The Ascension of the Lord in what year. Ascension of the Lord. Discourse on the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Every year on the 40th day after Easter, on Thursday of the 6th week of Easter, the entire Orthodox world celebrates one of the twelve holidays church year -Ascension of the Lord. The name of the holiday reflects the essence of the event - it is The Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ into Heaven, the completion of His earthly ministry. The number 40 is not random, but carries meaning. In all Sacred history it was the time of the end of great feats. According to the law of Moses, on the 40th day, babies were to be brought by their parents to the temple, to the Lord. And now, on the fortieth day after the Resurrection, as if after a new birth, Jesus Christ had to enter heavenly temple His Father as the Savior of mankind.

Dates of the Ascension of the Lord:

Ascension 2015 - May 21st;Ascension 2016 - the 9th of June ; Ascension 2017 - May 25; Ascension 2018 - May 17; Ascension 2019 - June 6; Ascension 2020 - May 28

Having conquered death, this terrible consequence of sin, and thereby given the opportunity to resurrect in glory, the Lord exalted human nature, including the human body, in His Person. Thus, the Lord opened to every person the opportunity in the general Resurrection to ascend to the highest abode of light to the very Throne of the Most High. The evangelists Mark and Luke tell us about the event of the Ascension; you can read about this in particular detail in the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles in chapter 1. Ascension of the Lord Having given to the disciples last instructions, Jesus Christ “led them out of the city as far as Bethany and, raising his hands, blessed them. And when he blessed them, he began to move away from them and ascend to heaven. They worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy...”

Ascension Day- this is the holiday of Heaven, the opening of Heaven to man as a new and eternal home, Heaven as a true homeland. Sin separated earth from heaven and made us earthly and living on one earth. We are not talking about extraplanetary space and not about outer space. We are talking about Heaven returned to us by Christ, about Heaven that we lost in earthly sciences and ideologies, and which Christ revealed and returned to us. Heaven is the Kingdom of God, this is the kingdom eternal life, the kingdom of truth, goodness and beauty.

Ascension of the Lord in 2015: what date is the holiday, history, what not to do, rituals, congratulations in verses and pictures - Orthodox Christians celebrating the occasion can find all this in the material on the channel website. The Ascension of the Lord occurs on the fortieth day after Easter. Believers believe that on this day the Savior ascended to heaven, where he was reunited with his father. On the holiday, Orthodox Christians follow signs, perform rituals and avoid doing forbidden things.

In 2015, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Ascension of the Lord on May 21. This is one of the most important celebrations for believers, because it is believed that the resurrected Jesus on this day, after spending forty days on Earth, where he communicated with his disciples, ascended again to heaven and was reunited with his father.

In Rus' it was believed that after the Ascension of the Lord, spring gives way to summer, and warm weather begins. In addition, according to popular beliefs, everything that a person asks for in his prayer on this day will certainly come true. Therefore, do not be lazy on May 21 to turn to God. There are several other signs and rituals that everyone who wants to achieve success, happiness and be healthy must perform on the day of the Ascension of the Lord.

Ascension of the Lord in 2015: rituals and signs

Working on this day is considered a great sin. So, if you are lucky and Ascension falls on your vacation, then forget about household chores for today and completely devote time to yourself. Those who have their own farm can count on protection from harm for the whole year. If you keep chickens and one of the chickens laid an egg on Ascension Day, then save it and hang it under the roof of your house. It is considered magical.

Traditionally, the weather in religious holiday foreshadowed bad weather conditions for the near future. So, if the weather is good, it will last until St. Michael's Day. And if it suddenly rains, it does not bode well. People can be overcome by illness and misfortune.

Housewives on April 21 must prepare baked goods - pies with green onions and ladders of bread, and then bless them in the church. By the way, with the help of a bread ladder you can find out how much sin a person has. You need to climb onto the ladder under the roof of the house and throw the baked goods down. The more it crumbles, the sooner the sinner must take the path of correction.

Ascension of the Lord in 2015: conspiracies

To protect yourself from troubles for a whole year, during the Ascension of the Lord you need to go to church, light a candle to the image of Jesus Christ, and then whisper:

“Jesus, our Savior, just as you got rid of the vanity of the world and ascended into heaven, so help me, a sinner in the past, to leave all troubles and problems in order to come to you with with a pure heart and bright thoughts! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Ascension of the Lord in 2015: what not to do

On this holiday, under no circumstances should you do difficult or “menial” work. You can't clean the house. It is also strictly forbidden to think about bad things. All negative thoughts must be driven away and replaced with positive ones. Also, under no circumstances should you say “Christ is Risen!”, because in churches they take out the Shroud. But it is possible and even necessary to remember deceased relatives.

Ascension of the Lord in 2015: congratulations in prose, poetry and pictures

Ascension of the Lord
It brings wonderful news.
Let it be with joy today
Heaven will give you everything:

May happiness be with you,
Having increased grace,
So that all kinds of bad weather
You will be gone forever!

Today is Ascension,
May happiness come to you!
Anxiety and doubt
Let it go forever.

May our Lord be true
Will help you with everything
Live only in thoughts
You are clean about it!

He ascended to heaven
To protect people!
I wish you on Ascension -
Devoted friends to you,

So that lies from your life
Gone forever
And so that faith in the heart
Stayed for a year!

Happy Ascension to you! Holy holiday
Finally came to visit us
Today the Lord ascended on such a day,
Our true highest Father.

And on this holiday I want to wish,
So that you do not forget God!
Of course, the main thing not to forget is
What life the Lord has given us!

Ascension of the Lord

The name of the holiday reflects the essence of the event - the Ascension of Jesus Christ to Heaven, the completion of His earthly ministry.

This holiday is always celebrated on the 40th day after Easter, on Thursday of the 6th week of Easter.

The number 40 is not random. Throughout Sacred history, this was the time of the end of great feats. According to the law of Moses, on the 40th day, babies were to be brought by their parents to the temple, to the Lord. And now, on the fortieth day after the Resurrection, as if after a new birth, Jesus Christ was to enter the heavenly temple of His Father as the Savior of mankind.

Icon "Ascension"
On the last fortieth day, Jesus appeared for the last time in Jerusalem before the apostles, gathered them, led them to the Mount of Olives - and ascended; “a cloud took him out of their sight,” the Gospel explains. When the apostles looked at the ascending Christ, two men in white robes appeared to them and announced the upcoming second coming of Jesus Christ at the end of the world.
The icon painters revealed the Gospel narrative “in the faces”, they painted Christ ascending in radiant glory, on the sides at the foot of the hills (the Mount of Olives) - the apostles and angels pointing to the ascending Christ, as well as the Mother of God. She is not mentioned in the text of the Gospel; placed in the center among the apostles, Mary symbolized the Christian church.

Having conquered death, this terrible consequence of sin, and thereby given the opportunity to resurrect in glory, the Lord exalted human nature, including the human body, in His Person. Thus, the Lord opened up the opportunity for every person, after the General Resurrection, to ascend to the highest abode of light to the very Throne of the Most High.
The evangelists Mark and Luke tell us about the event of the Ascension; you can read about this in particular detail in the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles in chapter 1. Having given the disciples the last instructions, the Lord “led them out of the city to Bethany and, raising his hands, blessed them. And when he blessed them, he began to move away from them and ascend into heaven. They worshiped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy...”

The Feast of the Ascension is a holiday of Heaven, the opening to man of Heaven as a new and eternal Home, Heaven as a true Motherland. Sin separated earth from heaven and made us earthly and living on one earth. We are not talking about extraplanetary space and not about outer space. We are talking about Heaven, returned to us by Christ, about Heaven, which we lost in earthly sciences, ideologies and which Christ revealed and returned to us.
HEAVEN is the Kingdom of God, this is the kingdom of eternal life, the kingdom of truth, goodness and beauty. All this was revealed, Christ gives us all this.

Troparion to the Ascension of the Lord

Voice 4
Thou art exalted in glory, O Christ our God, / having brought joy to the disciple / by the promise of the Holy Spirit, / by the former blessing announced to them, / for Thou art the Son of God, the Redeemer of the world.

Kontakion of the Ascension of the Lord

Voice 6
Having fulfilled your care for us, / and having united us on earth with the heavenly, / you ascended in glory, Christ our God, / never departing, / but remaining persistent, / and crying out to those who love You: I am with you and no one is against you.

Glorification of the Ascension of the Lord

We magnify You, / Life-Giving Christ, / and honor You in heaven, / with Your most pure flesh, / Divine Ascension.

Prayer to the Ascension of the Lord

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, who descended from the Heavenly heights of our salvation for the sake of and nourished us with spiritual joy on the holy and bright days of Your Resurrection, and again, after the completion of Your earthly ministry, ascended from us into heaven with glory and is seated at the right hand


Based on the materials of the article by A. A. Tkachenko, A. A. Lukashevich, N. V. Kvlividze, “ Orthodox Encyclopedia" v.9.

The ascension of Jesus Christ to heaven is one of the main events of Sacred history. After the Ascension, the visible earthly presence of Christ gives way to His invisible presence in the Church. IN church tradition A separate holiday is dedicated to the Ascension of the Lord.

New Testament about the Ascension of the Lord

The event of the Ascension is described in detail in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 24.50-51) and the Acts of St. apostles (Acts 1.9-11). Summary This event is given at the end of the Gospel of Mark (Mark 16:19).

According to these narratives, after His Resurrection from the dead, the Savior repeatedly appeared to the disciples, confirming to them the truth of His bodily Resurrection, strengthening their faith and preparing them to receive the promised Holy Spirit (cf. John 16:7). Finally, having commanded not to leave Jerusalem and to wait for what was promised from the Father (Luke 24.49; Acts 1.4), the Lord Jesus Christ led the disciples out of the city to Bethany, to Mount Olivet (Acts 1.12), and, raising His hands, He gave them a blessing, and then began to move away from them and ascend to heaven. In the Acts of St. The apostles describe that, having begun to ascend, Christ was hidden by a cloud, and then “two men in white clothes” appeared who announced His Second Coming. The disciples worshiped Him and joyfully returned to Jerusalem (Luke 24:52), where after a few. days the Holy Spirit descended on them (Acts 2:1-4).

Some differences in the story of the Ascension. In the Gospel of Luke and in the Acts of St. the apostles are explained by the fact that in the first case all attention is focused on the end of the earthly ministry of the Savior, while in the second - on the beginning of the apostolic sermon. Selected elements of the story of the Ascension in the Acts of St. the apostles indicate a connection with the following story about the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles (for example, according to Old Testament prophecies, from the Mount of Olives, which is spoken of in Acts 1.12, the coming of the Day of the Lord should begin - Zech 14.4).

In Acts 1.3, the period of appearances of the Risen Christ (and, therefore, the period from the Resurrection to the Ascension) is defined as 40 days, which correlates with other important 40-day periods in the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ - from His Nativity to the day when He was brought to the Temple of Jerusalem and dedicated to God (Luke 2.22-38), and after the Baptism in the Jordan, when He withdrew into the desert before going out to preach (Matt 4.1-2; Mark 1.12-13; Luke 4. 1-2).

Other places in the New Testament speak of Christ’s appearances to the disciples after the Resurrection “for many days” (Acts 2. 32–36; 3. 15–16; 4. 10; 5. 30–32; 10. 40–43; 13 31; 1 Cor. 15. 5-8). In the Gospel of John, Christ Himself indicates the time interval between His Resurrection and Ascension, saying, turning to Mary Magdalene, that He “has not yet ascended to the Father” (John 20:17).

The Ascension of the Lord as the glorification of the Son of God

The Ascension of the Lord, as one of the mysteries of the economy of salvation, surpasses sensory experience and is not limited only to the event of the departure of the risen Christ to heaven. In the New Testament there are a number of references to the glorification of the risen Jesus Christ or His exalted position in heaven (at the right hand of God), which is closely related to or a consequence of His Resurrection and Ascension (the “entry into glory” is spoken of in Luke 24:26; Acts 5. 31; Eph 4. 8-10; 1 Tim. 3. 5; 12. 5; about “glorification” after the Resurrection - in 1 Peter 1.21; about “sitting at the right hand of God” - in Eph 1.20; Often these instructions are direct quotes from Old Testament or allusions to Old Testament types. Thus, the Savior Himself, even before the Passion on the Cross, interpreting Ps 109, speaks of His “seating at the right hand of God” (Mk 12.35–37; 14.62). In Rev. 3.21, Christ's co-seating with the Father is presented as the result of His victory, and in the Epistle to the Hebrews, the Ascension, entry into the heavenly sanctuary and sitting at the right hand of God are included in the High Priestly ministry of Christ (Heb. 4.14; 6.20; 7.26 ; 8. 1; 9. 11–12, 24;

Predictions about the coming or return from heaven of the Son of Man (Mt 16.27; 24.30; 26.64; Mk 8.38; 13.26; Lk 21.27) imply a previous ascension or ascension into heaven. In the Gospel of John, the return of Christ to the Heavenly Father (John 3. 13; 13. 1–3; 16. 5, 28) appears in the closest unity with His coming into the world (John 3. 17, 31; 6. 38; 8. 23; 13. 3; 16. 28). The descent and ascension of Christ is spoken of in Eph 4.8–10 and 1 Peter 3.18–22 (cf. Ps 67.19 and 138.8).

Theology of the Ascension

Already in the most ancient religious formulas of the 1st–2nd centuries. the Ascension of the Lord is spoken of as one of the main events of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ (1 Tim 3.16; Barnaba. Ep. 15.9; Iust. Martyr. 1 Apol 1.21.1; 1.31.7; 1.42 . 4; 1. 46. 5; In most ancient Creeds, the Ascension is mentioned after the Resurrection (for example, in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed). The importance of the Ascension event is also emphasized in most ancient Eucharistic prayers (anaphoras).

After His Ascension, Christ did not leave the world, but abides in it in the Holy Spirit, whom He sent from the Father. Through the action of the Holy Spirit, His invisible presence is preserved in the sacraments of the Church (the Eucharistic aspect of the Ascension of the Lord is already visible in the conversation about the “bread of heaven” (John 6. 22-71)).

The redemptive significance of the Ascension is spoken of in the Epistle to the Hebrews (Heb. 1.3; 9.12). The Atonement was completed after the Crucified and Risen Christ, having ascended, entered the heavenly sanctuary with His Blood (Heb. 9.12, 24-26).

The main consequence of the Ascension of the Lord was that from that moment human nature received full participation in the Divine life and eternal bliss. The vision of the first martyr Stephen of Jesus standing at the right hand of God as the Son of Man (Acts 7:55-56) suggests that the human nature of Christ was not dissolved and was not absorbed by the Divine. Having taken upon Himself human flesh, the Lord Jesus did not escape death, but conquered it and made human nature equal in honor and co-throne with the Divine. He remains the God-man forever and will come to earth a second time “in the same way” in which he ascended into heaven (cf. Acts 1:11), but this time “with power and great glory” (Matt 24:30; Luke 21:27 ).

The Ascension of the Lord has special meaning and as an image of the deification of every believer in Christ. As St. noted. Gregory Palamas, the Ascension of the Lord belongs to all people - everyone will be resurrected on the day of His Second Coming, however, only those who have “crucified sin through repentance and living according to Gospel" (Greg. Pal. Hom. 22 // PG. 151. Col. 296).

Establishment of the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. A.A. Tkachenko, A.A. Lukashevich

(From the article “The Ascension of the Lord”, Volume IX of the “Orthodox Encyclopedia”)

Until the end IV century the celebration of the Ascension of the Lord and Pentecost were not separated. At the same time, Pentecost was understood as a special period of the church year, and not a holiday (for example, Tertullian calls it “laetissimum spatium” (the most joyful period) - Tertull. De orat. 23). In the 4th century. Pentecost finally took shape not only as a special period after Easter (cf.: 20th rights of the First Ecumenical), but also as a holiday (for example, 43rd rights of the Council of Elvira (300)). Following Pentecost, the Ascension of the Lord also became a special holiday.

In the East

Despite the fact that already through the efforts of St. imp. Helena on Mount Olivet a church was built in Syria and Palestine until the end. IV century The Ascension of the Lord and the Coming of the Holy Spirit were probably still celebrated together on the 50th day after Easter (Euseb. Vita Const. 4.64). One of the last, apparently, to write about this practice is Zap. pilgrim Egeria, reporting that on the evening of Pentecost, all Christians of Jerusalem gather on Mount Olivet, “in the place from which the Lord ascended into heaven,” called Imvomon, and a service is performed with the reading of the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles, telling about the Ascension of the Lord. (Eger. Itiner. 43.5). However, Egeria also notes the accomplishment festive service in Bethlehem on the 40th day after Easter (Eger. Itiner. 42); according to researchers, in this case we are not talking about the Ascension holiday, but about the Jerusalem holiday Bethlehem babies May 18 (if this assumption is correct, the pilgrimage of Egeria should be dated to 383, when this date fell on the 40th day after Easter - Devos. 1968). According to J. Danielou, the separation of the 2 holidays occurred after the condemnation of the Macedonian heresy at the Second Ecumenical Council (381) and was intended to emphasize the special role of the Holy Spirit in the economy of salvation.

Indications of a separate celebration of the Ascension of the Lord are found in St. Gregory of Nyssa (Greg. Nyss. In Ascen. // PG. 46. Col. 689-693) and in the Antioch sermons of St. John Chrysostom (Ioan. Chrysost. De st. Pent. I, II // PG. 50. Col. 456, 463; In Ascen. // PG. 50. Col. 441–452; De beatato Philogonio. 6 // PG 50. Col. 751-753). The celebration of the 40th day after Easter as the Ascension of the Lord is directly mentioned in the “Apostolic Constitutions” (c. 380) (Const. Ap. V 19). Suggestions have been made that have not received full confirmation that under the “fourties” (tessarakost), which is discussed in the 5th, rights. I Ecumenical Council, should be understood as the Feast of the Ascension. Sources of the 5th and subsequent centuries already clearly identify the Ascension of the Lord as a separate holiday on the 40th day after Easter.

In the West

The first information about the celebration of the Ascension of the Lord is found in the sermons of Bishop. Chromatius of Aquileia (388-407) (CCSL. 9A. P. 32-37) and in the “Book of Various Heresies” by Bishop. Philastry of Brescian (383-391) (CCSL. 9. P. 304, 312), where among the great lordly holidays Christmas, Epiphany, Easter and the “day of the Ascension” are named, on which “He ascended into heaven around Pentecost,” which may indicate on the inseparability of 2 holidays (Ascension and Pentecost). In another place he says that the Ascension of the Lord takes place precisely on the 40th day, and it is preceded and followed by fasting.

Apparently, the appearance of a new milestone in the Easter period (the Ascension, celebrated on the 40th day) caused confusion regarding the time of the beginning of fasting - before or after Pentecost; to the 6th century it was considered correct to begin fasting only after Pentecost, although symbolically the 40-day period of joy was contrasted with the 40 days of Lent (Ioan. Cassian. Collat. 21. 19–20; Leo Magn. Serm. 77. 3). By the 5th century the practice of celebrating the Ascension of the Lord has finally become established in the West - for example, Bl. Augustine calls the “Fentate Day of the Ascension” (Quadragesima Ascensionis) a holiday “the most ancient and universal” (Aug. Ep. 54; c. 400).

Patristic Sermons on the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord

Several are known. tens; they were written by sschmch. Methodius of Olympus (CPG, N 1829), St. Athanasius of Alexandria (CPG, N 2280), Gregory of Nyssa (CPG, N 3178), Epiphanius of Cyprus (CPG, N 3770), John Chrysostom (CPG, N 4342, 4531–4535, 4642, 4737, 4739, 4908, 4949, 4988 , 5028, 5060, 5065, 5175. 18, 5180. 21), Proclus of Constantinople (CPG, N 5820, 5836), Cyril of Alexandria (CPG, N 5281), Sophronius of Jerusalem (CPG, N 7663), St. Gregory Palamas (PG. 151. Col. 275-286); other ancient church authors (CPG, N 2636, 4178, 5733, 6078. 3–5, 6107, 7037, etc.), St. John of Damascus (CPG, N 8091) (perhaps the composition of these sermons is attributed to the above-listed Church Fathers). Some of these sermons have become part of the liturgical tradition Orthodox Church and are given in the patristic Lectionaries or Solemnities - collections of patristic words, arranged according to the principle of the liturgical year. Most of them are inscribed with the name of St. John Chrysostom, St. Athanasius the Great or Archbishop. Basil of Seleucia. Some Typicons (for example, Messinian), along with others, prescribe the reading of the word imp. Leo the Wise. In the Slavic manuscripts of the Triumphant there are also works of Slavic church writers - St. Cyril of Turov and St. John, Exarch of Bulgaria.

The joy of separation

Metropolitan's word Sourozhsky Anthony, pronounced on May 29, 1968 at the all-night vigil on the feast of the Ascension of the Lord in the Church of Sts. mchch. Adriana and Natalia in Babushkino (Moscow)

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
The Lord left us joy, He bequeathed joy to us, and today we celebrate the holiday of the mysterious joy, joy separation. And today we also rejoice at our meeting on earth. The Lord allowed us to meet today. Meeting does not mean just being somewhere in the same place, face to face. You can rejoice at a meeting only when you meet and look into the other’s eyes and soul, when you go with the gaze of your soul into the depths of a person: then the meeting is complete. Otherwise we just bumped into each other and passed by. And in church, when we pray, when our hearts are directed together, towards the same goal, with the same feeling - how easy it is to meet.
But there is joy in separation. Remember the words of the Savior at the Last Supper. Speaking about the fact that He had to die, and rise again, and leave His disciples, He saw that they became sorrowful, and said to them: If you really loved Me, you would rejoice that I am going to the Father... And today we remember this day when, having completed the work of our salvation through labor, feat, and blood, the Lord rested from His labors on the great, blessed Saturday, rose again on the glorious day of the Resurrection, and now returns to the glory of the Father, to the glory that He had from the beginning the world and before the world became. But He still leaves us joy. And joy is not only about the fact that He is now in the glory that belongs to Him, that there is no longer the way of the cross before Him, there is no earthly sorrow, but there is eternal glorification - not only about this joy is given to us. We are given joy in the fact that now, in the totality of everything that has happened, we understand the path of salvation, and we see what our land means to God, how dear it is to Him, and what incomprehensible possibilities there are in it.

We rarely think about what it means for creation, for the very earth on which we live, for everything that surrounds us, and for the people who surround us, the incarnation of the Lord. God became man. Now among human names - Name Eternal God. Isn't this wonderful? Don’t we marvel, don’t we rejoice when in our family and in our family we can read the name worthy of love, reverence, reverence? And so in our human family one Name is inscribed, the Name of God, Who loved us so much that He became related to us, became one of us, and not for a while, but forever, forever and ever. Because the risen Lord was resurrected by human flesh, and the ascending Lord was ascended by His human flesh. And not only can we rejoice over this, but the whole creation rejoices. After all, think about what a simple human body is. It contains, one might say, everything that the universe consists of. We find all the materials not only of earth, but also of heaven in this human body, and the Lord connected with all this. In His body everything that was visible and invisible was inseparably and forever united with the Divine. Isn't that enough to rejoice? We can think with joy that the Lord God not only took our human destiny upon Himself, not only became related to us in such a way that He is one of us, a man among us, but that all creation, everything became related through the incarnation with the Living God. Our land on which we live is no longer the same land as it was before the incarnation, a land that seemed to stand face to face before God - in sin, in trembling, in struggle, in faith, in seeking the Lord. No, the present earth is the one that the Lord has mysteriously united to Himself, it is permeated by His presence, it is called upon to become, without reserve, as if accepting God: just as bread and wine are made acceptable to God, which are sanctified by the Holy Spirit at the Liturgy and become the Body and Blood of Christ, just as the Lord became incarnate. Isn't this joy?

So what is next? Christ lived, Christ taught, He bore all the restrictions of the earth, He took upon Himself all human hatred, He was rejected - and for what? Because He disappointed people. People hoped that He would come to establish a temporary kingdom, the victory of His people over other nations. But the Lord did not come for this. He came in order to call His own people, together with Him and like Him, to be ready to live and die for the sake of others. They hoped for victory, but they were told: I am sending you like sheep among wolves, go, preach the word of the Lord, the good news of the love of the Lord to all creation. As the Father sent Me, so I send you,” said the Lord. This is scary; to love like that is scary for us. People were disappointed: they wanted land, - the Lord offered heaven on earth and a cross. He called us to love, and in a way that no one on earth can love; to love as He loves, with His love; to love without seeking reciprocity, to love without seeking reward; to love not for oneself, but for another.

After all, we often love each other and hold each other captive to our love. How often do people want to be freed from the oppressive love with which we enslave them. No, the Lord did not leave us this love. He told us to love as the Heavenly Father loves: the evil and the good alike. Not the same, but equal; not equally, because for some you rejoice, but for others your heart breaks; but you love it the same way. You rejoice because one is kind and bright, and you cry because the other is not like that; but you love equally. And this love must go very, very far. The Lord gave us an example (He says it Himself) for us to follow: to love in such a way as to give life and give death to people, to the one who wants to take them; but at the same time, having given, do not waver in love. This is why so many reject the Lord and cannot accept Him: because to love like this means agreeing to die. Everyone who loves dies to some extent. He who loves no longer lives for himself, but for his dear, beloved, dear one. The one who loves completely forgets himself completely, and lives only in the one he loves, for the one he loves. They were afraid of such love then, and they are afraid now: scary!.. And at the same time, this is one of the wondrous joys that the Lord left us: the confidence that we can love so much, that a person is so great that he can even do this capable.

And also the joy that the Lord - today we remember this event - ascended to heaven. On the one hand, it would seem, grief, separation... No! Not grief, not separation - something else. The Lord ascended in His flesh, entered into the glory of the Father, sat down at the right hand of God and the Father, and now we look with horror and surprise, as St. John Chrysostom says, and see that at the core, in the very depths of the mystery of the Holy Trinity, there is man. The man Jesus Christ. Yes, the Son of God, but also our dear one – man. Our humanity now rests in the bosom of the Lord. Can't we rejoice about this?

What about on earth? The Lord promised us on earth not to leave us orphans, but to send the Holy Spirit into our hearts. Who is this Holy Spirit? What will He bring to us, is He bringing, has He already brought and given? This is the Spirit of sonship. Through Him we partake of the spirit of Christ. Whoever opens his heart to Him shares in everything that Christ lived; this faith without limits, this all-conquering hope, this wondrous and unshakable love. This spirit makes us, together with Christ, children of God, gives us the opportunity to say to the Heavenly Father, our God: Father! Don’t call Him “Almighty” anymore, but call Him with your native word: Father, and treat Him that way, treat Him that way. The same Spirit teaches us that every person is our brother, dear, for whom we must be ready - no, “must” is a bad word, it means duty, but we are talking about joy - for whom we are truly ready to give our lives so that As soon as he came to life, so that his soul would rejoice, so that he too would enter the Lord’s bright eternity.

A holiday of separation... What a separation! The Lord ascends to Heaven and brings with Him the whole mystery of man into the mystery of Divine life. This is the measure of our calling, this is what a person is. But then it is clear why the apostles could go out to preach, rejoicing and rejoicing, without fear of persecution, persecution, torment, death, exile - nothing. They walked with joy, because they already had everything: there was Heaven on earth, there was eternity in themselves, and they were in eternity. This is where we need to grow. By faith and aspiration, we may be together with them, but in reality we need to grow to their measure, to become what they really were: loving with all our hearts, with all our minds, resourceful, sober, creative mind, with all our will - tempered , with a strong, selfless will, with our whole life, and if necessary - with all our death, and not only out of love for God, but also out of love for our neighbor, for every person. Our neighbor is the one who needs us. Let us show this love to each individual person who is close to us, and we ourselves will grow into the measure of true church joy. Amen!

Many Christians are interested in the question of when is the Ascension in 2016. The Feast of the Ascension of the Lord is celebrated on the 40th day after Easter. During these days, Christ walks the earth, reviving nature, causing greenery, trees, and flowers to bloom. Afterwards he ascends to his Father. This holiday always falls on Thursday. Ascension of the Lord in 2016, a date that everyone should remember - June 9.

Signs and customs for the Ascension of the Lord

One of folk beliefs is the fulfillment of desires. God listens to people's requests and prayers. Christ will always help those who really require it. If a patient needs money for treatment, you need to ask for help with a pure heart and great faith. Appeals for wealth and monetary rewards are not taken into account. Dreams come true on the night of the holiday. Signs on the Ascension of the Lord always have a special meaning.

  • The weather since the Ascension of the Lord becomes consistently warm and sunny.
  • Having planted a tree on such a day, it will definitely be accepted, and every year it will delight you with ripe, tasty fruits.
  • On Ascension, housewives look into the chicken coop, and if they are lucky enough to find an egg, they put it in the attic. It will become a reliable talisman against evil, illness, damage, and the evil eye for the whole year.
  • Rain on Ascension - Bad sign. Promises a bad harvest. And if the precipitation drags on for several days, the omen will not come true.
  • On this day you need to do good deeds, not think about bad things, forgive insults, and help your neighbor.
  • Housewives bake pastries. Buns in the form of a spikelet are carried to the field and thrown up. The higher they throw it, the larger and larger the ears of wheat will grow. After the ceremony, the baked goods were eaten. From this have a bright day, the rye began to spike.

Ascension of the Lord: the history of the holiday

The Ascension of the Lord has been celebrated since ancient times. Written monuments testify to this. The period of forty days after Easter is not accidental. Many places talk about this Holy Scripture. It is connected with various events in our history. According to the Mosaic Law, infants were brought to the temple no earlier than forty days after birth. Jesus spent forty days and nights in the desert before beginning his heavenly ministry. Water flowed for forty days while Noah was in the ark.

Until the 4th century, Ascension and Pentecost were not separate. The second festival was considered a special period of the church year. Then it became a holiday. And only then did the celebration of the Ascension of the Lord become important.

The Ascension opens the path to heaven for all believers. An example of this is the death and Ascension of the Lord. Victory over evil, sin and death. No matter how much Judas tempted Jesus, he always received resistance.

This holiday is considered to be concluded among the great Orthodox days in the spring. Has eight days of post-celebration. With his arrival, you need to put all work aside, enjoying relaxation and tranquility.

The Feast of the Ascension ends the Easter cycle. The Lord showed the path along which every person can reach the Kingdom of Heaven. Reconciled man with God. He proved that he truly is the son of God.

Everyone needs to think, can he ascend within himself like this? To do this, you need to get rid of bad thoughts, negative habits, bad worries. Don't hold a grudge.

The Ascension of the Lord is a holiday, the date of which depends on the date of Easter, and it, as you know, is celebrated every year on different days. Read how to calculate the date of Easter and when it is celebrated in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and other years.

Date of the Ascension of the Lord 2015

The Ascension of the Lord is celebrated in different dates, depending on what date Easter falls on. It is celebrated on the 40th day after the Holy Resurrection of Christ. The holiday always falls on Thursday. Ascension of the Lord in 2015 falls on May 21. According to Holy Scripture, after His Resurrection, Jesus Christ was with His earthly disciples for another 40 days, and only then went to Heaven, to His Father. He taught His apostles how to convert people to Christianity and serve Him.

About the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord

Despite the separation, Jesus did not leave people, He is always close to those who believe Him, responds to their prayers, and helps them.

This holiday is one of the most significant for believers - on this day the Son of God completed his mission on Earth, gave people knowledge and hope.

The Ascension of the Lord is the feast of open Heaven, the home of Jesus Christ, where He went to His Father. Open Heaven symbolize people's hope for redemption of sin. Thanks to this event, people realized that the death of human flesh is not a reason for sadness, but only the transition of a sinless soul to another world, where the Lord awaits it, delivering it from vices and temptations.

Celebrating the Ascension of the Lord - traditions and customs

On Wednesday, on the eve of the Ascension of the Lord, churches celebrate the ritual of “giving away” the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

The Feast of the Ascension begins for people with a visit to the temple, where priests in white festive clothes perform a solemn liturgy. Parts of Holy Scripture dedicated to the Ascension of the Son of God are read to the ringing of church bells. The holiday ends on Friday, which is accompanied by a service and the reading of prayers that were read on Thursday.

People bring baked pies filled with green onions and bread called “ladders” to church to be blessed. It is baked with seven steps (the dough is formed into strips and laid out at the top of the product), symbolizing the seven heavens of the apocalypse, and it has an oblong shape. “Ladders” bake for Christ “for the journey.” Some of them are left in the temple after consecration. It is customary to treat guests who come to the house of beggars with bread. People visit each other, bring treats, and taste dishes prepared by the owners.

From Easter to Ascension, people try to please the poor, feed them, and welcome them. It is believed that Jesus Christ, disguised as a poor man, can come and ask for help. For the same reason, people are especially careful about keeping the streets clean so that the Son of God can walk on them. All forty days His foot steps on the Earth, causing nature to come to life, plants to bloom, grass to turn green. This explains that everything around is green for the holiday.

The edges of the fields are decorated with specially dug birch trees. They stay there until the stubble is over. During the celebration, they have fun around them, asking for rye so that it will grow well.

Among the people, this day is a day of remembrance of deceased ancestors. For their funeral, pancakes and scrambled eggs were prepared, and the prepared dishes were eaten in their home or in the fields.

There is a belief that during the period between Easter and Ascension, the Lord allows the righteous and sinners to meet.

On this holiday you cannot work, including cleaning. It is customary to gather with family members and spend this day together. It is considered the beginning of the blossoming of spring, symbolizing the approaching summer.

If the weather is warm on this day, people go swimming in ponds. It is believed that after swimming no illness will occur.

On the eve of the holiday, the nightingale's song sounds louder. The night before the holiday is called the nightingale, but you cannot catch these birds on the holiday - this is a great sin. It is believed that the trills of a nightingale herald the Ascension of the Lord.

On the holiday, morning dew is collected. These are the tears of the earth for Christ, who leaves her. It gives dew special healing properties. You need to drink it and wash it to attract beauty and health.

On the morning of the holiday, herbalists collect medicinal plants that have unusual properties.

Signs and beliefs on the Ascension of the Lord

At all times, people believed that everything that was asked of God on this day would be fulfilled. You cannot ask for wealth or prosperity. You can only ask for money if you need it for the treatment of a sick person. The Lord will send as much money as he needs.

Since the Ascension of the Lord, the weather ceases to be changeable and gives only warm, sunny days.

Rains on this day foreshadow a poor harvest and diseases of livestock. But if the rains do not stop for several days after the Ascension, one can hope that there will be no serious damage.
