone to interfere in the educational process.

He values ​​his family happiness very much, so he will try to do everything in his power to maintain peace, tranquility and comfort in the family.


Mark attracts women not only as an interesting conversationalist, but also as a sexual partner, since he has charm, charisma, and sensuality. Therefore, it is quite natural that the owner of this name early learns all the delights of the intimate sphere of life. He loves variety in his sexual life, for this reason he is not attracted to constrained and closed women at all.

Mind (intelligence)

Mark is smart and quick-witted, so it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to fool him.

In addition, he knows how to correctly and quickly analyze a situation, so he very rarely encounters problems and tasks that he cannot solve on his own.


Career is extremely important for Mark, so for the sake of it he is ready to work around the clock, forgetting about rest and sleep. In addition, Mark understands that his opinion will not always be taken into account by both his colleagues and his superiors. But he is ready to patiently wait for his finest hour, especially since the owner of this name knows how to adapt to existing circumstances.

Mark will make a responsible and purposeful lawyer, financier, economist, doctor or Researcher. At the same time, he will be able to fully demonstrate his creative abilities in such professions as an artist, composer, director, artist, writer.


Calculating and pragmatic, Mark is able to organize his own business, which will definitely flourish, because this man is hardworking and ambitious. It must also be said that he is very attentive to details, which also has a positive effect on business development.


Mark is passionate about everything: he tries to lead an active lifestyle, so he devotes a lot of time to his physical health. This man will also appreciate an evening with a good book. Driving cars fast is another hobby of Mark. But most of all he loves to travel, and he gives preference to relaxing near bodies of water.

Character type


Mark is a good-natured and sympathetic man who often lacks depth of feelings (he tries to fill this gap, first of all, with acting, which he does well). He perfectly knows how to control his emotions, so Mark, who is in a bad mood, can be seen extremely rarely, and even then mainly in the circle of people close to him.

Sometimes Mark's coldness, his pride and reluctance to delve into the problems of others lead to his alienation from the team. The straightforwardness of Mark, who does not choose expressions when expressing his opinion on this or that matter, does not contribute to the establishment of warm relations.

But still, thanks to his charm, erudition and intelligence, this man knows how to win people over. All of Mark’s thoughts and aspirations are aimed primarily at achieving a high social position in society.


Mark is a person who always relies only on reason, while tips inner voice he leaves it unnoticed.

Horoscope named Mark

Mark - Aries

This is a purposeful, responsible and energetic man who clearly knows what he wants from life. He goes headlong towards his goals, not accepting compromises. Mark-Aries always defends his point of view, with great difficulty accepting criticism. A woman must unquestioningly obey Mark-Aries, otherwise he will move away from her, which will ultimately lead to a break in the relationship.

Mark - Taurus

This active and active man has an inexhaustible source of energy, so much in life is given to him without much difficulty. Mark-Taurus most of all in life cannot stand boredom and loneliness, so he tries to diversify his life and fill it with interesting events. A Mark-Taurus woman should be energetic and impulsive. She should also share all the hobbies of her partner.

Mark - Gemini

Charming, open, cheerful and sociable, Gemini Mark loves to be the center of attention. He is ambitious and achieves his goals by any means. He is attracted to large companies and fun parties where he can show his wit. But in his personal life, Gemini Mark is quite infantile, so he needs a self-confident and strong-willed woman with a strong character.

Mark - Cancer

This is a real dreamer who looks at the world through the prism of rose-colored glasses. Mark-Cancer loves to make bright plans for the future, but he does not always manage to realize his dreams. Harmony and a share of rationalism will be brought into the world of Mark-Cancer by a thorough and serious woman who thinks in real categories and prefers to live here and now, rather than dream of an unrealistic tomorrow.

Mark - Leo

This self-confident man believes that there is only one correct opinion, and it belongs to him.

Mark-Lev will defend his opinion until his last breath, even if to do this he will have to go into open conflict with others. He is stubborn and vain, which negatively affects his relationships with people. Mark-Leo needs a kind, gentle and affectionate woman who can surround him with care and love.

Mark - Virgo

Closedness, silence and lack of self-confidence are distinctive features character of Mark the Virgo. At the same time, this man makes very high demands on those around him, which affects the number of friends, of which he has very few. Mark-Virgo loves loneliness, so he does not start a serious relationship for a long time, fearing to radically change his life.

Mark - Libra

Open, sincere, cheerful and sympathetic, Mark-Libra has many friends whose company he values ​​very much. He is carefree and cheerful, his life resembles a carnival in which passions boil. At the same time, Mark-Libra has a poor understanding of people, therefore, in the end, he remains with his own interests and without so-called friends. He needs a serious woman who will take control of the house and her chosen one.

Mark - Scorpio

The benevolent and fair Mark-Scorpio will not tolerate pretense, duplicity, or deception in people. He does not hesitate to tell people about their shortcomings, but he does this not to humiliate a person, but to direct him on the path of correction. Mark-Scorpio has few friends, because not many are ready to adequately accept criticism addressed to them. Women also have a hard time with the domineering Mark.

Mark - Sagittarius

The inconstancy of Mark-Sagittarius manifests itself in all areas of life: he has many hobbies and interests, this man does not stay at one job for a long time (especially if the chosen activity does not bring him moral pleasure). Mark-Sagittarius also does not seek to build long-term and serious relationships with women, as he is afraid of losing his freedom.

Mark - Capricorn

This is a strong-willed man with a strong character and iron willpower. But Mark-Capricorn, if necessary, can show such qualities as softness and sensuality. This man can show toughness, vindictiveness and stubbornness if he or people close to him have been offended. The Mark-Capricorn woman must, first of all, be a loyal friend, ready to support at any moment.

Mark - Aquarius

Easy-going and cheerful in communication, Mark-Aquarius is a born optimist who never loses heart, so fate often presents him with pleasant gifts. He is independent and purposeful, never expects help from others, although he himself helps people with pleasure. Mark-Aquarius is looking for a kind, understanding and feminine woman who has a rich inner world.

Mark - Pisces

Gallant, well-mannered and delicate, Mark-Pisces does not like to conflict. He is able to solve any problem diplomatically, which helps him climb confidently career ladder. This man is popular with women, whom he tries to manipulate whenever possible to achieve his goals. Mark-Pisces falls in love once and for all with a sincere and caring woman.

Compatibility of the name Mark with female names

Mark and Olga

This strong and energetic couple always strives to be first in everything, so creating an ideal family for Mark and Olga is an extremely important task. And for this they have all the prerequisites: feelings, trust, and understanding.

Mark and Anna

This couple craves adventure, which is due to their excessive curiosity and adventurism.

Mark and Daria

This union is created by practical and prudent people who clearly calculate their every step, which helps them gain confidence in tomorrow and stability. Mark and Daria will definitely create a strong family.

Mark and Olesya

Real Shakespearean passions flare up between Olesya and Mark, in which there is a place for jealousy, anger, and tenderness. Both are powerful and ambitious, and therefore it is difficult for them to establish living together and become one and indivisible.

Mark and Alena

Alena completely surrenders to the feelings that flare up in her for Mark, but over time she becomes bored, and the reason for this is the calm disposition of her partner, who appreciates peace and quiet in the house. Most often, the relationship between Mark and Alena does not work out.

Mark and Margarita

For Mark and Margarita, the most important thing in a relationship is spiritual unity, therefore, they direct their strength and energy precisely in this direction, although from comfort and material goods They are not going to refuse either. They manage to find a balance between the material and spiritual worlds.

Mark and Alexandra

Despite the fact that Mark and Alexandra have completely different characters, family life they manage to achieve enviable harmony. And all for the reason that both know how to listen and hear each other.

Mark and Polina

The relationship between Polina and Mark cannot be called ideal, because they have different values ​​and interests, and they both approach the material part of their life together completely differently, which can cause a breakup.

Mark and Irina

Passionate, sensual and cheerful Irina is the complete opposite of the solid, calm and balanced Mark. Irina in these relationships plays the role of an energy source that feeds Mark.

Mark and Elizabeth

Often, Mark is not only support and protection for Lisa, but also a real nanny. But over time, Mark gets tired of playing the role of a father, because he also wants to feel love and affection. And it is important for Lisa to remember this if she does not want to lose her lover.

Mark and Veronica

Mark is ready to sacrifice his pride for Veronica, because this carefree, but at the same time ambitious woman wants to lead her chosen one. And here a sense of proportion is important, because if you cross the line, you can destroy the relationship.

Mark and Sophia

Sophia and Mark have to go through a series of tests and checks before realizing that they are made for each other. But subsequently their relationship is not threatened by any family storms.

The male name Mark has several versions of origin: according to one, it came from a Roman family name meaning “dry”, according to the second, its root is the Latin word “marcus”, which is translated as “hammer”, and according to the third, this form of the name of God Mars. Be that as it may, the name Mark is quite common throughout the world, for example, in the sounds Marko, Marek, Markos, Markus. In Russia it is not common, but in last years confidently gaining popularity among young parents.

Characteristics of the name Mark

The name Mark gives its owner a calm, strong and firm character. Usually this is a pleasant man, accustomed to relying on himself in everything, practical, but a little jealous of the successes of other people. As a child, this boy is the favorite of all his relatives and friends. He is smiling, friendly, ready to say a warm word to everyone, and can sacrifice something insignificant for the good of others. He studies well, is attentive to his friends, but deep down he always wants to be better than them. The adult Mark retains this hidden desire for success, but if it can be called envy, it is only white. It is she who drives the owner of this name in his efficiency, healthy careerism and practicality. It is she who makes him a little self-centered and strict with people who interfere with his progress. But in general, communication with Mark makes a pleasant impression on others, because he has a good sense of humor, high sociability, and responsiveness.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Libra, that is, from September 24 to October 23. Enterprising Libras are similar to Mark in their average activity, interest in psychology, and desire for new knowledge. According to their influence, the owner of this name will have a kind heart and a developed sense of justice, but in life he will always try to avoid responsibility.

Pros and cons of the name Mark

What are the pros and cons of the name Mark? This name may appeal to many parents for its rarity, strong energy, and sonority. Although it is unusual, it is quite acceptable to combine with Russian surnames and patronymics; the positive side is the ability to choose euphonious abbreviations and diminutions for this name, such as Marik, Markusha, Markusya, Masya, Marchek. Mark’s character is multifaceted and one can find both positive and negative qualities in him, but there are no obvious shortcomings in him, so in general the name Mark makes a good impression.


Mark's health is quite good. In adulthood, he may experience problems with the musculoskeletal system, but usually throughout his life he does not suffer from anything more serious than a cold.

Love and family relationships

IN family relationships Mark prefers to date a modest woman who does not claim intense public attention. He partly does this in order to stand out from her background, however, if his wife is wise, then he will not make a problem out of this little thing, since Mark will be a faithful husband, a thrifty family man and a good, albeit strict, father.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, the owner of this name is inclined towards activities related to law, finance, economics, and science. But he can also make an excellent theater artist, composer, director, television worker, toastmaster.

Name day

Name day by Orthodox calendar Mark celebrates many times a year, such as January 15, February 23, March 18, April 18, May 8, June 18, July 16, August 24, October 10, November 9, December 31. Catholic name days Mark also celebrates many times, such as February 27, March 24, April 28, June 14, July 3, September 25, October 4, November 22.

Short form of the name Mark. Markusha, Markusya, Masya, Mara, Mar, Maka, Markus, Markukha, Martusya, Tusya, Marichek, Marik, Marki, Marko, Marchik, Marcho.
Synonyms for the name Mark. Marko, Markus, Markos, Marku, Markush, Marek, Marks.
Origin of the name Mark. The name Mark is Russian, English, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Mark has several versions of the origin of the name. According to the first version, the name Mark comes from Greek name Marcos, which has Latin roots and is in turn derived from the Latin word "marcus", meaning "hammer".

According to the second version, the name Mark originates from the name of the god, patron of people and herds, who later became the god of war - Mars. This is confirmed by the presence of the praenomen (personal name) Marcus among the Romans. Christians venerate the Evangelist Mark, an apostle from the 70s, who is considered the patron saint of livestock farmers, as well as secretaries, notaries and teenagers.

According to the third version, the name Mark has French roots and comes from “marquis”, meaning “marquis”.

The name Mark has related names - Markell, Marcel, Marceline, Marcian, Markius, Marsyas, Martin, Martyn, Martimyan, as well as paired ones female names to the listed men's. In Russian, Mark can also be called as Marko, and they will affectionately address him as Markusha, Markusya, or Masya, Maka, Mara.

Dates Orthodox name days for Mark: January 11, January 15, January 17, January 27, February 1, February 23, March 18, March 23, April 11, April 18, May 8, May 27, June 18, July 16, July 17, August 24 , October 10, October 11, October 20, November 9, November 12, December 5, December 7, December 31.

In early childhood, it is especially noticeable that Mark is self-centered. As the boy grows older, he begins to disguise this trait behind a smile, politeness and readiness for self-sacrifice. And as a child, Mark strives to ensure that his family members deal only with him. At school, the boy is sensitive to the success of others, although he tries to hide his envy. Having become a grown man, Mark remains tolerant of those who do not take into account his interests and contradict him. This has a beneficial effect on his career success.

Mark shows an interest in reading; in his house there are many books by foreign authors and various newspapers. Mark loves card games, but when he loses, he gets angry and can behave rather unceremoniously.

Mark is quite secretive; even to his closest people he does not open up completely. In everyday life, Mark is unpretentious, but in the house he must feel like a master. Mark raises his children in unquestioning obedience, and is sometimes excessively cruel to them. He often argues, proves that he is right, and loves to talk with his wife and mother-in-law.

Mark approaches marriage carefully, trying to choose a wife who can become not only his friend, but also an impeccable assistant, ready to sacrifice her interests for the sake of her husband’s plans. It is important for him that the future wife recognizes her husband’s intellectual superiority, no matter whether it actually exists or not. It is unlikely that Mark will tolerate a woman with a strong personality and creative talent next to him.

Name day Mark

Mark celebrates his name day on January 11, January 15, January 17, January 27, February 1, February 23, February 27, March 18, March 23, March 24, March 29, April 11, April 18, April 25, April 28, May 8 , May 27, June 14, June 18, July 3, July 15, July 16, July 17, August 24, September 25, September 28, October 4, October 10, October 11, October 20, October 22, November 9, 12 November, November 22, December 5, December 7, December 10, December 31.

Famous people named Mark

  • Marcus Aurelius Antoninus ((121-180) Roman emperor (161-180) from the Antonine dynasty. Philosopher, representative of late Stoicism, follower of Epictetus. All boys of the Antonine family were called by the name Mark)
  • Marcus Junius Brutus Caepio ((85-42 BC) Roman senator, known as the assassin of Caesar)
  • Mark (Roman usurper emperor in 406(?)-407)
  • Mark ((d.336) Bishop of Rome from January 18 to October 7, 336, remained only 8 months as Bishop of Rome. Little is known about him, only that he is a Roman. Most likely, during his tenure, recordings of early lists of bishops and martyrs, known as Depositio episcoparum and Depositio martyrum. He is often confused with the Roman martyr Mark, next to whom he is buried.)
  • Mark (Marcos) (apostle from seventy, companion of the apostles Paul and Barnabas. Mentioned in the lists of the apostles by Dorotheus, Adon and Demetrius of Rostov. In addition to him with the same name, the evangelist Mark and Mark-John (nephew of the apostle) are mentioned in the lists of the apostles, prologues and collections of lives Barnabas). The overwhelming majority of modern researchers are convinced that the references in the New Testament to Mark (a companion of Paul and Barnabas) and Mark, called John, refer to the same person, and unreliable distinctions between the three Marks arose only in late church tradition.)
  • Mark Twain ((1835-1910) real name – Samuel Langhorne Clemens; American writer, public figure, journalist, author of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “The Prince and the Pauper”, “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn”, etc. Many of the writer’s works have been filmed.)
  • Marc Chagall ((1887-1985) Belarusian, Russian and French artist, graphic artist, painter, stage designer and poet (Yiddish) of Jewish origin, one of the most famous representatives of the artistic avant-garde of the 20th century)
  • Mark Bernes ((1911-1969) real name - Neumann; Soviet film actor and singer, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1965). Winner of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1951). One of the most beloved Soviet pop artists, an outstanding Russian chansonnier. In many ways thanks to Bernes, a golden fund of Russian song classics was formed.)
  • Marco Polo ((1254-1324) Italian merchant and traveler who presented the story of his journey through Asia in the famous “Book of the Diversity of the World.” Despite doubts about the reliability of the facts presented in this book, expressed from the moment of its appearance to the present time, it serves as a valuable source on the geography, ethnography, history of Iran, China, Mongolia, India, Indonesia and other countries in the Middle Ages. This book had a significant influence on sailors, cartographers, and writers of the 14th-16th centuries. In particular, it was on the ship of Christopher Columbus. during his search for a route to India.)
  • Marc-Andre Bergeron (professional Canadian ice hockey player, defenseman, currently a free agent)
  • Marc-Antoine Muret ((1526-1585) French humanist, teacher of Montaigne)
  • Marc-Vivien Foe ((1975-2003) Cameroonian footballer, died of a heart attack during the semi-finals of the Confederations Cup in 2003; posthumously received the silver medal of the tournament)
  • Mark Zuckerberg ((b.1984) American programmer, known as the developer, owner and founder social network"Facebook")
  • Mark Alan Webber (Australian racing driver, Formula 1 driver)
  • Mark Yzerman ((1913-1992) Soviet scientist in the field of control theory, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, representative of the first generation of cybernetics in the USSR)
  • Mark Azadovsky ((1888-1954) Russian folklorist, literary critic and ethnographer)
  • Mark Barton (New Zealand football attacking midfielder, former New Zealand international)
  • Mark Bernstein ((1919-1989) one of the largest materials scientists of the USSR, Doctor of Technical Sciences. He was the organizer and long-term head of the thermomechanical processing laboratory at MISiS. Author of numerous monographs and teaching aids in materials science.)
  • Marc Almond ((born 1957) full name– Peter Mark Sinclair Almond; English singer. From 1979 to 1984, Almond was a member of the electronic pop duo Soft Cell and the Marc And The Mambas project. Since 1984 he has been performing solo, periodically recording in various projects (including Soft Cell). He has published several autobiographical books.)
  • Mark Sobol ((1918-1999) Russian Soviet poet; awarded the medal “For Courage”, Order of the Red Star)
  • Mark Braga ((1910-1985) innovator of agricultural production, combine operator of the collective farm "Russia" of the Golopristansky district of the Kherson region of the Ukrainian SSR, twice Hero of Socialist Labor (1949, 1958))
  • Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa ((63 BC-12 BC) Roman statesman and commander, friend and son-in-law of Emperor Octavian Augustus. Agrippa played a significant role in the military successes of Octavian Augustus, who did not have military abilities; patronized the arts, built the Pantheon)
  • Mark of Ephesus, Manuel Eugenicus ((1392-1444) Metropolitan of Ephesus, Orthodox theologian, the only participant in the Ferrara-Florence Council who did not accept the union; in 1734 he was canonized as a saint)
  • Mark Guchko (Slovak linguist, creator of the Slovio, “fast English” and simplified Russian languages)
  • Mark Gertler ((1891-1939) English artist)
  • Mark Zurer (Swiss racing driver, participant in the Formula 1 World Championship)
  • Marc Gicquel (French professional tennis player)
  • Mark Zak ((born 1929) Russian film critic, film critic, film historian)
  • Mark Ivelich, “Ivelich 1st” ((1740-1825) count, lieutenant general and senator of Russia, originating from Boka Kotorska (now Montenegro). He successfully proved himself in the Archipelago expeditions in 1769-1775 and 1807. In 1812 he was sent on a diplomatic mission to Wallachia and contributed to the conclusion of peace between the Turks and Serbs.)
  • Mark Jerome (Marco Girolamo) Vida ((c.1490-1566) Italian humanist, poet; Bishop of Alba (from 1532). Author of the poem “The Game of Chess” (1513; published anonymously in 1525; 2nd edition, 1527 - from named after the author). The poem tells about a chess game between Apollo and Mercury, describes in detail the rules of chess that was “new” for that time, and depicts the behavior of chess players, as well as spectators during the game. The poem became widespread in Europe (only in the 16th century - 32). editions); translated into most European languages, contributed to the appearance of other poetic and prosaic works on the theme of chess. According to Harold Murray, the term “tower”, first used by Vida in the poem to name the extreme figure, contributed to the spread of this name in Western countries in 1560. 1980s, the Polish poet Jan Kochanowski created his variation on the theme of Vida’s poem (“Chess”).
  • Mark James Todd (famous New Zealand equestrian athlete, recognized International Federation equestrian sport the best equestrian of the 20th century. He specialized in triathlon.)
  • Mark Jefferson ((1863-1949) chief cartographer of the American delegation to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919. He was also head of the geography department at Michigan State Normal College (MSNC), now Eastern Michigan University (EMU) from 1901-1939. In 1916 Jefferson served as President of the Association of American Geographers.)
  • Mark Dacascos (American actor and martial artist)
  • Mark Damon Espinosa (American actor)
  • Marcus Tullius Decula (ancient Roman politician, consul 81 BC)
  • Mark Bluvshtein (Canadian and Israeli chess player, grandmaster (2004), became Canada's youngest chess grandmaster at 16, master at 13)
  • Mark Bomersback (Canadian ice hockey forward)
  • Mark Kuechner (American astrophysicist, employee of the Goddard Space Flight Center. Known primarily for his participation in the development of the coronagraph, which can be used to find terrestrial planets, and is actively involved in the development of the Terrestrial Planet Finder telescope, as well as the future James Webb orbital telescope, which presumably will replace Hubble. An active popularizer of ideas about the ocean planet, carbon planets, and the author of observations of the fragment disk of the white dwarf G29-38. In 2009, he received an award from the Society of Optics and Photonics for his work on the coronagraph.)
  • Mark Ludwig (American pairs figure skater; with Amanda Evora - two-time silver medalist at the US Championships)
  • Mark Lawrenson (retired English footballer, central defender, best known for his performances for Liverpool and the Republic of Ireland national team. Currently working as an expert analyst for the BBC.)
  • Mark Maksimov ((1918 – 1986) real name is Lipovich; Soviet poet, playwright, publicist, translator; awarded two orders of “Badge of Honor” and medals)
  • Mark Mancina (American composer; mainly writes soundtracks for Hollywood films, has arranged many songs for cartoons from the Disney film company)
  • Mark Paverman ((1907-1993) Russian Soviet conductor, teacher. Laureate of the First All-Union Conducting Competition (1938). Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1955), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1961). In 1996, a memorial sign to Mark was unveiled on the building of the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic Paverman. A music festival in memory of Mark Paverman is held in Yekaterinburg, which took place in 2008 for the ninth time.)
  • Mark Perlman ((1923-2006) American economist, founder and editor (1969-1980) of the Journal of Economic Literature, founder (1989) of the Journal of Evolutionary Economics)
  • Marc Lecarbeau ((c.1570-1641) French polymath, lawyer, traveler, writer, poet and historian of the 17th century, originally from Picardy)
  • Mark Kirchner (German biathlete, three-time Olympic champion, 7-time world champion, European champion)
  • Mark Kabakov ((born 1924) Russian writer, poet, publicist, captain of the first rank. Served in the Baltic, Black Sea and Northern Fleet until 1974. Author of more than twenty books of poetry and prose. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1973) and the Union of Moscow Writers .)
  • Marcus Aurelius Carinus (Roman Emperor 283 - 285)
  • Mark Neustadt ((1903-1985) Russian paleogeographer, paleobotanist, bog scientist, Doctor of Geographical Sciences (1955), professor (1959), Honored Scientist of the RSFSR (1971). One of the founders of the theory of change natural conditions in the Holocene.)
  • Marc Rosset (Swiss tennis player, 1992 Olympic champion, one of the best players in Swiss history)
  • Mark Rivesman ((1868-1924) Jewish writer, translator. He wrote in Yiddish and Russian. Author of children's stories and poems, including a series of feuilletons “From Childhood Memories.” In 1919, he participated in the founding of a Jewish theater studio in Petrograd, which later became the famous GOSET.)
  • Mark Sokolovsky (Moldovan and American checkers player, two-time USSR champion in correspondence checkers, Master of Sports (1968))
  • Mark Skanavi ((1912-1972) Soviet mathematician, editor of the famous “Collection of problems in mathematics for those entering universities.” Published under the editorship of M.I. Skanavi, “Collection of problems for preparing for entrance exams” gained wide popularity and went through six editions. Until Until now, the pedagogical feasibility of constructing this problem book has been noted: “It is worth thinking about creating an all-Russian database of entrance exam problems, grouped by complexity (by analogy with the famous “Scanavi problem book”).”)
  • Marco Ruffo, Mark Ruffo, Mark Fryazin (famous Italian architect of the 15th century, working in Russia. Worked in Moscow between 1485 and 1495 and took an active part in replacing wooden palace buildings with stone ones. Many Kremlin towers were built according to Mark Ruffo's designs, including Spasskaya, Beklemishevskaya and Nikolskaya. In 1491, together with Pietro Antonio Solari, Marco Ruffo completed the construction of the Faceted Chamber. With the exception of the Beklemishevskaya tower, all the buildings begun by Marco Ruffo after 1487 were completed by other architects in Moscow. In the presence of Marco Ruffo's descendant, Prince Rufo Ruffo, the 500th anniversary of the Chamber of Facets was celebrated.)
  • Marc Savard (professional Canadian ice hockey player, center forward)
  • Marc Planu (French footballer)
  • Mark Morgan (composer of music for computer games, as well as music for television series and TV shows; his work is predominantly in the ambient style)
  • Mark Neveldine (American film director, producer, screenwriter and cinematographer)
  • Mark Mitin ((1901–1987) real name – Gershkovich; Soviet scientist-philosopher, publicist, Winner of the Stalin Prize of the first degree (1943))
  • Marc Fornet i Molnay ((born 1946) Andorran politician, head of the Andorran government from 1994 to 2005)
  • Mark Tokar (Ukrainian jazz double bassist; son of famous artist Marta Tokar)
  • Marc Maria France, Viscount Eyskens ((born 1933) Belgian economist, statesman and politician)
  • Mark Prudkin ((1898-1994) Soviet Russian actor theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Socialist Labor)
  • Mark Urnov ((born 1947) Russian political scientist)
  • Mark Shuttleworth (South African entrepreneur, second space tourist)
  • Mark Wayne Chase (English botanist of American origin, known for his work on the systematics and evolution of plants, Member of the Royal Society of London)
  • Mark Hindsley ((1905-1999) American conductor and composer. Author of numerous arrangements for brass band)
  • Marc Pujol Pons (Andorran footballer)
  • Marc Rich ((born 1934) American entrepreneur, founder of the large trading company Marc Rich & Co. (now called Glencore; Rich lost control of the company in 1993), billionaire)
  • Mark Slonim ((1894-1976) Russian writer, publicist, critic)
  • Georgi Ivanov Gyurov, also known as Georgi Heroiski, Marko Lerinski and Marko the Voivode ((1862-1902) Bulgarian revolutionary in Macedonia, member of the WMORO)
  • Marko Jovanovic (Serbian footballer, defender, 2008 Olympic participant)
  • Marko Krizhevcanin, Marko Krizin ((1589-1619) saint Roman Catholic Church, priest, martyr, professor of theology, missionary)
  • Marko Jaric (Serbian professional basketball player, as part of the Yugoslav national team he became the European champion in 2001 and the world champion in 2002)
  • Mark Tsarynnyk, Marko Tsarynnyk (American-Canadian writer and historian, writing in English and Ukrainian, translator into English)

What does the name given at birth mean? How does it affect fate? Every person has asked himself such questions at least once in his life. This article will reveal the meaning of the name Mark. This information will help when communicating with this man.

Origin of the name Mark

There are several versions of its appearance. According to the first, it has Greek roots and is derived from the name Markos. It, in turn, arose from the Latin word “marcus”, which means “hammer”.

According to another version, it appeared on behalf of the Greek god of war - Mars.

There is a third theory of its origin. Supporters of this version believe that it arose from a Roman family name, which translates as “dry.”

It is not common in Russia, but is currently gaining popularity. But all over the world the name Mark is very common, and depending on the country it sounds differently: Markus, Markos, Marek, Marko.


The meaning of the name Mark for a boy suggests that its owner knows from an early age how to achieve what he wants, and he always succeeds. He feels people well, recognizes the weak character traits of loved ones and uses this for his own purposes.

Often Mark is the only and long-awaited child in the family. His parents simply idolize him, fulfilling the child’s every whim. For a child this becomes the norm. That's why Mark loves to be the center of attention. In any situation, he makes sure that all relatives are concerned only with his person.

If there are other children in the family, then relationships with them rarely develop, since the boy feels competition from them. He prefers to be in male company and demands a lot of attention from his father, who, in turn, should not refuse his son communication.

Mark has a very developed charm, it helps him avoid punishment for his pranks and pranks. Already from childhood, his character was dominated by selfishness, which would accompany him throughout his life.

The meaning of the name Mark for a boy characterizes him as a complex child. There is no need to strictly punish him for his misdeeds; the worst thing will be the indifference of his parents.

Close people quite often choose euphonious abbreviations for the boy’s name, such as Marik, Masya, Marchik, Markusya or Markusha.

School years

Mark fully justifies the meaning of a name for a child. Growing up, he becomes a leader in the company of his peers. Some children do not like him, but are afraid to speak out openly.

He does not show much interest in studying at school, but does well. He is jealous of the successes of his classmates, but carefully hides these feelings.

The boy comes easily to the exact sciences: mathematics, physics, but with languages ​​there can be big problems if he doesn’t get a tutor. However, parents should not put pressure on Mark, forcing him to do something against his will. When communicating, you should not raise your voice, otherwise he may harbor a grudge.

The child's name Mark indicates that its owner loves music very much. Can learn to play any instrument. At school he takes prizes at various events.

Mark is growing up as an active boy, but also devotes a lot of time to books. He loves to read. For him, books are a break from games.

After school, Mark will definitely continue his studies and plans to make a good career in the future.


The name Mark (meaning, origin we are considering) suggests that its owner grows up to be a strong, calm man with a strong character.

Just like in childhood, he is an excellent manipulator. Many things are done by the hands of other people.

Mark is a practical and very independent person. He feels superior to others, but will never show it. Secrecy accompanies him throughout his life. Quite often he does not open up even to those closest to him.

The meaning of the name Mark also characterizes him as a man who dreams a lot. However, his thoughts are not connected with something unreal; he will only think about what he himself is capable of bringing to life. Strong-willed qualities young man allow him to achieve success in almost any direction. When achieving a goal, he relies only on his own strength.

During communication, Mark creates the impression of a pleasant person with a good sense of humor, responsive and sociable. However, as for the material side, he will never lend money, in rare cases, only to very important people.

Relationships with loved ones do not always work out. A man should be attentive and sincere with them. This will earn you respect from them.

Character traits

What does the name Mark mean? How does it affect its owner depending on the time of year of his birth? These questions are of interest not only to close people, but also to the man himself.

Thus, “autumn” Mark is fair, honest, and ready to stand up for the weak in any situation. He doesn’t forgive mistakes even to his family; his principles come first. However, to achieve the goal, he can be cunning. Finds himself in jurisprudence and can become a good lawyer.

For “spring” Mark, it is important to be useful. He devotes himself to medicine, becoming the best in his field. He makes an excellent surgeon, neurologist or dentist.

“Summer” Mark is a very versatile personality. He is interested in exact sciences, of which he gives preference to finance and economics. At the same time, he can make an excellent designer, and his artistry will contribute to his acting career.

“Winter” Mark devotes himself entirely to science. Becomes a scientist or teacher at a university. In this direction he is moving up the career ladder quite quickly.

Health and mental health

What does the name Mark mean and how does it affect the health of its bearer? The answers to these questions are of interest primarily to parents, and then to the owner himself. Mark is one of those people who have had good health since childhood. Only occasionally does he have colds.

However, with age, problems with the musculoskeletal system may appear and cause great inconvenience to a man.

Mark is also very mentally stable. It's hard to piss him off. Even if he is furious, he will never show it. Outwardly he is always calm.

Occasionally, Mark experiences depression, but he copes with them on his own, having analyzed the situation that led to such a state.

Love and sex

Mark is growing into a very attractive man, but he doesn't use it often. As a rule, there are many girls around him, and he chooses himself.

If the lady is really interested in Mark, then the courtship will be very beautiful until she ends up in his arms. But, as a rule, this does not require much time. Almost no one can resist the charm of a young man.

The meaning of the name Mark suggests that care is very important for its owner, as well as increased attention to his person. The girl should simply idolize him and agree in everything. In this case, the relationship can become long-lasting.

In turn, Mark also pays attention to his chosen one, but according to his mood. He will give flowers for no reason, arrange a surprise and a real celebration, but may forget about memorable dates.

Sex is very important for a man. He loves variety, but is very picky when choosing a partner. He will be affectionate in bed, at such moments the girl will think that he is the most the best man in the world. Active action is also expected from the fairer sex.

Marriage and family

The male name Mark (the meaning and origin is described in the article) characterizes its owner as an amorous young man. However, this is only until the moment he meets his one and only.

He marries early, but chooses his future wife carefully. The chosen one must meet the man's requirements. Outwardly, she is usually an inconspicuous girl, ready to sacrifice her interests for the sake of her beloved. She should not overshadow her husband, but be his friend. In the family, only he can be the main one, his opinion is always decisive, Mark does not accept objections. Capable of arguing to the last, proving he is right.

However clever woman will yield to his life partner, but at the same time, taking into account the peculiarities of his character, he will try to find a compromise.

Mark is unpretentious in everyday life and food. She loves her children very much, but raises them in strictness. He can be cruel to them.

According to Mark, in an ideal family, the wife should stay at home, run the household, and devote a lot of time to her husband and children. Mark himself does nothing about the housework, so he will give preference to a city apartment rather than a country house.

A woman who wants to build a career will have quarrels in her relationship with her husband. If she achieves more in life than her husband, this may lead to divorce, since the wife's success will irritate and depress him.

Name compatibility

An alliance with Anna, Ada, Anastasia, Vera, Isabella, Maria, Martha, Caroline, Regina, Emma will be favorable for Mark.

Relationships with Angelica, Alisa, Agnia, Valeria, Wanda, Ekaterina, Inna, Irina, Ksenia, Kira, Claudia, Rimma, Stella and Yana will be difficult.


The origin of the name Mark suggests that his love of books will remain with him throughout his life.

At a man's home usually a big library. There is fiction, fiction, books on law, economics and many others.

He will try to instill a love of books in his children. Mark is one of those people for whom a book is the best gift.

Sports help a man to be in good shape. He loves active recreation and travels a lot. Prefers extreme sports.

He is also interested in cars and loves speed. On rare occasions he participates in races. You can see him playing cards, but because of this hobby, quarrels break out in his family.

Mark always collects something, often antiques.

Pros and cons of the name

At first glance, the name Mark is unusual, sounds beautiful, and has strong energy. Meaning, its origin in Lately are increasingly attracting the attention of young parents. It seems foreign, but goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics.

Even little Mark shows strength of character. The meaning of the name for a child is manifested in the fact that the boy is a real man from birth. Organized, self-confident, independent in any situation. In Mark’s character one can feel steadfastness, strength, and courage.

Of course, in him, as in any person, one can find positive and negative traits, but in general, Mark completely justifies the meaning of the name (reviews from loved ones confirm this).

Secrets of communication

When communicating with Mark, you should pay more attention to logic, focusing on specific conclusions, observing statistics and perspectives. However, he is not used to changing his opinion; he will defend his point of view by any means. And when he realizes that he is wrong, he will simply begin to ignore past dialogues.

The meaning of the name Mark suggests that any comments addressed to him greatly hurt his self-esteem. He will quickly try to correct the situation, which he will definitely report as soon as possible.

He rarely starts scandals with unfamiliar people, but if this happens, a sense of humor can help resolve the situation. When communicating, Mark often uses acting. So he tries to hide the insincerity or lack of depth of his feelings.

In public, a man usually hides negative emotions, but gives free rein to them in his close circle. It’s best for Mark’s chosen one to learn not to pay attention to such moments, just remain silent, and not discuss this situation in the future. For this he will be very grateful.

Also, you shouldn’t expect an apology from Mark; if he asks for forgiveness, then only from very close ones and as a last resort.

Mark, the meaning of the name. Character: general information

  • Zodiac sign - Taurus.
  • Happy day of the week is Friday.
  • Planet - Venus.
  • The time of year is spring.
  • Color - red.
  • Totem animal - yak.
  • Plant - aralia, purslane.
  • The name stone is porphyrite.
  • Name day - January 11 (December 29), May 8 (April 25).

The meaning of the name Mark is from the Latin “marcus” - “hammer”.

Origin of the name

The origin of the name Mark is from the Greek name Markoe, which, in turn, has Latin roots. According to the second version, it is believed that the beginning of the name is from the Roman god Mars - the god of war, the patron god of herds and people.

Characteristics of the name

Among the names used in Russia, the name Mark seems foreign. This, of course, is reflected in the subconscious of its owner.


Characteristics of the name Mark - an independent and practical person with a sharp and sober mind. It is characterized by balance, increased pride, and a sense of superiority. But Mark, in order to avoid misunderstandings, will prefer not to show this to others. Not prone to painful introspection.

It is better to communicate with Mark in the language of logic, while placing emphasis on benefits and prospects. Mark needs to learn to build relationships with loved ones on sincerity.


Despite his practicality and sober mind, he is not devoid of imagination and daydreaming. Mark's dreams have a solid foundation; they are completely different from simply having their head in the clouds. He has a strong character, is very ambitious, and never forgets about the material side of life. Thanks to his good strong-willed qualities, Mark can achieve noticeable success in life. And his diplomatic skills will help him become a good leader.

According to the seasons

  • “Autumn” Mark can become an excellent lawyer.
  • “Spring” is inclined towards medicine. He can become a good dentist, surgeon, neurologist.
  • “Winter” devotes itself to science.
  • "Letniy" shows interest in exact sciences(accounting, finance and economics). He is artistic and can become a director or actor.

Personal life

He chooses his wife very carefully. He is looking for a life partner who is capable of being at the same time an unquestioning friend, an impeccable assistant and a person capable of sacrificing her interests for his sake. A woman must recognize Mark's intellectual superiority, even if it is not true.

Name compatibility

The name Mark is well compatible with Varvara, Faina, Anastasia, Evdokia, Ada, Frida, Dora, Agatha, Mirra, Vera, Maria, Anna, Stella, Marianna, Emma, ​​Rose.

A marriage with Ksenia, Anfisa, Kira, Alisa, Svetlana, Agnia, Vladislava, Stanislava, Victoria, Stefania, Valeria, Eleanor, Ekaterina, Irina, Nika, Inna, Claudia, Nora, Seraphima, Yana will be fragile.

The following patronymics are suitable for the name Mark: Antonovich, Leonidovich, Abramovich, Mikhailovich, Arsentievich, Ivanovich, Nazarovich, Zakharovich, Petrovich.

Name day

Mark celebrates his name day:

  • January: 10,17,23,27,31;
  • February: 1.22;
  • March: 14.18;
  • April: 11.18;
  • May: 8;
  • July:16;
  • August: 22.27;
  • October: 10,11;
  • November: 7,9,12,15,28;
  • December: 5.31.

Famous people

Famous people, who bore the name Mark: Mark Twain, Mark Chagall, Mark Ruffo, Mark Bruta, Mark Rozovsky, Mark Antokolsky, Mark Zakharov.
