Conspiracies and rituals for the New Year, New Year's Eve, Old New Year, Chinese New Year. New Year's signs and rituals What you can do for the New Year: cast a spell

On New Year's holidays and the New Year's week, the space is open to receive dreams, prayers, requests and desires (it is believed that at this time the heavens are "open") and therefore New Year's and New Year's magic is very strong, and everyone, if desired, can take the opportunity to attract a life of luck, material and moral well-being and all kinds of benefits.

There are many rituals associated with this time period. We will try to familiarize you with them.

New Year's ritual to make wishes come true.

On the night, a week before the New Year, you need to write on a fairly large piece of paper your three most cherished desires related to money, a good life and love. They must be associated only with you, otherwise the ritual will not have the proper power. Mentally record your desires and write under them: “So be it!” Next, place on this sheet: a piece of black bread, a piece of sugar and one red rose that you bought. Then pick up the piece of paper and whisper for 5 minutes - “So be it.” Roll all the above components - bread, sugar, rose - into a leaf, and then wrap the package with red and green threads and seal it with white candle wax.

Place the bundle under the mattress, you should sleep on the bundle for 14 nights - a week before the New Year and a week after, if for some reason you do not spend the night at home, the time that the bundle should lie under the mattress increases, and in total you should sleep for package 14 nights. After time has passed and you have slept on your wish bundle for 14 nights, place the bundle on your photograph in the highest and most open place in
apartment (closet, sideboard, bookshelf, etc.) so that other people cannot see it. All your wishes will come true within a year.

New Year's ritual for prosperity

On December 30th, brew fresh black tea. Pour it into a transparent glass, adding a teaspoon of honey. Place the vessel on a small piece of green paper. Using a new simple pencil, stir your tea in a glass for 1 minute, thinking about the amounts you need and the purchases you will spend this money on. Then, with the same pencil, write the following words on your green sheet: “There will be money, tea. It will be like this!” You put the piece of paper in your wallet and don’t take it out throughout the year.

This ritual can also be performed on any new moon, full moon, or on your birthday.

New Year's ritual for getting a job in the New Year.

You need to make photocopies of the last page of the work book in two copies, and make notes on each of them - the same as the HR department does, indicating the date, position, and so on, as if you had already been hired for the desired job. On the back, write your gratitude to the Universe. Place one copy on the New Year tree, the second in the northwestern corner of the home, where, according to Feng Shui, the Helpers sector is located. And when you clean up the New Year's tree, take off the piece of paper with the photocopy and put it in your purse or diary or wallet. Carry it with you, don't show it to anyone.

How to properly place a New Year's tree indoors so that good luck, love, and material wealth will be present throughout the coming year.

Orient your Christmas tree according to the cardinal directions.

To have a fun holiday season, install a Christmas tree in the western part of the apartment.

To attract fame and open new prospects in the southern part.

If you are single, in order to find your soulmate, you need to install a New Year's tree in the southwest of the apartment, and for families, this will help strengthen ties between family members.

If you place a Christmas tree in the northeast of the apartment, it will help you remember more information. Very good for those who study.

To improve your financial condition, place a Christmas tree in the south-eastern part of the apartment, decorate the tree with garlands of bills and coins.

To improve health, place the tree in the east of the apartment.

A New Year's tree located in the north of the apartment will help to enlist the support of older family members.

Making magical amulets and talismans for the New Year.

A week before the New Year, set the table so that there is no need to bring and place new dishes - tea, cake and everything else should be on the table right away, invite all your loved ones to the table. You need to sit down at the table after sunset and before 22:55.

Before sitting down at the table, prepare some beautiful vessel for the ritual (vase, beautiful jug, etc.). Secure a church candle in it (for example, with plasticine), fill the vessel with snow, put in it previously prepared rowan and pine branches and any objects that will later become talismans (rings, bracelets, various jewelry).

During the feast, it is advisable not to get up from your seats, and shortly before the melt water touches the flame, take out your item and dry it in your hands or press it to your body. After this, those living in this house must walk around the house three times clockwise. Now the water from the vessel needs to be poured over the threshold of the house (those living in high-rise buildings must pour the water over the threshold of the entrance).

Now the talisman is ready for each of those you love and your apartment is now protected from evil forces!

Program for well-being in the New Year

On the last fourteenth lunar day of the outgoing year (this year it is the day from 12/18/2010 from 13:30 to 12/19/2010, 14:00) it is very good to lay down programs for well-being. All business started on this day will develop very well and bring good profits. To ensure that you have prosperity all year, do this on this day:

  • in the southeast direction of your apartment (according to Feng Shui, the southeast is responsible for wealth), place any symbol of wealth on a money napkin (a red napkin with hieroglyphs of wealth and well-being written on it), if it is a figurine of a living creature, then it should be located back to the front door;
  • put Chinese coins with square holes in the center in your wallet and the money will not transfer in it;
  • When cleaning the house, add orange peels to the water you will use to wash the floor or anything else.

When you do this, cast the spell over your magical objects three times:

"The New Year is coming. Brings happiness and wealth to my home. Heavenly powers help. Angels protect from evil. Key. Lock. Language. Amen. Amen. Amen"

A talisman against failure in the new year.

To make such a talisman, you need to take some red fabric, cut out a round piece from it, stitch it around the circumference with white threads and assemble it to form a bag. Inside the bag, put some pine needles or a pine cone, a woolen thread thirteen centimeters long, any copper object, several sprigs of silver wormwood, a pinch of dried lilac flowers, red rose petals, a sea (river) shell or a pebble with a hole - chicken god, seven grains wheat or oats, three dried yellowed oak leaves, a white metal coin, a piece of silk and some candle wax. It is important that there are twelve items in total according to the number of months in the year.

Before tightening the bag, blow inward three times, and after each time say:

“Winter, spring, autumn, summer, do not leave me without an answer. Keep God’s servant (your name) from an evil word, from the slander of witchcraft, from painful illness, from loose damage, from a thief, from the evil eye - twelve times at a time. So be it!

On New Year's Eve, when the clock begins to strike twelve times, take the bag by the thread with your left hand and swing it so that it makes twelve vibrations in time with the striking chimes.

Always carry this amulet with you and failures will bypass you.

How to behave on the night from December 31 to January 1

New Year's Eve is the most magical time. When you raise your glasses, instead of the usual “Happy New Year!” Tell:

“Let there be peace, happiness, love in our home. Let it be so!”, and since magical time is very strong, your words will be as strong as the most ancient spell.

New Year's rituals for happiness in the house.

This ritual must be performed by the owner of the house or apartment without telling anyone about it.

  • Just before the start of the feast, tie a red satin ribbon (or thick red woolen thread) around the legs of the festive New Year's table. At the same time, for each tape (thread) say: “I came to the house and gathered everyone around me! So that new happiness would be born, so that the old happiness would multiply, so that in a year we would all gather again, so that none of us would be separated by misfortune.”
  • On New Year's Eve, scatter rose petals and coins under your pillow. Before you go to bed, say: “Let all the evil remain in the old year, and let me celebrate this year with joy, love, flowers, and wealth!”

New Year's rituals of youth and beauty

  • To look beautiful and young all year round, you need to brew a decoction of calendula, chamomile and linden (sold at the pharmacy) on the morning of January 1st. In the decoction, put a beautiful flower purchased in advance, a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of honey. After the broth has cooled, pour it over from head to toe.
  • At dawn on the first of January, place them in a row and then light the candles (silver or golden) one by one, the number of which should correspond to the last digit of the coming year and say: " Forgive us, Lord, who live on Earth and do not know the years to come, forgive us for our imperfections! For our earthly vanity, for the fact that sometimes we do not know what we are doing. Forgive us all and have mercy! Give some sense and guide you on the right path. Give us Faith, Hope, Love! Give us Light, Goodness and Joy! God! In order to prolong life, to see your continuation in children, to be proud of your smart, kind and healthy children, to cultivate in them feelings of love, tenderness and gratitude to their family, loved ones, to their Earth. This is the meaning of Life - to live for those who love You, Lord, and to do Good in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Rituals before Christmas.

  • At midnight before Christmas, drink small sips of holy water from the church, thinking about your deepest desire. Go to bed silently, without talking to anyone and thinking about desire. The wish will definitely come true. If you do not have holy water, you can prepare the water in advance by putting silver items in it and letting it sit overnight.
  • On the night before Christmas, say into the water everything that has happened to you over the past year and pour this water over the threshold of the house, out the window or from the balcony.

Christmas ritual.

This ritual is associated with the power of fish scales. If you perform this ritual correctly, you will not know the need. Prepare everything in advance, but so that you can eat the fish at Christmas time. Collect scales from the fish when you clean it, take any odd number of five-kopeck coins, lay them out on a smooth surface, put seven scales on each coin, cover them on top with a new, clean cloth and say:

“You used to protect the fish (the name of the fish) from illnesses, and now you have new friends - coins. You love them, protect them from all difficulties and invite them to visit as often as possible so as not to forget about each other. So be it.”

Leave coins with scales in the kitchen overnight so they can “make friends.” In the morning, remove the scales from the coins, collect them in a bag made of natural fabric prepared in advance (necessarily from natural), and put them in a box or jar. Do not tie the bag so that the scales can receive guests. The box with the bag should be kept open for the first three days, and then you can close it. You will have to spend all the coins on which the scales were located on the same day. If during the year you make a good profit, you need to bring new coins to visit the scales. Place three coins on the scales overnight and take them away in the morning; always do this when you make a good profit, and you will see that your material
the situation will improve much.

New Year's and New Year's signs

  • On the first day of the New Year, do not do any hard or dirty work, otherwise you will spend the whole year fiddling around in the dirt and experiencing hardships.
  • On December 31, January 1, the first Monday of January, January 6 and 7, do not lend ANYTHING from home. NO ONE. Otherwise, you will only give away your good and take your bad.
  • On New Year's Eve, secretly give clothes, treats, or money to the poor. Fate will be merciful to you all year.
  • New Year is considered a family holiday. Therefore, decorate the Christmas tree with the whole family. By making homemade toys and hanging them, you give magical power to your desires. They need to be hung among other toys.
  • If you want wealth, do not forget to wrap the coins in gold and silver foil. Paired hearts hung on the Christmas tree will bring you happiness in love. A ring hung on a Christmas tree will speed up marriage.
  • Don’t throw chocolate into champagne, otherwise you’ll swirl around the same way all year long as gas bubbles swirl around in wine.
  • During the period from Catholic to Orthodox Christmas, always keep a vase with some pastries or crackers on the table at home. This will provide you with profitable agreements or simply receive a large amount of money next year.
  • In order for women to be freed from illnesses and everything bad in the New Year, they need to throw a scarf or cape over their shoulders before the chimes strike, and after the twelfth strike, quickly remove them. All negative things will remain in the past year.
  • During the New Year, be sure to keep your talisman with you, next year it will bring you good luck.
  • A family that has someone born on New Year will always have good luck.
  • The custom of dancing around the New Year tree prevents failures and all sorts of illnesses in the coming year.
  • A New Year's pretzel baked by yourself protects the whole year from evil spirits and misfortunes. To create a New Year's atmosphere, you can resort to scented candles. The right choice of scent will add mystery to the New Year's feast and relieve some ailments: orange - from fatigue; cloves and apple - for headaches (apple has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system); lemon - for lack of appetite.

On New Year's Eve, each of us awaits fulfillment. Our ancestors endowed this time with special energy and always took advantage of the opportunity to perform rituals that brought good luck, prosperity, health and love. The powerful positive energy of New Year's Eve helps to fully demonstrate the power of conspiracies. It is not for nothing that we associate this holiday with the beginning of a new period of life, when everything old and bad goes away, opening the way to new beginnings and victories. The main thing is to be able to direct a powerful cosmic charge in the right direction, conveying your deepest aspirations and hopes to higher powers.

New Year's Eve will strengthen your plot and guarantee its fulfillment

New Year's conspiracies are very diverse. The simplest of them will require only mental concentration and the right attitude from you. For more complex rituals you will have to stock up on some paraphernalia. Any ritual must be carried out, cleansed of negative thoughts - otherwise the result will not be achieved. And, of course, in no case should you wish evil and sorrows on other people! Let's figure out what rituals will help you improve your life and achieve your goals in 2017.

Spells to cleanse yourself of negativity

To leave the negative energy that has accumulated in your home in the past year, use a simple ritual. Do a grand cleaning - sort out the accumulated bills, put away your clothes, tidy up your desk drawers and throw away everything unnecessary. When it is time to wash the floors, add a few drops of holy water from the temple to the water. When the house shines with cleanliness, place a white wax candle in the center of the dining table, light it and ask from the bottom of your heart that the evil spirits will leave the house. Repeat three times:

“Burn the candle flame, there is an evil spirit in my home. Let all the spoken evil words perish in the flames! Help, fire, get rid of the bad, get rid of envy, anger and an unkind look. Let it be so!"

Burn all your failures and sorrows in the flame of a New Year's candle!

Do not put out the candle - while it is burning, the home is being cleansed. And if the candle crackles, it means that the ceremony was a success and all the evil that settled in the apartment goes away. Be sure to dispose of any water remaining after cleaning outside the house and yard.

You can speak to cleanse not only the house, but also yourself. Each of us can remember the insults that we, voluntarily or unwittingly, inflicted on other people. In order to cleanse your soul of bad deeds, write down on a piece of paper all your mistakes and bad deeds committed in the past year. At twelve o'clock at night, set fire to the leaf and scatter the ashes outside the window, asking everyone offended for forgiveness:

“As ashes fly away, so do evil thoughts into the night! Let resentment and sadness not linger at the beginning! God will forgive my sins, but I also ask you, good people, for forgiveness!”

New Year's spells to attract health

For the next ritual you will need seven coins of the same denomination (it is better if they are new and shiny), cotton or linen cloth, seven green candles and a piece of honeycomb. Lay out the cloth on the table, place coins, a plate of honey and candles on it in a circle. Light the candles and say the words of the conspiracy:

“I’ll collect the money, tie it in a bundle, lie down, magic, your time will come! Every penny will attract a hundred, and another five hundred! Lure your brothers with money, so that wealth will mark my everyday life. The holidays will be generous and rich, and all my actions will find payment. I’ll hide the knot, the day will come when there will be as many of them as bees have honeycombs!”

Spells for love and relationships

In order to inflame the feelings of the young man they liked, the girls performed a ritual with a ripe red apple. The core should be cut out of the fruit and a piece of paper with the name of the beloved man should be placed in the hole, and then the apple should be tied with red woolen threads. On the night of December 31 to January 1, the apple must be hidden among the spruce branches, and in the morning placed in the most secluded place in the house, saying:

“As the apple dries, so do you ‘name’ dry for me! Just as the turtledove thinks of its clear-eyed falcon, so do you, “name,” do not forget my image and strive with all your heart to be with me.”

The right plot will ensure you the love and loyalty of others

Another conspiracy will help you gain the goodwill of others, enlisting their help, love and support in the new year. To do this, you will need a bright scarf or stole to wrap around your shoulders. Take seven candles: place one of them in the center (that’s you), and the rest around it. When placing candles, say:

“This candle is the love of men, this is the love of relatives, this is the kind attitude of friends, this is the goodwill of colleagues, this is the good attitude of others, and the last one is love as a feeling.”

Light the candles and read the words:

“Love wraps me like a bright blanket, whoever looks at me loves me, whoever hears me will love me, whoever takes me by the hand will never leave. The New Year begins, it is filled with light, love comes from me and descends on everyone else. Everyone will appreciate me, won’t leave me, won’t change me!”

During 2017, before an important date or work meeting, throw a charmed scarf over your shoulders for a couple of minutes.

Rituals for the fulfillment of plans

Each of us makes sure to make our deepest wishes as the chimes strike. The most popular New Year's ritual associated with wishes comes down to writing your plans on a napkin or piece of paper, setting it on fire and stirring the ashes in a glass of champagne, which you need to drink before the last strike of the clock. Let us reveal one of the secrets of this ritual, which not everyone knows. You need to write your desire in the present tense, imagining that it has already become a reality, and say the words to yourself:

“The clock strikes twelve times, this is how my tale is celebrated. Whatever I wish, let it happen, let the thought come true.”

Even champagne on New Year's Day has special mystical properties!

To fulfill your cherished desire, prepare a golden ring before New Year's Eve. With the first chime, touch the ring to your left earlobe and visualize your deepest desire. Imagine that it has already come true. If you want a new home, try to see how you walk around, cook in the kitchen or dig in the garden. If you wish, you will feel like you are sitting at a desk in an audience. If you dream of a new car, smell the leather interior and listen to the noise of the engine.

For the next plot, you will need 12 candles, which need to be lit on the table in the predawn hour of New Year's Eve. Say these words:

“January will fulfill all my wishes and drive away troubles from me. February will bring good luck, it will not deceive, but will save. Whatever I wish for in March, I won’t be denied. Whatever I want in April, I will certainly get it. If I order it in May, I get it right away. In June, desires are as simple as drinking water. My July knows no worries - desires will come to the doorstep. In August, whatever one may say, my wishes will come true. In September, insights arrive like an autumn leaf. Don’t let me down my October – call for fulfillment. In November, I will, of course, get what I want. The end of everything is in December – the deadline for your wildest thoughts!”

Spells to attract good luck

For this ritual you will need a small figurine of the Fire Rooster that you can carry with you, a small gold-colored coin and a yellow candle. At dawn on the first of January, light a candle, place the figurine on the table and cover it with your palms, forming a house. Feel how a ball of positive energy is concentrated under your palms, and a pleasant warmth gradually spreads throughout your body. Say the words of the conspiracy:

“Let good luck be with me, there will be no defeats, if I cry, it’s from happiness, because Fortune is like a mother to me. The light of good luck is in the talisman, there are no problems with the cockerel, grief, tears and deceptions are not attracted to the New Year. I go hand in hand with luck, it will be this way and not otherwise! Amen".

Then put out the candle and hide it from prying eyes. Put the coin in your wallet, and always carry the rooster figurine with you, without showing it to others.

By burning a piece of paper with a plot, you secure and guarantee its fulfillment

The following conspiracy is carried out in order to avoid misfortunes in the new year. Sit down in front of the table on the afternoon of December 31, light a candle, write and read the following words:

“Dawn and lightning, two stepsisters. Let the evening come - grief, troubles will take away! Let it take you far so that it will be easy for me. Let illness and misfortune burn away, and in return give happiness! And at dawn I should be in joy and play. A ray of sunshine will give you light, let it teach you luck!”

Read the spell seven times, and then burn the piece of paper with the magic words. The ashes need to be scattered outside the window.

If you think 2016 was a lucky year for you, you can carry your luck into the new year. To do this, stand on the threshold of a house or apartment when the chimes begin and say the following words:

“The old year is now leaving, but it is not taking away good luck. He will give happiness to the New Year, the coming year will give it to me!”

Spells for beauty and attractiveness

Since ancient times, girls have used New Year's energy to perform rituals that add beauty and attractiveness. This ritual is performed in the last hour of the old year. For it you will need three red candles, a spoon of honey and a large mirror. Light candles in front of the mirror and stand in front of it, saying the words:

“On three sides there is day, on the fourth there is dark night, just as water flows out of the earth in spring, so let all illnesses go away! As I drink a drop of honey, I will walk around the world like a white swan. From now on I will be young, I will seal my age with honey. Amen".

Afterwards, eat honey and drink it with clean water.

You can also add beauty with a miraculous bath. This should be done in the evening on the eve of the New Year, having prepared dry mint leaves, chamomile inflorescences and violet root over the summer (or bought at the pharmacy). To prepare the bath you will need a teaspoon of orris root, crushed into powder, half a spoon of chamomile and a tablespoon of mint.

You need to prepare for a beauty spell in the summer, collecting medicinal herbs

Place the herbs in a canvas bag, mix and ask nature for beauty and youth. Place the bag under your pillow at night, and before the holiday, prepare yourself a warm bath by placing the bag in water. Let the infusion gain strength for 20 minutes. Turn off the electric light and light three large candles. Lower yourself into the water and, closing your eyes, say:

“Goddess of beauty, give me smooth silky skin, youth and freshness! Let my beauty amaze every eye, but set the shutter against the envious!”

Take a bath for 10-15 minutes, fully feel the smell of herbs and their healing power, filling every cell of your body. After the bath, do not dry yourself, but just pat your skin a little with a towel and let the water evaporate on its own.

And finally, one more important piece of advice. Remember that conspiracies and rituals will only work if you sincerely believe in their power, but at the same time you yourself make efforts to achieve what you want. Any magic and enchantment must be supplemented with real deeds, because it was not without reason that our ancestors said: “Trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself!”

The New Year is associated with renewal - people look to the future with hope. It is a well-known fact: magical rituals on New Year’s Eve are especially powerful, because they are supported by people’s faith in miracles. Sorcerers advise asking higher powers for health, longevity and good luck. Also, love and money magic works well on New Year's Eve.

You can also cast magic on the Old New Year, because no one has canceled the old style. There are rituals associated with the Chinese New Year celebrations - these also work well. Now we will reveal the secrets of holiday magic - get your notebooks ready.

Those who are tired of loneliness should conduct a love ritual associated with appealing to the Spirit of the holiday. The conspiracy is whispered about an hour before the New Year. Around 23.00, get dressed, go out of the entrance and look up at the night sky. Say a prayer:

“Spirits of warmth, come to my house and bring love with you. Let delight consume me, let the universe make sense. Bring your betrothed to me so that the bed is not empty. We will be together in sorrows and joys. From now on and forever. Spirit of the holiday, vouch for me before the Almighty. Amen".

Reconciliation with a loved one

There is a ritual that will help reconcile those who are in a quarrel. You will need two yellow candles and red wine. The complexity of the ritual is that the holiday will have to be celebrated in splendid isolation. Procedure:

  1. Open the window in your room and let the sounds of the holiday reach you.
  2. Wait for the chimes to strike.
  3. Pour the wine into a glass.
  4. Stand in front of the mirror.
  5. Light two candles and place them on either side of you.
  6. Say the spell words and clink glasses with your own reflection.
  7. Drain the glass and whisper the phrase: “What is said will be.”
  8. Go to bed.

Spell text: “I turn to the Lord, open my thoughts, open my spiritual aspirations. She opened the window wide, drove away the cunning, and gave in to the darkness. Inhale, heavenly powers, love into my yearning heart, reward me with strong relationships. Send me a sweetheart, for whom I will become a clear sun. Love conquers obstacles and rewards the patient. Amen".

Ritual for health

The ritual for health should be performed three days before the holiday night. The ideal time is St. Philemon's Day (December 27). Early in the morning, go to the ice hole, fill a bucket of water there and return home. In the apartment, wash yourself with this water and whisper the spell:

“The Clear Dawn woke up in the morning and smiled at the earth together with the sun. So did I, God’s servant (your name). I took some holy water and strengthened my body. It washes the banks of (the name of the river), Father Frost cools this water. People's illnesses are lifted, heaven smiles on them. Heal me, heavenly intercessors. Amen".

Old New Year and money magic

Wheat has long been considered the patroness of the hearth, so we will turn to it. Siberian sorcerers believe that ritual actions need to be tied to the old style. The ideal solution would be wheat taken from the first sheaf, but not everyone can get it. Procedure:

  1. Wait for the festive night.
  2. Take a wooden tub (any wooden container will do).
  3. Throw a handful of coins to the bottom.
  4. Place more wheat in your palm (the grains should fit in your fist).
  5. Water the wheat.
  6. Say a money spell.

The text is: “Mother Wheat, help me get rich. You feed the poor and the rich, the young and the old, feed God’s servant (your name). The grains will sprout and they will bring me money. Amen".

After New Year's Eve, continue to germinate wheat in the tub and water the grains regularly. Divide the sprouted grain into two parts. Eat the first half, dry the second and hide it in a bag. This bag will be your money talisman, always carry it with you.

We call for New Year's luck

For this ritual you will need a Chinese lantern - these things are sold in souvenir shops everywhere. The ritual is performed on the night of January 1, but it can also be tied to the Eastern New Year. After midnight, launch a flashlight from the balcony and read the magic spell:

“A terrible serpent goes into the sky and finds its death in distant lands. Fly away, snake. May lost luck return to me, and may my wallet be filled with hard cash. From now on I will be lucky in business, love will not bypass my home. Let it be so".

Chinese ritual with pot

The Chinese New Year is tied to the winter solstice. The Chinese celebrate this event on a grand scale - the fun lasts about 15 days. In 2018, New Year holidays for residents of the Middle Kingdom start on February 16. You can perform a ritual for well-being and prosperity in the second half of February or in March.

The ritual activity of the Chinese is based on distributing money or its equivalent to friends. Often, souvenirs given by friends are used as money amulets. The ritual using a clay pot is indicative. Procedure:

  1. Gather your family around the holiday table.
  2. Let everyone write a note wishing wealth and good luck to loved ones.
  3. All notes are thrown into a clay pot.
  4. In the pot you need to place a figurine of the animal that patronizes the coming year.
  5. Money (small bills and coins) is lowered from above.
  6. The pot is covered with green cloth and tied with natural linen thread.
  7. The artifact must be hidden from prying eyes.

Make sure there are money symbols attached to the linen thread. Bandaging is entrusted to the eldest member of the family (grandfather or grandmother). The pot is stored throughout the year - it is your financial talisman.

Finding a Highly Paying Job

New Year's Eve is great for magically attracting profitable work. The air element plays an important role in attracting wealth, so open all the windows. A cold draft should walk through the apartment, symbolizing change. Then knot magic is connected, the process looks like this:

  1. We take out a strong wool thread.
  2. We tie three knots (they should be tight).
  3. We pronounce the same type of spell over each knot.
  4. We make a bracelet from a thread and wear it on our hand.
  5. We are waiting for offers from employers.

Text of the spell: “Buyan Island is separated from me by a deep ocean. The island lies like a white stone beyond the sea, it is impossible to move it. This is how my wealth will grow, money will stick to my wallet. A generous boss will find me and want to hire a faithful assistant. They will invite me everywhere and offer me good sums. I will choose what is truly worthy. I was a fine fellow without a penny, I will become a noble merchant with a long ruble. As I say, so it will happen. Amen".

You need to tie knots in the center of the room, go there in advance. The ritual is carried out in complete solitude. In this case, the desire needs to be visualized. If you want to get a job as a programmer, think about computers.

Christmas tree with banknotes

The ritual takes place between 23.00 and 01.00 - it all comes down to hanging banknotes on the New Year tree. An artificial tree is not suitable for magical purposes; take the trouble to buy a live one. Collect as many small bills as possible and decorate the felled tree with them (for two hours). While decorating the Christmas tree, read the plot:

“Robbers and wreckers, merchants and merchants will not see any money. Let money flow into God's servant (your name) into your wallet. Income and success will accompany me, my family will live in prosperity and luxury. Let my income not end, let a continuous stream pour into my pockets. As I say, so it will happen. Amen".

Avoid using coins in the ritual - their presence can scare away large financial flows. When decorating a tree, think about your wallet and pockets overflowing with colorful bills. Half of the bills from the tree must be removed and stored in your wallet as a talisman.

New Year is not only about outfits, salads, guests, a Christmas tree, it is also an unforgettable feeling of the holiday and an opportunity to attract love, happiness, luck and prosperity into your life.

And New Year's rituals will help with this.

The onset of the next cycle is a time of change, when the right to create miracles is given to everyone. And magical rituals for the New Year 2019 will be useful to everyone who strives for happiness.

What is remarkable about 2019?

This year, things will go uphill for those involved in business, economics, and law. "Practicality comes first." So it’s better to give up castles in the air and start implementing real plans.

What rituals should be performed

It is recommended to select rituals taking into account the nature of the patroness of 2019. But it is not necessary to stop only at “mundane” rituals - on the New Year it is permissible to cast any spell aimed at obtaining various benefits. Can:

  1. Attract money and financial success.
  2. Lure luck.
  3. Attract love.
  4. Protect yourself and your loved ones.
  5. Enhance beauty.
  6. Improve health, etc.

Ritual for prosperity next year

  • twelve new banknotes of the same denomination;
  • yellow or golden ribbon;
  • wax candle.

The ritual can be carried out throughout the thirty-first of December, but the closer to the chiming clock, the more effective the spell will work. It is necessary to light a candle, roll all the bills into one tube and carefully tie them with a ribbon, making sure to tie a bow. After this, it is recommended to say:

“The old year is passing, poverty is taking away, I will wave my hand to her, I will turn my gaze to wealth: to stones and to silver and gold, so that I can live richly - in a bright room and with an elegant girl who bows to me, pleases me, that wonderful dishes are for me puts it on the table, opens chests in front of me - full of money, stuffed with silks, covered with furs.”

The knot of the bow needs to be fixed with candle wax: in this way the person will seal his words and give them the necessary energy for development. It is advisable to hang banknotes on a ribbon on the Christmas tree and move them to the front door on the first of January.

If everything went well, then the next twelve months will be filled with money and the pleasures that can be bought with it. But on the last day of 2018, the charmed banknotes must be spent to the last coin.

So that you always have money in the new year

Make sure that during the New Year celebrations, especially when the chimes strike and the old year ends, you have money with you. You can hold a coin in your palm, you can put a bill in your pocket, and if you want, you can even put a coin in your shoes.

To ensure that prosperity and good luck do not leave your home throughout the next year, place a bill or coin under the tablecloth.

Another option is to glue a coin under the candles that you are going to place on the holiday table. The next morning, transfer this money to your wallet, it will attract even greater wealth, there is no need to spend it.

We attract love with magical rituals:

Everyone, without exception, dreams of great, pure, and most importantly, mutual love, but not everyone succeeds in this for a number of different reasons. So why not try to make friends with the energy of love with the help of New Year's rituals? It definitely won’t do any harm, but you are guaranteed joy and good mood.

If you tune in accordingly and do everything right, then love will not take long to arrive, but will come to you along snow-covered paths on a winter moonlit night.

A ritual to meet your love

The spell will arrange events so that fate itself finds a person, despite all the obstacles. You will need:

  • two glasses of red wine;
  • red or pink candle;
  • silver ring (worn for at least three days).

The magic begins after ten in the evening. Place glasses on the table and place a lit candle between them. They take the ring and say into it:

“Ring, ring, roll onto the porch, from there onto the path, from there to the stove, which is in the house near my heart. Let my love find that ring, let it set out on its way, let it walk along the path. Yes, not to the devil, not to the mermaid, not to the queen, not to the king, but to me, who holds the ring in his hands. That it waits for its love, that its heart trembles, that it does not take its eyes off, that it starts a love song.”

The candle is blown out. The ring is thrown as far into the street as possible. Wine is drunk from one glass, and the second “portion” is left to stand until the morning.

Let's attract love with tangerines and champagne

You will also need two crystal glasses. There should be enough tangerines to make a heart out of them under the Christmas tree. On New Year's Eve, place two glasses inside this heart.
Pour shamanism into them, take one glass in your hand, saying:
“I pour champagne, I invite love into my life,” “One glass for me, another for my beloved.” Drink a sparkling drink, saying: “I’m drinking champagne, my dear, I invite you.”
Then pour the second glass into the open window, thus sending information to the Universe.

Always be attractive to the opposite sex

On New Year's Eve, before going to bed, place at your headboard a beautiful dish (crystal salad bowl or vase) with sweets and delicacies (sweets, cookies, honey) while saying “all the sweetness to me” (you need to say it three times) .
After that, feel free to go to bed. Now you are guaranteed the attention of the opposite sex.
And choosing your favorite one will not be difficult.

"Magic Slippers"

This simple New Year ritual is for girls who dream of attracting a man into their lives. Before the holidays, buy men's slippers. The ones you like best. Tell them what kind of man you want to attract into your life, describe his appearance, character traits, hobbies, occupation, place of residence (what if you want to attract a foreigner?).

Then say three times: “I love you and am waiting, I’m saving your slippers for you, come to me quickly, put on your slippers.”

Place the slippers under the New Year tree and let them “spend” all the holidays there. After the holidays, let these slippers stand in your hallway. You will be extremely surprised when the “owner” of the slippers you described appears in your house soon.

Ritual for finding a good job

The ritual is used if you want to get a good job. You will need:

  • wrist watch;
  • a piece of brown or yellow fabric;
  • green wool thread.

As soon as the chimes begin to strike, the dial is set to 12:00, the clock is wrapped in cloth and tied with thread. When making a knot, they say: “My hour will strike, a job will find me - good and good, money and good-looking!”

If a person manages to do all this before midnight, the ritual is considered successful. All that remains is to hide the package in a secret place. After the job is found, the watch can be worn on your wrist.

Protective ritual from all troubles and enemies

The ritual is designed to protect a person from any troubles, both material and magical. Five minutes before midnight, you need to remove a glass ball from the tree, break it on the threshold and rake the pieces under the entrance mat. “Wreckage” should be spoken:

“The bone-crushing dog guards my house both night and day, follows small children, wanders after husbands and wives, that no one touched them, no one offended them, no one did evil, no one opened a black mouth on them. And whoever commits an offense will be sent to the next world by a bone-crushing dog! I speak on myself and on my blood, on the roof and on the threshold, on the door and on the window, so that nothing evil will pass through the strong walls.”

The fragments of the Christmas tree decoration are left under the rug until January 7th. They are then swept away and buried under a living tree.

Ritual for good luck in 2019

The ritual attracts good luck to the sorcerer in all matters. Five minutes before the New Year, fill a glass with champagne or another light-colored drink. Pronounce:

“The festive table is set, my luck sits at it, hears my word, listens to my speech. I tell her so that she can stay with me, so that she will be by my side all happy year, so that she doesn’t leave me in trouble, so that she doesn’t leave me.”

The drink is drunk while the chimes are striking, and the glass is broken on the floor. At this moment, the energies of luck are activated.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

The ritual is suitable for cases when a person has a cherished dream, but there are no real opportunities to realize it. You will need:

  • ice Cube;
  • a glass of champagne;
  • a small spruce branch without needles.

You need to focus on the goal. It is very important to be aware of your desire and be confident in it. It is necessary to throw ice into the champagne and stir the contents of the glass clockwise with a twig, reciting the spell:

“Beyond the icy sea there is a bone hut, in it there is an ancient old woman, but still alive. That old woman knows people and swans, all sorts of wild animals, crows and sparrows, hares and beetles, the owners of chests. And more than anything else, the old woman knows my desire and fulfills it: in an hour, in a minute, one turn of the sun, one turn of the moon. Twelve times a month will not change, but my dream will come true.”

When the ice melts, champagne is drunk. The twig is simply thrown away.

By the way, to increase the effectiveness of the ritual, you can write your wish on a piece of paper in advance, burn it, and freeze the ashes in an ice cube.

Ritual to get rid of problems

New Year is the right time to “clean up” your life. And in order not to drag existing problems and troubles into 2018, you can perform a simple ritual. You will need:

  • large canvas bag;
  • strong rope;
  • broken bottle glass.

You need to really be ready to part with the past. You need to walk around the house and collect in a bag all the things that remind you of the bad (an outfit from a bad date, old medicines, dishes you don’t like, a gift from a betrayed friend, etc.) You shouldn’t regret and be tormented by doubts: if it seems that the thing is needed throw it away, it should go in the bag.

Then broken glass is poured there with the caveat: “So that evil does not come out, so that it does not return, so that a biting dog scares it away.” The bag is tied with a rope and taken to a vacant lot. All this is done at any hour on December thirty-first.

Spells for decorating a Christmas tree

Since the Christmas tree is in the house, it transmits certain energies into the room. And a person is able to “charge” them at his own discretion. It is enough to read spells on Christmas tree decorations (their number can be any):

  1. For luck: “Ulyana walked not for Stepan, but for luck, that all the suitors are more important, that all the boys are dearer. Ulyana came home, and with her luck was on the right side. She stood next to me, hugged her tightly, blessed everyone, and protected her from troubles.”
  2. From enemies: “Neither a dashing grandfather, nor an evil Cossack, nor a black witch, nor a filthy sorcerer, nor an eye-catching woman, nor a grumpy girl can pass by. No spells, no quarrels, no curses, no blasphemy, no damage, no cramps."
  3. On love: “Love is red like eternal spring. In winter I say - I’ll do it for the whole year. So that love is here, so that it doesn’t go anywhere.”
  4. For money: “There was a tavern, a Jew sat in it, counting coins, did not sleep, did not snore. He shared with me: to him a coin is a hundred to me, to him silver is to me gold, so that I can live richly forever.”
  5. For well-being: “A new year is on the threshold, and with it happiness and all sorts of good things: well-fed bins, good firewood, delicious food, strong tables, good minds. We have everything, it will come with the new year, it won’t go away on water, it won’t melt with snow, it won’t be covered with ice, it won’t wash itself.”
  6. To your health: “We are all strong and well, from young to old. Neither the plague nor the scab takes us, we will not see the graveyard before the time. No one suffers from a disease, but only celebrates the new year.”
  7. On beauty: “There was a beautiful maiden, she had a golden braid, she had dove eyes, she had animal hands. That beauty is in our bodies.”
  8. For good relationships in the house: “Everyone is a matchmaker and brother to everyone, everyone is loved and dear to everyone; As soon as the new year has passed, peace will come to this house forever.”
  9. For a great mood: “From gloominess and stupidity, from sadness and melancholy - these words are light and simple, but they work a miracle, they say everything in the right way. So that no one would be sad, no one would be foolish, no one would be sad, no one would be bored.”
  10. For luck: “Nastasya wandered and wandered into a distant kingdom, where distant people live, whose hearts are good, whose souls are bright. Nastasya did not bring from there any gold, nor chains, nor a herd of good horses, nor harness, nor girth, nor any girlfriend, but Nastasya took with her a whole bag of good happiness. She brought it to us and left it here, so that trouble would not cause any more trouble, so that the new year would pass brightly, so that it would move on well.”

Every New Year is a chance to improve your life. Therefore, you should not give up the idea of ​​​​magic.

Don't waste such an important energy period! Your destiny is in your hands, be active on the path of creating happiness and abundance! Miracles happen especially often on New Year's Day. But the main thing is your open Heart and Faith in Miracles! And then they will certainly begin to happen!

Every year, December 31st comes a magical time to make wishes come true. And we always expect something fabulous. Children and adults await miracles and fairy tales at this time. And even the biggest skeptics in the world begin to believe in miracles. On this night, each of us will definitely make a wish and believe that it will definitely come true. New Year rituals can help in making your dreams come true. And we will not be talking about our usual actions that we perform year after year: decorating the Christmas tree, setting the table, making gifts for loved ones. Magic rituals for the New Year are something completely different...

We will talk about actions that cause us an emotional uplift, a feeling of trepidation, and we will turn to the unconscious in our psyche. Many of us dream of connecting our lives with a loved one. This can be easily done with a simple ritual. And the change of year is the best time when the ritual will be stronger and more effective.

Our ancestors knew a lot about this and left us a lot of useful advice. They knew that the change of year is a kind of transition to a new life and is a very important event. Based on this, we will consider those rituals for the New Year that can be done at home.

New Year rituals for love

One of these is an ancient way to bring a loved one back, this is a candle ritual. To carry out you will need:

  • Photo of a loved one
  • Table mirror
  • Twelve red candles

You need to start 10-15 minutes before midnight. So, choose a room where you can retire, turn off the lights and you're good to go. Sit on the floor and, lighting one at a time, arrange them in a circle, and in the center place a mirror with a photo of your loved one. At midnight, referring to the photo, say the words:

The phrase must be repeated three times. Then wait until the candles burn out. Rinse the mirror with clean water. Wrap the remaining candles in a piece of cloth and place them under your bed. You should always carry a photo of your loved one with you until the love spell works and your loved one reciprocates your feelings. Remember that everything is in your hands, the stronger your desire to be with your loved one, the sooner it will happen. And most importantly, don’t lose faith in it.

New Year's ritual - Voodoo magic

Well, we've looked at the first method, it's time to move on to the second. The second method, which we will talk about, is unique and interesting in that it came to us from the voodoo culture. It is carried out with the help of the spirit of Erzulie Freda, as she is the patron of all lovers. The following components should be prepared for the ritual:

  • A piece of white fabric without stains or patterns (you can use a white sheet)
  • A piece of paper with your loved one's name or photo on it
  • Plate
  • Red candle

The ceremony takes place on January 1st at dawn. Lay a cloth on the floor and sit on it cross-legged, facing the rising sun. Take a note with your loved one's name or photo and place it on a plate. Place a plate in front of you and fill it with honey, so that the honey is evenly distributed throughout the plate. Then place the candle in the center of the plate and light it. Call upon the spirit of Erzulie by reading these words:

Leave the candle to burn with a free flame. When it burns out the ritual will be completed. Don’t forget to thank the spirit for its help after sunset. This can be done by placing cookies or candy on a plate. Bring them from home and place them outside near the road.

Remember! Voodoo spirits are not a fun game and should not be trifled with. Try not to harm yourself and others. These spirits are very unfriendly creatures by nature and do not do anything for nothing. Therefore, the ritual must be carried out in the described order. After the ritual, do not forget to thank the spirit for its help - this is very important.

Complex ritual with preliminary preparation


  • First of all, you need to take a handful of soil from the grave to the cemetery. Remember! If you want to return a man, the soil must be from a man's grave, and if you want a woman, from a woman's grave.
  • And take holy water from the church, and also get a photo of your loved one.
  • Then you need to mix the earth with water so that you get a plasticine mass, and mold a doll out of it (some kind of human body).
  • Place the doll on the photograph, hide it in a secluded place where no one will see it. It is very important that no one knows about your idea or sees the doll.
  • For a month, every day, at dawn, you must drip 6 drops of holy water onto the doll. For convenience, you can use an ordinary pipette.

Morning of December 31st

On the morning of December 31st you must purchase church candles, twelve small ones and one large one. You also need to buy a table mirror, sealed in the original box (so that no one looks at it) and a small red tablecloth.

Exactly at midnight you need to cover the so-called altar with a tablecloth. The altar can be a small coffee table, nightstand, stool or something else. Then you need to put a mirror on the altar, and in front of it put the doll in the photograph and write the name of your loved one on a piece of paper.

Then, lighting the candles one by one, place them on a plate or tray in front of the mirror, and hold the thirteenth (large) candle in your hands. Once you have lit all the candles, you need to burn a note with your loved one's name on it above the large candle.

Then put out one of the small candles with your thumb and forefinger and place three drops of wax from the large candle on the doll. After this, we put out the small candle again and again drop three drops onto the doll. We continue this way until we extinguish all the small candles. Afterwards you need to remove the small candles, put a large one in their place and go to bed.

Completion of the ritual

In the morning, you need to wrap all the ritual attributes in a red tablecloth and throw them into any body of water. It doesn’t really matter whether it’s a river, a lake or a pond in a park. After thirteen days, the person on whom the ritual was performed will awaken feelings for you.

These feelings will become stronger and stronger every day. Well, if excess weight is an obstacle in love, then weight loss conspiracies will help you. You cannot tell anyone about the ritual performed, otherwise the ritual will lose its power, this should remain your little secret.

New Year rituals for the return of your husband

Now let's look at the fourth and final way to get your loved one back. It is mainly used by women, and you will soon understand why. The complexity of this ritual lies in the fact that you must be in contact with your chosen one.

It is important to have good friendships. After all, you will have to feed him baked goods, and this must be done on January 1st (if done later, there will be no effect). The expression “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach” applies specifically to this case. Since you will have to prepare gingerbread according to a special recipe.

To prepare you will need:

  • Honey 200 gr
  • Sugar 200-250 gr
  • Eggs 3 pcs
  • Spices (anise, cinnamon, cloves)
  • Baking soda and flour 500 gr.

You need to start on the morning of December 31st. Take half a glass of water and dissolve ten tablespoons of sugar in it. Then put it all to simmer over low heat until a syrup forms. Take two eggs, mix them with honey and spices, add soda and two or three tablespoons of flour. All this needs to be mixed and beaten thoroughly, gradually adding flour, sugar syrup and saying:

“I knead the dough for my love and happiness.”

This must be done for 10-15 minutes until an elastic dough is obtained. Then leave the dough in the cold (in the refrigerator) until sunset.

After sunset, transfer the dough to a board sprinkled with flour. Roll out into a thin layer about five millimeters thick and use a mold to cut out circles. The resulting honey mugs should be placed on a baking sheet sprinkled with flour.

Then you need to bake them in the oven over high heat for 10-15 minutes (until golden brown). After the gingerbread cookies have cooled, decorate them with a glaze of beaten egg whites and sugar. On the first of January, you need to feed your beloved one with gingerbread, and after he tries the gingerbread, eat it yourself.

The ritual will begin to take effect almost immediately, he will develop sympathy for you and mutual feelings. No one should eat gingerbread except you two, otherwise the ritual will lose its power.


There are many ways to bring back love and happiness. This article presented some of the most ancient and time-tested methods. They are considered very strong and effective. They will definitely help you regain happiness or find love. Believe, love, do not lose hope, and your loved ones will be with you.

The strength of your faith will strengthen any of these rituals, and therefore, you will sooner get the expected result. Do not forget that whatever rites and rituals they last for some time. This time can be called your second chance!

Try to correct mistakes made earlier and change your character traits for the better. Make your partner begin to experience real, sincere feelings for you that are not caused from the outside.

Your actions may also have side effects. Especially if you do something wrong during the ritual or in your own way. This could be minor ailments or short-term depression for you or your partner. Therefore, before starting rituals for the New Year, carefully study what is written in the description.

Make sure that you understand and remember everything, and then proceed with the ritual. But your desire and desire to be with your loved one will help you overcome these obstacles. As a result, you can achieve your true happiness and pure, sincere love for many years.
