Are the souls of the dead found in the next world? How the soul of the deceased says goodbye to his family and when he leaves the body. Russian biologist Vasily Lepeshkin

Do the souls of relatives meet after death? There, beyond the last line, do close people connected by ties of blood and spiritual kinship have the opportunity to see each other again? Let's find out what religious treatises and the words of initiates say about this.

In the article:

Do the souls of relatives meet after death?

According to religious interpretations of the most diverse beliefs of our world, after death the spiritual substance - soul, carrying the memory, thoughts and feelings of a person, awaits the road to the afterlife. According to some testimonies of people who experienced clinical death, their road to the other side was a kind of vertical tunnel through which they moved at incredible speed. They did not know why they were moving through this tunnel and why. But they felt that at the end of the path something extremely important awaited them, which could not be avoided. But they did not feel panic or fear.

Usually, at the end of the tunnel, a space filled with bright golden light awaited them, which, however, did not hurt the eyes. There was always a certain person there who was described as “one of the angels of the Lord,” since this person’s appearance most closely resembled an angel. Descriptions vary, but the essence remains the same: this man spoke to the soul very affectionately, but firmly. Since the soul’s term had not yet come and earthly life was not completed, the soul was sent back to earth.

Judging by this evidence, after the death of the physical shell, memories, thoughts and feelings are preserved. That is, after death, a person is no different from his former self, except that now he resides on a different plane of existence. That is, the question “do the souls of relatives meet after death?” has an affirmative answer. Yes, since a person retains his memory, then he remembers his family and friends, which means that the meeting has every chance of taking place.

In magic there is the concept of the Subtle World, as well as the Ancestral or. The subtle world is other world, a place beyond human existence. The ancestral egregor is the energy of several families and generations that have passed away, but maintain a tight connection. The family egregor has a slightly more narrowly focused effect and, as a rule, includes generations of one family preserving the memory of their ancestors.

With the help of egregor, the souls of the dead can communicate with magicians who call on them. The older such an egregor is, the more powerful it is, the more spirits can be connected to it and the longer a two-way conversation can last. The soul can come to the call of a magician or witch exactly as much as the Higher Powers allow it (the so-called Karma, the name of which is borrowed from Buddhism).

It should be remembered that if a person led a sinful life, committed many bad deeds and completed his earthly path without repentance, he cannot be called. Sinful souls after death go to hell, a place of punishment. There they pay for the bad deeds they have committed. In Christian and Catholic tradition the righteous are awarded heaven, so you are unlikely to be able to contact a righteous relative. But souls who have not stained themselves with terrible sins, but have not done good, remain in Purgatory awaiting a new birth. Until then, you can keep in touch with them.

Views of different religions on the meeting of souls after death

After a person dies, his soul is separated from his body. In Orthodoxy, it is believed that for forty days she remains between hell and heaven, traveling and awaiting the decision of the highest judges. On the third day after death, she undergoes twenty terrible tests called. Each ordeal is associated with a specific sin. The more the soul was exposed to it, the more difficult it is for it to overcome this stage. Surrendered, fallen spirits go to hell as sinners, where they experience the torment that they deserved during life.

Do souls meet after death? Without a doubt. For forty days, the soul can travel through the circles of Hell and the halls of Heaven, looking for previously deceased relatives and friends in order to exchange words with them. After her fate is decided, people who find themselves in the same place - either Hell or Paradise - can continue to communicate. The same thing happens in Purgatory- only over time, the inhabitants of this place lose the memory of their previous life and eventually go back to Earth, for rebirth.

Purgatory with Paradise (Dante) 9 circles of hell (Dante)

The Catholic interpretation of a person’s posthumous fate is not much different from the Orthodox one. Both Orthodoxy and Catholicism refer to the Christian concept of life and death. Catholics also believe in Hell and the Kingdom of Heaven, as well as the existence of Purgatory. According to them, Purgatory is a place that gives people who are not pure enough in soul the opportunity to be reborn and gain true grace to enter under the canopy of angelic wings and the will of the Lord. So some of the dead, who had important unfinished business on earth, could be reborn in order to complete their mission in a new life.

For devout Muslims afterlife is divided into Hell, where all infidels and those who violate the laws of Allah are cast down, and Paradise, where seventy-two houris await the righteous and the opportunity for an eternal feast with friends and relatives under the shadow of the Garden of Eden. Concept eternal life among Muslims it is called “arihat”. Life after death for righteous Muslims means a transition to a certain state of greatness, extremely different from what exists on earth.

Also, a righteous person, when dying, has the right to ask for intercession for seventy of his relatives. These relatives will then be able to reunite with him in heaven. Unlike Christianity, which claims that all people sin in one way or another and have a sinful nature, Muslims say that a sinner and a righteous person are fundamentally different. Therefore, the sinner cannot atone for his guilt and on the other side he will never meet loved ones who led a righteous life.

Wheel of Samsara

For Buddhists, the very concept of death and the meeting after it does not make sense, since this religion denies the very essence of the end of existence. Every soul is endlessly reborn, but this is not just a transition from one body to another. When dying, a person’s essence breaks up into separate parts - “skandhas”, which are then reassembled in a new body. At the same time, the very essence of the personality is preserved, since no new details are added to it. In addition, there is the concept of the wheel of Samsara, which includes: Hell, the World of eternally hungry souls, the Animal World, the Human World, Paradise and the World of the Gods, which is the highest plane of existence that a person can achieve.

Besides this there is Nirvana. This is a state of mental freedom from any suffering and an endless chain of rebirths. Otherwise it is called “Buddhahood”. Achieving Nirvana - main goal every Buddhist. After all, it is this state that helps you get rid of everything earthly, vain, and become part of something bigger. And also - to get as close as possible to the teachings of Buddha and become his likeness.

Do people meet after death?

First of all, it is necessary to understand: after the physical shell ends its existence, the very concept of a meeting loses the meaning that is usually attached to it. Such a meeting is rather a contact of two entities or minds that exchange thoughts. This phenomenon can be called a manifestation of higher intimacy, since after death a completely different form of communication becomes available to people, which does not allow lies.

Do people meet after death if they are looking for each other? Of course. It is not for nothing that it is said: let the seeker find. After transitioning to another form of existence, everyone can find a loved one who has passed away untimely and feel the joy of meeting.

Love never dies, neither does the soul. This has been verified experimentally. I wrote a note about this for the newspaper "Life". There it was published in an abridged version, here I am posting the full version. Thanks to Associate Professor Artem Mikheev, who helped contact the main character of this story who had gone to the Other World. I direct skeptics to the audio recordings that Artem will post on his website
In the photo is Professor Zaporozhets, in the other is his wife, ballerina Valentina Lopukhina.

"Love that conquered death

A Russian geophysicist, grieving for his dead wife, established a connection with the other world

30-year-old professor Vsevolod Zaporozhets, receiving news from the other world, studied the afterlife

After his death, the scientist conveyed through mediums: “I am with her again - love is eternal!”

The love story of the ballerina Valentina Lopukhina and the physicist Vsevolod Zaporozhets is worthy of being sung in music: the husband, who was grieving for his dead wife, was able to build a bridge to the next world. A thin thread, invisible to anyone, through which the spouses communicated with each other. And then we met so that we could be together in Eternity.

I believe that someday they will stage a ballet or make a film about their immortal love. And it will excite hearts and souls, like the famous opera “Orpheus and Eurydice.” Eternal story, eternal love...

...Doctor of Technical Sciences Vsevolod Zaporozhets built the path to his most beloved woman, who had gone to the Other World, with the tenacity of a convict digging a tunnel from prison. He began to carve his tunnel to the next world back in those Soviet times, when atheism was state ideology. Having covered himself with dictionaries, Vsevolod Mikhailovich rummaged through all the books and magazines on parapsychology and spiritualism that were kept in the Lenin Library. He studied ancient Indian and Egyptian manuscripts, read holy books Christians, Muslims, Jews and Buddhists.

Then, enriched by the experience of thousands of years, through mediums he established contact with the afterlife. And he wrote a fundamental scientific work, “Contours of the Universe,” in which he collected evidence of afterlife. In his dedication, Professor Zaporozhets wrote: “To my dearly beloved wife, with whom I joyfully look forward to being united.”

The scientist published the book in a tiny edition, at his own expense, signing it with the pseudonym “Professor VEMZ.” Colleagues at the All-Union Research Institute of Nuclear Geophysics and Geochemistry (now the All-Russian Research Institute of Geosystems) had no idea that its author was their teacher, one of the country's largest scientists.

The name of Professor Zaporozhets is known to every geologist - this is how they spoke about him at his home institute. - Under his leadership, the first stationary neutron generators were created, he laid the foundations of the nuclear magnetic method and the method of nuclear gamma resonance for subsoil exploration. His research helped find what became Russia's wealth - oil and gas deposits.

Professor Vsevolod Zaporozhets was previously an inveterate materialist - until “under the pressure of facts” he became convinced that the Other World exists.

“The purpose of this work is to clarify one of the most important, perhaps the most important question of natural science - whether the existence of a person continues after his death or ends with earthly life, he wrote in the preface. “It can be solved by using a relatively easily reproducible experimental technique developed by the author and presented in the work.”

A drum-mediumscope, plus a psychic who acts as an intermediary, and a circle with letters - it seems like a simple arsenal, but the professor proved that all this works without deception and quackery. The information that came from the other world was so personal that only two people could know it - he and his wife. He did not say “dead,” but “departed.”

They had dates through several contact mediums, one of whom was a young woman (remember, almost like in the famous Hollywood film “Ghost” with Demi Moore and Patrick Swayze).

The professor learned that his beloved wife Valentina was waiting for him, that in the Other World she danced there the same way as on Earth. And she has a lot, a lot of work...

Vsevolod Mikhailovich took notes on every contact with the afterlife - he had more than five hundred of them. And then, after analysis and assessment of reliability, he used these materials in his book.

As a physicist, the professor proposed his own method of proving afterlife, and was the first in the world to reinforce the belief in afterlife knowledge, the language of numbers and formulas familiar to scientists, proved the multidimensionality of space.

“The book clarifies one of the most important unresolved questions of natural science - the question of the posthumous existence of man,” Zaporozhets noted in the annotation to his work. “The easily reproducible experimental method developed by the author for solving this question is outlined and its algorithm is described.”

We will not delve into the formulas - let scientists master them; Professor Zaporozhets’ work contains topics for hundreds of dissertations. In a love story, we are interested in the main thing: feelings. Does love survive in the next world, or do the shadows of the departed forget the faces dear to them?

Here is what Vsevolod Mikhailovich himself answers this question in his book:

“The author repeated the experiments many times, following the algorithm of the developed methodology, and each time he received a result that irrefutably establishes that the mental essence of a person - his individuality, personality, memory and emotions - is preserved after death and continues to exist. "

I will continue the quote from the work of Zaporozhets: “Earthly affections, conjugal and friendly love are taken with them by those who depart and are not forgotten. Love persists, develops and forms the spiritual basis of afterlife, while bad feelings gradually fade away. There is no sexuality, however, marital love differs from family love and from friendship. The preservation of the emotional coloring inherent in marital love is evidenced by the many messages we received:

"I still love you, don't be sad."

“Everything is fine, but you’re not around. I miss you like crazy.”

"I love you, my husband, for the rest of my life."

Love is gradually purified from calculation and selfishness and freed from exaggeration and secrecy, since consciousnesses are open to each other. Family feelings also remain. Those who have not loved on earth can eventually find love.

Many sources testify that those who love each other on earth are united. Spouses immediately connect if they fall on the same subplane. If, due to differences in spiritual development, they are meant to be in different places, then the more advanced one helps the lagging one to improve and subsequently connects with him. It is not necessary for spouses who did not love each other to unite in a new life.

“Love and friendship are strengthened here, lovers unite, relatives are all together”

“I am always with you with all my heart. We will have a good time here together.”

Professor Zaporozhets wrote in his book with tenderness about his beloved wife Valentina:

“This is a woman who passed away untimely, capable of ardent and sincere feelings and lasting affection, with a soul completely devoted to goodness. During her life, she did not show religiosity and did not attend church, but after the transition, the religious overtones of her speeches became noticeable. When asked why this was so, she replied:

“But I always believed in my soul.”
Her instructions were aimed at posthumous union with her husband:

“They told me that you were in church today. Well done! I also pray for you and God will hear us. Just praying is not enough, do good and we will unite if you become worthy.”

She misses her husband:

“Darling, I feel bad without you. I’m afraid of separation, you need to remember about me.”

But she objected to her husband’s expressed desire to meet her as soon as possible:

“Love life, it was given by God. Appreciate the body given to you, take care of it. There is no need to rush, everyone is very sad about earthly life. Live as long as God gives you. You can’t rush, God may be angry for this..

Faith is not given to her husband, and she insists:

“You need to go to church more often and pray sincerely. Praying at home is one thing, but in church it is God’s temple. I beg you, pray more to God in church.”

"We are always together. There is no such force anywhere that could separate loving hearts."

“Our souls did not part and were together all the time and will be together for a very long time and will never get bored of each other, because our souls are halves of one soul.”
She loves her friends and rejoiced when they gathered to celebrate her wedding anniversary or funeral, remembered and learned:

"I love you all very much. I kiss you, my dears! Thank you! My dears, be happy and healthy! It’s very warm and bright with you. Thank you for your love! I would live poorer without you. Don’t be sad, play cheerful music. Good that you come to me. It’s a great joy for me that you are with me.”

She retained the memory not only of people, but also of things and activities, and interest in them. She was happy when we managed to show her ballet or figure skating skating, which she loved during her life. I looked at the photographs and slides with interest, remembering events and people (unknown to the medium!). Occasionally she asked to show her this or that favorite thing (she was attached not only to people, but also to things and did not like to change them). »

Honored Artist of the RSFSR Valentina Vasilyevna Lopukhina was a beauty - she shone at the Leningrad Opera and Ballet Theater, and in the thirties and fifties she was a soloist at the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow.

Her dancing was as vibrant as her soul - fast-paced, energetic, and full of feeling. Before meeting Zaporozhets, Lopukhina was already married; there were many admirers of her beauty and talent. She could easily find herself a noble, rich and influential husband.

But Valya, of all her admirers, chose Vsevolod, the smiling tramp geologist.

They were rarely together. He has expeditions, she has tours.

After leaving the stage, Lopukhina did not part with ballet and worked as a teacher-tutor in theaters in Poland, Yugoslavia and Finland. And her husband was waiting for her in Moscow - ardent and in love, like a young man.

Valentina died after a painful illness, before reaching sixty, in the spring of 1977. Her husband survived her by as much as forty years. They were buried at the Vvedensky cemetery in Moscow. In different graves - the monuments stand next to each other. But in heaven they are together.

After the death of Vsevolod Mikhailovich, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, associate professor Artem Mikheev (he is the president of the Russian Association of Instrumental Transcommunication, a community of scientists studying the Other World) and psychic medium Violetta Fedorova got in touch with Professor Zaporozhets.

I knew Vsevolod Mikhailovich during his lifetime; we met in 2006,” Artem Mikheev tells me. – After his death, we established contact with him using the method of computer transcommunication. He told us that there is no death, it is simply a qualitative transition to a new level of consciousness. And that he is very happy to finally be reunited with his wife. Love is eternal.
Grigory Telnov,
first published in September 2012 in the newspaper "Life".

Is it possible to meet your relatives and loved ones somewhere in heaven after death?– this is a question from one of our readers. The question, I tell you, is of concern to many, especially for believers. Everyone would like to never be separated from their loved ones and it is nice to know that death is not an obstacle to seeing and communicating with kindred spirits.

That's true! It is really possible to see and spend time with your loved ones after death. Let's look at the mechanisms, how it works and what is needed for this:

1. or phantoms (these are energy copies of people’s consciousness) of relatives usually live in the Ancestral or Family egregors (a family egregor is a narrower circle, a family egregor is several families and generations). Read about what it is. A generic egregor can exist for hundreds and thousands of years; the older it is, the larger it is, as a rule, and the more more souls can relate to it (be connected).

Therefore, after death, the soul can visit the Ancestral egregor and spend time with the souls or phantoms of relatives as much as the Higher Powers allow it (which is responsible for its further distribution).

2. Limitations that may be here:

A. If a person is very sinful, negative and deserves maximum punishment (hell), he will not be allowed into the ancestral egregor, and after death he will be sent straight to places of punishment (in simple terms - to hell), like a criminal after a trial - to jail (home from the courtroom no one releases the convicted person to be with his family, etc.).

B. If the soul of a relative is already preparing for the next incarnation, it may stay in the Ancestral egregor and visit it, but if you came to visit it, it may not recognize you. When a soul prepares for a new birth, it disconnects from past personalities, who it was, memory is blocked, everything unnecessary is removed from it, only the essentials are left to ensure the vital activity of the new small body where it will be placed. Just before the incarnation, the soul is greatly reduced (it is disassembled, its parts are kept by the Higher Powers) and it can recognize almost no one (memory is turned off). In this case, it is better to communicate with the phantom of the person you once knew; phantoms, as a rule, are preserved; they are connected directly with the subconscious of the Soul. The soul may not consciously remember anything, but the phantom of the personality who the soul was in the past incarnation may maintain a connection with the closed subconscious of the soul and receive information from there.

What you need to meet your loved ones and relatives after death

1. Earn it through positive karmic activity - if you are not a criminal, then you have the right to vote and can meet after death (and until the next birth) with almost anyone you want.

2. Just ask the Higher Powers, God for such an opportunity. Ask that the soul spend part of the time after leaving the world with kindred spirits. And here you can, as it were, make an order - with whom exactly do you want to communicate and for how long (even make a list of people, their souls for future meetings).

3. Additionally. I hope I make you happy, but in order to communicate with loved ones (their souls) who have passed on to another world, you don’t have to die, you can do this every night in your sleep. To do this, before going to bed, you need to turn with an arbitrary sincere prayer to God, to the Forces of Light, to the forces of Karma and ask that the soul at night be accompanied to the ancestral or family egregor, and that the souls of those people with whom you want to meet are invited there. And so that you are provided with all the necessary assistance.

What is very important here! Your motive is important - why? do you need it? The motive must be worthy, positive, pure: love, expressing one’s positive attitude, help, apology (if there were conflicts during life and the conscience is not clear in front of this person), conveying some important information, etc. It is also advisable to express your motive during prayer to the Higher Powers; if it is pure and worthy, you will like it.meeting with loved ones will never be denied, but dying never

Meeting with loved ones and relatives.

I am often asked in letters whether we will see our relatives there, who have already gone to that world before us?Yes, of course, we will meet all our family and loved ones there! Remember that inIn the World of Desires there are 2 laws at work - the law of attraction and repulsion. The first is inherent in the highest layers of this World, and the second - in its lower ones, i.e. Purgatory.

In the case of a date with your family and loved ones, of course, the law of attraction works. And as a rule, they know there when the time is right for his relative to die here and come to meet him. They also somehow know if that time has come or not. That is, sometimes a person will find himself in a state of clinical death, he will meet someone there and that person, who has already died for us, will tell him that this is not his time yet, his hour has not yet come and that he needs to go back.

But let's go back to those two laws. Since the law of attraction is characteristic of the upper strata, and the deceased must still reach them by first passing his time in Purgatory, then those close and dear ones cannot stay with him for a long time. They will come to greet him and tell him something, but they cannot stay with him for long. The law of repulsion will begin to work and they will have to part. But not because this law repels everything that doesn’t hit. No, this law only works in the case of negative people. phenomena, in this way we undergo gradual purification and we gradually free ourselves from our bad traits and thus become purified.

In the case of relatives, if they were loved and wanted to see them,the law of repulsion does not work (it is, on the contrary, attraction). But they will need to separate for a while. If those relatives themselves are still passing time in Purgatory, then they will see each other more often, and if they have already passed through Purgatory and are already in the First Heaven, then the newly deceased will have to wait until he himself reaches that layer - everything is there only good things and they will meet there for a long time!

Question from M. Handel's book:

Do we meet our loved ones after death, if they wereanother religion or even atheists?

M. Handel's answer:

Yes, of course we meet them and we recognize them because in death there is no power of transformation. A person will go to those worlds exactly the same as he was here, because he imagines himself in exactly the same forms as he looked here during life, butplacewhere we meet depends of coursefrom several things.

First, if we lived deep religious life and observed the Laws of God, then the time of our stay in Purgatory will be unusually short, and then the time in the First Heaven will also be short, because such people have little that would keep them in the World of Desires, and also during their lives they tried to feel not only the pain of others (and therefore will now be freed from Purgatory), but also the joy of other people, i.e. they have already fulfilled the purpose of the World of Desires here during their lifetime and therefore will be able to move so quickly to the next World of Thought. Their desire is to get to the Second Heaven in the World of Thought, where they will comprehend with great pleasure the depths of divine existence.

But if the beloved of such a person was of a different nature and had other interests that could detain him for a long time in the World of Desires, then their meeting may linger for quite a long time until this second beloved completes his time in the World of Desires and moves to the World of Thought , where they can finally meet.

If it had happened that we died soon after such a friend of ours, then our meeting with him in Heaven would not have taken place for perhaps twenty years ( I remind you that we mean a person who led a highly spiritual life and therefore he will not linger in Purgatory, when will his atheist friend, who did not observe the Laws of Nature during his life, have to linger for quite a long time in this place); Butat the same time, we must not forget that in those worlds time has no meaning at all and 20 years can pass almost unnoticed.

A materialistic friend who lived good life with high moral principles, as we often find in the case of such people, would have been in the fourth region of the World of Desire for a certain number of years, according to the length of time of his lived life, and onlythen he will go to the Second Heaven, although it should be noted that his stay here will not be as complete and as wonderful as that of a person with high religious and spiritual values.

Here we would see him, recognize him when we meet and be associated for many centuries in working on our future environment, and here, in the Second Heaven, he would no longer be a materialist at all. Here each of us knows and feels like spiritual being and has a memory of this earthly life only as some kind of bad dream. Therefore, no matter what faith a person may be and no matter what atheist he may be during his life, after his death, ascending through the spiritual worlds, he will eventually, in any case, come to the realization of his own true divine nature.

A little more about this topic. You mentioned billions of deaths and you probably think that we are all mixed up there. No, not at allpeople from the same country find themselves in the same world, similar to what was on earth, that is, Russians with Russians, Englishmen with Englishmen, etc. This happens again according to the law of attraction. We are drawn to the area that is most understandable to us. Also, according to faith, our Worlds are generally separated, but if you wish, you can get into another world - the world of Muslims, for example. See someone there, but after some time you will definitely want to return to the world of your religion.

But there is another unexpected news for you, perhaps! At a certain time we will be able to see there,at our again desire, all our previous livesand the memory of all those incidents and experiences will be revealed to us. And therefore, in addition to people close to us in this life, we will also meet many of our loved ones from past lives! Many of them are already waiting for us there!

After a certain stay in the higher worlds and after we learn to study our past lives, if we wish, we canfind out how many times we loved and who we loved. And, if our loved ones from past lives at that moment are in the same World with us (i.e., the World of Desires or the World of Thoughts - which is most likely), then we will be able to meet all of them and this will not embarrass us at all. Somehow we will be able to love them all at once... And then we must remember that love in the higher worlds has no physical attraction. You will leave that feeling far behind in Purgatory, because... it is the lowest feeling of love. But you will take everything higher with you, and it is this that will allow you to remember your loved ones from different lives.

Question from M. Handel's book:

Will we recognize our loved ones who cross the gates of death? ( I think this means when both of these people die and will they be able to recognize each other in that world? )

M. Handel's answer:

Yes, of course we recognize our loved ones there. When a person leaves his dense body forever, outwardly he remains exactly the same as he was at the time of death. The only difference is that he no longer has a physical body, but he sees himself in the World of Desire the same as in this life, since in his consciousness there are pictures not only of his entire life lived, but also pictures of that what he looked like here. And as soon as he moves into the World of Desire, these pictures of his consciousness will immediately take on the appropriate form, so that anyone who knew him in earthly life will also recognize him there.

Moreover, it would be good to add that in death there is no power of transformation that a person remains mentally and morally exactly the same as before the moment of death. We often hear in our lives how people who loved someone talk about the person who left them, almost as an angel, even if he was actually a real devil during his lifetime. But they usually think it is disrespectful to the memory of the deceased to address him the same way he deserved during his lifetime.

However, the fact remains that whoever was good person- will be good even after his death, and the one who had a terrible character will pass into another world without changing at all.

I also have my answer to Vladimir, but unfortunately without the original of his questions, which were very interesting, but I think that in the course of the description you will be able to determine them yourself.

So, a little more clarification about meetings in heaven :

I can’t answer these questions of yours exactly, but exactly how exactly it happensmeeting with family and loved ones. But logically, for this they need, firstly, their own desire to meet and see you. Therefore, if some relatives passed away from a person’s life when he was a baby, then they probably did notthey will be very interested in seeing him, if only they loved that baby and remembered him. In general, here it all depends on the desire of the souls themselves, firstly, and, secondly, for this they still need to get permission from the “superiors” above us there.

Regarding orphans, do you mean their parents? After all, during their lives they will still make friends and acquaintances, and they will also be happy to come to meet them. But, if you mean mother and father, then here again everything will depend on the wishes of those parents. In the World of Desire there are 2 laws, if you remember - law of attraction and repulsion. The latter operates in the lower layers of this world, and the former in its upper layers. And, of course, to see your loved one - the law of attraction will operate here and it will automatically make everything happen for your loved ones, attract them to each other.

About those who go through Purgatory on at the moment. Remember in the episode how severe the pain is in Purgatory, we looked at what’s there there are rest periods between working off various acts - it is during this period that the soul can see its loved ones or meet a newcomer, if necessary. If they are very busy with work at that time, then I think they will be able to see each other a little later, when they have finished and completed a certain lesson, although I am not entirely sure about this. It seems to me that they can still see other people during detention, it will probably depend on what type of detention.

And maniacs can also be met by relatives if they loved him. A mother, for example, you can’t change a mother’s heart. Or his criminal friends.

But those who died prematurely and suddenly are not always met and they are not even always helped to explain what happened to them. Just recently, a mother wrote to me who lost her son at the age of 22 (he was a drug addict), and she writes that after his death, her son often came into her dreams, called her, didn't understand where he was and kept asking where is he? You see, it means that no one there explained to him what happened to him, because he didn’t even understand that he had already died! By the way, about dreams in which we see the dead: they always show the state of that person in the higher worlds at the time of the dream, i.e. they definitely need to be believed!

As for the panorama, I can definitely assure you that no one except the person viewing it can see it! Only he and no one else is able to view the panorama of his life. So no one there can peek at the actions of other people. Somehow the panorama becomes visible only to the person who owns it.

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Several years ago, one of my relatives asked me a question: who can visit the dying three days before death? Because they are children, they watched for three days as their mother, and my aunt, talked to someone and laughed a lot, waved her hands, telling something herself. True, all this was in my head, because I couldn’t speak out loud due to illness. Then my relative received an answer from the priests. But more than once in my life I have come across stories from relatives that before they die, some people talk to someone invisible. But everyone experiences “departures” differently. Various information is described by esotericists. Today I found the authors about this topic, which I propose here:

In this article we will answer the question of readers who clarify - who meets the soul of a newly deceased person after death?

Old concepts claimed that she was greeted by relatives who had died earlier this person. We do not dispute this fact, but continue to expand the concepts on this issue.
Each person meets individually. High souls, for example, do not need to be greeted by their relatives. When they find themselves in the next world, they partially remember the rules of the soul’s transition from the gross world to the subtle world and the possibilities of this existence.

They are met by Tall luminous Beings, called angels by people. In fact, these may be highly developed souls former people who are intensively improving in the spiritual direction and have accumulated a large volume of high energies, providing them with a bright glow. Among them there may be angels from energy worlds. This, by the way, is another form of existence of the soul after the death of a person - luminous Essence-angels. But in this form, usually the person remains only in the subtle world, helping the Higher Essences work with the souls of dead people. In fact, such souls are assigned to work in the Separator (otherwise the Distributor).

Cosmic souls also do not meet their relatives, because they belong to other worlds, they do not need this as an act of consolation. In their worlds, everything could happen differently, so they are exempt from observing earthly rituals. But they are met by certain high Essences who specialize in working with cosmic souls, they immediately separate them from the general masses of mere mortals and send them to special compartments of the Distributor, intended for the souls of missionaries from other worlds, from where they are then sent to their cosmic Systems. They do not undergo the Judgment and do not spend a long time waiting for it, but they do undergo partial purification.

As for the souls of doctors, as we said earlier in other books, their souls do not fall into a common separator, but immediately fly to the Medical System (the Help System is also located here). They have their own Separator and their own Court there. The main emphasis in assessing their lives is not on the everyday side of existence, but on their medical activities and development in this quality of healing and quality of care. But in their Separator there is a distribution of souls according to their main specialization and qualifications. The souls of doctors are divided into Levels: low, medium, high. In the future, they will move on to treating other cosmic beings, and for this they will need to acquire new knowledge about other states of physical matter and the multiplicity of its subtle forms.

But let's return to the souls of mere mortals. They can be met both by relatives who died before them, and by luminous beings. Relatives are rarely genuine. Most often these are holograms of relatives. Few of those who died earlier remain free. Having passed the Court, he is distributed into his own world and begins to improve in it. So that the memory of his past earthly life does not interfere with his execution of the new program, it is often closed. The person seems to forget about everything that happened to him before and calmly exists in the new world. True, some souls can retain their memory for up to a year or more. Some low souls fall asleep, therefore, cannot meet their relatives.

For some middle and high souls, the memory is not blocked, they simply do not return to unnecessary memories themselves and consciously improve in the new world. Such souls gradually forget about the earthly plane, just as a person forgets about his early childhood and adolescence. He can remember individual moments, but not every day of his existence. And the new aspirations and tasks that he has to solve in the new world help him direct his soul towards the future, and not live with old memories.

Due to the fact that many souls forget about earthly existence and former relatives, and also because of their busyness, the High Essences do not distract them to meet with the souls of recently deceased relatives. After all, they are already in other worlds and returning to the Separator to old memories is unpleasant for them. On the one hand, this is too troublesome for the Higher Ones - to look for relatives already distributed somewhere in their worlds and distract them from work, and on the other hand, the relatives themselves have already forgotten a lot, and returning them to old and unnecessary, and sometimes painful memories is not reasonable.

In this regard, purely for humane reasons, the High Ones came up with the idea that souls would meet holograms after death former relatives. Why do we mention humanity?
After all, no one could have met the soul. But at the moment of death, many souls, flying out of the body, experience stress and great confusion. The soul is depressed because it has parted forever with its beloved body and with the beautiful earthly world; it is in confusion, since it often does not even understand what happened to it and what to do next. Therefore, in order to smooth out these negative impressions and speed up the adaptation of the soul in the new world, the Highest Ones came up with a procedure for meeting their relatives, reproduced in the form of holograms. But the soul, understanding little about them, takes them for real relatives.

At the end of each corridor-tunnel along which the soul flies, getting into the Distributor, a technical device for producing holograms is installed. And information about all deceased relatives, including them appearance, corresponding to being in the earthly world, are in the computer of the Determinant, which led the student’s soul through life. (All souls look young in the next world. There are no old people there. And this is due to the properties of subtle matter and the new program of the soul, which does not include settings for the aging of the outer shell). So by the time the soul exits the tunnel into the “white” world, holograms of relatives are already waiting for him, they greet him with joyful exclamations, with love and help him accept what happened as a given and normal phenomenon.

After the meeting is over, the High Essences take the soul of the deceased to the waiting room, and the machine that reproduces the holograms is turned off, and all hologram relatives disappear.

(Pages 35-38 book “THE GREAT TRANSITION” Authors Seklitova L.A., Strelnikova L.L.)

And some are met by ANGELS. An amazing vision of my Wonderful Interlocutor from the funeral of her good friend on March 22, 2014.

“Today I was at the funeral from very early morning, it was interesting and very beautiful. The family is very wide, there were a lot of people. And it is very strange today that in their family there are more men than women. The deceased Vitalia is very beautiful for her age, and despite the illness, she looked good and lay in the coffin all so bright and smiling.

And you must have, probably, THERE strong patrons that she went to the hospital two weeks ago with metastases in the bones, was in a coma for three days and left.

What was interesting was that I saw her, how she walked among her relatives. She came up to me, put her hand on my hands and asked, if possible, to tell her husband that she was grateful to him and forgives him. And then she stood in front of her sons. She played with the hair of one and pressed his head to her chest. She went up to the other and kissed him on the forehead. She stood in front of her husband. She just patted me on the shoulder.

She looked at everyone with sympathy and a gentle smile, as if pitying them. And when they sang long prayers about the path of Jesus Christ, I saw how they came, like some very tall Angels with lanterns in their hands. They were like the same. The colors of a pale moon, narrow faces with large eyes. The hair is the same light. And dresses of white silver that quietly swayed on them as they approached. And these Angels lined up as if in a corridor and stood there like that. The spectacle was breathtaking. And today I saw how they handed her the same lantern and she left along that corridor, and they went with her. I realized that she was one of them too.

Not a single tear fell from me, but I wanted to hug her like a sister before the road. I sat and looked, my mouth almost open.

And I also saw how before she left, she made a cross at everyone and seemed to look around with some kind of diagram with her eyes. This is how I understood it, that this is according to the order of their departure. She smiled at me and tilted her head slightly. The deceased was similar in appearance to her earthly image, but shorter than those Angels. I had a double vision of her." (c).
