The candle does not light as a sign. A church candle fell: what to do, superstitions and signs in the church. What folk wisdom says

IN Lately I received a lot of diagnostic questions from you. negative impact.

  1. How to diagnose by candles?
  2. What does it mean when candles crackle?
  3. The candles go out - what to do?
  4. How can you diagnose damage?
  5. Why do candles smoke? etc. etc.

Well, let's try to understand everything in as much detail as possible. It just so happened that the gods gave man everything and even more for his happy life. Every average person has a head, willpower, desires and aspirations, but, alas, not everyone has knowledge. Today, not everyone can boast of how, for example, it is necessary to correctly interact with the Primary Elements: Earth, Fire, Air, Water. People don’t know how to read a prayer or a conspiracy correctly, much less have any idea how to make a conspiracy. Questions related to negative influence– things are even worse here. Some craftsmen are only capable of inflicting clumsy damage, which can return to them at any moment. The craftswomen from the “Crazy Head” circle, having read on the Internet some kind of love spell or damage to death that is done in a cemetery, immediately run to the graveyard and sculpt something there, not bothering at all with the consequences.

Diagnostic questions are also a blank sheet in the head. someone heard something somewhere, but doesn’t know anything for sure and can’t repeat it. Information posted on the Internet is varied and often contradictory. And there are also those who don’t believe in anything at all. As if the final result will depend on their faith. Like, I don’t really believe in corruption, so nothing bad will ever happen to me. Yes, of course, keep up the good work.

Our material is not for them, but for those who want to understand how the presence of a negative effect can be determined by the behavior of a candle. So, we want you to clearly understand that by the flame of a candle (in this case there is interaction with the element of Fire) you can determine the presence of damage.

Diagnostics by candles

In fact, there are quite a few ways to determine the presence of a negative impact. A candle is just one of them. For diagnosis, it is best to take a thin wax candle, such as they sell in churches. It is not at all necessary that it be specifically church. You can buy ordinary wax candles at the market or bazaar from those who deal with honey.

True, in some situations, diagnostics may require a large and thick candle, which usually burns for eight hours. Why and why? The thing is that by the time the candle burns you can also diagnose negativity. If a candle burned for six hours or even less instead of the eight prescribed hours, this is clearly a bad sign.

It is also worth remembering that in the absence of negative programs, a lit candle burns quietly and evenly, its flame has a yellow tint (it is also called lunar), there is no crackling or soot, and the burning time always - we repeat - corresponds to the declared one.

When negativity takes place, all sorts of miracles begin. We will consider them now.

15 signs of damage

Sign one. The burning time of the candle is much shorter than it should be. (For example, instead of three hours, a candle burns out in one and a half or even an hour). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

Sign two. While the candle is burning, you feel unpleasant odors. (In a word, you feel a stench, as if wool is burning or nails are burning, or some other organic matter). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

Sign three. The candle spreads unnaturally quickly and strangely. This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

Sign four. The candle melts quickly and unnaturally (For example, some strange swells appear on it, it is especially worth paying attention to large swells and those swells that have changed their color - darkened). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

If suddenly you see that the largest influx has formed at the top of the candle, this may indicate that someone has tried or is trying to reprogram your destiny. If the influxes have formed exclusively on one side, this is a sure sign that someone is very smartly sucking energy from you.

Sign five. While burning, the candle fell. (Yes, oddly enough, but such an event is possible. It seems that you installed it properly, but suddenly it could not stand, and you see that the candle leg looks as if someone tried to set it on fire from below, it is melted ). This state of affairs always indicates that rituals were performed aimed at destroying the life and health of a person, and may also indicate the introduction of entities.

Sign six. Black soot has formed on the candle wick. (In such a case, the candle becomes like a fungus). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

Sign seven. During burning, the wick went down (In this case, the candle may go out, which most often happens. If a person is next to the candle and watches it, then, of course, he can prevent it from going out, but at the same time time, he can, as it were, brush aside what the wick itself shows directly). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

Sign eight. The candles go out, and then it is not possible to light them the first time (For example, instead of three hours, a candle burns out in one and a half or even an hour). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

  1. damage to death,
  2. magic, black magic,
  3. settlement of lower religious forms,
  4. energy channels are broken,
  5. there is active pressure on the will of a person,
  6. settlement of high-energy forms (demons),
  7. obsession.

Sign nine. During combustion, the wick twisted or broke, or split in two. (Note that nothing like this has ever happened before. In such a situation, a person is very surprised by what happened, naively believing that perhaps this is just a defect in the candle. It also happens when the wick breaks and one end of it continues to burn, and the second one goes out - this is also a bad sign). such signs always indicate that rituals were performed on you black magic.

Sign tenth. The candle crackles. (By the way, this is the symptom that is most often found in people in practice). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

Sign eleventh. While burning, the candle makes a sound. (No, it doesn’t crackle, it’s as if it’s humming or whistling.) This sound cannot be ignored; it is truly unnatural. If this is your case, then one hundred percent that a ritual of black magic was performed to enslave your will, perhaps a strong love spell.

Sign twelfth. The candle smokes or even separate pieces of soot fly from it. (This anomaly is also very common - we are talking about smoking. Many have observed such phenomena, but not everyone knows what this can mean. Soot does not always form, but sometimes this happens). Meanwhile, everything is simple, this may indicate the presence of the following negative:

  1. strongest love spell
  2. influence from photography,
  3. pumping energy through channels,
  4. using runes to cause damage,
  5. damage through the house and things,
  6. energy vampirism,
  7. crown of celibacy,
  8. health related damage.

Sign thirteen. During combustion, the height of the flame and its light intensity change. (This anomaly also occurs quite often. Even being a naturally inattentive person, you can notice that such exercises have been observed more than once. The flame will flare up, then suddenly begin to burn very dimly, then rise high, then barely glow and it seems that -it will go out). This may indicate the presence of the following negative:

Sign fourteen. As the candle burns, it breaks. (It doesn’t happen often, but it still happens. Sometimes a candle can really break, and sometimes crack. Such things are hard to believe, but when you see them in a real diagnosis, the hair on your body can stand on end. You always need to look carefully so that strange defects do not form on the candle itself. If they appear, this is a bad sign). Such phenomena may indicate the presence of the following negative:

  1. black magic,
  2. settlements of lower religious forms,
  3. infestation of demonic entities,
  4. inhabitation of demons,
  5. cemetery love spell,
  6. love spell on menstrual blood,
  7. damage to fate programming,
  8. damage to death

Sign fifteen. While burning, the candle suddenly bends and does not stand, as if it were made of plasticine. (Such a “miracle,” fortunately, does not occur very often, but sometimes it happens. If suddenly this happened in your situation, then know that someone performed a ritual of black magic on you, aimed at suppressing your will , perhaps a powerful love spell was cast. It is worth thinking about where your thoughts are directed and about whom your heart is suffering. Much less often it may indicate the infiltration of low entities.

This is exactly the kind of oil painting we came up with. If, while conducting diagnostics, you suddenly discovered more than three of the signs we described, it’s time to do something that will allow you to get rid of the negative as quickly as possible. There are many ways, here, as they say, you hold the cards in your hands. Try everything to remove the negativity. And you can start, for example, with elementary Annealing, we talked about it quite recently.

Since ancient times, the candle flame has magical power. It cleanses the energy of people, connects them with other worlds. Through the fire of a candle lit in the church, we turn to God, asking him for help and peace for the souls of our deceased relatives and friends. But sometimes it happens that the candles go out at the moment of reading the prayer or simply fall to the floor. This begins to alarm and frighten us, because, according to folk superstitions, if a church candle falls, it does not bode well. In this article we invite you to figure out whether this is really the case. We will tell you what signs exist and what church ministers think about this.

A candle is a special symbol for every person. We light candles when coming to church, celebrating an important family event, wanting to protect the house from evil spirits and evil eyes.

That is why, when lit candles fall or go out, we begin to think that this is some kind of warning from above. There are several superstitions among people associated with such incidents:

  • If a candle falls at home, then this sign indicates that the family living in the house will experience a very difficult period in their relationships, as a result of which they may even get divorced. Conflicts can arise against the background of adultery and even without any reason at all.
  • If a candle falls in a church while you are praying for the health of a person, this means that your prayer is powerless, that the person you are worried about will become more ill and, most likely, will soon pass into another world.
  • If a candle for the repose falls, this indicates that the soul of the deceased person still cannot find refuge in the next world.
  • If you put a candle at the bed of a sick person in your home, and it goes out or falls, this can only mean one thing - you should prepare for his funeral, because in this way God warns you about the rapid death of a sick relative. In general, fire is a symbol of life. Try lighting a candle in church for the health of a person who is no longer alive. You will see for yourself that the candle will not burn, it will not even light up or will immediately go out as soon as you try to put it in the tetrapod.
  • If a candle goes out in the church at the time of the wedding ceremony of one of the spouses, this indicates that he will not live long. At the very least, his life will be much shorter than the lifespan of his significant other.
  • If a candle falls on an icon, it means that your soul is already too black with evil deeds or selfish thoughts. God does not want to accept and hear your prayers, because even while reading them, you remain an insincere person with an evil soul and a callous heart.
  • If a candle falls on the floor in a church during the funeral service for a deceased person, this means that soon another person in his family will die again. If you believe the laws of esotericism, this can happen if a witch is present at the farewell ceremony, who, reading a special spell, influences the energy of the candle specifically to eradicate the entire family line. This is very dangerous and scary, especially when a candle in the house falls for this reason.

To prevent possible consequences associated with a falling church candle, you need to know what to do if a candle falls. You just need to pick it up from the floor, cross yourself three times, ask God for forgiveness, and light the candle again.

Fallen candle: what do the clergy think about this?

For church ministers, any signs and superstitions are a sin, because under every popular belief lies the devilish power inherent in the pagan faith, and not in the Christian Orthodox faith. If you turn to the priest to find out what a fallen candle lit in a church means, he will definitely give you one answer - there is nothing terrible about this incident. The only explanation for what happened in the eyes of the priest is the careless handling of the wax product by the man himself who came to pray.

There are also several other reasons that can explain the fall and extinguishing of a candle lit in a church or at home:

  1. You were accidentally pushed while you were praying and putting a candle in the tetrapod. This is the most banal human factor, which you should not pay any attention to at all. If after prayer you quarrel with the one who pushed you, this will only harm your karma and will not give any power to the prayer. React calmly to what happened and apologize to the person who caused your candle to fall. It is best at this moment to pray for his health too.
  2. If your candle falls after you put it in the tetrapod, this may indicate that you simply installed it incorrectly. To ensure that it holds tightly, simply melt its base over the flame of another candle, and then just try to place it in the tetrapod again. It is advisable, after you install the candle, not to leave it for some time. This is especially true on days when there are a lot of people in church. Unfortunately, there are cases when the candle is not allowed to burn out even for a few minutes, because others also need to put the candle in the tetrapod. It is better to follow this if you want to be heard by the Almighty.

Important! In general, while in church, do not allow anyone to touch your candles, lamps and notes. You cannot know exactly what energy people come to church with. They can only harm you and your prayer. In addition, you should not allow the person standing next to you, even if he is your relative, to light his candle from your flame. Let him set it on fire from the candles that are already in the tetrapod - there are enough of them there for the candle to light up, and it can be installed in the candlestick.

  1. If you light a candle for health loved one, and she ended up falling, don’t blame yourself for this. It is not your fault that he is so sick that nothing can help him. Just keep praying and believing for a speedy recovery for the person you love so much. The sincerity and strength of your faith can work a miracle.

But we would still like you to be extremely careful in church.

Despite the fact that the clergy do not believe in the existence of black magic, it cannot be taken away from our lives. And, unfortunately, it is in the church that sorcerers and witches perform their rituals.

You should remember and use a few tips below throughout your life:

  1. Never bring candles to church. They must be purchased from the church. If you want, you can bring candles home from church, but not vice versa.
  2. Don't buy candles to a stranger, who has not yet entered the church. He can simply take your energy away from you in this way.
  3. Make sure that during prayer in front of the icon, when you hold a candle in your hands, no one stands behind your back. At this moment, you can read a prayer, and your ill-wisher can plot against you. It turns out that you yourself are asking God for your speedy death.
  4. Do not come close to those who are performing some religious rituals with a candle in church. How to recognize them:
  • if in the hands of the person praying the candle is located not vertically, but horizontally;
  • if someone deliberately broke a candle into 2 parts, and then set fire to each of them and placed them in a candlestick next to other candles;
  • if they deliberately try to light a candle from the wrong side;
  • if someone outsider (meaning a person who definitely does not serve in the church) collects the stubs of burnt-out candles in a tetrapod, puts them in a bag and takes them out of the temple;
  • if some person deliberately extinguishes other people's candles and takes them from the tetrapod.

In general, always think about why you are going to church. This hike must be conscious and targeted. If you want to pray, order a prayer service, buy an icon, just sit in solitude with yourself and think about your life, then you will not even pay attention to such little things as the falling of a candle. Do not attach importance to absurd accidents that, apart from negativity, bring nothing to our lives! Remember the law of attraction - only what we think and dream about happens to us!

Video: “If a candle fell”

Some people are surprised by natural existence, and consider everything that happens in life to be enchanting and beautiful. Others treat everything natural with a calm, contemptuous attitude, nevertheless, with intuition they turn to everything supernatural.

Quite often for fortune telling and fulfillment magical rituals use an ordinary wax candle. It is also used to diagnose illnesses and cleanse the biofield. Although, diagnostics using a candle can be considered exotic rather than a serious way to determine diseases.

Here are some signs and observations:

  1. A candle that burns with a straight, high flame, without soot or sagging, indicates that you are healthy.
  2. If during combustion nodules form (the candle “cries”), then this indicates that your internal balance is disturbed.
  3. You haven’t had time to ignite the candle, and liquid wax begins to run down it in thin streams, then obviously this means that you have been damaged.
  4. If a lot of sagging forms on a burning candle, and their lines intersect, then you are in danger or a dangerous illness.
  5. Lie down and ask someone to slowly pass a lit candle over your body in a clockwise direction. If the candle begins to smoke (the smoke becomes dark or even black), this means that your internal organs located in the place where the flame darkens are sick.
  6. If a drop of wax slowly rolls down the candle, like a tear, this indicates that on an energetic level you are fighting some dark personality. The black color of the “tear” indicates your dominance negative energy, and a clean tear says that you are on the path to healing.
  7. If the candle you put in the church bends too much, then you are possessed by the devil.
  8. If a candle lit for diagnostics suddenly goes out, this is bad. You should sincerely forgive everyone who has ever offended you, and ask for forgiveness from those you have offended. Only after this can the diagnosis be repeated.
  9. Place a stearine candle on the floor next to your feet, securing it on a small plate. If the candle begins to cry, and small cakes begin to appear evenly on the plate around it, this indicates a possible cancer.
  10. When performing rituals, always hold the candle with one side facing you, without turning it. If the swelling on the candle is formed on your side, then you are to blame for your illnesses, if on the opposite side, then they were “gifted” to you.

Diagnostic rules

If you want to diagnose someone, you must familiarize yourself with the main rules. You must buy four candles from the church before the start of the liturgy, always on Sunday. Without leaving, place the first candle at the icon of Jesus Christ, place the second candle at the icon of the Mother of God, and the third in whose honor the church is named. For example, St. Nicholas, and so on. If the church is consecrated in honor of the Savior or the Virgin Mary, then buy three candles. Take the fourth or third candle home, we will use it to diagnose.

On Sunday evening, sit the person you are going to diagnose in the center of the room, facing east. Stand behind your back and light a candle. Read the Lord's Prayer. Keep the lit candle at a distance of 50 cm from the person. From the top of your head, draw the candles in a straight line down to the floor. Take a step and repeat the procedure. So make three circles around the person being diagnosed.

If the candle does not behave calmly, splashes wax, crackles, burns with a red flame and smokes - this is a sure sign of damage. This manifests itself in the areas of the back, headboard and legs. The wider the range, the stronger the interference in human energy.

If a person has an evil eye, the candle feels it in the same way as damage, only in the waist area or just above it. This also applies to the occipital region.

Fortune telling by candle

If you want to diagnose yourself, you must know that this is done in certain weeks. This should be any day of the full moon, the week between Epiphany and Christmas, a week before Easter and Trinity, two weeks before the Assumption, and a week after the Nativity of the Virgin Mary.

The candle must be purchased in the same way as in the first case. Diagnostics are carried out in winter from one to two in the morning, in summer from two to three in the morning.

Cover the table with a white sheet or tablecloth without patterns, place a candle on the table, preferably in a wooden candlestick. The candle should be 30 cm from your eye level. Light it and stare into the flame for five minutes.

If the flame is even and weak, then this promises you a quiet, calm life. If the flame is dim, it is an evil eye for bad luck. If a candle cracks, this is damage of any kind that has not yet manifested itself.

If the color of the flame is yellow, it means joy; if it is yellow-red, it means profit in the near future; soot means damage. If the wax floats evenly to the sides, you will have a calm, unremarkable life. If the wax floats towards you, it means wealth or love. If wax drips from you, this means family misfortunes; for unmarried people it means “the crown of celibacy.” If the candle is bent, you are damaged.

Despite the fact that the church itself has a negative attitude towards signs and superstitions, to put it mildly, people still noticed something during their visit. There are many signs among the people that relate specifically to the church. So, having come to God's temple, you must definitely buy a candle and light it. It happens that awkwardness or bad luck causes a candle to fall from a person’s hands. Many people immediately understand that this is a bad sign, the situation is not just awkward, but also sad!

What do folk signs say?

People have developed several superstitions about the fall of a church candle. The interpretation of each of them is directly related to the circumstances that led to this unpleasant phenomenon!

  1. The man dropped the candle only because he was pushed, whether on purpose or by accident. Nothing terrible happened in this case, this is how the circumstances developed and you shouldn’t even focus your attention on this phenomenon.
  2. It happens that candles fall, which, due to inability, were initially incorrectly installed in a tetrapod or candlestick. There is nothing reprehensible in this either. You just need to take your time in the future to light the candle, but first lightly melt the base over the flame of another candle. This way it will attach well and will not wobble or fall. Even to remove it from the candlestick will require effort.
  3. When a candle lit for the health of loved ones falls, expect their further illness. In no case should you blame yourself for this, it is just a fact of life, you cannot prevent it. All that remains is to pray and ask God's grace and health to the patient.

When in church you begin to ask whether you can really trust folk signs about falling candles, the clergy unanimously answer that the sign and church laws- this is a different thing and the church does not accept anything like that. You shouldn’t react so seriously and worriedly to signs; anything can happen in a church, especially with a large crowd of people! Never blame yourself for what happened, it should have happened, and you didn’t accidentally invite bad weather!

Regardless of what caused the church candle to fall, you need to pick it up, cross yourself at least three times, ask for forgiveness from God and light it again, if, of course, it goes out. After this, put it in the same place or hold it in your hands, as it was before. What you came to church with needs to be done, and then calmly go home and in no case should you fill your head with bad thoughts!

About such household items as candles, folk signs can tell you a lot. The beliefs were formed at a time when they replaced electricity, which was still unknown to man. There have always been candles important part everyday life, religious services, magical rituals and fortune telling.

Superstitions about candle flames

By the burning of the flame of an ordinary candle lit in a house, you can learn a lot about the energy of the home and its inhabitants. So, if candles are burning clearly and calmly in your house, the signs promise a calm life. A candle flame is serene near a person - the absence of damage, evil eyes and other negative programs.

“The game is not worth the candle” was originally a proverb among gamblers, which reflected the high price of candles of that time.

Does the tongue of fire sway from side to side? There is no need to count on peace. This is a belief in travel, adventure, and exciting events. The flame rises in a spiral or describes a circle - a warning. Enemies are making plans and are going to harm you. A weak light means illness.

Crack - bad sign. If candles crack near you, they warn of damage. They go out as soon as you get close - a sign of imminent death, but about such superstitions and the removal of their negativity - a little lower.

Shoots sparks - arrival evil man to the house. Hisses - to disappointment. When a candle smokes, it burns negative energy. A blue flame warns of death in the house. But blue fire also indicates that there is a spirit in the room. One version of superstition combines both options. The spirit of a deceased relative has appeared in the house and will soon take someone with him.

The knowledge described above can be used to diagnose your home and biofield. You can also find out the guest's intentions. Light the candle and follow the flame. You can cleanse your house of negativity by walking around its perimeter with a candle in your hand. Stay where it begins to smoke and the fire becomes restless. Baptismal and wedding candles are watched to predict the future.

How to light and extinguish correctly

From time to time it is worth lighting candles in the house. They bring comfort, reconciliation, and get rid of negativity, quarrels and scandals. Once upon a time, every house had a source of living fire, home. In modern realities, this has become difficult to obtain; candles are sold in almost every store.

Candles need to be lit correctly. So, you cannot light more than two others from one candle. This brings poverty into the home. The same rule exists for splinters or matches. Set it on fire from a stove fire - to poverty. Don't burn at all? So it will rain.

You can light incense from a candle or, for example, a piece of paper with wishes or a list of what you want to get rid of. But you can’t smoke from its flame. This portends trouble.

There are many superstitions about extinguishing candles. It is believed that they cannot be blown out. One of the superstitions explains the ban by the resentment of the fire element for being expelled with the help of the air element. Another connects it with the sign of spitting in the fire. Extinguish candles with your fingers or special caps. This is especially true for candles near which prayers or conspiracies were read.

It is customary to blow out only those on the birthday cake. This brings good luck to the birthday person, according to birthday signs. If he makes a wish at the same time, it will come true.

Accidentally extinguishing a candle means unexpected guests. True, it is not a fact that they will be pleasant.

Goes out - a bad sign

In general, if a candle goes out on its own, it is unfortunate, even death. Even if it burned near a seemingly healthy and strong person. But this sometimes means the completion, the death of a certain business, project, relationship.

During the wedding, the newlyweds are given a candle in their hands. If one of them goes out in the hands of the bride or groom, the person will die soon. According to other beliefs, the marriage will soon fall apart, there will be betrayal of one of the partners.

If a candle placed for health goes out, this also foreshadows the death of the person for whom it was placed. You cannot put out such a candle. Therefore, it is necessary to look after the candles placed for health until they burn out. They can be removed by church servants. Healthy candles that have not burned out completely can be taken by black magicians for their business.

When it comes to a candle lit for the deceased, the sign changes its meaning to positive. By extinguishing the candle, the soul of the deceased gives a sign that it has found peace in the afterlife.

Extinguished baptismal The candle promises the child a life full of difficulties. There is another opinion on this issue. According to him, the baptism of the child was necessary - it removed the mortal threat hanging over him from the baby.

A dream in which a candle goes out most often has the same meaning as a sign. But other events from the dream also influence here. By interpreting them, you can get full meaning sleep.

What to expect if a candle falls, breaks, or candlestick bursts

Dropping a candle from your hands or, for example, a table means an imminent wedding. If a candle falls in a church, this promises trouble for the person who dropped it in the near future. If it falls out of the candlestick, expect problems.

If you fell yourself, it’s bad news. Sometimes it predicts an unexpected unpleasant event. A couple lives where the candle spontaneously fell; the family is on the verge of divorce.

A broken candle, like broken dishes, should not be used. But you can make a new product from it by melting wax or paraffin and pouring it into a mold. If this is a special candle, for example, wedding, its damage indicates damage. Moreover, we mean a really serious negative, and not an everyday evil eye.

The candlestick bursts - to loss loved one. But this sign is true only when this could not happen for adequate reasons such as overheating. She can promise a quarrel, separation and even the death of a friend or relative. To neutralize the meaning, the fragments of the candlestick should be thrown away on the street without touching them with your hands.

Beliefs about church candles

If you believe one of the superstitions, put for health dead person the candle will not burn. But it's not worth checking. Anyone who lights a candle for the health of the deceased will not live long.

The remains of wedding candles are stored in the red corner, near the icons. Whose candle is smaller will die earlier. They are lit during difficult childbirth, serious illness of spouses or their children, serious quarrels, problems with conception. Antique wedding sign - the one of the spouses who holds the candle higher will be the head of the family.

In the old days there was a ritual. If a girl lights a candle in the church before everyone else on Intercession, she will soon get married. Epiphany and Easter candles have the ability to help women in labor, drive away illnesses and reconcile people. And the Thursday ones drive out witches and destroy their spells. Black magicians use inverted church candles to appeal to the forces of darkness.

Contemplating the fire of church candles helps to calm down and clear your thoughts. You can view it both in the temple and at home. You don't need a lot of time for this - ten minutes is enough.

Sometimes it happens that a person’s clothes or hair catches fire from a candle flame in a temple. This shows the influence on him dark forces. It is quite likely that this is the case damage, love spell or strong evil eye.

Signs to find, give and others

In America they believe that you can find a drowned person in a pond with the help of a candle. To do this, you also need a loaf of bread - you need to insert a candle into it and then let it float on water. A piece of bread with a candle will stop where the drowned man lies.

During Samhain celebrations, or Halloween, there should be burning candles on the windowsills. They drive away trouble and evil spirits from the house. On New Year It is recommended to place green candles on the festive table. They attract good events. Lighting pyramid candles for Christmas will bring good luck for the whole year.

Wax candles are not the best gift. Wax perfectly absorbs information and is used in witchcraft. Therefore, it is not customary to give candles made from it. Paraffin does not have this property and decorative candles made from it can be given and accepted as gifts.

What to do if you find a candle? Do not lift or touch it with your hands. It could have been used in a ritual, the details of which you know nothing about. It’s also not worth stepping over such a candle. Especially if she's lying on walking at the crossroads.

In general, a lot of beliefs are associated with a candle. This is a mystical object, constantly used not only in everyday life, but in witchcraft and religious services. Candles can not only predict the future and remove negative energy, but also help the black sorcerer bring his enemy to the grave.
