Astrology of lovers in Life. Lovers Astrology Life Lunar Eclipse February 11th for Cancer

The long-awaited moment that I always look forward to has finally arrived. Like a real astrological holiday, which comes to us all twice a year and opens up before us such a fan of opportunities that, if used correctly, changes our Destiny and allows us to open those doors that are tightly closed at other times.

I'm sure you've already heard or read about it. So! We meet and confidently enter this year’s first Eclipse Corridor, which opens with the Lunar Eclipse on February 11 and closes with the Solar Eclipse on February 26. The Eclipse Corridor, which will last two weeks, but will have a very strong impact on your life for 3 years and the first real results of which you will be able to see after 4 months, and fully enjoy them after six months.

I'm warning you right away. Do not expect any significant external conflicts or crises from him. There won't be any. If unpredictable and strange external events occur in your life between February 9 and February 15, remember. They have nothing to do with the influence of this eclipse and are caused by some other factors, but not by the influence of the stars.

Because the main factor of any Lunar Eclipse and the stimulus that makes your Destiny change in connection with its energies is not external circumstances, but what happens during the days of the eclipse in your Soul. Your feelings. Emotions. States. Your emotional reactions to things, people and situations that seem quite familiar to you.

It is your inner world that will become the stage on which the main event will be played out in the period from February 9 to 15. currently the plot of your Destiny. And the main character in it will be a person whose name has settled in your heart forever.

And I'm sure that after reading the following lines, you can immediately say his name.

This is a man, in whose life you want or wanted to occupy a very important place and who did not give it to you. Leaving you. Or by giving this place to someone else or someone else.

This is the man to whom you have given a very important place in your heart. But the main place in his heart does not belong or did not belong to you.

It could also be a person who tried or is trying to “put you on the throne.” Which offers you that role in your life that you are not ready or do not want to accept.

It can be:

Your children, for whom you were an unconditional authority not so long ago and who are now trying with all their might to “overthrow you from the throne”

Your parents who try to either act like “your children” or dominate you, despite the fact that you are long past childhood

Your former loved ones who did not allow you to take the role in their life that you dreamed of and that you really wanted

Your true loved ones, around whom you do not feel important or, on the contrary, who prefer to be your obedient servants

Your work partners or bosses who do not appreciate or value you

Your subordinates who have used or are using any methods to take your place

Despite the fact that there are many options, I think you now understand exactly who it is!

If you have several names spinning in your head right now, I’ll give you a hint on the topic of this Lunar Eclipse.

-Whose name came to your mind right now?

-whom did you suddenly remember vividly and unexpectedly during the last three days?

-With whom in the last three days have you had conflicts about which of you is in charge?

And most importantly, about whom did you experience the most vivid emotions on the topic “Well, why didn’t it work out or is it not working out the way I dreamed or wanted?”

I think now you understand exactly who it is.

You can have any feelings for this person now. Love, hate, disappointment, affection, longing, hope. You may convince yourself that you are indifferent. These feelings can be anything. But if they are now in your heart, it means there is a connection between you. If these feelings intensified or unexpectedly overtook you during the days of the Lunar Eclipse, this is, without a doubt, a karmic connection.

And now this connection will become obvious to you. Your task is to transform it. Or rather, give her a chance to transform.

Because you can never break the connection with this person. And your task is to allow it to turn into the best option, which was recorded in the Book of Fates at your birth. This is true because it is Moon eclipse

runs along the Leo-Aquarius axis. And during the week from February 9 to 15, everything will be subordinated to the principle “Let go of what you really want to receive and it will fall into your hands.”

You just need to “unclench your hands” and allow your expectations of love, significance, importance, irreplaceability, power to quietly and smoothly slide under the quiet rhythm of the breath of your Destiny and, having completed a circle, come into your life renewed and bring you the joy of possession without effort.

How do you do this?

Considering the very clear, precise and elegant pattern of the astrological chart of the Lunar Eclipse - very elegant and feminine.

Let's start right now. I am sure that you already have the name of a very specific person in your head.

This means that you can, following the energies of the eclipse, take the first step towards your new Destiny. First, “inform” this person about the new rules. In your Soul and thoughts.

Close your eyes, imagine him standing in front of you, look into his eyes and calmly tell him “I let you go (name).” Repeat this until you feel calm and light.

Second step - gracefully and clearly fix your intention in reality.

Write the same phrase right below this article, but a little differently. Take a deep breath and exhale and write “I let you go...” and add an ellipsis. Yes, yes, that's right. It's the ellipsis, not the name! Let this person's name remain your secret. Your secret sign, which only you and your Destiny will know about.

Don't think twice. Write this phrase as if you were exhaling. What a relief. Like liberation.

Because as soon as you write it, the countdown will begin, during which you will need to complete this Ritual and bring it to the end. You will have two weeks during which you will need to find the Sign! And Fate will send you this sign. Or, if she hesitates, you will send it to her yourself.

The main thing is to do this before the Solar Eclipse on February 26th.

This Sign is a Bird's Feather.

Be careful - it may just lie in your path

Or accidentally end up on your clothes

Or fly into your window

Or fall from the wing of a bird that is pecking at the food you sprinkled

The feather of a bird that breaks free if you squeeze it too hard and flies happily when free. If you accidentally find a feather within the next two weeks, you have found the Sign.

Place it in your palm, say the phrase of this Lunar Eclipse for the last time “I let you go (name)” and blow it away from your palm. All! You've done everything you need to do. This is enough for events to begin to unfold on their own and in the best way for you. If time is running There are moments in a woman’s life when you have to take everything into your own hands and help Fate see your desires a little. And you will do it! Go and buy a feather yourself. Or take it out of your decoration. Or from a pillow. Or from a toy bird. If you decide to take the situation into your own hands and remind Fate of yourself, it no longer matters where exactly you take it! The main thing is that one of the days before February 26 it lies in your palm! Take the last step and blow away the feather with the words “My Destiny, I agree with you. I didn’t find your sign, so I’m sending it to you myself. I'm letting go of (name)”

All! You've done everything you need to do. This is enough for events to begin to unfold on their own and in the best way for you.

Don't do anything else. It's enough! You have launched the right impulse and now Events will begin to unfold on their own.

When can you expect specific results from this Lunar Eclipse and what exactly will they be?

Let me give you a few astrological nuances from the chart of this eclipse.

The energies of this eclipse have already begun to act and influence your states from February 6. It was on this day that Jupiter in Libra became retrograde and launched the possibility of transformation and relationships. Retro Jupiter poses the task of revising and changing the old so that the new can emerge.

And since Jupiter has long been called by astrologers the planet of great happiness, I can say with confidence that the relationship with the person you are now thinking about is planned by your Destiny as karmically very happy and fruitful. And if they did not become or are not like that, the task of this Lunar Eclipse is to correct this annoying mistake.

This same retrograde Jupiter in the eclipse chart itself shows us not only what the result should be, but also when exactly you will be able to see it in reality.

So there you go! Results will begin to appear starting June 10th. The day when Jupiter comes out of retrograde and begins to move in its natural rhythm. From now on, expect concrete and very happy changes.

I am sure that you will be ready for them, because on June 2, an amazing, unexpected, miraculous event will happen in your life, directly related to the theme of this eclipse and the person you are thinking about now. And this event will be external. I don’t know exactly how and where it will happen, because I don’t see your natal charts. But I know for sure that it will happen on this very day! And it will allow you to accept Jupiter’s gifts calmly, with dignity, with joy and to use them rightfully.

Therefore, right now, mark this day in your diary and when it comes, meet it with joy and in a new outfit. Because when you go outside on this day, you will go out to meet your happy Destiny! Which will fully manifest itself in six months.

And the beginning of this story is being born right now. During the Lunar Eclipse on February 11, 2017.

Immerse yourself in its energies. Remember the person, speak mentally and write to him the most important phrase “I let you go...” I think that the words written here, on the Seasons of the Soul, will definitely fall into the right place and will be heard. And let feathers of all colors and sizes come across your path and lie on your palms to fly away beautifully and freely.

Because if in the book of your Destiny or in your astrological chart a wonderful story has already been written, it can and should become a reality!

And be sure to take advantage of these days

During the days of the Eclipse Corridor, they will give you your special tips and guidelines. And will allow you to understand the deeper meaning and nuances of this Lunar Eclipse just for you.

And we will be with you in spirit and in spirit during these amazing days of the Eclipse Corridor. And may our Destinies be beautiful!

Unlike ancient times, modern astrologers do not view eclipses as impending disasters, although they generally underestimate their impact. Since what happens at the moment of eclipses has a fateful influence, and can manifest itself both two to three weeks before the eclipse itself, and after. But the consequences of eclipses affecting a person’s astrological chart sometimes last much longer; it happens that decades can pass.

Relatively fatality associated with eclipses, it must be said that this inevitability is directly related to the personal choice of a person made earlier, which entailed events - consequences associated with it, and with the implementation of what was planned, what was chosen by us even before incarnation. Therefore, during periods of eclipses, we need to be more attentive to what is happening around us, with us, our friends and loved ones. Because what happens during these periods is more significant than we may at first assume. Projects, events and ideas and people who come to us during periods of eclipses become important part our lives for a long time.

But still, it must be remembered that making any decisions during the period between eclipses is NOT worth it , as well as not necessary on days of eclipses:
- start important events, transactions,
- decisions,
- participate in public events,
- get married,
- do shopping,
- perform operations,
- sign contracts.

Planned events even during the week before the eclipse it is rarely possible to reconcile with how they were conceived, planned due to the fact that, as a rule, they tend to acquire a different scope at a much greater speed.

And what's happening on the day of the eclipse , practically uncontrollable at all. Especially during sunny, since at this time the information that could be provided to us, but was not perceived by our consciousness objectively and completely. That is why decisions should be made no earlier than a week after the eclipse. That is, solar eclipses are dictated by external circumstances and are associated with events occurring outside our will, like karmic predestination. Whereas lunar eclipses, on the contrary, are caused by our thoughts and feelings. They point to the area of ​​life where changes associated with the solar eclipse will occur.

When a lunar eclipse precedes a solar eclipse, it means that the situation is approaching a critical point and needs reorganization and new approaches to understanding and searching for meaning in a certain area of ​​life.

In February 2017 will happen two, penumbral lunar and annular solar.

1. The first series of eclipses will begin penumbral lunar eclipse February 11, 2017 year, which will occur at 00:43 UTC ( 03:43 Moscow time). IN 23° Leo saros series 19 S. The eclipse will be visible in the area Europe, Africa, Asia and Pacific Islands.

Saros I9 S Series

This family of eclipses brings with them an element of pleasant surprise. Unexpected happiness, a joyful event, a lucky opportunity, a random win. You can trust the events that happen; they can positively change a person’s life.

2. Will continue the same series of Saros eclipses 19 S To An annular eclipse of the Sun that will occur on February 26, 2017 year at 14:53 UTC ( 17:53 Moscow time) V 9° Pisces. It will be visible in south africa and South America .

Here we talk about the difference in effects between eclipses, what to do during each eclipse and how to program your life according to the rhythms of the Universe and eclipses.

And this article describes the meanings when the eclipse degree is conjunct with the radix planets.

The Universe calls us to mercy, altruism and love, as well as to knowledge of its secrets. Are you ready for this?

On this site in the comments you have the opportunity to ask the author, astropsychologist Delphi your question about a specific eclipse and where in your horoscope the degree of any of the eclipses falls, indicating:

1. Date (, time (local) And your place of birth.

2. Place of residence and location at the moment of the eclipse.

Event locations- indicate country, region, district and locality, so that I can establish the exact geographical coordinates of this place.

Moreover, no exact time of birth indicate the house natal chart impossible, because even in 4 minutes time the grid of houses shifts by 1 degree , a z a 24 hours does full rotation around its axis.

The Lunar Eclipse of this series is the 59th of the series of 71 Saros Eclipses No. 114 and always occurs near the Ascending Lunar Node and sets events for the future. It will occur in the constellation Leo and will be visible throughout Europe, central Asia, the Middle East, and the eastern part of North and South America.

This is true because it is

The aura of the eclipse is valid from February 9 to 14 - the time of manifestation of fate and fate, when everyone will receive what they deserve: retribution or retribution. People who do not comprehend their lives can be overwhelmed by completely meaningless events, and only deeply thinking people can learn a lesson from these events. Everything will depend on the positive or negative karma we have previously accumulated; this is the time when heaven judges us. At this time, the results are sort of summed up and we are transferred to a new level, and everyone has their own level - some will go up, and some will go down. The events that happen to you during this period will lay the foundation for the next round of events for the future. Important events in the aura of an eclipse they lay down a program for many years, and mistakes can only be corrected after 18 years. If you really can’t make important decisions, then think through the consequences of your decisions a hundred times and try to act only honestly and according to the law. It is recommended to live in such times ordinary life, do not enter into conflicts and do not sign important agreements, postpone all important matters until February 15.

For a lunar eclipse, very indicative and carrying a large amount of information is the characteristic lunar day eclipses.

15th lunar day of eclipse, is satanic and is like an overflowing cup that can overflow from a small drop. The lunar flow of the collective unconscious can completely suck us into its whirlpool. Carry like a chip, involving us in fatal events that can leave a deep emotional imprint on our psyche.

According to Jung's theory, large groups of people generate a powerful field that can completely absorb and paralyze a person's individual will. As a result of such influence, the “crowd instinct” comes into force, the individual completely loses control over himself and submits to the collective unconscious.

Eclipses on the satanic days of the Moon are very dangerous - at this time there is a kind of eclipse of our psyche and soul, intuition fails, we do not feel the catch, emotions are uncontrollable - instincts take over. It is known that when emotions turn on, the mind falls asleep, at such moments we become unable to logically comprehend the situation.

Lunar and solar eclipses also differ in that solar eclipse will make you personally involved in problems, and the lunar one will make you a witness, a participant in collective events, where little depends on your personal participation. You must not succumb to the instinct of the crowd, you must be attentive in everything. People born near these dates need to be especially vigilant, and of course, it is important to look at which house of your horoscope the eclipse will fall in - that’s where the fate will be. Watch what happens to you near the eclipse and you will see your problems - people from the past will come and present bills, or maybe they will again try to pull you into a karmic loop.

The eclipse occurs on the 15th lunar day, symbolically associated with the battle of St. George the Victorious with the Serpent, who enslaved the earth. Maybe this hour has just come when we all need to defeat our personal serpent, hidden in the recesses of our soul?

A little bit of our tradition.

The moon is always turned to us with one side, we never see the other side, just as we do not see (we do not know) what is hidden in our subconscious. Who knows what is hidden in the depths of our psyche, there is such depth, there is the experience of our ancestors and the experience of all our previous incarnations, all this is stored there and transferred from incarnation to incarnation. But in certain critical days, when the mind's defenses are weakened, it can all spill out. And sometimes we ourselves don’t understand where all this comes from? The Avestan texts say that the demon Vizaresh has stuck to the reverse side, which feeds on our negative emotions and fears, pushing us to crazy actions (without mind) and drawing us into the funnel of fate. And who knows where our emotions can take us? That is why the ancients did not recommend making important decisions during eclipses.

Let's look at the eclipse map

In the projection onto the Zodiac, the eclipse falls in 23rd degree Leo– the degree of exaltation of Pluto, the planet of collective energies, which has colossal destructive, but at the same time, cleansing power. The Moon and Pluto are hostile to each other - any crises bring stress to us all, but Pluto also has cleansing energies that force us all to be reborn and rise again, like a Phoenix from the ashes. In other words, we can say that “we grow through difficulties.” Exaltation is always a superprogram, but can we take it?

Degree information- diplomatic abilities, the art of concentrating thoughts and the ability to hide them. The ability to attract other people and control them. A person is outwardly bright and brilliant, but does not reveal himself from within.

The degree of exaltation of Pluto endows a person with the gigantic power of Kundalini, capable of magically influencing society, changing it and subordinating it to one’s will.

Symbolic symbol of the degree of eclipse: “Two-faced Janus” is an absolute genius, a powerful mind capable of embracing the past, present and future.

Zodiac: Bengal tiger - excellent qualities of a commander, high heroism, super idea, charismatic, org

In astrology, eclipses are of great significance. They have a huge impact both on the whole world as a whole and on each person individually. Many astrologers, like me, take eclipses into account in their predictions. The harmonious relationship of the Moon, Sun, Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus with any eclipse is the real magic of the stars, promising the fulfillment of desires and practical results.
The lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 occurs at 22 degrees Leo.
Beginning of the eclipse: February 10, 2017 at 23:34 UTC (Greenwich time) or February 11, 2017 at 01:34 Moscow time (Moscow time)
Maximum phase: February 11, 2017 at 00:43 UTC or 03:43 Moscow time
End: February 11, 2017 at 02:53 UTC or 05:53 Moscow time
It can be observed in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America. In Russia, weather permitting, it is available for observation in most of the territory, with the exception of the Far East. Since this is a penumbral eclipse, it is not easy to see because the Moon will not darken, but will only change its brightness slightly.
Astrological recommendations:
Since the lunar eclipse in 2017 is on the Aquarius-Leo axis, numerous disasters and chaos are expected, primarily in the social and political sphere. In addition, the eclipse will form an unfavorable “tau square” configuration with Proserpina in the sign of Scorpio. Therefore, it is not advisable to take part in mass events, as well as go on long trips or hold rallies. The lunar eclipse on February 11, 2017 gives rise to not only aggression and a passion for leadership in a person, but also a desire to influence people through hypnosis and magic.
By the way, the eclipse also includes such a harmonious configuration as a bisextile at the apex with Jupiter at 24 degrees Libra. This is a very good aspect to strengthen family relations, establishing partnerships, meeting prospects for marriage.
During the eclipse, try to get rid of envy and resentment. Work, training, physical activity and all types of physical health will help with this.
During any eclipses, crime becomes more active. People suffering from mental disorders, drug addiction and alcoholism experience exacerbation. Try to protect yourself and your loved ones, especially children. Please exercise caution. Avoid crowded dark places, deserted wastelands and parks. Limit important external activities (don't start or finish anything). Avoid places where there are a lot of people. Leave important decisions for other days.

Esoteric recommendations:
For people engaged in esoteric practice or simply with developed intuition, an eclipse can become a mystical event. The knowledge that will be available on this day will help you make significant progress in spiritual development. The day has a strong energy charge. You can “model” your program for the future, improve and adjust your destiny. You can simply make a wish, and you will receive results within a few months. But on February 10-11, people involved in the occult must be extremely careful magical rituals. The consequences can be negative and irreversible. In addition, this eclipse on February 11 falls on the 15th lunar day. And the 15th lunar day is a satanic day, the day of Anubis, a period of carnal temptations and astral battles. In some texts, he is referred to as the tempter Ahriman (Angro Mainyu) - the spirit of the flesh, which relaxes a person, makes him pliable, suggestible, lazy, succumbing to any earthly temptations. On the 15th lunar day, the inner serpent of each person is activated, so you need to practice any form of asceticism, conquer your flesh in order to be pure (otherwise the astral plane is destroyed). On the 15th lunar day, which also coincides with an eclipse, all evil spirits from the interferal world are activated. It’s no secret now that there is a war between Darkness (the interferal world) and the Light. And on days like these there is a struggle for every soul like never before. Demonic forces - the forces of Darkness - are fighting for the soul of each of us - through negative habits and actions - alcohol, drug addiction, prostitution, black magic, murders, sexual perversions (bestiality, same-sex sexual contacts, pedophilia, etc.). It is very important to avoid temptations in every possible way. It is useful to defend justice, to turn on the inner light, kindness, love.
The influence of the eclipse begins 9 hours before it begins. Therefore, it is very important:
-Spiritual practice. Any actions will be enhanced by the energy of the eclipse.
-Do not look at the eclipse (this especially applies to pregnant women). Curtain the windows.
-Do practices for cleansing and forgiveness
-Do not eat food 3 hours before and after the eclipse
If food or water is exposed to an eclipse Moonlight, everything needs to be thrown away. They should not be eaten!
After the eclipse, take a bath, put on clean clothes, and wet clean the room and altar. Finish by reading prayers and mantras.

Health effects:
The psyche and nervous system these days are more vulnerable than ever. Postpone important negotiations and matters. Very sensitive during the eclipse on February 11 are the heart, circulatory system, and digestive tract. Strokes, heart attacks, ulcer attacks, stomach colic, exacerbation of pancreatitis and cholecystitis are possible. To people. those suffering from hypertension also need to be extremely careful. It is necessary to reduce the load on the lower legs. And it is advisable for athletes to reduce physical stress on their legs. Since the eclipse falls on the 15th lunar day, it is advisable to eat viburnum - to improve memory and tame one’s base nature. The food is good, both spicy and lean, hot. Japanese cuisine is recommended: legumes, barley. You can’t eat apples (too Yin food). You can’t have surgeries or other health procedures (cutting nails and hair, cosmetology, etc.).

Preparing for the Lunar Eclipse:
-3 days before and after the eclipse, it is necessary to reduce mental and nervous stress.
-Three days before the eclipse, it is favorable to exclude heavy and unhealthy foods: meat, seeds, nuts, legumes, alcohol.
-Three days before the eclipse read protective mantras or prayers.
-Take a contrast shower for 5-10 minutes twice a day. Men finish with cold water, women with hot water.
-Prepare the house: wash, clean, get rid of unnecessary things.
-Do not make large purchases and enter into important transactions
-Do relaxation practices to make it easier to set the mind to positive intentions.
-Think in advance about how you will spend the eclipse, what you want to get rid of and what to attract

Lunar eclipse will take place from Friday to Saturday February 11, 2017 at 3:32:49 am Moscow time at 23 degrees of the sign of Leo (Aquarius). By astrological forecasts The lunar eclipse in February 2017 is an amazing and magical phenomenon that will bring many positive aspects to your horoscope, so you can be optimistic about the near future.

The lunar eclipse in February 2017 awakens various hidden talents in a person. A truly beautiful symmetry of the Moon with Saturn can bring out your magical inclination and unusual abilities, which will bring you practical results and long-term achievements.

Lunar eclipse February 11, 2017: astrological aspect

Like any full moon, a lunar eclipse brings focus to all kinds of relationships in your life. When the Sun is opposite the Moon, emotions and instincts reach their peak, which allows you to objectively and soberly evaluate your close personal relationships. The lunar eclipse will allow you to understand exactly what you expect from this relationship, and what your partner expects, and then you can avoid disharmony and achieve optimal balance and understanding.

A lunar eclipse represents a kind of emotional reset, shedding the emotional baggage of the previous six months. February 16, 2017 the final phase of the lunar eclipse will begin, and its successful “continuation” will be a solar eclipse.

Lunar eclipse February 11, 2017: what awaits us?

The lunar eclipse in February 2017 will be located in the constellation Leo (22°28). The star Rasalas (21°40) located at the head of the constellation Leo (21°40) will have a significant influence on people born under this sign, but it is not a major player among the stars. A lunar eclipse (like a full moon) has a much more powerful influence than the stars and highlights the dynamics of relationships and polarities between partners, home and work, family and friends, etc.

Jupiter opposite Uranus greatly increases your need for personal freedom and thirst for adventure. you will feel desire react sharply to all prohibitions or rebel against everyone who interferes with having fun and doing what you want. Most likely, some unexpected event will occur that will release your emotions and energy and lead to significant changes in life circumstances. The stronger your rebellion and negative reactions, the more upset you will be with the result.

Lunar Eclipse: Mystical Rectangle

Two red intersecting lines forming a cross on the astrological chart symbolize your internal energy and tension, and the blue rectangle framing them is your talent to restrain negative emotions and the ability to avoid conflicts.

Your inner world may be unstable; there will be a desire to throw out dissatisfaction and negative emotions that you usually hide under a mask. You can deceive others, but you don’t need to deceive yourself: just admit that you have “red” tension and internal conflicts in your soul and use your “blue” abilities to resolve them and achieve harmony with yourself.

The Moon sextile Jupiter and the Sun trine Jupiter will bring happiness and good luck in your personal life. If you already have a soulmate, then your relationship will become even stronger; if you are free, then you will definitely meet your love. You will want to do good deeds and help others, do not resist your feelings and then you can expect the favor of the stars. Success in financial affairs can increase your capital, as well as increase your level of satisfaction and satisfaction with yourself. Personal and spiritual growth can be achieved through self-development, travel and everything that is aimed at expanding your horizons and outlook on life.

The Moon in trine with Uranus and the Sun in sextile with Uranus will refresh old relationships and lead to new acquaintances. We look forward to interesting events, pleasant surprises and unexpected meetings. You will need more personal freedom to try something new and unknown, give preference to communication and meeting people, joint activities in a team and then you will have more chances to meet interesting people from different cultural and ethnic groups.

Lunar eclipse February 11, 2017: pyramid of planets

In addition to the mystical rectangle, in the diagram above you can see the so-called three-dimensional structure of a pyramid of three planets: Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus, and in interaction with the Sun and Moon, these celestial bodies form a five-pointed star on the astrological map.

Saturn is at the head of the pyramid and under its influence are wisdom and patience, as well as stability and security. Respect for this planet will help you cope with any task more easily and ensure stable results. Saturn will also help to reveal your penchant for magic and unusual abilities.

The Moon trine Saturn and the Sun sextile Saturn provide patience and emotional strength to cope with any relationship problems. Some of your close friends or family may turn to you for advice on a personal issue or simply come for support. Traditional values ​​and old habits can help solve new problems. You can rely on strong inner instincts and common sense when you make important decisions regarding issues arising in your home, family and relationships. You are determined to achieve good results and avoid mistakes.

Jupiter sextile Saturn signifies prudence in decision making. Common sense will help you choose the right way; you will be able to realize yourself in your career by receiving investments or concluding profitable deals, or in your personal life, for example, by choosing a successful relationship option. Remember to use your best judgment when working on serious, long-term projects; patience, persistence and hard work will definitely help you achieve success.

Saturn in trine with Uranus is a stage of change. This is the perfect time to bring something new into your life. At the same time, the changes will not be spontaneous and thoughtless; on the contrary, moving forward, you will calmly, patiently and carefully plan your every step. Teamwork is encouraged during this period of time, where people from different walks of life can be brought together and their efforts can be directed towards achieving a common long-term goal.

The lunar eclipse in February 2017 will directly affect your horoscope, and it is important in which decan (third of the horoscope) you were born. Read more about the upcoming changes in the horoscope for your sign for 2017.

@ Muravyova Lyudmila, astrologer

Characteristics of men